Open letter to Firefly and Birds of Prey fans

UPDATED: Thursday, August 10, 2006 09:02
VIEWED: 36744
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Sunday, December 15, 2002 1:51 PM


Dear Firefly and Birds of Prey fans,

Go sit over in the corner with the Farscape fans and learn about an exercise in futility. Maybe you can band together and try to get your crap show that everyone hates back on the air. Nothing like wasting a lot of time to keep a geek busy.

People whine and bitch about "good shows getting canned". Well you know what? Your show sucks. Firefly licks cotton balls. Birds of Prey is inexcusably bad. No one watches your shows because they are no good. WB will not pick up Firefly. UPN will not pick up either. These shows are not good and they failed because often the weeding process of canceling new shows that do poorly really works.

I reiterate. Shut up.



Friday, January 24, 2003 9:59 AM


Yeah, Joe Millionaire and Fear Factor are doing well because they're such high quality shows. No, wait, it's actually because they appeal to stupid, lazy viewers with no brainpower, who apparently constitute the entire Neilsen viewership. Firefly failed because it's too SMART for idiots like you.


Friday, January 24, 2003 7:16 PM


Wow. A reality check from an idiot. I think I'll have to rethink my life. Moron.



Friday, January 24, 2003 7:22 PM


Wow my thread, which doesn't nothing wrong but present a point of view which differs from the popular opinion of the board, has been moved to "troll country". How tolerant. Losers.

I hardly see how a show being unpopular makes it good. I mean Pauly Shore's show was unpopular and guess what? That's right it sucked.

Some shows may succeed because of idiots but most of the time when a show tanks fast and hard it's because it's crap.

And Roman thanks for bringing absolutely nothing to the table. Please eat my crap.


Friday, January 24, 2003 9:20 PM



Originally posted by aDam:
Wow my thread, which doesn't nothing wrong but present a point of view which differs from the popular opinion of the board,...

... and insult us, call our show crap, and tell us to shut up...


Originally posted by aDam:
...has been moved to "troll country". How tolerant. Losers.

It's here because YOU ARE A TROLL! You posted it for the express purpose of inciting animosity. QED.


Originally posted by aDam:

I hardly see how a show being unpopular makes it good. I mean Pauly Shore's show was unpopular and guess what? That's right it sucked.

So every show that gets axed is automatically crap? Wow, guess this shows how gullible the average viewer really is.


Originally posted by aDam:

Some shows may succeed because of idiots...

Some shows succeed because of idiots? Try nearly every show that's premiered in the last 4 years!


Originally posted by aDam:
...but most of the time when a show tanks fast and hard it's because it's crap.

Yeah, the original Star Trek was sooo horrible, that's why it got axed...


Originally posted by aDam:

And Roman thanks for bringing absolutely nothing to the table. Please eat my crap.

Oooh, and we can tell that this individual's opinion matters in any way because of his sophisticated manner. "Eat my crap," indeed. Shakespeare couldn't have said it better.


Saturday, January 25, 2003 3:48 AM



... and insult us, call our show crap, and tell us to shut up...
You are crying about it uselessly. I'm doing you guys a favour by telling you to shut up but you're all too stupid to listen. At least I had a bit of class about it too. In the two very short replies I got I was called an idiot twice and a moron once. Of course now it's free game.


It's here because YOU ARE A TROLL! You posted it for the express purpose of inciting animosity. QED.
Wow you're so ejicate! You zall should gets a deegree for all them's fancy wordin'. Your vocabulary is terribly innapropriate for the Internet. I'd say it's innapropriate for pretty much anything but mathematical proofs.

I'm not a troll ass munch. I wrote a letter because I strongly felt this needed to be said to all the crybabies and then felt it would come to better use if I actually did something with it rather than keep it to myself like some loser with their web poetry. Of course now that I've been met with great hostility I'm sure I'll just come off as more of a troll so you can all keep thinking that and bask in your ignorance.


So every show that gets axed is automatically crap? Wow, guess this shows how gullible the average viewer really is.
You're not listening. For someone who says stuff like QED you sure are stupid. Oh that's right you're just a pretentious piece of shit! What I'm saying is a show getting canceled does not make it good. That's like saying that because an innocent man goes to jail that anyone who ends up in prison is innocent. It's terribly flawed logic.


Some shows succeed because of idiots? Try nearly every show that's premiered in the last 4 years!
There have been a hand full of good shows. Angel is pretty good. Joss should stick with what works for him I guess. I a few good shows in the past few years have been Even Stevens, Kim Possible, Roswell, Smallville and the Zeta Project. It's not a huge list but that's 4 excellent and one pretty good show which I'm happy with. Sure television has been mostly bad but it's always been that way. A person should never expect to sit in front of good television for 4 hours a day unless they're watching repeats. This isn't due to the fact that everything good gets canceled but because little that's good is made.


