UPDATED: Thursday, October 14, 2004 11:36
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Wednesday, October 13, 2004 11:20 AM



The 21st Century saw the political map of Earth change dramatically, with several new superpowers emerging to challenge the world dominance of the USA. Indeed even the USA was to change, uniting with Central America to form the United Americas, in direct response to the shifting economic climate. Humanity also took it's first tentative steps towards colonizing the solar system, but the real start of the True Space Age would wait until the dawning of the 22nd Century.

Perhaps the most important event of the 21st Century was the formation of the United Earth Federation.

2026: Jerusalem Accord signed
Military coup in Israel deposes current hardline government, bringing an end to the Fifth Middle East War. United Nations step in to broker a peace deal between Israel and the Arab states.

The Israeli occupied West Bank becomes the nation of New Palestine while Jerusalem becomes an independent city state governed by both Israel and New Palestine. United Nations peacekeepers deployed in Jerusalem for indefinite period.

Although terrorist organizations continue a much subdued campaign in the Middle East, the first real peace between Israel and the rest of the region begins.

2029: Formation of the European Federation; Final dissolution of NATO
The USA’s unrelenting support of Israel during the Fifth Middle East War causes NATO alliance to unravel. This clears the way for the formation of the European Federation from the member states of the European Union.

The European Federation is a Federal super-state of more than 40 countries stretching from Iceland to the Caspian Sea. As well as the obvious member states, it includes the Balkans, Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine, and the Caucasian states of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia. Turkey's membership gives the European Federation a direct border with the troubled Middle East.

The Trade War of 2017 had already driven a wedge between America and Europe. The events during the Fifth Middle East War push the UK and other ex-NATO countries into full membership of the European Federation, despite not fully accepting all of it's policies. This puts an end to the once treasured 'special relationship' between the Americas and UK, that has existed since WW2.

2031: Discovery of nuclear fusion
The advent of cheap, safe and virtually limitless energy significantly shifts the balance of power on Earth. Nations that until now have been rich solely through their monopoly of fossil fuel reserves find themselves looking at the possibility of becoming bankrupt.

During the next decade there is a transitional period, as global economies and infrastructures change. By 2043, most of the world's energy needs will be met by fusion power. Regional wars are fought over the planet’s dwindling oil reserves. The UN places a ban on the burning of fossil fuels and starts a compulsory recycling scheme of ALL plastic waste, as remaining reserves are designated for use in manufacturing of plastics, PVCs and UPVCs.

2033: Formation of the Islamic Holy Republic
Unification of Iraq/Iran sees formation of the Islamic Holy Republic, with it’s capital in Tehran.

2057: Lunar colony established
22 April: ‘Armstrong’, the first permanent Lunar Colony is established by the newly formed United Nations Space Administration (UNSA). It is primarily a joint American, European and Japanese funded mission. Initial population 112.

In the absence of any legally binding agreement governing the mineral exploitation of the moon, large corporations stake claims to regions of the lunar nearside which selenologists believe harbor commercially viable ore deposits.

2059: Commerce arrives in outer space
The powerful Japanese Motokatsu-Kyono Combine begins successfully mining helium-3 from the Petavius lunar crater on the dark side of the Moon. It sparks a wave of commercial interest in the Moon. Within 10 years, at least a dozen corporate concerns are involved in mining substances abundant on the lunar crust but scarce on Earth. These include helium-3, which is the ideal fuel for fusion reactors, gallium, which has replaced silicon in the making of chips, chromium, aluminum, iron, oxygen, gravidium and super-hard titanium.

2061: Man Lands on Mars
4 July: UNSA spacecraft Aries 3 lands on Mars with a multi-national crew of 4. Utilizing an advanced fusion drive the journey to Mars take little more than 2 months.

Aries station on Mars now manned by 51 personnel. The Armstrong Luna Colony now has a population approaching 400. With up to a dozen commercial mining bases scattered across the moon, the total Lunar population is close to 1000.

