I don't want to hear about the muppet anymore!

UPDATED: Wednesday, April 21, 2004 18:45
VIEWED: 6627
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Monday, March 29, 2004 2:40 PM


Damn, you would think the last five years of Angel have been Sesame Street, that a plush, mini-Angel has been fighting the good fight since just after leaving Sunnydale.

People who have never watched a second of Angel in their lives seemed to have found themselves compelled to turn the television to the WB during the muppet episode (or even just during the commercials) and judged it on that episode alone. Do they not realize that for less than one hour the writers decided to do something different? I'm sick of reading "I've never watched Angel but I know they turned him into a muppet, so they must have already run out of ideas." I say to them: !

Then there are the people who really bother me: those who have followed the show since the beginning, claim to love the show, and point to the muppet episode as good reason to say goodbye to it! It was one episode, one episode in a vacuum! It was a non-event!

You know what? I watched the episode. I laughed a couple of times. The episode ended. I watched to see what came on next week. I didn't bemoan the loss of quality television and decide the adherents to reality programs coudl be excused because a good program has let us down. I tuned in the next week and continued supporting Save Angel campaigns.

No more complaining about the muppet, please!

I hope you like Guinness, sir. I find it a refreshing substitute for . . . food.
-Jack O'Neill


Monday, March 29, 2004 2:48 PM


I know I'm not alone when I say that actually liked the muppet angel episode. Not only me but my brother and sister who were only occasional viewers of the show have now become regulars. Not to mention my friends that really like the episode too. I think that they were just trying new things having fun with the show which, in my opinion, is good. And I hope that next season they can experiment more.


Monday, March 29, 2004 2:49 PM


I really liked the Muppet episode. Angel is a great show and shouldn't be cancelled.


Monday, March 29, 2004 3:10 PM


Practically everyone I know online loved the episode and thought it was comic gold, including some of the big name critics. Nothing to be ashamed about at all :)


Monday, March 29, 2004 3:15 PM


Thank you. Like I said: I laughed a couple of times. There was nothing wrong with it. I just didn't think it that important. I'm glad to hear others liked it.

I hope you like Guinness, sir. I find it a refreshing substitute for . . . food.
-Jack O'Neill


Monday, March 29, 2004 3:17 PM



And I hope that next season they can experiment more.

This was just nice to read. It may have made my day. I hope they can do a great number of things next season.

I hope you like Guinness, sir. I find it a refreshing substitute for . . . food.
-Jack O'Neill


Tuesday, March 30, 2004 6:29 AM


If you see disparaging remarks regarding Angel (or Buffy or Firefly) it most likely will have come from one of two sorts of people: Fanboys or Marketing.

Fanboys only like explosions and Nazi space troopers killing things and then more explosions. Fanboys are also secretly gay and read comics for the spandex.

Marketing is an army of liars hired by evil CEOs who HATE creative genius' such as Joss Whendon. Marketing wonks go out onto the Net as 'fans' and post thousands of lies in thousands of posts in web Forums. Marketing wonks are often refered too as 'plants' or 'moles' by real people (you know who you are).

When you go out onto the Net and read posts on web forums be aware that most of the opinions you read there are just mean spirited bullocks written by the very worst sorts who prolly get paid to be liars.


Wednesday, March 31, 2004 6:31 PM


The puppet episode was by far the funniest episode of Angel to date. Its hard for them to do funny with Angel because of his need to brood, but they managed to do it anyway and I find that absolutely commendable. Those who didn't like it never gave it a chance, they just said "a puppet, are you serious" and to be honest, I had read spoilers and new about the upcoming episode and was saying much the same thing to myself, then the trailer had me thinking, this may be interesting, then I saw the episode and missed half of it because I was laughing so hard. I had to rewatch it right after.

Now, just an after thought, was anyone uncomfortable during the puppet stealing the childrens' souls scence, cause they thought the puppets sounded orgasmic. I know I must sound like a freak, but I cringed and looked away I found it so disturbing. Or was it just me? I ask this question knowing most people are going to respond with a WHAT? If they respond at all.

I only fell is all.