Yeah, the original Star Trek was sooo horrible, that's why it got axed...
Again just because every once and a while a good show gets canceled doesn't mean the mounds of sucky shows that get canceled are worth the sweat off my nut sac. I wish idiots would stop thinking about the original Star Trek.


Oooh, and we can tell that this individual's opinion matters in any way because of his sophisticated manner. "Eat my crap," indeed. Shakespeare couldn't have said it better.
Sorry I'm not a pretentious asshole who finished sentences with "QED" which is the pretentious equivalent to "0wned!" (note the O spelled with a zero because that's about the level of conversation I'm clocking you at)

I was kidding of course. I'm not sorry at all. If I ever end a sentence with QED I hope someone kills me so bad that I never come back. You know like they did to Firefly.

Anyway this thread was tucked away for a while since it's original posting. I guess the test of time has shown how successfull your geek campaign is doing. I guess when I learn how successfull it was that will really shut me up.

So what channel picked up your ass heap of a show? UPN? They pick up good shows that get canceled. Was your show picked up by UPN?


Saturday, January 25, 2003 6:34 AM


Oh goodie, I love these types of threads. It allows me to indulge my "smash them up" side . Ah well, into the fray...


Well you know what? Your show sucks. Firefly licks cotton balls. Birds of Prey is inexcusably bad. No one watches your shows because they are no good. WB will not pick up Firefly. UPN will not pick up either. These shows are not good and they failed because often the weeding process of canceling new shows that do poorly really works.

You do realize that you are disagreeing with more people then us, correct? Several critics, most of whom are far more intelligent (and far better writers) than you are thinnk highly of it. This list includes:

Positive Firefly reviews:

Mike Duffy, Detroit Free Press. Archived online at: .

Ken Tucker, Entertainment Weekly. Archived online at:,6115,355225~3~~,00.html

Robert Bianca, USA Today. Archived online at:

Matt Roush, TV Guide. Archive online at:
Terry Morrow, Knoxville News. Archive online at:,1406,KNS_357_142700

Steve Murray, Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Archived online at:

Chris Wyatt, Cinescape Magazine. Archived online at:

Patrick Lee, Sci-fi.Com. Archived by

Matthew Gilbert, A&E Boston Globe Staff. Archived by

David Bianculli, NY Daily News. Archived Online at:

Mark Davidziak, Cleveland Plain Dealer. Archived Online at:

Chuck Barney, Contra Costa Time (Contra Costa County in California, I think in the Bay area). Archived Online at:

So that's one thing. For another, despite popular opinion, you aren't stupid. You've been very calculating in throwing this little stink bomb at just the right time to maximize annoyance. Good job! I hate you, as I'm sure most who encounter you do, but I can't fault your intelligence. Incidently, some of the most intelligent, well crafted shows in recent years have lasted one year or less such as Robbery/Homicide, Freaks and Geeks, Robert Altman's Gun, Action, The Chronicle, and Strange Luck.

"It looks like a great adventure...That's what it is; that's what it feels like. When I saw the pilot, it was really engaging. It was exciting. It was unusual. It threw me off every now and then. I think people will be grabbed by it." - Ron Glass, on the pilot, during an interview with the Indianapolis Star


Saturday, January 25, 2003 6:55 AM


Ok, if you dont like the show so much, why must you spend so much time here? Obviously if you think you are more intelligent than us then you would be better off doing more "intelligent" things...



Saturday, January 25, 2003 10:00 AM



You are crying about it uselessly. I'm doing you guys a favour by telling you to shut up but you're all too stupid to listen. At least I had a bit of class about it too. In the two very short replies I got I was called an idiot twice and a moron once. Of course now it's free game.

How is anything we do hurting you? You obviously came here looking to cause trouble. Now you whine because the fans of the show you insulted are angry at you. Tell me, have you ever walked into an Al-Qaeda camp shouting "USA! USA!"? Because it's the same principle.


Wow you're so ejicate! You zall should gets a deegree for all them's fancy wordin'. Your vocabulary is terribly innapropriate for the Internet. I'd say it's innapropriate for pretty much anything but mathematical proofs.

And once again, aDam shows just how smart he is with his mastery of the English language. Which, by the way, I'm speaking properly because I actually paid attention in school. Tell me, do you refer to 4th grade as your "senior year?"


I'm not a troll ass munch. I wrote a letter because I strongly felt this needed to be said to all the crybabies and then felt it would come to better use if I actually did something with it rather than keep it to myself like some loser with their web poetry. Of course now that I've been met with great hostility I'm sure I'll just come off as more of a troll so you can all keep thinking that and bask in your ignorance.

Oooh, "ass munch!" I'm so impressed with the quality of your verbal skills that I'm going to concede the point right here. Wait a second...

Why do you feel this supposed need to put us down? Do you really think we're going to go "Hmmm, somebody is calling us names, I guess that means Firefly is a horrible show and we should abandon it"?

More likely, you're a loser with nothing better to do than make fun of shows you're obviously too dense to understand.


