Monday, April 17, 2006

Wash has a late night visitor to the bridge, and finds more in common with the ship's doctor than he expected.


Author's Note: Inspired by this thread: I always wanted more interaction between Simon and Wash, so here's my idea for a scene that might have taken place between them. I don't particularly have any specific place in the series for this, although definitely before the movie. I'm going to hesitantly say before Objects in Space, but really, you can stick it wherever you please, dong ma? I hope I nailed the Joss/Alan/Sean delivery... >.< Dedicated to my beta reader, sweet_oblivion at LJ, though further concrit welcome!


"Oh baby... you know I love it when you look at me like that..."

"Really?" The voice was soft and husky. "Like what, dear?"

"That look you give me. The look that says you want to find some desolate stretch of land and make sweet sweet love until the sun rises."

"Oh sweetie... and all this time I thought you just loved me for my body..."

"Oh baby, how could I NOT love your body? I especially love your legs... and where your legs meet your torso, that whole area."

"Mmm... tell me more."

"Oh god, when I first saw you, I knew I had to have you. Your firm, svelte body... your sparkling eyes... your magnificent firm scales... and that tail, oooooh, never have I seen a tail like yours, sweetheart. All those incredible spikes..."

Wash angled the small stegosaurus toy away as if hiding a blush. "I'm sure you say that to all the cute Jurassic women in the area," he said in a breathy high pitched voice.

"Only you, sweetpea," the brontosaurus in his other hand protested warmly. "You're the most beautiful dinosaur from here to... to... that other place."

"You say that now, Bronty," Wash made his voice quavering, as if holding back overdramatic tears, "but what about me, who I really am? I can't be with a dinosaur who doesn't love me for my brain as well as my body..."

"Well, your brain is only the size of a walnut..." Bronty said without thinking, only to jerk horrified in Wash's controlling hands. "I mean, of course I love your brain! What's not to love? It's so cute and small and... walnutty..."

Playing with dinosaurs was one of Wash's favourite ways to pass the late shift. More often than not, he was the only person awake during the lonely hours of the night, depended on as he was to fly the ship. Oh sure, there was autopilot, which he took advantage of when in the safe depths of the black, but... the nearer they came to Alliance routes, the greater the need for someone at the helm, at the ready. Hence why he was here. Sometimes Mal would take on a night shift, but often it was Wash who ended up in his well worn pilot's seat, alone with the stars. Often Zoe would come and join him and make the shift pass more... pleasantly, but even she needed regular sleep, especially after a job, and Wash was not about to blow a fit over his current solitude. At least it wasn't the result of one of their minor but frequent spats.

Besides, being alone meant that he could play with his dinosaurs.

"Bronty, I have something to tell you..."

Not that dinosaurs took the place of human company, of course. Carrying on conversations with plastic toys was a little deranged to begin with, and when the toys in question were of walnut-brained animals... things could get a little bit on the weird side. He wouldn't trade his plastic darlings for anything - well, maybe for a month's leave with Zoe, a beach, and a bottle of scented oil (clothing optional) - but sometimes he would love to mix it up with more human company.

"Curse you, Stega! How could you have been with Tyran behind my back? Can he please you like I can? With HIS short and stubby forearms? Please..."

On the other hand, Wash decided as he made his brontosaurus and tyrannosaurus clash violently in a scuffle of plastic, at least he didn't have to hold back from playing with his plastic pretties. Even Zoe could give him some pretty confused looks. She just didn't UNDERSTAND some things... but then, she understood enough, and that was what was important.

"How could you not foresee my inevitable betrayal, Bronty?"

"Curse you to the firey depths of hell, devil woman!"

So intense was the battle for Stega's love, so loud was the gnashing of plastic teeth, that Wash didn't hear the soft step on the stairs, didn't see the shadow slowly fall across the deck, didn't sense the presence behind him, until...

"Uh... what are you doing?"

