The Independence II - A VFF

UPDATED: Saturday, May 31, 2008 08:17
VIEWED: 42424
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Friday, May 2, 2008 5:04 PM


An Di sat up straight.

An Di: Straight to business, eh.?

Lt: Stop delaying, I need work *Lt pulled his gun near An Di’s face* and I need it Now!

An Di: No need for a dead me, put the gun down.

Lt sat down, his gun pointing at An Di under the table. An Di chucked over a pad, electronically showing the details of the heist.

Lt: Your fucking insane!

An Di: 100,000 untraceable. Unless your to chicken that is…

Lt: I’m in. Unfortunately for my crew, I like crazy.


Saturday, May 3, 2008 10:54 AM


*Jay comes back with two crates of food on a transport wagon*

Jay: Where's LT?



Saturday, May 3, 2008 2:27 PM


*About to head out for spare parts, meets Jay

"On a job."

Jay: "He went on his own, what gave him the idea that was smart? He's probably going to get himself kidnapped again."

"No, not this time, but there will be trouble."

Jay: "There always is."

"Not always."

Jay: "Well we're two for two now."


Saturday, May 3, 2008 3:21 PM


LF: Trouble's coming.....

~Back at the warehouse~
Lt- So, payment half up, half when I get the job done, right?

An Di- No; payment when the job is done

Lt- *shrugs* Fine with me. Now, I'll be off. I do get to keep the pad, right?

An Di- Wouldn't have given it to you otherwise. Good day.

Lt walks out
Gunfire blasts from the warehouse
Lt runs back, draws his gun and aims at a figure coming out, which turns out to be An Di
An Di has an arm wound, manages to gasp out -ambush- before passing out
Lt drags An Di to cover, behind a bush
Lt radio's Jay to "Get your ass here, right now! Bring the Mule, and tell Dash we need medical equipment!"
Lt presses down on An Di's wound with both hands
"Hurry, hurry..."


98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Saturday, May 3, 2008 4:41 PM


*While Argo is docking...Jay receives LT's message, and I'm already exiting the infirmary, headed toward the second shuttle.

Jay: (yelling) "Dash...

(pulling Jay) "Quick, lets go."

*Jay pulls the other way.

Jay: "Mule's this way."

"No, on the racer's shuttle this way."

*Argo steps on board, and I push him back toward the shuttle.

Argo: "Um, nice to meet you too, where are we going?"

"No time for questions."

Jay: "We're taking your shuttle."

Argo: "Taking my...? No you're not." *He stops.

Jay: "The Captains' gone and got himself in more trouble, I'm first mate, we're taking your shuttle."

Argo: "I didn't dock to this boat to get holes blown into my racer and me by some guy I've never seen over a guy I haven't met yet."

Jay: (pulls out his pistol): "The name's Jay, now we've met, and I'm not against being the one to put in the first hole."

"BEE-jway, neen hen BOO-TEE-TYEH duh NAN-shung!"

*I push them both into the shuttle, without further argument.


Saturday, May 3, 2008 5:07 PM


Argo takes the controls, rapidly firing up the shuttle. The three of them cram in there; the shuttle has little space for anyone, let alone three people.

Jay: What the HELL! Do you think your doing?

The shuttle is going at excessive speeds, banking sharply at points to avoid buildings.

Argo: Saving the boss's ass!

The shuttle then swoops low, quickly halting in front of the bar. And the three of them offload, Jay obviously a bit queasy.

Jay: You, girl, are going to pay some day…


Saturday, May 3, 2008 5:19 PM


*Not at all upset by the jerking movements, I turn to Jay: (sticking my tongue out)

"Talking, will only make it worse."

Jay knows this isn't true: "If I didn't feel like I did and think that was the first lie you've ever told me, I might let you get grazed."

LT is pinned down, as the fire intensifies, he's managed to take two of them out. An Di is lying in the dirt, which is rapidly turning into a red brown muck beneath him.

Jay: "Alright Speedy, hope you're handy with a weapon. I'll lead, Dash in the middle, and you last. Dash, grab the bag and stay low."


Saturday, May 3, 2008 5:26 PM


Argo hopped back aboard his streamlined racing shuttle, the "Argonaught".

Jay: What are you doing!

Argo swooped back out and took something from Jay's belt and thow it to Dashile.

Jay: HEY!

Argo: The door.

Dash just nooded and throw the explosives at the doo frame. Blowing open the entrance to an even bigger scale.

Argo: I'm not good with guns.

Argo extended his hand to pull Dashile aboard and edged his way in there, grabbing Shepard before hauling An Di in to the shuttle.

Jay: Oh...

Argo gunned his shuttle back towards the Independence.

Jay: Hey! Wait for me!


Sunday, May 4, 2008 4:42 AM


Once on board, I survey An Di's arm. He's lost some blood, the bullet nicked, but did not severe an artery. He complains loudly, wanting something for the pain.

"Too much noise."

I dope him.

Soon we're back to Indy, Jay hefts the man over his shoulder carrying him like a sack of potatoes to the infirmary. He places him on the table. I find the tools to go about removing the bullet.

Jay: "What were you thinking going on a job on your own?"

LT: "Don't start."

Jay: "I'm first mate, you hired me for a reason..."

LT: "A reason that's escaping me right now."

Jay: "I didn't sign on with this crew to play babysitter to the Queen of Cryptic and your renter til you need rescuing. Seems all we ever do on this boat is come save your..."

LT-(interrupting): "Two words: My Ship."

