Blue Sun Room Posting Etiquette

UPDATED: Monday, July 16, 2007 06:40
VIEWED: 23081
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Saturday, January 13, 2007 6:50 AM


Hi all,
I confess, I am guilty of flooding. First time by accident, second time on purpose (but twas the night before Christmas break and I was leaving my computer behind). My fics at the moment tend to be about 70 pages and I release them in chunks of 5-7 pages, so that readers will have a natural break if they like. (I know some don't stop till the end.)

One thing I worry about with limiting myself to posting 3 chapters a day is that suddenly instead of flooding the room once, I risk dominating the board every day for a week as I slowly post. I'd rather flood once than crowd out a week's worth of talented writers. My last flood did not dominate the main page for more than a few hours (it was a busy day).

What I would LOVE to see in Blue Sun is the ability to post all the chapters separately, so that I can get the comments on each and build that virtual "page-turn" tension, but have the chapters linked to each other so that it only appears on the Blue Sun list once. (Meaning post it as a single "story" with the option "add chapter".) If any of you are the webmaster or know the webmaster and can somehow install this kind of option, then I will use it!

I suppose I should tell you, all who fear that not being on the front page will hurt your popularity... I don't choose the fics I read from the front page (hence my not noticing the first flood). I visit the Blue Sun Room, browse the archives by genre, or pick from whoevers work is being quoted up top. So it is VERY IMPORTANT to choose good quotes and to accurately classify your genres! If I like one thing you write, I will tend to look for more.

Just a warning, the third book of my trilogy is in progress and will probably be posted in March-ish, so expect another flood around then. Not to be snide or rude, but I just feel better about posting the work together.

"Just like handgrenades, you don't want to run into a horseshoe stake in the dark." -Gouda,


Saturday, January 13, 2007 7:11 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by valeriebean:
I suppose I should tell you, all who fear that not being on the front page will hurt your popularity... I don't choose the fics I read from the front page (hence my not noticing the first flood). I visit the Blue Sun Room, browse the archives by genre, or pick from whoevers work is being quoted up top. So it is VERY IMPORTANT to choose good quotes and to accurately classify your genres! If I like one thing you write, I will tend to look for more.

I can count on one hand the number of times I've had comments once my work had dropped out of easy visibility. 'Easy visibility' seems to be roughly halfway down the 'show me more' page or, for pictures (which most of my work is) having no thumbnail visible. There are not all that many spaces available, really, and flooding can bump you down very quickly. I think it would be nice if thumbnails popped up at the tops of the pages the way fanfic quotes do, but it's not set up that way. Once your thumbnail is gone, it's gone. Wading through all of an artists work, even an artist you like, is a long process and a bit of a hassle, and it can also be hard to find an artist or writer that you like to check and see if they have anything new if you don't spot it on the front page. Front page visibility is key.


Saturday, January 13, 2007 7:27 AM



Originally posted by PhoenixRose:


Originally posted by valeriebean:

I suppose I should tell you, all who fear that not being on the front page will hurt your popularity... I don't choose the fics I read from the front page (hence my not noticing the first flood). I visit the Blue Sun Room, browse the archives by genre, or pick from whoevers work is being quoted up top. So it is VERY IMPORTANT to choose good quotes and to accurately classify your genres! If I like one thing you write, I will tend to look for more.

I can count on one hand the number of times I've had comments once my work had dropped out of easy visibility. 'Easy visibility' seems to be roughly halfway down the 'show me more' page or, for pictures (which most of my work is) having no thumbnail visible. There are not all that many spaces available, really, and flooding can bump you down very quickly. I think it would be nice if thumbnails popped up at the tops of the pages the way fanfic quotes do, but it's not set up that way. Once your thumbnail is gone, it's gone. Wading through all of an artists work, even an artist you like, is a long process and a bit of a hassle, and it can also be hard to find an artist or writer that you like to check and see if they have anything new if you don't spot it on the front page. Front page visibility is key.

I agree with everything you said, here. :)

I only post images myself. I, too, have had maybe only one or two comments to an image after it fell off the screen. The lack of thumbnails for the archives is a major cause. Also, I got friends here that visit only sporadically. If your image scrolled off the screen, then they don't even know you posted.

I like the quoted rule of posting only 1 image a day, and then also to reply to at least 1 other image. It'a good suggestion (might not mistake it for a fixed rule). I, at least, would be happier if everyone thought along the same lines.

