New Character idea (Serenity Movie Spoiler!)

UPDATED: Wednesday, February 22, 2006 00:53
VIEWED: 15041
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Saturday, October 22, 2005 12:45 AM


Okay, so, Book and the pilot are dead, that sad (really sad for the actors if they do make a new series) but here it goes.

So we all know that Book (the shepheard) and Wash (the pilot) are dead. This idea is meant to address this unfortunate but exciting opportunity.

Okay, so, they need a new pilot, so, they find somebody who is a good one... yeah. Just kidding, it's better thought out than that.

The new pilot will have a mysterious past himself, for he knew Book in the Allience. We all know that Book had something to do with the Allience, but we don't know what. Now, through this new pilot, we can find out. However, it won't be all about the past. This new pilot will also know others who were affiliated with the allience, or working directly for them, but who also, like Book, not be apposed to hanging out with or even helping Browncoats.

However, Zoe natural hates the new pilot since the previous one was her husband, but there will of course be an episode that addresses this, and they get to be decent friends.

Now, we also need a new Shepherd. Okay, so bare with me, but it makes sence. Jayne is the new Shepherd. I know I know, he's stupid, but hey, he's gonna have a change. Jayne is going to have a revelation in the new season and he'll discover God in a new and very funny way.

He'll become very interesting in God, and the Bible, which is when he discovers that Book left his Bible on Serenity. Jayne starts to read it. Then he stops becomes he's very confused. But after talking with Inara (who, although is a Buddhist, does know a thing or two about the Bible... she has to for her job).

Jayne continues to learn about God and tries to explain to the rest of the crew about it... failing misserably at first when he tries to be judgemental and preachy. But succeeds when he discovers that using biblical stories and truths with love is the best way to help people.


Saturday, October 22, 2005 1:08 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...

Your thread title contains major movie spoilers for those that have not seen this movie (I know it's hard to believe some people here haven't, 'tis true). Please change it for their sake and to warn any unsuspecting readers that your post contains spoilers too. "My Big Idea - Spoilers" A big board thank-ee .

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Saturday, October 22, 2005 1:13 AM



Originally posted by Rollerskate:

So we all know that Book (the shepheard) and Wash (the pilot) are dead.

I do NOW!!!


Monday, October 24, 2005 1:41 AM



Originally posted by Moose:

Originally posted by Rollerskate:

So we all know that Book (the shepheard) and Wash (the pilot) are dead.

I do NOW!!!

If guys are in the US, and have not seen the movie, there a reduce number of theaters showing it, I lucked out and saw the show for the first time Oct, 17 and saw the movie for the first oct 21.


Monday, October 24, 2005 3:50 AM



Ship already has a new pilot: River.

If you watch the show, you know that Jayne wouldn't become a shepherd because then, hey, no women. Also, we see from the get-go that Jayne is religious, so that wouldn't be an evolution of his character.

Besides, the ship doesn't need a shepherd. Thematically, Mal loses his faith at the Battle of Serenity Valley, but regains it when fighting the Operative and protecting River. The reason Book needs to be there is as a counterpoint to Mal's faithlessness. With that gone, there's no story reason for him any more. I mean, it's not like every smuggling vessel in the 'Verse is running around with a preacher onboard!

Sorry, but I don't see either thing happening.


Tuesday, October 25, 2005 11:57 PM


As many fans I've talked to have noted, if there's ever going to be a new Shepard on Serenity, it's going to be The Operative.


Wednesday, October 26, 2005 12:03 AM


But Mal would kill the operative is he saw him again

"It's not that there HAS to be a sequel. It's just that I've got so many IDEAS..."-Joss Whedon
*Andersen AFB, Guam*


Wednesday, October 26, 2005 12:25 AM



Originally posted by N0Skillz:
But Mal would kill the operative is he saw him again

I'm sure he'd try, but then the Operative would stop him and they'd discuss the Operative's newfound faith like civilized men.

Basically, the movie hints- rather strongly, IMO- that Book was an Operative. Joss doesn't come right out and say it, leaving the idea a subtle intimation rather than a clumsy "revelation" (thank god), but every fan I've spoken to has picked up on the idea. So...if we operate under the assumption that Book was an Operative who lost faith in the Alliance...


Wednesday, October 26, 2005 5:02 AM


Thing that I'm curious about is who was standing in Mal's shoes when Book was in the Operative's.


