Giant Angel Spoiler link-- How the Series ends.

UPDATED: Wednesday, May 19, 2004 19:49
VIEWED: 7379
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Saturday, April 17, 2004 5:05 PM


Below is a link that purports to have major information on the last episode of Angel. DO NOT access it unless you really want to know what happens. I mean it-- this is not for the faint of heart or anyone who wants to be surprised. This looks like very solid, detailed information about how the series will end. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED....

Oh, bugger! Now I have to wait for someone to wake up!


Saturday, April 17, 2004 5:41 PM


Thanks, Peace.

Sigh. I'm still trying to accept that the show is ending at all. And we get hit with that.


Saturday, April 17, 2004 6:24 PM


My problem is, I frequently prefer to know the ending of a book or movie before I see it, so spoilers like this don't bother me too much. Call me sick (people have) but it's just a personal preference of mine. On the other hand, I know that knowing stuff in advance drives other people completely around the ruttin' bend, so I warned them.

I also don't think nothing much fazes me since they killed off Fred.

Oh, bugger! Now I have to wait for someone to wake up!


Saturday, April 17, 2004 6:48 PM


Thanks for the post. I'm a total spoiler whore (erm, companion)! To me it's the same as checking the weather for the weekend -- I like to know what to expect.

"Appears they've canceled the show and we're still here. What does that make us?"
"Big damn junkies, Sir!"
"Ain't we just."


Sunday, April 18, 2004 6:29 AM



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Killing off Fred was majorly depressing, but the thought that she'll get back just in time to watch Wesley die is just too much (they're my 2 favorite characters).

I have a feeling this is going to a watch the episode, crawl into the bathtub with the toaster kind of evening.



Sunday, April 18, 2004 9:15 AM



Originally posted by Delia:

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Killing off Fred was majorly depressing, but the thought that she'll get back just in time to watch Wesley die is just too much (they're my 2 favorite characters).

I have a feeling this is going to a watch the episode, crawl into the bathtub with the toaster kind of evening.


Leave out the toaster, pour yourself some wine or beverage of your choice (I favor root beer), and contemplate that it's been a good run while it lasted. Whatever happens, we've been eyewitnesses to some major art. In the long run, I think people will see that Joss' work is very important, and we were there while it happened.

Oh, bugger! Now I have to wait for someone to wake up!


Sunday, April 18, 2004 5:02 PM


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I had read this spoiler on spoilerfix and was very upset, but mostly confused. How are they going to possibly make TV movies, as has been reported in many sources including CNN, if everyone is dead? I just keep hoping this is a fabricated spoiler to mislead us in order for a big surprise. I just can't believe this could be the actual ending. Joss left almost everyone alive at the end of BTVS, and he didin't have TV movie offers then. Do you think it is possible that he plans on turning down the TV movies? Again I had doubted that very much with the news that the series finale is a cliffhanger. Is it really so inconceivable that this spoiler is just a smokescreen considering Joss went to such lengths to conceal Linsey's return as well as Cordelia's death, neither of which was revealed prior to the airing of the episodes on any spoiler site I had visited, and I visit many, I too am a spoiler addict. Perhaps I am just in denial over the the final dusting of the Buffyverse, as well as the demise of television's Jossverse. Its all just too sad to find any type of solace in the veracity of the extraordinary run of both of these exquisite series.

No toaster for me, I guess I prefer the old fashioned way -

I only fell is all.


Sunday, April 18, 2004 7:15 PM



I hope you're right, but I'm almost afraid to, because I think I'll need the five weeks to come to terms with it all.

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But you're right -- what would there be to do with movies with only Spike, Angel, and Fred and/or Illyria left?



Sunday, April 18, 2004 7:16 PM



It's been an incredible run. I just want it to end differently is all.

All right, all right, no toasters.