"GAAAAH!" Wash whipped around in surprise, dinosaurs flying out of his hands every which way, as he spun his seat around to face the intruder. He found Simon at the door, arms folded in that almost self-protective way he always did, looking at him in confusion. Pressing a hand to his chest to calm his beating heart, Wash shook his head. "Geez, don't scare me like that!"

"Sorry..." Simon's voice was quiet, apologetic yet still slightly confused. "I, ah, didn't mean to... I mean..." his brow furrowed. "What ARE you doing?"

Wash blinked a few times, uncomprehending, before he noticed Simon's eyes fall on the prone form of Bronty. "Hmm? ... OH, right, THAT. Um, fighting practice." He nodded sagely as if it were obvious.

Simon was silent for a beat. "... fighting practice."

"A-yup!" Wash nodded again with a smile.

"... you're playing with dinosaurs." The doctor's voice was still soft, even in total bemusement.

Wash's face fell just a little. "I prefer to think of it as, 'inflight entertainment' myself. When one has no access to the fancy dancy waves of the core, one must amuse oneself as one can." He leaned forward as if in total earnest. "Would you like to see? It's quite an epic plot. Love, betrayal, violence... it even has dinosaurs!"

Simon's expression was warring between deeper levels of disbelief and... amusement? Wash was privately surprised to see it. To hear Mal and Jayne talk, it sounded like the doctor had a stick permanently inserted up his pigu and that laughing would be "unseemly" for such a distinguished young man. Wash had never thought anything of it one way or another, had assumed that the man - the boy, really - had enough on his plate to bury any sense of humor he might have had. But no, there was a definite quirk in the corner of Simon's lips, although it was fighting a losing battle with the familiar mix of exasperation and bemusement that dominated his face for long periods of time.

Wash felt sorry for him, and thus willingly explained a bit more clearly. "It's... a thing I like to do. There's not much to do up here a lot of the time... during night shifts, or when Zoe's off on a job... keeps me entertained." The explanation sounded lame, but Wash was satisfied with it.

Strangely enough, so was Simon, or at least that's what Wash assumed based on the fact his expression grew marginally less creeped out. "I see," he said, in a tone that indicated that he wasn't really sure about that but was close enough. His eyes began to sweep around the bridge, the telltale signs of nervous discomfort making Wash want to roll his eyes. How could this guy have stayed so long on board Serenity and still be such a fish out of water?

Simon's straying eyes fell on the stegosaurus that had skittered off from Wash's initial toss to rest on its side by the weapon lockers. Blinking a little, he paused, then moved slowly over to the prone plastic monster, bending over and picking it up. He turned it over and over in his hands, his expression growing unreadable... but was that a little softening in his eyes?

"Her name's Stega," Wash submitted helpfully, pointing at the colorful dinosaur. "I got her this one time on Persephone... she's a..."

"Stegosaurus," Simon finished, eyes still on the toy he was almostly tenderly examining. "Meaning 'roof-lizard' in Greek, because of its plates... a genus with... three species. Herbivore... Jurassic period, I think."

Wash was shocked. He thought he was the only person on the ship - save, perhaps, for River - that would know so much about dinosaurs. He knew that Simon knew a lot about history, but... "Whoa... um, did I get the wrong Tam sibling?" he said without thinking.

"Hmm?" Simon was still dreamily examining the toy, but eventually he looked up and snapped out of it, back into his slightly awkward self. "Oh! Um, no, it's just that..." he looked down at the toy again, and he let out a soft chuckle, smiling as he did so. "It's just that, I, uh.... River and I always used to play dinosaur games when we were kids." His wistfulness took on a slightly sad tone, even as he smiled.

Ah. That made sense. Wash nodded at the oblique reference to the doctor's once happy past with his sister. It was not the first such references had passed his lips among the crew. There had been quite a few dinners brought to a solemn, mournful silence by a passing glimmer in River's eye, or a comment from Simon about the good days with her... usually such admissions were followed by respectful, sober quiet and a general downswing in the mood, at least until Jayne showed up his rival by squeezing out an insult or a fart.

