Connor was the worst character ever!

UPDATED: Monday, July 2, 2007 07:10
VIEWED: 18376
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Tuesday, May 8, 2007 5:14 PM


Agreed! I couldn't stand the little punk.

"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle."


Tuesday, May 8, 2007 5:21 PM


I am with Shanara on this one. Dawn SUCKED. I will say no more on that, because no more words are needed.

Now, I hated Tara, because she was insipid, but mostly I hated the implication that if a man does you wrong you can just "turn into" a lesbian and life is good. There was absolutely no indication that Willow might be gay UNTIL Oz broke her heart.

Oh and can I just say that I really wasn't found of the whole Jasmine thing either, although Gina ROCKED!

---- plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose

Bestower of Titles, Designer of Tshirts, Maker of Mottos, Keeper of the Pyre, Owner of a too big Turnippy smelling coat with MR scratched in the neck (thanks FollowMal!)

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

FORSAKEN original


Tuesday, May 8, 2007 5:44 PM


While I had no problem with Tara, I do agree with that sentiment. It seemed really random and arbitrary for Willow to suddenly switch teams. And the implication that Oz now has (that now not only is he a werewolf, but that he's basically George from SEINFELD who drives women to lesbianism) kind of turns him from a cool guy to a schmuck.

"Have you ever fired two guns whilst jumping through the air?"
"Have you ever fired ONE gun whilst jumping through the air?"


Tuesday, May 8, 2007 5:47 PM



Originally posted by reginaroadie:
While I had no problem with Tara, I do agree with that sentiment. It seemed really random and arbitrary for Willow to suddenly switch teams. And the implication that Oz now has (that now not only is he a werewolf, but that he's basically George from SEINFELD who drives women to lesbianism) kind of turns him from a cool guy to a schmuck.

"Have you ever fired two guns whilst jumping through the air?"
"Have you ever fired ONE gun whilst jumping through the air?"

I never thought of that. Ewwwww. And Oz was cool. When he left there was a definately hole in the show.

I have become really militant about how the world see's gays because of my son, and that whole plotline really bothered me. Now hod there been an inkling all along, well okay then. And a girl that age would have an inkling.

---- plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose

Bestower of Titles, Designer of Tshirts, Maker of Mottos, Keeper of the Pyre, Owner of a too big Turnippy smelling coat with MR scratched in the neck (thanks FollowMal!)

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

FORSAKEN original


Wednesday, May 9, 2007 11:02 AM



Originally posted by FutureMrsFIllion:
I am with Shanara on this one. Dawn SUCKED. I will say no more on that, because no more words are needed.

Now, I hated Tara, because she was insipid.

Oh and can I just say that I really wasn't found of the whole Jasmine thing either, although Gina ROCKED!

Dawn did suck at the start, but later her character started to develop in a direction I learned to like. Dawn stopped the whining spree later on and from then on I liked her.

Tara's character was "insipid" only because the writers didn't give her full depth. She was allowed to be a character without a lot of explanation of who and what she was, or believed, and this left it up to the viewing audience to extrapolate from the personality set,or read into the personality set that was provided to the audience.

I personally liked Tara. She seemed sweet, sensitive, and humble. Also I've known other women who have been in so-called straight relationship with guys, and then after a major divorce, or break up find themselves dating women. These women didn't really know themselves that they had gay tendencies until they were put into a situation that brought it out of them. Maybe this is what happened to Willow?

I don't know why but I didn't like the Oz character at all. I didn't hate him, but I really didn't connect with him. I guess I really don't like "one-liner" guys. I like guys who know how to express themselves, and Oz was not one of them. I was glad when he broke up with Willow.

I loved the whole Jasmine episodes. I think I even started a thread regarding this, but it seems that most people thought that losing their self-will to Jasmine was the worse thing on Earth where as I thought it was a boon to humanity. Go Figure. The fact that you are made totally happy to the point where you wouldn't mind if she ate you seems like a good idea to me. You are so happy you are not afraid to die. Personally I think humanity would have been better off with Jasmine, but that's just my personal opinion.



Wednesday, May 9, 2007 3:19 PM


i think that willow was straight and thought she was and then because of tara she became a lesbian she said that to kenedy it wasn't like she knew it was tara that made her know

girly billy but more girly then billy


Wednesday, May 9, 2007 4:04 PM


I don't personally "hate" any of the characters, I feel like I can connect with them all in some way, or at least see where they're coming from.

Connor and Dawn were both pretty annoying around their introductions but they both really grew up over the seasons. Considering that each show had the "whiny teenager" aspect, I'm not sure we can totally be sure it wasn't intentional, their behaviour became very important parts of their respective plot-lines.

