Boreanaz on CNN Headline News

UPDATED: Saturday, May 8, 2004 22:24
VIEWED: 6633
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Tuesday, May 4, 2004 2:08 PM


Did anyone catch this interview? I am hoping it is a segment that will replay, however I just caught it at 6:20 central so I haven't yet been able to confirm. I believe there will be a horrible backlash from the loyal fans who have been working to save this show, due to his comment about the cancelation "It was a huge weight lifted off of my shoulders having had to carry this show for the last 5 years" (technically this is paraphrased as I did not tape it, but it is definately close to acurate). Then he goes on to comment that to do a movie the script would definately have raise the bar for him to get behind it. Is he on drugs? Did he just say that the writers need to step up and improve the show, is he too good for it?

Finaly the save angel campaign gets a major opportunity to get its effort and support out to fans in a top media forum, and he says the cancelation was a relief? I'm sorry but I am very disappointed. Whether you were in support of the continuation of the series or not, I believe all fans will be outraged by how arragant David came across in this interview. I do however expect die hard fans of David to disagree with me, but I have always been a fan of the character of Angel and have not confused this with the actor David Boreanaz. I just hope everyone will be able to do the same.

Also, I watched the interview with a friend who is a Firefly fan (recently converted by me), and whom I had recently convinced to give Buffy or Angel a try, and now she is very hesitant and said he came off sounding like an arrogant asshole. What more is there to say than that.

I only fell is all.


Tuesday, May 4, 2004 7:20 PM


OK, I know I am just really harping on this, but I was curious as to whether David changes his mind alot, or simply can't remember what he said in previous interviews (explanation follows with quotes from Boreanaz interviews):


"I think Season 6 in my regards is preeminent. I suggest all the fans write in and ask for a Season 6. I would love to have another season. If the show hadn't changed I wouldn't want that, but now where these characters are I embrace that."
On cancelation "It was actually a big relief for me and, personally, it gave me a big sense of freedom. I felt like a big weight had been lifted from my shoulders. So for me, I feel like, ‘Oh, I don’t have to hold that cross anymore.’ As heavy as it may be or as light as it may be, it’s not a negative. It’s a good thing!"

"I think it's a responsibility to do those (farewell) shows and give the appreciation for the fans that are watching. If Sarah wants to come back for a final farewell — like I did for her on her series finale — that would be fantastic," he says. "Now, that's something for her to decide. That would be great, to have her. I think it would be great for the fans to see that."
"It took a lot to get me to do Buffy. At one point I really didn’t want to do it, but as a favor to Sarah I did it."

OK, now I just look like I'm stalking David and the Angel show....


Wednesday, May 5, 2004 4:30 AM


I had heard him say something similar before. It's not exactly the attitude one wants from the title character actor, but I was never watching Angel for Angel -- he always kind of bugged me (with the brooding) and he's got way too much forehead. Wesley, Fred, Lorne, and (this season) Spike are what kept me watching.

This may be his way of dealing with disappointment (grief?) over the series ending. You know, the screw 'em I didn't really want to keep going anyway attitude.

Just a thought.


Wednesday, May 5, 2004 5:20 AM


Hmmmm. That would suck if he's really two faced like this. I'm kinda curious to hear more, but then again I don't live in the real world of this actor. I live in the Jossverse. It's all about his characters not the people who play them.

Though my heart goes out to the Firefly crew. They we're robbed & kept their heads up & kept believing in the show. They may be actors, but the faith to keep flying & keep believing in this show, that is true character.

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the road less traveled by and they CANCELLED MY FRIKKIN' SHOW. I totally shoulda took the road that had all those people on it. Damn." --Joss


Wednesday, May 5, 2004 5:20 AM


ha ha funny. stupid piece of double posting crap!!!


Wednesday, May 5, 2004 5:30 AM


I don't think DB is a great thinker...I certainly don't believe he thinks ahead about how fans will react to his comments on interviews.

At any rate, after he makes a couple of failed lame-ass pilots for TV and some straight-to-video movies I think he'll be VERY grateful to be working for a writer as brilliant as Joss again.