Monday, April 19, 2004 7:25 AM


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All right, I have to say it, but does this whole spoiler feel like the sell-out of the century? I mean, the people who survive are the 'pretty' ones, and the characters with actual emotional impact, the characters we've followed for years, seen grow and developed emotional bonds with, are the ones killed? It doesn't seem very smart to me to kill off all the remaining human characters, and only leave the 'supermen' around. It seems to go against the show's point, that victim characters can rise and be strong. To go back on that now makes no sense. I suppose I'm ranting, but I was extremely upset by this news, if it is real. My only hope is that we got a similar spoiler for Xander before the end of Buffy, to which I had a similar complaint, and he *did* live. The idea that you would take Gunn, who's had such a fascinating story arc this season, Wesley, who Joss once joked that the show could be renamed for, and kill them both, leaving ANgel, who needs his human contact to stay in this world, Ilyria, whoi, despite her hotness, the audience doesn't really care about (or even Fred, who I only cared about in her final episode) and Spike, who is amusing, but by no means as emotioally moving as Gunn and Wes, and to end the series with them, and in a damn cliffhanger? Does that seem sane to you? I do pray that Joss is screwing with our heads to divert us from the real end of the series, because I'm going to be seriously pissed if they end the series i have devoted five years of my life to in such a, forgive me, waste.

"Once, just once, I'd like to be able to land someplace and say, 'Behold, I am the Archangel Gabriel.'"
"I fail to see the humor in that situation, Doctor."
"Naturally. You could hardly claim to be an angel with those pointed ears, Mister Spock. But say you landed someplace with a pitchfork . . ."
-McCoy and Spock


Monday, April 19, 2004 10:11 AM


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I admit that your suggestions that this spoiler is a red herring is a possibility-- and note that the source does not say it is straight from Joss, but from a "reliable" source. We will just have to see what happens.

If the events depicted in the spoiler are in fact part of the finale, I won't be too heartbroken (maybe a little). Stuff happens when you're battling evil, and Joss has never been shy about showing consequences. We knew we would be in for a rough ride; personally I think it would dishonest any other way.

Having said that, I was saddened by Fred's death; I, for one, always rooted for her character since Pylea (beauty and brains-- a tough combination to beat). That was the passage that was rough for me to take. Yes, Illyria is still around, but, taking the story at face-value, it's not Fred. But, as I said, there are always consequences, and it's not always the bad guys who bite it-- the innocent and good get hurt, too.

Oh, bugger! Now I have to wait for someone to wake up!


Monday, April 19, 2004 1:26 PM


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I think that what really kills me is Wesley. I mean, his story arc has been so rich, and it's not nearly over. THe boy deserves some happiness, and to me he's been the heart and soul of this show since his introduction. The idea that he'd be killed off for a plot device just makes me feel physically ill. I know that innocents die. In fact, on these shows, I advocate it, but it simply feels cheap to me that they leave the characters who have only been in a season or less alive, and they kill the ones that actually have soul. It makes the future of the franchise look very bleak to me.

The other thing i had real problems with was the fact that the survivors are all the people who have been on magizine covers of Seventeen, Maxim, ect., and so i almsot feel that a false popularity card is being played. Call me crazy, but it feels like they're only letting the 'hotties' survive the show, which feels like something that would happen on a lesser program, but not here. Here, it's about characters, and I feel that to only leave Spike and Ilyria at Angel's side is a betrayal of the characters and the principles of the show. Ultimately, Joss' shows are about humanity, and how it relates to the world around it. TO kill off the humans seems so very contrary and wrong.

I'm sorry, but I feel like I'm hearing about the end of "Dallas" before it happened.

"Once, just once, I'd like to be able to land someplace and say, 'Behold, I am the Archangel Gabriel.'"
"I fail to see the humor in that situation, Doctor."
"Naturally. You could hardly claim to be an angel with those pointed ears, Mister Spock. But say you landed someplace with a pitchfork . . ."
-McCoy and Spock


Monday, April 19, 2004 2:34 PM



Originally posted by ParadigmShift:

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I think that what really kills me is Wesley. I mean, his story arc has been so rich, and it's not nearly over. THe boy deserves some happiness, and to me he's been the heart and soul of this show since his introduction. The idea that he'd be killed off for a plot device just makes me feel physically ill. I know that innocents die. In fact, on these shows, I advocate it, but it simply feels cheap to me that they leave the characters who have only been in a season or less alive, and they kill the ones that actually have soul. It makes the future of the franchise look very bleak to me.

