GR RP 'Adventures In GunRunning' ACT 25

UPDATED: Monday, May 30, 2005 07:34
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Thursday, December 23, 2004 8:05 AM


ACT 24:


Tools and tricks for the hip RPer.

Storyline work and a place for the acKtors to hang out.
OOC 24

Includes episode synopses and links to all the threads for prior acts

Tips and tricks and preferred RP methods, developed by the Gunrunners and Hitchers themselves

Guest DireKtor - DragonflyDireKtor { AIM, MSN }
Guest Asst. DireKtor - MercedesTroy { AIM}
Co-Director - FrauDirektor {, MSN, AIM: MissAstriana, Yahoo!: MissAstriana, ICQ: 9592266}
Co-Director - Channain {; AIM}


None have been established yet. Each player has a unique style for posting a move that is consistent within itself. You'll catch on!

EOM = End of Move
OOC = Out Of Character
POV = Point Of View

Last but not least, the Gunrunners and Hitchers would like to extend a big THANK YOU to Joss Whedon for creating a whole new 'verse for us to play in, and to Haken for giving us a bright, shiny new sandbox theater!

JossGunrunners & Hitchers
HakenGunrunners & Hitchers

"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Thursday, December 23, 2004 8:08 AM



Cap'n and Book - Book's quarters

Inara, Jayne, River, Merz, Rowan - Galley

Damon - in a makeshift slam onboard Serenity

Simon - Only Niska knows ...

Zoe and Wash - On the Bridge

"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Thursday, December 23, 2004 5:26 PM


Wash's Move:
Location - Bridge

Slight (Over the comm): "Hail, Serenity. I need to speak with the captain. And your shepherd, and your mechanic, and the little girl. I have no problems with you, but I have some news that I think all four will want to hear from me, firsthand. It's about your doctor..."

Wash (Still lounging in his chair) "Sure, let me see what I can do..." (pulling down his microphone, he flips a switch on the intercom panel over his head): "OK, Wash here... ahh, well, I'm almost always here right? Who would be flying this thing if I wern't? Oh, right... Mal, Slight's on the screen, and he want's to talk to you, Kaylee, River, and Book. Come on up, OK?"

(Wash replaces the mic, and glances back to Slight): "I called them, they'll be here when they get here... Where are you? The cortex seems to think that you're close to us, but (glancing down to the sensor scan screen) I'm not picking you up."

Not bothering to wait for a responce, Wash calmly scoots his chair back from the helm console, and lifts the lid to the top of the console. "Gorram chicken musta got a little too deep inside." Wash says to the underside of the lid.


21:05 AMT (09:05 pm) is displayed on the wave visual display... Good for keeping track of those long-distance calls... for out in the black, lies the land of the big roaming charge... "can you wave me now?" Indeed. Don't forget, you're on a spaceship... the sky's no longer the limit.

Decoy, they make me go first.


Friday, December 24, 2004 10:30 AM


Slights move:
Time Supplemental

Slight nods his thanks. Location is. . .undetermined at the moment. I do appreciate this, Mr. Warren.

Slight glances back towards Malachi, still fiddling with the weaponry. Mightn't you give me a moment?
He watches Malachi widen his eyes in anger, and then shrug. He understands the need for privacy in this situation. Slights thanks him silently as Malachi wanders off. Slight severely doubts his absense will mean anymore discretion-he's willing to bet he can't pee in this ship without someone looking up the bowl at him-but the significance of the act will make Malachi feel more at ease, in a better position of power.

It's a favor he's willing to grant.


Wizards Eighth Rule: Deserve Victory


Sunday, December 26, 2004 4:36 PM


KAYLEEs move


She never made it to the cargo bay, halfway through the hallway she hears–

WASH (over the intercom, shipwide)
"OK, Wash here... ah, well, I'm almost always here right? Who would be flying this thing if I weren’t? Oh, right ... Mal, Slight's on the screen, and he wants to talk to you, Kaylee, River, and Book. Come on up, OK?"

Kaylee pauses, not at all sure she wants to acknowledge she heard that message. Simon left with that Helsing person, and when he waved last he was … different. She sighs. ~… So go to the bridge and just ask him what he did to Simon…~

Not wanting to walk back through the busy cooking/dining area, Kaylee detours down into the cargo area and across the catwalk, and back up to the front hall, to get to the bridge. Once there, she hangs back in the hallway, to wait for others to arrive. She does not want to go face this alone; Kaylee fears what is to be revealed. Her own dark thoughts seem to foreshadow something she almost knows, something almost dancing within reach.


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Sunday, December 26, 2004 6:44 PM


Wash's Move:
Location - Bridge

(Slight from over the Cortex screen, with a nod): "Location is. . .undetermined at the moment. I do appreciate this, Mr. Warren."

(Wash drops the lid with a small bang, and says to Slight): "It's no problem, and call me Wash..."


