Open letter to Firefly and Birds of Prey fans

UPDATED: Thursday, August 10, 2006 09:02
VIEWED: 36743
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Friday, May 28, 2004 11:24 AM



Originally posted by TeelaBrown:
Of course, some of this may be taken for slander/liabel

That's the stupidest thing I've read on Internet all month. Thank you.


Friday, May 28, 2004 1:59 PM


new here so please be kind...

I am in the UK, and watched the whole of Firefly on dvd over the past week (I believe it is just starting to be shown here on one of the satellite channels - not one owned by News Int/Fox of course)

I bought the DVD set because it was Joss Wheedon, and I thought it would be ideal for light entertainment, while working away abroad.

It is a bit hard to get into, and after the first episode I nearly didn't bother looking at the others - I think they tried to cram too much into it to sell it as a pilot show.

The concept of every planet looking like dodge city may appeal to the US audience, but does not ring true over here - I think the Wild Wild West film from Will Smith flopped too.

I persevered and got into it, due mostly to the characters and I'm glad to hear there could be a film coming up, or possibly a return of the series, I think there is still a lot of scope in the characters and I would like to see this explored.

maybe aDam just did not get past the first couple of episodes - or maybe he really is just a dickhead.


Friday, May 28, 2004 2:24 PM



Originally posted by crobe:
maybe aDam just did not get past the first couple of episodes - or maybe he really is just a dickhead.

Both actually. But your show still sucks.


Friday, May 28, 2004 5:36 PM



Originally posted by aDam:

Originally posted by TeelaBrown:
Of course, some of this may be taken for slander/liabel

That's the stupidest thing I've read on Internet all month. Thank you.

Okay, Teela's confused. Thanking me for saying something stupid? I was refering to someone else, not you. Eh, whatever works.

"Freedom is the Freedom to say that 2 plus 2 make 4. If that is granted, all else follows"-Winston, 1984
Teela Brown, keeper of bad typing.
"No one reads these things any way."- Bart on Blackboard


Friday, May 28, 2004 8:06 PM


If you were refering to anyone but me then I can only deduce that you're very confused. Either way your comment still wins this month's award. Excessive stupidity amuses me and that is why I thank you.


Saturday, May 29, 2004 3:25 AM



Originally posted by aDam:
If you were refering to anyone but me then I can only deduce that you're very confused. Either way your comment still wins this month's award. Excessive stupidity amuses me and that is why I thank you.

Okay, I'll take that as a compliment. I won't explain, I'll confuse people. I'm not fully awake, which is probably why it was stupid.

"Freedom is the Freedom to say that 2 plus 2 make 4. If that is granted, all else follows"-Winston, 1984
Teela Brown, keeper of bad typing.
"No one reads these things any way."- Bart on Blackboard


Wednesday, June 16, 2004 9:17 PM


fun times, fun times

You know, they say mercy is the mark of a great man.

Guess I'm just a good man.

Well, I'm all right.


Thursday, July 1, 2004 7:50 PM


It's kind of nice to have a pet troll to feed every once and awhile.

I just think its funny that Adam mentions an "exercise in futility" and links Firefly fans with Farscapers in his original post. Let's see what's going on...

Firefly is being released as a motion picture.
A new Farscape mini-series continuing the story of Moya and crew is being made.

Poor delusional fans. How could we ever think our support could even have an impact?

Friendly Neighborhood Browncoat
Daryl B.


Tuesday, October 5, 2004 5:34 PM


America loves a winner!

We got our Big Damn Movie, thanks in large part to fantastic DVD sales with virtually NO advertising. Can you say $$ machine? Go take your bitter, reality show watching, t.v dinner munching, Paris Hilton worshiping worthless self and go stand in line for the next audition for American Idol.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Wednesday, October 6, 2004 9:06 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

You know what is really sad? Look at Adam the Troll's profile:

Member Since: Sunday, December 15, 2002 13:17
Last Visited: Saturday, May 29, 2004 09:05

For someone who thought this show sucked, he sure stuck around long enough to see what was going on.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Monday, December 13, 2004 11:34 AM



Originally posted by aDam:
I'm not seeing where I said I'd kill myself. Please back that up. I said I would kill myself if Firefly became the next Star Trek. Please call me when it is renewed for 3 more seasons, spawns 3 seperetate series of 7 seasons each (and then another that doesn't have long) and 10 movies not to mention the crazy conventions.

Hey Adam, might I make a small suggestion? If you're going to try and convince a bunch of people who like something that they shouldn't, you might want to try proper spelling and grammar. It tends to make a person more credible. Not that we'd listen anyways, but for future reference you might want to try it

"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle.


Tuesday, December 14, 2004 3:49 PM



Originally posted by Caite:

Originally posted by aDam:
I'm not seeing where I said I'd kill myself. Please back that up. I said I would kill myself if Firefly became the next Star Trek. Please call me when it is renewed for 3 more seasons, spawns 3 seperetate series of 7 seasons each (and then another that doesn't have long) and 10 movies not to mention the crazy conventions.

