Remembering Angel - Season 5 Favorites

UPDATED: Wednesday, August 4, 2004 08:17
VIEWED: 6854
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Wednesday, June 9, 2004 11:45 AM


This post will contain more than 3 favorite moments, as I feel this was Angel's best season. I can't wait to have it on DVD!!!!

Everything about Smile Time
"Your a bloody puppet!" "...the wee little puppet man"

Everything about A Hole In The World
Poignant: "Handsome man saves me" I love it as it references an early Fred moment with Angel. "Please Wesley, why can't I stay"
Funny: Astronauts vs. Cavemen

You're Welcome
Poignant: The moment when Cordy says, "You're Welcome" and walks out of the room as Angel finds out she has died and was never really there.
Funny: Angel: "I'm not going to risk anyone I care about"
Spike: "I'll go"
Angel: "OK"

Time Bomb
WTF: Watching Illyria kill everyone

Poignant: Connor (looking at Angel pointedly) "You gotta do what you can to protect your family. I learned that from my father"
Funny: Spike to Illyria: "We need to set some ground rules. First off—no more punching me in the face. Secondly, when I punch you in the face, you tell me how you feel so I can write that down on my clipboard. Third—no touching my clipboard."

Not Fade Away
Poignant: Illyria: "Would you like me to lie to you now?"
Wes: "Yes, please, yes"
Funny: Angel: "…one of you will betray me"
Spike raises his hand enthusiastically
Angel: "Wes"
Spike: "Can I deny you three times?"

Too many moments, so little space

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the road less traveled by and they CANCELLED MY FRIKKIN' SHOW. I totally shoulda took the road that had all those people on it. Damn." --Joss


Wednesday, June 9, 2004 12:47 PM


Season ranks:

1. S1
2. S2
3. S3
4. S5
5. S4

S5 was a good send-off though and there were some great moments. Top 3 eps:

1. Underneath
2. Damage
3. Destiny/Lineage

I think I need to rewatch them all at least a few more times before I can make that list definitive ;)

Top 3 moments:

1. Spike/Angel conversation at the end of Damage.
2. Fred's last moments - my God Denisof can act.
3. Wesley shooting his 'father' in Lineage.

Honourable mention: Fred driving away to LA at the end of Shells.


Thursday, June 10, 2004 7:13 PM


For me:

Season ranking:

1. S2
2. S3
3. S5
4. S1
5. S4

Episode favorite for S5: Damage
I haven't watched the others enough to rank them, but that's definitely my fav.

Moments (not in any particular order):

Spike - "Sorry luv, I don't speak Chinese." from Damage.

Illyria - I can't even write it. You know the one I mean (fortunately, Angeldove already included it earlier). from Not Fade Away.

Cordy - "You're Welcome."
Angel - "Thank you."

Plus many, many others. Season five may not have had the best individual episodes, but it was filthy rich with little "moments" like the above - probably the most since S2.

Apathy on the Rise. No One Cares.


Thursday, June 10, 2004 11:21 PM


Am I the only one that thought You're Welcome was a bit poor?


Friday, June 11, 2004 1:57 AM



Originally posted by Grounded:
Am I the only one that thought You're Welcome was a bit poor?

Maybe not the ONLY one, but you're definitely in the minority. I loved the way they, in retrospect, put in the little hints early in the episode that she was actually dead.

Apathy on the Rise. No One Cares.


Friday, June 11, 2004 2:18 AM


(Spoilers for season five, obviously...)

Personally I HATED season five up to the christmas break. There's not one episode that I would consider worth a rewatch, and only a few moments where the show actually felt compelling (e.g. Wesley killing his robot dad). It seemed clear to me that the producers had no idea how to handle the three big changes at the start of the season - the takeover of W&H, the introduction of Spike, and the Connor mindwipe.

I only started watching Angel regularly in the 4th season, one of the early Jasmine episodes (though I've seen all the other seasons since then). I can even pick the exact moment when I became a fan - when watching the "previously on Angel" segment and seeing the huge, labryinth plot that had led up to the events in that one episode I became very intrigued, and I wanted to know more about that story arc. This was a show that respected its fans.

As you can imagine, the fact that Season five was to consist of mostly stand-alone episodes (on orders from the network) was very disappointing to me. I was willing to invest the time in the show's big damn story arcs, so give them to me!

After the christmas break the show turned around 100%. There were still stinkers (Why we Fight, The Girl in Question) but almost every other episode had something worthwhile. Highlights include Smile Time, A Hole In the World, Shells, Origin, and Not Fade Away.

Rating the seasons:

1. S4 (loved the story arcs)

2. S3 (great episodes like "Waiting in the Wings", plus the Wesley betrayal storyline)

3. S5

4. S2 (not as many outstanding episodes, I was never a Darla fan, and Pylea was only okay)

5. S1 (the show felt kinda cheesy at times, but there were some highlights)


"If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do... If there is no bigger meaning, then the smallest act of kindness is the greatest thing in the world" Angel 2.16 Epiphany


Friday, June 11, 2004 4:46 AM


I do agree that the beginning or S5 was a little on the insubstantial side but I imagine that's because they were adhering a little to strictly to the single episode format. The difference for me though is that I hated S4 so, although not as good as S1-3, the beginning of S5 felt to me like a recovery and they needed a few eps to get back on their feet, proven by the step up around Lineage/Destiny.

For me both Buffy and Angel work far better as single/double episodes with an overall arc running in the background until the last few episodes where it picks up for the finale. For a full blown year long arc to work it really has to be exceptional, something I think Angel (mostly) achieved with S3. If you go back and look at the S4 arc again, there are so many plot holes and continuity rewrites it's ridiculous.