In a quiet, quaint but still nice looking dwelling, somewhere in the black... an anchient, antique grandfather clock ticks thru 21:06 AMT (09:06 pm). An older, stern and confident lady sits knitting by the light of a full moon (and a stratigic spotlamp placed in deference to her aging but still all-seeing eye) streaming thru a window from over her shoulder, the chair placed just so in front of it. She is working on a pair of mittens, orange in hue, and a small box is seen, placed on the table next to her... 'Merry Christmas, from Mom' and the label "Serenity, SS#66..." addressed on top. Another layer of protection for someone's absent, but hopefully soon to return lost young man.

Decoy, they make me go first.


Monday, December 27, 2004 1:37 AM


RIVERs move


River had watched the creation of the bao with interest. That looked like fun – maybe next time she could play too. When it came time for the tasting she knew what to do – she had practiced that look many years ago to use on her brother. Funny how easily it came back to her.

River kept on eye on Jayne, who was actin’ peculiar, even for himself. But that’s OK too. The silly little tensions running around Serenity right now are nothing much, nothing really severe, nothing she need concern herself over at this time. Other things were far more important. Ignoring the bustling in the room, and the beginnings of the shindig, River stands motionless, head to one side as if listening to something only she can hear. Her lower lip sticks out a bit as she concentrates. Simon is too far away now; she cannot hear him. And something else is closer …

Wash’s voice over the intercom brings her back to Serenity. "OK, Wash here... ah, well, I'm almost always here right? Who would be flying this thing if I weren’t? Oh, right ... Mal, Slight's on the screen, and he wants to talk to you, Kaylee, River, and Book. Come on up, OK?"

Yes, almost here. In response to Wash request, she starts towards the door to the front hall, making eye contact one by one with Rowan, Merz and Jayne near the cask, and Inara in the kitchen. With a small smile on her lips she tells them:

RIVER “We are all tied to the spokes of the same, spinning wheel you know. And none of us are going to be able to get off until it stops. If we are all lucky it won't stop on double zero. House number; everyone loses... Place your bets now.”

Warning delivered, she drifts from the room towards the bridge.


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Monday, December 27, 2004 8:34 AM


Book's Move
Location: His Quarters

A serene smile crosses Book's face. "I've always been with you. From the first moment I talked with Kaylee outside Serenity." Book lets his hands fall to his lap and he gets a faraway look. "Twirling her multi-colored umbrella."

Over the comm - "OK, Wash here... ah, well, I'm almost always here right? Who would be flying this thing if I weren’t? Oh, right ... Mal, Slight's on the screen, and he wants to talk to you, Kaylee, River, and Book. Come on up, OK?"

Book's attention snaps back to the present as he and Mal share an identical look. Sliding the crystal into one of his pockets, he picks up his Bible and begins to pray as he and Mal move purposefuly towards the bridge.



Monday, December 27, 2004 3:05 PM


Wash's Move:
Location - Bridge

(Wash turns to Zoë, who has been loitering quietly in the back of the bridge, and says quietly): "Why don't you go to the galley and get all good and relaxed, honey-bunny?"

(Wash turns back to Slight's image on the screen): "We're throwing a shiny party down in the galley... whish you could make it... Wow, I just thought of something, I hope Kaylee left enough engine fuel to land tomorrow, I don't know how much rocket wash she's serving..."


In a decrepit bar, on a small dirty moon in a distant corner of the 'verse, a small group of dirty but (kempt?) people sit around a table in the front corner, by the slightly flickering holographic window. An old field hand under a dirty, but serviceable brown coat walks through the swinging doors and up to the bar. He looks at the clock on the wall (21:07 AMT (09:07 pm)), and casually lets his eyes wander across the dank room, and then to the bartender, who has doffed his marginally cleaner brown coat for an apron tied around his ample frame. A heavy glass soddenly comes sliding his way, the bartender sliding up right after it. "Who are the new bunch?" he asks, and the bartender replies: "Best bunch of scary looking people I never saw... quiet, and drinking hard water on the rocks for the last few hours". The two old-timers share a look, and simultaneously state quietly: "Teams of three, leave them be" The drinker tosses back his glass, and then gets up, tosses a coin on the bar, and walks back outside, and enters the building directly across the street. Life goes on, for the brown-coated people... even the ones who sneak away out the back.

Decoy, they make me go first.


Tuesday, December 28, 2004 11:38 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan's Move
LOCATION: The Galley - Ambitiously involved in becoming as fuzzy as possible while providing food for the par-tay.

With the last of the bao rescued, Rowan makes a point to take the pan off the burner and turn off the stove before she's too far gone into the wind to remember and possibly be the cause of a galley explosion. Taking the three plates of finished bao - two on her right arm, one in her left hand - with the balance and expertise of a seasoned waitress (which she has been a time or two), she's on her way back to the table as the comm system clicks on.