Hey Adam, might I make a small suggestion? If you're going to try and convince a bunch of people who like something that they shouldn't, you might want to try proper spelling and grammar. It tends to make a person more credible. Not that we'd listen anyways, but for future reference you might want to try it


You pathetic waste of flesh. I've tried to be civil to some of you losers but you're just the kind of digusting filth I'd love to peel off my bumper. Bitching about spelling? Really? Must you be in such a rush to act just like the rest of your wannabe scholar loser sci fi fan super geek loser buddies?

Please outline exactly what spelling errors there are in that passage? All that really jumps out at me is "seperetate" which is obviously more of a typo than a genuine spelling error. If you don't understand this you are the stupidest kind of idiot and have no place attempting to show your intellectual superiority by putting me down for something so futile and irrelevant to the point I'm trying to make.

Now proceed to do the expected and point out some miniscule mistake I have in this post because that's obviously the only thing you can possibly come up with that can disagree with anything I say.

You lose. You lose at Internet. You lose at life. You are the ultimate in losing losers. Die alone but be glad at least you're doing it with proper spelling.

Is there anything on this planet more annoying and loathsome than a spelling bitch? You all know them. You're out on a message board and you're arguing with some dumb fuck that thinks gun sales help feed orphans and then you say something like "Tanks for proving my point..." and they shoot back with "LOL!! *grin* Tanks? I thought you said guns were bad and now you like TANKS?!! LOL!!!!" Jizz ass! I'm sorry but when someone retorts with nothing but a shot at your spelling than I can only make the simple assumption that they have conceded and see absolutely no fault in the actual arguments that are being presented.

I mean big fucking deal! You're not doing me a great service by showing me the light. Oh my fucking God! There are people with bad spelling on the Internet?! Thanks for the amazing service! Tearing some guy a new asshole because he accidentally wrote "Your in big trouble now" You're not better than anyone for spotting that. Why most of the time I catch many spelling mistakes when I read over my own stuff just because I don't stop to reread. Who's the loser? The guy who writes something and gets it over with or the guy who spends all his time double and triple chelling not only their own stuff but going through someone else's stuff with a fine toothed comb looking for flaws in spelling, and therefore faults in their own worth, so often that they never get anything said. You want me to use a fucking spell cheller? What so I can chell shit I'm posting on a message board? Can you understand what I'm trying to say when it comes out "Looking fro trouble" because if you genuinely can't than the bigger moron here isn't the one who didn't catch the typo but rather the one who can't wrap his mind around this brain racking puzzle. If you really thought I was talking about some black guy's hair then maybe you should get off the Internet before you wind up thinking that your friend "has a stomach ache because he drank 2 litres of cock".

So yeah there are a lot of people out there. Some are kids that are what, 8 years old? I remember when I was 8 years old and I played with a typewriter. It took me about an hour to hammer out a sentence. So if someone needs to save time by saying "how r u?" Then maybe they really type that slow. (or maybe they think it sounds 7331 and need to be ass raped) And if someone writes at a 3rd grade level because they're in the God damned 3rd grade then let's cut them a little slack, okay?

I get enough of this shit in school. I mean I'd always do these reports where I'd go all out and do all this crazy fucking research only to have my teacher totally tank my paper and riddle it with red ink because, despite the fact that it was really a great report, I couldn't really nail my "participe passé" stuff so my report gets ass raped. If it's not French class I don't see why spelling should even have any bearing on my grade. I guess the same goes for English but I've never had an English paper graded for a class that wasn't specially "English" so you'll excuse me for not sympathizing. Whatever. Fuck those teachers!

You know maybe I don't spell so good. Maybe I didn't enjoy the benefits of an all English education like a lot of you. Maybe I don't know that "epitome" and "epidemy" are homonyms with totally different meanings. English is a very non phonetic and confusing language. I mean who am I, D'Nerd? Maybe I really really thought that it was "comming" for a long time. In fact I still think that movie theatres are all participating in some massive conspiracy to trick us all into thinking it's been "coming" all along when it hasn't and from time to time I just get this glimpse of a world which makes more sense. And you know there are a lot people who don't speak English all that well because... you know we're not alone on this planet. So some mix up words and shit. Sure it's funny and all but that's no reason to make fun of someone. Spelling and grammar are far from being a perfect measure of intelligence. When someone's well spoken it by no means indicates that they're more intelligent. When someone tries to make someone feel worse about themselves for a spelling mistake there's really no doubt that they're being an asshole though.

I'd like to conclude with a small tip for all you spelling bitches. If you really can't help it. If you really can't get over yourself. If you really have to bitch someone out for a typo or grammatical oversight just make sure you don't make one yourself because that's just beyond retardation. I mean... in response to someone referring to Sailor Moon's real name as "Sarina"... and I quote:

If you're gonna use a dub name, spell it rite

So now I'm the spelling bitch. I'm such a fucking hypocrite. If anyone needs me I'll be drowning in my own tears eating bon bons and watching the Family Channel.

