Not looking forward to at Spike Spinoff....

UPDATED: Monday, May 17, 2004 06:32
VIEWED: 8365
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Wednesday, May 12, 2004 5:45 AM


as much as i l-o-v-e LOVE Spike (He is my favorite character) i don't think a Spin-off would be that great of an idea. This could probably become redundent and have many episodes very similar to those on Angel and Buffy (and i've heard there have been more than a couple that are very similar) I believe it would be best to just let things end with a bang rather than fizzle out...

MAL: This is my scrap of nowhere. You go on and find your own.
SAFFRON: You can't just leave me here, on this
lifeless piece of crap moon...
MAL: Sure I can.
SAFFRON: I'll die.
MAL: Well, as a courtesy, you might start
getting busy on that, cause all this
chatter ain't doin' me any kindness.


Wednesday, May 12, 2004 6:21 AM


Howdyrockerbaby, you are very right. I would hope that there really aren't any plans to spin Spike off. While he's an interesting character, I don't much see how the character can carry an entire show on his own. James Marsters is a fine actor, but Spike's charm was that even when he was heavily involved with Buffy, he was still on the periphery of their social group. He's a pariah. I don't think it would work to see Spike as the central figure of any show. It would just feel strange to have him "leading" another group of heroes. He's not a team player.

The only way it might work is if the show was radically different from both Buffy and Angel in both tone and format. A series about a loner, perhaps, that focused on Spike's position as an outcast in both the human and demon worlds, with a rotating cast of supporting characters.

Really, though I think the Buffyverse should just die for a while. It's run it's course for now. I'm all about Mr. Whedon bringing it back later, but let it rest for a bit.

You got a wife? All I got is that dumbass stick sounds like it's raining.


Wednesday, May 12, 2004 7:26 AM


I would like it if it was a movie series about Spike's life. I'm very interested in what he's done with his life as much as with Angel and especially Darla.
But only if that's the case. Otherwise, if not, I agree. It would be too much like Angel. Having Spike on Angel is enough for me. They can dive into his past as an episode on the show.


Wednesday, May 12, 2004 8:00 AM


Well, maybe if spike falls through an interdimensional portal in the first episode and lands in a future parallel universe...on board a Firefly-class transport... ;)

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Wednesday, May 12, 2004 9:20 AM


I agree with Arden

I think a Spike spinoff would be great if they could use a different format. Instead of about New York? Spike is more of a hard edge bad ass anyway. I think Andrew could be a regular. They have really made their relationship alot of fun.


Wednesday, May 12, 2004 10:37 AM


I wouldn't mind a Spike spinoff. I see it as a guy going from town to town without a place in the world. That's the way it would work for me. To be honest I want to see Spike with Buffy. Without her the only way I can see him is lost. Kinda hopeless.

It could work it they did that, but I still want to see Buffy & Spike in the end. It's just the way it should be.


Wednesday, May 12, 2004 10:55 AM



Originally posted by Elysian:
I see it as a guy going from town to town without a place in the world.

very good, i like this idea. a 'then came bronson' approach. it could work.
so along the way he reminiscences about the past (dru, angel, buffy, etc.), and learns and grows from the present (those he meets & helps) and should he happen to meet a seer with knowledge of spike in 500 years ...
no motorcycle for spike though. he needs a car with very dark glass.

"They say the snow on the roof is too heavy. They say the ceiling will cave in. His brains are in terrible danger."


Wednesday, May 12, 2004 12:06 PM


I don't know if any show has ever quite done this. I'd want him alone. I wouldn't want any other main characters. Some Buffy & Angel characters as well as others could come in and out of his life, but day to day he'd be alone. You want other characters, have something he's chasing, or someone chasing him, but no real friends . . .

And yeah, a motorcycle would have been nice, but given his sunlight issues a car would probably work better. Not a good car either. A shitty car that's on its last legs and always on the verge of breaking down.


Wednesday, May 12, 2004 12:09 PM


The same idea could be really cool as a movie too.


Wednesday, May 12, 2004 12:17 PM



Originally posted by karenkay99:
a 'then came bronson' approach. it could work.
so along the way he reminiscences about the past (dru, angel, buffy, etc.), and learns and grows from the present (those he meets & helps)

I've heard talk before that Joss has a story in mind (for someone, Faith and/or Spike) who travels...always moving on....

And I would LOVE it, I think Spike's character needs to be seen moving on from the Buffy obsession...
and I would love background stories, like seeing more of Spike & Dru w/Felini in 1950's Italy...

and working w/Andrew!
Actually Spike has a lot of chemistry w/Illyria and well, just about everyone on the show!

Evidently James Marsters said he would rather do the made for TV movie(s) sooner rather than later, because he doesn't want the character looking too old.

Article on the subject here:


Wednesday, May 12, 2004 12:20 PM



Originally posted by Elysian:
I don't know if any show has ever quite done this.

then came bronson

am i the only one old enough to remember this?

"They say the snow on the roof is too heavy. They say the ceiling will cave in. His brains are in terrible danger."


Wednesday, May 12, 2004 12:44 PM


To be honest every TV show before Buffy has blended into a terrible blandness. "I dropped my board into the water and the chalk all ran." I don't even remember me before Buffy came along. I'm not serious. Well ... not completely. The Simpsons stands out ... obviously. What did we have? The A-Team. The Dukes of Hazzard. Airwolf. Nothing worth mentioning.

I saw a story on a couple of weeks ago where Spike ate the cast of MASH. I didn't read it. I didn't believe anything could live up to the image the summary put in my head.

To answer your question, no, I don't remember. I only have vague images of the shows I mentioned. When was it?