John Ossoway celebrates his 100th birthday in the south of Spain, with his family.

2074: Luna Crisis
A dispute over water mining rights between rival corporations Motokatsu-Kyono and Ceres Metals escalates to the brink of the first armed conflict in space. Water ice provides the Lunar Colony with drinking water, oxygen and hydrogen for use as rocket fuel. "It's more valuable than gold dust," says Marius Gilmozzi, chief engineer at Armstrong Colony. "Whoever controls it controls the moon."

Motokatsu-Kyono blame Ceres Metals for the "software bomb" that wreaked havoc at it’s Tokyo headquarters. The corporation threatens "retaliation" if its suspicions are confirmed. Both corporations begin evacuating non-essential personnel from their mining operations.

Reacting to the possibility of armed conflict on the Moon, helium-3 prices on Earth begin to rise. Helium-3 is rare on Earth but relatively common on the lunar surface.

The UN manages to negotiate a peaceful settlement to the Lunar Crisis. A small team of UN peacekeepers and inspectors are dispatched to Armstrong Colony to enforce the peace.

2084: Formation of the United Americas
United Americas formed. It encompasses the USA, Canada, Mexico, and Central America.

On 23rd November, the World Bank declares bankruptcy. Global Economy collapses, leading to civil unrest around the world. Rioting and looting breaks out in major cities across the globe.

2085: United Earth Summit. United Nations becomes the United Earth Federation
1st January 2085, Geneva: ‘United Earth Summit’ attended by Australia, China, the European Federation, Japan, New Zealand, the Russian Republic, South Africa, and the United Americas. The nations attending the summit propose that the United Nations Constitution be radically ratified. These proposals in effect dissolve the current UN, replacing it with the United Earth Federation (UEF), an economic/political conglomerate committed to the goal of uniting the nations of Earth in preparation for the colonization of the planet Mars and the rest of the solar system.

This move sparks several conflicts (the Unification Wars 2085-2102), primarily fuelled by nations who refuse to be a part of the new United Earth Federation. The newly formed United Earth Federation ratifies a treaty of United Earth Federation Armed Forces, a cohesive fighting force to stop these and future wars, with troops and equipment supplied by all member states, under one general command staff comprising of high-ranking officers of all nations. The biggest armies in the new United Earth Armed Forces (UEFAF) include EuroCorps, AmeriCorps, ChinaCorps (soon to be renamed AsiaCorps after the formation of the UPP) and troops from India and Latin America.

2086: Formation of the Union of Progressive Peoples
Formation of the Union of Progressive Peoples (UPP) from China, the Indonesian Consortium, Vietnam, Cambodia and (with some reluctance) North Korea. Many believe it’s formation is in response to the formation of the United Americas two years earlier.

2087: South American War
A frighteningly potent alliance between the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), and the National Liberation Army (ELN) threatens to tip the balance of power irretrievably towards the drug barons. At the request from the Columbian government, the United Americas increases it’s military aid package to the country.

When Marxist guerrillas attack the UA Embassy in Bogotá, killing the American ambassador and 33 of his staff, the United Americas is drawn into a messy war, sending troops to fight alongside the Columbian troops against the guerrillas, who control much of the country's cocaine and heroin-producing regions.

2091: Antarctic-Gate
When a United Americas company is found to be secretly drilling for oil in the Antarctic Nature Reserve, it leads to a major scandal in Washington, later to be dubbed ‘Antarctic-Gate’. A UEF inquiry unearths evidence of corruption at the highest levels of the United Americas government. The Anderson Presidency is left in ruins, as many of his senior staff are implicated.


The 22nd Century saw the start of the true Space Age, with the invention first of the reactionless displacement drive, then the jump drive. By the end of this century, humanity had achieved amazing wonders, including the colonization of the solar system, but had also continued it's warmongering ways, notably in the nuclear Russian Civil War, and the Tau Ceti War.