WASH: "OK, Wash here... ahh, well, I'm almost always here right? Who would be flying this thing if I weren't? Oh, right... Mal, Slight's on the screen, and he wants to talk to you, Kaylee, River, and Book. Come on up, OK?"

ROWAN (smiling): "Pilots. Gotta love'em."

RIVER “We are all tied to the spokes of the same, spinning wheel you know. And none of us are going to be able to get off until it stops. If we are all lucky it won't stop on double zero. House number; everyone loses... Place your bets now.”

Frowning, Rowan pauses to watch the girl take the steps lightly up toward the bridge. That was an awfully eerie-ass thing to say, even for River. Bringing the bao to the table, she takes a bun from the freshest plate and bites into it. After chewing thoughtfully, she nods decisively and speaks around the exquisiteness to no one in particular.

ROWAN: "That girl could make herself a fine living as a family oracle back on one of the core worlds, if she ever gets tired of bumping around the black."


OOC: Ni haody and Happy Hogmanay Gunrunners! *darts away before co-workers are any the wiser that she's playing instead of working*

Fans come and fans go...but zealots are with you until the bitter black end.
I draw...therefore I am.
Minnesota Meetup - join us!


Wednesday, December 29, 2004 7:03 AM


Slights move:

Slight pulls out his glasses, starting to clean them as is his nervous habit.
Ah yes, the landing tomorrow. I assume you're sticking around for a while on New Hokkaido? Slight's mind races, trying to think-this Neon-class might be able to catch up with them. . .no. They've gotten too far.
Slight suddenly registers the last bit. . .about a party. The word triggers another memory cascade, and Slight does everything do control himself as the images and thoughts burst in his head, like an orchestrated explosion.

Slight closes his eyes, despite the four bottles of saki he's had. The sooner this ordeal is over, the sooner he can get off this mudball. There's an old saying for space-farers: "Sniff the air-don't kiss the dirt. Stay too long, your space-legs get hurt."
It's a party for the local thug-gang. Here on Persephone, Badger, one of the Three Critters runs the crime, and these are the Scorpions, an all-Asian group that wear black and red and are his strong-arm negotiators. Right now, they are insisting he stay and party with them and their family. One of them, Tai Tsoro, drops drunkenly next to him at the bar. "Enjoying yourself, Set-san?" His voice slurs the Egytpian name Slight selected for himself here. "Remindja of family, hai?"
Slight opens his eyes. The red glasses have never been taken off in front of these people. No need to scare them-or give them a description.
"What? You kidding? This is what a birthday is all about! When is your birthday?"
Slight opens his mouth, then closes it. How can he explain to this man how his body works, that every day was a gift, a month a surprise, a year a miracle? That the only family he had was a egomaniacal, sociopathic fool who never gave him a birthday? That he had no mother who gave him birth, that his mother was a biovat and his father a gene sequencer?
"It was. . .six months ago. Why?"
The man blinked. "Well, so's I can send you a wave!"
Across the room, one of the mothers yelled out in Japanese, "Tsoro, ready for a game of billiards?"
Tsoro nodded. "Yo!" He turned back to Slight. "Hey, Set-san, don't leave without givin me a date, alright? I want to make sure I wave ya, friend."
Slight nodded, forcing a smile. "Hai." he decided to get out as fast as he could. He found a knawing emptiness inside. What was wrong with him? His demon had an anser for him, as he ducked out into the windy night.
"Everything." It giggled, and with every step, it got louder. By the time he got to the waiting transport, it resounded through his skull like a war-drum, like a meteor impact that resonated into every part of his being, soulless and lost as it was. And when he sat down, it stopped, turned into a soft whisper that burned into his psyche.


Yo-Ready (Japanese)
-San- A respectful prefix (such as Mister)

Wizards Eighth Rule: Deserve Victory


Wednesday, December 29, 2004 4:19 PM


MERZ and JAYNE move


Merz is aware of River leaving the room, and cognizant of her words. But they are not to be comprehended at this time and she files them away, attention on other things. Once the burning of the drink passed, she can feel a certain, small warmth in its wake. It is an interesting sensation. Not unpleasant at all. She carefully pours herself a second dose and pulls up an empty chair near the barrel. Rowan comes out from the Galley, bearing the three plates of bao carefully balanced on her arms and distributes them on the table, before taking one herself and savoring it.

Merz also takes a piece and slowly sips and eats, comparing the tastes, together and separately. She is in no hurry – Merz has all night for her first shindig, and desires to make the most of the experience.

Suddenly Jayne seems to make some sort of decision. Never taking some of his attention away from Rowan, he none-the-less takes himself into the kitchen for a water glass-sized tumbler. Walking back to the table, he pours the remainder of his beer into the glass. Then taking up one of the filled shot glasses, he drops it into his beer. “Bottoms up.” he chuckles, drinking about half the glass at one go. “Yeah, that’s the stuff. Now, howza about that chocolate?” He gives a lopsided grin to Rowan.