Wednesday, October 26, 2005 9:40 AM


I think people are bring too narrow. Things have to move forward, I was especially surprised at the character deaths. I do agree it isn't a problem, however, for the story to continue without book and Wash.

Book clearly was high up brass and has a speckled history. Through revalations about the war, meeting incidental characters that knew him, alliance dealings, etc, I think Joss could gradually bring out the mystery of the character without need for the presence of some main character to be a 'winston zedmore' plot monkey. Some of it will be more poigniant simply because he is no longer with them.

As for a replacement character, maybe, but I dont think it should be another shepherd or religious type, its a mistake to 'fill the role' of book, instead Im sure there are many other good characters that could find themselves on serenity.

Im sad wash has gone, but in many ways he was one of the best to kill, his light-hearted nature made it even more shocking. Its leaves plenty of great development for Zoe. With river 'improving' with a role on the ship, the pressure added by zoe's tradgedy will fill that gap.
In many ways Wash was my least favourite character. Though he was funny, i felt he was the most 'buffylike' of all the characters. I was never a fan of Joss's earlier work, at least not the way it developed from the initial concept. However, another funny-guy character would not go amiss.


Wednesday, October 26, 2005 9:46 AM



Originally posted by traken:

Originally posted by Moose:

Originally posted by Rollerskate:

So we all know that Book (the shepheard) and Wash (the pilot) are dead.

I do NOW!!!

If guys are in the US, and have not seen the movie, there a reduce number of theaters showing it, I lucked out and saw the show for the first time Oct, 17 and saw the movie for the first oct 21.

This is not a US only site, we have a lot of people from different parts of the world,
places where 'Serenity' has not yet opened.

I see that there was any attempt to change the title, but the spoiler is still showing up....

can we have a mod change it if the originator of the thread isn't able to?

watch the R. Tam Session vids:
and buy the 'Serenity' comics published by Dark Horse!


Wednesday, October 26, 2005 10:08 AM


Oh, as for 'the operative' (great character, you can see Joss loved the bounty hunter character from 'objects in space' enough to bring elements of his ultra-coolness back...)
I gathered from his general bushido-type philosophy that we saw throughout, and from his last words to Mal before they left, that he was probably going to commit sebuku. He has betrayed his masters, he can no longer accept his beliefs that have allowed him to do all the terrible things he has done. The only real option to him is to end his life. Of course they left it sort of hanging, so maybe not, but that was the impression I got.


Wednesday, October 26, 2005 10:34 AM


I know a lot of folks draw parallels between the Operative and Early, but I just don't see it. Other than the fact that they're cool black guys in armor hunting River, what do they have in common, exactly?

The Operative hunts river because he's totally devoted to a cause and believes it's the right thing to do. He freely accepts that he's a monster, but that he's doing what must be done for the greater good (basically, he's willing to sacrifice ANYTHING, be it River, the citizens of Haven, or himself) to achieve the "a better world." Further, he's well-educated and intelligent, and supported by the might of the Alliance.

Early, on the other hand, is certainly a skilled bounty hunter, but he's basically an unstabled mercenary with a sadistic (perhaps psychotic) streak. He does the job for the money and because he enjoys menacing and hurting people. There's no evidence that he believes in any cause greater than his own power, and, unlike the Operative, he works alone.

I see the Operative as a foil for Mal (in short, faith vs faithlessness), which Early is what the crew fears River could become: a solitary, unstable monster.


Wednesday, October 26, 2005 3:21 PM



Originally posted by Ohnanka:

I gathered from his general bushido-type philosophy that we saw throughout, and from his last words to Mal before they left, that he was probably going to commit sebuku. He has betrayed his masters, he can no longer accept his beliefs that have allowed him to do all the terrible things he has done. The only real option to him is to end his life.


Somehow, I just got that he was going to fade off into another phase of 'being', perhaps assume an identity and see what he could do with all of his skills and talents. "nothing left to see" left me with the thought that he would no longer be recognizable as the entity he was playing up to that point.

as such, I expect to see him back as the 'voice of enlightened madness and redemption' in the future, a'la Book (only less on the path to faith and still on a path of finding a self).


Wednesday, October 26, 2005 3:37 PM


I dont think joss is going to replace the shephered with another shephered. Hell get a completely different character. And Jayne isnt going to become some preacher, what the hell were you thinking, hes staying exactly the same. There'll probably be two new characters and he niether of them will probabley be a preacher and i wouldnt be surprised if river was the new pilot.


