Where would you have liked ANGEL to go? Part 3 of 3

UPDATED: Sunday, December 3, 2006 07:54
VIEWED: 2853
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Friday, December 1, 2006 9:03 AM


(Ok this is the third and final part in a trilogy of questions on Joss' shows: Buffy, Angel and Firefly.)

As regards ANGEL: what direction/plot notions/ character development etc would you have liked to see the show take?

Now Angel was cut short and perhaps more than most really felt unfulfilled. From a personal point of view I wasn't into the way the last ever episode ended - but maybe that was the only way to wrap up a very complicated show.

One thing I felt about Angel was the revisiting of past characters. That sort of irked me a little.

However where Angel worked wonders was for exploring his past. That was tremendous and gave us Holts who was great.

I did feel though that Wolfram and Hart had been done, I'd have liked them to have found a new adversity, namely the 'real' world. Perhaps have more of an 'interference' from the law and 'accepted' reality conflicting with 'Angels' world. Maybe have Angel as a more 'hunted' character by 'normal' society and have him be a little more undercover and stealthy. That would then springboard the group [Cordelia, Wesley, Gunn and Fred] to have to deal more with their predicament of working for a Vampire and finding them at greater conflict with the world they are from.

Also this show was always great with humour - would have loved a lot more humourous shows too, but granted that may have made the show less impactful.



Friday, December 1, 2006 1:00 PM


As I am a happy-happy type, I would have liked just one more season where they almost lose the battle beginning in NFA, and get saved by a group of Slayers that banded together to fight evil around the globe. This band adopts Angel & co as sidekicks, but the sidekicks become the true co-heroes of the piece by the third ep, showing that co-operation is key to survival. The powers that be get waxed, apparently, and Angel and Spike BOTH gain humanity in the battle. They've earned it, and a rest.
One of the Slayers falls for Spike, who doesn't mind at all ("Buffy? She was like a sis to me. And I was like a demon to her *beat* it worked out."), and Angel gets a call from Buffy. We never hear her speaking, but he listens to the phone for a few seconds, and all he says in response is "Yes." The other end clicks as if hung up very quickly, leaving Angel with a smile on his lips and a tear in his eye.
*cue earie music*
...but was this all set up by W&H? Is it all not what it seems? Will our heroes' rest be temporary?

That's where I'd take it and end it.

Semi-joyous ending Chrisisall


Friday, December 1, 2006 1:29 PM


I think that it would have been quite interesting if Joss had shown us something from the other end of the spectrum. I mean the Buffyverse is chock full of demons and such like yet we were never really given that much information about the 'powers that be'.
I mean the demons have a certain level of order and hierarchy with each of the 'big bads' employing various sorts of underlings and agents on the earth, but we never really see the equivilant for the ptb (aside from Angel and his groupies), i mean where does the Buffyverse stand in terms of actual angels. And i'm not talking about the chubby little cupid sort of angel but rather demon smiting, holy fire, blazing broadsword seraphim and cherubim sort of Angels.
I secretly harbour the belief that the ptb were little more than bureaucrats, the heavenly equivilant of accountants if you will, and that after the big show down at the end of 'Not Fade Away' Angel and co (minus Gunn who in an ideal world would die and be resurected as a vampire, or possibly just die...whatever) and they would be introduced to this new character who could be evry thing that i have detailed above... but reluctant about it. Angel and Spike (and Illyria too for that matter) all have come to terms with the fact that they are champions and that they do good, but imagine if there was an angel (one who had not fallen but had merely stumbled) who was doing good because he had to but who desperately hated himself for it. An angel who is good and virtuous but who doesn't want to be and as a reault has the potential to be truly evil.
I havn't quite figured out yet why he would have been sent to earth, probably something to do with absolution and redemption and all that jazz, but two things about the character i ahve worked out,
1. He would have a very cynical and down right hateful view of the ptb and the concept of champions in general (i imagine him using the term 'mindless puppets'quite often)
2. He would have to have known Illyria from back in the days when he had done good willingly (i.e. before he stumbled) which would lead to a possible supernatural romance or at least a little bit of tension since he would think now how she thought before she became good.

Oh yeah and he he would like Spike but not Angel even tough the terms of his parol meant that he had to follow Angel's orders.
Oh the possibilities!

'If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do'.


Friday, December 1, 2006 1:41 PM


First off, Spike is a great character and all but I'm tired of his wussy side. Have some evil cult rip his soul out and shove some evil back down his throat. I mean like Season 2 of Buffy evil. None of his pathetic failures from there on out. Then he could be a recurring bad guy or something.

