Angel reviews from a first time watcher

UPDATED: Thursday, March 1, 2007 15:21
VIEWED: 2888
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Friday, February 9, 2007 6:21 PM


Hello all, I am new to the world of Angel (and Buffy...sort of) I have been watching Buffy for a while now and have reached the point where Angel spins off. I will be posting my thoughts on each episode as I go along, for anyone who hasn't seen the show there's going to be LOTS of spoilers, for everyone who has seen the show, please don't post any spoilers of your own, thanks.


Friday, February 9, 2007 6:37 PM


Episode 101: City Of

Yay! Angel! Angel was my second favorite character from Buffy and now he has his own show! Now if only they didn't have to break Buffy\Angel up to get it.... Anyway, starts out a little funny with Angel doing the drunk thing (was great when they cut to the black guy) and then dusting a few vamps. Doyle is kind of interesting (IIRC his part was supposed to be Whistler from Buffy season 2 but there were issues), and I think it'll be interesting to get some background on his character. Cordy...I didn't like her in Buffy but I'll give her a chance to re-establish herself here before I pass judgement.

The story is kinda interesting, with someone being sent to make Angel reconnect with his human side (I wonder what the ulterior motive is? (DON'T TELL ME!)). It was funny to see them try to compress the entire Buffy\Angel thing plus Angel's backstory into a few flashbacks to get the neophytes up to speed. I was actually wondering if Tina was gonna make it through the ep to become a recurring character...guess not. I'm already kinda seeing the more mature themes that people were telling me about in Angel and liking it. I can't really think of much else to say right now except that it's a promising start and I'm watching ep 2 tonight.


Monday, February 12, 2007 8:49 PM


I tried to alternate as well, but Angel was anything but a favorite character (I kinda liked him as a villian), and I ended up returning the first disc of season one without finishing it. Now that I'm winding down the last season of Buffy, I'm thinking of going back.

Question: Is it possible to skip the seasons until Spike joins up? And during what season does Spike become a regular?


Monday, February 12, 2007 9:56 PM


Spike becomes a regular in the fifth season (the last season). Skipping the entire first four seasons would make you incredibly lost.

Select to view spoiler:

especially confusing is why Wesley is all...different


Tuesday, February 20, 2007 7:01 PM


Episode 102: Lonely Hearts

Kind of a meh ep, Angel trying to talk to women was kinda funny but not really interesting. I will admit, they fooled me into thinking that "Sarah plain and tall" was the killer. I thought it was a bit of a stretch that Kate seemed to assume that Angel was the killer based off of hiim not wanting her to go into the bar, I mean that's stretching it a bit. Cordy's talk about demons with Doyle was pretty good though, as was the bartender trying to get laid with his forehead peeling off.

Decent action and a pretty good plot, but just not that great of an ep.


Tuesday, February 20, 2007 8:21 PM


Episode 103: In The Dark

Anyone else get a little more of an evil vibe off Spike this time? Maybe it's just that the last time we saw him (Buffy season 3) he spent the whole ep whining about Dru. His little speech while watching Angel and Rachel was pretty good but for the rest of the ep he seemed...meaner than usual. Maybe because he just got his ass beat by the slayer. Anyway, Cordy's greeting of Oz was way overdone well past the point of funny IMO, and I can't shake the feeling that Seth Green was a little stiffer than usual this time. I really, really don't get Angel's thing with the ring, I mean he doesn't HAVE to wear it all the time, he can just grab it when he needs it (like before a big fight), and I REALLY don't get why he broke it. The torture guy was kinda cool, Mozart, admitting that he would bore Angel to death, seeming to actually want to hear what Angel wanted, when he got the ring I thought we were looking at a recurring character, but alas.

All in all an OK ep, I hear that things pick up in the second half of the season and I can't wait for that because so far it's been really...medium.


Tuesday, February 20, 2007 9:51 PM



Originally posted by fredgiblet:
Episode 103: In The Dark

Anyway, Cordy's greeting of Oz was way overdone well past the point of funny IMO,

I thought it was an expression of how much she really missed Sunnydale High, and particularly how much she missed when she was the cheerleader, and dated the guy who was in the band with Oz... I've seen people gush at High School reunions, and I always thought it was because their lives had peaked in High School and they wanted it back....

and I can't shake the feeling that Seth Green was a little stiffer than usual this time.

and I think Seth's life had NOT peaked at High School, and he thought Cordy's reaction was weird and creepy!
(anyway, it worked for me)...

I'm glad you are watching all of these, I do agree that BtVS is better than Angel, but Angel still has it's moments, and the history does make a difference...
and you'll be happy when Faith shows up (at least I always was)!

Keep posting, it is fun to see it through fresh eyes...


Wednesday, February 28, 2007 9:42 PM


Episode 104: I Fall To Pieces

Well, I finally can say that there is an episode where Cordy does almost nothing to annoy me and make me dislike her character. In fact I actually liked her banter with Doyle and Angel throughout the ep, lots of great lines. I think the plot is a bit weak but as a whole the episode is decent, mainly on the strength of the interactions between the main characters. The villan is a, I don't know if it was the acting or the character but it just didn't seem to gel to me. The confrontation at the end was unsatisfying, I suppose that if I were a woman and had been through something like that it might have more weight, but I'm not. Pretty decent ep but nothing spectacular.


Thursday, March 1, 2007 2:15 PM


I missed Cordy when she left BTVS. Not because I liked the character, or because I found her to be eye candy, but simply because she played a big part in the group dynamic (especially the comic dimensions of the show). Her disappearance was part of the reason that I didn't like the first part of season four.

Anyhow, I've also finished the first four eps for the first time. I haven't fallen in love yet, but on the whole the show seems promising. I'm even coming to like Angel (probably because there is less mopiness with the Buffster around).


Thursday, March 1, 2007 3:21 PM



Originally posted by fredgiblet:
Episode 103: In The Dark


I really, really don't get Angel's thing with the ring, I mean he doesn't HAVE to wear it all the time, he can just grab it when he needs it (like before a big fight), and I REALLY don't get why he broke it.

Consider the possibilities of Angel losing his soul again while in the possesion of the gem. I shudder to think of the possibility of a virtually unkillable Angelus.


"Not completely as well as the series of Firefly..." - From a review of Serenity at






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