As for Tara. First off it's not true that Willow just decided to be gay with no lead up, does nobody remember Vamp-Willow, "Evil, slutty and kinda gay"? For season 4 and 5 she was pretty much just "Willow's girlfriend" but I never hated her even as that. After she and Willow broke up though you really got to know her character and she was pretty cool. She was still all sweet and sensitive but in less "dire need of speech therapy" but she also had guts and was a pretty strong woman (no I will not say "like an Amazon"). Plus the whole "Can we just skip it?" speech was hilarious and it made her death that much sadder. But it wasn't unexpected, I mean c'mon we all know Joss, Tara and Willow were happy and when people are happy on his shows somebody dies or turns evil, in this case both.

Incase you haven't realized, I'm a big Tara fan.

Cordy during the whole Angel/Cordy sorta-kinda-thing was annoying. It kind of ruined the whole idea of Angel, Angel just isn't Angel without the broody aspect. He has teh stupid gypsy curse so that he can suffer eternal torment and guilt and stuff right? Then he falls in love with Buffy but he can't be with her, which equals broody. Cordy being his pseudo love intrest ruins it a bit, since when was moving-on a part of eternal suffering?

Okay, I think I'm done now...

"Rational thought, it's an aquired taste"


Wednesday, May 9, 2007 6:03 PM



Originally posted by RiveR6213:

Originally posted by FutureMrsFIllion:
I am with Shanara on this one. Dawn SUCKED. I will say no more on that, because no more words are needed.

Now, I hated Tara, because she was insipid.

Oh and can I just say that I really wasn't found of the whole Jasmine thing either, although Gina ROCKED!

Dawn did suck at the start, but later her character started to develop in a direction I learned to like. Dawn stopped the whining spree later on and from then on I liked her.

Tara's character was "insipid" only because the writers didn't give her full depth. She was allowed to be a character without a lot of explanation of who and what she was, or believed, and this left it up to the viewing audience to extrapolate from the personality set,or read into the personality set that was provided to the audience.

I personally liked Tara. She seemed sweet, sensitive, and humble. Also I've known other women who have been in so-called straight relationship with guys, and then after a major divorce, or break up find themselves dating women. These women didn't really know themselves that they had gay tendencies until they were put into a situation that brought it out of them. Maybe this is what happened to Willow?

I don't know why but I didn't like the Oz character at all. I didn't hate him, but I really didn't connect with him. I guess I really don't like "one-liner" guys. I like guys who know how to express themselves, and Oz was not one of them. I was glad when he broke up with Willow.

I loved the whole Jasmine episodes. I think I even started a thread regarding this, but it seems that most people thought that losing their self-will to Jasmine was the worse thing on Earth where as I thought it was a boon to humanity. Go Figure. The fact that you are made totally happy to the point where you wouldn't mind if she ate you seems like a good idea to me. You are so happy you are not afraid to die. Personally I think humanity would have been better off with Jasmine, but that's just my personal opinion.


I didn't see your other thread... I sort of hang around sporadically... but I thought that the Jasmine concept was the only redeeming feature of Season 4. I thought it was a great moral dilemma - what would you choose? Unreality and possibly evil, but happiness and contentment, or truth and harshness and angst and still, eventually, death? I don't know, for myself, and I suspect that I would probably vacillate between the two.
Sometimes we get to choose between the two, sometimes the choice is made for us, sometimes we choose so subconsciously we aren't aware of it...
But that's a great thought, which I will not probably keep ruminating on all day...
Thank you.


Wednesday, May 9, 2007 6:15 PM


I guess another reason why I didn't like the Connor character was I personally thought that they picked the wrong actor to play him. He seemed way too feminine. He should have been a little harder around the edges and a "silent type" who didn't talk very much, but acted. He should have had difficulty in expressing himself because I mean the kid WAS brought up in a hell dimension after all. Am I the only one who thinks this?

The whole idea of Jasmine appealed too me, and made me think of a Christian story regarding why God created man. It seemed God wanted a creation that worshiped him using their own free will. All of his other creations worshiped him because they were hard-wired to worship him. The thought of this appealed to me because the idea of choice was removed, and I would follow Jasmine without ever even thinking "should I or shouldn't I" It would be hard-wired into me and all I would have to do is follow the program and I would be happy. I would be happy always, and the burden of decisions and choices would be up to someone else. This appeals to me, and I think that humanity would have been better off. I mean look at the result of our choices and acts of self will...death, pain, suffering, destruction, misery, and of course the occasional act of goodness, or maybe some one comes up with a cure for some disease that's been giving humanity a rough time, but on the whole...the default position of humanity is pain, suffering, destruction, misery, and this is how we grow. I rather have Jasmine running the show but Connor killed her so I better just shut up.



Wednesday, May 9, 2007 7:38 PM


I've just finished S4. I can't comment on what Connor becomes because all I know him as is troubled Connor. Yeah, he was annoying. Sometimes I felt it was justified and expected. But mostly I thought he was unfocused and moody. It seemed he wanted so much for those 16 years of believing his father was evil to be true that he would create situations where Angel had to be an ass. Gah.

On the Jasmine front: Kill me if you're going to take away my right to free will. I don't care if I would be happy, I wouldn't be me. If there's ever going to be peace on earth, I'd like it to be our doing not some god's magic smile. Don't get me wrong, I'd do Gina, but no way I'd let her take away my choice to do her.