You're not listening. For someone who says stuff like QED you sure are stupid. Oh that's right you're just a pretentious piece of shit! What I'm saying is a show getting canceled does not make it good. That's like saying that because an innocent man goes to jail that anyone who ends up in prison is innocent. It's terribly flawed logic.

Pretentious POS, huh? Beats being a low-brow ignoramus. And I don't recall making any such blanket statement as "All shows that get cancelled are good." If anything, you've displayed just such fallacious logic by claiming that just because a show gets cancelled, it must be awful and not worth watching.


There have been a hand full of good shows. Angel is pretty good. Joss should stick with what works for him I guess. I a few good shows in the past few years have been Even Stevens, Kim Possible, Roswell, Smallville and the Zeta Project. It's not a huge list but that's 4 excellent and one pretty good show which I'm happy with. Sure television has been mostly bad but it's always been that way. A person should never expect to sit in front of good television for 4 hours a day unless they're watching repeats. This isn't due to the fact that everything good gets canceled but because little that's good is made.

I don't see any difference of opinion here... I said "almost" every show has been crap. A handful of good shows do not redeem Hollywood-- they just prove that sometimes, despite their best efforts, an actual good show gets on the air. Now let's look at the bottom-feeding crap that's infesting our airwaves:

Blind Date
Fear Factor
Man Vs. Nature
Joe Millionaire
The Bachelorette
The Practice (used to be good)
Bridezillas (WTF?)
American Idol
The new Twilight Zone (GAG! Every one I've seen is hackneyed and predictable.)
Celebrity Mole Hawaii
WWE Smackdown
America's Funniest Home Videos (you can only see a guy get whacked in the balls by a football so many times, then you get sick of it.)

And of course, there's the myriad of crap reality miniseries yet to come.


Again just because every once and a while a good show gets canceled doesn't mean the mounds of sucky shows that get canceled are worth the sweat off my nut sac. I wish idiots would stop thinking about the original Star Trek.

I'll bet you do, since Star Trek: TOS is a shining example of what a fresh idea and a fan campaign can accomplish. With that out of our minds, we'd be that much closer to turning into brainless network zombies like you. After all, idiocy loves company.


Sorry I'm not a pretentious asshole who finished sentences with "QED" which is the pretentious equivalent to "0wned!" (note the O spelled with a zero because that's about the level of conversation I'm clocking you at)

Indeed? Well, I could explain to you that "QED" actually means "quod erat demonstrandum," or "That which was to be demonstrated," but you'd just respond with "Eat me, poindexter!" So I fail to see the point. Instead, I'll say it in a way you can understand:

j00 4re a l00seR!!!1111 5t0p w4st1|\|9 ur t1/\/\3 and 9o pHuk ur53lF!!!11111


I was kidding of course. I'm not sorry at all. If I ever end a sentence with QED I hope someone kills me so bad that I never come back. You know like they did to Firefly.

Things to do today:

Go to Buffy CCG tournament.
Attend barbecue.
Get aDam to end a sentence with "QED."


Anyway this thread was tucked away for a while since it's original posting. I guess the test of time has shown how successfull your geek campaign is doing. I guess when I learn how successfull it was that will really shut me up.

Yeah, it's been a couple of weeks, so it's obviously hopeless. How long did it take to get Roswell back on the air? How many bottles of Tobasco had to be sent? That's right, a long time, and a lot.


So what channel picked up your ass heap of a show? UPN? They pick up good shows that get canceled. Was your show picked up by UPN?

Ha! UPN picks up shows that will make them money, not "good shows that get cancelled," just like every other network. And thanks to the royal screwing Fox gave the show, nobody's going to see it as profitable unless the fans demonstrate their support.... which we're doing.


Saturday, January 25, 2003 10:46 AM



You do realize that you are disagreeing with more people then us, correct? Several critics, most of whom are far more intelligent (and far better writers) than you are thinnk highly of it. This list includes:
Well obviously I did not believe that the only people who disagree with me are the people of this board. Obviously there is a large fan base for even the crappiest crap.

Example! Tons of people loved "Kung Pow: Enter the Fist" despite that fact that it was the worst movie to come out last year.

This guy gives it a 5 star rating:

This guy criticises the public for not liking the movie much like all you guys have been doing:

More senselessly positive reviews:

The opinion of critics doesn't mean anything. For one thing there are so many critics out there that you could find a mound of them to say anything is good. Critics are also way biased in favour of anything different (ignoring whether or not it's actually good) because they're so tired of seing the same old. Now don't come telling me I'm an idiot for liking only the mainstream because that can't be further from the truth. I simply don't believe something being bizarre is enough to make it good.


Ok, if you dont like the show so much, why must you spend so much time here?
I don't. How many posts do I have? I don't understand what you're suggesting here. Are you trying to convince me that I actually like the show or what?


