Anyone else horrified by the all the unwarranted violence in last night's ep?and what happened to Whedon's Girl Power?

UPDATED: Tuesday, February 10, 2004 19:24
VIEWED: 4667
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Thursday, November 20, 2003 9:59 AM


I really love the show and adore all things Whedonesque but last night's show yowser.
Parts were excellent but the viscious fight scene lasted way too long it wasn't informative it didn't drive the plot i mean what happen. Seems like Harmony was just a sperm recepticle (merely a warm wet place to empty a load...oh yeah she a vamp a cold wet place then) and the way Eve kicked off her panties it wasn't sexy it was dark and that she operates merely as Lindsey's pawn-that was Lindsey right-what happen to Whedon's tradition of portaying women as characters with their own agendas instead of just eye candy. The woman this year are simpering too delicate and seem a bit sexually depraved. Any opinions out there I would love to hear 'em.


Thursday, November 20, 2003 10:13 AM


I thought it was the best Angel episode of the season.

It was a great fight scene, I'm glad Spike won.


Thursday, November 20, 2003 1:01 PM


I really liked the fight scene, they were each willing to inflict tremendous pain and injury, but clearly not trying to kill the other. Kind of like anger management therapy for souled vampires.

Harmony behaved the same as always, her main role has always been comic relief.

I think it's too early to know if Eve is just Lindsey's pawn. It could easily be the other way around and she is just playing him. As for Joss' portrayal of women, he often starts them out as not all that strong and over time they come to realize that they don't need to be in the shadow of a man (or woman, or watcher), and usually end up stronger than the person they were leaning on.


Friday, November 21, 2003 9:16 AM


It was very violent, but I think it was warranted. I don't think Angel and Spike have ever had an all-out, to-the-death (almost) fight like that. We're talking CENTURIES of tension and hatred built up there. The reason we had all the flashbacks was to show why Spike's hatred of Angel is so strong--that it's not just Buffy but that Angel emotionally tortured Spike in his early vampire days.

As for the sex, well, I assume you saw the Buffy season when Spike & Harmony were a couple. It was mostly about the sex, so I don't have a problem with them going for a quickie in the office. Harmony didn't seem to have a problem with it either (at least before she went all 28-Days-Later).

And Eve is an evil-doer climbing into a bed with a now-tattoed, evil Lindsey. Plus, who doesn't climb out of their work clothes as soon as they come home? Granted, she didn't go for the PJ's, but it was late, and Lindsey's hot. Besides, the jury's still out on Eve. We don't know what her full agenda is yet.

Now if Fred would just get it on with Wesley, we'd have some sweet, beautiful lovin' between two people who care for each other.

But I agree we're a little short on the leader-women this season THUS FAR, mostly because there's no Cordelia.


Friday, November 21, 2003 12:14 PM


I agree, I really liked this episode. Plus, the fight made sense to me, I think it was great acting on both parts.

And we got to see Drusilla AND Lindsey, with more Lindsey in the future! After seeing "Secondhand Lions" I realized I was really Lindsey-depraved, so I am very glad he is back. And I hadn't read any spoilers in that regard, so it was a total surprise to me.

I'd like to do some speculation on Eve's part - she seems to have at least a double agenda - senior partners and Lindsey. Or is she working for the senior partners at all? After all, we only have her word of it. On the other hand, crossing the senior partners is quite a tough thing to do, I wonder what she really wants...

It seems to have been her goal to end up with only one vampire. Can we assume the box making Spike corporeal again came from her/Lindsey? And what about the Amulett? From her, too? If so, why would she make Spike a hero?

This is a great season which opens more questions with every episode!


Saturday, November 22, 2003 8:44 AM


Though I cannot recall who Lindsey is, I do have a theory of why Eve/Lindsey mailed the box and amulet to Spike.

To start trouble with Angel and crew, and to mess up the world.

Hey, that was simple. Or am I being simple?

Jayne: "How big a room?"


Friday, November 28, 2003 4:30 PM


And your theory is?


Monday, December 1, 2003 12:26 AM


"To start trouble with Angel and crew"

Vengence bit there, and a tweaking of noses.

"To mess up the world"

Cause bad guys like doing that, for whatever their reasons are.

Short and simple, trying to cut down on unnecessary wordage. Mustusesmallerwordswithnospacestoconserve!

Jayne: "How big a room?"


Tuesday, December 16, 2003 1:55 AM


Thank goodness. I thought I was the only one offended by Spike's treatment of Harmony!

It was consentual, but only because Harmony has strength of will like a wet noodle. She wants Spike to love and respect her, he doesn't but she can't say no if he pushes.

When she went nuts, she was saying what she really felt. The guy in the copy room was honest when red eyed (homicidal, but honest) and so was Gunn. Harmony is being used, she knows it and it bothers her. Spike you're a jerk. It's worse now because you're and ensouled jerk.

As for Eve snuggling with Lindsey, I reserve judgement. Not enough info yet.


Tuesday, December 16, 2003 2:14 PM


okay so there are 2 of us. I was beginning to doubt myself-thinking maybe i was being whiny and hyper sensitive but i really was disturbed at Spike's treatment of Harmony cause yeah the dude's got a soul now he shouldn't be such a harsh prick. Spike's now supposed to be a good guy(?) now. so wouldn't that make him more respectful especially because of who he was before he Drusilla sired him. Okay i rambled but i guess i've know a few rank bastards in my time and they too had souls (or did they) and they still behaved like utter jackasses. Well as i started out by saying nice to know i am not alone in feeling a little weirded out by that episode.


Sunday, January 4, 2004 4:30 PM


Wow. I had a totally different perception of this episode.

Spike & Harmony's "nooner" was (or at least started out to be) hilarious. Okay, guy has been a ghost for two months. Suddenly he has a body. What is the FIRST thing a guy wants to do? Duh...get laid. Harmony still has no respect for herself so she fell for it.

I have re-watched the last ten seconds about fifty times. I cannot get enough of the fact that Lindsey is back. I stopped watching the show about half-way through last season. Found out Marsters was coming on board so I started watching it again.

I told all of my friends that I was mad at myself for falling for their ruse. The ONLY way they could get me back as a viewer was to bring on Marsters. Okay, there were TWO things they could do, I told them, they could also bring back Lindsey, but I thought that would never happen.

I am beyond thrilled to see Christian Kane again! And him being evil???? Puh-lease. He is NOT going to turn out to be evil. All those protective runes; he is HIDING from the senior partners. It will turn out that he is desperately trying to bring THEM down by using Angel. His last words to Angel before he left LA:

"The key to Wolfram and Hart is to never let them make you play their game. You have to make them play YOUR game."

He knows Angel is now playing their game and is trying to do something about it.

That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

See ya on the 14th. :-)



Tuesday, February 10, 2004 7:24 PM


I think all that really needs to be said, for any discussion, is season five proves that Joss works best when he works in an arc.

Season five's highlights have all been the episodes that tie together. The Eve/Lindsey/Senior Partners run.

Of course, when he over-arcs (Buffy's last season), things drop. But he seems to be the master of loose-and-tight arc at the same time.






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