Will there be anything left to watch in 5 weeks?

UPDATED: Monday, April 26, 2004 06:44
VIEWED: 8519
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Saturday, April 17, 2004 5:44 PM


I'm slowly coming to terms with the fact that we'll lose AtS in five more weeks. That's going to knock me down to NO shows left, and while I try not to get hooked on too many (no time), I need at least one.

So, since the visitors to these boards are obviously discriminating, intelligent types, can anyone offer some suggestions? Or have the reality shows killed all the good TV?


Saturday, April 17, 2004 6:31 PM


PBS-- that's about it if'n you don't get cable (like me).

People who get cable should make their own suggestions.

Personally, I'm thinking of just renting things I haven't seen yet, like the extended editions of the LOTR.

Oh, bugger! Now I have to wait for someone to wake up!


Saturday, April 17, 2004 6:40 PM


"joan of Arcadia" is kind of interesting. Otherwise, I'm mostly on the net or reading. Just finished "The Da Vinci Code" and I can definitely recommend that!

"Appears they've canceled the show and we're still here. What does that make us?"
"Big damn junkies, Sir!"
"Ain't we just."


Saturday, April 17, 2004 6:45 PM


I only get 4 channels with my rabbit ears and have been watching pretty much only Canadian TV for the past while. Unfortunately, it's the end of the season and I have to wait some time before new eps start again.

But, I've been filling the time by programming lately. Haven't gotten a chance to do that in awhile

"If you truly love the memory, you must set it free()!" -Me
"Also, I can kill you with my brain." -River


Saturday, April 17, 2004 7:04 PM


Well, it takes a couple of episodes to get into, and that may be all it has left, but I've really gotten to like "Arrested Development". Of course, that means you have to watch Fox, which, yes, is more than a little scary.


Saturday, April 17, 2004 7:22 PM


Well on cable:
USA has a good crime/detection show called 'Touching Evil' (actually a US remake of a British series you may have seen on PBS)

and Bravo has been showing a really interesting one called 'Keen Eddie', but I'm not sure if they will be continuing to show them into the summer...

Those are both fairly interesting and imaginative, but for the most part I'm in the same boat...I'm seriously thinking of cancelling cable as soon as we've seen the finale of Ats.


Sunday, April 18, 2004 7:03 AM


"Scrubs" is always good for a laugh (though I haven't seen much of this season cuz they put it up against "24" and my stupid digital cable won't let me tape it!)

"Arrested development" is hilarious but I have a bad feeling it may be on the chopping block.

As far as drama on regular luck.
If you have cable - "Dead Like Me" on showtime is great (though season 1 comes out on dvd soon, so you could just rent that)

Honestly - my plan for next season is this - I already own the Buffy, Angel and Firefly DVDs. Quantum Leap season 1 comes out in June...I've decided to make up my own TV schedule. A buffy on Tues, Angel on Weds, Quantum on Thurs...then do a movie on friday.

And if you don't want to buy all those DVDs, you can rent almost anything from Netflix...which is how I survived the dryspell while Angel was on hiatus. (I just added "Freaks and Geeks" to my rental list because of an earlier post)


Sunday, April 18, 2004 10:01 AM


I'm seriously considering getting my cable taken out! The only good news I've heard in between all the cancellations is the new episodes of Farscape being done. And at least one more season of SG1, after that..... oh maybe another season of Spooks which I think is being aired in the states as M15 which is about the only decent thing made in the UK. Oh and a new Dr Who but that wont be on till next year. Yep definatley getting the old cable removed.


Sunday, April 18, 2004 10:17 AM


Well i would say the shows i like to watch but usually when i start saying i really like a show it gets cancelled soon lately i've taken to just keeping my shows to myself. yes it's selfish but as long as i can keep watching them it'll be okay.

"Rule of thumb? Maybe it should be rule of wrist."


Sunday, April 18, 2004 10:41 AM


Alias is amazing show. I recommend renting or buying the first two seasons. It helps make sense of it, even though you can understand what's going on without it. But there are great action sequences and some deep moral issues. Good stuff.

"Dear diary, today I was pompous and my sister was crazy."


Sunday, April 18, 2004 1:46 PM


'Arrested Development' is a great show. It's the only one I keep all episodes on my Replay, and the only TV series I never miss an episode.
That and baseball.


Sunday, April 18, 2004 2:04 PM


I've heard that "Masterpiece Theater" is good.