How is anything we do hurting you? You obviously came here looking to cause trouble. Now you whine because the fans of the show you insulted are angry at you. Tell me, have you ever walked into an Al-Qaeda camp shouting "USA! USA!"? Because it's the same principle.
Well I'm simply sick of hearing people go on about campaigns to save dead shows. Let the thing go out with a little class instead of a flaming ball of crap. Your analogy is very flawed. People don't have a problem with the Al-Qaeda because they went poking into their bunker caves. They have a problem with them because of those planes that flew into buildings and killed a bunch of people.


And once again, aDam shows just how smart he is with his mastery of the English language. Which, by the way, I'm speaking properly because I actually paid attention in school. Tell me, do you refer to 4th grade as your "senior year?"
I don't understand what you're making fun of. Did I make a typo or something? Are you not satisfied with my understanding of QED? I know I can defend against this attack adequately but you're so incoherant that I can't make sense of it.


And I don't recall making any such blanket statement as "All shows that get cancelled are good." If anything, you've displayed just such fallacious logic by claiming that just because a show gets cancelled, it must be awful and not worth watching.
Pay attention idiot. I never said anything of the sort. I've been quite clear but you're obviously too stupid for my "low brow" level of speach. I guess that makes you look pretty bad since you're the one trying to put me down and it only serves to put you lower.


Now let's look at the bottom-feeding crap that's infesting our airwaves
As I said most of TV is bad. I'd rather not see Firefly join those ranks.


I'll bet you do, since Star Trek: TOS is a shining example of what a fresh idea and a fan campaign can accomplish. With that out of our minds, we'd be that much closer to turning into brainless network zombies like you. After all, idiocy loves company.
Saw William Shatner in an interview say that it's nice that people believe that the show was saved because of fan support although that's not what happened at all. I wish people would stop thinking it was. Questing to get a cancelled show back on the air has never and will never work.


Indeed? Well, I could explain to you that "QED" actually means "quod erat demonstrandum," or "That which was to be demonstrated," but you'd just respond with "Eat me, poindexter!" So I fail to see the point. Instead, I'll say it in a way you can understand:
And I could have told you earlier that I knew what it meant but I'm not a pretentious asshole.


Ha! UPN picks up shows that will make them money, not "good shows that get cancelled," just like every other network. And thanks to the royal screwing Fox gave the show, nobody's going to see it as profitable unless the fans demonstrate their support.... which we're doing.
Good shows make money.


Saturday, January 25, 2003 1:20 PM


Well, I normally don't indulge in this kind of thing, but I'm bored.

The point is, Adam, that if you think the show is crap, no one on this board cares. I'm sure you think you are right and good and wise. I'm equally sure I don't give a damn.

I like this board and I sought it out because I think Firefly is brilliant, the best show I've seen in years, and I'm completely obsessed--and everyone else here more or less agrees that Firefly was a great show. That is, incidentally, and in case you missed it, the point of this board. (Plus, the board's real pretty :-).)

You don't like Firefly. Fine. FYI, no one here is asking you to like it or to stay if you don't. So, go find something you are enthusiastic about, and play there--or, if you plan to stay, find a useful (and tactful) way to contribute. It is, you know (in my opinion) somewhat pathetic to rain on someone else's parade just cuz you can't find your own parade to participate in.

Phil. (still bored)


Saturday, January 25, 2003 2:56 PM



Originally posted by aDam:

Ok, if you dont like the show so much, why must you spend so much time here?
I don't. How many posts do I have? I don't understand what you're suggesting here. Are you trying to convince me that I actually like the show or what?

No, I think we're all just wondering, if you have so little regard for this show, and so little respect for those who watch it and are trying to get it back on the air, why did you even come here in the first place? And why do you keep coming back to argue your point and defend yourself? You call us geeks and losers, but what kind of loser gets so perturbed over a few people's efforts to save a TV show that he sits down and spends time composing a nasty little letter to them, then posts it on their discussion boards, then comes back to argue his points and defend himelf? That's just pathetic. I mean, maybe I'm wrong, but I think an intelligent adult would have something better to do with his time. You know you're not going to change our opinions of Firefly (or BoP, for the BoP fans) or throw a wet blanket over our efforts to get our shows back on the air, so we just wonder, what the hell are you really doing here?

I know, I know, you just wanted to state your innocent little opinion -- "present a point of view which differs from the popular opinion of the board."

Oh bullshit. Go back and read your first post. You offer no intelligent criticism and show no consideration or respect for people whose opinions or tastes differ from yours. "At least I had a bit of class about it too"? No. You showed no class whatsoever. Your first post was just nasty, mean-spirited, and ignorant. And you wonder why people reacted the way they did? Here's a clue: it's because you were acting like a jackass!

So when HAPLO says ...


Tell me, have you ever walked into an Al-Qaeda camp shouting "USA! USA!"? Because it's the same principle.

... yeah, the analogy basically works. You didn't come to actually say anything, you just came in throwing around insults.

Now I have a bad habit of giving people much more credit than they deserve, so I'm willing to believe that maybe you do have some intelligent reason for coming here, and maybe, buried somewhere in your sniping, is a scrap of something genuine and rational. But so far, you just sound like a dickhead: either a flat-out moron or just a sad little loser whose greatest sense of accomplishment in life comes from posting childish notes on sci-fi fans' Internet sites. Okay, so you're ...


simply sick of hearing people go on about campaigns to save dead shows.

