Angel himself weighs in!

UPDATED: Thursday, March 18, 2004 17:56
VIEWED: 3817
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Sunday, March 14, 2004 11:23 AM


And my friends it looks like its done...

Can't argue with the man can we? I'm sure Joss feels the same way.

Maybe it's time for a NEW Buffy spin off? Maybe after Serenity...

Burn the land and boil the sea, you can't take Wash and Book from me...


Monday, March 15, 2004 9:15 PM


I have to say, I was very dissapointed after reading this interview. And exactly when did this "I’m not generally in favour of “reunions” because there is no reason to go back. It took a lot to get me to do Buffy. At one point I really didn’t want to do it, but as a favour to Sarah I did it." happen? In earlier interviews all he did was talk about how he wanted to go do Buffy for the fans, and how pissed he was that she wasn't going to come do his show and 'return the favor'. I normally love David interviews, but I think his nonchalant, live moment to moment don't look too far in the future 'cause the present might bite you in the ass attitude, does not serve him well in this interview and is an insult to the fans of Angel. It doesn't even sound like he thinks ATS should be over, it would be one thing if he did. Instead it just sounds like it is something he has reasoned as having happened, a kind of 'oh well, no use in dwelling on it...' devil may care attitude. How ever did the man get to where he is today with this kind of mind-set? Sure, he is stress free...but will he have another job anytime soon? Yes I am a little bitter, I just lost a whole lot of respect for someone I genuinely liked outside of his role on the show. Here's to hoping this was a fluke!

I only fell is all.


Monday, March 15, 2004 10:21 PM


I agree, this interview didn't do anything for Boreanaz's popularity. Remember, though, that Boreanaz is just the actor - he isn't Angel, he didn't invent Angel and doesn't decide what Angel does or says. I've always been more a fan of the writers of both Buffy and Angel than of the actors. Though their talents are of course part of the dynamics that create the fantastic series, they've never impressed me the way the writers have. And take a look at what the writers have gone on to make (Firefly) as compared to what the actors do (Scooby-doo, Valentine).

That Boreanaz should have appeared on Buffy as a personal favour to another actor seems extremely unlikely - it's bound to be deal between the people running the two shows. I'm not denying that Boreanaz's acceptance was required - he just makes it sound like the lead actor is identical with the show. Which of course is very much in his interest.


Tuesday, March 16, 2004 3:21 PM



Originally posted by sasja:
Remember, though, that Boreanaz is just the actor - he isn't Angel, he didn't invent Angel and doesn't decide what Angel does or says. I've always been more a fan of the writers of both Buffy and Angel than of the actors. Though their talents are of course part of the dynamics that create the fantastic series, they've never impressed me the way the writers have. And take a look at what the writers have gone on to make (Firefly) as compared to what the actors do (Scooby-doo, Valentine).

You are correct, my friend. Sometimes I forget that Spike isn't real, and James Marsters ain't British. We have to remember that these folks are just playing roles for us. Let's enjoy what we get from them, and don't expect them to be what they play at. The writing is the real star.

That having been said... While being an actor doesn't have the same stresses that most of us live through, it's gotta be a tough life, with round the clock shooting, the relentless pressure of the deadline, etc. Anyway, I never felt too bad for any of the actors - strangely, I feel bad for Joss. Angel is his child, and it was ripped from him by clueless bean-counting dorks who don't give a rip for the creative process. I wonder if Joss won't be too frustrated to try again, because I sure as hell couldn't blame him if he was. For us, it's a show. For him, it's his livelihood.

"Why're you arguin' what's already been decided?"
Mal to Jayne, "Jaynestown"


Wednesday, March 17, 2004 5:35 PM


I guess I didn't take the interview the same as some of you. I didn't see it as disrespectful, but as him simply giving up under the pressure. He just doesn't want anyone to waste their money on the fundraisers and whatnot. He said he felt bad for the fans, but I'm sure he's hurt and this is his way of dealing. I wish him the best in his future! Especailly if it's a Angel or Buffy movie!

Burn the land and boil the sea, you can't take Wash and Book from me...


Thursday, March 18, 2004 5:56 PM


I agree with you about the writing, I have notebooks devoted to downloaded scripts of all three shows. I am a writer and I find a lot of inspiration from this writing. It normally starts off my creative train of thought for the day. The actors are all great, and the shows really wouldn't be what they are without them, but the writing is always what has stood out for me. I see something new everytime I read a script or see an episode again. And I also worry about what Joss will decide to do, especially since he will be busy with Serenity.

Darla: "No matter how good a boy you are - God doesn't want you!"
Darla: "But I still do."






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