GR RP "Adventures in GunRunning" ACT 23

UPDATED: Sunday, November 7, 2004 11:02
VIEWED: 16641
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Wednesday, October 27, 2004 5:16 PM


ACT 22:


Tools and tricks for the hip RPer.

Storyline work and a place for the acKtors to hang out.
OOC 23

Includes episode synopses and links to all the threads for prior acts

Tips and tricks and preferred RP methods, developed by the Gunrunners and Hitchers themselves

Guest DireKtor - DragonflyDireKtor { AIM, MSN }
Guest Asst. DireKtor - MercedesTroy { AIM}
GameMaster - Geezer { }
Co-Director - FrauDirektor {, MSN, AIM: MissAstriana, Yahoo!: MissAstriana, ICQ: 9592266}
Co-Director - Channain {; AIM}


None have been established yet. Each player has a unique style for posting a move that is consistent within itself. You'll catch on!

EOM = End of Move
OOC = Out Of Character
POV = Point Of View

Last but not least, the Gunrunners and Hitchers would like to extend a big THANK YOU to Joss Whedon for creating a whole new 'verse for us to play in, and to Haken for giving us a bright, shiny new sandbox theater!

JossGunrunners & Hitchers
HakenGunrunners & Hitchers

"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Wednesday, October 27, 2004 5:21 PM


At approx. 1950 hrs/7:50 PM to 2010 hrs/8:10 PM Alliance Mean Time ... In other words - Eight'ish!

BRIDGE: Mal, Zoe, Wash, Kaylee


GALLEY: Merz, Jayne, Rowan and Inara


PASSENGER DORMS: Book, in his.

The rest can just wait a mo till I can catch up with them!!!

"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Wednesday, October 27, 2004 8:08 PM


Damon's turn:

Damon returns his attention to Rowan when she starts talking to him again.

ROWAN: "And if it makes you feel any better, I'll get my talking-to tomorrow. I happen to know he talked to Merz too, so I think he's just making sure he didn't hire any mass murdering lunatics.”

No, we already had that talk. This is different. I screwed up and considering his mood, I’m probably going to get an earful. He considers saying as much but hesitates half a second too long. Before his thoughts become words, she is speaking again.

ROWAN: “Do me a favor and behave yourself, huh? you don't want to go for a vacuum swim, dong ma?"

Damon blinks, watching her walk down into the galley. He can hardly believe he heard her say that. Why would she care if I got spaced or not? I’m just a slave. A brief look of disgust flashes across his face as he gives himself an inward kick for even thinking that. But as hard as he tries, he can’t deny what is: as long as he has that thing on his arm he won’t be anything but Crofton’s property to the rest of the verse.

He inhales and lets out a deep sigh as he slides to the floor and leans back against the sloped wall, suddenly feeling the pain of his injuries and extremely tired again. For the life of him he can’t understand why he’s so tired. True, over the months of freedom his body’s been asking for more sleep and better care now that it isn’t being pushed to survive without. And yes, he’s injured and still doesn’t sleep much but that’s nothing new. Maybe it’s just cuz the pain killers have worn off and-

The pills! The pills I took this morning must have some side effects. I didn’t bother check. His mouth twitches into a slight smile of triumph.

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Thursday, October 28, 2004 4:29 AM



As Kaylee speaks Mal gently slides the broken shards of the saucer into his pocket. A quick glance at his hand shows no blood. Nothing to have a scar about, nothing to remind him of his stupidity. At Kaylee's mention of a bridge, he focuses fully on her.

... winding down...
"...Away team goes out the bay, drops about 5 feet to the dirt, and WASH takes the rest of us for a nice flight. Dong ma? Easy as pie.”

Kaylee stops breathlessly with a huge grin. Her face shining in anticipation of the crews reaction to her explanation. Mal looks a tad blank as he takes a second to digest the raw information Kaylee flooded them with. A half-grin creases his features as he nods at Kaylee's logic.

"Thats my girl - always thinkin'! An you got all-o this from rememberin' a kids foolhardy ole game." ... shakes his head ruefully... "Far as I can tell, your on the right track. Have at, pass it to the others and carry on."

He smiles at Kaylee and turns to Zoe and Wash. A single step towards them ends in a light, but final-sounding 'crunch'. He looks down, pivots his foot on the heel to reveal: the further shattered remains of the china tea cup Inara thrust upon him. Mal sighs, seems he is always putting his size twelves where they ought not be. Kneeling and not looking at the Crew, he gently picks up the pieces, wondering why it wasn't as easy to grasp the broken shattered remnants of life. Unobserved, the spilt tea slowly evaporates.


"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Thursday, October 28, 2004 4:59 AM



Those oily fish sticks go down nice and easy. Jayne tries to be contented with that; he tries to forget the tempation of the wonderful smell that still lingered in the kitchen despite the air reclamation vent just above him.

That's it. When he gets some time off planet side, he's shelling out for an honest to goodness meal at an eatery.

Jayne meets eyes with the women who enter the Galley and nods to them in turn. His mouth is still full, plus he doesn't have much to say. Not to that one, anyhow. Jayne watches Rowan's exchange with Merz until Inara joins him in the kitchen area.


Thursday, October 28, 2004 8:41 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan's Move

Rowan did catch the little twitches - Merz shaking her head as if to vehemently deny something, then the abrupt change in her bearing, the resolute expression. Not on her face, because her features never change. It's something intangibly electric.


"They're coming in."

She understood Robert's tone, the finality of it, but not the look he turned to give her husband. They had always known this was a possibility, solidified by the crushing defeat at Serenity Valley. Now that the final moment was upon them, she found herself eerily calm about it all yet one question resounded back and forth in her mind.

How could it end like this?

She reached for him, took his square hand in hers and found it uncharacteristically cold and unresponsive. Then he turned to her and she saw the stark resolution in his eyes. It didn't occur to her what it meant, not until she saw him look past her and felt another, stronger hand on her arm.

"I'm sorry," was all he could say--after everything they had been through, just that woefully inadequate act of contrition.

She resisted. How could he expect her not to? And for a second his hand did grip hers, as if for the last time. But Li knew her too well and had come prepared. It was like something out of an ancient movie where the heinous villain kidnaps the damsel. The noxious fumes from the cloth he put over her mouth filled her senses, stinging her eyes. Darkness closed in all too quickly. There was no time to say anything. Not even goodbye.


Rowan opens her eyes again - not entirely sure when they went shut this time - to find Merz simply handing her a folded up piece of paper. Appreciating the modicum of confidentiality, Rowan distracts herself from the latest wave of whatever-that-was with concern over the other woman's complete lack of response otherwise. Less than an hour ago, she and Merz were having a meaningful, human exchange. Then one talk from Reynolds and Merz is suddenly reset into ultimate TROY mode? What the hell did the gorram Feds do to her?

Not sure what to expect, Rowan unfolds the paper to read the results both from the infirmary diagnostic, and what must be Merz's own handwriting.


Looking up, she searches Merz's emotionless features for confirmation. She doesn't have to pose the question out loud to receive Merz's nod of confirmation. Terse and matter-of-fact, rather like she's giving a report to her superior.

So, no toxins, no strange brain chemistry combinations, not even so much as the implication of possible infection. Then what in all that is holy is going on with her head?

ROWAN: "Well, thanks anyway. I appreciate your work on this."

On a sigh, Rowan figures there's no sense worrying about it now when apparently nothing can be done. She has all but promised fresh bao and it's time to see if she can deliver the real thing, or come up with something comparable. Moving into the galley, she takes a look in the refrigeration unit and after some rummaging manages to unearth a small tin box from way in the back. Opening it, she discovers no less than a half dozen scallions. A true treasure trove out here in the black.

Grinning, she can taste the tangy-sweet delights as she looks up at Jayne. He's still giving her eerie-ass suspicious looks, but at the moment she could care less about it.

ROWAN: "At least something's looking up. Hey Merz, feel like shredding some protein for me?"


Fans come and fans go...but zealots are with you until the bitter black end.
I draw...therefore I am.