Jay: "Yeah it is, and I'm starting to think Boros is a good a place as any to get off."

LT: "You want off, I'm not begging you to stay, we'll still fly without you."

Jay: "That's right, cause you got the mech in there who moonlights as a pilot and a doctor, just wait til the Alliance runs you down, without me you won't last long enough to need a doctor."

LT: "Leave her out of this, she does her job, maybe you should take a lesson."

Jay: "Yeah, that'll be the day."

LT: "Your bunk is waiting."

*Jay is already on his way there. Argo who has been quiet up to this point, steps up to introduce himself.

Argo: "Captain Shepherd, I'm Jason Argo, seems you've already got a Jay, so call me Argo."
(extends his hand)

*LT shakes his hand

LT: "Glad to have you aboard, haven't had a renter in a while."

*I'm closing the hole in An Di as the men continue talking.


Sunday, May 4, 2008 2:57 PM


*Jay goes to his bunk*

"Well, not the worst day ever."

*Starts listening to ocean sounds on headphones*

"At least things stay interesting."



Sunday, May 4, 2008 11:32 PM


Dash finished her work and went up to the Mess, Lt followed her up and throw two bowls of protein to her and Argo.

Lt: You personal opinion?

Lt throw the pad Dash's way.

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.

Abbey: Words have gender in German, Italian, Spanish, etc.
Mobbex: : Yeah
Abbey: English is unisex
Stan: English is bi-sexual.


Tuesday, May 6, 2008 10:10 AM


Transmission : Alliance Legal & Security services.

Incoming wave ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`~~~~
From: Alliance coms officer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

There is an Order for the Arrest of persons residing on your vessel. Kkkrrrrrrrrt t Continuing to harbor these miscreants will result in a bounty for this vessel and all crew members.
Kkkrrrrrrrrt t ------
Contact an Alliance coms officer and make arrangements for the surrender of these persons and all contraband imediately. Kkkrrrrrrrrt t Your vessal has been identified and taged with, Alliance Legal & Security services.
Kkkrrrrrrrrt t ------

Failure to comply with the apprehention of agent Shepard ~-:-`)^%p% will result in imediate
Kkkrrrrrrrrt t ----- Reward increase & Kkkrrrrrrrrt t ------

The summons Kkkrrrrrrrrt t ------
of the present charges Kkkrrrrrrrrt t ------ ~-:-`)^%a% |]]|{:"';
will be dispatched to your ship an Alliance coms officer will make contact. ~-:-`)^%n% :':<.$ Kkkrrrrrrrrt t ~-:-`)^%s% ------ reference # 354~-:-`)^%y%99

Alliance coms officer
Kkkrrrrrrrrt t ------
Sir my request for a replacement transmitter needs to be up graded. Transmission static is Kkkrrrrrrrrt t ------ uncomprehensible


Tuesday, May 6, 2008 12:51 PM


*Watching the pad come at me, I move out of the way, before it lands on the ground, and then I pick it up.

LT: "Not even going to ask."

"My opinion is you shouldn't throw things."

LT says half heartedly: "Yeah, my boat... anyway what's your opinion?"

"He talks too much."

LT: "No, not Argo."

"He's a diversion."

Argo: "Hey!"

LT: "The job Dash, I'm asking you about the job."

"And I'm telling you the answer."

*She waits. LT thinks for a moment. Stares at Argo, smiling.

LT: "Hey, that's not half bad."

Argo: "What?"

LT (to Argo): "How would you like to make use of that mouth you've got? I'll even cut you a bigger discount on you first month's rent, if you use it for me."

*To myself

"The Leopard stirs from the shadows..."


Tuesday, May 6, 2008 2:59 PM


*Jay Is awakened by the incoming transmission and listens to it*

*He quickly finds Lt, dash, and Argo.*

Jay: Cap, we just got a fresh warrant for your arrest.

Lt: Shun-SHENG duh gao-WAHN!

Jay: I think we could finish the Job before we take off.

Argo: If Lt's plan works as well as he seems to think it will.

Jay: What is the plan?



Wednesday, May 7, 2008 3:13 AM


*as leopard is going crazy waiting for a wave, her PorTex finally lights up. She activates it, and enters the command to display message. She sees her good friend Ansell Hraban, tied up to an electric chair and looking worse for wear. She notices a couple of burn marks on his face.*

LF- Ansell! What happened!

AH, speaking with a heavy deutsche accent- I am afraid I got a little bit careless, and managed to get myself captured by the Taggart brothers. You really should have killed them, you know? *gives her a reproachful look*

LF- I know, but I needed that money, they keep their money in the bank, the bastards. And afterwards... I was running. And you're trying to change the subject, damn you. What business are you mixed up in this time?!

AH- The usual... an incredible object, worth lots of money.

LF- So where is it? *gives him a barely noticible wink, designed to tell him she knows that he's being watched*

AH- In all honesty, I do not know; I have not even been able to find so much as a clue.

LF- Curses, Ansell; why did these guys nab you, than?

AH- They think that I know. I tried to tell them, but they will not believe me... *pauses as he bites back a groan*

LF- *mutters a rapid string or profanity*

AH- Hah, Schatzi, do not be like that, the mistake was mine. Besides, I have passwords for Halsey's security system:
My thunder comes before lightning
My lightning comes before the clouds;
My rain dries all the land it touches.
Do not ask questions now! *starts to look lightly worried, which would look convincing to anyone who didn't know him* I must go, before they get back. Abschied!