Wednesday, October 26, 2005 4:03 PM


If Joss decides to add another character to the crew, I vote for Badger. That could keep things funny. Maybe someone else that we've already met from the series.

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"Dreaming the dream that only the sleepless know."


Wednesday, October 26, 2005 9:12 PM


Considering that Joss has already signed all of the crew of Serenity on for the two sequels, and he said that they would be back only not in a cheezy way, we can expect to see both Book and Wash again, either as memories of the crew, Alliance holographic footage, or River's imagination.

River is going to be the new pilot of Serenity, and since she will not be plagued by the inhabitants of Miranda anymore, the only ones who could play havoc with her mind in future would be Reavers. But she will be able to block them when she needs to be that weapon she was designed by the Alliance to be. She will still be able to read minds which will be very useful, and she obviously loves Mal who has become her surrogate father and hero.

And remember as Book lay dying, he told Mal to believe what River tells him.


"I aim to misbehave" - Mal.


Saturday, October 29, 2005 7:02 AM


thankyou for saying that. As I read through this thread I was screaming, "JUST 'CAUSE THEY'RE BOTH BLACK DOESN'T MEAN THEY'RE IN ANYWAY SIMILIAR!!!!"
Really, fantastically said as well.

"Storms getting worse."
"We'll pass through it soon enough."


Saturday, October 29, 2005 8:23 PM


Just as many other people stated in this thread i too think the operative will play a role in a sequel. The way that last scene ended (with mal and op.) and the fact that Joss did indeed put a last scene in there and just not leave the Op. hanging says something about his future in a sequel. Also those lines exchanged, "ill have to kill you if i ever see you again." or what ever they say, those are classic lines, they just invite another meeting. As for Jayne becoming a shepard, probable but NO WAY, we all love our Jayne as he is, ready to kick some butt. Then as for a NEW shepard, that would be disgrace to Book, i dont think i'd like that very much. Then, lastly, i really dont think River is going to be the new pilot. First, finding a new pilot is an opening for Joss to intro a new character and second how is River going to help on the "jobs" if she has to fly? Mind you i can see her taking the helm if Serenity gets into some really sticky situations with some reavers or something, but not as a regular thing. Any way my thoughts.

The Pyro -


Sunday, October 30, 2005 9:25 AM


Hmmm, there's one thing that confuses me now because I obviously read the ending completely different to everyone else, and what I believe would be the best way to end it.

After the interaction at the end:

Mal: ... Like to kill you myself, I see you again"

Op: You won't. There is...nothing left to see

I though that meant he was going to carry out the action he described at the beginning:

Op: certain older civilized cultures, when a man failed as entirely as you have, they would throw themselves on their swords.

Now the operative could not have failed any more if he tried. He wants a world without sin and yet he found out he was working for those who were guilty of destroying lives and creating monsters (reavers).

He also FAILED in carrying out the work for them. Its a double failure and should be worthy of said death. The operative thought he was doing best in killing these people and made speaches to prove that it was a good death - cleansing them of their sins so to speak. So with that in mind - shouldn't the operative have topped himself?



Sunday, October 30, 2005 7:51 PM


Bauer -

I too thought, when i saw that last scene, that the Op. was going to go commit sepuku. But if you think about it he truly belived in commit sepuku when he talked of it so much through out the movie, just as he believed in the Alliance. But now those beliefs are broken, so is his belief in sepuku broken too? Its hard to say, i think Joss wrote it to where you can decide yourself, but also to where if HE (Joss) needed to bring the Op. back in any way or form he could, not actually stating that he (the Op.) was going to kill himself.

The Pyro -


Tuesday, November 1, 2005 1:30 PM



Originally posted by Ohnanka:
Oh, as for 'the operative' (great character, you can see Joss loved the bounty hunter character from 'objects in space' enough to bring elements of his ultra-coolness back...)
I gathered from his general bushido-type philosophy that we saw throughout, and from his last words to Mal before they left, that he was probably going to commit sebuku. He has betrayed his masters, he can no longer accept his beliefs that have allowed him to do all the terrible things he has done. The only real option to him is to end his life. Of course they left it sort of hanging, so maybe not, but that was the impression I got.