Merz watches. From the scent, it seems all he has managed to do is dilute the drink – but that may have been his intention. She settles back to her own drink and waits for the rest of the crew to finish up and join them. She wants to share this evening, this first party, with all of her new friends. Who knows what the morrow will bring.


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Saturday, January 1, 2005 12:46 PM


Wash's Move:
Location - Bridge

(Slight's Visage is still upon Serenities' cortex moniter, he begins to clean his glasses): "Ah yes, the landing tomorrow. I assume you're sticking around for a while on New Hokkaido?"

(Wash glances back at the moniter, and notices that Slight looks... under the weather?): "I don't know how long we're gonna stay... but it'll be a couple'a weeks until Zoe-baby and I will be able to come back, we've got reservations to New Hokkaido's best resourt. We'll be flying, just not in Serenity."


The time is: (21:08 AMT (09:08 pm) Nobody reads these things anyway.

Decoy, they make me go first.


Saturday, January 1, 2005 10:21 PM


Bolo's Move
Location - Personal ship

He'd been tracking them awhile now, funny they hadn't noticed, he wasn't one to hide, but no complaints either..... by now it was easy to figure out their current path.... New Hokkaido.

Onward he would follow, silent and patient, he was moving in the right direction too. Everything now seemed to center around New Hokkaido, and soon enough he'd be there, and could finally finish his mission. Finally rid himself of the casket and the abomination inside to whom he owed so much.


Everyone has their weaknesses. Some people smoke, I collect stuffed penguins, if you don't tell I won't.


Sunday, January 2, 2005 3:27 AM


RIVERs move


She hums softly to herself as she moves quietly and slowly up the hallway.

“Like a clock whose hands are sweeping
Past the minutes on its face
And the world is like an apple
Whirling silently in space
Like the circles that you find
In the windmills of your mind.”

River is still listening, feeling, trying to grasp what impressions are coming to her. But it is still too far away to be certain of more than it’s presence.

Kaylee is standing outside of the bridge, silent and pensive, one hand unconsciously rubbing the other. As River approaches she remembers – there was something she wanted to tell Kaylee. Something important. So she takes one of Kaylee’s hands and waits until she has her attention. Kaylee looks at her and smiles.

“What is it mei mei?”

River smiles at her.

“I love Simon. You are my friend. It’s OK if you love Simon too. I don’t mind.”


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Sunday, January 2, 2005 7:39 AM


Location - Book's Dorm

Mal eases up on clenching Books shoulders - but still holds his eye.

... back to his normal voice - slightly slurry ...
"I wonder what ole Red-Eye has gotten him and the Doc inta now ... best we sort it out, I suppoz."

Mal heads towards the slider and at the ver last second, he very unsteadly grabs the sports bottle filled with the premium hi-proof hootch.

... mumbling, ONLY just coherently ...
"Cann ... hee Canton ... fergit Jayne's prezzie..."

Mal wanders down the wrong end of the hall softly singing the "Hero of Canton" in a soused, slightly off key tenor.

... Almost running into the dead end and tumbling back down the incline ... mumbling yet again when he turns to BOOK ...
"When did Kaylee put in a bulkhead here? Did I auteriz ... author ... ah nutbunnies ..."


"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Sunday, January 2, 2005 2:09 PM


OOC: Not much to add; just a little "I'm still here!" post

Inara's move.

The bao smelled delightful, she thought, watching Rowan dig in. Merz was quietly observing too, Jayne was getting in to the chocolate, and Kaylee had slipped off.

The Companion watched the shindig unfold around her, observing people with a quiet smile. They could all certainly do with blowing off some steam...



Sunday, January 2, 2005 8:08 PM


Slights Move:

Slight shakes out of his memories. Past is past. He needs to focus. Maybe figure out some diplomacy?

Wash. . .While we have time. How attached are those four to the doctor? The news I have is troublesome, and will not be welcome. Seeing Wash's look of concern, Slight is quick to continue. He's not dead, but. . .well, there is a problem. A pretty big one. Crap. This is getting harder and harder.

Wizards Eighth Rule: Deserve Victory


Monday, January 3, 2005 7:23 AM


Book's Move
Location: Hallway

Book leans a shoulder underneath Mal's arm and leads him away from the bulkhead which he appears intent upon walking into. "Captain, we're needed on the bridge." Book says as he continues to walk Mal through the cargo bay and up the fore stairway.

As they reach the top of the stairs, Mal stumbles into Book heavily and they both tumble to the metal grating. Arms and legs in a tangle as Book tries to help them both to rise at once, trying to talk Mal through which leg should go where, the attempt to regain their feet fails and they both fall back to the floor again, laughing.

