Fellow writers! Any English majors in the crowd! Some advice, if you would be so kind…

UPDATED: Wednesday, December 10, 2008 10:05
VIEWED: 10276
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Wednesday, September 3, 2008 6:25 PM


I've been working on my Firefly AU, The Ties That Bind, for... oh... FOREVER AND A DAY! I can't seem to write linearly, or maybe chronologically is the right word. I have a decent outline. I know pretty clearly where I want to take the characters and where I want to end up. I've written several scenes already… but I'm undecided about how to proceed and in what FORMAT I want to write this fic.

It's a story that spans two generations - the original Firefly crew and then the epilogue features their grown children. I'm thinking maybe instead of writing chapter after chapter (like Mal4Prez), perhaps do a series of vignettes?

Can anyone recommend a well written fic - or even a book or novel - that uses that format - a collection of stories set within the 'verse?

I eagerly await your responses!

"Can you, for a moment, imagine how depressing it is to teach one thousand years of masculine ineptitude? Why do you think there are so few women historians? I'll tell you why. Because history is not such a frolic for women as it is for men... History is a commentary on the various and continuing incapabilities of men. History is women following behind with a bucket and a mop." - Alan Bennett, "The History Boys"


Thursday, September 4, 2008 1:33 AM


Neil Stephenson used a similar format in Cryptonomicon. Two timelines, one in WWII, the other is Now. Grandparents in WWII, adult grandchildren in the here and now, and how what was done back in the day influences the lives of the current generation.

Another place to look would be William Gibson's Burning Chrome. A series of short stories in the Cyberpunk genre. Some are complete, others have a definite vignette feel.

Hope it helps.



Thursday, September 4, 2008 4:12 AM


Oh hey, thanks! I'm gonna try to check those out.

"Can you, for a moment, imagine how depressing it is to teach one thousand years of masculine ineptitude? Why do you think there are so few women historians? I'll tell you why. Because history is not such a frolic for women as it is for men... History is a commentary on the various and continuing incapabilities of men. History is women following behind with a bucket and a mop." - Alan Bennett, "The History Boys"


Thursday, September 4, 2008 1:00 PM



Originally posted by EmpireX:
I've been working on my Firefly AU, The Ties That Bind, for... oh... FOREVER AND A DAY! I can't seem to write linearly, or maybe chronologically is the right word. I have a decent outline. I know pretty clearly where I want to take the characters and where I want to end up. I've written several scenes already… but I'm undecided about how to proceed and in what FORMAT I want to write this fic.

It's a story that spans two generations - the original Firefly crew and then the epilogue features their grown children. I'm thinking maybe instead of writing chapter after chapter (like Mal4Prez), perhaps do a series of vignettes?

Can anyone recommend a well written fic - or even a book or novel - that uses that format - a collection of stories set within the 'verse?

I eagerly await your responses!

JetFlair's stories (The Losing Side etc) work in such a fashion (though is not the prime focus)
(really a lovely site)

but if you are thinking forwards - with children and what not, both Slumming and Jane0904 are worth a deep trawl:)

As for novels - Burning Chrome is a good call.

And novelists:

This is a short story on the Whatisthematrix site - if you dig around you'll find there's a collection of 'official' fan fic
which effectively duplicates the effect you are looking for.

And i would suggest peeking at


Thursday, September 4, 2008 2:17 PM


You may want to check out AWindsor's work here in the BSR, start with Pirate Children. She nailed Mal's and Inara's offspring right on the head.


Thursday, September 4, 2008 2:50 PM



Originally posted by Platonist:
She nailed Mal's and Inara's offspring right on the head.



Thursday, September 4, 2008 3:51 PM


Truly, highly recommended for anyone, the daughter is not only obstinate, but obnoxious, and the son is caring and giving, but a "know it all"… it's hilarious. And, about the only baby fic I can stomach. No special powers with these two, they’re real kids.


Wednesday, September 17, 2008 8:29 PM


Valeriebean wrote a series of vinettes that spaned into a new generation that was quite good last summer in her namesake series.


Thursday, September 18, 2008 4:34 AM


Thanks! I'll have to check those out.

