Favorite moments from Season 1

UPDATED: Wednesday, October 11, 2006 14:17
VIEWED: 9104
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Tuesday, September 20, 2005 8:57 AM


Hey all

I've been catching up on my Whedon by renting the different seasons of BUFFY and ANGEL. I've already watched the first four season of BUFFY with #5 on tap at my library, and the first season of ANGEL, with the second on tap as well.

What are some of your favorite moments from the 1st season? I emphasize 1st, because I havn't seen the other 4 and have no idea what's going to happen, so don't spoil it for me, please.

Comedically, fave moments were the demon bachelor party where Doyle nearly gets his brains eaten, the "Sense and Sensitivity" episode where we Angel go undercover as a tourist. Just that image of him wearing a Hawaiian shirt and sun hat acting all mid-West is just so gorram funny. Cordelia's "You're a vampire/gonna get your ass kicked" moment in the pilot, the whole ep eith the haunted apartment, Doyle's "Angel Investigations, we.....hope your helpless" bit, them not getting what the image on the card is supposed to be, Wesley staring down a giant demon and asking it "Do you have any hobbies?" and charging in on the wrong house. And of course, the immortal jumping into the wrong car moment in the pilot and Spike's Mystery Science Theatre 3000 commentary of Angel in action.

Dramatically, there were two eps that stood out in my mind. The first being "I will Remember You", in which Angel becomes temporarily mortal. I never really got that emotionally involved in the whole Buffy/Angel love story stretched across three seasons of BUFFY. I thought it was done more out of convenience than any natural attraction (I teared up more over the demise of Oz/Willow in Season 4 than when Buffy killed good Angel in order to keep Hell on Earth from erupting at the end of season 2). But for that one ep, where they were a normal couple and then it had to be taken away from them. That tearful goodbye actually hit me. I really believed they were doomed lovers.

And the second one was the first of the two Faith episodes. I love watching characters being pushed to the brink of madness/despair over a long period of time. And Faith fighting Angel in the rain and then ending up sobbing in his arms asking him to kill her is to me, the pinnacle of Joss Whedon's powers. To make a character that you're supposed to hate vehemently have a moment of pure suicidal despair and self loathing that's pure heartbreak. It stays with you.

If FIREFLY had continued for x # of years, I'd have loved to have seen Gabriel Tam have a similar moment.

So what are your fave moments of Season 1 of ANGEL?

BTW, I was surprised that one of the chicks from LAW AND ORDER was on here, and that she was a bit livelier on here than L&O, albeit not by much.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
XANDER: (baby-talk) Who's a little fear demon?
C'mon, who's a lit-tle fear demon?
GILES: Don't taunt the fear demon.
XANDER: Why? Can he hurt me?
GILES: No, it's just… tacky.


Tuesday, September 20, 2005 9:03 AM



Originally posted by reginaroadie:
the "Sense and Sensitivity" episode where we Angel go undercover as a tourist.

That is a pretty funny episode. "You know, you could be a rainbow instead of a 'painbow'". Plus, Kate's declaration that she is not a b----. I thought that was so funny.


Tuesday, September 20, 2005 10:27 AM


I'd say the funniest moment(s) of Angel season one were in She, with Angel's daydream about his dancing and the brief Angel/Wesley montage during the credits.

I totally agree about the Faith episodes. I loved that cold look of vengence Wesley got when he freed himself after Faith's torture session.

"Be ashamed to die before you have scored some victory for humanity." -- Horace Mann


Tuesday, September 20, 2005 12:27 PM


Doyle is the part of the first season that i truly enjoyed. from his humor to his sad demise the first few episodes that he was in where among the best of angel. also wesley being a putz was funny.


Tuesday, September 20, 2005 12:28 PM


Phantom Dennis' big episode sticks out in my mind. I personally would have loved to see what the writers could have done with that "character". Perhaps nothing. But had Ben Edlund been around sooner... who knows?

(still evil) Spike mocking Angel's "dark avenger" vibe from the rooftop. From the same episode: Cordy and Oz getting "caught up".

Early Wesley was a hoot overall. Gunn had a pretty cool intro episode too if I remember correctly.

