Other Places to Order the Comics Online?

UPDATED: Wednesday, March 5, 2008 03:34
VIEWED: 6849
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Saturday, March 1, 2008 10:37 AM


I normally order my "Buffy" and "Angel" comics from midtowncomics, but I've been waiting to get "Angel" #4 until this (upcoming) week, when the new "Buffy" comes out (so I'd only have to pay the shipping once), and I just checked and saw that they're already out of the Franco Urru cover--and I HATE the Andrew Robinson covers (he's done 'em for three issues, and they've all sucked! ). I'm guessing everybody else hates 'em, too, which is the Urrus went so fast.

TFAW doesn't let you choose which cover you get, and says if you wanna make sure you get the one you want, you have to order two(!) copies. I ain't doin' that.

So, any good recommendations on someplace else online I can find the Urru cover for #4?

--edit-- Ended up eBay-ing it (on a "Buy It Now", so I didn't have to wait several days). Guess I've learned that when #5 comes out, I'd better not wait a week or two, 'cause the same thing is bound to happen again. Thank God that's the last cover Robinson is doing...


Monday, March 3, 2008 10:03 PM

EMBERS is located in NYC but they will ship anywhere in the world and they will let you order the cover you want....
at the top of the screen I searched for
'Angel After the Fall' in 'comics' and got:
the #4 Franco Urro sketch cover is a little more $, and I don't see that they have his colored in variant (so that may have sold out already)
but at least they let you pick specifically what you want...and you can see what you'll get.

I've used them for a couple of years and I'm really happy with them.

Good luck!
edited to add...that link didn't work at all!
I'll try again... it seems that no matter how specifically I look it up, the link defaults back to their home page....but you can look it up (just use the top left at the very top of the page)

New Firefly fans should check this out:


Tuesday, March 4, 2008 10:25 AM


Thanks, E. Like I said, I've been using midtowncomics all along, and love 'em. Their $4.75 S&H is a little steeper than I'd like, but that's why I try to wait and order a month's worth of stuff at a time (and how I missed out on the Urru cover this time, by waiting a week 'til "Buffy" #12 came out). I'm only a couple of states away from them, too, so I usually get my order the day after it's shipped, which is a big plus.

#5 is the last month for Andrew Robinson, at least for the time being, so I might just bite the bullet and order the Urru cover the week it comes out, then order Buffy #13 the next week, and pay the S&H twice...


Tuesday, March 4, 2008 11:15 AM


oh I'm sorry, I missed that... I thought you were depending upon TFAW (who aren't very dependable)

I actually meant to mention, they actually print fewer of the variant covers...I think it is 3 to 1 (they print out 75% of the regular cover, and then 25% of the special Franco Urru covers, so that is why the sell out so quickly)

That one that isn't colored in is REALLY a 'collector's item' (I don't know if they would actually go up in value, but there is supposed to be a real rarity for those, hence the extra price)
I got a special one of those of Astonishing X-men for Joss to autograph, I think the cover cost me $10, but w/Joss' signature it is priceless (to me)!

New Firefly fans should check this out:


Tuesday, March 4, 2008 11:38 AM



Originally posted by embers:
I actually meant to mention, they actually print fewer of the variant covers...I think it is 3 to 1 (they print out 75% of the regular cover, and then 25% of the special Franco Urru covers, so that is why the sell out so quickly)

Well, I don't know if this is true, but what I read somewhere was that, yeah, that was the case with the first two issues, where the Harris cover was the 'main' one, and the Urru was a rarer variant, but then supposedly starting with #3, they're releasing them on an equal, 1:1 basis... which makes you think that maybe even the folks at IDW realize--belatedly--how bad Robinson's covers are, and that most people are going to want the Urrus.

Can't say that it's absolutely true, but I believe it probably is, 'cause with #'s 1 and 2, the Harris was listed as 'Cover A', and the Urru 'Cover B'. Starting with issue #3, the Urrus are 'Cover A', and the Robinsons 'Cover B'...


Tuesday, March 4, 2008 12:08 PM


oh yeah, I don't know if that percentage is absolutely true...
but I know that at one point (might have been w/the Buffy covers from Dark Horse) TFAW required you to buy 4 issues of the comic if you wanted one of them to be w/the variant cover
(of course Jo Chen's covers are incredibly beautiful and those are the default/normal covers, so no one was dying to get the variant covers...besides me, that is)
I was glad that my comic book store would let me take whatever was on the shelf (so if they had ten of the regular cover, and only one of the variant cover, I could still take the variant one.

New Firefly fans should check this out:


Wednesday, March 5, 2008 3:34 AM


Speaking of which, does anybody know if Tony Harris is coming back to the covers? I really liked his first two, and was a little disappointed to see he stopped for #3 and #4 (not a little because I can be OCD and want my comics covers to be consistent). Anyway, I had to get the B&W Urru cover too, which made me sad... but oh well. Maybe I'll use midtown from now on rather than going into the store.







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