The other thing i had real problems with was the fact that the survivors are all the people who have been on magizine covers of Seventeen, Maxim, ect., and so i almsot feel that a false popularity card is being played. Call me crazy, but it feels like they're only letting the 'hotties' survive the show, which feels like something that would happen on a lesser program, but not here. Here, it's about characters, and I feel that to only leave Spike and Ilyria at Angel's side is a betrayal of the characters and the principles of the show. Ultimately, Joss' shows are about humanity, and how it relates to the world around it. TO kill off the humans seems so very contrary and wrong.

I'm sorry, but I feel like I'm hearing about the end of "Dallas" before it happened.

"Once, just once, I'd like to be able to land someplace and say, 'Behold, I am the Archangel Gabriel.'"
"I fail to see the humor in that situation, Doctor."
"Naturally. You could hardly claim to be an angel with those pointed ears, Mister Spock. But say you landed someplace with a pitchfork . . ."
-McCoy and Spock

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I understand your concerns. As for Wes, well, his centrality to the show makes him (for Joss) an even more tempting target-- who better to kill off than someone we care about (it's the principle of doing the worst possible thing to your characters)? We also don't know if something is preventing Alexi Denisoff (sp) from continuing with whatever is going to follow the series, and Joss had to write him out of the storyline (always a risk with this sort of serial story-telling).

As for the other issue, I can't really see Joss playing to popularity. IF (and that may be a big if) what we are talking about comes to pass, there is almost certainly something story-related involved-- I think Joss has too much integrity as a writer to do otherwise. He has certainly shown little sign of such pandering before-- the Buffy ep in which Jenny Calendar died woke me up to the fact that we are dealing with a different brand of catfish in Joss than your usual run of TV bottom-feeders.

And remember, it appears that this finale is set up for some sort of story continuation later. Joss may have something big and grander in mind for down the road. Perhaps all will not be lost in the end....

Oh, bugger! Now I have to wait for someone to wake up!


Monday, April 19, 2004 5:48 PM


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I suppose it's just the issue of *what* will come once we've gotten rid of all the characters that are emotionally impacting. I adore Joss, and he's never ceased to amaze me, but this sounds like the Superfriends, and not a drama about people. Spike has made me laugh, but his drama has never hit me hard. He's a great peripheral character, but he gets boring when he's front and center. Angel without the snappish wit of Cory or the mirroring struggles of Wesley has little emotional core (example: season two, after he fired the gang, I completely lost interst in the doings of the Dark Revenger), and Ilyria, while she ahs potential, is a Hell Goddess. It's hard to relate to a Hell Goddess, no matter how in pain she is. I just fear that any tv movies without the human element will seem flat, somehow, and lacking in the people yuo can ideantify with adn sob for. Gun can wrench me, Wes absolutely kills me every time he's in pain. Even Fed, when she died, made me tear up, but I have never cried for Angel. I've never cried for Spike, and I've certainly not cried for Ilyria, nor do I expect to. At the moment, she's eye candy, and nothing more. And I don't want movies of eye candy. I want our imperfect humans.

"Once, just once, I'd like to be able to land someplace and say, 'Behold, I am the Archangel Gabriel.'"
"I fail to see the humor in that situation, Doctor."
"Naturally. You could hardly claim to be an angel with those pointed ears, Mister Spock. But say you landed someplace with a pitchfork . . ."
-McCoy and Spock


Monday, April 19, 2004 7:07 PM


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I'll guess we'll just have to see, Paradigmshift-- and I hope everything works out so that you're happier with the results-- it does sound like you have a good sense of what made the series tick-- and you're right, a storyline about the "Superfriends" would be pretty boring.

Oh, bugger! Now I have to wait for someone to wake up!