2101: The Foscolo Discontinuity
European physicist Hugo Foscolo discovers what will come to be known as the ‘Foscolo Discontinuity’. Based on Zero Point Field Theory, the Foscolo Discontinuity radically rewrites Einstein’s theory of relativity and the physics of gravity.

Hugo Foscolo’s groundbreaking discoveries result in the development of the reactionless displacement drive, which allows quick and cheap space travel within the Solar System. The first mission to Mars on a ship powered by the Foscolo RD drive takes a mere 17 days.

2102: Politics 100 Years On
By this year, the political landscape of Earth has forever changed from that of the turn of the 21st century. Five distinct power blocks have emerged as the major players in the United Earth Federal Government: United Americas (USA, Mexico and Central America); Union of Progressive Peoples (China, South East Asia); European Federation (Europe and Russian break-away states); Japan; Russian Republic.

The United Earth Federation now comprises of nearly all the nations of Earth. The Security Council (UEFSC) comprises representatives from the UPP, United Americas, European Federation, Russia and Japan.

2106: Mars Terraforming Begins
Martian polar icecaps destroyed with orbital mass drivers. Seas appear on Mars.

2107: The Colonization of Mars
Viking City, the first Martian civilian colony, is completed at Solis Planum, the old Viking Lander site. Initial population numbers 936.

With a population fast approaching 10 billion, food riots in most countries and a biosphere contaminated by the burning of fossil fuels and use of dirty nuclear power (i.e. fission), the colonization of the solar system is seen as the key to the eventual regeneration and uniting of Earth.

2108: Development of FTL Communications and Suspensor field technology
Scientists in a Taiwan laboratory succeed in transmitting information faster than the speed of light. Calculated at traveling nearly 3.26 light years in one Earth day, near instantaneous communications is now possible with the fledgling Mars colony.

Building on an offshoot of ‘Foscolo Discontinuity’ research, the first working suspensor-field generator is activated in San Francisco. This makes artificial gravity fields possible on starships.

2112: Evolution of Man
An article is published in the New England Journal of Medicine, offering proof of the existence of telepathy. The UEF establishes a Committee on Metasensory Regulation from the Committee on Psychic Phenomenon, headed by Senator Paul Fox, to oversee the Telepath situation.

Research undertaken verifies the existence of Telepaths. This begins a major panic.

Hugo Foscolo dies ages 82.

2113: Development of the Jump Drive; The First Exodus
A consortium of scientists from the European Federation and Japan succeed in creating negative-energy matter in a laboratory. Expanding on principles behind the Foscolo Discontinuity, they turn the dream of interstellar space travel into an achievable reality with the development of technology capable of building a temporary 'wormhole' in realspace. These man-made wormholes allow the transportation of matter through an extra-dimensional region dubbed ‘F-Space’.

Physics in F-Space work differently than in realspace, allowing a spaceship to travel great distances in a relatively short period of time.

2115: Flight of the Foscolo
Using a Foscolo Star Drive (F-Drive), the UEFSA spaceship ‘Foscolo’ makes the first interstellar flight to Alpha Centauri by creating an artificial wormhole between two points of realspace. At a distance of 4.39 light years from Earth, the Foscolo makes the journey in just over one Earth week.

The discovery of an Earth like planet orbiting Alpha Centauri A sparks what is now known as the first wave of interstellar colonial expansion from Sol (or the ‘First Exodus’), as thousands of people seek to escape from the troubles on Earth to the new ‘frontier’. Suddenly space exploration becomes a commercial industry, and several of Earth’s larger corporations begin to fund space exploration and colonization efforts.

The early years of space exploration see a rapid increase in the power and influence of multinational Corporations. They are not defined by country, society, or ideology. In industry, in business, and in the media, the multinationals become ever more powerful and more visible.

A UEFSA colonial mission lands on Titan, largest of Saturn's moons. Images sent back show the shores of a liquid-methane ocean beneath a bright orange photochemical smog. The ocean is a witch's brew of life-creating molecules ­ but at a mind-numbing low of ­178C. It is deemed perfect for a long-term terraforming operation. The initial colony base, once established has a population of 246.