This is one of the reasons I appreciate James Marsters (Spike), first I think he does consider the fans when he makes public statements, and second he REALLY appreciates Joss and the great writing on all of the shows Joss has created.
James was a struggling stage actor in Chicago for years and he has said many times that he has never seen better writing than he has enjoyed on BtVS and Ats, and anytime Joss wants him in a show, any show, he'll be there.


Wednesday, May 5, 2004 5:34 AM


I didnt see the full interview, so I'm only taking your quotes out of context, but to me it didnt sound like that bad of a thing to say- Even if he enjoyed it immensely it must have been a great responsibility for him to be the lead actor in a popular series- The pressure to succeed had to be immense, and if he ever had previously wanted to quit, he couldnt (it's not like he was an extra that could be written out, he was the title, and if he left - no more show)- I'm sure he did like it, and love his fans, and wanted it to go on; but like all jobs, sometimes when they're over you breathe a sigh of relief-
Plus, we of the outside of acting world sometimes forget about the nightmare that is typecasting- Any more Angel and DB may have begun wondering if he was ever going to work again after Angel ended-
Just my thoughts-

He looked bigger when I couldn't see him.


Wednesday, May 5, 2004 6:00 AM



I agree 110%.

Ain't. We. Just.


Wednesday, May 5, 2004 6:24 AM


Sounds like Boreanaz is taking a page from David Duchovny's career scriptbook . I remember when he wanted nothing more to do with X-Files so he could move along to other projects. It's been how many years now and what has been the best project he's been involved in? Evolution (an X-Files rip-off)! Recently, Duchovny's had a major change of heart and now wants to see another X-Files movie being made. Guess his career didn't really go where he wanted it to go after X-Files. I see Boreanaz's career not going very far once Angel is done. Even James Marsters has commented that the only callbacks he seems to get are for vampires or rock stars (and, lets face it, James has far more acting talent than D.B.). Some people just don't know when they've got it good.

Sorry for the rant, but attitudes like this really tick me off.


Wednesday, May 5, 2004 9:46 AM


Here is what had today about his interview on CNN:

Star Relieved At Angel's End

David Boreanaz, star of The WB's Angel, told CNN Headline News that he's relieved that the show is finally coming to an end after five seasons, and that there would have to be a good reason for him to put Angel's black trenchcoat back on for the reported Angel TV movies-of-the-week under consideration for next year. "There's been talk about films, board games—let me see—video games," Boreanaz told the news network. "Everything, across the board. These characters that [executive producer] Joss [Whedon] has created will live forever."

Angel is ending May 19, though reports have suggested that The WB may be considering one or more TV movies to extend the show's story next year. But, Boreanaz said, "I think whenever they want to revisit that character and bring it to a higher plateau, I would only be interested if the bar was [raised] a lot higher."

Boreanaz, who originated the role of the vampire with a soul in the first episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer before spinning off in his own series, said that he's currently entertaining three offers for post-Angel projects.

Here's the link:


Wednesday, May 5, 2004 7:50 PM


Thanks Yenriver for posting the SciFi response to the interview.


This may be his way of dealing with disappointment (grief?) over the series ending. You know, the screw 'em I didn't really want to keep going anyway attitude.
I had this same thought last night, that he seems to be the type of person who needs to rationalize negative situations in order to deal with them in a positively.


It's all about his characters not the people who play them
So true which is why his obviously not well thought out comments will not deter me from continuing to watch the show again, and again....


This is one of the reasons I appreciate James Marsters (Spike), first I think he does consider the fans when he makes public statements, and second he REALLY appreciates Joss and the great writing on all of the shows Joss has created.
I always loved the character of Spike, but didn't really think much about James as a person until I saw him in recent interviews. He is still very down to earth, kind to fans, and appreciative of the job and Joss' work. It sets him in the Firefly class of actors.


It didnt sound like that bad of a thing to say
I would agree with you up to a point, sure its ok to be reconciled with the end to a show, but I do believe it is still his responsibility to properly acknowledge the positive impact this job has had on his career, and to the fans who have helped make his name known.