... well, great! That might actually be worth talking about. So just say it. But show at least a bit of respect for the people you're talking to. Guess what, it's actually possible that someone who's just as smart as you are (or maybe even smarter) will disagree with you.


Saturday, January 25, 2003 3:10 PM


Thank you for stating what probably everyone here was thinking! ADAM, life too short to sit around making fun of people who like a show that you didn't like. It's pointless.


Sunday, January 26, 2003 5:21 AM



So, go find something you are enthusiastic about, and play there--or, if you plan to stay, find a useful (and tactful) way to contribute.
What makes you think I don't? From where do people get this idea that just because I'm voicing my distaste for something that it takes a considerable portion of my day to do so?

The following all address the exact same issue so there is no need to reply to them:

pathetic to rain on someone else's parade just cuz you can't find your own parade to participate in.


if you have so little regard for this show, and so little respect for those who watch it and are trying to get it back on the air, why did you even come here in the first place?


what kind of loser gets so perturbed over a few people's efforts to save a TV show that he sits down and spends time composing a nasty little letter to them, then posts it on their discussion boards, then comes back to argue his points and defend himelf?


I think an intelligent adult would have something better to do with his time.


a sad little loser whose greatest sense of accomplishment in life comes from posting childish notes on sci-fi fans' Internet sites.


Thank you for stating what probably everyone here was thinking! ADAM, life too short to sit around making fun of people who like a show that you didn't like. It's pointless.


Go post something constructive on a site for a show you LIKE instead of coming here and pissing everyone off.


You know you're not going to change our opinions of Firefly (or BoP, for the BoP fans) or throw a wet blanket over our efforts to get our shows back on the air, so we just wonder, what the hell are you really doing here?
Yeah. Too bad you're all too stupid. I have to try to do the right thing though.


You offer no intelligent criticism and show no consideration or respect for people whose opinions or tastes differ from yours.
I never said I wanted you guys out of my neighbourhood. I said I was sick of the crying.


Your first post was just nasty, mean-spirited, and ignorant.
Ignorant? No. I'm afraid it was quite informed.


Guess what, it's actually possible that someone who's just as smart as you are (or maybe even smarter) will disagree with you.
Sure. There's no accounting for horrible taste. I haven't encountered any such people though.


Sunday, January 26, 2003 4:47 PM


Why are people responding to such an obvious troll?


Friday, January 31, 2003 9:40 PM



Originally posted by Tylor:
Why are people responding to such an obvious troll?

Boredom mostly. Without Firefly, we all have an extra hour every week, so we've got to find something to amuse ourselves. So we find ourselves a troll and yank its chain a bit. Toss it into the troll pit, poke it with sticks and laugh as it dances about, flabby buttocks jiggling, snorting and snarling and thinking itself quite ferocious.

Of course this assumes that aDam has flabby buttocks. He does seem the type somehow, doesn't he?


Tuesday, February 4, 2003 7:47 PM


a few good shows in the past few years have been Even Stevens, Kim Possible, ............

Ok, I wandered over to troll country and read the "letter" and the replies, and my only question is: Adam, how OLD are you???? I mean, "Even Stevens, Kim Possible"??? You do realize these are KID shows. Maybe that's the problem, Firefly is for the grown-ups, you'll have to wait till you grow up to watch it. (Or even understand it apparently)



Wednesday, February 5, 2003 3:15 AM


24. Why must you label shows? There are only two kinds of shows in my book. Good shows and bad shows. Humour has no age limit.


Wednesday, February 5, 2003 11:34 AM


Adam posted without insulting the show or its fans! Maybe there's hope for him yet.

I never thought it'd happen, but I have to agree with you. Although I've never seen either of the above-mentioned shows, I know that plenty of "kiddie" shows actually have elements that adults can appreciate. Witness Sesame Street's clever insertion of jokes and characters that no pre-elementary-school-age kid will understand.

Early: You ever been raped, Kaylee?
Kaylee: You know, it's funny you should mention that... ever heard of the Fox network?


Wednesday, February 5, 2003 5:19 PM


Ok, I spoke without fully thinking about it, I stand corrected. (I also remember the Sesame Street jokes and I am an avid Bugs Bunny fan)



Sunday, March 16, 2003 6:20 AM


You're 24 and you watch Even Stevens and Kim Possible? *snicker* What makes those shows "good shows"? Why do yo enjoy watching them?

"Societies are supported by human activity, therefore they are constantly threatened by the human facts of self-intrest and stupidity." --Peter Berger


Sunday, March 16, 2003 3:39 PM


They're good because they're really funny. They're good just because they're really good shows. They're not retarded like Firefly. These shows make me happy and bring a smile to my face when I watch them. They bring me great joy and somehow I think that's a good thing. Maybe I just don't get it.