*the PorTex goes dead*

*LF utters more profanity*

*she races toward the cargo bay, where she knows most of the crew is at*


98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Wednesday, May 7, 2008 11:52 AM


Ignore for now.


Wednesday, May 7, 2008 10:35 PM


(OOC: I got a big block of post I need to work on guys, so no major interfering with me, or the ship or at all.)

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.

Abbey: Words have gender in German, Italian, Spanish, etc.
Mobbex: : Yeah
Abbey: English is unisex
Stan: English is bi-sexual.


Thursday, May 8, 2008 8:50 PM


*thinking to himself*

Boros... If I don't find a way off this rock soon I'm going to be suffering the same interrogation nightmares the Alliance had me inflicting on so many so called "guilty" prisoners... "DAMNIT!" How could I be so foolish to believe that one day the tables wouldn't be turned against me!?? And here I am... what the hell have I become??? And for what??? The Alliance... Gorram Alliance... I've been so blind...

*shakes his head in disbelief*

What am I going to do now... this can't be happening... "DAMNIT!" Allright Tax... just pull your head together... think... think man...

*peers his head out from the night shadows so make sure no Alliance patrols will be alerted*

I've got to get rid of these cloths... I've just got to blend in long enough to get a ride outa this madhouse...

*eyes a local house of worship, looks left then right and then walks briskly over to the door with a nervously conspicuous posture*

These shepards got to have some duds I can swipe... they're constantly changing into robes and such...

*rows upon rows of empty pews echo with the sermon of a lonly shepard prostalatising to a ragged man and woman and their child*

I've just got to find my way into this zealots changing room and I'll be set to jet...

*Tax takes a seat in the closest position to what appears to be a door to the Shepards quarters*

I'll just wait till they're all praying with their eyes closed and I'll sprint through that door and out whatever exit I can find back there...

*"And it was so... and it was done... and on the 7th hour of the 7th day..."*

Go go go go go *Tax hits the side door qith a quickness, and just as he expected a clothing rack full of decorative holy robes*

And I didn't want to be conspicuous... damnit go man go... which one which one...

*thumbing through the garments one by one sliding one after another from the left to the righ of the clothing rack*

This is going to have to do...

*Nervously looking around he finds the opening at the bottom of the holy vestment and pulls it over his head*

Holy hell... no doors no doors...

*seeing the Holy Bible sitting on a desk in his frantic search for an escape route he grabs it and tucks it under his arm*

I guess I'm going to need an explaination for this rediculous outfit... there's got to be one in here... I'm just glad we're on the first floor...

*And with his new colorful ensemble flowing down to the floor Tax wiggles his way through the narrow window opening out into the dark ally way*

Now how the hell am I getting out of here... I guess I'll go to the merchant quarter and hunt for a vessel that can use a prayer monger. I'll just use the old "flip through the pages,point and read" method... this should be interesting.


Saturday, May 10, 2008 2:53 PM


Lt walked down to the cargo bay.

Lt: *To Himself* Where is this damned thing!

Lt spotted Leopard pushing through the crowd, and when she made it through, her face said all Lt needed to know.

Lt: *To Himself* Goramit girl, not more trouble.

Lf: Look, I might know where this job takes us, but I need your help. Specifically, I need you to help me rescue Ansell.

Lt: I’m not getting in more trouble, Leopard, look at me!

Lt has scars all over him, most of them faded, almost invisible, now, one of the only things they did right was there surgical precision.

Lf grabbed the PorTex and showed Lt, a still frame of Ansell was shown.

Lt: The latest in reaver fashion?

Leopard gave a look that could have killed Lt, and raised her hand to slap him

Lt: I can kill you.

Lf: I'd kill you first.

Lt: Damn assassin.

Lf: Please, Lt.

Lt: I’ll do it, ok? Just it better be damn worth the trouble.

Dash walked into the room.

Dash: She comes out of the shadows when he calls.

Lt: English?

Dash: This is going to go wrong…

Lt: Damnit, I hate being right!

Lt grabbed the PorTex from Leopard.

Lt: Which building?

Leopard pointed to one of the hundreds of building in the market district.

Lf: Here, 41st floor.

Lt: Aww shit! Dash, prep the mule.

Dash was obviously puzzled at this, one of the rare occasions the reader mechanic was.

Dash: You don’t kn-

Lt: That’s correct


Lt walked up to the mess, Jason was bragging to Jayne about his races.

Argo: …I killed the engines, praying that the e-

Lt: Stop bragging Argo, I can’t find Larry, so you have to fly this mission. Jayne, get your stuff, it is time for some thrilling heroics.

Argo: Wh-?

Lt: You want that discount?

Argo: Kay, kay….

Jayne: Yee haw!

Lt: Once your done Jayne, get on the mule, I’ll meet you there.

Jayne scurried off to grab her stuff

Dash: Death…..

Lt: Mule ready? Good. Argo *Lt showed him the building* 41st floor, get us in line to the 45th and keep us flying hard and straight till I say otherwise. I’ll launch the mule into the 41st floor.

Argo: You're nuts!

An Di hobbled into the room.

An Di: He’s not nuts! He’s crazy!

Lt: Well, if I’m going to do something, I do it spectacularly or I don’t do it at all.

Jay: No one has ever done this before.

Lt: That’s why it going to work.


The Firefly rose into the air, shaking as it started to lift off with an open cargo bay. Warning lights were going off around Argo in the cockpit. Not that Shepard could hear it.