Angel's brief moment of returned humanity in I Will Remember You as well as his brief drug-induced foray back into Angelus.

The (first) return of Faith.

And, of course, the cliffhanger for that season was very cool and welcome. Darla went on to become one of my favorite characters from the Buffy / Angel mythos.



Tuesday, September 20, 2005 6:42 PM


Meeting Detective Lockley. Yum.

"Lonely Hearts", when Angel deploys his very cool wrist-rocket/rappelling cable, and the beam where it hits crumbles. Classic Whedonverse humor.

"Why're you arguin' what's already been decided?"
Mal to Jayne, "Jaynestown"


Wednesday, September 21, 2005 7:29 AM


While I can't get on board with the Lockley love (I repeated the phrase, "Shut up, Kate" so many times it almost lost its meaning), but I'm right there with your humor moment. It's so cool when they build up the hero story and then poke holes in it.

Maybe the most classic moment ever: "City of": Angel jumping into the wrong car in the parking lot. Gets me every time.

"Be ashamed to die before you have scored some victory for humanity." -- Horace Mann


Wednesday, September 21, 2005 8:08 AM


Ahhhh, season one...

Comedy wise:

Cordy's "are you still all grrr?" face.
Spike's "big fluffy puppy with bad teeth" spiel.
Cordy's "pffft" when asked if she's going to untie Angel.
Doyle's big speech on humanity, etc, etc, finishing off with "get a job, you lazy sow".
Wesley and Angel dancing. Seriously.
Cordy: "is that just your lazy eye? Call us, we're very discreet!"
Phantom Dennis, 'nuff said.
Angel, tasting food again.
Cordy's audtion: "aaeeegggh.... GRASS STAINS!"
Cordy's subsequent attempts to get rid of her visions.
Pregnant Cordy.
The W&H assasination speech.

Awww moments:

Doyle being sweet to Cordy.
Kate's whole "self flagellating hypocrite slut" speech. I felt for her here.
Kate breaking down (I'm a softie for Kate).
Doyle's video.
Phantom Dennis getting Cordy tissues and blankets when she's upset.
Angel by Cordy's hospital bed.

Special mention:

Cordy: "'cause, lady, the BITCH is back!".

"Your toes are in the sand."
"And your head's up your..."


Monday, November 14, 2005 3:40 PM


Tina: You've been to Missoula?
Angel: During the Depression. Uh, my depression. I was depressed there.


Wednesday, November 23, 2005 11:48 PM


Mine has to be from "In the Dark"


How can I thank you, you mysterious, black-clad hunk of a night thing?

No need, little lady, your tears of gratitude are enough for me. You see, I was once a badass vampire, but love and a pesky curse defanged me. Now I'm just a big, fluffy puppy with bad teeth.

No, not the hair! Never the hair!

But there must be someway I can show my appreciation.

No, helping those in need?s my job, - and working up a load of sexual tension, and prancing away like a magnificent poof is truly thanks enough!

I understand. I have a nephew who is gay, so?

Say no more. Evil's still afoot! And I'm almost out of that Nancy-boy hair-gel that I like so much.

Quickly, to the Angel-mobile, away!?

:: WhedonFanUk ::


Friday, November 25, 2005 4:40 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by reginaroadie:
Hey all

I've been catching up on my Whedon by renting the different seasons of BUFFY and ANGEL. I've already watched the first four season of BUFFY with #5 on tap at my library, and the first season of ANGEL, with the second on tap as well.

Hey - same here (though only Buffy 1 so far).

Angel EP She - the "Dancing Fools" sequences - both Wesley dancing and Angel imagining himself dancing - lol funny. Same episode at the end, Wesley falling on the spilled coffee beans and being a complete toady, "It was my fault I'm sure, I'll wash them all, individually if you like. They'll be as good as new, even better." I'm surprised at how much Wesley's schtick makes me laugh - tribute to the actor.

War Zone - Angel, Cordiellia and Wesley walk into an upscale party and Cordiellia says, "Ah, I love that smell!"

Wesley: "I believe that's Camembert."

