My God! Angel S2 is amazing!

UPDATED: Sunday, October 6, 2002 10:53
VIEWED: 3389
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Monday, September 16, 2002 4:28 PM


Until yesterday, I had avoided watching Angel at all... every episode I had seen was sorta... bad (and that's not just a few). So I thought this was indicative of the entire show.

God was I wrong. Parts of Angel season 2 come pretty close to surpassing Buffy in quality! The whole Darla thing is just fascinating.

Now, I have yet to finish the Darla story arc, but if it continues to be as riveting as Dear Boy and the Shroud of Rahmon, I am in for quite a treat!

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--

Currently confused as to why he thought a Joss Whedon show could be bad...


Monday, September 16, 2002 4:36 PM


Wait till you get to S3. It's more addictive than crack!

Oh, and what eps. didn't you like?


"I love to see a young girl go out and grab the world by the lapels. Life’s a bitch. You’ve got to go out and kick ass." —Maya Angelou


Monday, September 16, 2002 4:45 PM



Originally posted by LivingImpaired:
Wait till you get to S3. It's more addictive than crack!

Oh, and what eps. didn't you like?

Actually... I did watch a lot of Angel S3, and that's part of the reason I sought out Angel S2 (well, not so much sought out as asked my sister). I liked Lullaby and Sleep Tight a lot... and I liked Quickening and Waiting in the Wings quite a bit... but I mostly disliked everything else. The plot arcs and developments were amazing, but the execution was almost unbearable in places (Billy, Fredless).

As for episodes I didn't like: All of those Pylea ones... and some others that I couldn't tell you the names of.

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--


Monday, September 16, 2002 5:33 PM


Oh, man! Don't get my started on season 3. Much disappointment. Liked a lot of the ideas, but despised the execution. I cannot honestly suss out why the mainstream media were shitting themselves over this past year.

Season 2 was the high point. By which all proceeding seasons will be measured.

Funny thing is that I find myself re-watching more AtS 3 eps than BtVS 6 this summer. OTOH, I have to fast forward through lots of worthless scenes and dialogue. The 15-minute ANGEL.

--- Joe


Tuesday, September 17, 2002 8:35 AM



Originally posted by Novagrass:
As for episodes I didn't like: All of those Pylea ones... and some others that I couldn't tell you the names of.

I'm right there with you on that one. I was watching it going "Ok, when did the show turn into Xena?"

I always have a hard time describing what I like about fantasy/sci-fi work. But it comes down to this - I'm not a big fan of the "olden times" genre. Give me present day, give me futuristic. But I'm really not interested in midevil fights with dragons and wizards. And it seemed to me like the entire Pylea thing was a great big flashback to some alien feudal system.

By the same token, one of the most irritating good guys, in my opinion, is Groo. I felt bad for him in the season 3 finale, but honestly, he was just annoying to me every time he was on the screen.

The Host: All right, just remember. Xenophobia is kind of a watchword where I'm from.
Gunn: I don't get it. Why are they afraid of Xena? I mean think she's kinda fly.
Wesley: Xenophobia. Fear of foreigners.
Gunn: Oh. Then can we pretend I didn't just say that?


Tuesday, September 17, 2002 8:54 AM


Just for the record, I like S2 least of all, S3 the most, and "Belonging" - "There's No Place Like the Pritz Club" are some of my favorite eps. Oh, yeah... I think Groo and Gunn are neat characters, and I was sorry to see Groo go.


"I love to see a young girl go out and grab the world by the lapels. Life’s a bitch. You’ve got to go out and kick ass." —Maya Angelou


Tuesday, September 17, 2002 9:09 AM



Originally posted by LivingImpaired:
Just for the record, I like S2 least of all, S3 the most, and "Belonging" - "There's No Place Like the Pritz Club" are some of my favorite eps. Oh, yeah... I think Groo and Gunn are neat characters, and I was sorry to see Groo go.

I love Groo, I hate Gunn. I love Old Cordy, I hate new Cordy. I love love Fred. I hate old Wesley, but I'm starting to like new Wes. I like Angel's character, but I think Boreanez is cardboard made flesh. I love some parts of S3, but hate most of it. I like mid-S2, but I dislike the rest. I love the Doyle episodes, both of the Faith ones in S1 and the rest I have mixed feelings about.

I think S4 might be the best yet because Whedon is the showrunner for the first time ever, and all of the spoilers I've heard sound great.

That about sums up my opinion of Angel.

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--


Tuesday, September 17, 2002 10:00 AM



Originally posted by Novagrass:

I think S4 might be the best yet because Whedon is the showrunner for the first time ever

I don't know that that changes much. Joss is also alone with BtVS (Noxon's on maternity leave), Minear is "bifurcated" with FIRE and AtS and Jeff Bell is doing the day-to-day stuff. I think they haven't offically promoted anyone to Exec Producer because of FF -- if it tanks, then Minear will run AtS; if it takes off, then he'll leave (as much as one can "leave" when all 3 shows are in the same building).

--- Joe


Sunday, October 6, 2002 9:17 AM


In my opinion, Angel has been degressing as the seasons progress. S1 was just incredible, S2 was good (I actually have a new respect for it as I watch my tapes again now) and S3 was just crap. No, it was what crap wants to be when it grows up.


Sunday, October 6, 2002 10:53 AM


I've only watched 4 episodes of Season 3 ("Heartthrob", "That Vision Thing", "That Old Gang Of Mine", and "Tomorrow"), but I love Season 1 and Season 2 (particularly the Pylea episodes. These episodes contain some of the best 'AtS' humor ever written, from Lorne's anxiety over going back home again to Angel's giddiness over being able to be out in the sunshine for the first time since becoming a vampire). I also love Groo and Fred (even though I was bugged a bit by Groo's behavior in "Tomorrow", the S3 finale, mainly because I didn't know anything about how or why he was in L.A.), and Fred's alternating between craziness and sanity is hillarious stuff.






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