Monday, April 19, 2004 8:04 PM


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Lord, I hope this is all a bunch of crap being fed to us by a brilliant and conniving Joss, who's laughing somewhere as we fret and stew. I trust in him, and I just pray he maintains that capacity to impress the pants off me. I hope that he's got this brilliant plan of side-tracking us while crazy pyrotechnics are being done in his laboratory of cinema creation.

We shall definitely have to wait and see.

"Once, just once, I'd like to be able to land someplace and say, 'Behold, I am the Archangel Gabriel.'"
"I fail to see the humor in that situation, Doctor."
"Naturally. You could hardly claim to be an angel with those pointed ears, Mister Spock. But say you landed someplace with a pitchfork . . ."
-McCoy and Spock


Tuesday, April 20, 2004 2:42 AM


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Angel and his super side kicks? Sounds deadly dull. Frankly, Angel is the character who has interested me the least from the beginning. (I can only take so much of the gloomy, brooding, I-must-atone-for-my-wrongs stuff. He's always so much more interesting when he's evil.) And while I like Spike, I'm not sure what to make of Illyria yet. Either way, two souled vampires and a whatever-the-heck-Illyria-is/will-be do not a show make, at least in my opinion. There's been too much super, not enough human of late (and I really miss Cordy. Spike and Harmony just don't do an adequate job filling the void.)

I guess I look at this proposed ending and just feel cheated. I know this show has been cut off early, but I still want some dealing with all the stuff that was obviously laid out to be dealt with later like the cyborgs that tried to steal Angel's will (in Lineage), oh, yeah, and that whole Shanshu thing. I know they're talking about movies, but I feel sort of like River in Ariel, came downstairs for the shiny presents, nothing left but coal.

It occurs to me that this is the best spoiler-proof thread I've ever seen. Kudos to us!


Tuesday, April 20, 2004 12:37 PM


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I, too, feel very cheated, because it feels like they're totally ignoring everything they've set up, and all the character arcs to make room for the pretty people (intentionally or unintentionally). Much like a bad Sylvester Stalone flick, it would be all boom and no heart.

I also agree about the Shanshu thing. This entire series has been building to that final goal, and to completely ignore in favor of some, forgive me, LAME-ASS cliffhanger crap, just to promt some tv movies, seems to be so very wrong.

The more I think about this rumor, the more I'm convinced that it just can't be true. Joss likes to shake up his audience, to be sure, but to end the entire series on a note that goes so against everything he and his series' have stood for seems so unlike Joss. I just pray that it's a brilliant red-herring on his part, and he hasn't actually lost his mind.

"Once, just once, I'd like to be able to land someplace and say, 'Behold, I am the Archangel Gabriel.'"
"I fail to see the humor in that situation, Doctor."
"Naturally. You could hardly claim to be an angel with those pointed ears, Mister Spock. But say you landed someplace with a pitchfork . . ."
-McCoy and Spock


Tuesday, April 20, 2004 12:37 PM


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I, too, feel very cheated, because it feels like they're totally ignoring everything they've set up, and all the character arcs to make room for the pretty people (intentionally or unintentionally). Much like a bad Sylvester Stalone flick, it would be all boom and no heart.

I also agree about the Shanshu thing. This entire series has been building to that final goal, and to completely ignore in favor of some, forgive me, LAME-ASS cliffhanger crap, just to promt some tv movies, seems to be so very wrong.

The more I think about this rumor, the more I'm convinced that it just can't be true. Joss likes to shake up his audience, to be sure, but to end the entire series on a note that goes so against everything he and his series' have stood for seems so unlike Joss. I just pray that it's a brilliant red-herring on his part, and he hasn't actually lost his mind.

"Once, just once, I'd like to be able to land someplace and say, 'Behold, I am the Archangel Gabriel.'"
"I fail to see the humor in that situation, Doctor."
"Naturally. You could hardly claim to be an angel with those pointed ears, Mister Spock. But say you landed someplace with a pitchfork . . ."
-McCoy and Spock


Wednesday, April 21, 2004 5:11 AM


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I know they weren't planning to end here, and I read somewhere that they hadn't made any big changes to the final plotlines when they learned, so if it's true, maybe it was intended to set up season 6.