Cordiellia: "No, silly, MONEY!" walks off.

Angel: "She's not kidding. Hide some money around the office, stand back and watch her - it's uncanny."

There's a running cell phone gag that's pretty funny too.

The show definitely has some Firefly moments too. In the ep Prodigal I saw "Blue Circle Delivery" company. Wesley with blue gloves doing some kind of science detection thingy, and of course, a cameo by Christina Hendricks, (Yosaphbridge) as a 17th century vampire's maiden.

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Saturday, November 26, 2005 4:48 PM


I'll always think it was such a badass moment when Angel swivels around on the stool and goes from being "drunk" to going after the vamps. The cape blown' in the wind was too cool for that split second. Okay I'll get the gutwrencher out of the way, Rats..Rates...*sniffle* my friend Becca still says that Doyle is just out of town. "I will remember you" makes me cry everytime. And the Big Fluffy Puppy speech brings me to tears the other way. Theres lots of others but these are my favs.
Now let me know when you've watched all of season 2. I have a definate favorite in that one!!!!


Saturday, November 26, 2005 5:18 PM


I have now seen season 2, and about a third of season 3.

As for season 2, the opening sums up everything that is Joss. You see this green, scaly demon. You think he's going to be all evil and such. He raises a mike, and you think he's going to go all Screwtape Letters on a crowd of demons.

But then he starts singing "I Will Survive." By far, the funniest moment in the whole series so far. Anything with Lorne, for that matter is gold. Especially when they go to Pylea ("Numfar, do the dance of joy.";"No longer do the dance of joy, Numfar.") Fave bit was when Lorne head tells Cordelia to shut up as she screams non-stop upon seeing his severed head.

For other comedic eps, Harmony's episode was comic gold. And that one time where Wes and Gunn have to fight the fire breathing demon in the sewers and their initial reluctance. ("Did you see that? The chamber has to be 50 feet high. He was crouching!!!")

As for dramatic eps, Darla going evil again, the chamber they had to steal from the museum that made them all go crazy, them exorcizing the demon from the hotel and Angel going to meet the Senior Partners.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"YES!!!I'm a man posessed by many demons....Polite demons that would open the door for a lady carrying too many parcels...BUT DEMONS NONETHELESS!!!! Yes. I have walked along the path of evil many times, it's a twisting, curving path that..actually leads to a charming plot garden, BUT BEYOND THAT EVIL!!!"


Sunday, November 27, 2005 8:05 AM


I can't recall fully offhand, but up to Episode 8 b/c Doyle is great...and Wesley and Angel dancing.


Monday, November 28, 2005 3:31 AM


Hero-I love that episode-gives reasons why I love Doyle.

IWRY-Big B/A fan-my shipper heart goes all fluttery.

Faith episodes-what a kickass character! She's so complex.

I liked Wes' intro-big doofus,but lovable.

I also like snarky Cordy in this season.

A good introduction to one of my fav shows.


Saturday, December 3, 2005 5:18 AM


America loves a winner!


Cordelia's "You're a vampire/gonna get your ass kicked" moment in the pilot,

When Cordy and Angel meet at the party, and she asks him if he's still " grrr ", and makes that expression and the grabby-claw like hand gesture indicating 'vampire', ...too gorram funny.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 5:01 AM



Originally posted by reginaroadie:
I have now seen season 2, and about a third of season 3.

As for season 2, the opening sums up everything that is Joss. You see this green, scaly demon. You think he's going to be all evil and such. He raises a mike, and you think he's going to go all Screwtape Letters on a crowd of demons.

Dead End was probably my favorite episode from season 2. I really enjoyed the play between Angel and Lindsey. Good stuff.

"That's my lead! You're choking my lead!"
"He's my lead! He's my lead!"

Of course, Lindsey's rant when he quits Wolfram and Hart is great (Oooo! That's gonna hurt in the morning. Stop it evil hand, stop it.).


Saturday, December 24, 2005 9:59 AM


From "Sense and Sensitivity,"
"I threatened him with physical violence"
I'm laughing right now just thinking about the contrite, almost disbelieving manner in which that line is said.
I too, am in the middle of re-watching season 1, many of the episodes for the first time, and wondering why I never liked Angel as much as Buffy. It's Whedontastic!