Up the hallway in the bridge, Wash turns around at the sound, notices their predicament and with an easy chuckle turns back around to what he was looking at.



Monday, January 3, 2005 10:49 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan's Move
LOCATION: The Galley Shindig.

Watching Jayne combine the Blue Sun brew and Kaylee's ever so potent elixir into one glass, Rowan about expects some manner of chemical reaction that results in noxious green gas and maybe even fireworks. She's pretty disappointed then when the two concoctions calmly combine, although it nearly turns her stomach to watch him drink it.

JAYNE (chuckles): “Bottoms up.”.

Da jia huo still has some mischief on his mind. Exactly what, she's entirely uncertain, but lifts her fourth shot anyway.

ROWAN: "Gan bei."

She downs it quickly and feels the fire in her stomach kick up a notch. Might have to ease off a bit, unless she wants to end up unconscious under the dining table.

JAYNE: “Yeah, that’s the stuff. Now, howza about that chocolate?”

Eyeing that lopsided grin, which he probably figures is charming - and very nearly is - Rowan grins at the prospect. She heads for the box again, opening the flaps to pull out a bar. She was right - it's Hsin Si, from the most exclusive chocolatiery on Sihnon.

Sighing, she removes the wrapper and takes a long, deep breath that ends in a small moan of extreme pleasure. Opening eyes that had gone closed of their own volition, she gives Jayne a look that would make any man sit up and take notice.

ROWAN: "Now this is the stuff."

Breaking off half, she holds it out to him as she runs her tongue over her upper lip

ROWAN (in Chinese): "Little boy want a piece of candy?"


OOC: Rowan's had TOO much to drink already... yup, far far far too much.

hsin si = delight; great pleasure; joy.
da jia huo = big fella
gan bei = Dry cup or Dry Glass - basically, "Bottom's up"

Fans come and fans go...but zealots are with you until the bitter black end.
I draw...therefore I am.
Minnesota Meetup - join us!


Tuesday, January 4, 2005 2:33 PM


MERZ move


Merz observed Rowan and Jayne, wanting to be correct in party attitude. It is difficult to grasp what is appropriate behavior. She ranges back through her database, to other persons, other like groupings she has witnessed from the sidelines. Two particular examples come to mind, instructional too, as they reflect two different attitudes and styles for the same thing.

Marovech and the A.P.E.S. are one example. While drink was served at their occasional relaxation shindig, there was also much food and a very relaxed, calm attitude. She had observed them first-hand and joined them to whatever degree she could (which mostly consisted of being in the same room.) She had stalked them off base occasionally too, wanting to observe them away from the command staff and herself. They were still calm, relaxed, and sedate in their enjoyment of good food, good drink and good company. That was one example.

Ah, but the second. She stalked Hlastoni off base one night to witness a do for the Bloody Taipan. There was a manic, frantic quality to their attitude that was wholly foreign to any concept Merz had. She had been fascinated and troubled by what she witnessed. There was a certain ... perhaps sensual appeal to the unrestrained behavior she had witnessed. But underneath it all, unlike the A.P.E.S. , the Taipan did not seem to be enjoying themselves. It was closer to lighting a bonfire to drive away the darkness, instead of a fire to warm you. She asked Maro about it once, puzzled by the difference. He had thought about it for a long time before responding. Finally he just shook his head. "They live fast and hard, because they experience death fast and hard. To understand how they do what they do is to realize this: Every second of life is precious, not just their own, but the ones that they are destined to end." Death is not something she is accustomed to think much about. Her family are not ... trained that way, and until that last battle - until Serenity Valley, she had seldom observed death in anyone for whom she had ... feelings. Her own death she never considers. She plays back Maro’s words once again. And once again she does not comprehend.

Simulation she understands. If she copies the attitude, the stance, maybe the understanding will come. Perhaps a blending of the two ... Merz fills her glass once more. She has been sitting bolt upright in her chair as is her normal position, not so much as even resting on the back of the chair. Well, that will just not do. Visibly, intentionally she relaxes all her muscles once again. She scoots forward in the chair, simultaneously moving it backwards from the table. Once the chair is positioned as she wants it, she shifts to sit slightly sideways in the chair, facing so she can see Rowan and Jayne. Her left hand, cradling the shot glass is carelessly propped on the chair back. One leg is propped on the rung of the chair, the other stretched out. She takes a deep breath and just ... shoots the drink. She manages to get down without either choking or losing her studied casual pose. It goes down easier this time, and more warmth spreads.

She grins; using Hlastoni's devil-may-care visage, and remembering Maro and Veila across a mess table, says to Rowan, “Spoze you could pass some of that chocolate this way?” Three drinks into the party, she never even realizes she is not using her own voice.


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Tuesday, January 4, 2005 3:50 PM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan's Move
LOCATION: The Galley Shindig.