* Note: The term "bitch" in "Spelling Bitches" is not meant to be derogatory towards women and refers to the act of "bitching" which is the nagging type thing that happens to be often performed by women.



Wednesday, December 15, 2004 1:08 AM


Dear Adam,

reading your posts gave me a hint that you are suppress a certain amount of anger.

The rather vulgar style of your posts indicates this.
I am sorry that you are not happy with your life and need the internet and the fanboard of a show you do not even like to vent this anger that rages within you.

I really wish you all the best and hope that your life will become more enjoyable in the future, so that you do not feel the need anymore to pretend to be a "tough" and "cool" person by using salacities in your way of expression.

Maybe you can find some useful information and/or help here:

Good luck for your future life.

Keep flying,


PS: Just to make sure: English is not my native language so errors in spelling and grammar might occur.


Monday, December 20, 2004 6:43 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

And two years later he is still coming to a fan site of a show he claims to hate.

Sad. Truly a troll of the first order.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Meet Up:


Wednesday, December 22, 2004 9:10 PM


I know, he keeps coming back for've got to wonder about someone like that.

My friend's band has a message board, and they just got their first troll. I totally thought of Adam when I read the post!


Wednesday, December 29, 2004 9:56 AM


Adam is one persistent little troll. I must agree about his take on spelling correctors, though. Attacking a person's grammar and spelling on the internet is a silly and annoying ploy. It adds nothing to the discussion and smacks of self-righteousness. With that said, Adam is one tangled psyche. I wonder if he actually hates Firefly or if he just gets his kicks from stirring up trouble. That's okay. I do enjoy a ranting lunatic now and then. I'm glad Fireflyfans set up this little zoo (Troll Country) for the real fans to poke sticks at the funny little knuckleheads.

Whose the funny little troll? You're the funny little troll. Yes you are.


Wednesday, December 29, 2004 10:25 AM


I wonder what type of salad dressing he prefers?

Also I request a avi/mov {or whatever} of him guzzling the dressing after Serenity premiers!

"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Thursday, January 6, 2005 2:11 PM


Two years later is good. :)

It means I get to have my piece.

The fact is, aDam, what you are doing here, by coming in and insulting people who are disscussing things that interest them, is not "the right thing." What you are doing is insulting and degrading.

As much as you say your first post here was valid and intelligent, it wasn't. Maybe you should go back and read it. It was full of you insulting us unprovoked, just because you aren't a fan. Don't like the show? Don't like ANYTHING we discuss here? Fine. I'm not going to sit here and tell you you're not intelligent or you can't comprehend it, because that's not necassarily the case. If you don't like the show, that's fine and I'm sure you have perfect reasons for feeling the way you do. But the fact is, we DO like it, so you really have no place to come in here and tell us what we SHOULD be doing.

In your initial post, you told us to stop crying because our show was cancelled, and that doing things like petitioning, sending letters, and donating would ever work.

Take a look at Roswell. Who was that that got it back on the air?


Take a look at Angel. It didn't get renewed, but who was it that gave such an outcry at it's sudden cancellation that every media in the country sat up and took note?



Originally posted by aDam:
Dear Firefly and Birds of Prey fans,

Go sit over in the corner with the Farscape fans and learn about an exercise in futility. Maybe you can band together and try to get your crap show that everyone hates back on the air. Nothing like wasting a lot of time to keep a geek busy.

People whine and bitch about "good shows getting canned". Well you know what? Your show sucks. Firefly licks cotton balls. Birds of Prey is inexcusably bad. No one watches your shows because they are no good. WB will not pick up Firefly. UPN will not pick up either. These shows are not good and they failed because often the weeding process of canceling new shows that do poorly really works.

I reiterate. Shut up.


No matter what you seem to think, this was NOT intelligent. All it was was your opinion. You're telling us "stop crying because the show sucks." Not once, not ONCE did you give us any valid reasons as to WHY the show sucks, nor did you even explain your opinion in a rational or intelligent way.

Your 'letter' is boils down to this - "Shut up because your show sucks."

Quite the masterpiece.

Go to hell.

Simon: came for us.
Mal: You're on my crew.
Simon: Right. I guess I just didn' don't even like me.
Mal: You're on my crew. Why we still talking about this?



Wednesday, February 2, 2005 9:45 AM


Adam, baby, shhhh...(rubs tummy soothingly)...It's okay to be wrong, it happens to everyone.
You don't have to jump for joy for it, but you must admit, us 'meaningless' Firefly fans have won the battle, if not yet the war. Because we knew our worth as fans, and we showed our commitment in the best possible way, we plunked down our money for the DVD. Alot of us, plunked down alot of money. Not just to prove people wrong, or to obstinately cling to a 'crappy show'. See, other people's brains don't operate like yours, we support this show out of love, we have nothing to prove. Not to you, not to anyone.