Wednesday, May 12, 2004 12:45 PM


I think a Spike spinoff would be just about the best choice they could make (other than maybe Willow), given how complex he is and how good James is ...but of course assuming they made it drastically differen from Angel (and really, who in the world would think that joss would repeat himself??), and more importantly, if they gave him the right regular supporting characters to make it an unusual show that was not "all about Spike"...

Spike, Wood, and Faith, anyone?

(though I admit the person who had the idea of having only Spike and no supporting cast had a good thought ...but only if it somehow moved far beyond what they had done so far with the character ...the 'problem' with the character is that he has gone through more than any other character, that it really seems like everything has been 'done' with him, so it's hard to imagine a series that was all about him ...but that very restriction could lead to a lot of creativity)


Wednesday, May 12, 2004 12:54 PM


I've always had a strange affinity for Dawn.

Spike Dawn & Andrew


Wednesday, May 12, 2004 12:58 PM


I'd also like a show designed not to run the full 5-7 yrs. Angel/Buffy did. Two years maybe. Three at the most. I'd like to see Spike going to town to town searching for something, with a clear objective somewhere along the way, even if he doesn't know how to get there. Maybe Dawn's sick. The spell that made her is slowly coming apart, and Spike is looking for the answers to how to save her. Just a thought. Or maybe Spike is just trying to find himself.


Wednesday, May 12, 2004 6:37 PM


I really do believe the only way Joss would do a Spike spin-off is if the concept kicked ass. He would not endanger the Buffyverse legacy, it is too much a part of the career he has built for himself, and too much a part of the fans lives. I do believe there would be a way to do a worthy spin-off with either Spike or Faith or both (has Tru Calling been renewed for another season?)

And about Spike and Buffy together in the end, I really do believe it will always be Angel. He was her only true love and they only parted because it was too dangerous to be together, you can't say the same for any of her other relationships. Besides, if Spike has a spin-off, we would want to see him start up new relationships, as I doubt SMG would ever be a part of the show. I have to admitt, I always wanted to see ATS end with Angel earning his atonement and completing the Shanshu prophecy and becoming human again. Then he and Buffy would be able to finally be together. I know it is sappy and in no way a possibility, but hasn't it always been geared in that way? Isn't that the main reason Angel wanted to find redemption, to be with Buffy in the end?

I am so going to be made fun of for that last comment. Bring on the painful insults!

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the road less traveled by and they CANCELLED MY FRIKKIN' SHOW. I totally shoulda took the road that had all those people on it. Damn." --Joss


Thursday, May 13, 2004 8:46 AM


Give me Spike and Wesley. They are my two favorite characters from the jossverse with Giles getting honorable mention. Throw in Andrew for added comic relief and I could be happy no matter the setting they were in because the characters are so great. I'm just not ready to say good bye to these characters.

May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Thursday, May 13, 2004 9:03 AM


Due to the pics I have seen online on the last episode...I think Wes dies. :(
He is one of my favs and I could be wrong but that would suck.


Thursday, May 13, 2004 9:40 AM


you might want to put that in the

Select to view spoiler:

spoiler text

so that you have to highlight it to see that comment.
i'm not following Angel right now so i don't mind... but some people might be a bit perturbed.


Thursday, May 13, 2004 11:00 AM



Originally posted by Elysian:
I'd also like a show designed not to run the full 5-7 yrs. Angel/Buffy did. Two years maybe. Three at the most. I'd like to see Spike going to town to town searching for something, with a clear objective somewhere along the way, even if he doesn't know how to get there. Maybe Dawn's sick. The spell that made her is slowly coming apart, and Spike is looking for the answers to how to save her. Just a thought. Or maybe Spike is just trying to find himself.

i love this idea. send it to joss immediately!!

"They say the snow on the roof is too heavy. They say the ceiling will cave in. His brains are in terrible danger."


Monday, May 17, 2004 6:18 AM


about the spoiler mentioned above

Select to view spoiler:

dead doesn't have to be dead in the Buffyverse. Spike was pretty dead at the end of Buffy. Darla was way dead in Buffy S1, Buffy was dead twice...
they tend to come back. not the ones dies of natural causes. but maybe Wes will be magically killed. I don't know anything here just speculation.
to kill off Wes would be a shame, to let him sacrifice himself somehow and later on come back mystically/magically in a spin off would be pretty normal for the Buffyverse.

just my thought.

I'd love to see a Spike show. and I'd let Joss decide how to do it. he knows best.

but it might be cool to see lots of charcters semi regularly. and that might even be easier to get the actors to agree to. lots of the Buffy/Angel actors probably won't sign up for a whole season. but guest appearances? not SMG or DB necessarily. but some of the others maybe.

and no Andrew and Dawn for me please. they get on my nerves almost as easily as Riley or Darla. I can live without ever seeing any of them again easily.



Monday, May 17, 2004 6:26 AM


Actually I think they could do some cool things like for instance the Spike aging thing. What if Spike finds that since he got his soul back in a way different from Angel he might be half mortal. That could explain aging, and lesser pain/extreme hazard from Daylight. Angel got his soul back due to a curse, and as such is destined to suffer. Spike on the other hand went and got his soul back. It stands to reason that the demon might eventually be forced out. Plus it could put a whole lot more urgency in his quest for redemption, though one wonders how much more redemption you need after saving the world, multiple times. I could see a show with him and Faith, however, you would have to add Andrew to break up the whininess about redemption.


Monday, May 17, 2004 6:32 AM


Hi i heard that Spike wouldn't get his own show because he couldn't hold his own show.Don't get me wrong i like Spike (a little that is!!) but i would be pissed off if all we have to fill the Buffy/Angel void is Spike.







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