Lt turned his head, Jayne, Leopard and him self were in the mule, its two massive turbines roaring. Leopard was armed to the teeth with shurikens and knives, it was pretty scary actually.

Jayne had all sorts of guns, half of which Lt couldn’t name for the life of him. Lt himself was armed heavily, while no where near to the extent of the other two, sticking with his Grizzly Automatic Rifle and his pistols for the way of weaponry. He double checked to make sure his lock picking equipment was secure to his belt.

Argo: Go, go, go!

Lt: Not yet.

Argo: Now or never!

Lt: Now!

Lt put his foot down and sent the mule flying out of the Independence at an astonishing speed.

Lt: Shit! Were not going to make the 41st floor! Hang on!

Lt pushed down as hard as he good, rocketing into the 38th floor.

The glass sprayed every which way. Dash was going to be pissed. The mule was in pieces. Lt turned around, checking on the other two. Lt was relived, Leopard had only minor cuts and bruises. Jayne wasn’t there.


No response.


Lt looked out the shattered window. A body was vaguely visible 38 stories below.

Lf: Oh… God…

Lt: No time to think, just move! Mourn later!

Lf: Ansell... right.

Lt: The elevator, let's move before we have another body!

Lf ran into the elevator with Lt and pressed for the 41st floor, and Lt cocked his Grizzly.

Elevator Computer: Private Room, key required. Private Room key…..

Lt took out a pair of lock picks, fussed a bit, and then slammed a knife into the slot

Elevator Computer: 41st floor. Taggart.

The elevator groaned into life. Lt picked up his gun.

Lt: For Jayne.

The elevator doors popped open, surprising Lt, as the doors opened on the other side.

Taggart: For whom?

Lt: Aww shit….

Lt turned around, to see a large bearded man. Lt didn’t bother guessing where the other Taggart brother was.

Taggart throw the first punch, knocking Lt’s gun away. He throw heavy, unguided punches, all of which Lt dogged which started to get him cocky.

Lt: What are you waiting for? Come on. Stop trying to hit me and hit me.

Lt was grabbed from behind by the other Taggart brother. Lt kicked the first in the chest, sending both men in to the control panel.

Elevator Computer: 2nd floor, Service

Leopard jumped out through the closing doors.

Lt: Aww shit.

Lt watched the numbers tick down as he fought with the Taggart brothers

Lt: *Under his Breath* 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3.


The door opened, and Lt skid across the elevator floor, grabbing his Grizzly. He ran towards the window, to the bewilderment of staff. He popped three rounds through it a dived out onto the artificial grass of the parkland below.

The Taggart brothers didn’t take long to catch up, running out the doors of the main complex.

Lt spotted a man in a Shepard uniform, something vaguely familiar about him. The man turned around. Tax.

Lt: Holly fuck! Not you too.

Tax had been one of the Alliance tortures when he was captured in the 41st.

What Tax did next baffled Lt.

Tax crash tackled one of the Taggart brothers, and tripped the other. Lt pivoted and shot the two of them.

The next moments we’re some of the least comfortable in his life.

Lt: I… Uh…Um…

Tax: I’m just a Shepard now.

Lt: Yeah but….

Tax: I’m looking to preach the ‘verse. You got any ideas to who has a ship willing to take me?

Leopard arrived with an injured man on her back, Ansell.

Leopard: Come with us.

Lt: I can kill both of you, who know I got enough reason to kill at least one of you.

Leopard: I would kill you first. Come on.

Lt: Damn Assassin.

Ansell groaned. Lt knew how he felt. He turned back, and quickly whirled his head back, the sight of the mangled Jayne.

Lt: She deserves a proper burial. I’ll tell you what Tax, you give her that, and I’ll let you on board.

Leopard: He isn’t always this nice, take advantage of it.

Lt: It’s been a hard day…

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.

Abbey: Words have gender in German, Italian, Spanish, etc.
Mobbex: : Yeah
Abbey: English is unisex
Stan: English is bi-sexual.


Saturday, May 10, 2008 7:08 PM



...I've tortured and interogated so many in the line of duty for the Alliance. The names... the faces... actuality of guilt... as time wore on they all just blended into a mass of indistinguishable forms, and this guy isn't any different... I've been a bad man and from what I've heard about carma... I'm due for some nasty payback, but for right now I helped save his ass, and that's got to be worth something on the carma scale... I hope.

Handing his Bible to LF, Tax reaches down to Jaynes lifeless body and wrestles to get a grip to drag the corpse wherever he was going to be digging a grave.

"You got it mister. So where we going to bury your friend? I'll be glad to do the work, but I could use a hand moving the body."

*Looking at Lt, Tax motions that he could use some help*

Mister... what should I call you anyway.


Sunday, May 11, 2008 3:53 PM


*Back on the Indy

*Heading towards my bunk:

(to myself emphatically) "I'm not fixing it."


Sunday, May 11, 2008 5:18 PM


Ansell shifts on the infirmary bed. Within seconds, pain messages from virtually every nerve end on his body are flooding his brain. Their import is unmistakably clear: "you're hurt, don't move". Nevertheless, he shrugs them off and sits up.

Wo bist du jetzt, Ansell?

He looks up and takes stock of the room he's in. He can tell from the harsh lighting and rather spartan furnishing that he's in an infirmary, probably ship-side.

Ansell: *brings a hand up to prod the charring on his face and flinches as his fingers come into contact with raw flesh* Austch! I need to have words with the medic...

"Well knock yourself out. I really can't see her giving you an intelligible answer though," a feminine voice says from behind him, making him jump a little.