Thursday, October 28, 2004 9:35 AM


Slights move:

Slight comes out of his memories. He is still blind. And there is someone nearby. Abruptly, he feels someone searching him. A card is suddenly removed from his pocket. What the. . .Card?
Slight had made it a point to never carry any kind of ID. And access to the Cortex was made through a memory stick. No matter. Focus on the threat. Disturb. Threat clearly perceives no danger. Throw him off.
Slight waits until the intruder has removed his hands. Then he speaks, his voice making hisses as his organs try to compensate.
"Go pretty far for a first date. I generally like to know your name first."

We can't all be heroes, since some of us have to sit at the curb and clap as they go by.


Thursday, October 28, 2004 10:06 AM


Malachi's Move
Location: Slight's ship

Annoyed with himself for not checking the vitals on this thing more closely, and caught off guard at the same time, Malachi leaps to his feet and takes a few precautionary steps backwards. "You should be dead." Malachi says through the muffled protection of his helmet.

Malachi takes a few more steps backwards then stops, noting the eyes of the body on the floor, lifeless, unseeing. But the wires attached to him, like antennae... a problem. Cautiously, he opens a small panel in the right forearm of his suit and resumes the life support functions. Then he opens the stream, via his neural connection, to initiate the self-destruct on the second msr... but he waits. "Speak..." Malachi says with a commanding voice. "...and save your life. Who left you here?"



Thursday, October 28, 2004 10:51 AM


Slight smiles. He wants him to speak, eh?
As he smiles, the umbilicals from his eyes crumble to dust, the nanytes having served their purpose. Idly, he wonders if his eyes are still red.
"How presumptious. Do you really think someone who's. . .dead. . .will surrender any information to someone who threatens him?"
He stresses the word dead to increase the impact. Keep him off balance.
"To answer your question, I was left here by," for a moment, he doesn't know what to say. Will his mind be open enough? More likely this man is not. "Niska. He's had an intensive surgery recently. Have you heard of Adelei Niska? He was escorted by someone called Troy. I believe. And now I think you owe me some answers. What's your name? How did you come by here? One as equipped as you does not exercise good Samaritan values in stopping to check for survivors. If I had to guess, I'd say whatever you've got in your hand brought you here.
"And one last thing. Dare to threaten me once more, you will suffer. Threaten me after that, you will die. I give this as no threat, but as a fact. I am a representative of the
Blue Sun, and do not take to poor treatment from my colleagues in the business of death."

We can't all be heroes, since some of us have to sit at the curb and clap as they go by.


Thursday, October 28, 2004 11:32 AM


Malachi's Move
Location: Slight's Ship

Malachi doesn't turn his back to the man lying on the floor claiming to be blue sun, yet as the man addresses him, he walks slowly backwards all the same. No need to threaten him at all. Malachi thinks as he reaches the entry chamber to the hatchway and opens the door.

Sending a quick message to the msr, he grabs a hold of the doorframe and watches as the other tiny fore window explodes out into space, sucking with it everything not tied down. You'll get no repairs to your ship this time. Malachi thinks as the suction stops and the rooms' lack of gravity comes into equilibrium. He climbs/floats up the ladder and exits the ship.



Thursday, October 28, 2004 1:00 PM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan's Move

ROWAN: "Let's make us some Bao."

Setting the tin of scallions up on the counter, she removes two bricks of compressed protein from the refrigerator and sets them aside. Then she's back into the cupboards again, pulling down the spices and sauces she saw the last time she was in there - soy, oyster, sesame, garlic powder, plus the basics. There isn't any more fresh garlic, which is something she'll have to remedy as soon as she can once they get to New Hokkaido. Always a good practice to leave galley stores as she finds them. Lining them up, she takes another peek out into the main area, where Merz is still sitting.

What kind of regimen has Merz been subjected to for only an entire lifetime? Some of the information they had garnered alluded to the idea that they were clones of soldiers who had been subjected to the exact same program more than 50 years ago, possibly longer. Only they never found any evidence of cloning activities within the Alliance. Robert was the one who came up with the crazy notion that the Alliance actually had a contingent of elite soldiers who were kept in a state of hibernation when not in use and then thawed out when they were needed for another war or police action or something else even more dark and despicable. There used to be a time when Rowan would have argued the point - she accused him of having played one two many VR games - but now she isn't so sure he wasn't so far off the mark after all.

Reminded of the message that still needs answering, yet unwilling to do so with Jayne in such close proximity, Rowan returns to her work.

The "bread" needs to be prepared first, so the protein has time to absorb the spices and taste like something other than bland paste. Rowan begins by giving Jayne the eye before unwrapping one of the bricks. Slamming it down on the counter, she rolls the wrapper up into a ball and shoots for two points into the trash receptor. From the drawer behind her, she takes out a stainless-steel rolling pin and shoves the drawer closed with her hip. Smacking the protein with the rolling pin, she begins to flatten it out.


Fans come and fans go...but zealots are with you until the bitter black end.
I draw...therefore I am.


Thursday, October 28, 2004 1:48 PM



Every problem is an opportunity in disguise. That's what he'd heard Inara say on one or two occasions. Jayne decides to volunteer his rarely seen cooking skills to Rowan's bao. He'd made it once or twice himself when he was young, when there was a crowd to feed and his mother couldn't handle everything herself.

"Bao", Jayne says to Rowan as she prepares to roll the protein. "I can make bao. Lemme do that for you. Or I'm handy with a knife, too." He talks smoothly as he moves in towards Rowan, extending his free hand to the rolling pin.


Thursday, October 28, 2004 1:58 PM


MERZ move


MERZ heard and understood ROWANs question about the test results and was able to respond. She was coherent enough to nod her understanding of ROWANs implied question. But she was still slow to come back to reality from the cognitive state. Having gone that deep to assimilate events of the day, time was needed to catch up to the present.

Something JAYNE had said earlier had filtered in and been added to the mix. Having finally put context to what he had said, she looks up and attempts to catch JAYNEs attention. She will come back to ROWANs question momentarily …

“JAYNE. Are you implying that it was Captain Reynolds that put those contusions on your face?”

He does not have to respond in words, she can read his reactions like print. She tilts her head and opens her mouth to speak again. But a shudder runs through her. The empty expression on her face twists into a rictus that in no way resembles a smile.

“You said” …
“you got off 'thout so much as a grill mark on yer face, so 'sider yerself lucky.” The speaking voice is not Merz’ voice. Not even female in register. When it shifts again it is a perfect match to JAYNE’s. But it changes back … once again. You are wrong, civilian. It is Reynolds who is lucky.” With a final sneer, MERZ’ face relaxes back to it’s normal mode.

ROWAN has moved off into the kitchen area and is deep in preparations for whatever she is … well, preparing. MERZ considers her last question. “… Hey Merz, feel like shredding some protein for me?"

Yes. Right now that is just what MERZ ‘feels’ like doing. ~ i have no idea what that means. i do not care. I do not choose to think about things for a while. I would learn something new … ~

MERZ stands and walks into the kitchen area. Catching ROWANs attention she nods again. “Yes, I will shred protein. Show me.”


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Thursday, October 28, 2004 2:09 PM


Wash's Move
Location - Bridge

(Wash is staring at the Helm console, sipping his tea, reading the data on the nw security moniters that Rowan has discovered... he suddenly blurts out): "Hey, Kaylee, dear, can I have a cupholder up here? When I'm drinking hot tea, I really need a place to put it, because I might need my fingers for flying the ship, instead of having them hold bandages, you know?"

(A teacup and saucer shatter right behind him, and Wash slowly turns to look, figuring that Kaylee will now kill him with one of those tools she usually keeps in her pocket... only to find that the Captain has dropped his. He sees the look in Mal's eyes, and he turns back around, figuring that everybody has been and still is ignoring him... why did he have to ask for a cupholder at a time like this? Maybe I need to unwind, I'm acting too crazy, maybe...

Let's work on the drop course some more, as he brings up the maps...)

On the Earth that was, the Sun that was, was just setting over a particular place that was... and the time there was 20:11 AMT (8:11 pm) Luckly the time was the same here as well.

Decoy, they make me go first.