Colony established on the moon Europa.

2128: The Bolivian H2 Alpha super-flu pandemic
Outbreak of the Bolivian H2 Alpha super-flu strain across Central and South America on Earth. Bolivian H2 Alpha, nicknamed the "Sterility Plague", rapidly goes pandemic. Earth is quarantined by the UEFAF in an effort to stop the plague spreading to the fledgling offworld colonies.

By the time Bolivian H2 Alpha is brought under control with a vaccine developed by the Japanese firm Zen Medical, it has claimed 114.3 million victims. Over a billion people become sterile as a side effect of the plague.

2134: Development of the Fecundity 5 vaccine.
A scientific breakthrough by Zen Medical enables the repair of damage done by the Sterility Plague at a genetic level. With fertility restored, Earth suffers a minor population explosion.

2135: Consolidation
All the star systems within 12 light years of Earth have been explored, and their planet’s surveyed. Colonies or terraforming operations have been established in each system. Up until this year Earth's space exploration and colonization program has been unified under the flag of the Federal Colonies.

Greed, as ever, brings this delicate alliance to an end, when the United Americas and UPP separately begin their own colonization programs, out beyond the Core Systems. They are soon followed by the European Federation, Russian Republic and Japan. The majority of colonies are part-financed by powerful multinational corporations, without whom the colonial powers couldn’t operate.

2138: The Tau Ceti War
United Earth Federation unity is threatened when diplomatic unrest between the UA and the UPP, caused by disagreements over sovereign rights to the Tau Ceti star system, escalates into armed conflict.

With a prolonged interstellar war considered economically unacceptable by both sides, the fighting is mostly confined to the Tau Ceti star system, especially the jungles and swamps of the planet Aranbol. EuroCorps forces make up the bulk of the UEFAF taskforce assigned to escort all UA and UPP military vessels in the Sol system.

2140: End of Conflict; Formation of the ICA and ICC
The Viking Treaty of 2140, signed at the Mars Colony brings a conclusion to the war after over 2 years of fighting. The peace accord is sponsored by the other Colonial Powers, and although neither of the protagonists are really happy with the outcome they are both too economically weakened by the war to protest effectively. Aranbol is policed by a UEFAF garrison, while the star system is colonized by both sides.

The Tau Ceti War also shows that the UEF is not equipped to police and govern the every growing number of colonies and shipping lanes out beyond the Core Worlds. The Colonial Act of 2140 places the Outer Colonies under the control of the newly formed Interstellar Colonial Administration (ICA). It is to be backed by the Colonial Administration Security Corps (CAS). CAS officers are to garrison colonized worlds alongside corporate forces to act as a police force. In addition to this new interstellar police force, a new arm of the UEFAF was created: the Colonial Marine Corps. An Interstellar rapid deployment force, the CMC was designed to be able to mobilize quickly to resolve military disputes and keep the peace in the Colonies.

To regulate interstellar commercial shipping, the WTO is expanded and remodeled to form the Interstellar Commerce Commission (ICC). All commercial flight crews must hold an ICC license.

2146: Founding of Psi Corps
Internal Security Act establishes the quasi-governmental agency called ‘PsiCorps’, from the MRA (Metasensory Regulation Authority).

Advances in solar energy technology results in development in lower latitudes of the world. The Central African Bloc is established.

A bomb planted by Earth Isolationist terrorists, kills 87 colonists in Viking City on Mars. UEFAF garrison established (United Earth Army Mars - MarsCorps).

The three companies operating on Titan and among the moons of Saturn merge to form the Titan Corporate Collective (TCC), the thirtieth anniversary of Titan's colonization (fuelling a renewal of the rumor that the colonization of Titan was the result of a competition between three wealthy investors).