I don't see him committing suicide, because I think Mal probably gave him something new to believe in and hey...if he was going to, I think he'd have kinda gotten down to business...I mean...when you have no problem killing other people in front of witnesses while they're at work, wouldn't a suicide thing be quick...I mean...why wait? If he knew Mal et al could work things out without him, why hang around? I could see a Bookish streak in him...where he would choose redemption rather than damning himself...


Tuesday, November 1, 2005 1:40 PM



Originally posted by Rollerskate:
Jayne is the new Shepherd. I know I know, he's stupid, but hey, he's gonna have a change. Jayne is going to have a revelation in the new season and he'll discover God in a new and very funny way.

He'll become very interesting in God, and the Bible, which is when he discovers that Book left his Bible on Serenity. Jayne starts to read it. Then he stops becomes he's very confused. But after talking with Inara (who, although is a Buddhist, does know a thing or two about the Bible... she has to for her job).

Jayne continues to learn about God and tries to explain to the rest of the crew about it... failing misserably at first when he tries to be judgemental and preachy. But succeeds when he discovers that using biblical stories and truths with love is the best way to help people.

please no....

what if your nameless NewPilot fills both rolls? eh? maybe not... but not Jayne....


Wednesday, November 2, 2005 8:29 AM


I agree that it'd be studpid to have Jayne as the new "Shepheard" and also agree that not every ship has one. It'd sure be damn funny though.

I also agree that Mal, if there would be a new Shepheard, would be it because if his lost faith. However, for some reason I don't see him being the preacher type. Not that a shepheard has to jam their beliefs down other people's throught, but you know what I mean.

I still, however, like the idea of a new character knowing Book's past and explaining a bit of if. But this new character, whoever it is, I think should have something better and more current to do besides explaining Book's past.

Perhaps he (or she) knows not only about Book's past, but also knows about a network of Allience guys who are brown coat friendlys. This would continue the new Allience problem of their own people and everyone else not so much liking the idea that they created the Reavers.

I had another idea. This deosn't have to be a new character aboard Serenity, but I think soemone from Jayne's Town should be reintroduced and be a big fallower of Jayne, and explain what happened after he left.

Thanks for the responses guys!


Wednesday, November 2, 2005 10:35 AM


I don't think Jayne will become a shepherd.
a) likes women too much
b) likes guns too much
c) likes to fight
d) would have serious problems aiming for the kneecaps



Wednesday, November 2, 2005 11:24 AM


"[The Bible] is, however, rather vague on the issue of kneekaps." Book to Mal.

This is one of my favorite quotes from the series. And it is true, that Jayne wouldn't enjoy aiming for the kneecaps, though I'm sure he'd hit them, along with the rest of the leg, with his effectionately named gun (I unfortunately forget the name).

But the argument that someone likes something too much to discover or rediscover faith isn't a week one. Take Mal for instance. The series, at the very beginning, implies that he was a religious man (the cross around his neck) and then looses it with the losing of the battle at Serenity.

It is arguable that he will regain his faith later on in the story, along with the morals and rules that coincide with the bible (perhaps he'll find Books' old bible).

Just a bit of pontification.



Wednesday, November 2, 2005 11:37 AM



Originally posted by bassgravi:
I don't see him committing suicide, because I think Mal probably gave him something new to believe in

I don't think Mal provided anything new for him to believe in. But, that doesn't matter anyway. The Operative existed on a very deep level of personal honor. Just because the people he was working for were without honor, doesn't change the fact that he, even though evil, was an honorable man. His employers' lack of honor allowed him to leave their employ and allow River, et al, to go without tarnishing his own honor. However, he still failed at his job in that River was not stopped and the message was released while he WAS still employed by the Alliance. Yes, it's a very fine line, but there it is. He failed, not only in his actions against River but also in his trusting those who employed him. Thus, he must do what his honor dictates, which is sepuku.


...if he was going to, I think he'd have kinda gotten down to business...why wait?

Sepuku, in some cases, is a very private thing. It is not like falling on one's own sword, which would require someone else to hold it, just as The Operative did for the doctor in the first 9 minutes. It requires no one to fulfill the role of a second. If you watch some clasical Japenes films, you'll see that those who commit sepuku are usually alone when they do it, away from any fan fare or audience. It is a very private thing, answering to one's own failed honor.

While I would love to see him again (he was such a wonderful villan!), I will be very surprised if The Operative shows up in any manner again.