Thursday, October 28, 2004 3:47 PM


Inara's move


Inara empties out the dregs of that last batch of tea, sighing very softly and trying to keep her annoyance from showing. Her mood is like the summer thunderstorms on Sihnon, cold fronts and warm fronts colliding, raging vividly. Unlike the thunderstorms, though, her mood is silent, inward, and shows little sign of passing quickly and melting back into sunny skies.

She's hurting from Mal's apparent inability to even acknowledge her and smarting from the sense of fairness that prevents her from being truly furious with him: she knows she's hurting him too. Perhaps the two of them are the summer storm, the cold and the warmth, the lightning and the thunder...

The kettle of water reboils and Inara tips more tealeaves into the pot. Jayne is there in the preparation area and she acknowledges him -- everyone else is getting on with something else, and so Inara remains quiet, brooding a little on Mal and the broken teacup.

Merz's peculiar behavior registers with her, and she bites her lip quietly, not sure that her interference would do more than cause problems.


Inara takes one of the galley's mugs and pours a mug of green tea from the new pot. Offering Merz a little smile that doesn't reach her eyes -- she's not feeling like smiling, but it is a Companion's instinct -- she offers the other woman the mug.

"Here, you missed the tea before. Would you like some?"



Thursday, October 28, 2004 5:25 PM



"Jayne." Merz's voice interupts his attempt at opening a conversation with Rowan. Jayne leans back to get an unobscured view of her as she sits at the table. "Are you implying that it was Captain Reynolds that put those contusions on your face?"

Well, si lang gou1, she certainly waited until enough people arrived before furthering what he tried to keep a private conversation. "I din't say no such thing", he throws back in an attempt to difuse her. It fails miserably. Instead, Jayne is left stunned by a playback of his own voice, word for word; was she even contorting her face to look more like him? That was hideous.

When Merz adds, "you are wrong, civilian. It is Reynolds who is lucky", Jayne's mouth leaps in to gear. "Cap'n got lucky with you? Well, what him an you are doin' behind closed doors ain't rightly my concern..."

"...Hey Merz, feel like shredding some protein for me?" Rowan breaks in.

Jayne's voice drifts off with a mutter of, "guess that'll show how civil I am." He lauches the empty fish stick container into the recycler.

1 dead man doggie


Thursday, October 28, 2004 6:26 PM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan's Move

So Reynolds is the one who put those marks on Jayne's face? Interesting. Recalling that little scene from the cargo bay when she and Jayne practically compared wounds, Rowan wonders what it was that would earn him that kind of treatment from his captain. And now he's gone from keeping his distance and giving her weird looks all day to offering to pound protein? Hearing a decided difference in Jayne's tone and seeing the eager way he's reaching for the rolling pin, at first Rowan starts to think maybe Reynolds may be on to something about that stalker gôu pì. Yet she's never felt entirely threatened by the man who's bigger than her and somewhat unpredictable.

Rowan is also getting the distinct impression that Merz's little interplay with Jayne is somehow specifically designed as a protection mechanism - as if Merz is intending to protect Rowan from the big bad man. Exactly why, Rowan has not a single clue, but it does pull Jayne's attention away for a pretty strange moment between the two of them.

Watching Merz's face change, hearing the decided difference in her voice, Rowan isn't entirely sure what to think, except maybe her theory about personality fragmentation might not be such a shot in the dark. Deciding it's time to bring a little touch of regimentation into the mix, she turns to Jayne.

ROWAN: "I imagine you're probably handy with a lot of things da jia huo. Turning compressed protein into something resembling bread dough does take some muscle, if you don't mind."

Holding out the rolling pin, she tightens her grip and tugs back when he tries to take it. Their eyes meet when he looks at her in askance.

ROWAN: "Go easy."

A lift of an eyebrow lets him know she's not just talking about the protein.

MERZ: “Yes, I will shred protein. Show me.”

Turning to see Merz standing at the ready, Rowan leaves Jayne to the first task and gives Merz a long look. She looks controlled enough, but there is still that underlying energy.

ROWAN: "It doesn't take a lot of precision, but it does take some control. I need the protein shredded, not pulverized, dong ma?"

Leaving Merz to properly process that information, Rowan goes for the kitchen knives and takes a medium-sized one, then the other brick of protein. Glancing over one shoulder, she sees Merz watching her every move as she moves a few feet down from Jayne. Cutting off a slice from the block, she slits the wrapper and removes it. She begins cutting the protein into squares, then drops them into the food processor. Adjusting the settings, she stands back and lets Merz see how long she holds down the button that activates the machine.

ROWAN: "Five seconds on the first burst... three on the second. Then pour it into this bowl." Quickly, she ducks down into a lower cupboard for a stainless steel one liter mixing bowl. "Then do it again. I only need half the brick shredded. Dong ma? And you."

Moving around, to Jayne's other side, she watches him try to flatten the protein down to something more closely resembling flatbread.

ROWAN: "Actually, that's pretty good. Not bad--seems you have done this before. Hold off a second, let me add something."

Reaching past him as he lifts the rolling pin, she grabs the soy and garlic powder. Sprinkling both, she spreads it over the surface as evenly as she can.

ROWAN: "There, work that in, then roll it out again. We'll start cutting the sections after that."

Hearing the food processor running with precision, seeing the little bit of tongue protruding from the corner of Jayne's mouth, Rowan relaxes just a bit and looks up to where Inara is standing by the stove. She's brooding about something, or more to the point, someone. Rowan figures if she were a kinder person, he would go over and slap the woman out of it, help her put the misery away someplace. Then again, those who live in glass houses shouldn't be tossing stones. Should they?


Fans come and fans go...but zealots are with you until the bitter black end.
I draw...therefore I am.


Thursday, October 28, 2004 7:20 PM


Inara's move.


"Cap'n got lucky with you? Well, what him an you are doin' behind closed doors ain't rightly my concern..."

And the storm is back, wind and lightning, chilling her to the bone. Inara's throat tightens painfully to the point where breathing seems to only exacerbate the sudden ache.

(Breathe. Just breathe.)

It's irrational.

Inara shakes her head a little, clinging to the shreads of control. Of her training. He shouldn't be able to do this to her. No one should. ... She'd sworn she wouldn't let him ruin her good mood. Wouldn't let him upset her again...

Another chill. The hairs on the back of her neck are almost standing up, and she feels cold. Quite, quite cold.

It's not true. It can't be true. It's just Jayne shooting his mouth off. Speaking without thinking, misinterpreting...

(Stop. Breathe. Calm down.)

She looks to Merz... no. No. She's certainly attractive, but...

(Is that why Mal won't look at me?)

This was Nandi and Saffron all over again: Inara was being completely irrational and more than a little hypocritical even thinking like this. And yet. The tightness in her throat is familiar.


Flashbacks. Two. In rapid succession.

Cargo Bay. A shy redhead. Then Zoe's voice, triggering a stabbing pain in Inara's gut. Everybody, I want you to meet Mrs. Reynolds.

Heart of Gold. Early morning, heading to wake Nandi, just like old times at Madrassa. She hated mornings, and so Inara would sit with her, stroke her hair. The door opening. Mal emerging, closing the door quietly. Pulling his shirt on. Inara's stomach plummeting. She doesn't even remember the words exchanged. Just the tears that followed.

(Keep breathing.)

She has no claim on him... Inara knows this. Just "ifs and maybes", as Mal had once put it. Silent yearning. Foolish wishes that no trained Companion should ever...

There's hot prickle in her eyes and Inara clenches her jaw until the threat of tears is over.

(It's not true. There's not been the time. Mal's shown no signs of--)

Another glance at Merz.

(Stop it.)

She stirs the tea in the pot irritably, encouraging the tea to draw. She's breathing in the fragrance, hoping it will calm her down

(Breathe deep. Slowly. Uncoil that knot inside... Breathe in... and out, and try to let it go...)



Friday, October 29, 2004 12:56 AM


MERZ move


Another impression. She hears the voice now in playback –

INARA “Here, you missed the tea before. Would you like some?”

- and she is holding a mug of warm ~deep inhale~ spiced green tea ~ Did she thank INARA?

Jayne, he spoke too –

JAYNE “Cap'n got lucky with you? Well, what him an you are doin' behind closed doors ain't rightly my concern...”