Ansell: *chuckles* I could recognize this voice amidst a throng of raging bovines... *turns around gives her as broad a smile as his mangled features will allow him* You've grown.

She closes the gap between them and forcefully slugs him in the shoulder.

LF: You hoary madcap! Why is it that can't you stay clear of trouble? And why must you always turn to me when you get stuck in a jam?

Ansell: Aua... be kind to my old bones, schatzi. They have been dealt enough harm for this day.

LF: *leans back against the counter and folds her arms across her chest* I seem to remember telling you not to call me that anymore.

Ansell, still rubbing his sore shoulder: Well, as they say, old habits die hard...

He pauses as an ebony-haired —very— young woman comes into the room.

Ansell: *wrinkles his brow upward and turns to Leopard* Wer ist sie?


Sunday, May 11, 2008 7:14 PM


*relieved in the prospect of leaving Boros, yet nervous and uncertain of LT's capacity for retrabution Tax surveys the interior of the cargo hold where Jayne's body now lays covered with a grey wool military style blanket*

"Bow with me and allow us to pay respect to the dead. Dearly departed, Jayne you're absence will forever leave an unfillable place within the verse. For better or for worse you affected all the lives around you and you can never be replaced, for you are unique. Unique as a snowflake is unique and ever individual in your detail and grace. In this world you made your way the best that you knew how and in death you will receive a reward beyond all rewards. Jayne, you were a sinner as we all are sinners, and you are forgiven. God Almighty loved you in your birth, your life, and fatefully now in your death. Now you walk with God as will we all in his time, and as you are forgiven so shall we all be. May your soul one day embrace ours as we pass into the inevitable sea of eternity and judgement. Your judgement day has come, may you farewell Jayne. Amen."

*Turning to Lt*

"How long did you know her captain? Do you know what type of last rites she would prefer? Maybe her family would like to bury the body, can we deliver her back to hers? Even if we didn't do it right away, we could put her on cold storage and deliver her to a prefered location as your journeys permit."


Monday, May 12, 2008 2:17 AM


*Just as I am about to head down to my bunk, I hear voices coming from the infirmary, one is the FAST and one is a newcomer.

Ansell: Wer ist sie?


LF (aside): Now she understands German...

Ansell: "Is she the medic?"

(in unison) LF: "Yes"


Ansell: "Which is it?"

LF just shrugs:

(To LF): Sneaky.

Ansell: "Well, if you are, you haven't done well with me."

*He gestures at his charred flesh.

I didn't do that.

*Ansell looks at me quizzically:

"No, I didn't mean... anyway, you don't look old enough to be a doctor."

*Staring at him

I'm not a doctor, you are.

*Ansell looks at LF

"Did you tell her..."

LF: "No, don't ask me."

*I take another moment, absorbing what I can from this man. I walk to the head of the bed, straighten, and take a respectful tone.

"Wie ich kann, Ihnen helfen Artz Ansell?"

*Another glance from Ansell at LF.

LF: "No answers for you."

Ansell: "You can start by ensuring that the burnt areas remain clear, Bacitran should do nicely. Next some pain medication would not be unwelcome. The supplies here are probably rudimentary..."


Monday, May 12, 2008 2:22 AM


Lt looked at Jayne absentmindedly. Tax repeated himself.
Tax: How long did you know her?

Tax was getting angry now.

Tax: If your ignoring me bec-

Lt was clearly disturbed.

Lt: Sorry, I had only spoken to her three times, go figure.

Tax was just shocked.

Tax: I guess I don't need to ask if you know what type of last rites she would prefer.

Lt: I'll let you deal with burying her, I'll go grab Jay to help.

Lt walked back to the ship.

Lt: Jay, go move your ass, we got fatalities.

Lt jerked a thumb towards the building.

Jay: WHY ME?


98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.

Abbey: Words have gender in German, Italian, Spanish, etc.
Mobbex: : Yeah
Abbey: English is unisex
Stan: English is bi-sexual.


Monday, May 12, 2008 9:46 AM


OOC- Long story short, real life is interfering, so even though I can get on school computers, I won't be able to check my email or get on chatzy. So, I won't be able to follow the story line very well, and I'm really sorry about this.


98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Tuesday, May 13, 2008 1:45 PM




Q: So, you're a bounty hunter?
A: That's not it at all.
Q: What are you then?
A: I'm a bounty hunter


Tuesday, May 13, 2008 3:02 PM


*the portex on LF's belt beeps insistantly*
LF- Who the hell is it....
*LF turns the portex on display mode*
*LF looks at the message and turns a dead white*

LF- Ansell, come on, Alliance

*Ansell turns the same shade of dead white*
*he starts to get up, wincing in pain, but bravely moving anyway*

LF- Dash- You haven't heard of us, we don't exist, tell everyone else that too

*LF pulls on Ansell's arm, and half-drags him to a one of the hiding places she discovered on the Indy*

OOC- Yes, I'm back. I was let off really early this time!


98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Tuesday, May 13, 2008 5:01 PM


*I watch LF and Ansell practically fade into the ship.

(to myself, repeating): Leopard leads, the Follower follows, Spider's on the wall, Wolf in Sheep's clothing, Shepherd in the flock....


Tuesday, May 13, 2008 9:05 PM



Originally posted by blackSPYDER:


Lt sent a wave Back.

"This is Captain Shepard, you are advised to fuck off, or I'll serve you a can of whoop ass!

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.