Break-up of Microsoft Corp by it’s CEO Tabitha Gates. The biggest company formed from the break-up is ‘Artificial Life Incorporated’. This company spearheads groundbreaking research into artificial intelligence.

2148: Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Life Incorporated unveils ‘Adam’ - the first ever self-aware computer. The New Confederate Christian Church of the United Americas, one of the fastest growing religions of the 22nd Century, denounces Adam as blasphemy.

The population on Mars begins to grow very quickly, prompting an increase in terraforming and the construction of new and larger colony pyramids (all large buildings on Mars are pyramid shaped, designed as the best defense against the sometimes harsh Martian weather). Cargo ships transporting ice from the asteroid belt and Jovian system arrive at Mars weekly.

Consolidated Aerospace founded at Viking City, Mars. Construction of the Mars Orbital Shipyard commences.

2166-96: The Second Exodus
With improvements in star drive technology shortening interstellar journeys all the time, and the population on Earth rising again, a second wave of colonial expansion begins. By the end of this period, space out beyond the Core Systems is split into 5 distinct ‘arms’, radiating out from Sol, each colonized by one of the five major Colonial Powers. Still under ICA control, each arm is dominated by a distinct ethnic region of Earth, financed by corporations from countries within those regions.

This area of space becomes known as the ‘Outer Colonies’ and extends from the borders of the Core Worlds to a distance of 20 light years from Sol, encompassing 45 surveyed star systems.

Most starships are almost completely automated by the end of this period, using state of the art computer systems, notably the Matriarch operating system developed by Artificial Life Incorporated. Starships require only a small human crew to perform duties such as orbital insertion and in-flight repairs.

2196: Aral Sea Conflict
The dwindling volume of the Central Asian inland Aral Sea sparks a conflict between Russia and neighbors Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. The sea’s decline was caused by the long defunct USSR's diversion of the rivers which fed the sea, leaving areas of arid, salt-laden dust that then polluted large areas of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.

2197: Russian Civil War
The Aral Sea Conflict, coupled with the failure of the Russian potato and wheat lead to food riots in St. Petersburg. The Russian government declares that because of declining economic fortunes it cannot afford to pay it’s troops in the Volga-Ural regions and in the outer colonies. As a direct result of this action, General Poborski, leader of the Volga-Ural military, declares himself military governor of the region, with 70% of the armed forces under his command backing him. His first action is to block all tax revenues bound for Moscow, threatening the complete collapse of the fragile Russian economy.

Within days, government troops have clashed with the rebels, and fierce fighting is reported in and around the city of Yekatarinburg. By the end of the first week of fighting, with government forces gaining the upper hand, the civil war turns nuclear when General Poborski orders strikes against aerospace-bases surrounding Moscow. Five bases are destroyed using aerospace launched tactical nuclear missiles.

Tens of thousands of people die in and around the bases.

Premier Zakharov immediately orders an escalation to strategic nuclear weapons. 14 STGBMs are fired from an orbiting spacecraft against rebel military targets inside the Volga-Urals. The death toll is estimated in excess of 250,000, with 80,000km² contaminated by radioactive fallout.

UEFSC meet in emergency session. A ceasefire holds, mainly because of the threat of a nuclear strike against Moscow itself by General Leonov, Russia’s Far East Region military commander.

Elements of the UEFAF EuroCorps and AsiaCorps land in Volga-Urals and in Moscow, as part of a stabilization force to make sure the ceasefire holds.

2199: Formation of the New Democratic Russian Republic (NDRR)
With the disintegration of the Russian Federation after the civil war, Russia’s satellite states are all granted independence, with Russia emerging from two years of political and economic turmoil as the New Democratic Russian Republic (NDRR). Alexei Leonov, once general of Russia’s Far East Region, becomes the new nation’s first President, when his New Russian Democratic Party (NDRP) sweeps to popular power in UEF overseen elections.


The 23rd Century saw humanity continue to colonize space. It saw AI technology develop with the first generation of commercially available androids.