I don't think DB is a great thinker...I certainly don't believe he thinks ahead about how fans will react to his comments on interviews.
I know this is really nitpicky, but one other contridiction I wanted to point out, for the fun of it... When David was asked during season one of Angel about Buffy visiting him in LA, he said that Buffy was the only women Angel had ever loved and that their love would be eternal, and definitely continued on both series. Then during season two he was again asked this question and he said that Buffy wasn't Angel's first love, Darla was, and that they had spent 150 years together greatly outweighing the couple of years spent with Buffy. Then during season three he was asked about the Cordy/Angel relationship, and how he felt fans would react, and he said that the Buffy/Angel relationship was more of a crush, and the Cordy/Angel relationship was much deeper and the real thing. My first comment on this of course is 'where is the consistency' my final comment, 'does he watch the show, or even pay attention when he is shooting it?'

And now I will get over it...


Wednesday, May 5, 2004 10:23 PM


Sometime ago I read an article where several of the castmates of James' on Buffy had commented on him (can't for the live of me remember where I read it, or who said it, though). This one thing said about him has stuck with me ever since: (paraphrasing) "James never makes the camera wait for him. He's always on cue, when they need him."

What a class act James is. May he find a second life in the world of acting.

"I love my Captain."


Thursday, May 6, 2004 3:33 AM


here comes a bit of personal speculation/interpretation. nothing said is meant to say anything about the actual personalities of the mentioned actors as I don't know any of them and my 'opinion' is neither something written in stone nor something important at all. it's just something that's been build somewhere inside my head while reading interviews, and not too many of them either. I'm just a casual fan with a love of the internet.

whenever I read anything DB said in an interview or wherever it sounded weird.
the guy is at least thinking in other ways than I am. either he's not too bright or he's not good at thinking before speaking or saying things in a way to make people understand or he doesn't care about saying anything consistent. I firmly believe he can't possible be that 'stupid' or uncaring. I believe it must be a - to me - very odd way of thinking/seeing things. maybe he's just saying whatever he thinks at the moment and that's changing all the time.

I know that it's an actors job to play a character. it's not their life and they see it from a very different perspective than the fans but there are seldom actors that so consistently say things no one understands and/or wants to hear. he seems to be trotting on every fans feet. one at a time.

SMG sometimes comes off as the TV actress gone starlett but you always see interviews that show her in a different light too. that's the 'normal' kind of mixed signals a fan expects and is prepared to forgive/understand. she's hoping to have a big movie career now that Buffy is over. maybe she will. who knows?

JM always says what everyone wants to hear and in a funny and kind and nice way. he's good with fans and good with interviews and good with words. maybe it's honest, maybe not. I don't know the guy but he certainly doesn't seem to lie outright and he doesn't hurt his fan's feelings. never ever. he's charming all through. he's said in an interview he just came to do TV to earn money. he said he wanted to make $250 000 and then go home and do some more theater. but then he got stuck with how good Buffy was written and he stayed and will stay as long as it lasts. and then he'll probably go back to theater work. maybe that's just a very different attitude from the beginning to SMG or DB who wanted to start their career with this and move on up from there. JM is probably (no one knows for sure I think) a lot older than he looks. he seems to be one of those guys who look about the same from 25 to 50. I'd guess he's early 40s now.

and then there's guys like ASH (Giles) who just seem to be too genuine to be actors at all. he just tells his fan how he feels/sees it and they believe him and adore him for whatever decicion he's made. he's gone home to england after 5 seasons of Buffy and lot's of fan's hearts were broken by it and he told them about missing his wife and daughters and how he feels bad for not being there for his children and in every fan's heart he's instantly forgiven. fan's still suffer because they miss his character but they also follow him to whatever project he's doing in england afterwards.

sometimes I don't know if it's simply different levels of skill in communicating. I don't know any of the actors and I don't presume to know them just by reading some interviews or whatever pieces of information a 'fan' is privey to.

maybe it's part of the job of an actor to 'play' their fans? maybe some are honest and get kicked for it and others are honest and are loved for it and others are believed to be honest while they are just very good actors (they all are better actors than the everage person) playing what their fans want from them.

and I don't think they have to be honest. if they play it right and we fall for it. I'd say they did their job. it's show business not politics.

sorry for the babbling, I'm no good at short posts.