Well, Wash decided, screw respectful solemn silences. Screw silence in general. He got enough of it sitting up here. So instead of letting the matter drop in a suitably mournful, dramatic way, he smiled. "I could see River being a dinosaur gal. She seems that type. So what sorts of dinosaur games did we Tams use to play?" His tone was teasing as he used the odd "we" and he tilted his head towards his companion with a wink.

Simon's eyes betrayed a small spark of surprise to have his happy memories with River questioned rather than dropped from conversation like a bad habit; his alacrity of answering, however, indicated that he was not displeased to be asked. "Well, uh, all sorts of games... when she was very little we would just run around pretending to be dinosaurs... and then when she got a bit older, we, uh..." Another shy grin crossed his face, and he shook his head. "Uh, it sounds really stupid..."

Wash made a snort of laughter as he gestured around at the plastic palm trees and dinosaurs strewn around his panel. "Oh, believe me, I'm in no position to laugh at you. To your face, at least."

"Oh, um, thanks," Simon said, a slight note of sarcasm in his otherwise sincere voice. "It's just that we, ah... we used to think up battles between the Alliance and the Independance and we, uh..." he scratched his eyebrow and became fascinated with a button on the panel before continuing. "We used to deploy dinosaurs as one of our last-ditch efforts to win." His bemused grin showed both embarassment and pleasure at the memory. "She always used to play the Independants, and... during the battle of Serenity Valley, my Alliance forces would be brutally slaughtered by the crack squad of velociraptors that thundered over the top of the hill."

Silence lasted for a few seconds, during which Wash made a very firm note to himself to invite River to play dinosaurs with him more often. "Raptors, eh? Zoe never mentioned that part... maybe she was traumatized by the sight."

Simon laughed a little at that, then in a mock serious tone continued. "But I wouldn't have you think that I was at all... useless. I remember this one time, I beat her by deploying a tyrannosaur against their supply line. You should have seen her face, she was..." he trailed off, as if realizing how silly he sounded... or as if remembering the blank looks Mal and Zoe would have given him.

Wash, however, was enchanted. "Well I'll be damned. No wonder you two were hailed as geniuses. A tyrannosaur, huh..." he turned away for a few brief moments to check their position and flip a few switches before turning back. "I'll bet my Zoe could have used you guys as strategists back in the day."

Simon blushed a little but smiled. "We, uh, we both researched dinosaurs thoroughly for our games... so we knew what their strengths and weaknesses were, how best to use them. River... she always demanded accuracy... or at least, as much accuracy as you can expect from a unification war with dinosaurs. But... that's how I know so much about dinosaurs." He glanced down at the stegosaurus he had correctly identified, as if he had forgotten it, and handed it carefully back to Wash, as if it were the other man's sacred treasure.

Wash, however, cheerfully took the item in hand and plopped it back on the console top. For some reason, it amused and pleased him immensely to hear Simon's story, and not just from blackmailing potential. The idea of this proper, somewhat stuffy doctor planning daring raids involving carnivorous dinosaurs tickled him pink. He wondered if Zoe would appreciate the humor.

Unexpectedly, it was Simon who spoke again. "And you? Are you a student of dinosaurs, or do you just..." he pressed his lips together as he gestured at the toys, "... play with them?"

Wash snickered. "Well, I wouldn't say I'm a STUDENT of them, per se... more a fanboy. Actually, sort of a hanger on. A dinosaur groupie, if you will." He glanced at Simon standing there, politely listening, and suddenly felt uncomfortable with him still on his feet. It made the whole conversation seem like it was going to end at any moment, and truth be told, he was enjoying this. "Hey, sit down, relax, take a load off," he said, gesturing to the other cockpit chair. Simon froze for a moment, then tentatively moved over and sat in the offered chair, obviously uncomfortable in social situations with people he didn't know that well. Well, if Wash had his way, that last part would change.