That is clearly a reply. A reply to what? MERZ closes her eyes and concentrates … there is a discontinuity – a blank in her own perceptions. How strange? What does that mean?

As she ponders, she has continued toward ROWAN and the new task. She watches. She remembers to set down the mug before filling her hands with knife and protein. Concentrates; shredded, not pulverized, got it. Five seconds, then three; drop in bowl, repeat.

MERZ glances at Inara and finds her looking back. But her eyes … her bearing … her breathing even; something is wrong.

JAYNE talking in riddles, making happy chit-chat with ROWAN, smelling of paranoia and a little anger. INARA scenting of stress and perfume, and anger. ROWAN … she needs to speak to ROWAN.

Not now. Too many persons about. MERZ loses herself in routine, until half the block of protein is reduced to shreds. Turning to ROWAN she waits for the next step.

Confusion continues to color her mind. What was JAYNE trying to say? Was it important enough that she should ask someone? She sighs.


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Friday, October 29, 2004 4:02 AM


Slights move:

This man cannot leave!
Slight reformats his nanytes into a radio as he contacts Malachi. His mind reaches out, grasps the intruders mind.
He speaks softly to the man in his mind.
"I wouldn't go anywhere, boyo. I'm not finished with you."
He grins-he has it now. Slight exerts the pressure, and listens for the man to feel the blood vessels breaking. First it should be the nosebleed.

We can't all be heroes, since some of us have to sit at the curb and clap as they go by.


Friday, October 29, 2004 4:34 AM



"There, work that in, then roll it out again. We'll start cutting the sections after that."

Jayne nods and procedes as he is instructed. He doesn't quite notice the tension in the room until he turns to Inara to see what she's doing there. Uh oh. She looks ill. Not like before, but she doesn't look good.

Jayne flattens the dough again until covers the section of the counter in front of him. He hopes that's the right thickness for Rowan, but if it's not, he'll hear about it.

He turns away for a moment to stare at Inara until she returns his look. "You good?"


Friday, October 29, 2004 8:23 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan's Move

The protein for the buns needs to be warmed just a bit to work in the spices. Studying the stove, Rowan turns a dial to preheat to 100 degrees and then goes back to her chef's assistants. Merz finishes up fairly quickly and Jayne makes fast work of his task as well, even with taking a pause to check out Inara. Once he's done, he turns to stare at Inara until she feels it and looks up to meet his gaze. Rowan steels herself, prepared to run interference for the woman if she has too. No sense pouring fuel oil on an open flame.

JAYNE: "You good?" that genuine compassion? Rowan doesn't realize her jaw is hanging open until she feels a set of eyes on her and looks to find Merz staring at her. Giving herself a little shake, she gets back to business. She takes a look in the bowl to find the protein exactly in the condition she needs it to be.

ROWAN: "Umm... okay, good. That's good. Now... I don't suppose you know anything about glazing?"

She looks at Merz hopefully, although already suspecting it unlikely.


Fans come and fans go...but zealots are with you until the bitter black end.
I draw...therefore I am.


Friday, October 29, 2004 2:23 PM


Inara's move


Vaguely, through the haze of Inara's mood and attempts to calm herself, she slowly becomes aware of someone's eyes boring into her. It occurs to her that, perhaps, her mood is becoming conspicuous, so enough. She lets herself disassociate with the cold, faintly sick feeling, and looks up...

Jayne is looking at her, a kind, slightly worried expression on his face. Inara is simultaneously touched, and horrified. If her mood is obvious enough that Jayne can notice it...

Run-tse duh fwo-tzoo. Time to get a grip.

"You good?"

Small smile. Jayne's been nothing but kind to her since seeing her... like that. "I'll be alright," she tells him quietly, putting her hand on his arm in a gesture of gratitude. "I just... have things on my mind at the moment."

Which is not a lie. Huge understatement, but not a lie.



Friday, October 29, 2004 2:46 PM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan's Move

INARA: "I just... have things on my mind at the moment."

Rowan shakes her head at that, marveling at the companion-oriented gift for understatement and so skillfully polishing a bald-face lie.

ROWAN (softly): "Things? I'd say it was just one thing in particular."

Inara's dark eyes shoot over to meet hers while Jayne looks on, somewhat mystified by the subtle girl-code. Rowan lifts an eyebrow at Inara, conveying her own sense of the ridiculous in a companion's pining for a captain who's obviously pining for her. Inara can take it as she will.

Returning her attention to Merz, Rowan reaches out to pat the smaller woman on the shoulder, noting the scars again and sending a silent curse to the authorities either directly or indirectly responsible for putting them there.

ROWAN: "Nevermind. You hang out for a second. I'll do the glazing and you can stuff later, hâo le ma? Jayne, that bun dough looks good. If you could cut that into three-by-three squares and start putting them on a pan - they have to set a bit in the oven before we start stuffing."

Taking the bowl to the stove, Rowan takes down the wok and puts it over a burner.


hâo le ma = okay


Friday, October 29, 2004 3:28 PM


Damon's turn:

After only a few minutes of sitting down, the voices from the bridge and galley start to meld together into a distant drone. Something about cup holders… glazing…


"Last chance, Damon…"

Whoa! Damon’s head snaps up with a sharp breath. Shi, I almost did it again… No more pills. Looking around as the hall comes back into focus, he determines it’s only been a few minutes. He climbs to his feet, ignoring the painful complaints from his leg and gut. Time to find something to do, being idle is dangerous. He gives the bridge one last glance before turning to the galley.

Rowan, Merz and Jayne are in the kitchen cooking, Inara just off to the side making tea. Jayne cooks? Wouldn’t have guessed that in a million years. Damon makes his way down the stairs and heads for the kitchen to get a drink.

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Friday, October 29, 2004 3:40 PM


Malachi's Move
Location: Floating in space... just outside Slight's ship.

A sudden convulsion spasms his body. Malachi holds up his right arm, examining his life support readouts. Everything was fine with the suit. That gorram sunofalizardsniffer. He's one of ... NNggggaaaaooowww! He screams into the empty void around him.



Friday, October 29, 2004 8:07 PM



Jayne really wants to push Inara for more. Not that he cares about whatever has her mind completely rapped - bad moods and love affairs come and go, but Jayne only sees a deeper problem in her now. But she seems alright.

"Jayne, that bun dough looks good." He turns back to the food preparations, remembering that he is supposed to be watching Rowan. "If you could cut that into three-by-three squares and start putting them on a pan - they have to set a bit in the oven before we start stuffing."

Jayne nods in acknowledgement. He unlatches the knife drawer and chooses a small blade. "Whatcha usin' fer glaze? We don't got no Hoisin sauce on board, an' I wouldn't know how to make it from scratch." Jayne lays the knife on the counter, the squares all sliced with precision, and gets a pan down.


Friday, October 29, 2004 8:25 PM



Merz is paused, just waiting for the next instructions. The protein is completed to specifications. She waits for ROWANs distraction to end, and soon enough Rowan turns back to her.

"Umm... okay, good. That's good. Now... I don't suppose you know anything about glazing?"

MERZ considers her words. She passes them through the data base, verifying definitions.

Glaz"ing\, n.
1. The act or art of setting glass; the art of covering with a vitreous or glasslike substance, or of polishing or rendering glossy.

2. The glass set, or to be set, in a sash, frame. etc.

3. The glass, glasslike, or glossy substance with which any surface is incrusted or overlaid; as, the glazing of pottery or porcelain, or of paper.

4. (Paint.) Transparent, or semitransparent, colors passed thinly over other colors, to modify the effect.

~ hum. context would indicate that none of these items have any bearing upon current activities. Prog indicates that number four is closest in possibility … and i am sure that the answer is still a negative one …

Slowly, MERZ shakes her head. No.”

Tensions in the room appear to be abating somewhat. Merz is still not at all sure what she is participating in, nor any idea what Bao actually is. Suspects some sort of food item, since kitchen is involved. Not at all sure what she is doing involved in this project. But it is better than being alone.

"Nevermind. You hang out for a second. I'll do the glazing and you can stuff later, hâo le ma? Jayne, that bun dough looks good. If you could cut that into three-by-three squares and start putting them on a pan - they have to set a bit in the oven before we start stuffing."