"Can you, for a moment, imagine how depressing it is to teach one thousand years of masculine ineptitude? Why do you think there are so few women historians? I'll tell you why. Because history is not such a frolic for women as it is for men... History is a commentary on the various and continuing incapabilities of men. History is women following behind with a bucket and a mop." - Alan Bennett, "The History Boys"


Tuesday, December 9, 2008 8:28 PM



Originally posted by EmpireX:
I've been working on my Firefly AU, The Ties That Bind, for... oh... FOREVER AND A DAY! I can't seem to write linearly, or maybe chronologically is the right word. I have a decent outline. I know pretty clearly where I want to take the characters and where I want to end up. I've written several scenes already… but I'm undecided about how to proceed and in what FORMAT I want to write this fic.

It's a story that spans two generations - the original Firefly crew and then the epilogue features their grown children. I'm thinking maybe instead of writing chapter after chapter (like Mal4Prez), perhaps do a series of vignettes?

Can anyone recommend a well written fic - or even a book or novel - that uses that format - a collection of stories set within the 'verse?

I eagerly await your responses!

"Can you, for a moment, imagine how depressing it is to teach one thousand years of masculine ineptitude? Why do you think there are so few women historians? I'll tell you why. Because history is not such a frolic for women as it is for men... History is a commentary on the various and continuing incapabilities of men. History is women following behind with a bucket and a mop." - Alan Bennett, "The History Boys"

Getting started is hard. I consider myself fortunate as I have an ability to visualize things and set them on paper easily but there are some things I would like to share. First, this is something you cannot force. I apply a sort of Zen approach. In the Japanese Samauri there was a concept of "the belly" the basic idea is that if you look right, you can't see left and conversly if you look left, you can't see right. What is needed is to look nowhere, thereby looking everywhere. Then will happen as naturally as a drop of water falling from a branch. I will relax, often with some music, and open my mind and it comes.
I once did a highly acclaimed essay likening the writing of a story to the formation of a star. It begins in a defuse cloud of dust and gas (ideas) which slowly condense under gravitational influance (for me, the music) until it finally reaches sufficant mass to ignite. The main point I stress is DON'T FORCE IT. Also, I must point out that many people can write well, but not all of them can write fiction well. We are all individuals with our strengths and weaknesses (obviously spelling isn't one of mine)some are left-brained(Logical) and some are right-brained (imiginative) Be your self and find your niche. Good luck and I hope my advice was helpful if not thought provoking.


Wednesday, December 10, 2008 4:16 AM


I'm not sure I'd limit things to the 'verse and I see no reason not to just write episodically.

One of the biggest influences on my writing is Stoker's Dracula because it is written as a collection of different sources i.e. character's journals, the main protagonist's point of view and so on. I have taken this as license to write my books from multiple perspective sometimes leaving a point of view deliberately behind to pull back in later, either jumping back in time to catch up or skipping straight in with the current time line.

Also, if you write in scenes and manage them as complete units, you can move them about how you please until you figure out the best way to make the narrative flow, which certainly does not have to be in a linear time flow. Time does not flow linearly if you believe the physicists so why should stories.

My favourite examples of this is in the Iain M Banks novel, Use of Weapons where the story is written in two strands put forward in alternating chapter one of which moving forward in time and the other moving back. The secound is Alasdair Gray's, Lanark which is just the most amazing book, written in four parts that run Three, One, Two, Four and includes a prologue at the beginning and an Epilogue before the end. It totally blew my mind on what was possible with a book. Hopefully it might open you up to all sorts of ways of writing your story.


Wednesday, December 10, 2008 10:05 AM


All great advice, and stuff I would echo.

Moondog is absolutely right, don't force it. If you are finding it easy to write a scene here or a scene there, follow your muse. When you can't write anymore, step back and see what you have. A lot of people I know use this 'jigsaw' approach. They then string together what they have and sculpt it to the shape they want or that resonates the best for them.

And Gee, I just finished experimenting with the various points of view and what an eye opener it was. The assignment was to write a story in the POV you are most comfortable writing in, ie First Person "I", Second person "you did...", Third person limited, "He said.." where you only know that the protagonist can know, and finally Third Person Omniscient, "God's eye" where you can know what EVERY character can know, as the reader that is... Then rewrite the story in the other points of veiw. It totally changed my story, for the good.

So writing for various points of veiw is definitely doable and fairly unique, if done well. But I'm no English Major. Just a hack takin' classes and such. ;)

Good luck with it, but above all, have FUN with it.

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."






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