Sunday, April 18, 2004 2:52 PM


If you like police/rescue worker dramas, I think "Third Watch" is pretty entertaining. Granted it isn't very accurate if you're looking for one that is realistic. But the acting and writing is good. It airs on NBC at 10 PM ET on Fridays. It definitely has 3-4 shows left of this season, but you can catch reruns everynight on A&E at 11PM ET (I think they are still showing them). There will also be one more season. I also watch CSI (CBS, Thurs. 9 PM ET). Again, it's not very realistic but it's still entertaining.

Other than those two, I only watch Stargate SG-1 now. And that's wrapped until Stargate: Atlantis this summer and season 8 this fall.


Sunday, April 18, 2004 3:18 PM


Recently I've been watching reruns of "The West Wing" on latenight NBC, right now they are showing some of the older eps when it focused on the Presdent's staff. Also I've been watching lots of movies, reading books, and doing some 3D modeling of US and Russian Submarines.

Maybe you might want to learn a new skill or read up on a fav subject?

Maybe you should check out the discount computer game rack at the local Wal-Mart or Media Play (Assuming you live near one).

The Firefly CCG Web Site:
>Help out today!


Sunday, April 18, 2004 4:48 PM



Originally posted by embers:
Well on cable:
USA has a good crime/detection show called 'Touching Evil' (actually a US remake of a British series you may have seen on PBS)

and Bravo has been showing a really interesting one called 'Keen Eddie', but I'm not sure if they will be continuing to show them into the summer...

There's an American remake of 'Touching Evil'? Why? And is it any good?

"Keen Eddie" was originally on Fox. They cancelled it, of course.


Sunday, April 18, 2004 5:10 PM


It is good...
The BBC production was darker and edgier...

the US version, which is currently being aired on USA cable station Friday evenings, is kind of brighter...more music...lively cutting...and kind of more humor... They are re-doing some of the same plots but they are hardly recognizable with the different style and energy.

I do recommend it, even if you loved the original version, it is still well worth watching.


Sunday, April 18, 2004 5:41 PM


Doesn't anyone watch Smallville? I really like that show. CSI is good. CSI: Miami is kinda ok. Tru Calling is prolly doomed - I like it and it's on FOX. It'll probably get axed.

Anyhow, that's about all I can reccomend.


Sunday, April 18, 2004 7:09 PM


Thanks everyone. Lots of good suggestions -- I'll either throw darts or see what next fall's evening class schedule looks like and make some choices.

I actually mostly read in my free time (and thanks to the people who suggested books, I loved The DaVinci Code) but certain things are easier to do while watching TV (like folding laundry, or eating dinner, depending on how many hands dinner takes). So it's good to have TV.


Tuesday, April 20, 2004 8:03 AM



Originally posted by maugwai:
Alias is amazing show. I recommend renting or buying the first two seasons. It helps make sense of it, even though you can understand what's going on without it. But there are great action sequences and some deep moral issues. Good stuff.

Unfortunately, only the first season was really good in my opinion. After that the show's makers dumbed it down immensely, and made it stupid and eminently predictable. It turned into the spy soap opera. The second season was lame; the third season (what little I watched of it) was execrable.

With "Angel", "Farscape", and "Firefly" gone, the only thing I'd even care to watch on a regular basis would be "Joan of Arcadia" and "The Dead Zone". 24 lost my interest after the more inane plot twists, and SG-1 doesn't interest me enough to do more than download episodes with BitTorrent and watch them late at night while dozing off.

"Sir, I would like to gingerly point out that it is difficult for someone to be gently reassuring when they're holding three and a half feet of sharpened steel."


Wednesday, April 21, 2004 7:00 PM



Originally posted by Kurukami:
Unfortunately, only the first season was really good in my opinion. After that the show's makers dumbed it down immensely, and made it stupid and eminently predictable. It turned into the spy soap opera. The second season was lame; the third season (what little I watched of it) was execrable.

Wow! I completely agree with this statement.


Wednesday, April 21, 2004 9:21 PM


Gilmore Girls is hilarious and filled with excellent acting and very good writing.

Smallville is highly entertaining, and has great casting, particularly Michael Rosenbaum, who was most likely born to play the young Lex Luthor.

The Masterpiece Theater is sometimes good, always great because of no commercial interruptions, and so is the Mystery Theater, tho that is not always on.

And then there's New Yankee Workshop!

That's followed by the This Old House hour, much improved with the new host Kevin O'Connor.

But I digress....



Friday, April 23, 2004 10:46 PM


They're making new episodes of Farscape? Where can I get info' on this?

