Last Lines (Finale Spoilers)

UPDATED: Monday, May 24, 2004 17:45
VIEWED: 4874
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Thursday, May 20, 2004 7:16 AM


I'm something of a list maker. I'm sharing this one, since I made it, and thought someone else might be curious. I'm not sure there's any deeper meaning in it, it's just one of those things I take note of. But if someone can find some hidden meaning to it, hey, let me know.

This will be spoilers if you haven't seen the finale, since it's a list of every major character's last line. You've been warned.

In the order they were given (with the possible exception of Harmony, can't quite remember the order for hers):

Lindsey (to Lorne): You're killing me? A flunkie? I'm not just . . . Angel kills me . . . You . . . Angel.

Harmony (to Angel and Hamilton): May the best man win.

Lorne (to an empty room): Good night, folks.

Wesley (to Illyria as Fred): I love you.

Hamilton (to Angel): You don't really think you're gonna win this, do you? You don't stand a chance. We are legion. We are forever.

Connor (to Angel): They'll destroy you.

Eve (to a departed Angel): Go where?

Illyria (to Gunn): You're fading. You'll last ten minutes, at best.

Gunn (to Illyria): Then let's make them memorable.

Spike (to Angel): Bit more specific?

Angel (in response to Spike): Well personally, I want to slay the dragon. Let's get to work.

WESLEY : Feng shui.
GUNN: Right. What's that mean again?
WESLEY: That people will believe anything.


Thursday, May 20, 2004 8:21 PM


OK, I am going to bite, and tell you my philosophy on these ending quotes, their signifigance to each character as a final eminence on who they are. This because I love making dialogue lists myself, and this one is inspiring.

Originally posted by Delia:

Lindsey (to Lorne): You're killing me? A flunkie? I'm not just . . . Angel kills me . . You . . . Angel.
Lindsey always thought he was more powerful than he ever really was, as confirmed in "Your Welcome", and that if he were to ever be killed it would have to be by the person he felt to be his nemesis of equal standing, Angel.. But not only does Angel have the satisfaction of Lindsey's death by what is essentially his hand (directed through Lorne) he also gets satisfaction from knowing that Lindsey dies the last way he ever imagined he would, in a way that would humiliate him the most; at the hands of a "flunkie", which in the eyes of Lindsey, would be Lorne.

Harmony (to Angel and Hamilton): May the best man win.
Harmony's entire existence has revolved around the men in her life…and her need for acceptance by them, Spike (he threw her away for a slayer, and she still took him back), Angel (her boss that never respected her, yet she tried ceaselessly to impress him), and finally, Hamilton (who used her for information, and she complied, even though it meant betraying Angel, just to gain his acceptance)

Lorne (to an empty room): Good night, folks.
Lorne has always been a showman, the consummate performer, and he always will be, this night is no exception, it was just a different type of performance.

Wesley (to Illyria as Fred): I love you.
All Wes had from the time Fred came into his life was Fred, he proved this by spending his last day attending to Illyria, he had no one else to spend it with. And he lost Fred, before he ever really got to love her in the way he had wanted to for so long, this would be his final statement to her.

Hamilton (to Angel): You don't really think you're gonna win this, do you? You don't stand a chance. We are legion. We are forever.

Hamilton is the embodiment of the senior partners and thus the embodiment of evil; and as there will always be evil, there will always be someone to fight. Angel will not be winning the war, just one in a series of battles of good vs. evil.

Connor (to Angel): They'll destroy you.
Connor spent so much of his life trying to destroy his father, but now he cares and wants to help protect that which at one time, he wanted so desperately to destroy.

Eve (to a departed Angel): Go where?
Originally Eve was eternally bound to W&H, but she gave this up for Lindsey. Now with both gone, she would die in the only place she ever existed. As she watched W&H crumble around her, she literally watched her world die. There was no place else for her to go.

Illyria (to Gunn): You're fading. You'll last ten minutes, at best.

Everyone still sees the faded image of Fred, when they look upon Illyria., She will never be a distinct being in their eyes. Fred will always be a part of who Illyria is. This final statement is an homage to Fred's compassion that Illyria is now finding within herself. In essence Fred actually did 'Not Fade Away'

Gunn (to Illyria): Then let's make them memorable.
Gunn, always the muscle, always the fighter right up to the end.

