Memories - Part II
Friday, March 31, 2006

wash and zoë experiment with their new friendship


Part I can be found here:


Hours later I lay in my bunk, my mind a hive of activity. Drink made it run twice as fast and I was restless. I jumped up and found my way to the bridge, but it was empty. Did I expect him to be here? Hoped? Cared? He was right, I was used to repelling men. I sat in his chair for a long time, until my mind grew heavy. Did I actually care?

“Zoë, Honey.”

“Wah?” I groaned groggily.

“Wake time. You’ve got first mate type duties to do. And… you’re in my chair.”

“Hu?” I hurled my eyes open, blinking wearily.

Wash grinned down at me. “You know there’s a reason we have bunks.”

I nursed a crick in my neck, staring out at the stars. “Don’t tell -”

“Wouldn’t dream of it.”

I laboured to my feet and stifled a yawned. “What time is it?”

“Late, but doubt Mal will show ‘is head for a while if last nights anything to judge by.”

“When are we arriving at Persephone?”

“Friday afternoon, if all goes well.”

“I’ll be in the cargo bay then.”

“’K, have fun. Oh and Zo.” I swivelled around in the door and caught what was chucked at me. “Try these.”

Aspirin. I smiled. “Thanks.”

“No problem!”


“Good move,” I told Tom. “Friendship was a good move. I’m not sure, but I think now she has more security, allows her to be herself rather than worrying about the consequences. Yup, I know. Don’t call me ‘Wash the Charmer’ for nothing. Ok… they don’t actually call me that, no. But they might!”

The T-Rex looked sceptical.

“Ok, they wouldn’t. But, hey! What would you know?”

I punched him affectionately. He lost his balance and toppled off the console.

“Ai yah!”


I found myself on the bridge more and more often. I’d sit listening to Wash most the time. Friendship was a good pretence to hide behind. This was what he wanted and I could go along with it. He talked a lot about flight school. I could tell it had been a defining time for him. What I liked best was that he made me smile without trying.

“Sam talked a lot about his home. He’d lived alone with his Mother since he was born and worried a lot about her. She used to send him gifts of the kind of fruit you could find nowhere but on the General’s table. Once she sent a whole bowl full of raspberries! We ate them all within a few minutes and then realised they hadn’t ripened yet and were sick for hours! Was ok though ‘cos Sam was a favourite and got me off the hook too, he was like that. I used to joke that his Mother must send our superiors raspberries too.”

“What does Sam do now?”

“Oh, he was killed a few months before graduation.”

I was shocked into a moment’s silence. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s alright. Not your fault. If I’m truthful, he’s the only one to blame. Darn hooligan! Still, hell o’er pilot. His Mother was crushed, obviously. I mean, it was her idea, go out and make something of himself. Left her, all alone. Don’t seem right.” He fell into silence.

Without thinking I rested my hand on his shoulder. I couldn’t find words to comfort him, but imagine he understood.


“Honey, want a drink?”

“Wish you wouldn’t call me that,” Zoë said, coming over.

“What, ‘Honey’? I like it.” She looked unconvinced. “What would you prefer? Baby? Darling? Sweet-one?”

“I am not your ‘Sweet-one’,” Zoë said smiling, reaching up to grab a couple of mugs.

I laughed, held her waist and quickly kissed her on the cheek. “How about now?” I asked hopefully.

She looked thoughtful while I poured the drinks. “Hm… No. Keep trying though!” She moved to sit down.

“I consider that a challenge.”

Inara waltzed in, Mal behind her. “What’s a challenge?”

“Oh, Zoë thinks I can’t sail the ship with the power of my brain only,” I said quickly.

“Would your brain even start the engine?” Mal asked, sitting down.

“See if I cared what you thought I’d be offended right now, I really would!” I was still glowing from the feel of Zoë’s skin against my lips. It could be like that always. She hadn’t killed me! That was an achievement.

“Sam! How can you say that? It’s extremely rude to talk of her like that!” I chastised sincerely, but added as an afterthought, “But yes, she would look heavenly naked.”

The stegosaurus was silent but I knew what he was thinking of and could not help feeling slightly hot under collar.

“Am I interuptin’ something?” I jumped half a mile.

“Woah! Zoë! I thought you were – that is, why are you – How long have you been there?” I spluttered.

“Clearly not long enough. What did I miss?” She came and perched on the console before me, picking up Sam who I could’ve sworn winked.

“Nothing…” I said inconspicuously. “Just havin’ a heart to heart.”

“With… a toy dinosaur?”

“He’s right there! Don’t worry Sam, she doesn’t mean it.”


I nodded. “He’s a stegosaurus.”

“A what now?”

“Stegosaurus. ‘Round in the Jurassic period back on Earth-that-was, a herbivore. His name means ‘plate-lizard’ in Greek because of those plates on his back.”

“How’d you know all this?” Zoë asked, smiling.

“My Dad told me when I was small. Just a lil’ thing we had goin’, you know.”

Zoë nodded.

“So couldn’t sleep, hu? Want a lullaby?”

Zoë snorted. “Could do with a drink. Join me?”

“Sure, but if we crash I’ll have to tell Mal you were distracting me.” I followed Zoë down into the kitchen and we sat at the table, our legs most defiantly touching. “So what’s up?”

“I don’t know. Just been thinkin’…”

“A dangerous past time. I’ve seen what too much thinkin’ can do to a man…”

Zoë laughed then was silent for a second, looking into my eyes and then kissed me, or maybe I kissed her, or maybe we just kissed. We broke apart and looked at each other again.

“What was that?” I asked quietly.

Zoë shrugged then got to her feet, mug in hand. “I’m goin’ to my bunk.”

“Can I -” I began but a glare from Zoë silenced me to a sheepish smile. “I’ll see you in the mornin’ then. Sweet dreams, Baby. Wait, can I just -” I stood up and took her face and kissed her again, gently.

“What was that?” Zoë challenged, her eyes twinkling.

I shrugged. “I suppose that was because you’re just about the most amazing woman I’ve ever met.” She left me then, the taste of her still lingering on my lips. I didn’t ever want to loose that.


Thursday, April 20, 2006 4:43 AM


Okay, you have not been given enough credit for how adorable this is. very wash and zoe. i love and adore that he called her "honey" from the beginning

Sunday, May 21, 2006 8:45 PM


good stuff. kinda ended abruptly, though. Mid-word even.

Monday, May 22, 2006 8:31 AM


eek! totally didn't notice that! has been updated though. sorry!

Monday, May 22, 2006 8:31 AM


eek! totally didn't notice that! has been updated though. sorry!

Monday, May 22, 2006 8:31 AM


eek! totally didn't notice that! has been updated though. sorry!

Monday, May 22, 2006 8:31 AM


eek! totally didn't notice that! has been updated though. sorry!

Monday, May 22, 2006 8:31 AM


eek! totally didn't notice that! has been updated though. sorry!

Monday, May 22, 2006 8:31 AM


eek! totally didn't notice that! has been updated though. sorry!

Sunday, June 4, 2006 2:48 AM


“Sam! How can you say that? It’s extremely rude to talk of her like that!” I chastised sincerely, but added as an afterthought, “But yes, she would look heavenly naked.”
even the dinosaurs loved zoe from the start!!



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