Rebuilding Wesley On Angel

UPDATED: Tuesday, June 25, 2002 17:05
VIEWED: 2935
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Monday, June 24, 2002 9:51 AM


Likes to mess with stuffs.

Just in case, this is in spoiler mode.

Following is from SCIFI.COM:

Select to view spoiler:

Joss Whedon, co-creator of The WB's vampire series Angel, told SCI FI Wire that Wesley will rejoin the group in the upcoming season four. But it will take time for Wesley (played by Alexis Denisof) to rebuild trust with Angel (David Boreanaz) and the rest of the gang, Whedon said in an interview. "It's a complex issue," he said. "It's not going to be simple. He's learned a lot about trust in the last year, and he's going to be dealing with that. It's not going to be like the old days."

Denisof told SCI FI Wire that he looks forward to continuing the exploration of Wesley's exclusion. "Emotions are running high right now, and I think it will be a good few episodes before it's resolved," he said. "I know they have some very exciting plans for next year, and I think it's an interesting turn for the character to be isolated and have to find his own way for a while."

As for Wesley's relationship with Wolfram and Hart lawyer Lila Morgan (Stephanie Romanov), Denisof said, "I know of a couple of ideas they've had, and I don't think they've completely decided yet [where it will go]. I think they were surprised that there was such chemistry between the characters, so I expect they may explore it. I think in some shape or form, now that it's started, it will [continue], but I don't see them running off and getting married."

Romanov herself told SCI FI Wire she was unsure where the Lila-Wesley relationship would go, but looks forward to exploring more of Lila's background, such as this season's revelation that she has a mother in a nursing home. "They're showing more sides to Lila now, so I get to play more interesting things," Romanov said. "You get a little bit better idea where she's coming from, and they've got some plans up their sleeve as to a storyline that I find intriguing, which I won't speak of now, but I look forward to all of that." Angel moves to a Sunday timeslot in the fall.


Tuesday, June 25, 2002 1:55 PM


I was watching my season 2 tapes and realized this show was good once. I hope they can get back to that.

--- Joe


Tuesday, June 25, 2002 2:42 PM


Likes to mess with stuffs.

I'd always felt that the whole idea of young adult Conner was for the sole purpose of the WB network attempting to target a younger audience. If it weren't for that little bit of annoyance, I thought S3 was rather okay.


Tuesday, June 25, 2002 3:43 PM


I like Connor -- good actor, cool character. But I worry, because on this show they have a knack for taking cool characters and developing them into oblivion.

Angel is goofy or homicidal, depending on the ep (or the scene). Cordy's demonization, what I thought was awesome development, turned into cheesy, new-age sainthood (but I'm still hoping for a cool payoff). Fred regained sanity way too fast, losing the most interesting thing about her (other than her hot-ness, which keeps me watching). Season 2's streetwise, hardened Gunn gave way to a rather dim-witted softy in season 3. Lilah and W&H*, so menacing the first 2 years, have become one-note, laughable villians. And I could never figure out what the hell Holtz was about.

Only Wes and Lorne have managed to grow and change while still holding my interest.

Greenwalt (who I believe was never good with character work) is gone, so maybe they'll stop adding new characters and focus on the ones they have now.

*specifically on W&H, I cannot think of a single W&H scene this season that was at all interesting. Remember all those cool Darla/lindsey/WH scenes last year? Now we have Gavin and that silver-haired guy ... and I don't know what the hell happened with Lilah.

This is quickly turning into a rant, so let me temper my criticisms with something positive: I liked the story developments for the most part, but not the writing, which sucked beyond the telling of it. Okay, not really a positive, but oh well...

--- Joe


Tuesday, June 25, 2002 4:06 PM



Originally posted by mojoeca:
I like Connor, too -- good actor, cool character.

Oh, I couldn't disagree more...

a. Angel's genetics= broad chin, broad facial bone structure, broad frame. Darla's genetics= pronounced chin, broad facial features, a "tough" beauty, curvy body. Connor's genetics= shallow chin, delicate body structure, delicate facial features, feminine/pear shaped frame.
Angel + Darla =/= Connor
b. Wouldn't a warrior who grew up in a hell dimension feared even by demons be a little tougher? I mean built tougher, physically.
c. Nitpicky... Connor should have an English accent. The only human he had contact with was Holtz, thus English Accent.
d. Similar to Fred's situation... how did he adjust to Earth so quickly?
e. Not a believable actor. He has three expressions: Rage, Whine-face, and goofy/fake Happiness.

I must say that he has studied Boreanez's physical movements and manorisms very well, and he emulates him skillfully. I wonder if he's a dancer... it would account for this ability.

I don't hate the idea of Connor. It's just that his character has been poorly developed so far, and he was very poorly cast, IMO.

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--

"Nice guys can only get so mad." Fillion on Mal


Tuesday, June 25, 2002 4:32 PM



Angel + Darla =/= Connor
Better to choose the best actor, rather than the best fit. His likeness is close enough for me.

"Wouldn't a warrior who grew up in a hell dimension feared even by demons be a little tougher? I mean built tougher, physically."
If you have all that inherent mystical strength, who needs muscles? And given his small stature, he's very believable in the fight scenes -- a credit to Kartheiser's acting ability, what little of it we've seen so far.

Connor should have an English accent. The only human he had contact with was Holtz, thus English Accent.
Holtz had an English accent? Never noticed.

how did he adjust to Earth so quickly?
He's resourceful.
--- Joe


Tuesday, June 25, 2002 5:05 PM



Originally posted by mojoeca:

Angel + Darla =/= Connor
Better to choose the best actor, rather than the best fit. His likeness is close enough for me.

To me, best fit is just as important as best actor. If I can't get used to the idea of him as Angel's genetic child, then I can't suspend my disbelief enough to emmerse myself in the story. I can't see Connor without thinking "God... he looks nothing like Angel or Darla." I can't use the excuse of "oh, he's just young, he'll grow up to look like Angel" either because the actor is 21.

I pretty much agree with everything else you said. All of my other excuses were somewhat of an attempt to cover up the superficiality of my basic argument. Except for the Holtz accent thing... which is true and does bother me.

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--

"Nice guys can only get so mad." Fillion on Mal






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