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Saturday, January 13, 2007 8:53 AM



Originally posted by valeriebean:
One thing I worry about with limiting myself to posting 3 chapters a day is that suddenly instead of flooding the room once, I risk dominating the board every day for a week as I slowly post. I'd rather flood once than crowd out a week's worth of talented writers. My last flood did not dominate the main page for more than a few hours (it was a busy day).

First things....Acradia, thanks for starting this thread! I'm learning a lot from it.

I haven't yet posted my first story and I was wondering about the best way to do it. Didn't know that I could link chapters so now I'll look into that. But what IS the best way to post a longer piece of fiction? Has anyone tried all the various ways? And...what gets the best reactions and the most readership? Are there certain days of the week that are better than others on which to post?

I also haven't read that much of what's posted in the BSR yet, but I have to say it is helpful to give the reader some idea of what they're going to be reading. I've been browsing the archives, then picking things that sound good to me from the blurbs. I truly appreciate warnings from authors on the order of "if you don't want to read about a River/Jayne pairing don't read this one..." because it's so specifc on content.

As to posting things in the BSR that aren't related to this verse...mmmmm. Nope, I just don't get that one. Authors who think that their fans might want to read more of their writing that's not connected with FF can always post on other sites and leave a message about it in their profiles! Guess I'm a purist on this point: if you're here, you should be a Browncoat and that means your aim is to concentrate on keeping this verse alive.

Seems like we're all asking for plain good manners and common courtesy (which sometimes isn't all that common, of course). There will always be exceptions (like limited internet access) but flooding doesn't seem to be a good practice to me. After all, variety is the spice of life.(And I like it spicy!)

I just gotta say to Kayna and Geekmafia: wow! I love your banners!


Saturday, January 13, 2007 9:17 AM


Geekmafia uses a program called GIMP to make his banners and animations. You can download it at - try it! It's fun!

On the subject of posting non-versy stuff in the Blue Sun Room, I take the 'Verse to mean all things written by Joss. In other words, I have no issue with seeing Buffy and/or Angel stuff in the room. Probably because I'm a fan of both shows and therefore biased, but still.

I wouldn't post stuff from other sci-fi shows there though. Like KayleeGirl says, I think linking is a better idea. You can always start a thread in the 'Other Science Fiction Shows' forum.

Graphics available at


Tuesday, January 23, 2007 12:29 PM



Originally posted by KayleeGirl:

Seems like we're all asking for plain good manners and common courtesy (which sometimes isn't all that common, of course). There will always be exceptions (like limited internet access) but flooding doesn't seem to be a good practice to me.

Hi KayleeGirl,

Yeah, you'd think common courtesy would do it. :) I recently actually pointed out to a person that flooding the BSR is generally considered somewhat bad form. The (surrounding) reactions were like: just ignore it, flat out; or, others are doing it, too, so ignore it for that reason. Well, I still think flooding the BSR is bad form. :) Especially when you include several variations of the same work (so people can decide which they like best). I always feel this Blue Sun Room (the threads) are the proper avenue to do that.

I also get the impression, at times, that if a person's really good, that people swing back to the belief that flooding is okay. And I do not hold to that. There are some very talented artists here. And I deem it only fair that all get a fair viewing share. If people start flooding the BSR from an attitude that they're better than other people (even the ones they're better than), then they effectively deny others the choice to make that determination for themselves; after all, what's scrolled off the screen is no longer visible.

So, in the end, I hope those good manners and common courtesy soon widely kick in. :)

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Wednesday, January 24, 2007 6:58 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

I left a comment on someone's graphics that it was kind of bad form to flood (I was happy to see them posting in this thread at one point; sorry, can't remember names right now) but I got really offended because someone else posted a comment after me saying I was a pot calling the kettle black.
Oddly, this has dried up a bit of my desire to post/inspiration
At least I made my point to the poster.
I don't flood, do I?


Wednesday, January 24, 2007 11:57 PM


um im not sure if this belongs here and i know that there's a section on the fan fic posting page that says to state fan fic age limit but is there a limit to the stuff you can put in a fan fic?

play with the best

Burn like the rest


Thursday, January 25, 2007 6:29 AM



Originally posted by PhoenixRose:

I left a comment on someone's graphics that it was kind of bad form to flood (I was happy to see them posting in this thread at one point; sorry, can't remember names right now) but I got really offended because someone else posted a comment after me saying I was a pot calling the kettle black.
Oddly, this has dried up a bit of my desire to post/inspiration
At least I made my point to the poster.
I don't flood, do I?