OOC: edited to add Rowan's last remark to Merz.

If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Friday, October 29, 2004 9:35 PM


Book's Move
Location: His quarters

I'll join them soon enough. The Shepherd's was a different way of doing things. A little slower maybe, a little more time spent in the planning, a little more methodical at times (he liked to think)... perhaps some folks believed him doddering... all the better. It would only make what he had to do all that much easier when the time finally came.... if it ever did.

He had left his door open to listen to the words floating down the stairway from the galley. Sounded like many of the ship's compliment were gathered there. He leaned back into his room, from the odd position he had adopted for a moment, while trying to listen up the stairs and down the hall.

I care too much about these people. He thinks as he walks back to his small counter and looks into the mirror. The soulful eyes staring back at him. I'm certain they all suspect me of some evil or other... and some of them may be right, but I can't tell them who I am, who I was... what I've done. They'll...

Book looks down at a makeshift burner and brew-pot steeping a slightly oxidized tea. He pours himself a cup of the rare leaf blend and sits down on his uncomfortable sleeping pad. An odd contrast. The beautiful, green leaf unfurling in his cup, complimented by memory-inspiring flavor of the tea (still bearing the faint essence of the lillies that grew close to the plants)... and this uncomfortable pad.

Sipping his tea in solitude, Book tries to picture where Simon might be, what he may be doing, and who may be coming for him.



Friday, October 29, 2004 11:34 PM



Out of the corner of his right eye, Mal notices Damon loitering just outside the Bridges lock. Mal looks Zoe in the eye and winks with his left eye - the one he knows Damon cannot see. The message is clear to Zoe - Follow my lead. He then glances at Wash and crooks the left side of his mouth in a very lopsided grin. It said "follow through, you'll enjoy it". Then in a deep tone that carries all the way to the galley. As a whisper, yes. But if a body was in the fore hall or the steps down to the galley, it could be clearly heard. Those in the Galley would have to really strain to get the subject. They could only tell that Mal was in "something's gone gorram wrong with the plan" mode of speech.

... looking determined and his voice drops an octive...
"Yep, 'bout that Damon fella, Doc told me some interestin' data about that boy before our Simon went space crazy an jumped ship."
... Mal nods as it seems Wash and Zoe to be understanding which direction he is going and willing to push forward too ...
"First off, Wash, lock down both shuttles NOW, doors and all."... Mal hits the ALL intercomm...
"Book, Mr Thorne would you be so kind to hustle into the cargo bay and secure the sounding charges and the armory. Book maybe you could say a prayer over them bang sticks."
... Mal knows Book will get the point and may participate as well. Positive also was that Mr. Thorne would figger it out too. Stress need to be relived after all. He clicks the comm off. His voice drops even further ...
"Our Damon is a runner. Doc says he is rabbitin' from ownership. You know how I feel about slavers - their plat is as good as the next."
... Mal slowly closes both eyes and opens them again in the pattern that meant 'you know what I really mean' to Zoe ...
"So a bit back, after I had a yap with him, I got curious and Cortex'd the boy. Now I know who he is, where he popped from and just who wants him back. The other purty bit is there is a hefty bounty on this youngsters head - must be PRETTY rammin' important."
... Mal shakes his head with a manic grin...
"This here trip is provin' to be more profitable by the minute."

He hits the ALL intercomm again.
"Jayne, I need you to herd that Damon fella up, step level priority."
Mal wonders if Jayne'll get the attempt to soften the severity their past tete-a-tete and get it enough to know what to do with Damon. Leaning back on the bulkhead, Mal waits with an expectant twinkle in his eye. Being a mean mean man had its perks. Would be interestin' if the boy would learn anything. At the very least how to fade better while droppin' eaves.



Saturday, October 30, 2004 2:14 AM


Damon's turn:

Damon steps off of the stairs leading down the galley, but before he can get far, Mal’s low voice trailing from the bridge catches his attention.

"Yep, 'bout that Damon fella, Doc told me some interestin' data about that boy before our Simon went space crazy an jumped ship."

A frown crosses Damon’s features, wondering what the heck the doc could know from removing a couple bullets. He almost stops to look, but doesn’t. He slows to a halt, out of sight of those on the bridge and stands casually by the door.

"First off, Wash, lock down both shuttles NOW, doors and all."... Mal hits the ALL intercomm...
"Book, Mr Thorne would you be so kind to hustle into the cargo bay and secure the sounding charges and the armory. Book maybe you could say a prayer over them bang sticks." The com switches off.

Damon’s frown deepens, now accompanied by a flash of fear. Trouble. There’s going to be trouble… His mind is already racing. There are others in the room, most have noticed him, but can they hear Mal? He starts to move forward again, but doesn’t get far.

"Our Damon is a runner. Doc says he is rabbitin' from ownership. You know how I feel about slavers - their plat is as good as the next."

Damon only barely feels the blood drain from his face. Oh shit… oh shit oh shit oh shit… He stands there, only a foot away from the door, unable to move. Tzao gao, bu hao...

"So a bit back, after I had a yap with him, I got curious and Cortex'd the boy. Now I know who he is, where he popped from and just who wants him back. The other purty bit is there is a hefty bounty on this youngsters head - must be PRETTY rammin' important. This here trip is provin' to be more profitable by the minute."

More blood drains, leaving him whiter than a sheet. He knows… Oh shi… Oh God, I’m going to die… no, I better die. I can’t go back there… Damon moves back half a step, away from the people in the kitchen, his heart pounding in his chest. He looks up at them, fearful eyes on the verge of panic. The com sounds again.

"Jayne, I need you to herd that Damon fella up, step level priority."

Damon’s gaze locks onto Jayne. No. The change is instantaneous. The fear disappears in a wave of lethal rage. His features darken, his posture stiffens, muscles coiled ready to fight. And for the first time since coming aboard, his eyes take on the unbroken savagery that has been lying dormant- the dark look of a man witness to much more killing and brutality than his age would betray. You come near me, you die.

He slowly backs up, eyes focused on the four people in the kitchen, ears focused on the people on the bridge. His hand is already groping at his weapons belt, but the holster is empty. See, now this is why I always stay armed cuz you never know when some hwoon dahn will try to screw you over.

Eyes now mostly on Jayne, Damon continues slowly backing toward the rear exit, keeping the table between them, waiting for Jayne to make the first move.

Knife in my boot, pocketknife in pocket... is that a gun satchel on the table?

Tzao gao, bu hao... = damn, not good
Hwoon dahn = bastard

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Saturday, October 30, 2004 5:50 AM


All the while he was spinnin' this particular yarn, Mal was a cogitatin'.

Ever since Damon came on board he reeked of fear and had the eyes of the hunted. That little stunt in the galley underlined the fact that Damon needed to flush that fear out the lock.

Internally Mal laughs ironically, 'His rear iris is so clenched, I bet he could snip fine silk thread.'

Damon was plainly running from something - that look in his eye as he swung his shooter around in the galley was proof of that. A man can't run every day every second - death was always right around the corner. Damon needed to learn to live free, not be bound by another's reach.

'Plus we'll all see how he reacts under the pressure of extreme fear. Need to know if he's got the gumption or not.'

Sometime you had to put pressure on a body to refine it. If Damon could not keep his head, maybe he didn't belong on Mal's ship. A slip of one could put the whole ship in mortal danger. And Mal had had enough of that from the past year. Jayne's betrayal still stung, but Mal was sure that Jayne understood JUST where the line was now. Damon had to be shown too - but also shown that he was accepted and safer with folks to watch your back.

Burnin' out the constant fear should be the first step in that. Damon was carrying around that fear like a bloody letter upon his breast. Live in the now and sort out the future as it comes.

Tracy's face, as he lay dying, flashed into Mal's head.

'I can see a lot of Tracy in Damon. I just hope I ain't carrying the bullet with Damon's name, as well. I don't want ta have ta shuffle off another person I am beginning to care ...'

The word 'care' makes a connection and suddenly the face that swims in Mal's mind is Inara's. His heart thuds six times before he can get it under control. He tries to divert his own attention by concentrating on the prank side of this 'venture.