Sunday, March 16, 2003 4:02 PM


Before Firefly fans tempers flare, I’d just like to say a few things in regards to Adams post.
1.) Whatever shows float your boat, go ahead and watch. If it brings joy and no pain, go right ahead. I’ve loved a few movies in my times that people plainly hated.
2.) Adam, calling someone retarded for liking one type of show is unsubstantiated.
3.) Saying a show is good because it’s really good - not a valid reason. ( Personally, I don’t think people need reasons unless they plan to argue the point. )
4.) And I’m trying to remember what my fourth things was... Okay, maybe there wasn’t a fourth thing...Uh...Make love not war! That sounds good.

Jayne: Hey, I didn't fight in no war. Best of luck, though.


Sunday, March 16, 2003 4:10 PM


1 - Thank you.
2 - Although I'm not above calling the fans retards in this case I was refering to the show itself as being retarded
3 - Well I did say funny in both cases. It may be subjective but that's a quality of the show. You can't measure greatness imperically which is pretty much what this argument is going to boil down to. "I like it!" "I hate it!" yada yada...
4 - Good philosophy


Sunday, March 16, 2003 4:23 PM


Thank you Adam, it is a good philosophy. But here’s what I don’t get then- why are we even arguing? If it all boils down to “I like it!” and “I don’t like it!” why even argue? A persons own personal preference toward a certain show, or a distaste towards another show is a persons choice. At least in this case no harm is done either way so why does it matter? Its not like we are arguing over a persons preference or right to beat little bitty babies, we are simply talking about a show. It is strangely mind boggling at times. I am a die hard Firefly fan, and ultimate disliker or reality shows, but with all of the intelligent people on this site it seems like we should be arguing over ways to end world hunger or some such. (It would then be but you get my drift) This arguement is more interesting at the moment, but it seems useless.

Jayne: Hey, I didn't fight in no war. Best of luck, though.


Sunday, March 16, 2003 4:29 PM


I guess when I made this post I was just pissed off and tired of hearing about it and by now it's been so long I just don't really care anymore so let's all watch what we like and have a good time!


Sunday, March 16, 2003 4:55 PM


Hallelujah! Adam I’d buy you a drink if I could.

Jayne: Hey, I didn't fight in no war. Best of luck, though.


Tuesday, February 3, 2004 1:45 AM


Adam, I'm thinking you werent burdened with an overabundance of schooling so lets just ignore each other till we go away.


Tuesday, February 3, 2004 7:24 AM


tee hee, flabby buttocks. Thank you for making me snort in laughter.

Between work, school, dance, life and dogs, I have four hours of TV I can enjoy. Firefly was a wonderful series and one of the few that could hold my attention and stir my imagination.

I'm holding out hope for the movie.

Knibblet of the Methos Harem. Starkist MacStar of the Clan MacStar (seasons 2 thru 5 of Highlander rocked!)


Tuesday, February 3, 2004 4:20 PM



Originally posted by aDam:
Wow my thread, which doesn't nothing wrong but present a point of view which differs from the popular opinion of the board, has been moved to "troll country". How tolerant. Losers.

In America this process is called "democracy". When the vast majority of people in a locale want something done, it gets done!

Oh yeah, and just because you don't like something, it isn't neccesarily bad. My rule is never to say art/media is bad, or of low quality. It can be offensive, evil, or lowbrow, but never crappy or lousy.


Tuesday, February 3, 2004 4:33 PM



Originally posted by aDam:
24. Why must you label shows? There are only two kinds of shows in my book. Good shows and bad shows. Humour has no age limit.

I gotta go with the moron on this one. I'm 14, and I still watch Jackie Chan Adventures and Static Shock.

Though Adam does seem to be burdened by an overabundance of schoolin.'


Thursday, February 5, 2004 3:34 PM


La la la, testing my new stuff, all this thread's good for....

Spike: We all have addictions, Angel. I believe yours is called 'Slutty the Vampire Slayer.'


Thursday, February 5, 2004 3:49 PM



Originally posted by Tylor:
Why are people responding to such an obvious troll?

For the same reason Mal punched Atherton Wing.


Wednesday, February 18, 2004 4:02 AM


Yes, I was just thinking that it resembled some sort of primitive mating ritual--you know, where the men would butt heads like deer? They just had an article about ancient humans who had helmet-like skulls, presumably so they could do that.

Good to see the classics revived in a new form.


Wednesday, February 18, 2004 2:44 PM


Okay, glad to see this died down.

First point:

If a show is put in the "death-slot", no matter how good or bad it is, is bound to fail. I am an avid Browncoat, but I know this is the reason. It breaks my heart, but I have mended it, so here I am.

Second point:

If a person feels to express their displeasure with the show, they can say all they want. But, in a place such as this, which is deticated to the show, it;s not such a good idea. But, hey! he can if he wants.