Thursday, May 6, 2004 4:06 AM


Maybe he's just tired of doing the show, and the cancellation was a big weight off his shoulders. I love the show, don't get me wrong. But he has been the same character for over 8 years. He's had a lot of changes in his life. He got married, and he had a kid. I've been at my job a little less than five years, and I'm ready to move along. I don't guess that acting is much different to some people. It's a great character, he's been made semi-famous by it, but really how much growth is left. Give it a thought from that perspective. Maybe he really just wants to move on with his life.


Thursday, May 6, 2004 4:38 AM



Originally posted by MrSmack:
Maybe he really just wants to move on with his life.

and there's nothing wrong with that but he seems to be stating it in the most unfavorable ways possible. he could say it and make everyone understand him and love him for it but he says it in a way to make the fans hate him or at least be disappointed. at least the fans that don't go out of their way to find different possible meanings in his words and/or try to be understanding.

and I see myself not as a fan of any of them and I don't hate any of them (or love them either) I just like to observe what they say and how they say it. I think it's part of the job and they do it in very different ways.

so I can really understand DB if he's had enough of Angel. 8 years is a looong time and he hasn't done much before he got the role and so he's probably very eager to do something else now. he's an actor and that's the job where you get to play different characters. TV shows are not exactly what most actors dream to do with their life, I guess. it's kinda the opposit of what they wanted to do in the first place. I think that's beside the fame the thing that's so great about being a movie actor, to play in many different films and many different roles and characters. playing the same guy even if evolving and interestingly written for years on end doesn't seem to be the same.

I just marvel at how 'clumsy' he's saying it. and his timing always seems to suck, doesn't it? with fan campaigns like the "Angel Food Drive" still running...



Thursday, May 6, 2004 6:39 AM


Someone asked about DB 'does he even watch the show?' not sure about Angel but I saw in an interview that he never watched Buffy.

Doesnt really bother me. He could hate the show (i dont believe that) but he still does a great job and I hear he is tons of fun to be around.


Thursday, May 6, 2004 6:46 AM


I was laughing because I recently saw him on a rerun of Married with Children. He was Kelly's current fling, and it was her birthday. But the Bundy's offer to take her out, so she tells him she has other plans. They go to the movies, and there he was with another girl. The best part was Al Bundy beating him up. He looked really young then.


Saturday, May 8, 2004 10:24 PM



Someone asked about DB 'does he even watch the show?' not sure about Angel but I saw in an interview that he never watched Buffy.

Yeah that was me. I guess I just find it strange when fans know more about a show then the actors in it. But I guess that is to be expected, they can't remember everything right? DB mentioned at a convention how most of the show was filmed at night (obviously), but every now and again their schedules get changed around and they shoot in the day like when he shot the episode with SMG in season 1, when he found the ring and could go outside. Well all of us fans know that the reason he could go outside in the SMG episode 'I Will Remember You' was because he was turned human. He often does the same thing when asked about the character's time line involving Buffy as well as when he was Angel and when he was Angelus and he's really unsure about it all, its so confusing and tangled. I guess what is bothersom is that so infrequently is the actor of a show interviewed by someone that has actually seen it, that when the interviewer asks an interesting question, like one the fans would ask, it can be dissapointing when the actor screws up the facts or has no idea at all. So he never watches Buffy or Angel, do you think he has the DVD sets?

Also, in defense of DB, in the past he has said wonderful things about both shows, the cast and crew and is always sure to mention Joss. In the same light, cast and crew have nothing but wonderful things to say about him, not your stock answers like 'very professional' or 'nice to work with' like SMG was getting at the end of Buffy. Even WB's Levin releasing the statement upon the shows cancelation,

"David continues to be one of the finest, classiest and friendliest actors we have had the pleasure to work with and we hope that the relationship furthers from here."
It just seems it has been this past year that things have changed with him...sorta like SMG in her final year of Buffy...I wonder if there is some sort of illness only actors with their character's name in the title get? Lucky for us this won't happen to any of the crew of Firefly

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the road less traveled by and they CANCELLED MY FRIKKIN' SHOW. I totally shoulda took the road that had all those people on it. Damn." --Joss






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