better late than never....

UPDATED: Friday, August 27, 2004 23:42
VIEWED: 3313
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Tuesday, August 24, 2004 3:35 PM


okay, another post from the guy who is watching reruns of angel on TNT. i was watching todays episode (the one where cordelia accepts the move to a higher plane and angel gets dropped into the ocean by connor and justine) and i realized that david boreanaz is a really good actor. the scene that made me stand up and take notice was when he was waiting for cordelia on the cliff by the ocean. i cannot really explain it, but his facial expressions really conveyed his nervousness, his fear and his "i am a tough guy" attitude. very impressive.

also, the more episodes i watch, the more i realize how interesting the writing has been. the banter between wesley and lilah in this particular episode is just great. also, the scenes with groo were always amusing and his final scene when he tells cordelia to go is rather touching.

anyhoo, just had to share. like i said, i guess it is better late than never that i get interested in this show.

"i can't comprehend the ways that i miss you, they come to light in my mistakes."
-neko case


Tuesday, August 24, 2004 11:53 PM


Even the ridiculous Cordy 'ascension' plot can't ruin that last scene with Angel sinking to the bottom of the sea. Classic.


Wednesday, August 25, 2004 1:41 AM



Originally posted by Grounded:
Even the ridiculous Cordy 'ascension' plot can't ruin that last scene with Angel sinking to the bottom of the sea. Classic.

yeah. her rising into whatever did seem kind of silly, but i did not start watching until after the episodes where that was explained, so i was also confused as to why she was doing that. still, the contrast is what i think the writers were after. cordelia moving into what almost seems to be like heaven and angel descending into the darkness.

"i can't comprehend the ways that i miss you, they come to light in my mistakes."
-neko case


Wednesday, August 25, 2004 4:21 AM


Oh yeah it was a nice image. It was just a shame they didn't really justify it.


Wednesday, August 25, 2004 4:25 AM


can you fill me in on the story up to this point? i know that is a tall order, but i do not know if TNT will show the first couple of seasons in order after they are done with the full run. what i really want to know is who wolfram and hart are and how they got involved in the story and what is this prophecy involving the vampire with a soul (ie angel). i would GREATLY appreciate it. right now, they are about midway through season 3.

"i can't comprehend the ways that i miss you, they come to light in my mistakes."
-neko case


Thursday, August 26, 2004 1:17 AM


Well I would recommend buying the DVDs or videos if you can - the first two seasons are unmissable. However if you want a summary, here you go:
Angel comes to LA after his breakup with Buffy at the end of Buffy S3. He starts a detective agency and quickly comes to blows with several of Wolfram and Hart's clients - W&H being a law firm run by a group of demons known only as the Senior Partners and staffed by a number of morally questionable people. At the end of season one Angel breaks into the vault in W&H to steal incriminating backup discs and while he's there finds a scroll. Wesley tries to translate the scroll and discovers that is says Angel will die. In fact it turns out that Wesley bungled the translation and in fact it says that, after a period of hardship, the vampire with a soul will become human again. Meanwhile, W&H, serving their own mysterious agenda as always, bring Darla back to life - Darla being Angel's vampire sire who previously appeared in Buffy and in Angel in flashbacks.
Start S2: Angel finds himself dreaming about Darla a lot when in fact she is visiting him in the night and using a special powder to make him sleep. He becomes obsessed with her, believing her to be alive despite the fact that he himself killed her. Lindsey, one of the W&H lawyers and not Angel's number one fan, becomes infatuated with Darla too and when it discovered that Darla is dying from a disease contracted before she became a vampire he decides there is only one course of action - to make her a vampire again. He locates Drusilla, a vampire Angel himself sired (see Buffy S2), who sires Darla in front of Angel. Angel then proceeds to hunt Darla and Drusilla as they go on a rampage through the city which brings them to the house of Holland Manners, the head honcho of Lindsey's division. Angel finds them and locks them in the wine cellar with a room full of W&H lawyers. A massacre ensues, Lindsey and Lilah being the only two survivors. Angel, going further and further off the rails, decides that he has to end it, to kill the senior partners and destroy W&H from the inside out. He descends into the bowels of W&H only to emerge back in the real world - he realises that his existence is futile and that he can't defeat the evil, only fight it. Darla is waiting for him when he returns to the hotel and, in his despair, he falls into bed with her. Afterwards, he has an epiphany, realising that 'if nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do'. He reunites his team (having fired them previously) and starts the agency back up. One last case at the end of S2 sees them rescuing Fred from the Host's dimension and returning to find out that while they were away Buffy was killed in Sunnydale. End S2.

A LOT of details missing but that's the general gist of it. BUY THE DVDS!


Thursday, August 26, 2004 1:36 AM



thanks! i just found out that TNT is showing season 2 (i think) at 11PM on weekdays, so i have started taping those (i am too old to be staying up that late anymore). thanks again for the update! i just might have to start collecting the DVDs but full seasons of hour long shows are pretty pricey.

"i can't comprehend the ways that i miss you, they come to light in my mistakes."
-neko case


Thursday, August 26, 2004 4:19 AM

GROUNDED - they have all 4 Angel seasons for pretty cheap, a lot cheaper than the UK versions at least!


Thursday, August 26, 2004 8:06 AM



Originally posted by Grounded:
Oh yeah it was a nice image. It was just a shame they didn't really justify it.

What do you mean by that? They explained all of it later on, so did you just not buy the explanation, or what? To me, it made perfect sense once they captured Skip and realized what the plan had been.

May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Friday, August 27, 2004 1:31 AM


You really think Cordy deserved to 'ascend to a higher plane'? Do you really think she thought she deserved to ascend? Totally inconsistent plotting. Plus they ruined Skip and thus will never be forgiven!


Friday, August 27, 2004 5:22 AM


No I don't think she deserved to ascend. That is the point. She trusted Skip. We trusted Skip. No one knew what the ultimate reason for her ascension was until Skip was revealed to be working for the "beast's master". I thought it was pretty good story telling keeping the audience guessing along with the characters.

May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Friday, August 27, 2004 11:42 PM


I trusted Skip (as well I should have) but I still thought 'what the hell are they doing here'? Cordelia isn't so stupid that she thinks she deserves to ascend - hence the plot is not believable.






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