MERZ (Maro Voce): “Spoze you could pass some of that chocolate this way?”

Looking over at Merz, Rowan hears a completely different voice come out of the woman’s mouth, sees the wino-like posture and the glass in her hand.

ROWAN: “Whoa, girl. You better slow it down or you’ll end up with a quick flash instead of a slow burn. Here.”

Turning away from Jayne – who had nearly taken the chocolate – she whisks it out of his grasp and holds it out to Merz.

JAYNE: “HEY! At’s mine!”

ROWAN: “Hush up da ying erh. There’s more in the box.”

Turning back to Merz, she tries to hand her the bar again, only to have a square-featured hand streak under her arm from behind – brushing her breast along the way – to make a grab for the chocolate.

ROWAN: “Hey!”

Spinning around, she grabs the offending hand and puts all her weight behind it, leveraging herself just so and drops Jayne down face first onto the table.

ROWAN: “Hands on the chocolate – all other merchandise is hands off. Dong ma?”


da ying erh = big baby

Fans come and fans go...but zealots are with you until the bitter black end.
I draw...therefore I am.
Minnesota Meetup - join us!


Tuesday, January 4, 2005 5:51 PM


Wash's Move:
Location - Bridge

(Wash sits at the helm console, thinking about how to phraze this... staring out into the black)


21:09 AMT (09:09 pm) Abort? Retry? Panic?
Panic kills... do something else.

Decoy, they make me go first.


Tuesday, January 4, 2005 9:00 PM



AS ...

...shakes his head...
"Wash. . .While we have time. How attached are those four to the doctor? The news I have is troublesome, and will not be welcome. He's not dead, but. . .well, there is a problem. A pretty big one.

The image of SLIGHT in front of WASH wavers and fluctuates like a transmission being affected by sunspots and then fuzzes out and blips to a black screen with a small fading spot of white in the center.


The grainy image of WASH is suddenly replaced by A crisp, obviously prerecoreded, vision of a dapper looking Dr. Tam. He is in better repair that the last time SLIGHT has seen him. As if Simon was readying himself for a board meeting.

...waving a finger in admonishment as he peers over his orange/red circular spectacles and in a Baltic accent...
"Ah-ah-ahhh, Mizter Slight! It appears that you are harder to ... liquidate, than previously understood. Your attempts at communication have betrayed you. I DO hope you enjoy the tiny gift I had Corvair leave you. ...winks... "Just in case of your potential ressurrection once more..."Good night Mizter Slight. If survival is repeated, perhaps we shall fence again."

Within 2 seconds a shrill, more felt than heard, warble rises in pitch and erupts in a soundless explosion.

Nestled within SLIGHT the DeepRED recognizes the input sound from only hours before. In haste, DeepRED signals the nanites outside the factory sliver to attempt a defensive sporulation. Many of the nanites generate the EMP protective shells, but millions still terminate in the hyper-intense flash of Electromagnetic Flux.

Like the St.Elmos Fire of ancient lore, the Flux poured from the hidden detonator in the comm system. Flashing fingers of blue/white plasma lightning danced and sparked along the exposed circuits and conduits of the Gyrfalcon.

MALICHI has nestled himself in the airlock linkway, to give SLIGHT the pretense of privacy. At the sound of a new voice, he looks up in time to see the beginnings of the Flux enveloping SLIGHT. Tongues and embers of cobalt fire spark off, shooting toward his vantage. Moving at terrifying speed.


On his EM sensors, Bolo sees a quick build up of energy on the two linked vessels and a tight and short insense spike of an electromagnatic pulse flares his screen.


Hee hee, howz that!

"Observe Analyze & Respond"
Motto of the A.P.E.s
Alliance Protean Engineers


Wednesday, January 5, 2005 6:37 AM


Wash and Zoë’s Move:
Location - Bridge

[OOC: Edited my previous post for continuity.]

(From over the wave link to Slight): "Wash. . .While we have time. How attached are those four to the doctor? The news I have is troublesome, and will not be welcome. (He catches Wash's look of concern, and is quick to continue): "He's not dead, but... well, there is a problem. A pretty big one."

(Wash rolls his eyes at this request... at least he's not got to worry about his course plotting for the next few hours...): “Where to begin...” (He leans back in his chair, and takes hold of Zoë’s hand, and stars out of the front windows) "Mal is easy, he's the captain, so he feels responsible for the crew, he also knew that the good doctor was a inner-planet kinda guy, so in his own way, tries to show him the ropes, so to speak. Book is our padre, and cares for us all equally well.”