Sadly to say, the only live action shows I'll have to watch are Smallville, Stargate SG1, and Stargate Atlantis. Hopefully the latter won't suck. I've noticed the downfall in good episodes of SG1. They really should've just made the movie finale, which was F'n awesome. You could really tell the quality difference between it and the rest of the season.

Now over on Cartoon Network... shut up, YOU're stupid... the Adult Swim line-up keeps me plenty entertained. You've got plenty of comedy and Cowboy Bebop. Of course you can buy all the stuff I watch on DVD now. Except for Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law and Sealab 2021. I also try to catch new episodes of Justice League. Say what you will, it's good stuff, and I really can't do anything about what you say anyway.

I've thought about disconnecting my cable, too. Everything I watch will eventually be on DVD anyway and I can pay the same amount for one boxed set than for what I'm paying a month for like four episodes. But, my wife is kind of stuck at home all the time now, so it's for her more than it is for me.

I'd love to watch The Simpsons or Malcolm in the Middle again, they were on my list of recordables every week, but I can never break the blood oath I made over a year ago to never watch Fox again after canceling Firefly.

Tell me you never made a blood oath before. Shyeah, right.

"I'll be in my bunk."


Friday, April 23, 2004 10:46 PM


They're making new episodes of Farscape? Where can I get info' on this?

Sadly to say, the only live action shows I'll have to watch are Smallville, Stargate SG1, and Stargate Atlantis. Hopefully the latter won't suck. I've noticed the downfall in good episodes of SG1. They really should've just made the movie finale, which was F'n awesome. You could really tell the quality difference between it and the rest of the season.

Now over on Cartoon Network... shut up, YOU're stupid... the Adult Swim line-up keeps me plenty entertained. You've got plenty of comedy and Cowboy Bebop. Of course you can buy all the stuff I watch on DVD now. Except for Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law and Sealab 2021. I also try to catch new episodes of Justice League. Say what you will, it's good stuff, and I really can't do anything about what you say anyway.

I've thought about disconnecting my cable, too. Everything I watch will eventually be on DVD anyway and I can pay the same amount for one boxed set than for what I'm paying a month for like four episodes. But, my wife is kind of stuck at home all the time now, so it's for her more than it is for me.

I'd love to watch The Simpsons or Malcolm in the Middle again, they were on my list of recordables every week, but I can never break the blood oath I made over a year ago to never watch Fox again after canceling Firefly.

Tell me you never made a blood oath before. Shyeah, right.

"I'll be in my bunk."


Saturday, April 24, 2004 6:29 AM



There's a miniseries for Farscape on Sci-Fi this fall. I think you can find details on their website.

I'm trying to get into it (and enjoying what I've see), but I keep managing to misset my VCR and not tape it correctly. Why is this show on at 5 am? It's the one time of day I'm NEVER up -- I've either finally given up on all the homework and gone to sleep, or I haven't woken upo yet!



Saturday, April 24, 2004 1:54 PM


Sweet deal, Delia. Thanks.

Wish I could help you out with the VCR situation but it's really one of those things that has to be done in person or talked through step by step.

"I'll be in my bunk."


Saturday, April 24, 2004 1:54 PM


Sweet deal, Delia. Thanks.

Wish I could help you out with the VCR situation but it's really one of those things that has to be done in person or talked through step by step.

"I'll be in my bunk."


Saturday, April 24, 2004 2:09 PM


If you're looking for something to get into right now, rather than next season in general, Stargate SG-1 is your best bet (presuming you get the Scifi channel).

They just restarted it from the beginning last week, so you should be able to catch up via downloading very quickly, and then just watch it on TV.

Stargate episodes are somewhat standalone, somewhat not. There's no question that one gets far more enjoyment from the series watching it in order than not, but unlike B5 or 24, its not required to watch it in order to understand.

The premise is well-explained by the pilot; basically, its like Star Trek, except based around the US Air Force, and set in the present day.

Scifi has several rotations of Stargate; the one which just restarted is their Monday, 7-11pm rotation. That's four eps per week, every Monday. The first five seasons run in that rotation.

If you want to catch that, download the following:

"Children of the Gods" (2 hr version includes nudity, 2-part version does not, but is also missing other scenes)
"The Enemy Within" (follow-up to the pilot)

And optionally, you can also download:
"Emancipation" (I say this is optional because its standalone, and it is possibly the worst ep of the entire series.)

Then, starting this Monday (4/26), you can watch season 1 from "The Broca Divide" onwards. Be warned that like most first seasons, SG1's isn't nearly as good as what comes later.