Abbey: Words have gender in German, Italian, Spanish, etc.
Mobbex: : Yeah
Abbey: English is unisex
Stan: English is bi-sexual.


Wednesday, May 14, 2008 1:36 AM





Q: So, you're a bounty hunter?
A: That's not it at all.
Q: What are you then?
A: I'm a bounty hunter


Wednesday, May 14, 2008 8:48 AM


Sh... wrong account. Ignore.


Wednesday, May 14, 2008 8:52 AM


Ansell fastens an arm around Leopard's shoulders as she helps him off the couch, then winces and groans profusely as they make their way toward the exit.

Ansell, as they head out the door: Sachte, sachte! I think I have broken rib...

LF: We'll get it looked at later, for now just... hmph ...try not to trip. *frowns* Did you gain weight?

Ansell can't help but chortle, which sends him into a violent coughing fit.

He loosens his grip on Leopard's shoulder and reclines on a nearby bulkhead, his chest throbbing with pain.

LF: Ansell we have to move, they're coming.

Ansell buttons down his scruffy woollen shirt, unveiling a string of deep, angry purple contusions spanning the full breadth of his thoracic cage. An annoyed look crosses his features as he takes in the extent of the damage.

LF: Sheesh... they really gave it to you, didn't they?

Ansell: *nods as he buttons his shirt back up* Halsey hit me with sock filled with sand... immer und immer wieder. Artless, but very potent. *looks up and gives her a conniving smile* Ich nehme an, dass er hat einen Groll auf mich...

LF: *stiffens and shoots him a meaning look* Stop it. We'll get you fixed up in due time, but now I need you to come with me.

Ansell, smiling at her decisiveness: Jawohl... *pushes away from the wall and wraps an arm around Leopard's neck as he leans his bulk against her side*


Friday, May 16, 2008 2:24 AM


Lt walked towards Larry's rack. He hadn't replied last time, but Lt wasn't just going to knock this time round.

Lt: Larry!

Lt swung into the cabin, he hadn't seen Smythe for a couple of days now.

Lt: Ai Yah Tien Ah!

Larry was unconscious on the floor, Jack kicked himself for not looking earlier.

Lt: Help! Guhn Kwai!

Lt ran out pf the cabin to find Dash, spotting her entering the mess.

Lt: Dash, I nee-

Dash: I'm not fixing the mule.

Lt: Good new first or second?

Dash: Good news.

Lt: Good news, you don't have to fix the mule. Bad news, I need a new one.

Dash: Kwai Jio Kai...

Lt: Thats not why I'm here, I need your help. Larry's unconscious in his cabin!

Lt made his way to the cabin, lifting the smaller man out with Dash's help.

Jay: Wuo Duh Tian Ah!

Jay Rushed over to Larry.

Lt: Help me bring him to the Med Lab!

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.

Abbey: Words have gender in German, Italian, Spanish, etc.
Mobbex: : Yeah
Abbey: English is unisex
Stan: English is bi-sexual.


Friday, May 16, 2008 2:41 AM


[OOC: Crew member OREOISFIREFLY lost his friend Thursday in a car accident, so this short post is dedicated to him.]

Jay and Lt had got Larry into the med bay seconds before he had received the wave of another death.

Lt had walked into his cabin after receiving the wave. He hadn't known him, but he was a crew members friend, and it still hurt, adding to the pain from Jayne's death.

Both Lt hadn't really know, that struck him as strange, but Lt's life since the Steel Cats was only that.

Lt raised a small flag half way up, something he had done to often in recent times...


Friday, May 16, 2008 2:16 PM


All right guys, here is an idea, there is a basic list of supplies below.

As a crew, we have 1,117 Platinum budget at the moment.

I pay my crew a 10% cut, so you guys got 117 Platinum each.

I personally have 113 credits, or 282 platinum.

Below, the prices are in AC or C, which are credits. So, we need a conversion. Luckily, I have one.

1 credit = 2.5 platinum

446.8 AC

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.

Abbey: Words have gender in German, Italian, Spanish, etc.
Mobbex: : Yeah
Abbey: English is unisex
Stan: English is bi-sexual.


Sunday, May 18, 2008 6:15 AM


I'll get:

some Spices (17.5 Platinum)

A machete (10 Platinum)

Whiskey (15 Platinum)

100 shots of basic Ammo (10 platinum)

Total Cost: 52.5 Platinum

I have 64.5 platinum left.

(Sorry I haven't been on in a while, my modem has been crapping out on me lately. It will be fixed today, so no problem.)



Sunday, May 18, 2008 7:17 AM


*Tax rolls over in his bunk and turns on the light*

I wonder whats for grub today...

*Tax thinks to himself*

I'm glad to have a refuge from the powers that be... but I know in time carma will catch up to me... it's too bad there was no copy of a Buddist book of philosophy on that list of provisions the captain had, it would be nice to research a countermeasure of bad carma... I presume good deeds are the primary method of making up for past negitive deeds... whatever the case I'm breathing, all my limbs are intact, and I smell grub a'cookin' I'll go see who's at work in the galley and try to lend a hand with the dishes...


Sunday, May 18, 2008 4:32 PM


LF- *thinks to herself that Ansell should have lost weight, not gained it...*

*Ansell lets out another groan*

LF- Ansell, we're almost there, just hang on...
*spies the trap door to her hide-out, and points it out to Ansell*

Ansell- *frowns and peers at her quizzically* That is hardly a correct setting for me to be tending to my wounds...

LF- I could just haul you back over to the Taggart brothers, if you like.