Mal chuckled inside 'If ole Damon had come into the Bridge and not malingered outside like a whupped puppy, I wouldn't to have ta take advantage this situation.'


"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Saturday, October 30, 2004 5:53 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan's Move

Jayne nods in acknowledgement. He unlatches the knife drawer and chooses a small blade.

JAYNE: "Whatcha usin' fer glaze? We don't got no Hoisin sauce on board, an' I wouldn't know how to make it from scratch."

The very idea causes Rowan to shudder. She can still hear Fa-Zhou Huan's shrill voice echoing from the kitchen in her father's house, condemning the evils of additives in store-bought sauces. How a woman whose name meant happiness could spend her life causing nothing but hell on earth has always been a mystery.

ROWAN: "Qù tamade--if I used a pre-prepared sauce in my bao, you'd be treated to the vision of a Chinese banshee bearing a strong resemblance to grandmother Fa-Zhou Huan - Zuxian keneng baowei women - rising up from the floor here to strike me down. I can still hear her screeching at the kitchen servants."

Changing her voice accordingly to a pitch that would cause glass to shatter in despair, Rowan switches to fluent Chinese, but keeps the decibel level down.

ROWAN: "Chop this way, not that way - do not stir so fast - you are to knead the dough, not abuse it - shredding means shredding, not pulverizing!" then back to English. "She was a master chef in my grandfather's household. She could make bread out of sand if she had to. Everything I know about cooking I learned from her."

And why exactly is she telling him all this anyhow? Hearing a pan hit the counter behind her, Rowan glances up and sees Damon at the top of the steps leading down from the forward hall. She's about to greet him when the intercom next to her clicks on.

MAL: "Book, Mr Thorne, would you be so kind to hustle into the cargo bay and secure the sounding charges and the armory. Book maybe you could say a prayer over them bang sticks."

What the... what's that all about? Maybe Thorne has finally shown his hand and they've been suckered into a chop shop? She's heard about them, certainly, but never seen one. She isn't all that interested in seeing one up close though. Could be the girl, River, having some kind of fit again--who knew what the workings of an altered mind might conjure up? Rowan has to admit, though, of all the ships she's been on, this one certainly is the first to have such a plethora of entertainment on board.

Then Damon starts acting peculiar. His face goes very pale as his hands flex like he's looking for a tool...or a weapon. As he moves a half a step back as if to flee--and where would he go in space anyway--the hairs on the back of Rowan's neck rise slowly. Glancing at Merz, she can't tell if the smaller woman is perceiving Damon's sudden panic. Troys may not be equipped for that, but can she smell fear?

Then the intercom clicks on again.

MAL: "Jayne, I need you to herd that Damon fella up, step level priority."

Damon's gaze shoots across the galley to Jayne and in an instant Rowan sees the fear turn into something terrible. Rowan has never seen such darkness before, rage mixed with fear and the pure, unadulterated instinct to survive against everything. No matter what.

She's torn. Rowan feels she should jump in, see if she can pull him out of it, yet she's never faced this kind of thing before. She's actually hoping Jayne will take control of the situation. Being bigger and better equipped to handle something like this, even if it's only physically, before Damon does someone or himself an irreparable harm.


qù tamade = fuck that
Zuxian keneng baowei women - May the ancestors protect us - or Chinese for "Saints preserve us!"

Fans come and fans go...but zealots are with you until the bitter black end.
I draw...therefore I am.


Saturday, October 30, 2004 6:32 AM



Temporarily without function, MERZ drifts back into scan mode. She can hear the voices drifting from the bridge. But suddenly MALs voice seems to intensify...

"Yep, 'bout that Damon fella, Doc told me some interestin' data about that boy before our Simon went space crazy an jumped ship."

His words are serious, his flow is not. What he says, how he says it does not match. Odd. "First off, Wash, lock down both shuttles NOW, doors and all."...

and then over the intercom ...
"Book, Mr. Thorne, would you be so kind to hustle into the cargo bay and secure the sounding charges and the armory. Book maybe you could say a prayer over them bang sticks"

Secure? Secure from what.

Off intercom MAL continues. Merz wishes she were closer, more able to judge his demeanor. But of greater interest is DAMONs reactions. Merz can see and feel and smell his rising panic.

"So a bit back, after I had a yap with him, I got curious and Cortex'd the boy. Now I know who he is, where he popped from and just who wants him back. The other purty bit is there is a hefty bounty on this youngsters head - must be PRETTY rammin' important. This here trip is provin' to be more profitable by the minute."

Apparently Damon can also hear what MAL is saying - his reaction increases - MERZ can all but hear his heartbeat increase. He is going from panic to fear and back again, increasing his own reactions. She does not know what is going on in his head, but his face ... this is not good.

There is still something ... this cannot be what it seems. It is not logical from what she has in her database for Captain Reynolds. She must trust him. She will trust him. She has promised.

The comm sounds again. "Jayne, I need you to herd that Damon fella up, step level priority."

That was the last straw. Merz knows what she sees/smells. DAMON has found his predator place. His eyes go cold and flat. Ah, she knows that look from the inside. NOW he is dangerous, to himself, to this crew. She will NOT allow any injury, she has promised.

She judges angles, necessities, and orders. Unaware, she almost crouches, head lowered, muscles tensing. Her eyes are almost a mirror of Damon's; cold as ice and dead. Then she springs forwards. Unmindful of any observers in the area she leaps nimbly to the countertop, one foot set precisely between the bowl of shredded protein and an open bottle of soy sauce. She dives through the opening over the bar and into the dining room, rolling to her feet as soon as her shoulders touch the deck.

DAMON entered through the fore hatch and is slowly edging towards the rear hatch. MERZ sprints towards the aft hatch, rounding the table and placing herself in his path. She holds there, just beyond the edge of the table, arms at her sides but hands raised to defend or restrain if needed. Her knees are bent ready to spring in any direction - but she takes no action. The next move is DAMON's. She will not let him leave the room. She will not let him hurt anyone.


OOC: This is the one I had to edit. Sorry about that.

If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Saturday, October 30, 2004 6:49 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan's Move

Then in the blink of an eye, Merz takes action. Before Rowan is fully aware of how it happens, Merz is out of the kitchen, on the table, then standing poised between Damon and the door, ready for anything. Realizing her jaw is hanging open again, Rowan has only one thought.

ROWAN (softly to herself): And you didn't catch any of that on vid? Cao! Ni shi bai chi!


Cao! Ni shi bai chi! = fuck, you are such an idiot!

Fans come and fans go...but zealots are with you until the bitter black end.
I draw...therefore I am.


Saturday, October 30, 2004 7:49 AM



Jayne does nothing but nod throughout Rowan's explanation of why she'd never use store bought sauces. His mother was the same, of course, not with that shrill voice, and for entirely different reasons. Jayne never learned those secret recipes since he was a man. That was the legacy of the female line of the family.

The intercom crackles on. Jayne stops his work and listens. His attention is gradually brought to Damon, who stands across the galley looking a little more than surprised and dismayed.

"Jayne, I need you to herd that Damon fella up, step level priority."

Damon's gaze locks onto Jayne, who has been staring at him and shifting himself around the kitchen island. That's the look of a trapped man.

Merz adds to the tension as she springs to take position to block the rear exit. Was she helping? He thinks so. But he wasn't sure about Rowan. "'Nara, wouldja take Rowan to the ladies room or somethin'?" he says quietly.


Saturday, October 30, 2004 8:03 AM


Standing tall and relaxed with his hands on each side of his belt, Jayne steps towards Damon slowly. Nice and calm. "I think the captain'd like a word with you."


Saturday, October 30, 2004 8:09 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan's Move

JAYNE: "'Nara, wouldja take Rowan to the ladies room or somethin'?"

Glancing behind, Rowan watches Jayne move out to follow the order, going slowly toward Damon. She feels Inara's hand on her arm, but doesn't move. She wants to see this through. Ridiculously, she contemplates using the cue stick to fend Jayne off, but once that was done, where would they go? They're out in space, and the shuttles are all locked down, not that they'd get very far. She's no pilot and not sure Damon is either. They'd end up sitting there staring at the controls and each other, feeling like idiots.

The whole thing is playing out like some odd little vid comedy.