"I'll be in my bunk."


Thursday, May 12, 2005 3:45 PM


All right. I'm bored. Time to poke a troll.


*poke, poke*

Wakey, wakey.

There's a trailer now, Adam! Go to

Might wanna get that salad dressing ready.

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Friday, May 20, 2005 11:12 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

Psst! Ath, you forgot to mention the comic books and the action figures.

I draw...therefore I am.
Live in Minnesota? Join the Group! Yahoo Group, that is...


Tuesday, June 14, 2005 4:13 PM


And the third round of advanced screenings selling out in 5 minutes in some cities, and

"All of us (Meaning the Distribution folk at 'Versal) really wish we'd just gone ahead and premiered it in May. It's working out as well as "Star Wars" and if we'd started in May, it would have run all summer."

There's no place I can be
Since I found Serenity


Tuesday, August 2, 2005 12:28 PM


Hahaha. Star Wars? We're really comparing this movie to Star Wars? Oh my. -_- At best this movie will have the success of the waste of celluloid that was the X-Files movie.

I've started to think about what flavour of salad dressing to drink should the inconceiveable happen but I am still confident that my digestive system will be spared.


Tuesday, August 2, 2005 4:50 PM


Hey the cute little troll is back. I wonder what I should feed him...

Let's see. The latest Star Wars movies sucked. They did well money wise but they were truly a waste of time. Serenity can only hope to do as well financially but I will bet a cask of salad dressing down my throat that the quality of the Serenity movie will far outshine the Star Wars prequel suck fest.

There you go little troll. I hope you fed well. Now jump back into your wee diaper and have mama troll tuck you in for the night.


Tuesday, August 9, 2005 7:03 PM


I sincerely hope you love salad dressing dear because you will be consuming mass quantities of the stuff. So far Serenity has sold out every single advanced showing that it has had, and most of the tickets were bought within minutes.


Sunday, August 28, 2005 12:44 AM


Is there some kind of line or queue to kick Adam in the nuts? Should I take a number?

'Cause I don't want to miss out.

"Your toes are in the sand."
"And your head's up your..."


Sunday, September 25, 2005 2:38 PM



Troll huntin' season. WOOHOO!

Alrighty then, I believe Mr. Adam will eb quite dissappointed when he sees the reviewsand ratings of "Serenity". Alrighty then! I am very sympathetic toward those who have been hurt by Mr. Adam. If you need any support, just ask! I'm off to get my cork gun (see "Peter and the Wolf cartoon"). And if he thinks that our level of sophistication is low, well, sorry for him.

Anti-Troll League forever!


Saturday, October 15, 2005 1:33 PM



Originally posted by aDam:
Universal will not spend 50 million on a Firefly movie. They wouldn't spend that much on a movie they don't give a general release, sure. That doesn't mean they'll give Firefly a general release because they won't pour that much money into it.

I have always made a promise to drink an entire bottle of salad dressing if this movie gets a general release. By that I mean most theatres like over 90% of the movies that are in the top 10 grossing movies of any given week.

I have never had any problem admitting I was wrong when I was wrong. I'm not wrong though. I'm not an idiot. If I'm wrong I'll eat my words and more and I am confident in saying this because I won't be. Luckily this will all be proven sooner or later.

See you next year.

So, aDam. It got a general release, it debuted at #2 in the box office and it's made about $20 million in the US as I write this.

Have you fulfilled your promise? Is there a video? I'm not trying to berate you or say "I told you so" (although I kinda just did. Sorry), I'm just curious to find out whether you had the integrity or not.

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Saturday, October 15, 2005 10:02 PM


I just saw the movie. I'm not a fan. I didn't come away mesmerized. I was interested in finding out why people like/dislike the series. It's unfortunate that The Troll can say very little that is enlightening about why the series sucks.

On a scale of 5 stars (with 5 being good), I can only give the movie a 3. The directing of the first 10 minutes was pretty good. The firefly/serenity universe seems well developed. Language and cultural ambience helps to distinguish the future of spacefaring humans from some of the more typical TV sci-fi universes. I liked the Operative as the antagonist. He seems to sum up the Alliance well - reasonable, civil, calculating, efficient, and in pursuit of an idealized utopia.

The acting and character development were tolerable. Each actor had a few good moments, but it was somewhat bland otherwise. The captain was enjoyable, but his conflicted self seemed lacking. The doctor also had a lot of good potential that got wasted. For somebody who had built a network of contacts, and is obviously very smart, brave, and resourceful - he came across as excess baggage, with little to contribute, no worthwhile knowledge, and no real plan.