Sometimes I lie awake at night, and I ask, "Where have I gone wrong?" Then a voice says to me, "This is going to take more than one night."
-- Charlie Brown


Thursday, May 10, 2007 4:54 PM


I didn't think personally that Connor was effeminate, just pre-pubescent and whiny.
As for Jasmine, I think that one of the interesting things about it was that afterwards, there was a big question mark over whether or not they had done the right thing. They clearly thought so, but not everyone agreed...


Thursday, May 10, 2007 5:12 PM



Originally posted by thatweirdgirl:
I've just finished S4. I can't comment on what Connor becomes because all I know him as is troubled Connor. Yeah, he was annoying. Sometimes I felt it was justified and expected. But mostly I thought he was unfocused and moody. It seemed he wanted so much for those 16 years of believing his father was evil to be true that he would create situations where Angel had to be an ass. Gah.

On the Jasmine front: Kill me if you're going to take away my right to free will. I don't care if I would be happy, I wouldn't be me.

Oh, that's okay. You are entitled to your opinion regarding Jasmine, and if you're dying because you don't want to share in Jasmine's love, and are so intent on being you then, so be it; jedi. Now, don't even think of trying to run!

"With a mean, and somewhat sadistic smile on her face, River6213 picks up the big, rusty axe and eyes Thatweirdgirl. Thatweirdgirl realizes that River6213 is serious, and she actually tries to flee the scene, but before she can even make it out the door River6213 jumps on her back and chops off her head and is satisfied by the wet, thunk sound that her head makes as it hits the floor..."

"That'll learn her" River6213 thinks.




Thursday, May 10, 2007 5:15 PM



Sometimes I lie awake at night, and I ask, "Where have I gone wrong?" Then a voice says to me, "This is going to take more than one night."
-- Charlie Brown


Saturday, May 12, 2007 11:54 AM



Originally posted by dax82:
I think the show went downhill as soon as they introduced pain in the ass Connor. As soon as he was out of the picture the show was great again, except for losing Cordelia.

Sure Connor was annoying but wasn't he suppose to be? Was he not designed for that very dynamic within the show? I don't think he was the reason for the shows downward spiral though, it felt more like the writers were struggling with the extended seasonal arc - which though brave, was maybe a little weak to sustain through 25 epsiodes. This on top of the fact that it was now the 3rd season and lets face it ideas were being repeated.


Saturday, May 12, 2007 1:25 PM


*from a pool of blood, she waves at Ric*

Sometimes I lie awake at night, and I ask, "Where have I gone wrong?" Then a voice says to me, "This is going to take more than one night."
-- Charlie Brown


Saturday, May 12, 2007 3:37 PM



Originally posted by thatweirdgirl:
*from a pool of blood, she waves at Ric*

Sometimes I lie awake at night, and I ask, "Where have I gone wrong?" Then a voice says to me, "This is going to take more than one night."
-- Charlie Brown

From some very cool dark circuit board I wave back. :D - (I seem to be able to access the site at last! When the silicon chip gods allow.)

How are you TWG? I miss our frequent japes into surreal banter and observations of life on it's side.

I'm glad to see you are still around. I feared I'd lose touch with you and other good folk here. I seem to have some sort of Bermuda Triangle thing going on here with this site. INSTRUMENTS GO CRAZY and I seem unable to find the place....

Anyway I'll be thankfull for this moment if only to see you wave :D

*Sends smoke signals*


Friday, June 22, 2007 7:02 AM



Originally posted by dax82:
I think the show went downhill as soon as they introduced pain in the ass Connor. As soon as he was out of the picture the show was great again, except for losing Cordelia.

I just started watching Angel about a month ago, and you are soooo right. Connor was a poorly casted, poorly acting character. No redeeming qualities. He was annoying when he was supposed to be wise and insightfull, and annoying when he was naive like with Cordy and that baby thing. I'm watching those reruns on TNT right now and yesterday Cordy give birth to Zoey and it's freaking me out. Glad to hear it get's better though

"How drunk was I last night?"
"I don't know I passed out"


Saturday, June 30, 2007 11:01 PM


Connor is actually my favourite character in all of Angel. I thought he was excellently cast, excellently acted and excellently written. He was so real and, yes, deeply flawed, but I found this refreshing. I was still sympathetic to what happened to him and could always see why he did the things he did.

I could go into a much deeper and more intricate explation but it would be so involved I really can't be bothered right now...


Monday, July 2, 2007 7:10 AM



Originally posted by Lexan:
Connor is actually my favourite character in all of Angel. I thought he was excellently cast, excellently acted and excellently written. He was so real and, yes, deeply flawed, but I found this refreshing. I was still sympathetic to what happened to him and could always see why he did the things he did.

I could go into a much deeper and more intricate explation but it would be so involved I really can't be bothered right now..

Wow...touchy touchy.

If you're not on Malbadinlatin's side, you're with the terrorists.






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