(Wash grabs for Rex, and fidgets with him, still not letting go of Zoë, who has been watching Slight on the cortex monitor, with a measuring look, then of surprise as the transmission begins to fail, and slowly goes to flat black... not a lost transmission screen, but possibly a jamming signal? Wash continues, as Zoë lets go, and slides around Wash's chair to get to the cortex controls, which she clumsily begins to manipulate, as she learned long ago, in the military... was it a jammer signal?) "River is a strange girl, capable of anything I think, but with good intentions- probably learned from her brother. Now to Kaylee... She picked up Simon you know, and has looked after him very carefully. She's got a thing for him, for sure, and I'm happy for her... she's just as lucky as me.” (He reaches for Zoë, but he realizes that she's moved, so he spins the chair around in a 270-degree arc, until he stops behind Zoë, who is furiously attacking the cortex monitor. Standing up, he hugs her from behind, stares at the black monitor screen, and says): "I hope she is as happy with her catch as I am with mine."

(Wash does a double-take at the black monitor at that moment, and says to Zoë): "Why did you cut him off for? I was actually venting my feelings there; I don't usually do that you know... (Zoë gives him a pissed look, and turns her head back to the controls) "Oh, I get it, something's wrong with the wave, here let me look at it." (Zoë slides out of the way, and Wash sees quickly that the signal is being jammed... as he hears a bang outside the bridge, he sees the captain and Book as they reach the top of the stairs, Mal stumbles into Book heavily and they both tumble to the metal grating. Arms and legs in a tangle as Book tries to help them both to rise at once, trying to talk Mal through which leg should go where, the attempt to regain their feet fails and they both fall back to the floor again, laughing. Wash gives a laugh, and can smell the alcohol from 10 feet away.) "Our Captain Reynolds is almost here, but is a little wrapped up right now..." (he says to the screen...)

(Wash suddenly goes bolt upright... Sobriety suddenly belts Wash, as he realizes a great many things... he speaks in a completely monotone voice to the bridge at large, and tosses Rex back to the helm console): "Oh, Gorramit, Liou coe shuai du biao-tze huh hoe-tze duh ur-tze ... The wave from Slights' being jammed, just as he's about to give us info on Simon, and the captain and The shepherd is higher than Serenity, Zoë’s mad at me, because I was being so totally, totally ... blank. (He turns to Zoë, and asks): "Did Slight look hurt on the monitor to you too?" (and then quietly to himself): "What's wrong with me... what else am I missing?"


Liou coe shuai du biao-tze huh hoe-tze duh ur-tze = Salivating son of a bitch and a monkey!

Once upon a time, in a galaxy far, far away...
On a planet close and dear to the reader...
In a small bar called "Aqua's" near a beach...

Dedicated to Astriana & Friends...

A special band is pouring their hearts into the music that they are playing... telling a story about taking care of the business, and working overtime... The five stage members are up there for fun... enjoying the magic spell that they are casting over the huge crowd that they have drawn from miles and miles away... and only one word comes to mind...'Wow'.

Suddenly in the smoke-filled room, a neon-lit clock hanging on the back wall of the bar shines its message through the murky, dank room as the song gently hammers thru to its conclusion: 21:12 AMT (09:12 PM) "SOCIAL!"

Decoy, they make me go first.


Wednesday, January 5, 2005 11:17 AM




Hearing the commotion, and the snorts of laughter, Kaylee and River turned. Mal and Book were sprawled in the steps, tangled up and laughing their heads off. Kaylee was happy to see Mal in so much brighter a mood. It perked her up. River was smiling too.

Together the two women walked back to assist them in getting to their feet.


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Wednesday, January 5, 2005 11:19 AM




Merz watched the byplay between Rowan and Jane with some interest. Did not look like Rowan needed her assistance in the slightest. While they were distracted with each other however, she took the opportunity to make a long arm and snatch the piece of chocolate from Jayne. She could have gotten her own from the box, but somehow taking her own place in the fracas seemed more ... appropriate.

It does have a strong smell, chocolate. It is not quite like anything else she has ever smelled, and outside of it's wrapper, it is even more potent. This is eaten, yes? She lays the confection on the table in front of her, and sets her glass next to it. She desires to taste this ... treat?... without the taste of anything else on her tongue. And that requires a glass of water to rinse her mouth, perhaps. She stands to move into the Galley and secure what she needs. (She hates to admit even to herself that for a time, she does not want any more of Kaylee's ... hooch? It is making her thirsty.)

Once standing, she is puzzled. The floor seems a bit more ... far away than is normal. Working her way around the slight discontinuity in her perceptions, she walks into the galley and finds a glass easily enough - having just watched Jayne fetch his own. Water from the sink tap and she is winding her way back into the dining room. Her perception errors seem to have worked themselves out and she is sure-footed as always on her way back.

Jayne and Rowan are still ... playing? Watching to verify there is no injury about to occur, Merz takes a short drink of water and swishes it about her mouth. Swallowing that and taking a longer drink she prepares herself for new input. From the reactions of all who have encountered this chocolate, she is expecting something rather profound. She seats herself once again, and adopts her chosen 'I am relaxed, really I am' pose before addressing her treat. The smell has already completely overwhelmed her nose - she can smell nothing else around it.