2201: Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty
To prevent strategic nuclear weapons being used by colonial powers against colony worlds, the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty of 2201 prohibits armed nuclear warheads larger than 100 kilotons from being carried by starships.

Pirate activity begins in the Outer Rim Territories.

2219: First commercial use of android technology
AI Inc develops it’s first generation of commercially available androids – humanoid machines running the latest in intelligent software design. After the UEF passed the Robotics Law of 2172, androids are always programmed for non-combat roles, such as piloting, driving, tactical assistance, or medical staff. Their capabilities are deliberately limited by Asimov’s famous 3 laws of robotics. Over the next decade, AI Inc sells licenses to several corporations, allowing them to develop and produce their own models.

2238: Space Pirates Strike in Sol system
A cargo of gravidium, element 126, is snatched by space pirates while en route to Earth from the asteroid belt. The crime bares the unmistakable hallmark of the renegade UPP space pilot Kim Chung Song and his fierce band of disaffected taikonauts (the UPP term for astronaut). The stolen shipment is valued by Lloyd's Space Shipping at between E$9 billion and E$10 billion. Up unto now his activates have been confined to the Outer Rim Territories along with the rest of pirate activity.

2243: Capture of Kim Chung Song
Space pirate Kim Chung Song is captured after a dramatic 36-hour battle on and beneath the surface of Deimos, Mars’ second moon. The confrontation takes place in the warren of lava tubes that honeycomb the moon, and involves more than 500 MarsCorps soldiers.

Federal troops, fighting for the most part in vacuum conditions, suffer heavy casualties before cornering Kim Chung Song and 34 of his cohorts. They are taken to Viking Colony to await transportation to Earth for trial.

Kim Chung Song is tried and sentenced to life imprisonment at Hades Penal Colony, in the Wolf 359 Star System.

2249: The Mercenary War
Rival UA and UPP mercenaries clash on Pax in the Pax Caprica star system, despite both having being hired by Cenargo Corporation to protect the colony against pirate activity. Both force’s contracts are promptly revoked, but fighting on Pax escalates, forcing the Cenargo corporate forces to become involved.

The Mercenary War on Pax is finally brought to an end with the signing of the Mercenary Charter on Caprica. The Charter, formulated by the ICA, lays out a code to which all mercenary units and their employers are expected to adhere. All signatories to the Charter, which includes most organizations that either supplies or employs foreign mercenary troops, agree not to hire any unit that does not comply with the terms of the code.

2250: Outbreak of the Ngano Plague
Outbreak of the Ngano Plague. Caused by airborne microbes in the atmosphere of 58 Eridani II (‘Ngano’, a jungle world in the 58 Eridani star system, in the UPP colonized arm), the Ngano Plague is a highly contagious viral disease that causes vivid hallucinations and acute paranoid delusions in those exposed. Infected victims are dubbed ‘Crazies’ due to the insane psychopathic state induced during the plague’s later stages.

The plague quickly cripples the colony (it has an incubation period of over 4 weeks) and carriers soon infect the colonies in neighboring systems. Ships with infected personnel arriving at star systems further afield are intercepted and quarantined. 1.2 million colonists fall victim to the Ngano Plague before it’s spread is checked by the ICA and ICC.

In the wake of the plague, new laws are brought into effect, making it illegal for any interstellar vessel to enter the Core Worlds without first passing through ICC quarantine. It also becomes standard policy for any ICC licensed starship to have an Android Exo on board.

2257: Colonial Sedition
Since before the Russian Civil War, a growing number of colonists inhabiting the worlds of the Outer Rim Territories (those star systems over 20 light years from Earth) had begun to petition the Earth Federal Government through peaceful channels for more autonomy from Earth rule.

The ICA, with the full backing of the Earth Federal Government, is staunchly anti-separatist. Unrest grows, and on several of the outer worlds in the United Americas colonized arm CAS troops clash with protestors. Colonial separatists in what is known as the Herculis Cluster declare their independence from Earth. Large numbers of the CAS and corporate garrisons, many born and raised in the colonies, defect to join the separatists.