The part that really annoyed me was when the doctor got shot. A few moments before the shooting, the sister was a crying an ocean. For a person with psychotic tendencies and an obvious love for her brother, her transition into psycho-fighter was too calculated and calm. That gunshot should have snapped her... really hard, really abruptly.

Obviously, fans have had time to bond with the characters. My dissatisfaction is probably no different than why I liked Lord of the Rings movies and why my dad thought it was rather boring and apparently fell asleep during the first 2 movies. To each his own, I suppose.

As it is, Serenity is not good enough to convince me to invest in watching the series. Like Babylon 5, it has distinctions to pique some interest, but it feels like you need to be a devoted sci-fi geek to enjoy it. For it to really rise above 3 stars, it would need better acting and a better script to bring out the wealth of character development hidden in the series. I might be shallow in this regard, but oh well. I enjoyed Star Wars without the benefit of a TV series and I liked Star Trek, despite hating most of the different TV incarnations.

So, congratulations on getting your movie. If a Serenity sequel shows up, I hope it turns out to be a bit better.

p.s. I'm eagerly waiting for other geeky movies: Halo and AeonFlux.


Monday, October 24, 2005 2:55 AM



Originally posted by Badhras:
I just saw the movie. I'm not a fan......
p.s. I'm eagerly waiting for other geeky movies: Halo and AeonFlux.

Um...we don't care?


Thursday, October 27, 2005 9:33 PM


People who don't like Serenity or Flrefly should really just shut their stupid mouths; like we really care about what you think.

I think that people who make it their business to post that they don't like our show and movie, really should be sexually defiled by a genetically altered rhino raised by reavers.

enuff said


Tuesday, November 15, 2005 4:29 PM


Wow aDam, you and Jack Thompson would make fast friends. You say that the show was cancelled because it sucked, right? Firefly was cancelled because Fox picked it up, completely skipped the mandatory pilot that really should have been aired, and then aired the rest of the shows out of orders. Then they blamed the lack of success on Joss. You really shouldn't assume that just because YOU didn't like the show doesn't mean that everyone else is supposed to hate it. Yo're saying that you're trying to educate us. If we rally are uneducated, I'd prefer to stay that way, thank you.

From what I've seen, it's gotta be better than the alternative.


Monday, December 26, 2005 5:57 PM


We sniff the air, we don't kiss the dirt.


Originally posted by Badhras:
I just saw the movie. I'm not a fan. I didn't come away mesmerized. I was interested in finding out why people like/dislike the series. It's unfortunate that The Troll can say very little that is enlightening about why the series sucks.

On a scale of 5 stars (with 5 being good), I can only give the movie a 3. The directing of the first 10 minutes was pretty good. The firefly/serenity universe seems well developed. Language and cultural ambience helps to distinguish the future of spacefaring humans from some of the more typical TV sci-fi universes. I liked the Operative as the antagonist. He seems to sum up the Alliance well - reasonable, civil, calculating, efficient, and in pursuit of an idealized utopia.

The acting and character development were tolerable. Each actor had a few good moments, but it was somewhat bland otherwise. The captain was enjoyable, but his conflicted self seemed lacking. The doctor also had a lot of good potential that got wasted. For somebody who had built a network of contacts, and is obviously very smart, brave, and resourceful - he came across as excess baggage, with little to contribute, no worthwhile knowledge, and no real plan.

The part that really annoyed me was when the doctor got shot. A few moments before the shooting, the sister was a crying an ocean. For a person with psychotic tendencies and an obvious love for her brother, her transition into psycho-fighter was too calculated and calm. That gunshot should have snapped her... really hard, really abruptly.

Obviously, fans have had time to bond with the characters. My dissatisfaction is probably no different than why I liked Lord of the Rings movies and why my dad thought it was rather boring and apparently fell asleep during the first 2 movies. To each his own, I suppose.

As it is, Serenity is not good enough to convince me to invest in watching the series. Like Babylon 5, it has distinctions to pique some interest, but it feels like you need to be a devoted sci-fi geek to enjoy it. For it to really rise above 3 stars, it would need better acting and a better script to bring out the wealth of character development hidden in the series. I might be shallow in this regard, but oh well. I enjoyed Star Wars without the benefit of a TV series and I liked Star Trek, despite hating most of the different TV incarnations.

So, congratulations on getting your movie. If a Serenity sequel shows up, I hope it turns out to be a bit better.

p.s. I'm eagerly waiting for other geeky movies: Halo and AeonFlux.

Now, unlike the original author of this thread, this is an honest, intelligent articulate review with specific examples. I am a late arrival to this universe (I was out of the country when the show first aired and only saw 1 episode--Ariel) I love all things Joss and my curiosity remained but not enough to spend $40 on the DVD set. I was glad when Sci Fi reaired the show and became totally engrossed. Your going to see the movie shows you have an open mind so my advice is: if you have a way to see the original episodes ie renting or borrowing from a friend, do so and keep that open mind. Then see the movie again and discover if your opinion changes. I hope it makes you into a fan like it did me and so many others. Thank-you

p.s.--hope you enjoy Halo and Aeon Flux


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 9:25 AM


Well - I hated Aeon Flux. You guys got quite the movie compared to that filth attempting to pass by as a film. I can only hope that Peter Jackson is able to make something of Halo, but I am not getting my hopes up.