Saturday, April 24, 2004 3:09 PM



Originally posted by ShadowVessel:
Sweet deal, Delia. Thanks.

Wish I could help you out with the VCR situation but it's really one of those things that has to be done in person or talked through step by step.

The sad thing is that I actually know how to program it. What messes me up is that I don't trust my clock to match their clock, so I always try to set things to tape from 2 minutes before the hour to 2 minutes after. The problem with Farscape is that I keep getting confused and taping four minutes, rather than an hour and four minutes. Sigh. (Or I forget, or I mess up Daylight Savings Time, or . . .) I've never had this much trouble getting anything to tape!

But thanks for the offer.



Saturday, April 24, 2004 3:43 PM



Thanks. I'll try to catch it this Monday, but I'm 2 weeks from the end of the semester and all the work I've put off (hell, the work I'm putting off even as I type this) is about to come due, so I may have to try to catch it next time around.



Saturday, April 24, 2004 4:23 PM



Originally posted by Delia:

Originally posted by ShadowVessel:
Sweet deal, Delia. Thanks.

Wish I could help you out with the VCR situation but it's really one of those things that has to be done in person or talked through step by step.

The sad thing is that I actually know how to program it. What messes me up is that I don't trust my clock to match their clock, so I always try to set things to tape from 2 minutes before the hour to 2 minutes after. The problem with Farscape is that I keep getting confused and taping four minutes, rather than an hour and four minutes. Sigh. (Or I forget, or I mess up Daylight Savings Time, or . . .) I've never had this much trouble getting anything to tape!

But thanks for the offer.


Oh hell yeah, I know exactly what you're talking about. Ever since DST I haven't been able to get all the clocks to match up. But, the other day I finally sat down and solved the problem. With the VCR, anyway. If you can get the time to sit down, turn the display with the clock on and wait for the show to start. Once you see the time differential, set it accordingly. I still set my programming 2 minutes before the hour and 3 minutes after out of paranoia, though. My cable's WB has been pissing me off the past two Wednesdays, however. During the last two episodes of Angel the signal's been getting all blitzy in 1 to 2 second segments of the show when the most crucial sh*t is going down. Lindsey's information to Angel, Connor's fight with Sahja, it's F'n aggravating!

Well, I didn't mean to go off on a rant there. Guess I needed to get it off my chest is all.

Thanks for being there.

"I'll be in my bunk."


Saturday, April 24, 2004 4:23 PM



Originally posted by Delia:

Originally posted by ShadowVessel:
Sweet deal, Delia. Thanks.

Wish I could help you out with the VCR situation but it's really one of those things that has to be done in person or talked through step by step.

The sad thing is that I actually know how to program it. What messes me up is that I don't trust my clock to match their clock, so I always try to set things to tape from 2 minutes before the hour to 2 minutes after. The problem with Farscape is that I keep getting confused and taping four minutes, rather than an hour and four minutes. Sigh. (Or I forget, or I mess up Daylight Savings Time, or . . .) I've never had this much trouble getting anything to tape!

But thanks for the offer.


Oh hell yeah, I know exactly what you're talking about. Ever since DST I haven't been able to get all the clocks to match up. But, the other day I finally sat down and solved the problem. With the VCR, anyway. If you can get the time to sit down, turn the display with the clock on and wait for the show to start. Once you see the time differential, set it accordingly. I still set my programming 2 minutes before the hour and 3 minutes after out of paranoia, though. My cable's WB has been pissing me off the past two Wednesdays, however. During the last two episodes of Angel the signal's been getting all blitzy in 1 to 2 second segments of the show when the most crucial sh*t is going down. Lindsey's information to Angel, Connor's fight with Sahja, it's F'n aggravating!

Well, I didn't mean to go off on a rant there. Guess I needed to get it off my chest is all.

Thanks for being there.

"I'll be in my bunk."


Saturday, April 24, 2004 9:30 PM



Rant away. Lord knows sometimes you just need to, and that's got to be at least part of the purpose of these boards, right? At least here, people will understand why you're needing to rant over what the uninformed might call "just a TV show."

The problem with setting the clock to match the start time (more or less) of a show is picking the show to match.



Monday, April 26, 2004 6:44 AM


Does anyone else watch American Dreams? It's actually pretty good. It's not too happy-go-lucky (really it can be quite depressing at times, like when Sam's mother died) and it has good writing, acting and direction. David Semel is a producer and James Whitmore Jr. has directed at least a couple of times. Unfortunately, it already had its season finale. Hopefully NBC will start rerunning the season soon after sweeps!

~lissa, spwhore






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