Ansell- You know I didn't...

LF- Wait- I just hauled you here, why I want to haul you back? Guess we could call the Alliance instead, and they could put you inside a nice, rotting cell. Would you prefer that instead?

Ansell- *gives her a black look* Schon gut! *drops to his knees and worms his way in*

*LF gets impatient and shoves Ansell in* *Ansell turns a dead white as he lands on a cushion, opening his mouth slightly but unable to say anything*

LF- There, that wasn't so bad, was it?

Ansell- *rests his back against the bulkhead and pulls a face* Why you go through the bother of coming to my rescue only to ill-treat me afterward is beyond me.

LF- Shh... think something's happening here. *LF goes to a funky-looking machine, pulls and pushes a few levers, then slams a button a couple of times* *the screen on the machine displays the supply list*
So... we get to shopping. 117 platinum, 46.8 cred, that's useful. First time I've had money for a while... Lets see... I've been needing to re-stock on fire jelly for some time, nows a good time as any to get some more.... and that scrappers gel sounds damned useful, and alot more portable then that old torch I have to lug around, I'll get some of that... and I've been needing a new machete, my old one's lost it's edge, thanks to you *gives Ansell a glare*

Ansell- What? Ich hatte mein Skalpell verloren!

LF- Anyway... Purification crystals at a cred apiece? A bargain! Some spices would be nice, I'll get a package of the rare... and I'll get some food, figure the crew wouldn't take kindly to a drain... so...Ansell, what will you be buying?

Ansell- I... *pauses; knits his brow pensively* ...I am not sure yet.

LF- Tell me when you are then.

*LF starts typing up a list on the funky machine* *the machine spits it out after a minute of whirling and a couple whacks on it*

*LF whistles in a distinctive pattern* *the fox crawls out of a hidden corner, and walks over to LF* *LF taps on the fox's back for a bit, in a complicated pattern* *the fox picks up the list, and walks into a tiny tunnel in the den*

*the fox sneaks to the common area, quickly looks around to make sure no-one is in there at the moment, sets the list on the table, and sneaks away*

The list reads:
"Cap'tn and crew, Leopard would like the following things purchased for her-
~1 machete -4 cred
~1 purification crystal -1 cred
~1 package of rare spices -7 cred
~2 scrapper's gel packs -6 cred
~4 protein packs -12 cred
~9 packs fire jelly -1.8 cred

Leopard shall be using her cut of the crew's money. The change will be 15 cred, approx, and shall be returned to this spot. Shortchange her, and die painfully.

OOC- I've decided to start coloring my posts because I've gotten bored with all the plain white text ^_^


98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Friday, May 23, 2008 4:52 AM


Shepard walked into the mess, almost stepping on Leopard’s fox.

Lt: Gorram’ animal! Nearly got your self killed.

The Fox scuttled off, and Lt grabbed the note.

Lt: Damn it fox! Hold up!

Lt ran down after it, knowing the fox would lead to Leopard. Lt’s combat boots hit heavily down on the deck, scaring the animal off before reaching its final destination.

Lt: Dam-… Oh, wait.

Lt smiled impishly, pleased with himself. The chase had led them to the stairs to the brig. If Leopard was hiding, there was only one place she could go from here. Shepard stood on the metal bars below him and slid open the tiny crawl space above the brig.

LF: How the hell.... gorramit!

Lt: My ship.

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.

Abbey: Words have gender in German, Italian, Spanish, etc.
Mobbex: : Yeah
Abbey: English is unisex
Stan: English is bi-sexual.


Friday, May 23, 2008 8:53 AM


OPEN 24\7
All welcome

[sorry to break your storyline]

thanks, shadow - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Friday, May 23, 2008 11:05 AM


Ansell rests his head against the nearest panel, making a great attempt to quiet down his breathing to alleviate the pain in his sides. He has almost made it to a point of semblance of comfort and is on the verge on drifting off when his ear catches an odd set of sounds that disrupts his restfulness.

Ansell: *suddenly snaps out of his torpidity* Was war das für ein Geräusch?

LF: Wha...


Originally posted by LTShepard:
Shepard stood on the metal bars below him and slid open the tiny crawl space above the brig.

LF: How the hell.... gorramit!

Lt: My ship.

A wolfish look fleets across Ansell's shriveled features.

His ship? Hochinteressant...

Ansell: Guten Tag! I do not believe we be presented as yet. *wriggles his way up to LT and extends a hand to him* It is pleasure to make acquaintance of you, Kapitän.

LeopardFlan: well, he's a semi-sensible adult, he gets the ultimate say in where he goes


Saturday, May 24, 2008 2:01 PM


Jay: Hey, did you finally catch that fox?

LT: Yeah, and a bit more.

*Jay walks over*

Jay: Who the hell?



Tuesday, May 27, 2008 4:48 PM


Shepard ignored the hand, and placed both of his on the deck above.

Lt: Why the hell are you in here!

Ansell doesn't withdraw the hand, but he looks around to Leopard and gives her a look that says "I was just wondering that myself".

LF- Every good stow-away needs her hiding place, gorramit! Now, of course, I'll have to find another one....

Lt: You're still going to get found!

LF: Y'wanna bet?

LT: My ship!

Ansell: It is not my intent to interject, but...

LT: ...Then shut it!


Originally posted by JQuick:
Jay: Hey, did you finally catch that fox?

LT: Yeah, and a bit more.

*Jay walks over*

Jay: Who the hell?

Ansell: *nods irreverently at jay* Who is?