Once Simon was well settled, the pilot continued his story. "When I was five, I was obsessed with dinosaurs. OBSESSED. I used to just devour every bit of information I could get on them. I mean, what wasn't to love? They were big lizards that ate each other and ran around all day. Wacky fun!" He grinned at his companion and earned a hesitant smile in return. "Anyway, I was going to be a paleotologowhatsit, what are they called, the people who study dinosaurs, them! Yeah, I was going to be one, till my ma told me that all the dinosaurs and the dinosaur bones were on Earth-that-was. So me, in my brilliant 5 year old logic, decided that I was gonna learn how to fly so I could go back to Earth-that-was and see dinosaurs. I got me some little kids books about space and, well..."

Wash trailed off for a moment, smiling and gesturing broadly at the expanse of stars through the window. "... the rest is history. Three weeks... that's how long it took me to fall in love with the sky. See, my world, there's so much pollution that you can't see the stars... I was so young that, up to then, I thought the sky was supposed to be that grey and foggy. But once I started reading books on the stars... I realized what was out there." His voice softened with wonder as he looked out over the black, and he shook his head. "Let me tell ya... once you really SEE the stars, see the black, you just want to go, head out there, and keep flying."

"Really..." Simon's response was rather unconvinced, as if he had different feelings on the subject.

"Yep." A moment of peaceful silence stretched between them, before Wash slapped his knees happily. "But I never forgot my first love, and never forgot that the dinos got me to where I am today. And now..." he gestured at his plastic Jurassic friends, "I have the best of both worlds."

Simon nodded, a rather exaggerated nod. "That's... a moving story." There was a note of sarcasm in his voice, but Wash wasn't the type to take much offense; with this much testosterone on board, everyone ended up rolling their eyes at everyone else's deep-and-meaningfuls. Still, Wash couldn't help but sigh a little; the doctor could make it difficult on himself sometimes. No wonder Kaylee was so frustrated with the boy. "So... what does Zoe think about it?" See, there he went again, asking questions that would make half the crew knock his head off.

Wash, however, beamed. "Oh, she thinks it's cute. Either that, or she thinks I'm cute. Never can quite tell with that woman." He turned his beam to Simon. "Either way, I come out a winner."

Simon nodded, this time more sincerely. "Ah... if you don't mind me asking... why is she... I mean, you... why isn't she...?"

"Why isn't she up here right now with me?" Wash finished cheerfully. "I'll only mind you asking that question if the answer is that we've just had a fight. And trust me, you'll know when that is. I wield humor like a deadly weapon." That ellicited a slight laugh from his companion. "Nah, she's just sleeping. She's still exhausted from that job back on Beylix... thought she could have some extra z's. I get time to spend with her plenty, I'm not about to become the big bad husband just because my delicate autumn flower has to sleep."

Simon nodded. "Oh... I see. It's just that... well, it seemed that you..." he scratched his forehead, his telltale awkwardness returning, "'s just that you don't seem to leave this place much... except for dinner, meetings, that sort of're usually up here most of the time."

Wash nodded, sighing a little. "Yeah... ain't that the truth. But it's not like I'm a prisoner or anything... hell, I could probably engage the autopilot more than I do, I just... I like it up here." He smiled quietly as he looked out into the starry sky again. After a moment, he sighed again. "Though I won't deny that it gets a bit bubbly up here."


"Yeah. Like a bubble. You know, one of those isolation bubbles? Because I'm always on board, upstairs, I don't know the half of what's going on downstairs or outside or off on the jobs... I remember this one time, we had a rabid weasel that was running around the cargo bay... the chase was epic, from what I heard. But the thing was, I only heard about it after the little bugger was all packed up neat in a cage." He smiled sheepishly. "What can I say... I don't get out much."

Simon's lips again tightened in a semi-smile as he looked around the cockpit. "Still... I would have thought people would come to visit you more... seeing as you're... well..." he trailed off, making a vague gesture that somehow was supposed to finish his thought.