I also take comfort in the fact that while people die on these shows all the time, very few of them actually stay dead.

Honestly, though, I don't know if I would watch movies if it were just Angel, Spike, and Fred/Illyria. Well, all right, I probably would, but I would spend the whole time grumbing about Wesley not being there.

Dammit, Wes just deserves to end on a high note. Haven't they put the poor boy though enough?

And I really don't like the proposed ending for Lorne. He just wanders off? What's up with that?


Wednesday, April 21, 2004 9:11 AM


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I've been thinking about the series, adn what it's about. As many awesome battles and ass-kicking as I've seen, that's nto what it's about, i think. It's about redemption and salvation.

It's what every character wants. Angel wants it, Spike wants it, Gunn wants it, Wes wants it. I once heard a very interesting observation that most people's good is superficial, but so, if you think about it, is their bad. You have to break through the good to get to the bad, and, when you finally break through their bad, you find something that is good once more, just a far mroe complex form of good, if you follow me. Maybe I'm making no sense, but that's what I see in this series. The good of the characters is superficial, and we've broken through it and now we can see their bad, plainly exposed.

But we're not done, and that's what I'd like to see in the finale: pulling back that last layer, and revealing that they are good, and letting them realize it.

becasue, in the end, the show's not about the showdown with the senior partners. It's about the characters, and their crawling toward redemption.

At least, that's the way I see it.

"Once, just once, I'd like to be able to land someplace and say, 'Behold, I am the Archangel Gabriel.'"
"I fail to see the humor in that situation, Doctor."
"Naturally. You could hardly claim to be an angel with those pointed ears, Mister Spock. But say you landed someplace with a pitchfork . . ."
-McCoy and Spock


Thursday, April 22, 2004 5:07 PM


OK, for one, I think we're far enough down the page to not worry about the spoiler cloaks anymore. But, since I don't want to be the one who messes up the whole flow of the page, I'll stick to it.

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For two, Joss said in more than one interview long ago that if he ever ended Angel that he'd kill everybody off. So, when I read the news originally on Spoilerfix I wasn't that surprised. Like you, I was wandering how in the hell he planned on making a continuation of the story if everyone was dead. But, I also read on Spoilerfix that a Buffy movie was on the agenda as well. That's when it hit me. What if they bring the entire Jossverse together again like the good ol' days of Buffy seasons 2 and 3? Only now it's five years later. I always felt the more characters they brought in on the show, the more it took away from the characterization of the man himself, Angel. Take a look at season 1 of Angel, or even season 1 of Buffy, and look at the difference in his character (not to mention the physical differences). Hell, just take a look at his character differences between his appearances from Angel to Buffy. Anyway, I think it would be great if the whole big damn shindig could be brought back to it's roots. Even channel-wise, on the WB. I mean, how great would season 6 of Buffy would've been if they'd only turned it into a movie of the week? Seriously. So, with that in mind, it could be the best thing to happen to both series by doing a 2 to 6 TV movie deal. Think about it, Angel, Spike, and Conner ('cause I'm really not thinking that Illyria's gonna be hanging out afterwards even if she doesn't die. It's quite possible she could take the Senior Partners place if they succeed in taking them out, hence the next possible storyline) teamed up with Buffy, Faith, Willow, Giles, and the rest of the Scooby team. Oh wait, now that's a Scooby ARMY, isn't it? And I'd still like to see Angel or Conner, or even Spike or anybody for that matter, to slap Xander around for making some lewd comment towards the vampire champions and son. I'd like to see Conner, the one and only Destroyer, hook up with a nice Slayer. Destroyer/Slayer, I've always liked that play on words/gender. I'd like to see what happened to the psycho Slayer. Maybe Conner could help her out in some way seeing how he was once psycho. I'd like to see how the cyborg story turns out and if the new Watcher's Council really is involved. And most of all, call me sentimental, I'd like to see Angel bgecome human and walk off into the sunset with Buffy. These are all possible story points for seperate TV movies that may never come to pass, but I have hope. The only thing that worries me about the series finale of Angel is that it will be played down. That all of these important dramatic events that end these characters who have given us chills and laughs and tears (and have gotten out of several apocalypses) over the years, won't be treated as such. Anybody remember Highlander season 1 when Tess was shot by a freakin' mugger after goin' through the shit she had? That's what I'm scared of. That and chickens. 'Nuff said.

