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FICTION - PAGE 12 of 230
Joss's characters, save for one of my own design. It all belongs to him and this is just for fun.
Just looking for a quiet drink...
Here's a key to assist those who aren't versed in cinematograpy lingo and acronyms.
EXT. - External Camera shot
INT. - Internal Camera shot
CU - Close Up (those close shots where you can count the character's pores)
POV - Point of View (you see what the character sees)
SM - Slow Motion (speaks for itself)
NS - Normal Speed (ditto)
Pan - to move the camera laterally left or right
VO - Voice-over (Character can be heard, but not seen)
Questions... answers... truths... lies...
Gifts... of a sort...
No hesitation...
And one shall become two...
A dead language can change everything...
A few questions...
A warm welcome...
Hitching a ride...
A little test...
Time to run... slowly...
Finally, the true threat reveals itself...