Fans come and fans go...but zealots are with you until the bitter black end.
I draw...therefore I am.


Saturday, October 30, 2004 9:03 AM


Damon's turn:

Before Damon can more than a couple feet, Merz is out the kitchen over the table and standing between him and the door. Their eyes meet. She’s on their side…

Okay, stay cool. Think. All exits are blocked, save one. All flight capabilities are blocked- save one. Gotta get to the bridge. Hostage would be nice… Shit, what am I going on about- I don’t have a chance in hell… Still, gotta try; giving up would be worse than a death sentence.

Damon’s eyes meet Rowan’s for a brief moment and he breathes an internal sigh of relief. She’s on his side- at least for now. Could be she just didn’t hear everything and will change her mind when she does. But now he has a chance- a small one. Merz will likely be a problem…

Jayne starts moving forward, slowly.

JAYNE: "I think the captain'd like a word with you."

“Jien tah duh guay! I see how it goes… let the goushi buru sucker work all day and then screw him over. Meh, tah mah duh hwoon dahn…”

In one swift movement, he pulls the knife from his boot and grabs the gun satchel from the table- the knife in his right hand, satchel in his left. He slowly backs away from Merz, moving toward the front hall. He glances quickly at Rowan and then the kitchen knives, hoping she’ll catch on.

Jien tah duh guay = Like hell
goushi buru = lower than dogshit/lowest of the low
Meh, tah mah duh hwoon dahn. = Mother humping son of a bitch

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Saturday, October 30, 2004 9:21 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan's Move

Damon moved pretty fast to pull the knife and grab the satchel all at once. When he gives her that look of expectation, Rowan suddenly gets a bad feeling. He's expecting her to do something - to take one of the kitchen knives and go after Jayne with it? Jayne's twice as big as her and tetchy about her for whatever reason as it is. He's also considerably less inclined to be in any way accommodating.

If he gets it in his head that Damon is going to do something to any of the crew, he could snap Damon's neck like a twig. By the same token, Jayne's faster than he looks and if he were to stop her and grab her arm, doing her some manner of harm, she wouldn't be able to play in the tournament.

Still, it's Damon.

ROWAN: "Hey da jia huo! You ever consider finding someone your own size to pick on?"

Not knowing what in the 'verse she's going to do, she switches the stove off and steps around to the other side of the table, behind Jayne.


da jia huo = big fella

Fans come and fans go...but zealots are with you until the bitter black end.
I draw...therefore I am.


Saturday, October 30, 2004 10:10 AM



"I see how it goes... let the goushi buru sucker work all day and then screw him over."

Jayne is about to let out a careless comment such as "looks like" or "least yer only losin' half a share", but Damon interrupts him by slipping a knife from his boot and lunging for his gun satchel. Jayne's hand slips onto the handle of his pistol.

Damon's eyes flicker over towards Rowan. Gan ni niang, she could really complicate matters, and Jayne had more than just a hunch that she would.

Sure enough, after a moment he hears, "Hey da jia huo! You ever consider finding someone your own size to pick on?"

He repositions his stance to accommodate two hostiles. With two quick motions of the thumb, the holster strap is popped off and the safety is disengaged. His hand remains there with the weapon in its holster. "How's about you back on up outta there an' let us handle this all quiet like."


Saturday, October 30, 2004 10:26 AM


Book's Move
Location: His Quarters

Book pauses in mid-sip and cocks his head to one side. The intercomm clicks on and the Capn comes over... He wants me in the Cargo Bay? ...and he sounds urgent. Yet, what could make him sound like that, now? There's been no warning signal of an incoming ship. All these thoughts float through his mind as he stands up, deposits his cup on the counter next to the burner and exits in a rush. Grabbing up his Bible on the way out his door, he hurries into the Cargo Bay to find no one there. The locks on the armory cabinet doors completely safe, the sound charges intact.



Saturday, October 30, 2004 10:29 AM


MERZ move


That has done it. DAMON has crossed the line, pulled a knife and snatched what may or may not be working firearms. MERZ believes the guns are useless, she cannot smell propellant – but the knife is not to be endured. He is sidling towards the front hallway. He glares at her and then shifts his gaze to ROWAN.

MERZ trusts ROWAN to stay out of this, does not concern her. DAMON ... Damon will not understand her actions. So be it. She has too often followed her own path.

Around her everything slows. She knows that is not true – it is a perceptual anomaly having to do with relative velocity between two moving bodies. She flashes forward towards DAMON, not to harm. Not to injure. But he will not be allowed to act.

Her right hand takes his left wrist in a grip of iron. Her left grasps his right. She locks them both in position, holding him absolutely immobile. She looks directly into his eyes, her gaze mirroring his own cold eyes.


In the background she can hear ROWAN warning someone off, prog indicates JAYNE is likely. No, must not interfere, must not risk …

ROWAN. You stand down too. No errors here. Wait. Trust. There is something … questionable here. Don’t, please."

She turns to JAYNE. “Call Captain Reynolds. NOW!”


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Saturday, October 30, 2004 11:12 AM



Once again, Merz's lightning moves are only caught peripherally as Jayne's attention is focused elsewhere.

Jayne sidesteps over to the forward portal and leans in to shout, "Cap'n! Looks like Damon an' Rowan are a little nervous 'bout seein' ya. You wanna come down here with Zoe 'nstead, or should I drag 'em up there?"

He keeps a wary eye on Rowan.


Saturday, October 30, 2004 11:37 AM


Damon's turn:

Jayne repositions his stance to accommodate two hostiles. With two quick motions of the thumb, the holster strap is popped off and the safety is disengaged. His hand remains there with the weapon in its holster.

Damon notes Jayne’s hand on the gun, safety off. Hopefully, he knows that dead bounty collects no coin- least not nearly as much- and will be hesitant to use it- though if things go bad, it might be better if he didn’t know.

JANYE: "How's about you back on up outta there an' let us handle this all quiet like."

“Yeah, you-”

Suddenly, Merz is in front of him, moving too fast for him to react to. Her right hand takes his left wrist in a grip of iron. Her left grasps his right. She locks them both in position, holding him absolutely immobile.

His first attempt is to simply pull away, but he can’t. His fist tightens around the knife, refusing to let go of what now seems to be his only hope. “NO! Let go, you liou koe shway duh biao-tze huh hoe-tze duh bun ur-tze!!” His heel comes down on Merz’s foot, followed by a hard kick to the shin. Still she doesn’t move. His pulse races, heart thundering in his ears.



This can’t be happening… I’m dreaming, I fell asleep somewhere… Shit, no, I can’t go back…

Merz turns to JAYNE. “Call Capatin Reynolds. NOW!”

Desperation begins to set in, clouding all coherent and logical thought. He pushes, pulls, kicks, all the while yelling all the Chinese curses he knows. But still Merz doesn’t move. It’s like he’s handcuffed to an iron wall… The fear is back, slowly replacing the anger. But still he pulls, beads of sweat running down his face as he strains against Merz.

“Tzao gao, let me go!”

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Saturday, October 30, 2004 11:40 AM


Mal hears a commotion in the Galley, he heads for the gangway at a spirted mosey. By eye he collects Zoe. Then he speeds up to a power walk.

Mid way he hears Merz say "STAND DOWN". Damon yell "TZAO GAO LET ME GO!" and then Merz again - "Call Captain Renyolds NOW."


"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Saturday, October 30, 2004 2:14 PM


Inara's move

LOCATION - GALLEY Where else? ;)

Mal's voice rumbles from the bridge and Inara sighs softly to herself. Rowan isn't wrong about 'one thing in particular' preying on her mind: it's a little simplistic to say that it's only the... situation with Mal -- which, lashî Rowan seems to have perceived -- that is bothering her. But... the other woman's not wrong, which is a strange, horribly naked sort of a feeling.

She's gathering a couple of cups, a tray -- the tea has almost drawn -- when the com clicks on. Mal's voice filters through, and it is absolutely plain that something is not right. Tianna, she thinks, what now?

"Book, Mr Thorne would you be so kind to hustle into the cargo bay and secure the sounding charges and the armory. Book maybe you could say a prayer over them bang sticks."