Just food for thought.

I too am a spoiler junkie who's sanity is held together by the great art of advanced information. Only for TV, though. I'm really trying not to read too much on Serenity, with great failure, however.

Here's to Joss and his creative ass.

"I'll be in my bunk."


Thursday, April 22, 2004 5:07 PM


OK, for one, I think we're far enough down the page to not worry about the spoiler cloaks anymore. But, since I don't want to be the one who messes up the whole flow of the page, I'll stick to it.

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For two, Joss said in more than one interview long ago that if he ever ended Angel that he'd kill everybody off. So, when I read the news originally on Spoilerfix I wasn't that surprised. Like you, I was wandering how in the hell he planned on making a continuation of the story if everyone was dead. But, I also read on Spoilerfix that a Buffy movie was on the agenda as well. That's when it hit me. What if they bring the entire Jossverse together again like the good ol' days of Buffy seasons 2 and 3? Only now it's five years later. I always felt the more characters they brought in on the show, the more it took away from the characterization of the man himself, Angel. Take a look at season 1 of Angel, or even season 1 of Buffy, and look at the difference in his character (not to mention the physical differences). Hell, just take a look at his character differences between his appearances from Angel to Buffy. Anyway, I think it would be great if the whole big damn shindig could be brought back to it's roots. Even channel-wise, on the WB. I mean, how great would season 6 of Buffy would've been if they'd only turned it into a movie of the week? Seriously. So, with that in mind, it could be the best thing to happen to both series by doing a 2 to 6 TV movie deal. Think about it, Angel, Spike, and Conner ('cause I'm really not thinking that Illyria's gonna be hanging out afterwards even if she doesn't die. It's quite possible she could take the Senior Partners place if they succeed in taking them out, hence the next possible storyline) teamed up with Buffy, Faith, Willow, Giles, and the rest of the Scooby team. Oh wait, now that's a Scooby ARMY, isn't it? And I'd still like to see Angel or Conner, or even Spike or anybody for that matter, to slap Xander around for making some lewd comment towards the vampire champions and son. I'd like to see Conner, the one and only Destroyer, hook up with a nice Slayer. Destroyer/Slayer, I've always liked that play on words/gender. I'd like to see what happened to the psycho Slayer. Maybe Conner could help her out in some way seeing how he was once psycho. I'd like to see how the cyborg story turns out and if the new Watcher's Council really is involved. And most of all, call me sentimental, I'd like to see Angel bgecome human and walk off into the sunset with Buffy. These are all possible story points for seperate TV movies that may never come to pass, but I have hope. The only thing that worries me about the series finale of Angel is that it will be played down. That all of these important dramatic events that end these characters who have given us chills and laughs and tears (and have gotten out of several apocalypses) over the years, won't be treated as such. Anybody remember Highlander season 1 when Tess was shot by a freakin' mugger after goin' through the shit she had? That's what I'm scared of. That and chickens. 'Nuff said.

Just food for thought.

I too am a spoiler junkie who's sanity is held together by the great art of advanced information. Only for TV, though. I'm really trying not to read too much on Serenity, with great failure, however.

Here's to Joss and his creative ass.

"I'll be in my bunk."


Saturday, April 24, 2004 12:26 PM


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Hmmmm. After this week's episode, I'm thinking Wesley is done for. Because they've gotten him to a place where there's really nothing left for him to do but die. He's got nothing left to lose. Very depressing.