"I'll be in my bunk."


Monday, January 30, 2006 1:40 PM



...and of course, a cameo by Christina Hendricks, (Yosaphbridge) as a 17th century vampire's maiden.

OMFreakinG!!!! I have watched Angel billions of times and never realized that was her! Ya made my day!

"Kaylee, find that kid who's takin' a dirt nap with baby Jesus. We need a hood ornament."


Monday, February 13, 2006 1:11 PM



it is good to hear that others are new to Angel and Buffy, too. I saw some eps when they were on German TV a few years back and never got into them. Now I bought Angel Season 1 on DVD and watched all 22 eps last weekend (and am now well into watching them for a second time...). And I seriously love it. It is not Firefly, but it is good in its own way.

Humourwise there are many dialog lines that I just love. My two favorites are:

Doyle: "Angel Investigations, we hope you're helpless" (I laughed so hard, my neighbors must think I am crazy, well, I guess they had that figured out anyway)

Angel: "I am a detective, more or less"
Kate: "So where's your license"
Angel: "That's the 'less' part"

As far as emotional moments go, well, it is a Joss Whedon series, so there are lots of those as well.

I love it when Cordelia confronts the ghost in her
appartment after she has called her a bitch and Cordelia remembers how much of a bitch she can be if she wants to.

The whole "I will remember you" scenario is just too tragic, him telling Buffy that in 15 sec she will forget everything that happened in the last 24 hours and she starts crying, saying that it is just not enough time. And to know that Angel will be able to remember it all...

And like with Firefly, it is the way friendship grows on all of them. And somehow as they start to like each other more and more, you as a viewer of the show start to like them as well. I even grew fond of Cordelia even though I could not stand her in the beginning. And Doyle did die way too early of course. He was just the most likeable character.

I could go on for hours here...

Have fun,


Monday, February 13, 2006 6:23 PM


America loves a winner!


The whole "I will remember you" scenario is just too tragic, him telling Buffy that in 15 sec she will forget everything that happened in the last 24 hours and she starts crying, saying that it is just not enough time. And to know that Angel will be able to remember it all...

Not only a whopper of a scene, but that could be the theme for all 3 of Joss's shows... it is just not enough time....


And Doyle did die way too early of course. He was just the most likeable character.

I agree 100% about Doyle. I hated to see him go. I can only guess, not being an avid Angel fan at the time, that it was discussed in great detail as to why 'DOYLE ' was written off the show. Or maybe it didn't really need to be said. Glenn Quinn , in real life, was fighting some demons of his own. A fight which he lost, and left us far too soon.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Monday, September 18, 2006 11:48 PM


In the Dark:

Spike in high voice: “How can I thank you, you mysterious, black-clad hunk of a night thing? (low voice) No need, little lady, your tears of gratitude are enough for me. You see, I was once a badass vampire, but love and a pesky curse defanged me. Now I’m just a big, fluffy puppy with bad teeth. (Rachel steps closer to Angel, and Angel steps back warding her off with his hands) No, not the hair! Never the hair! (high voice) But there must be someway I can show my appreciation. (low voice) No, helping those in need’s my job, - and working up a load of sexual tension, and prancing away like a magnificent poof is truly thanks enough! (high voice) I understand. I have a nephew who is gay, so… (low voice) Say no more. Evil’s still afoot! And I’m almost out of that Nancy-boy hair-gel that I like so much. Quickly, to the Angel-mobile, away!”

One of my favourite scenes from the whole series.


I am 94% Like River Tam

The Fugitive. You are clever and dangerous, which is a nasty combination.
The fact you are crazy too just adds to your charm.
They did bad things to you, but you know their secrets.
They will regret how they made you.



Wednesday, October 11, 2006 2:17 PM


all of IWRY - I'm a BA shipper what can I say?


"See, I've secretly been kind of a fan of me for some time now. I've seen everything I've ever done. I'd love to meet me, but I'd probably just stare and not be able to say anything witty or anything." -- Joss Whedon






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