What if Joss did an Angel season 6 comic series?

UPDATED: Saturday, March 10, 2007 12:44
VIEWED: 3325
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Saturday, November 18, 2006 7:38 AM


In the spinoff tv movies that didn't happen, Gunn was supposed to become a vampire and be a villain. I, for one, can not imagine being okay with that at all (emotionally, I mean), but then to have it happen in a comic book of all things, which is the road he'd likely go? I don't know.


Saturday, November 18, 2006 8:04 AM


Becoming a vampire was one of the things that Gunn has always feared the most, especially post-sister staking. It would be kind of interesting for him to turn into the thing he feared. I don't think Joss has done it before...maybe close to the Dark Willow thing as in a good person turning bad, but Willow was always attracted to power, she didn't fear it. I know they toyed with that kind of idea with Xander (turning him into a monster) but it never materialized because Xander just has to be Xander, ya know?

One thing is for sure, Gunn would have never survived that W&H smackdown as a human, especially since he was already extremely injured by the time he made it to the alley. In any season 6 possibility, he's either dead or a monster. Or maybe a vegetable if you really stretch it.

I would love to see a season 6 comic one day, but since AtS is currently owned by IDW, I don't know how long it would take to work something out. I wish the two series would go back to being owned by one company, crossovers just make sense and to not have it be possible in comics it's just kind of dumb.


Saturday, November 18, 2006 8:41 AM


Well in my fantasy, Gunn is neither dead or a vampire, but came across one of those mohra demons that mixed with his blood and well, the rest is happily ever after history!

Yeah, okay, far-fetched, but that's what a fantasy is!!!

That said, I guess I'd have to agree that it'd make for some interesting story for Gunn. Maybe at the last minute before he's dusted, Willow could swoop in and restore his soul? Yeah,okay, I know how cheesy it sounds.


Saturday, November 18, 2006 9:47 AM


I heard once (don't remember where), that if there had been another season, Wesley would have been broguht back. So my personal fantasy is to have the remaining heroes (Angel, Spike, Wesley, Illyria, and yes Gunn) go back to the Hyperion. They were always better there, if you ask me. And as long as I'm fantasizing, Cordy could be brought back as well. And maybe if we're really lucky, Lorne might come back and open a new nightclub in the hotel. And possibly Connor too, he was pretty cool during the fifth season. Hey, I can dream, can't I?


"So long and goodnight."


Saturday, November 18, 2006 12:51 PM


If there had been another season, Wesley wouldn't have died at all. I think that's pretty much been confirmed by Amy, Alexis, and Jeff Bell (the showrunner).

Fred would be back in some capacity (I've heard different things from different writers/actors, I don't think it was exactly decided by the time of the cancellation). I think a hint of that was when Illyria turned into Fred to talk to the Burkles, and in season 6 she would keep doing that to avoid social situations, and Illyria would start changing from the inside out, so to speak. Being Fred so much would actually change Illyria significantly. Or Wes would find a way to get Fred back and then having the dilemma of destroying Illyria for the sake of Fred, because he would have grown oddly attached to Illyria (and we saw some of that at the end of s5). Or they'd find a way of bringing Fred back and her having to share a body with Illyria. Or they'd be split apart completely. Like I said, I don't think anything was decided for sure.

There would have still been the W&H battle, and Team Angel would have won, sort of. Season 6 would be set in a post-Apocalytpic Los Angeles. And Gunn would been turned during that battle.


Saturday, November 18, 2006 1:06 PM


I've heard some of that, and some of that is new to me. All still brings to my eyes at the thought of what should've been.

Except the whole Gunn becoming evil thing.


Sunday, November 19, 2006 11:46 AM


I think that an Angel season six as a comic would be alright. I mean it wouldn't be the same as tv show but what the hell. It would certainly be interesting to see how they resolve the final fight at the end of 'Not fade away', which i have a few ideas on myself.


Saturday, March 10, 2007 12:44 PM


This being the 10th anniversary of my introduction of the character of Angel, I'm feeling more than a little sentimental. If this is the only way to know what's happened with these characters, I'm SO for it, I don't even care what happens with any of them (yeah, right), as long as it's cannon.






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