"Freedom is the Freedom to say that 2+2 makes 4. If that is granted, all else follws"-Winston, 1984
Teela Brown, keeper of bad typing.
"No one reads these things any way."- Bart on Blackboard


Friday, March 12, 2004 12:40 PM


I am new here and see this thread is really old. Not wanting to start a flame war.. but where is adam now? I suggest for naysayers, go to and read the comments about the dvd sets. From many people, like myself, who have found and fell lin love with this series. over 700 comments, with an average of 5 star ratings. That is amazing.


Friday, March 12, 2004 5:50 PM


i gotta say, it's pretty funny that long ago adam told us out efforts were useless, and now we're getting a movie! yay us:)

~lissa, spwhore


Friday, March 12, 2004 7:38 PM



Originally posted by lissa:
i gotta say, it's pretty funny that long ago adam told us out efforts were useless, and now we're getting a movie! yay us:)

~lissa, spwhore

Plus, the fan base has multiplied greatly. I am living proof.


Tuesday, March 23, 2004 9:00 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

I wonder where Adam is now that the DVD set is out, and in little over 3 months has sold well over 200,000 copies in region 1 alone. When Region 2 is available in April, I imagine the number of sold sets will approach 350,000. Doesn't sound like a "bad show" to me.

Then there is the news of the movie coming out next year as well. Wonder how many of his so called "bad shows" can claim all of the things that Firefly can? Not so many I am guessing.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Sunday, May 9, 2004 3:06 PM


Adam, facts speak louder than your lame attempts at flame bait. If the show is so bad and compares to Birds of Prey, why are there so many Firefly fans and fan based sites, and so few BOP fan sites? Why is Firefly one of the best selling DVD box sets ever released? Why is Universal Pictures giving Joss 50 million to make this "failed" series into a movie?

I'm old enough to remember jerks like you, condemning original series Trek fans for loving a show that was canceled after only 3 years. After 10 movies and four spin off series, those detractors have been shown for the short sighted fools that they were. Time will prove you equally wrong.

Every person has the right to be stupid Adam, but you're abusing the privilege. Now go away and ponder something more your speed, like why girls won't talk to you.

I'd given some thought to movin' off the edge -- not an ideal location -- thinkin' a place in the middle.


Sunday, May 9, 2004 5:25 PM


You stupid bastard. "Now go away and ponder something more your speed"? You dare speak to me of stupidity when your reply asking me to leave is the very thing that brings me, who hasn't posted in this thread in well over a year, back here. I said up there I was 24 and this is such an old thread that I'm 26 now. I don't ever think about your pathetic little turd of a show and especially not about this lame ass board but now that you've relpied I get the e-mail notification and it, caused by you, brings me back.

Movie? I'll believe that crap when I see it. Talk of a movie is cheap. And of course you stupid bastards bitching about it isn't making a difference in a movie being made one way or the other. You are meaningless.

Why is it selling well on DVD? "Well" is obviously very relative. It is selling somwhate because all you stupid bastard geek cult losers love to love crap that people hate. But people hate it 'cause it sucks and so you love to hate crap that sucks.


I'm old enough to remember jerks like you, condemning original series Trek fans for loving a show that was canceled after only 3 years. After 10 movies and four spin off series, those detractors have been shown for the short sighted fools that they were. Time will prove you equally wrong.
Oh sweet Jesus how I would love to put this in a time capsule and show it to you in 10 years when Firefly is as forgotten as Paula Poundstone's show. Congratulations for being really old. You've really made it and you're totally living the dream of razzing some guy on Internet over some weak sauce garbage show no one but a load of geeks care about. To compare Firefly to Star Trek is just beyond retarded. That had been on for years while this was canceled early in it's first. This hasn't come back and won't because no one cares. This thread has been here over a year and the show's not coming back. Time truly has proven that. I don't know how much longer you need to wait before admiting it's dead dead dead. Apparently there's no reasoning with you.

Your fan base is growing? Wow! Where else did it have to go? It was practically non existant.

You know what? None of this matters because the bottom line is you guys are all wasting your time liking a crappy show that's deader than Elvis on a bowl full of Firefly fans.


Sunday, May 9, 2004 7:30 PM


Yeah, I dare! Ewwww, you're so tough! You don't read the news much do you punk? Serenity (that's the name of the movie, in case you missed it) is already in preproduction, the cast and crew hired, and filming will begin in just a few weeks! It's going to happen, so store this message in your little time capsule, and a year from now you can open it the night the movie premieres!

Funny how you picked Elvis to compare with Firefly. His record sales are better than ever. Not bad for a dead guy! Could you be any dumber? Wait, don't bother trying to answer that. I'll do it for you! YES, but there's nothing wrong with you that couldn't be cured with some Prozac and a polo mallet! Moron!

BTW: Other news you might have missed while living in your parent's basement; there's a war going on over in Iraq, and there's a perfect new show for losers like you, the Nick and Jessica Variety Hour! Enjoy!

I'd given some thought to movin' off the edge -- not an ideal location -- thinkin' a place in the middle.