I'm sure they could go a long way with just Illyria. Maybe get Conner back as a regular. He seemed like a really good character by then end. If Eve survived she'd make a good replacement for Wes in the research department. Joss always loves redeeming people. She'd make for good episodes. Add in Angel's new girlfriend and we got a crew again. I'm sure they could come up with plenty of whacky adventures.

One thing I'd been really waiting for is to find out that the powers that be is just the good guys name for the senior partners (the bad guys name). That really Angel and Wolfram and Heart are just pawns in some totally different agenda. Could end up with some sort of partnering of Wolfram and Heart with Angel to go take them on or something.


Friday, December 1, 2006 1:45 PM


Chrisisall Wrote:


The powers that be get waxed, apparently, and Angel and Spike BOTH gain humanity in the battle.

N I C E The powers that be amounted to little more than the 'council' from Buffy so offing them would have been a swift idea - to leave our charcaters' situation as severe...


They've earned it, and a rest.
One of the Slayers falls for Spike, who doesn't mind at all ("Buffy? She was like a sis to me. And I was like a demon to her *beat* it worked out."), and Angel gets a call from Buffy. We never hear her speaking, but he listens to the phone for a few seconds, and all he says in response is "Yes." The other end clicks as if hung up very quickly, leaving Angel with a smile on his lips and a tear in his eye.

Why Big C... you are an incurable romantic :D



Friday, December 1, 2006 2:28 PM



Originally posted by TheSomnambulist:

Why Big C... you are an incurable romantic :D




Friday, December 1, 2006 3:07 PM


Well for starters, I would have liked to have seen at least Wesley brought back. The team really wouldn't be the same without him. I'm almost more accepting of Cordy and Fred's death than I am of his. Lorne, on the other hand, I think would probably do better staying away from the group. He was starting to lose his sense of self by being involved with the gang. If he came back at all, it would have to be in a limited capacity.

Secondly, and this is just me being evil, I would want to see Team Angel go to war with the slayers. I'm sure it might sound implausible to most, but hear me out. Angel and Buffy have very different ways of dealing with the enemy (Buffy being of the "how do I kill it" variety, where as Angel is more of a "how can I save it" type of guy). I think those different perspectives would eventually clash.

One of the only things I didn't like about both finales is that some of the issues between the characters didn't get resolved properly (the Scoobies resentment of Spike, Angel and Spike's issues with Buffy, etc.). So maybe this would be a way to address that.


"So long and goodnight."


Saturday, December 2, 2006 2:27 AM


I think the most dramatic way (and this is full of plot holes!) would be for Angelus to reemerge properly. And actual bad-ass Angelus as opposed to the woose we saw in season 4. Maybe kill and turn Gunn and resurrect Wes on their side, leaving Spike and Illyria to fight them. Bring back some Buffy characters - have Willow try and fail to restore Angel's soul, then have Buffy and Faith try and take him down. Faith is killed because she can't really bring herself to kill Angel. Then theres a massive showdown: Gunn vs Spike, Illyria vs Wes and Buffy vs Angelus. Not sure how that should end.
This isn't really answering the question, as its overly specific plot line! One of my favourite exchanges in Ats5 was in 'Unleashed' when they discuss how the werewolf tryed for a while to control it and then gave up. And I'd be interested to see what happends when Angel, disenchanted by the loss of Fred, Cordelia, Doyle and Wes whereas he is unable to meet his match. And so he stops trying - maybe goes too far trying to bring back Wes and has to pay with his soul.


Sunday, December 3, 2006 7:54 AM


Just an idea...Wes is brought back in some way, possibly as a badass, mostly indestructible warlock-type (sort of like Evil Willow, but not actually evil). He's brought back by Illyria and Connor(and Willow!), who need his help to track down the missing Angel (assuming David Boreanaz would turn down the role). Still, he's not a happy guy at being brought back and having to continue to live forever without Fred, but he's willing to help the cause anyway. Standing in their way is Gunn, who is now a vampire (among other other words, not easy to kill). He may or may not know what happened to Angel...either way, he's not talking. Illyria forces Spike to help periodically, but he's got distractions of his own (Drusilla!). Connor tries to locate Angel by doing research online when he finds that someone else is also looking for Angel. The woman looking for Angel needs help for her sister, who's in deep with the Immortal (HA!), who has decided to lean toward evil after all, as it turns out. Connor falls hard for little sis, and she with him, neither fully realizing who the other is until Michelle Trachtenberg decides to stop copying SMG and put in an appearance. We would find out eventually what happened to Angel, it just wouldn't necessarily be shown onscreen.






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