As for Serenity as a TV series... I can see why it would be very fun to watch. I do like the different bent on spacefaring humanity, and the concept of Reavers is just plain bad-ass. The occasional use Mandarin in the movie was kind of nice - did they generally relegate its use to "oh crap" slang moments?

As for getting around to watch the show - maybe. My hesitation isn't on the quality of the show, as much as it is the fact that my wife is already upset with me spending too much time on my new xbox. Perhaps when I get bored of it I'll go and rent the shows.


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 3:48 PM


We sniff the air, we don't kiss the dirt.

If it helps Sci-Fi is doing a 10-show Firefly marathon on 1-6-06 all day before the return of Sci-Fi Friday (FINALLY!)


Sunday, January 29, 2006 7:41 AM


Trolls are fun :D. 'Specially the ones who talk all proper 'n fancy to try and make themselves seem smarter then they really are.

There 'specially fun to poke with sticks. Gits em agittated you know. Then they use some big words to try n' convince you they are ignorin' ya.

In any case, we got our big damn movie. Now we need our big damn sequel (or season 2) and we'll all have somethin' else to root about.

Serenity's fandom is slowly growing. Only a fandom as big as ours could turn a series into a movie. DVDs are selling great at the moment to.

By the way, in case anyone was wonderin' I was refferring to Adam. Badhras has my respect for having an open mind ;).

How's my firefly speak? Good? Bad? Fee-oo?

...It's fee-oo isn't it?


Sunday, January 29, 2006 8:05 AM


Where do we find Adam's post?

In the Troll dungeon where it belongs!!!!

You may have noticed that this is a FAN site -
where you will find mostly people who enjoyed the film. Good luck in finding many who agree with you.

Browncoats - If we can't run we crawl, and if we can't crawl we find someone to carry us!
NOT someone who will kick us while we're down!!!!

We're all hoping for at least one movie sequel or a new tv series...........

What are you looking forward to.................? More Star Wars / Star Trek / Babylon 5 etc (eg more of the same old crap that we don't want anymore because we love some thing new, innovative and exciting called Serenity and Firefly!!!!

Go spread your anti-firefly propaganda somewhere else, cause no one's buying it here!!!


"You know what the first rule of flying is?... Love. You can learn all the math in the 'verse, but you take a boat in the air you don't love, she'll shake you off just as sure as the turning of worlds. Love keeps her in the air when she oughta fall down, tells you she's hurting 'fore she keens. Makes her a home." Mal, BDM


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 1:27 PM


I respect that you have a right to your opinions. However, your use of foul language, obvious lack of respect for anyone on this forum, and inability to let go mark you instantly as a troll. If you could produce a well thought out and coherent criticism of Firefly/Serenity then I feel that the other members would be slower to dismiss your opinions. In that vein, I personally feel that Kim Possible and Even Stevens, the two of your "Good" shows I have seen of late, rely heavily on slapstick humor, cliched situational jokes, and an utter lack of creativity from any of the authors.

Our situation, us being Browncoats, reminds me of one of my favorite lines from Shakespeare.
"I may be but small but I am fierce" or something to that end. This almost sums up our situation. Only now, no longer are we small. We're still fierce.

"Preacher, ain't the bible got something pretty specific to say about killin'?"

"Yes, however it's a bit fuzzier in the area of kneecaps."


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 7:43 PM


You know, if you want a good laugh, check out Adam's website. Here's a quote:

"As many of you know I'm a big Sailor Moon fan what with it being the best series of all time and all. So there's this other series "Utena" which is pretty good. I followed the series but never heard that it was in any way related to Sailor Moon. So the videos for the series come out and they've got this huge writing on the box that says "From the Director of Sailor Moon". Total crap. Sailor Moon was actually created by Naoko Takeuchi. She did the original Manga on which the TV series was based."

So, keep this in mind when he insults Firefly/Serenity - he's a 26 year old man who thinks Sailor Moon is one of the best series of all time... That's right, a series about high school age girls who fight evil Japanese monster things. The. Best. Series. Of. All. Time.

Think about it. It truly is funny.


Thursday, March 16, 2006 12:10 AM


It gets better!

He's into 90's rap retards Kris Kross.

What a jerk off...


Wednesday, March 22, 2006 11:17 PM


You know, even if Adam DID still come back's not right attacking what he likes. Unless, of course, your a big fan of vengeance. But one of the big problems with vengeance is that it don't make you much better then the other guy.

How's my firefly speak? Good? Bad? Fee-oo?

...It's fee-oo isn't it?