Mal's involving Rosie in the emergency? Inara's tension rises a notch, knowing all too well Mal's opinion of her client... She sets the breakables down carefully, adjusts the girdle of her robe, tightening it. The atmosphere in the galley has changed noticably from almost calm and friendly to tense.

Damon, in particular, looks like a cornered animal.

Intercom: "Jayne, I need you to herd that Damon fella up, step level priority."

That would, perhaps be why.

The cornered-animal look on Damon's face turns frightened, frightening. Ugly, dangerous and near-feral. Mal had better have a good reason for this, Inara thinks. Is the boy a threat to them all? Why would Mal broadcast it over an open com? It makes no sense. If the boy's a threat, why give him warning? Why give him a potential opportunity to take a hostage, to hurt someone?

Merz is the first to move on Mal's command -- again, a wave of nauseous-horrible irrational jealousy (stop it, Mal wouldn't!) -- springing like a jaguar, blocking the exit from the Galley. The movement was almost inhuman, but that's not Inara's first concern here. Lines in the sand are being drawn rapidly, and it's worrying. What's going on, Mal? Inara thinks, her eyes heading to the fore corridor, expecting to see Mal strutting painfully down to take control of the situation. But he's not there yet.

Beside her, Jayne looks over to Damon and Inara tenses a little for both of them, her protective instincts split between the two men. Jayne, thankfully is calm, moving slowly, not provoking anything further, but calm doesn't necessarily mean 'not dangerous'. She feels Rowan tense, and Jayne does, too.

"'Nara, wouldja take Rowan to the ladies room or somethin'?" Inara gently takes Rowan's arm; she doesn't plan on leaving the room, and can't imagine Rowan wanting to either, but for now she'll keep trusting Mal and Jayne...

"I think the captain'd like a word with you." Jayne's voice is low, almost gentle. Inara shivers a little, nervous, the tension in the room almost suffocating.

Damon erupts, pulling a knife, going for a satchel on the table, giving Rowan a meaningful look. "Jien tah duh guay! I see how it goes… let the goushi buru sucker work all day and then screw him over. Meh, tah mah duh hwoon dahn..."

Inara can taste potential bloodshed on the horizon, but she's holding back. Rowan slips her grip -- not surprising, Inara wasn't properly trying to restrain her, more keep her calm, but Damon and Rowan seem to have ended up quite close... This could be awkward.

Again, Inara looks to the front stairs, trying to will Mal into making an appearance to sort out the chaos his announcement has caused.

"Hey da jia huo! You ever consider finding someone your own size to pick on?"

Inward eye-roll. "Rowan, dear, you're not Jayne's size," Inara points out gently. "I think we should all stand down and calm down, and wait for Mal to come and tell us exactly what's going in."

Jayne removes the safety from his gun, but doesn't pull it, thank heavens. That would only push things further than they need to go. "How's about you back on up outta there an' let us handle this all quiet like."

And then Merz pins Damon's arms, and Inara can't see this ending well at all. "Oh, for God's sake, Mal, where are you?" she murmurs softly.

“NO! Let go, you liou koe shway duh biao-tze huh hoe-tze duh bun ur-tze!!” Damon's heel comes down on Merz’s foot, followed by a hard kick to the shin. Still she doesn’t move.

“STAND DOWN!" Merz growls.

“PISS OFF AND LET GO!!” Damon's just as furious, feral, dangerous. He has a death-grip on his knife, he's panicking and can't break Merz's grip -- which only seems to be adding to the panic.

“Call Captain Reynolds. NOW!”

“Tzao gao, let me go!”

She can't stand by any longer: Inara walks slowly, carefully around the table, her hands held up to declare a non-hostile intent, heading over to Merz and Damon. She walks a slow, careful circle, and meets Damon's eyes, touching a small hand to his face, ready to jerk it out of the way should he try and bite her. Her gaze is locked on Damon's and she's radiating every calm, mellow emotion she can, trying to ease the boy's anguish.

"Damon... calm down." She modulates her voice as though speaking to a skittish horse. "Let's wait and see what Mal wants. There's no reason to panic, dear. No one's going to let anything happen to you without very just cause."

Inara removes her hand from Damon's face, not wanting to press her luck too much. "You have plenty of advocates here, no matter what Mal has gotten into his head. Just calm down... and give me the knife. No one's going to hurt you..."

'Where are you, Mal?' she thinks, her annoyance growing.

Jayne sidesteps over to the forward portal and leans in to shout, "Cap'n! Looks like Damon an' Rowan are a little nervous 'bout seein' ya. You wanna come down here with Zoe 'nstead, or should I drag 'em up there?"


Saturday, October 30, 2004 2:20 PM


MERZ move


She is strong, no doubt about it. But DAMON is taller than her, broader in all directions. She can hold him, but she cannot hold him still. Not without injuring him.

Her abilities were never geared for restraint ... His struggles are beginning to buffet them both, a perceptible sway in all directions. Still MERZ is frozen in her place, preventing DAMON from any real movement in any direction. She takes each blow landed on her with no reaction. She leans back against every pull, stands firm against every push.

A single bead of sweat drops down the side of her face, the only indication of the struggle that she shows.


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Saturday, October 30, 2004 2:42 PM


Mal reaches the Galley lock as Jayne yells, "Cap'n! Looks like Damon an' Rowan are a little nervous 'bout seein' ya. You wanna come down here with Zoe 'nstead, or should I drag 'em up there?"

"I'm right here!"
As he enters to the top of the fore hatch stairs.
He surveys the little passion play that was incited by his test of Damon. Apparently the boy had failed-he was too unstable to trust. A savvy person would play casual and move slowly, evaluate potentials -- it was a wonder Damon had survived to this point.

The niggling doubt about Damon is now a full fledged worry. Kid musta not kept his head in a crisis. Didn't the little hwoon dahn remember ANYthing from the past few days.

Like the fact nearly EVERYBODY on Serenity was on the run from the Feds and not Alliance friendly enough to collect the Big bounties, you had to deal with the Marshall's. Jayne had learned THAT harsh lesson. Suddenly Book's com unit springs into his mind -- no, Mal trusted Book. Damon was no where near Book's caliber of honor. Now if Damon hurt anybody cause of this, Mal had seriously misread the boy.

MAL looks quizzically at the assembly and says "WhaHuhWho ... I only wanted Damon. Needed to talk to him. Bout him joining the crew."

Mal now knows that Damon was eavesdropping - if they had a situation - Damon was sure to panic at the first sign of perfidy -- and that could kill everybody aboard Serenity. Better to know from a prank, than in fire-fight with Niska's men or even just Early.

Damon had to go, if this was his standard reaction to sudden twists of events.

Locking eyes brimming with disappointment with Damon's, Mal walks slowly towards him - with his pistol in Mal's left hand.

The whole room seems riveted on Mal. He steps down the stairs slowly and with care. Striding over slowly he lays a gentle hand on Inara's shoulder and nods at her. She seems to be a bit flabbergasted, and automatacally moves aside just enough for Mal to face Damon.

He examines Damon's captured knife and hand closely and with great attention to detail .. slowly. He then leans in and whispers loudly in Damon's ear.

"Been pokin' yer ears where they ought not be? Heard stuff that could be misunderstood have ya? Then panicked ... Panic is a liability. You a liability?" He dosen't allow Damon to answer.

"I don't know a GORRAMED thing about you ... knew you were there dragging you ears where they wernt invited ... and I lied. I HAD thought I saw a spark of potential in you - I suppoz I was wrong."

He steps back and crosses his arms, his stormy blue eyes boring into Damon - spilling over with extreme disappointment and even a little pain.
Not final draft post - just an idea holder ... tootired to think right.

"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Saturday, October 30, 2004 6:29 PM


Slights move:

Slight slightly mocks Malachi, still speaking into his mind.
Better come back
Suddenly, he starts to feel a backwash. The power he has is limited. Apparently his "death" has limited his abilities. Oh well.
He lets his powers fade, hoping that the threat will not realize he ran out of juice.
Faster, faster, time runs out! Faster, faster, before you scream, before you shout!

We can't all be heroes, since some of us have to sit at the curb and clap as they go by.






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