Spike (to Angel): Bit more specific?
How else would Spike choose to leave this world, but through sarcasm? It is the very definition of who his character is. –On a side note- At the point that Spike was dying in order to save the world in 'Chosen', he said, "I wanna see how it ends." So, what else would Spike say?

Angel (in response to Spike): Well personally, I want to slay the dragon. Let's get to work.
Angel is the knight who will slay the dragon, and command his troops to fight right up to the end.. However, I believe that the line is a double entendre, when one looks at it from the standpoint of a reference to folklore, the purpose of slaying the dragon is 'to win'. Then we should be able to proportionately substitute Angel's final line to read : "Personally, I want to win"

I like reading it this way, because although it doesn't mean they all survive the battle, Angel goes in believing they have a chance.

And that is my take on it, sorry for the long post, but I had of my major's was in English Literature, which is basically all about reading what other people wrote and analyzing what was being said in between the lines....go figure

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the road less traveled by and they CANCELLED MY FRIKKIN' SHOW. I totally shoulda took the road that had all those people on it. Damn." --Joss


Thursday, May 20, 2004 10:37 PM


Very interesting thoughts, Angeldove. There is one, however, that I'm going to take a bit further, and that's Eve's. I don't think it was so much the fact that she didn't really seem to belong on the show, it was just simply because she had nowhere left to turn. Originally, she devoted her life to being the liason to the senior partners. When she met Lindsey, she gave all of that up for him. And now, with Lindsey dead, she had nowhere else to turn. Lindsey was the only thing left in her life, and then she didn't even have him.

"How drunk was I last night?"


Friday, May 21, 2004 1:12 AM


Why is everyone always trying to slay the dragon? I mean just because you can fly, breathe fire, and have a taste for virgins, everyone wants to carve their initials into your hide. I think there is far too much anti-dragon discrimination going on in television and fiction in general.

I do wonder if this is the same dragon that came out of the portal back when Glory was around. The one that came out just before Buffy closed it. And what he's (she's?) been doing the past couple years.

"Wash, where is my damn spaceship?"


Friday, May 21, 2004 3:17 AM



Originally posted by Drakon:
Why is everyone always trying to slay the dragon? I mean just because you can fly, breathe fire, and have a taste for virgins, everyone wants to carve their initials into your hide. I think there is far too much anti-dragon discrimination going on in television and fiction in general.

I do wonder if this is the same dragon that came out of the portal back when Glory was around. The one that came out just before Buffy closed it. And what he's (she's?) been doing the past couple years.

Well, that's what the first TV movie will be about. "The Adventures of Sparky the Dragon" [name subject to change] starts just before he gets ported into this world, his wacky adventures in a world that doesn't believe he really exists, and finally his death at Spikes's hands (because Joss is just that mean to Angel :). Coming July, 2005.

"FOX! Where the shit hits the fans." - Tim Minear


Friday, May 21, 2004 3:50 AM


My question is what do people feel happened right after the episode ends (if we assume the story continues). Do all of them perish? Is Angel's challenge to the dragon simply a last moment of defiance in the face of the enemy? Is the line by Illyria simply a statement of fact and underscoring the severity of the situation, that they will lose one of their fighters very quickly which makes things even harder? I am not a devoted follower of the show (so I do not know ALL of the details) so I could be reading the whole thing completely wrong. I just felt that at the end, all of them knew that they would not survive and that they simply would fight until the end. To me, it made the ending even more remarkable.


Friday, May 21, 2004 4:51 AM


I had the opinion that they would all die fighting, Angel would get his Dragon but they would all go down triggering the Wolf, Ram, and Hart apocalyse. Things on earth go to crap. Cue theme and credits.

Enter Lorne, Eve, Harmony and Connor, who somehow use the magics to unfold time and stop Angel from making the original deal with the senior partners in the first place.

Season Six Episode Two starts back at the hotel, with the limo parked out front.

Angel 6.1 Second Chances

Angel 6.2 The Path not Taken

" Thats not fair !!!!
I didn't even have a soul when I did that!"


Friday, May 21, 2004 4:56 AM


i felt it had to be that way. they are all dead. whether they are brought back or anything like that, i cannot speculate. i guess i was looking at it as one of those times when the good guys do not necessarily win.