Sunday, March 26, 2006 7:16 PM


Okay! So..... okay I lost. The movie was a wide release and somewhat of a success. I swore I'd drink some salad dressing and I did just that. I would have come back and replied sooner but I couldn't get to the board for a while after the movie came out for whatever reason.

Anyway I documented the event with a little video. Enjoy:

So yeah now that that's out of the way let me deal with a few more of you idiots:


Let's see. The latest Star Wars movies sucked. They did well money wise but they were truly a waste of time. Serenity can only hope to do as well financially but I will bet a cask of salad dressing down my throat that the quality of the Serenity movie will far outshine the Star Wars prequel suck fest.
Debating "shine" is like debating quality. You can bitch all you want but the only thing that talks is numbers. Serenitiy's box office pull doesn't even compare to how Episode III, in all it's faults, did.


I sincerely hope you love salad dressing dear because you will be consuming mass quantities of the stuff.
I said a bottle. 250ml is hardly "mass quantities". It just gave me about an hour of a feeling like I just threw up.


Have you fulfilled your promise? Is there a video? I'm not trying to berate you or say "I told you so" (although I kinda just did. Sorry), I'm just curious to find out whether you had the integrity or not.


You may have noticed that this is a FAN site -
where you will find mostly people who enjoyed the film. Good luck in finding many who agree with you.

I wasn't looking for people who agreed with me. I was trying to tell the fans to shut up so... I came to this fansite. Jeez...


he's a 26 year old man who thinks Sailor Moon is one of the best series of all time...


Thursday, March 30, 2006 11:48 PM



Originally posted by aDam:
Okay! So..... okay I lost. The movie was a wide release and somewhat of a success. I swore I'd drink some salad dressing and I did just that. I would have come back and replied sooner but I couldn't get to the board for a while after the movie came out for whatever reason.

Anyway I documented the event with a little video. Enjoy:

So yeah now that that's out of the way let me deal with a few more of you idiots:


Let's see. The latest Star Wars movies sucked. They did well money wise but they were truly a waste of time. Serenity can only hope to do as well financially but I will bet a cask of salad dressing down my throat that the quality of the Serenity movie will far outshine the Star Wars prequel suck fest.
Debating "shine" is like debating quality. You can bitch all you want but the only thing that talks is numbers. Serenitiy's box office pull doesn't even compare to how Episode III, in all it's faults, did.


I sincerely hope you love salad dressing dear because you will be consuming mass quantities of the stuff.
I said a bottle. 250ml is hardly "mass quantities". It just gave me about an hour of a feeling like I just threw up.


Have you fulfilled your promise? Is there a video? I'm not trying to berate you or say "I told you so" (although I kinda just did. Sorry), I'm just curious to find out whether you had the integrity or not.


You may have noticed that this is a FAN site -
where you will find mostly people who enjoyed the film. Good luck in finding many who agree with you.

I wasn't looking for people who agreed with me. I was trying to tell the fans to shut up so... I came to this fansite. Jeez...


he's a 26 year old man who thinks Sailor Moon is one of the best series of all time...

Episode 3 is Star Wars. A huge franchise with a huge budget. It's on everything from toys to cups to happy meals. The movie could have been complete and utter crap (I found it amusing) and it still would've been a box office hit.

Funny thing about that last where 25 when you came here lol. I am personally amazed that you've remembered to keep coming back for two...three straight years. Interesting bit of dedication, impressive for a troll.

Also, apologies for the fans who overreacted. (looks at the Sailormoon bashers, among other people). I can assure you we, like all groups of people, are not all like that ;). But next time you come to board, it's not wise to insult it's main population. In fact, it is quite idiotic. Still, you where man enough to admit you where wrong, AND you held up your end of the bet. Although it might have been easier if you just googled Serenity movie.

Reminds me, did you ever see it? The DVD sales topped 2 million awhile ago, you know. I admit, wasn't as good as the series, but it was still a kick ass movie in my opinion, and a satisfying ending...or continuation of this great franchise.

How's my firefly speak? Good? Bad? Fee-oo?

...It's fee-oo isn't it?


Friday, March 31, 2006 7:00 PM



Episode 3 is Star Wars. A huge franchise with a huge budget. It's on everything from toys to cups to happy meals. The movie could have been complete and utter crap (I found it amusing) and it still would've been a box office hit.
That was pretty much my point. It's essentially impossible to compare the quality of one to the other, as was insinuated earlier in this thread. I myself am a Star Wars fan and have enjoyed the prquest despite their flaws. ( ...)


Funny thing about that last where 25 when you came here lol. I am personally amazed that you've remembered to keep coming back for two...three straight years. Interesting bit of dedication, impressive for a troll.
Well I was hardly going out of my way to look for it past the first few days. What I'd done is put the option to be e-mailed of replies. The thread quickly died but once moved to this troll forum it was accessible again. Ironically it's only for having been moved here that people see it at all otherwise it would just be bumped off the first page and forgotten like so many others. Eventually the e-mail notifies stopped but I would occasionally see people who clicked through to my site through my logs which reminded me. Once the salad dressing challenge was made though I had to go otu and seek the thread in order to settle things nice and proper.