Sunday, November 6, 2005 8:52 AM


I personally think that Book was an operative and then became a shepard.. it would explain a lot.. high status with the Alliance, knowing so much info on the brass that went to take the Private in "The Message",knowing how to take someone out, etc. Besides he was a true believer in his faith, much like the Operative.

As for River being the pilot? SCORE! I love the idea. Women tend to have a more steady hand than men anyhoo... or at least that's what my father always says, due to him flying for over 20 years. And hey, didn't Simone say that anything she did came to naturally to her as breathing? But I still miss Wash and his dinosaurs with their betraying demise...

Love is the gift at the end of a long journey of self exploration and inner peace.


Tuesday, November 8, 2005 4:45 PM



Originally posted by Rollerskate:
....with his effectionately named gun (I unfortunately forget the name).


that would be our dear Vera.


now all i need is a big gun and a "very fine hat"...

Reavers ate my homework


Monday, January 2, 2006 3:31 AM


I'm thinking of 2 characters that should come on to the ship (if any), not necessarily both of them, just 1 would work too. I ain't got anything with the background, just what they might bring to the ship.

One I just came up with reading the thread, which is very far-fetched, and the other is more likely.

1. The Chef.
Think about it, nobody on the ship can cook, as someone alse said a while back, so this would make sense.

2. The Inventor
Now, this might be rejected by most of you, but I think it might be good, having an inventor onboard. he could be inventing all these little gadgets for everyone, some working well and some... not so much. And those faulty ones could occasionally get the crew into some trouble on the ship, which could put him/her on some of the crews bad side. I like the idea, might even write some kinda fanfic, but don't hold your breath, I ain't so much with the sticking to my word on things like that.


Wednesday, January 18, 2006 9:26 AM


There's one major problem with your idea of Jayne becoming the new shepard. It would take Jayne at least 2 seasons to read the bible and another 2 to understand what it means.


Wednesday, January 18, 2006 11:41 AM


If there was a new series wouldn't it just be following Firefly and before Serenity, it would make more sense. Theres just so many things from the movie yet to be explained in the series (such as Mr Universe, unless it was in the books or something)

"No! I can't. Too much hair."


Wednesday, January 18, 2006 12:01 PM



Originally posted by RacoonBoy:

1. The Chef.
Think about it, nobody on the ship can cook, as someone alse said a while back, so this would make sense.

That wouldn't be so bad, but the problem is what is the personality gonna be like. The chef could end up being like Wash with his/her sense of humor and may not contribute enough to the ship. Most of the people have a role on the ship that they play or assets that are useful to the ship. Even though the chef would cook all the food, I don't think Mal would hire one just to cook food. More likely it would be someone who had another profession, but could also be a great cook on the side, like Book.


2. The Inventor
Now, this might be rejected by most of you, but I think it might be good, having an inventor onboard. he could be inventing all these little gadgets for everyone, some working well and some... not so much. And those faulty ones could occasionally get the crew into some trouble on the ship, which could put him/her on some of the crews bad side. I like the idea, might even write some kinda fanfic, but don't hold your breath, I ain't so much with the sticking to my word on things like that.

This is interesting. Kinda like Mr. Universe almost. The personality would maybe kinda like a person who was caught up in their work so much that they wouldn't notice much of the outside world. That's pretty interesting... Write some fic about it. Maybe the faulty device could cause the Alliance to come after them, or some kind of device that hides their identities goes wrong and the Alliance goes after them because of their registration number or something. Go for it. Really liking that idea.

Jayne: Are you saying River's a witch?
Wash: Yes, Jayne, she's a witch. She's had congress with the Beast.
Jayne: She's in Congress?
Wash: How did your brain even learn human speech? I'm just so curious!


Wednesday, January 18, 2006 12:22 PM



Originally posted by killerbanana:
If there was a new series wouldn't it just be following Firefly and before Serenity, it would make more sense. Theres just so many things from the movie yet to be explained in the series (such as Mr Universe, unless it was in the books or something)

"No! I can't. Too much hair."

There are three issues of a comic book thats out that explains what takes place between the movie and the series. It would kid of be a bad idea for them to have a new series based on that timeline because its less than a year between the events of the series and the movie.


Wednesday, January 18, 2006 1:39 PM



Originally posted by RacoonBoy:
1. The Chef.
Think about it, nobody on the ship can cook, as someone alse said a while back, so this would make sense.