Friday, May 21, 2004 10:58 AM


Well in a sense the good guys do win. They made a choice, they acted pro-actively, knowing what the outcome would likely be. They weren't being manipulated or forced into it. They choose their path.

I'm calling that a win.

But, I know what you mean.

(I'm probably takin' this all a bit too serious...)

"The cosmic baker took us out of the oven a little too early, and that's the reason we're as crazy as we are..."


Monday, May 24, 2004 9:40 AM


Thanks InsaneSpike, when I was quickly analyzing these statements the other night, I really did come at an impass with Eve, I never liked her character, and thus found it hard to look deeper, (she was a fairly shallow character), but I used your suggestion to springboard into a new analysis:
Eve (to a departed Angel): Go where?
Originally Eve was eternally bound to W&H, but she gave this up for Lindsey. Now with both gone, she would die in the only place she ever existed. As she watched W&H crumble around her, she literally watched her world die. There was no place else for her to go.

I also edited my original post to reflect my change, only cause I wanted to keep these thoughts all together, but I couldn't have cracked that Eve statement without you!!! Thanks!

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the road less traveled by and they CANCELLED MY FRIKKIN' SHOW. I totally shoulda took the road that had all those people on it. Damn." --Joss


Monday, May 24, 2004 11:13 AM


I also feel it would be fitting to add Cordelia's last line of the show from "Your Welcome", that also ends up being her last line of the series, and should be a part of this list as it got the ball rolling for the series finale...

Cordelia to Angel: Your Welcome
At first I thought this was just in response to him being thankful that she was there to help him see that he was going down a dark path with Wolfram and Hart through the last conversation they had. But having seen the finale, I believe it was in reference to the gift she had just given him, a vision of the danger that was soon to come. The danger he is now prepared for in this series finale.

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the road less traveled by and they CANCELLED MY FRIKKIN' SHOW. I totally shoulda took the road that had all those people on it. Damn." --Joss


Monday, May 24, 2004 11:55 AM


I wonder if the dragon could be the monster that Wolfram and Hart had as their failsafe to kill Angel? It must be in the crowd of demons somewhere, and that seemed to be the biggest and most impressive monster there. Thoughts?

"I like smackin' 'em!" - Jayne Cobb


Monday, May 24, 2004 12:47 PM


I think they all die, but in the process take out 99% of all of the monsters sent after them, including all of the really nasty ones (e.g. the dragon).

Cue appropriate music. Boardroom with shadowy figures seated around it. Enter three very beat up, almost dying, demons. One of them straitens up a bit and salutes. "They're dead, Sir!"

An unspoken question prompts the demon to mumble "There are no others."

The Senior Partners then spend years or decades rebuilding their strength. At which point another hero is ready to take up the fight.



Monday, May 24, 2004 1:28 PM



Originally posted by est120:
My question is what do people feel happened right after the episode ends

in my denial world ... all the slayerettes, buffy, faith, giles, andrew, conner, willow, xander, gunns peps, even dru (those woftram&hart folks are tasty), all show up and knock them demons down and everyone lives to fight another day. and of course angel gets the dragon.

did i forget anyone?

"They say the snow on the roof is too heavy. They say the ceiling will cave in. His brains are in terrible danger."


Monday, May 24, 2004 4:41 PM


no, the dragon being the biggest toughest, dind't you notice the big ass giant in the back holding a (what looks like a club)?

"please, people need peace"


Monday, May 24, 2004 5:21 PM


Well, judging by how effortlessly Illyria demolished that car, I think she could have easily gotten some giant spines by the end of the fight. And she would be motivated now since what happened to Wes. And if that really is the end of the Buffyverse, I think I may cry...or I could go homicidal on Fox's ass!


Monday, May 24, 2004 5:45 PM



Originally posted by seafort:
Well in a sense the good guys do win. They made a choice, they acted pro-actively, knowing what the outcome would likely be. They weren't being manipulated or forced into it. They choose their path.

I'm calling that a win.[E]


"the truest test of courage, is the last one."

I also really love Illyria's next to last line. "Wesley's dead. I'm feeling grief for him. I can't seem to control it. I wish to do more violence." I imagine Joss saying these lines, substituting 'Wesley' with 'My Show'. Targets:Fox/WB

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