Friday, April 2, 2004 6:40 AM



Originally posted by Angeldove:
Now, just an after thought, was anyone uncomfortable during the puppet stealing the childrens' souls scence, cause they thought the puppets sounded orgasmic. I know I must sound like a freak, but I cringed and looked away I found it so disturbing. Or was it just me? I ask this question knowing most people are going to respond with a WHAT? If they respond at all.

I suppose I wasn't, because I watched the episode a couple of times and don't really remember it. I know that when Gunn threw the little puppet girl against the camera, I really wanted to see a reaction from the kids at home.

I hope you like Guinness, sir. I find it a refreshing substitute for . . . food.
-Jack O'Neill


Friday, April 2, 2004 6:42 AM


I absolutely LOVED Smile Time. Actually, it was the episode that made me watch Angel in the first place. I have since seen all episodes of Angel and intend to get all seasons on DVD once the financials work a little better.


Friday, April 2, 2004 7:50 AM


Not only was it funny and creative, but the episode was allegorical about the state of how children are raised today to just sit infront of TVs and have their minds turned to mush. You don't get that kind of social commentary in other tv show's.



Sunday, April 4, 2004 12:15 AM


I, too, really liked the puppet episode. I thought it was fairly classic Whedon, to throw in a nice, light episode just before you pull the rug out from under your viewers. Okay, maybe those episodes don't have the emotional weight of some of the others (Go Fish, anyone?), but Angel as a puppet (or Xander in a Speedo) is a nice break from the current Fred arc (or the whole Angelus mess of BtVS Season 2).


Sunday, April 4, 2004 1:51 AM


I also loved 'Smile Time', it made me sit up and take notice of Ben Edlund, who also wrote the brilliant 'Firefly' episode: Jaynestown. I thought that in 'Smile Time' he did a wonderful job of combining humor, action, character development, and lots of metaphor goodness; a complete package that is the hallmark of the greatest episodes in the Whedonverse. Of course the episode was immediately followed by Joss' incredibly exciting 'Hole in the World' proving that Ats is currently the most brilliant and exciting television available today! JMPO


Sunday, April 4, 2004 2:48 AM



Originally posted by Angeldove:
Now, just an after thought, was anyone uncomfortable during the puppet stealing the childrens' souls scence, cause they thought the puppets sounded orgasmic. I know I must sound like a freak, but I cringed and looked away I found it so disturbing. Or was it just me? I ask this question knowing most people are going to respond with a WHAT? If they respond at all..

Wow... you read my mind... And, while you're there, could you tell me where I put my favorite watch?

Anyway... I also was very unsettled during the 'drain the kid's soul part'. The puppet saying, "Touch it, touch it!" and making groans of ecstacy sounds was creepy in a wrong way. A friend, who was watching with me, also thought that part ventured into the words and sounds of child molestation a bit too overtly.

So it's not just you who got that vibe, there are two more people who agree with you. Or, it means we just have three freaks now...

Other than those brief moments, I thoroughly LOVED "Smile Time". A really brilliant change of pace, and done so well.



"I'm gonna rip you a new puppet hole... bitch!"


Sunday, April 4, 2004 8:45 AM


There's a class of TV I call "rerun viewing"; shows that for one reason or another, I don't watch on first-run, but catch after they enter syndication. The "Drew Carey" show falls into this category; I rarely watch new episodes, but I'm addicted to the reruns on my local station.

Generally, though, I first catch a glimpse of such shows on broadcast, and it's usually a special event or oddball episode. For example, I have no idea why I never got into the Buffyverse; outside of a few individual episodes (such as the resurection episode, and the musical) which caught my attention, I wasn't a regular viewer. Same goes for Angel.

But -- on the strength of the two Angel episodes I've watched, I.E. the damned muppet episode and the one with Luchidores (mexican masked wrestlers) I'm pretty sure it's going to fall into my rerun viewing category.

Don't put down the attention getters too much; sometimes it's the oddball episodes that bring in new viewers.

"You can't enslave a free man. The most you can do is kill him." -- Robert A. Heinlein


Monday, April 5, 2004 2:35 PM



Originally posted by embers:
I also loved 'Smile Time', it made me sit up and take notice of Ben Edlund, who also wrote the brilliant 'Firefly' episode: Jaynestown.