Wash shrugged. "Well, my sense of humor isn't in THAT much demand. I get visitors enough... and besides," he grinned widely, "you're visiting me now, aren'tcha?"

Simon blinked, nonplussed. "Well, um... yeah, I guess I am."

Wash nodded, still with a quirky grin. "Yep, so you are. So what DOES bring you up here at this time of night, anyway, Doc?"

"Hmm? Oh..." Simon's face fell a little, and he looked down at his hands figeting. "Nothing much. It's just, uh, I couldn't sleep..." He seemed ready to leave it at that, but Wash's raised eyebrow elicited a little more. "It's just... it's River."

Oh. Wash's grin slipped off his face swiftly, leaving him more serious. It was one thing to keep a happy conversation going over the memories of old dinosaur war games, another to talk about the real suffering the girl was enduring. Talking about River, at least as she was now, always made Wash feel sad and dimmed his usual happy banter. There was just nothing funny he could find in what she had endured, and he couldn't help but be annoyed at Jayne's disrespect and Mal's facade of "not caring very much". Finding that THIS situation called for a bit of respectful silence, he made a point of checking his dials and adjusting a few settings.

The silence stretched for a little while before Simon spoke quietly. "She has nightmares... all the time... unless I drug her, and she hates that. So... I stay up... stay by her side until she starts sleeping well. Sometimes she does, and it's fine, I can go to sleep without worrying about her, but sometimes..." he shook his head. "Tonight was bad... she kept tossing and turning and crying out, until... I couldn't see her suffer like that anymore. So I woke her up... told her it was all a dream." His lips thinned. "Then after a while, I coaxed her back to sleep... but then she started dreaming again. Dreaming and waking and going back to sleep just to do it all again." He took a deep breath. "Until in the end, I offered to sedate her, and... she said yes." His eyes cast back and forth over the metal deck. "It's usually pretty bad if she says yes."

Wash said nothing, merely looked at his companion with a sad and sympathetic look.

Eventually, Simon sighed. "It's exhausting, but... really, after that, I was so tired that... well, it's that physical state where sleep feels nearly impossible." Wash nodded in understanding; he had been "wired" more times than he cared to count. "I just... I couldn't go to sleep, and..." he trailed off, as if ashamed.

Wash, however, knew better. "... and you couldn't stay in the room with her any longer?"

Simon's head whipped up, his light eyes sparking with a mix of defensiveness and guilt as he mistook Wash's comment as accusatory. "'s not that... I did stay with her for some time..."

"...but after a while, you needed some air," Wash said as if he was explaining things to an intelligent but confused child. "It's no biggie, really. What, you think I'm going to proclaim you Worst Sibling of the Year just because you need a change of pace after two hours watching your sister snore?" He chuckled. "Love, doctor, is a wonderful thing, but it doesn't make us perfect, and believe it or not, it doesn't make the sight of the person snoring the most fascinating and engrossing thing in the 'verse."

Simon blinked a bit at that. Obviously he had been ready to condemn himself for his lack of devotion.

"Of course," Wash said, turning back to the stars for a bit, "having said that, I DO think that the sight of Zoe snoring is the most fascinating and engrossing thing in the 'verse. But that's usually just because I can amuse myself with ideas about how to wake her up, and what we'll be doing when she wakes up, and how we'll go back to sleep after the waking up, then wake up again and do more things to celebrate waking up." He glanced at Simon. "And somehow I don't think you'd be having those thoughts about your sister. At least, I hope not."

Simon's instant change of facial expression and fervent shake of the head answered that question handily. "No, no, not at all, it's just..." he sighed, "I was... sitting there... watching her sleep after the drugs... my sister, the most important person in the world to me... and I was..." he paused for a long time, struggling with the word, "...bored. And, and I shouldn't be... I mean, she was at last sleeping well, and I had enough excitement with her tossing and turning and..." he swallowed harshly. "She looked so... peaceful after I doped her... I was so glad for her... but after a while..."

