Anyone come across these Angel season four rumours?

UPDATED: Wednesday, July 3, 2002 23:30
VIEWED: 3912
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Sunday, June 30, 2002 8:39 PM



Date Posted: 16:21:33 05/22/02 Wed
Author: Disgruntled
Subject: Got canned, so here you go, chew on this! Season 4 ****.
As you can see by my name, I’m not too happy right now with my former employers, so because of that I’m going to screw them like they screwed me. Here is the outline for season 4 of Angel. From what I know, the entire cast is set to return with the addition of Vincent and Andy.

Lets do it!

-Fred and Gunn track down the spot where Angel and Cordy were to meet. They find Angel’s car and his cell phone down on the beach.

-Cordy has been tricked. The guy that appeared to be Skip was in fact not Skip.

-Wesley misread the prophecy involving the Tro-clan, it is not a series of events, but an actual group. They are behind Cordy getting elevated to the higher realms.

-Connor will eventually find out the truth about who killed Holtz, become incredibly guilty and join Angel in freeing Cordelia from the other side.

-Wesley will get deeper in Lilah, err W&H, and reluctantly join them. He will do so under false pretenses.

-There will be a return of someone from Angel’s past, and no it won’t be a vampire, but actually someone who knew him when he was human. That should cut the list down for you.

-It is planned for Angel and Cordelia to get together (as in full-blown declaration of feelings) , I don’t know the details of how, but expect it before mid-season, and it is also planned to be long term.

-It is planned for the curse to not be a factor by seasons end. No details, sometimes they make this stuff up as they go.

-Also, by the end of the season expect a minor crossover with Buffy. No details.

They will probably throw some other **** at you along the way. Also, don’t expect them to reveal anything about how Connor came to be, well alive. You can believe this or not, I really don’t care. Oh, and if Tim ( Minear) comes here ignore him. He will just deny, deny, deny. Jackass.

I found the post in a little forum here --->
Apparently the person that posted it there had swiped it off another forum.....


Monday, July 1, 2002 12:21 AM


Likes to mess with stuffs.

I dunno about this. Sounds a bit fishy mainly because if "disgruntled" got the boot, it would be obvious to those at ME (or in this case Tim Minear, since he was targetted) as to who posted this bit of info. Unless, of course, they (or Tim) booted a bunch of people all at the same time. But even then.

Besides, it has been mentioned time and time again that a crossover between BtVS and Angel will not happen.


Monday, July 1, 2002 12:27 AM


I've not heard anything about these but let me say this. If I wanted to make up spoilers and convince people they were real - I'd pretend to be an ex-ME employee.


Her lips were saying 'No' but then I looked into her eyes
... and her eyes were saying 'read my lips'
- Niles Crane


Monday, July 1, 2002 7:33 AM


I meant to tag a disclaimer on the end of that post - basically I have no way of knowing it is true at all, but don't you guys think it is plausible? There seems to be a few ideas there that could definitely work out.

As for the crossover with Buffy - I read a while back (and it seemed a reliable source - although I can't remember now) that Whedon was pushing for a crossover between the two shows/networks, especially if season seven is to be Buffy's last.
Although James Marsters has gone on the record as saying that there is NO chance of David Boreanaz showing up in Buffy next season.


Monday, July 1, 2002 12:04 PM


Likes to mess with stuffs.


Originally posted by Tabitha:
Although James Marsters has gone on the record as saying that there is NO chance of David Boreanaz showing up in Buffy next season.

And I believe that is the general consensus with everyone who is involved with Angel. Besides, it would belittle everything that the Angel series has achieved on its own.


Monday, July 1, 2002 3:10 PM



Originally posted by Tabitha:

-It is planned for the curse to not be a factor by seasons end. No details, sometimes they make this stuff up as they go.

OK, it's official... this guy has no idea what he's talking about. We all know that ME has one season planned in advance at all times.

But seriously, all of the stuff he mentioned, with the exception of Angel's friend from his human days, is stuff that could rationally be speculated by, well, anyone... and it kinda already has been... by everybody.

A third thing: Angel doesn't start filming until July, IIRC. Only the writers know what this season's story will be. It's been *repeatedly* stated that not even the actors know what will happen past the episodes for which they've already recieved scripts. I highly doubt that, even if on the silm chance that this is a fired creative member of ME, that he'd go out and divuldge loads of plot spoilers.

My conclusion: This guy's full of it. He knows just as much as anyone with a brain knows about Angel S4.

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--

This one's for Furyfire...


Tuesday, July 2, 2002 4:06 PM



Originally posted by Novagrass:
But seriously, all of the stuff he mentioned, with the exception of Angel's friend from his human days, is stuff that could rationally be speculated by, well, anyone... and it kinda already has been... by everybody.

Yeh, you are right, there were many bits'n'pieces that I had thought about or talked about already that the poster brought up. But the friend from Angel's human days is the bit that really caught my eye. I thought right away about the possibility of it being his father. Wouldn't that the troubled relationship Angel had with his father be a nice parallel to the father-son issues he is no doubt going to be having with Connor in S4?
Although I am getting a bit sick of people getting resurrected in this show


Tuesday, July 2, 2002 4:20 PM



Originally posted by Tabitha:
Yeh, you are right, there were many bits'n'pieces that I had thought about or talked about already that the poster brought up. But the friend from Angel's human days is the bit that really caught my eye. I thought right away about the possibility of it being his father. Wouldn't that the troubled relationship Angel had with his father be a nice parallel to the father-son issues he is no doubt going to be having with Connor in S4?
Although I am getting a bit sick of people getting resurrected in this show

Knowing how Angel has turned out the past few years (what with the sometimes interesting, sometimes overbearing family theme they've been playing with since the series's start), the father idea wouldn't surprise me. The first thing I thought when I saw this was a situation like Halfrek/Cecilly and Spike (that is, a former friend having turned into a vengance/any-kind-of demon).

But, again, this is probably just made up rumor mill crap...

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--

This one's for Furyfire...


Wednesday, July 3, 2002 11:30 PM



Originally posted by Novagrass:

Originally posted by Tabitha:

-It is planned for the curse to not be a factor by seasons end. No details, sometimes they make this stuff up as they go.

OK, it's official... this guy has no idea what he's talking about. We all know that ME has one season planned in advance at all times.

Well...I think that comment is actually fairly accurate. ME does tend to know what their basic plots are for a season going into it, but they do have a tendency of filling in the details a little haphazardly. There were, for instance, several indications throughout Season Five of 'Buffy' that the nature of Ben, Glory, and Dawn's connection was altered mid-season. Some comments didn't match up from the beginning of Season Five to the end. The revelation that Dawn was literally a 'part' of Buffy was divulged very late in the season, in the finale.

This isn't to say that Whedon and Co. are stupid or anything, just that they do occasionally leave details for later. Another example of this would be Angel's curse and his revert to Angelus in Season Two. If you listen to the audio commentary by Joss on the S2 DVDs, he even admits the curse doesn't make much sense and that he had to find a way to explain it, and doctor it, when he was writing 'Innocence.' Again, this isn't a criticism, nor is it a declaration that this 'spoiler' is worth a damn; it's simply an observation.






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