ShadowVessel, you said you wanted Angel and Buffy to stroll off into the sunset. I wanted Fred and Wes to retire to some little town somewhere and like teach college and raise puppies. But that's the genius of Joss, he doesn't necessarily give you what you want.

If they do do these movie things, I would very much like for it to involve people from both series (assuming they're not to busy making films like Scooby-Doo 14: More Bad Guys In Masks). That would be cool. And we can all take comfort in the fact that people don't seem to STAY dead in the Buffyverse; at the very least they come back as non-corporeal evil beings or visions in dreams.

OK, so the spoiler tags thing is getting kind of silly, this far down the page. . .


Saturday, April 24, 2004 2:24 PM


Yes it has, Delia. But I think it's taken on a life of its own by now. So...

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Poor Wes has taken over the dark Angel aspect of the show. He's been given the shortest straw of the group, in my opinion. After Fred died I knew the only thing left for him was death. I only hope that he finds the peace in death that he didn't have in life. He was actually the coolest character of the show since season 4. He became the Batman of the group. As far as Gunn dying... I'm really not that hurt. He hasn't been much of a character contributer to the show. Hopefully Joss will be able to pull everybody together he wants for the movies and won't disappoint with the stories. I think they delivered great with Conner's story. All the Sh*t he and Angel went through since the end of season 3 that Holtz and Sahja put them through was made right. So maybe there is hope for a happy ending to the Buffy/Angelverse.

Later, folks.

"I'll be in my bunk."


Saturday, April 24, 2004 2:24 PM


Yes it has, Delia. But I think it's taken on a life of its own by now. So...

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Poor Wes has taken over the dark Angel aspect of the show. He's been given the shortest straw of the group, in my opinion. After Fred died I knew the only thing left for him was death. I only hope that he finds the peace in death that he didn't have in life. He was actually the coolest character of the show since season 4. He became the Batman of the group. As far as Gunn dying... I'm really not that hurt. He hasn't been much of a character contributer to the show. Hopefully Joss will be able to pull everybody together he wants for the movies and won't disappoint with the stories. I think they delivered great with Conner's story. All the Sh*t he and Angel went through since the end of season 3 that Holtz and Sahja put them through was made right. So maybe there is hope for a happy ending to the Buffy/Angelverse.

Later, folks.

"I'll be in my bunk."


Saturday, April 24, 2004 2:56 PM


Well, I suppose it's possible that a spoiler-phobic person could have wandered onto this thread (despite the warning in the title) and managed to scroll all the way down without meaning, too. Right? Just in case . . .

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I have hope for Angel and Connor. It surprised me, because I loathed Connor during seasons 3 and 4; he was a one note character and I got tired of it. It was a pleasant surprise to care about him this past week.

As for Gunn, it would have to be a pretty impressive death to hit me very hard. I've never really connected with him overly much. He had some great moments, and J August Richards is great, but he's just not one of my favorites.

I think you're right about Wes; it's almost the kindest thing to do at this point, to let him die. I mean, what's left to take from him? (Of course, he could buy a used spaceship and set off for the border planets and assemble a motley crew to become a sort of second family and -- oh wait, I think that's been done.

Still, I would miss Alexis Denisof if he weren't around for the movies. And Wes is the only (non-title) character left who was there almost at the beginning (give or take 9 or so episodes). One of the things that I loved about Buffy was that little core of four (Buffy, Willow, Xander and Giles) who were all still there at the end (though Giles disappeared in the middle for a while). I think AtS needs more of an anchor than just Angel. Well, maybe Cordy will find her way back. . .


Wednesday, May 19, 2004 5:59 PM


Pretty accurate spoiler, I'm glad I didn't read it until now.


Wednesday, May 19, 2004 7:49 PM


Oh, I just wanted to mention that people who post Spoilers, Summaries, or Links to Such are giant, immature Attention Whores.

You are the people who snuck into your parents closet and peeked at all your presents a week before Christmas.

Yes, it's my choice not to look at spoilers, and I don't. But you're spoiling it for the weak... most likely because you are all immature Attention Whores.

Luckily, you have nothing more to spoil.






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