You certainly don't flood. :) Silly people.

You make lovely work; and I sure like to see more of it.

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Thursday, January 25, 2007 8:34 AM



Originally posted by PhoenixRose:
I don't flood, do I?

I never noticed it. I'm sorry you got snapped at!

And there's nothing wrong with letting someone know about flooding, if you do it kindly - which I'm sure you did. Ignore the grumpy snapper!

I'm the president. I don't need to listen.


Sunday, April 8, 2007 5:25 AM


I have to agree that flooding is inconsiderate. I've only posted around ten fics, but I haven't had a single comment on any of them after they left the top spot. And I have to say it's kind of an anticlimax when that happens, but that's just the way the site is designed. Saying that, it would be nice if people would bear this in mind when they post and wait until their post has left the top spot before posting the next.

valeriebean, you seemed pretty reluctant to stop flooding, and I have to give you kudos for not crumbling under pressure. I can understand why you do it and have no right or reason to stop you. And I have to say I LOVE all your stuff. If you feel youd prefer to post in chunks, I guess that's up to you.

I'm just saying, I tend to post a few days apart even though I have the full fic finished or near finished before I begin posting. THat way, you aren't bumping your own work off the topspot, and giving it time to accumulate comments on its own before updating. If a lot of chapters are posted, people will tend to continue on to the next chapter without commenting until the latest chapter. So if you're looking to bump your comments, you might wanna try posting chapters seperately.

I really am not trying to offend you or anything, obviously, it's your perogative, and I'm sure there are plenty of peopole who feel the same way. And I really am a fan of your work, keep it up!!


Love Chaz

*Firmly grasps the Chain of Command*



Sunday, April 8, 2007 5:26 AM


Bumpy bump bump!

Love Chaz

*Firmly grasps the Chain of Command*



Wednesday, April 25, 2007 8:04 PM



Originally posted by MAGhaffar:
Whoa... Good etiquette...

I have a related question, kinda...
What exactly does FILK mean? I've been assuming it means some parody lyrics
or song lyrics related specifically to the 'Verse / FF / BDM...
Yay or nay? Cuz I've seen a lot of "poetry" and writing that is...
well, basically, personally-related stuff. Not about the 'Verse per se but about the
author's own 'Verse.
Can there be a separate section for posting anyone's non-FF/BDM-related stuff?
Not saying the non-FF/BDM stuff is bad, just saying it's not FF/BDM-related
and I'm not generally expecting to see that sorta thing in the FILK section
if the FILK section is for FF/BDM-related stuff is all...

And speaking of FILKs [shameless plug coming]...
Check out my FILK of Paul Simon's
"Still Crazy After All These Years" titled (what else)
"Still Shiny After All These Years"...

I'd really like to see only actual FILK posted in the filk section, yes. I've been trying to wade through all the poetry - both personal and verse related - in the filk room and it's been rather frustrating when it's FILK I'm looking for.

Please folks, post your poetry in the correct section, not in the filk room.

Can you post a link to the "Still Shiny After All These Years" filk? :) I'd really like to see it!!


------------------------------------------- - The International Browncoat Charity Cookbook
------------------------------------------- - Firefly/Serenity clothing, jewelry, music, books, games, whatever. Come on over!


Wednesday, April 25, 2007 8:13 PM



Originally posted by Julesong:

Please folks, post your poetry in the correct section, not in the filk room.

Is it possible to move posts between sections? Because it would be *fabulous* to have all that poetry moved to the appropriate section.

(I'd be willing to help move them, if needed...)



Wednesday, June 13, 2007 12:42 AM


Oops. I'm totally guilty - I posted 4 images in a row a few days ago.
In my defence, it was a comic and the first few pages were slow going story wise - but that's not really an excuse as this thread has been here for a very long time and it doesn't really help the four pieces of work I must have bumped off the top page.

I've restricted myself to a page a day since, but I'm sorry for my initial thoughtless enthusiasm - and for not reading the forums properly before posting.


Monday, July 16, 2007 5:29 AM


Bump-ity bump for some major flooding going down today...

knowing is half the battle!

hmm-burble-blah, blah-blah-blah, take a left


Monday, July 16, 2007 6:40 AM


One at a time people!






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