My brother loves Firefly and hates Angel. I've got to tell him the guy who wrote Jaynestown wrote Smile Time. Then maybe I can get him to watch Smile TIme and judge for himself.

I hope you like Guinness, sir. I find it a refreshing substitute for . . . food.
-Jack O'Neill


Monday, April 5, 2004 2:44 PM



But -- on the strength of the two Angel episodes I've watched, I.E. the damned muppet episode and the one with Luchidores (mexican masked wrestlers)

I'm a Spanish major, and I despise Spanglish programming such as Much Lucha on the WB, but I actually greatly enjoyed the luchador episode, and I came into it prejudiced. Parts of that episode were absolutely amusing.

Both Angel and Buffy have some awesome arcs and anyone judging these overall stories would be hard-pressed not to admit it.

I hope you like Guinness, sir. I find it a refreshing substitute for . . . food.
-Jack O'Neill


Thursday, April 8, 2004 8:40 PM



Wow... you read my mind... And, while you're there, could you tell me where I put my favorite watch?

What about that one night stand you were telling me about, you know, the one after the 'Smile Time' episode, did you leave it there?
I am so going to hell

Anyway... I also was very unsettled during the 'drain the kid's soul part'. The puppet saying, "Touch it, touch it!" and making groans of ecstacy sounds was creepy in a wrong way. A friend, who was watching with me, also thought that part ventured into the words and sounds of child molestation a bit too overtly.

Hilarious, its been awile since I saw it, and I totaly did not remember the "touch it" part. Sooo very creepy.

So it's not just you who got that vibe, there are two more people who agree with you. Or, it means we just have three freaks now...

I am glad you confessed to the uncleanliness that is your mind, I was becoming very concerned this was only me, and that I alone was disturbed, but knowing there are two other disturbed minds out there fills me with a sense of belonging.

Lorne: 'Is there a Gepetto in the House?'


Saturday, April 10, 2004 7:16 PM



Wow... you read my mind... And, while you're there, could you tell me where I put my favorite watch?

What about that one night stand you were telling me about, you know, the one after the 'Smile Time' episode, did you leave it there?
I am so going to hell

You're going to hell? Huh, I'M the one who gets all hot after an evil puppet episode...

So, I'll save you a seat.


I am glad you confessed to the uncleanliness that is your mind, I was becoming very concerned this was only me, and that I alone was disturbed, but knowing there are two other disturbed minds out there fills me with a sense of belonging.

Ah yes, I feel SO MUCH better just knowing that there are people out there just as disturbed as I.

I look forward to sharing our next next twisted, perverted interpretation of wholesome family entertainment.



"You wanna talk to... the hand?"


Friday, April 16, 2004 6:49 AM


It wasn't the episode so much as it was the timing. Judged by itself, it's a decent episode. Not great, but pretty funny for a cheap filler episode, which you have to admit is exactly what it is.

The timing of the thing is what blew. First we see the end of a good episode and then the previews say "Next week on Angel, Spike's a Nazi!" and we're thinking 'wtf? ' then the episode comes along and it's .... well, it doesn't entirely suck, but it's my least favorite in a long time, how's that? Then after that weak episode we see "Next week on Angel, Angel's a muppet!" and we think 'wtf? what the hell is happening to Angel?' then right after that we get the news that it's cancelled.

That's how a show can go from standout to laughing stock in the span of a few weeks. Angel is still a great show, and as I said the muppet episode was pretty good for filler, but the sequence and timing were just horrible. If you only look at "funny muppet episode, then heartbreaking dead-fred episode" that looks like classic ME stuff, but by then the damage was done.

On a slight tangent, I'd love to see Angel come back next year, it's one of only 3 or 4 shows I actually watch.


Jayne: "These are stone killers, little man. They ain't cuddly like me."


Wednesday, April 21, 2004 6:45 PM


i loved the muppet episode! I just recently became an Angel viewer (at the beginning of this season) I started watching it because i wanted to see sexy James Marsters continue on the road with awesome Spike. I have grown to seriously enjoy this show, its one of the better parts of my week. I think its retarded that people judge it by one single episode, especially when it was a very cool, very funny and yet very scary episode. I am very sad to see the show go and whoever says its dumb is a moron!

"Did I hear something about black market beagles? They have smallish droppings."






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