Despite the faltering start, I enjoyed S5 a lot. You're right they misfired a few times - misuse and underuse of certain characters (stand up Lorne) and never truly resolving the Connor mindwipe or dealing with Cordelia's death in any way shape or form - but for a final hurrah I think it more than made the grade :)


Friday, June 11, 2004 4:54 AM


Best of Season 5?

Smile Time and The Girl in Question

I always judge programs by which ones make me laugh the hardest. I will always choose humor over angst, though, I must admit, angst makes me laugh pretty darn hard, too because of how stupid it makes people look.



Saturday, June 12, 2004 7:20 AM


Favourite Season - 3 the whole arc of the season.

Favourite Episode - last season Smile Time. Loved it, haven't laughed so much in ages - and I want one of those Angel puppets!!!


Sunday, June 13, 2004 1:36 AM



Originally posted by mrskborg:
I want one of those Angel puppets!!!

Some guy made a fantastic Angel puppet costume for the Fusion con in the Uk. He's auctioning it off on ebay here:

It's expensive though and I don't know what costs of sending it to the US would be like. But just incase anyone's interested.


Well, my sister's a ship... we had a
complicated childhood


Monday, June 14, 2004 7:55 PM


I think one of the biggest problems with Season five was due to the cancellation. Even though Joss said he was going to end it in much the way he had planned to, he did say that at the begining of the season they opened up a lot of new story lines to deal with over the next few seasons. When you do this, then get told over half-way through the season that you're canceled, the once leasurly walk to the finish line becomes a sprint, and it is no wonder that many felt the story lines to be rushed. It was evident that Spike was to consist as a mini story arc, as the first part of the season greatly involved him, and Illyria was the second mini story arc, with the Circle of the Black Thorn running as the overall story arc of the season. However, we didn't get to see as much as one would expect of the Illyria arc, and definitly not enough of this Circle arc, which was rushed into two episodes to pull it together for the finale. Personnally, I feel that if they knew the show was coming back for a 6th season, they probably would have shelved 'The Girl In Question' episode in hopes of getting Gellar to do it in the following season; if this wasn't their plan, it should have been. That ep drove me crazy knowing that Buffy wasn't going to show up, therefor no tension waiting to find out if they would see her or not, what would happen with the love triangle, etc, etc..and God save me from having to watch the very bad dancing stand-in again, ever! Even if we didn't know in advance that Sarah wasn't in the show, were we really going to fall for that? This episode was designed with the mind-set of tying up this triangle thing before cancelation to appease the fans; but in the end, it seemed exceptionally contrived and thus futile.
I enjoyed this season, and Whedon and crew did the best with what they had to work with. Although for overall story arcs I am a fan of Seasons 2 & 3 (sorry, Season 4 was just too damn long with no stand alones to lighten it up) Season 5 wins hands down for best individual episodes and mini arcs in my book. (Season 4 did have Angelus and Faith, as well as scruffy Wes, so it too had its merits)

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the road less traveled by and they CANCELLED MY FRIKKIN' SHOW. I totally shoulda took the road that had all those people on it. Damn." --Joss


Tuesday, July 6, 2004 4:38 AM



didnt sell it so ill be wearing it again for more conventions next year


Tuesday, July 6, 2004 8:18 AM


You so should have won with that costume.

Well, my sister's a ship... we had a
complicated childhood
I wear the cheese. It does not wear me.


Tuesday, July 6, 2004 11:55 AM


Well-written and well-plotted. We'll miss it. We'll miss Joss, too. Another 9 months and change until we get anything new from the man...

Anyone wanna give me the Angel DVD box sets for free?


Wednesday, July 28, 2004 9:28 PM


You're Welcome


Seasons are kinda hard. #4 handsdown favourite.

3 and 2 kinda switch back and fourth, there are more episodes I love in season 3 than season 2 but I hate the Gunn/Fred/Wes and Angel/Cordy storylines and that Cordy and Gunn seem so out of character in their reactions to Wesley at the end of the season.

Same with seasons 1 and 5, if season five didn't put Fred(who I hate) with Wesley(who I love) I'd have put it higher. Plus I didn't like the fact that half the cast disppeared at the beginning of the season so that they could showcase Spike. and it really annoyed me that they took so long to deal with the mindwipe and then didn't even follow up on it after "Origin".


Wednesday, July 28, 2004 11:07 PM


"Cordy and Gunn seem so out of character in their reactions to Wesley at the end of the season."

True, but in S4 *everyone* is out of character at some point.


Thursday, July 29, 2004 8:49 AM


True but at least in season 4 I get an explanation for Cordy's that I can stretch back to cover all her strange behaviour. and I can fanwank that the couple of months distance between them had Gunn and Wes forgetting that they actually used to be friends, it's a bit easier to swallow for me than Gunn's total shift from one week to the next in season 3. and the hotness of scruffy Wes/Lilah overpowers a lot anyway!

I started watching Angel at "Couplet and Loyalty" in the season three reruns and went straight into season 4 while playing catch up with the other seasons so on most of the first viewing the out of characterness didn't jump out at me. I just spent the first couple of months thinking Gunn was an insecure jerk and had always been that way. The out of characterness would have bothered me a lot more if I'd seen the series in order because that's generally one of my pet peeves. Season 4 would still be my favourite though because I just love the scope and consistancy of the storytelling in that season. Love story arcs.

I'm disappointed that they didn't have Fred turn out to be some kind of evil mind control demon though...because that would have explained everyone's behaviour!


Wednesday, August 4, 2004 8:17 AM


If you really analyse it, the S4 story makes little to no sense. Even if it did, I'd still never forgive the character reversal and killing of Skip :(






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