Wash's smile was lopsided but sympathetic. "Kid, you're too hard on yourself. You have a life, one that doesn't revolve around hovering over snoozing sisters. One that involves fame and daring, and heists involving well dressed men in disguise. And dinosaurs." He grew a little more serious. "Cut yourself some slack. It's great you're taking care of her, but... you're allowed to take a break sometimes." He leaned forward as if sharing a secret. "You're even allowed to be a whiny si san ba about it on occasion, but don't tell the others I told you that."

Simon looked hesitant about these pearls of wisdom, but nodded, a slight expression of gratitude on his face. "Well, that's um... thank you."

"You know what your problem is, doc?" Wash responded in his normal boisterous tone. "You think you gotta be perfect. Gotta be the perfect doctor, the perfect brother... well, it ain't happening, not on THIS ship at least. We here on the good ship Serenity are allergic to perfection. So stop it. Let yourself make a mess of things. Uh, though obviously not in the middle of a job or while you are operating on my wife," he added fervently. "But rest of the time? Go nuts. Let it all hang loose, and let yourself behave badly sometimes. Let your sister surmount the difficulties of sleep without you for a bit. Tell the captain to lay off a bit, lord knows I do. Be a jackass to Jayne... oh please, please do that last one, and preferably while I'm watching."

Wash thought highly of his wit, but he was nonetheless surprised at the full throated laughter that escaped from the doctor. Simon quickly composed himself, but there was a twinkle in his eye. "Sorry, it's just... ha, Kaylee advised me to do the exact same thing. She told me to stop being so 'proper'..."

Wash snickered to himself at that, his own little twinkle in his eye. It was obvious to everyone, except perhaps to Simon the Oblivious, that little Kaylee had a giant crush on the doctor and was going nuts trying to tease him out of his reserve. Wash found the pair amusing and cute, a sort of fluffy version of his courtship with Zoe and his attempts to draw her out of her shell, only with more awkwardness and less threat of physical violence. Still, he wasn't going to get involved one way or another. He'd just cheer from afar. "Well, that's good for her, then. I knew the girl was smarter than you."

Rather than take offense, Simon nodded, still chuckling ruefully. "I, uh, I gathered." He opened his mouth, only to discover himself yawning. "Oh... sorry. I guess the lack of sleep is catching up with me."

"Ah, it's probably all this yapping. It certainly could never be my scintillating conversation." Wash glanced over at Simon amusedly. "Go on, get to bed, you crazy kid... if anything interesting happens, I'll be sure to let you know. With sirens, and alerts all going AWOOGA, of course."

"Mmm... you're probably right." Stifling another yawn, Simon got to his feet, turning for the door before turning back to face Wash. "Thank you," he said, with firm sincerity behind his voice.

Wash blinked. "For what?"

"... for talking to me," Simon said as if it explained everything. And really, it pretty much did.

Wash smiled. "No problem. I usually talk to myself anyway, it's not out of my way. But hey, you ever get insomnia again, come on up here. Maybe next time I'll tell you the epic saga of how me and Zoe got married. It's quite an epic."

"Does it involve dinosaurs?" Simon asked, totally deadpan.

"Not unless you count the one that got caught under her left buttock when..."

"Alright, OK, I'm going," Simon chuckled despite himself as he turned and stepped out of the hatch.

Wash spun his chair to face him as he left. "And Doc? Next time your sister's having trouble sleeping... bring her up here. I mean, she can't touch any of the fancy shiny doodads, of course, so you'll have to keep her under control or the captain will have my head for endangering the ship. In fact, might be best to just not mention the invite to him at all..."

"I don't understand," Simon said, brow furrowing a little. "If it's dangerous for her to be up here, then why..."

"We can play dinosaur games," Wash interrupted, his voice cheerful and firm as if it, too, explained everything.

Simon remained motionless for a long time before one last, genuine smile lit up his face, making him seem more like the boy he sometimes was. "I'll tell her," he said, before turning and going down the stairs.