2. The Inventor
Now, this might be rejected by most of you, but I think it might be good, having an inventor onboard. he could be inventing all these little gadgets for everyone, some working well and some... not so much. And those faulty ones could occasionally get the crew into some trouble on the ship, which could put him/her on some of the crews bad side. I like the idea, might even write some kinda fanfic, but don't hold your breath, I ain't so much with the sticking to my word on things like that.

I'm thinking they need a Computer Nerd... sort of speak. Sort of your Inventor but instead of being able to create it himself he can only design by computer... Think about it... someone who could design durn near everything but... for some reason his hands don't obey his mind real well and it doesn't come out nearly as well as planned... That's where Kaylee comes in... she knows mechanics like it's breathing air...

But for some odd reason when he gets into cooking he knows how to cook some serious steak...


Monday, January 23, 2006 8:44 PM



Originally posted by Omelet:

Originally posted by RacoonBoy:

1. The Chef.
Think about it, nobody on the ship can cook, as someone alse said a while back, so this would make sense.

That wouldn't be so bad, but the problem is what is the personality gonna be like. The chef could end up being like Wash with his/her sense of humor and may not contribute enough to the ship. Most of the people have a role on the ship that they play or assets that are useful to the ship. Even though the chef would cook all the food, I don't think Mal would hire one just to cook food. More likely it would be someone who had another profession, but could also be a great cook on the side, like Book.


2. The Inventor
Now, this might be rejected by most of you, but I think it might be good, having an inventor onboard. he could be inventing all these little gadgets for everyone, some working well and some... not so much. And those faulty ones could occasionally get the crew into some trouble on the ship, which could put him/her on some of the crews bad side. I like the idea, might even write some kinda fanfic, but don't hold your breath, I ain't so much with the sticking to my word on things like that.

This is interesting. Kinda like Mr. Universe almost. The personality would maybe kinda like a person who was caught up in their work so much that they wouldn't notice much of the outside world. That's pretty interesting... Write some fic about it. Maybe the faulty device could cause the Alliance to come after them, or some kind of device that hides their identities goes wrong and the Alliance goes after them because of their registration number or something. Go for it. Really liking that idea.

I'm not so much with the fan-fic, and even if I said I would write one, I wouldn't actually write it, I'd never get around to it. Although someone else can do it, as long as they give me some credit for the idea.


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 9:18 AM


I was not a fan of firefly, never saw the original release, not until the scifi channel ran a day showing of all the episodes of firefly that I became hooked. I then purchased the entire firefly series and the newly released motion piture serenity. I truly wish Mr. Whedon had not killed off Wash it was refreshing to see the couple Wash and Zoe, hits home, in my marriage and career being a merchant seaman, ironically, I am the ships helmsman and my wife of 5 years lives in the Philippines. The story line and characters actually hit both at home and work. I truly hope a series returns to cable, after viewing an episode of the new stargate or stargate atlantis, I hope those can be replaced by new series of firefly. If the Scifi channel can get support from Unversial Pictures for Batttle Star Galactica I can't see why a return with new series and adventures for firefly couldn't be impossible. I just wish the killing off of the character Wash hadn't happend. There was so much simiarities not just with me but hundreds of crew members I serve with. With the trash on free tv.. desperate housewives, csi, reality tv.. hope firefly returns. Yes there is violence and some scenes and story line with the companion, but at least that does not go over the line.. Hope the best for Mr. Whedon and Cast and Crew


Brian Kendrick


Sunday, January 29, 2006 5:36 AM


I didn't catched the "Book was an operative" thing first time around, but as I rewatched the DVD, I did come to that possible conclusion. Another possibility, though, is he is a member of the "Opposition" that must exist within the Alliance, the people who helped Simon spring River. Book came on board Serenity to keep a covert eye on her (at least I saw that possibility in the series, not so much in the movie, since he'd left Serenity).

I do believe the Operative will be killing himself. His line to Mal about not seeing him again because there's nothing left to see, says that to me.

As to new characters I say, "NONONONONONO", I want my Wash and Book!!! I'm hoping there can at least by flashbacks, certainly we deserve to know something about Book's origins, and it would be interesting to see how Wash won Zoe over, given her initial dislike of him. But no changing of Jayne, he's perfect (?) the way he is.