Monday, May 10, 2004 11:00 AM


I'm not saying there won't be a movie. I'm saying I'll believe it when I see it because I don't currently have any reason to believe such a futile effort will follow through. Lots of movies make it to preproduction and don't get made. And if by some mistake it does get made I can guarantee you it won't be released in theatres like such gems based on lame shows as the X-Files movie. And by that I mean an actual full release. Not some geek festival in Joss's basement. Non theatre released movies are easy to make. I could make one. I have made one. It had no sound and it was a 12th grade French class project. I'm saying the Firefly movie will not get a general theatrical release and if I'm wrong then you can kick me in the nuts.

This movie thing has nothing to do with the time capsule. The time capsule is to prove that Firefly will be the next Star Trek. If that happens I will take my own life.

Now I'm not about to argue that Elvis is not still profiteable but to even suggest that he is now selling more records than ever is a bit retarded. It's like saying Firefly's ratings are now better than ever after it's canceled. 5 may be a lot of people to be watching a canceled show when considering there were 13 viewers when it was new but 5 isn't bigger than 13.

And don't go bringing up the war in Iraq as if someone who's not hip to the new of a movie based on a failure of a show canceled before it's 13th episode is in any way out of the loop.


Monday, May 10, 2004 6:05 PM


We'll see ya next year, when the movie is in wide release. Universal doesn't spend 50 million dollars on a movie, just so Joss can show it in his basement! LMAO! Nice attempt to save face, but you must know that next year the movie will be out, and the chances are very good that Universal will make a good return on their investment. The fact is, we already won. The DVD sales alone support that Firefly shouldn't have been canceled, and those numbers were more than enough to convice Universal to buy the property from Fox and give it a decent budget to make it into a movie. You lose! We'll check back here next year to see if you have the guts to admit you were wrong, when box office sales prove you wrong once again.

I'd given some thought to movin' off the edge -- not an ideal location -- thinkin' a place in the middle.


Tuesday, May 11, 2004 4:54 PM


Universal will not spend 50 million on a Firefly movie. They wouldn't spend that much on a movie they don't give a general release, sure. That doesn't mean they'll give Firefly a general release because they won't pour that much money into it.

I have always made a promise to drink an entire bottle of salad dressing if this movie gets a general release. By that I mean most theatres like over 90% of the movies that are in the top 10 grossing movies of any given week.

I have never had any problem admitting I was wrong when I was wrong. I'm not wrong though. I'm not an idiot. If I'm wrong I'll eat my words and more and I am confident in saying this because I won't be. Luckily this will all be proven sooner or later.

See you next year.


Tuesday, May 11, 2004 5:12 PM



Originally posted by aDam:
Universal will not spend 50 million on a Firefly movie.

You lose again.

1. The original budget of 35million, was just raised to 50million (that's US dollars) for Serenity.

2. The sets have been built, and one of the largest prop houses in L.A., The Hand Prop Room, is currently building props and weapons for the movie.

3. Zoic Studios has been contracted to create the visual effects for the movie.

These are all published facts! No Studio would spend that kind of money, and not give the movie a wide release! To do so, would be dumber than you are being, by not admitting to the facts! The movie is a fact, it comes out next summer! See you next year. Hope you like guzzling salad dressing! I'll be happy to send you a case! LMAO!

I'd given some thought to movin' off the edge -- not an ideal location -- thinkin' a place in the middle.


Tuesday, May 18, 2004 11:22 AM


I'm trying to keep track of all the things adam is going to do when Serenity is a hit in WIDE release:
- let us kick him in the nuts
- kill himself
- drink an entire bottle of salad dressing
- eat his words
Am I missing anything? This guy better be under 24 hour suicide watch if someone tells him that Universal sees Serenity as a possible trilogy franchise.

May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Wednesday, May 19, 2004 11:58 AM


I'm not seeing where I said I'd kill myself. Please back that up. I said I would kill myself if Firefly became the next Star Trek. Please call me when it is renewed for 3 more seasons, spawns 3 seperetate series of 7 seasons each (and then another that doesn't have long) and 10 movies not to mention the crazy conventions.


Monday, May 24, 2004 7:13 AM


Man, this is flaring up again. People are entitled to certain things. Of course, some of this may be taken for slander/liabel (Spelling?). But hey, I'll just let him talk. Cause there's nothing we can do to shut him up, and nothing he can do to shut us up. Well, there is, but it's complicated.

Firefly is a very well done show, in my opinion. Adam's is different. He thinks it sucks. Let him think that, we don't have a totalarian government set up yet (I'm working on it!), so we don't have thought police. Yet. So, just let him rant, and ignore him. I didn't read any of the newer posts, cause I know what they say.

"Freedom is the Freedom to say that 2 plus 2 make 4. If that is granted, all else follws"-Winston, 1984
Teela Brown, keeper of bad typing.
"No one reads these things any way."- Bart on Blackboard


Monday, May 24, 2004 7:27 AM


Enjoy your salad dressing Adam.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."






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