Humming to himself, Wash turned back to the stars, feeling happier than just an hour ago. He even caught himself hoping that River would have trouble sleeping more often.

Glancing down at Stega on the console, he smirked. "Hear that, baby? We're gonna have more people to play with."

And in the darkness, he could almost swear that the dinosaur's plastic maw looked like it was grinning.


Monday, April 17, 2006 5:26 PM


This was excellent. Simply excellent. I wish there had been something like this between Wash and Simon in the series.

Monday, April 17, 2006 5:57 PM


Wow...really heartfelt. I like the running dinosaur thread. It really could fit into the series. well done!


Monday, April 17, 2006 6:14 PM


This...this is bang-on, usagivindaloo:D

I can just imagine this as a missing scene or unseen event from the series, or afterwards. I really felt Simon and Wash were talking with one another:)


Monday, April 17, 2006 10:30 PM


This was truly wonderful fic. I always thought that Simon and Wash were probably buddies, even though we never actually saw it. Good work :-)

Tuesday, April 18, 2006 12:51 AM


”only with more awkwardness and less threat of physical violence" heh, this actually made me laugh out loud (which is an oddity when sitting on my own in front of a computer)

its really good! you really have got the characters perfectly!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006 12:51 AM


”only with more awkwardness and less threat of physical violence" heh, this actually made me laugh out loud (which is an oddity when sitting on my own in front of a computer)

its really good! you really have got the characters perfectly!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006 12:51 AM


”only with more awkwardness and less threat of physical violence" heh, this actually made me laugh out loud (which is an oddity when sitting on my own in front of a computer)

its really good! you really have got the characters perfectly!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006 12:51 AM


”only with more awkwardness and less threat of physical violence" heh, this actually made me laugh out loud (which is an oddity when sitting on my own in front of a computer)

its really good! you really have got the characters perfectly!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006 12:51 AM


”only with more awkwardness and less threat of physical violence" heh, this actually made me laugh out loud (which is an oddity when sitting on my own in front of a computer)

its really good! you really have got the characters perfectly!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006 12:51 AM


”only with more awkwardness and less threat of physical violence" heh, this actually made me laugh out loud (which is an oddity when sitting on my own in front of a computer)

its really good! you really have got the characters perfectly!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006 4:25 AM


This was just wonderful! It is so easy to believe that this could have happened. Love Wash telling Simon it was okay to be human. *pets* Love Simon being horrified at the idea of incestuous thoughts! *g* Very shiny story!

"I love my captain."

Tuesday, April 18, 2006 7:16 AM


Yay! That was really good. You got Simon and Wash down pretty good. I loved it.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006 2:34 PM


What a delightful tale!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006 4:36 AM


Ah, it's stories like this that make me miss Wash all the more. This was totally in character, and a joy to read!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006 3:40 PM


Wow, thank you all for your wonderful comments! I'm very touched and grateful for all the encouragement, and it makes me all fuzzy to hear that I got their characterization right. Mind you, I can't take credit, it's all due to Joss, Alan and Sean. This was the first time I was able to write a fic simply by mentally throwing two characters in a room and having them go at it; in my other fandoms, I usually have to plot things out and THINK about what the characters would say, whereas here they were so fleshed out by Joss/Alan/Sean that they pretty much wrote themselves. Still, thank you all for the wonderful encouragement; my ego is suitably inflated that I might consider taking a crack at some other neglected interactions (Zoe and River, anyone?)

Saturday, May 27, 2006 1:01 PM


You just don't see alot of Wash Simon interaction. Nice change of pace from the stuff I usually see. Good characterisation and all round great story.


Thursday, June 29, 2006 6:00 AM


yay!! dinos!!


Saturday, October 1, 2011 8:14 PM


This was incredibly shiny!!!! I've always wanted more Simon and Wash friendship!!! Gahhh I LOVE THEM BOTH AND I LOVED THIS!!!! SHoulda been in the show!


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Wash has a late night visitor to the bridge, and finds more in common with the ship's doctor than he expected.