Although it might have been easier if you just googled Serenity movie.
Well yes and no. Though I had my doubts about the news I didn't imagine it was just made up. I just never expected it would have te scope that it did given the failed franchise it came from. I mean... imagine an "Earth 2" movie hitting theatres. Such a concept would be ridiculous!


Reminds me, did you ever see it? The DVD sales topped 2 million awhile ago, you know. I admit, wasn't as good as the series, but it was still a kick ass movie in my opinion, and a satisfying ending...or continuation of this great franchise.

Fo' shizzle. My brother saw the movie and then got the DVDs. I reluctantly watched a few episodes because I wanted to afirm the opinion I had formed after watching 10 minutes once and hating the show. Well... as it would turn out the series is really good and I thoroughly enjoyed what I saw of it. I then watched the movie which was great as well... -_-

aDam Rulz!


Saturday, April 1, 2006 2:30 PM


It seems that you have really grown since your first post. I've noticed that you've dropped the cursing to the bare minimum; you've held up your end of the agreement, which I doubt that I would have done; and you've chosen to base your likes/dislikes of the series based upon watching it, and not its being cancelled.

Star Wars, the Prequels, were not so good, however. They banked on Flashy visuals and prior success to win them money. The third however, did make up for it with acting that was better than most films of the type, and a plot/script that was well written and translated well to the silver screen. And Natalie Portman is pretty.

What did you think of V for Vendetta?

If anyone gets nosy...Shoot em.
Shoot em sir?


Saturday, April 1, 2006 8:15 PM


I did a new years resolution to stop swearing... for new years ... 2004. So that explains that. I also generally in the past 5 years or so have lost interest in Internet fighting. Actually for the most part I was done with all that anna when I made this post but I just couldn't resist...

Thought V for Vendetta was a pretty awesome flick.

aDam Rulz!


Friday, April 14, 2006 1:20 PM


Thanks for the laugh, aDam. The video was hilarious. I admire your constitution; I'm not sure i'd have been able to keep the salad dressing from coming back up.

Want Firefly/ Serenity/ BtVS/ Angel desktop wallpapers? Take a look at the ones I've created at:
Now hosting the Firefly Extended Gagreel
I have added a forum to my site and now I need some members!


Tuesday, June 6, 2006 8:04 AM



Originally posted by aDam:
Dear Firefly and Birds of Prey fans,

Go sit over in the corner with the Farscape fans and learn about an exercise in futility. Maybe you can band together and try to get your crap show that everyone hates back on the air. Nothing like wasting a lot of time to keep a geek busy.

People whine and bitch about "good shows getting canned". Well you know what? Your show sucks. Firefly licks cotton balls. Birds of Prey is inexcusably bad. No one watches your shows because they are no good. WB will not pick up Firefly. UPN will not pick up either. These shows are not good and they failed because often the weeding process of canceling new shows that do poorly really works.

I reiterate. Shut up.


I think that after watching the video of our dear adam drinking salad dressing we can all pretty much see what kind of person he is.

1- the video seems to be shot in what looks like a basement. Obviously he lives down there alone and plans his silly little e-mails so that he can actually talk to REAL PEOPLE. i bet he still lives with his mum as well.
2- he resides with a cat and some fish. obviously dear old adam is not a people person and as such has to seek solace with animals because they are unable to reply to his endless supply of bullshit. i bet if the cat could talk it would tell him to shove his head up his arse and quit being the self obsessed loser he so clearly is.
3- he was wearing a ludicrous hat that pretty much sums up the feeling that he is a sad little loser living in his mums basement.

it basically seems that adam got everything wrong.

1- 'your show sucks!'
No it doesnt

2- 'there wont be a movie!'
yes there will

3- 'the movie wont be released nationwide!'
yes it will

4- 'it wont be a success!'
yes it will

5- 'i like boys and dressing up in skirts!'
so true

at the end of the day adam your a poor excuse for a human being and you really need a good kicking. its sad that you just posted here to raise attention. its obvious that you are unable to form friendships with other people and in your anger you've resorted to throwing all of your toys out of your pram and abusing others with a quite pathetic attempt at providing a voice of reason.

somewhere out there are a group of men in white coats looking for the test subject who has just escaped from the 'turn a man into a dickhead with a small cock' programme. somebody had better tell them where you live shitbreak.

grow up and get some balls. And some friends.


"can we vote on the whole killing people issue?"


Saturday, July 1, 2006 4:12 PM


wow, few things make me happier than when a troll admits that they were wrong

and please pay no attention to stubbs, he probably didn't see your post about liking the show
-try it out, I dare you

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature

I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.






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