The UEFSC meets in emergency session. A CMC taskforce is dispatched from Sol to put down the rebellion and assert Earth Federal rule. Their first target is Kitridge Point, in the 12 Ophuci star system.

Despite initial setbacks due to stronger rebel opposition than expected, the CMC troops are able to defeat the separatists' forces on Kitridge Point. Resentment of the military occupation amongst the population remains high and the CMC are drawn into a prolonged and dirty guerrilla war.

2258-2260: The Colonial Wars
New Year 2257-58 brings the news of more colonies breaking away from Earth Federation rule. A group of star systems in the outermost of the European and UPP colonized arms stages a series of swift and bloody coups against local ICA installations. On Pei Pei colony in the Alpha Mensae star system, rebel fighters raid the ICA complex, capturing many hostages.

Armed militias, joined by defecting CAS forces, quickly overpower the local garrisons. The colonies declare themselves the Eurasian Rimworlds Coalition (ERC). The leaders of the ERC refuse to sign a treaty granting them substantial autonomy – demanding instead recognition and total independence.

A raid by the People’s Commando Division, on Pei Pei colony, succeeds in rescuing the majority of the ICA hostages held by the rebels. At the same time, a state of emergency in the Outer Rim Territories is declared by the UEF. The CMC, backed by the UEFEF (United Earth Federation Expeditionary Force) is ordered to stop the insurrection. Martial law is imposed in the Outer Rim Territories.

Three years of the UEF waging economic and military warfare against the rebels sees the CMC and UEFEF fight actions on a score of worlds in over a dozen star systems. Some rebel colonies capitulate quickly with little loss of life. Others, such as Ixion and Beta Hydrae, are bloody campaigns, claiming thousands of lives.

2260: The May Day Agreement
With casualties mounting on both sides on an almost weekly basis, public support for the war has been falling for months. When an ERC suicide mission succeeds in crippling a UEF fleet in orbit over Zenaeri Colony (Beta Hydrae) with great loss of life, voices inside the UEF government begin to call for a negotiated ceasefire with the rebels.

On 1st May 2260, thanks in part to the negotiating skills of the Chrislamic Church, an uneasy ceasefire (The ‘May Day Agreement’) is established with both of the remaining pockets of rebellion.

Blockaded by the CMC, the United Americas separatists declare themselves to be the Free Worlds Alliance. The colony of Alexandria in the 18 Scorpius star system is their seat of power. Ixion (Mu Herculis) is occupied by the CMC, but is never fully pacified.

A 1 parsec DMZ is established by the CMC between ERC and UEF space.



Wednesday, October 13, 2004 2:26 PM


Dayum! AP, you ever think of writing actual stories using your timelines? Or can you leave that to me? I spent all day at our teacher in-service making it look like I was taking notes while I was actually pouring forth prose. ;)


Uncharted Outlaw!

Haulin' goods from one end of creation to th' other. Keepin' my nose clean 'round the Alliance. Rockin' the "Riviera" (67-K62) hardcore!


Thursday, October 14, 2004 7:53 AM


AP, I gotta ask...are you going to extend this upward to 2517? Because that last part being NOW...really kinda confusing. ;)


Uncharted Outlaw!

Haulin' goods from one end of creation to th' other. Keepin' my nose clean 'round the Alliance. See my Firefly Store:


Thursday, October 14, 2004 8:35 AM


Very shiny! I love timelines, and your's is excellent and very interesting. Thanks!

Fully loaded, safety off. This here's a recipe for unpleasantness.


Thursday, October 14, 2004 11:36 AM



Originally posted by UnchartedOutlaw:
AP, I gotta ask...are you going to extend this upward to 2517? Because that last part being NOW...really kinda confusing. ;)

I don't think this is suppose to be a Firefly Timeline, just a timeline for a scifi series.






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