LT: My useless XO

Jay: Wha...

LT: Quiet

Lt: *grabs Ansell's hand and hauls him out of the hole, slams the compartment shut and then welds it shut with a piece of gel that he had stategically placed within the "door" itself, then holds Ansell at gunpoint*

Lt: So, talk


Stan: LF! Stuffed LF!
Stan: That didn't sound right.. sorry. I'm not some psycho taxidermist serial killer or anything.


Tuesday, May 27, 2008 6:45 PM


Ansell: What about?

Lt: First off, who the rut are you?

Ansell: My name is Ansell. This is your ship?

LT: I got the gun, I ask the gorram question. What's your business with the Nien Ching Duh?

Ansell: I am friend of her. We go a long way back.

Lt: It must be a gorram’ long ways back to give you free roam of my ship.

Ansell: *eyes spark with interest* So it is your ship. I might have business proposal for you.

*Lt hears a noise from the compartment* I gotta' make this quick Lt: Better be a gorram’ good one to avoid my question

Ansell: I know of a certain personage who is currently devoting desirable amounts of money to net a certain item which I happen to know the whereabouts of. I was thinking we could maybe work out an arrangement.

An Di... Shit, can't keep anything to himself Lt: I didn't say stop. *Lt cocks his gun*

Ansell: I provide location, you provide transport and manpower. We settle for a cut and go our merry ways. What say you?

Lt: A more then even cut for me.

Ansell: *nods* Sounds reasonable, you have crew needs to be paid.

Ansell: 30/70

Lt: 80/20

Ansell: 25

Lt: I'm the one with the gun

Ansell: And I'm the one with the data

*Lt fires a shot just short of Ansells ear* LT: Gun.

Ansell: Having crew and a ship without info is attune to having a body without a head

Lt: Having info with both your feet blown off is attune to having no feet

Ansell: 20/80... I can work with that. We can deal.

Lt: Damn straight

Ansell: Now how about you let my good friend out of the ceiling before she bursts out and beheads you?

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.

Stan: So it was like a car hitting a cow then a wall.


Wednesday, May 28, 2008 12:57 PM


*the outlines of the door glow hot red for a moment, without anyone noticing right away, and then the ceiling door falls down and Leopard jumps down, holding a knife blade to Lt's groin*

Leopard- Get that gun away from my friend or I will castrate you.

*Lt pales and stands very, very still*

Lt- Alright... you mind if I put it in my holster?

Leopard- Do it.

*Lt slowly puts the gun up

*Leopard removes the knife, steps back, and walks around until she is facing Lt with her hands on her hips*

Leopard- So, what do you think of my friend's business proposal?


Stan: LF! Stuffed LF!
Stan: That didn't sound right.. sorry. I'm not some psycho taxidermist serial killer or anything.


Wednesday, May 28, 2008 2:40 PM


Jay: How can we trust you aren't leading us in to some kind of trap?

LT: Jay, let me do the talking.

Jay: Just trying to get involved. I've gotten very familiar with my bunk walls lately, and would prefer to change that.



Thursday, May 29, 2008 5:22 AM


Leopard- Good thinking, Jay, but really, what would we profit from getting y'all in a trap?

Jay- What do you mean?

Leopard- Well, lets say that we did want to steal the ship so we get all the take. That would mean that either I'd have to go around killing people, which would be a waste of time, and I'd either have to carry Ansell around the entire time, which would be a pain for both of us, or leave him here, in which case one of the crew who's figured out what I was doing could take him hostage. The other option would be to gas the ship, but the only kind of poison gas I have is designed specifically to get through gas masks, so that would be suicide.

*Jay starts paling slightly at how easily Leopard's talking about plans to kill them all*

Leopard- On the other hand, we can deal with you all, who seem like reasonable folk who want what we have and have what we want, still get a good take, and be on our merry way. Besides, if we ended up taking all the money, it would weigh us down, because there's no way to hide that much money on your person.

Jay- So you admit to thinking about killing us?

Leopard- That wasn't thinking, that's common sense!

Lt- *with deadly calm* Jay, I thought I said to let me do all the talking

Jay- If you wanna talk, talk. I ain't stopping you


Stan: LF! Stuffed LF!
Stan: That didn't sound right.. sorry. I'm not some psycho taxidermist serial killer or anything.


Thursday, May 29, 2008 4:05 PM


Lt: Your getting off my boat on this path Leopard. Your an assassin, yeah? Well, do you know who I am?

Lf is clearly puzzled.

Lt: Jay! Open it!

Lt grabbed Lf's arm, throwing her off balance. Jay kicked the brig open.

Lt: Lieutenant Jack Shepard, 41st Steel Cats Rapid Reconnaissance. Elite. Sorry princess.

Lf went for her knife, but it was too late. Lt chucked her into the brig.

Lt: Jay, my not completely useless XO.

Jay swung it shut and locked it.

Jay: She's trouble.

Lt: Why is Dash always right!

Jay: She's seriously going to castrate you. You were lucky.

Lt: Yeah? So?

Jay: Yeah. So she's going to do some work on you while you sleep. So.

Lt: But I'm normally lucky. Oh, and the yes princess. Good offer.

Lf: Call me princess one more time and you'll be picking your teeth up off the floor

Jay continued, ignoring Lf's statement.

Jay: So lucky that you've been tortured twice for the failures not you own.

Lt: So....?

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.

Stan: So it was like a car hitting a cow then a wall.


Friday, May 30, 2008 5:42 PM








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