One possible plot line I thought might be interesting: what if the Alliance sent another psychic after River. Someone just like her, maybe even a young girl. That would at least make for a real "battle of the brains" (well, maybe not, they'd probably end up destroying the whole 'verse).


Sunday, January 29, 2006 5:49 AM


But aside from that I can't really fault your idea- except that Jayne ain't gonna give up whorin' and killin' any time soon
Oh yeah and

Select to view spoiler:

River's Serenitys Pilot

Select to view spoiler:

now so that could blow your theory out of the water.

The human body can be drained of blood in 8.6 seconds given adequate vacuuming systems.


Sunday, January 29, 2006 8:15 AM


Yeah, I know I'm a geek, but I watched every deleted/extended scene in the Extras menu, and that scene between Mal and the Operative at the end went just a little longer.

The Operative started to walk away, saw the Serenity logo on the ship, and paused. I'll paraphrase here:

Operative: You lost everything in that battle. Everything you loved. How could you go on after that?

Mal: *annoyed* If you're still standin' there when the engine starts, you'll never find out. *walks up the ramp* Whiner!

Now, that part was taken out of the movie, but it tells me that, while the Operative was obviously thinking of seppuku when he said there was nothing left of him to see, there might be more of him in future as he tries to figure out how Mal found the courage to go on when everything he believed and loved fell down around him.

The fact that the Operative had it in him to even ask how someone else could go on tells me that he isn't quite done yet.

And please, no Saint Jayne...though that "hitting a man in the neck from 500 yards with a bent scope" thing sure counts as a miracle in my book!


Please remember that the 9:30 show is completely different from the 7:30 show. Don't forget to tip your waitress.


Sunday, January 29, 2006 8:26 AM


Way to put a spoiler in the thread.....TISK TISK!


Sunday, January 29, 2006 8:26 AM


Way to put a spoiler in the thread.....TISK TISK!


Sunday, January 29, 2006 8:37 AM


*blinks* Who? Me? Does a deleted scene count as a spoiler?


Please remember that the 9:30 show is completely different from the 7:30 show. Don't forget to tip your waitress.


Sunday, February 5, 2006 5:09 PM


1st off.. I don’t see a replacement for book coming.. Book was just there people came to like him but he had no real role.. Besides a plot device of what the ethical thing to do was and providing knowledge when the writers needed to explained something. He always seemed to know something about anything.

Personally I don’t think the operative committed seppuku I think he just kneeled down outside serenity's engines and when she took off he turned into a crispy critter

I would like to see river piloting for a while.. She wont be as good as Wash.. Putting limits on what they can do.. Meanwhile he could be searching for a new pilot...

and then either find one or just settles for river.. Also by putting river in the pilots seat it takes her all mighty power out of normal heists.. Really its too powerful of a charter. and an all mighty character always destroys an otherwise good story You need limitations for them to overcome.

I hope badger is alive.. He may of been killed by the op when he was destroying all safe harbors of Serenity .. hell he nuked Whitefall and Patience was not a friend. He would never join a crew hes too happy with his lil crime syndicate to bother with real work. Let alone having someone else as his boss.. Though he does have a thing for River.

The computer nerd is a big option.. Trying to help with the navigation and hacking while on jobs and so on... Would be a good choice.. Maybey Mal will rent out the otehr shuttle to some surveyor or somethin.. Or the Doc and kaylee could convert it into a mobile clinic..


Sunday, February 5, 2006 8:47 PM



Originally posted by TheCollector:

Originally posted by RacoonBoy:
1. The Chef.
Think about it, nobody on the ship can cook, as someone alse said a while back, so this would make sense.

2. The Inventor
Now, this might be rejected by most of you, but I think it might be good, having an inventor onboard. he could be inventing all these little gadgets for everyone, some working well and some... not so much. And those faulty ones could occasionally get the crew into some trouble on the ship, which could put him/her on some of the crews bad side. I like the idea, might even write some kinda fanfic, but don't hold your breath, I ain't so much with the sticking to my word on things like that.

I'm thinking they need a Computer Nerd... sort of speak. Sort of your Inventor but instead of being able to create it himself he can only design by computer... Think about it... someone who could design durn near everything but... for some reason his hands don't obey his mind real well and it doesn't come out nearly as well as planned... That's where Kaylee comes in... she knows mechanics like it's breathing air...

