Predictions for Angel S.5

UPDATED: Friday, May 30, 2003 12:33
VIEWED: 3063
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Thursday, May 15, 2003 9:07 AM


I love the new direction the show is going. Here are some things I predict might happen (or are at least very possible now):

** Angel and Co. will cavort around the globe (Alias style) fighting the big bads.

** We know Angel can be photographed and videotaped. So, to go along with his 'necro-tempered' office windows, Wolfram and Hart will create a 'video reflection mirror' so Angel can work on his hairstyle.

** I feel Angel, a show which already has a great sense of humor, will become a lot funnier. Greater Whedon participation and the addition of Ben "The Tick" Edlund hint at a funnier direction in the writing.

** With Smallville preceding it next season, Angel's very stable audience numbers will rise considerably. I predict a season six and a season seven (provided the creators want this).

** Tons of excellent guests will make appearances. I'm sure we'll see Buffy and Willow at some point. But what about the Firefly actors? Gina Torres' appearance on Angel was a great little arc. Summer's been on Angel and Nathan on Buffy. Personally, I have my fingers crossed that Joss will work the remaining six (of nine) main Firefly cast members each into an Angel episode at one point or another (Even if it's just a "say... doesn't that heavily latexed demon sound a lot like Ron Glass?" type of cameo).

** Very interesting male-bonding type conversations between Angel and Spike re: having a soul and each having done Buffy ("I had her first." "Yeah, but only the once, mate. And look what happened to you then".)

What are some of your predictions?



Thursday, May 15, 2003 9:37 AM


I would love to see the bickering between Angel and Spike - that should make for some marvelous lines! Unfortunately, I just read on, that Spike might not move on to Angel :-(.

I also look forward to see some more Wesley - Lilah relationship (and some jealousy of Fred).

And I can't wait to learn what the 'catch' of this whole "we give you the W&H branch in LA" present...



Thursday, May 15, 2003 10:19 AM


The catch should be really intresting.


Monday, May 26, 2003 8:45 AM


Jealousy of Fred - as Wesley chooses Lila, and Gunn chooses electro-gwen? Or someone else? And Fred is left alone - she should never have gone to Wes. She should have trusted Gunn. That's my 2 cents.

And jealousy between Angel and Spike would be hilarious! The one point I keep coming back to - when it comes to the choice between them, is that Angel left Buffy - twice. For good or ill, that's something Spike never did. He never once abandoned her - something no one else can say - not Giles, not Joyce, not Angel, not Dawn - no one. Spike is the ONLY one who stood by her and with her, no matter what.

I can't see him leaving her - can't see how Joss is gonna resurrect Spike in LA while Buffy lives.

Can't wait to see the "the catch" - when the other shoe drops, it'll be a doozy, I'm sure.
Evil never prospers in Jossland.

"You mock my pain!" - Princess Buttercup
"Life is pain, Princess. Anyone who says differently is selling something." - Dread Pirate Roberts/Wesley


Monday, May 26, 2003 9:33 AM


Not really a prediction, but did anyone wonder if Wolfram and Hart expected Angel to wear the amulet? And if they did, that suggests to me that they knew what would happen to the wearer. They might not have expected Angel to survive the events in Sunnydale. They may have offered the L.A. office to him expecting him to be destroyed almost immediately, and now they have to continue the charade, until they can set him up again.
Bad guys.....they never learn.

There's no place
I can be
since I found


Monday, May 26, 2003 10:07 AM


I really think that they could have their hands full just keeping the slayers in line. Even with the Watchers Gilies made reference to there being many occasions where slayers pulled a Faith, and started pleasure killing. Now there is no one to even try to keep them in check. The girl catching the hand might make you think, "Cool lots of girl's who won't get hurt and belittled.”

Of course you’d be right, it also means lots (a smaller lots) of killers. There has always been a thing about a slayer bloodlust, Buffy kept it confined to evil things, Faith let it out. Not everyone knows about demons, so now there is a subset of human that is stronger than everyone else, has a nice little bloodlust thing going on, and who has no one to morally guide them. That never works, when that kind of thing happens the strong always pick on the weak. Not all of them, there will be benevolent Slayers, but in the majority the strong prey on the weak.

The big thing that kept the slayers in line was responsibility, one per generation and the forces of darkness would gather on that one. No more, now they could be left alone. That leaves them free to go on the happy Slayer thrill kill.


Originally posted by beannachd:
Spike is the ONLY one who stood by her and with her, no matter what.

"You mock my pain!" - Princess Buttercup
"Life is pain, Princess. Anyone who says differently is selling something." - Dread Pirate Roberts/Wesley

I know that it sounds good for someone to stick by another no matter what, but Buffy has sunk pretty low, fairly often. Sometimes someone needs to be left, you want to stay by them, want to make them do the right thing, rather than whatever it is that they are doing, but sometimes they need to be left. Reason being is that if you stand by them you justify them, and encourage them, sometimes that’s far worse than leaving them alone.


Tuesday, May 27, 2003 7:55 AM


Having seen the Buffy finale, this thread has a new element to consider:

Hundreds (if not thousands) of fully-formed Slayers all over the world. As mentioned above, odds are, some of these Slayers will be less than noble and good.

Buffy's house was a makeshift school/safe harbor for the SiTs. The emergence of a multitude of full-on Slayers begs the questions... who will train them? teach them of their heritage? etc.

This is a task that could conceivably fall upon the new ownership at Angel, Wolfram and Hart in either a temporary or full-time capacity. Or the seeds of the next Buffyverse spin-off, Slayer Academy, can be planted on Angel with him pulling some strings at A,W&H to secure funding for such an institution. Giles can be the Headmaster (emeritus if/when necessary); Xander and Willow can be Faculty Leads... you get the picture. Sounds kinda X-Men, I know, but a good idea is still a good idea.

What I'm really anxious to see show up on Angel are noticeable magic AND media ripples from the destruction of Sunnydale. I mean an entire town sinking into the earth is bound to make the San Andreas fault dwellers in L.A. a little nervous, don't you think? The L.A. media should be all a twitter (especially when you factor in the recent blotting of the Sun).

And the Magic scales have been temporarily tilted toward the good side with the destruction of the SoCal Hellmouth. How will that effect Angel and Co.?

BTW, I love the Buffyverse!!!
(Thanks Mutant Enemy!)



Tuesday, May 27, 2003 9:49 AM


Looked like a giant fast acting sinkhole, not tectonic earthquake.


Friday, May 30, 2003 12:33 PM


Speaking of Sunnydale... what happened to the international airport?







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