British SkyOne TV gives support to ANGEL... 6th season still possible?

UPDATED: Monday, March 8, 2004 02:41
VIEWED: 2432
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Sunday, March 7, 2004 4:04 AM


And yet another secondary broadcaster weighs in on the WB's premature cancellation of Angel (the other being Tribune Entertainment).


A posting in the SaveANGEL Forums (, reports that British Sky Broadcasting has been very responsive to fan inquiries in demonstrating support for ANGEL.

In a reply to the viewer's questions, Sky One says they too were surprise at the cancellation, and that ANGEL has been "one of our more popular programs with a loyal and passionate fan base."

Sky reports that they has been in communications with both The WB network and the producers of the show. According to the posting, the UK company has been told that negotiations are "going ahead behind closed doors to try and secure a sixth season."

Full article here:

"Just remember... all success is illusion: what has really been accomplished is the displacement of an area of specific failure to somewhere else... or is it the other way around?"


Sunday, March 7, 2004 7:24 PM


Hey, you beat me to it, I just noticed this article on as well and was going to post it here. I think along with the WB affiliate support and now this support encommpassing more than 17 million viewers, we may actually have a chance to save Angel. However I wonder sometimes if the WB network will admit to their stupidity by granting another season. And it is all too easy sometimes to believe that nothing we do will get us more Angel, look at everything we did for Firefly and no other network would touch it. Its just nice to think that fan support helped it get a movie deal. Here's to pluggin away hoping for a positive ending!

Darla: "No matter how good a boy you are God doesn't want you! But I still do."


Monday, March 8, 2004 2:41 AM


It's still all going to boil down to money, unfortunately. Regardless of the fan and distributor support, if WB isn't getting the ad revenue to pay for the show (now or later in syndication), they won't bring it back.

The real problem right now is that after the fifth season, they get into the two season option phase, where the once insignificant fees they paid for the show now become quite significant.

By cancelling the show, they achieve two things: they find out how much support their really is for the series (which can only help when setting advertising and rebroadcast rates), and they can negotiate with the production companies to keep the fees down (they would normally go up quite a bit after five seasons, and even more after seven).

I would not be surprised to find out several years down the road that this whole cancellation thing was never that simple... The nefarious plot goes like this: the WB cancels the show, knowing that it'll piss the fans off and they'll drum up support. If the fans make enough noise for the network to gain some leverage in negotiations, great... they recind the cancellation, wipe a little phoney egg off their collective faces, and everything is back to normal. If the fan support is weak, however, they simply make good on their action and dump a money-losing series. Overall, it's a win-win action for WB... sure, it annoys the fans, and the production companies won't make as much money as they hoped for the sixth and seventh seasons, and the re-broadcasters will have to pay more to distribute the show, but hey... the WB stockholders will be pleased and the executives in charge get a pat on the back and get to keep their jobs for a bit longer...

Am I cynical or what...? I need more coffee... grrrr...

"Just remember... all success is illusion: what has really been accomplished is the displacement of an area of specific failure to somewhere else... or is it the other way around?"






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