But for some odd reason when he gets into cooking he knows how to cook some serious steak...


Now that I'm liking, a computer whiz kid with a penchance to cook, surprising everybody, and even getting on Jayne's good side. And make him pretty enough to be another possible crush of Kaylee's?

I always said Kaylee seemed to be better matched with Tracy than Simon. Imagine the tension between new science whiz/cook, Kaylee and Simon? Oooo, tension a plenty. And if need be let him be an indentured stowaway from Canton that Jayne feels automatically protective of because a) The boys a fan of his, and b) Jayne feels guilty for the trouble he'd caused on Canton.

If you don't like the Kaylee, Simon, whizkid tension, he could always be a love interest of River's, make him young enough. Hell, maybe he's so withdrawn from his harsh life as a slave River would be the one to draw him out, quoting funny Wash lines to get him more comfortable. Inarah would be there to coach River. Expand your mind enough and River can use her psychic senses to see Book and Wash who help her out, thus River being able to quote Wash and gaining the knwoledge to preach like Book. Maybe too much.

There's your story boys. As for a new Shepard, I think it would be an insult to our own Book to have him replaced. They did that on Star Trek all the time. Never liked it.

If I'm a bitch, then life just got interesting.

I just wanted to edit my post, because I'm so liking this idea. Mal would look for a way to keep Inarah on his boat, and a scared indentured slave who needed protection and guidance would be the thing, as Inarah would stay to help and(in her way) mother the boy by helping River. Hmmm, if anyone makes a story out of this part of the idea was mine. Just sayin' is all.


Thursday, February 9, 2006 6:47 PM


One thing to consider is that Joss doesn't have to bring back two replacement characters. A pilot, yes (River's too valuable in other ways to waste her talents driving the bus) but with Inara sticking around and not doing the "companion" thing as much (if at all) she's a new character in some ways. What could be interesting is if the pilot was a woman as earlier suggested so there could be some tension between Inara and the "new gal" in Mal's life. BTW, the "married" relationship that was so cool about the show could be picked up nicely with Simon and Kaylee if not married then very much boyfriend/girlfriend--at least for a while. Hmmm, wonder if River might get a bit jealous of this after a while. Could lead to some interesting story sub-plots.

Oh, and no cook please! Last thing we need is another Neelix!


Friday, February 10, 2006 2:29 AM


Mycroft, you'll note what was suggested was a genius computer whiz who just happened to have a skill to cook. As I see it he impresses Mal and Zoe and Kaylee by helping break codes (and that could mean rooms and ships with lots of nice cashable shinies inside) but gets the rest of the crew by making a protien cake with frosting that is as chocolaty as you can make it, by making it even more chocolaty than you can make it, if you catch my drift.

If I'm a bitch, then life just got interesting.


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 8:47 PM


What if the new character was a female? She could clear up things from Book's past if she were, let's say, his daughter? He wasn't always a preacher...I personally think she should be milado (sp?), long brown hair, and feisty. She can kick ass and shoot a gun pretty damn well. Why? Because she is her father's daughter. I would love if Mal fell in love with her. I'm sorry, but I'm tired of the Inara/Mal love fest. It's boring.

Mal: You *want* me to sleep with her? That make you feel better?
Wash: It might!
Mal: Imagine it'd do wonders for her, too.
Wash: Screw you!
Mal: Get in line!


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 12:53 AM



Originally posted by Rollerskate:
Okay, so, they need a new pilot, so, they find somebody who is a good one... yeah. Just kidding, it's better thought out than that.

Now, we also need a new Shepherd. Okay, so bare with me, but it makes sence. Jayne is the new Shepherd. I know I know, he's stupid, but hey, he's gonna have a change. Jayne is going to have a revelation in the new season and he'll discover God in a new and very funny way.

He'll become very interesting in God, and the Bible, which is when he discovers that Book left his Bible on Serenity. Jayne starts to read it and tries to explain to the rest of the crew about it... failing misserably at first when he tries to be judgemental and preachy. But succeeds when he discovers that using biblical stories and truths with love is the best way to help people.

I think this idea is Hi-larious!!!
It fits in with all those conversations he had with Book about what it's like to be a shepherd.
Yes, he'd have to give up women, unless he fell in love and found an order where you could get married.....
But he wouldn' thave to give up guns...... we all know how well Book could use guns.......

So Shiny!!!






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