When Rowan tasted the bao, she made smaller pieces of it. That may be the correct way to address this. Merz breaks a small piece off of the larger block and notices how the block starts melting from her body heat almost at once. Interesting. She carefully lays the larger piece back on the table and the small piece on her tongue.

She cannot sort her initial impressions. That will come later, over many a long, dark night. What happens immediately is just ... pleasure. There is no denying that - it is a completely new, whole body sensation. Unconsciously, Merz moans, as simultaneously all of her already forced-into-relax mode muscles actually unclench for real. She inhales deeply through her open mouth, letting the fresh air mingle with the scent and taste there and pass it into her lungs. She does not fall - she is too well trained for that. But for the moment there is nothing she is scanning, except the incredible sensation/taste/feel of the chocolate.


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Wednesday, January 5, 2005 8:43 PM


Slights Move:

Slight screams, as eternity envelopes him in a pain beyond hell.

His organs begin to shatter against themselves, as for the tiniest instant another memory cascade rushes into his brain.

The bright lights seemed to drive nails into his head. His thirst is extraoradinary, like he just came out of the desert after a mont. The doctors in blue scrubs look down at him, and for a moment, he can't hear. So instead, he reaches out with his mind and is surprised to "hear" his father speaking with another doctor. After a while, he pieces together the conversation.
"I hope you understand, Father Helsing, this sort of procedure. . .the lack of precedent makes it difficult to foresee any sort of complications he may have. If he is completely without protection, these upgrades will kill him if he is attacked with an EMP of the smallest type."
"I do, and my son is a hardy one. After all, not many would survive that bullet train hitting him."
Slight remembers. He was retrieving information. The informant had pushed him in front of the train as it was coming in to it's final stop. Even at eighth-speed, a train running sixty miles per hour was not something to be taken lightly.
"But sir. . .His heart, lungs and liver are completely electronic. His stomach, his spleen, several veins, and the DeepRED are monitored and controlled electronically. He is an android now. Even his ribcage. . ." The doctor trails off, for a moment, at a total loss for words. "His unique biology alone makes practical medicine nearly impossible. With this. He will never be the same. And I warn you again. . .if he's ever sent off-world, if a ship he's in come's under pirate attack. . .I say again. A low amp, low voltage EMP will kill him. Almost certainly. He could not survive a full-fledged attack. Not to mention, since nearly every bone in his body was shattered, we had to place pins in a few, mainly the humorous, feral and pelvis. Everything else is a honycomb-cibrilian alloy." He was referring to the metal most ships were made of by now, a metal found on a few asteroids, some moons. It was mined on many of the border planets. It was highly conductive. "He could fry easily. And he would be burned from the inside out. This is a risk, in all manners of the idea."
"Good. It will make him a little more cautious. Maybe he'll learn not to trust informants so well."

Slights scream echoes along the ship, the Flux unleashing a level of hell even Brink Helsing was unaware of. Today, if he survived, he was learning pain in it's purest form, pain from all quarters, pain from the inside and out. His skin was blackening from the burns, his eyes nearly curdling, his teeth cracking from the muscle spasms ricocheting through his body. His fingers locked, as the muscles there burned to nearly nothing.
Slight dropped to the ground, nearly a burned crisp. For a while, perhaps even a day, his body can do nothing but regenerate. The boy, the man, the ancient, can only sob uncontrollably. By the Void. . .what had he done to deserve this?

End of Move.

Wizards Eighth Rule: Deserve Victory


Wednesday, January 5, 2005 10:02 PM


Malachi's Move
Location: His Ship

Locked into an ultra-perceptory mode, Malachi has been intensely monitoring everything he could from his position on the oppposite end of the ship. He wanted to give the impression of hubris and apathy... lulling people was highly effective.

Malachi hears the crackling sound before it flames to life. Standing quickly he focuses immediately on the source of the sound. There's no way he would be stupid enough to activate such a sequence, to kill himself and me... He reaches up to his helmet and faster than he ever imagined doing so in his preparatory dreams, and without even thinking about it, he lowers the holo-sensitive plexiplastic shield that composes his visor and switches on his life-support and anti-grav function. He immediately lifts his feet from the metal plating of the ship's floor, hovers and watches.

The screams from the man at the helm erupt into a cacophany such as he has never heard and he considers himself fortunate beyond belief as the blue sparks cascade toward him with a deafening rush and pass by him harmlessly. Malachi presses a small button on his glove and a jet of compressed gas rotates him around just as the last of the electricity fizzles aft and dissipates. Touching the jet control button again he continues his rotation, and to his dismay is just in time to see the steam pouring from the body of the man at the helm as he drops to the floor.

He disengages his suit's functions and lowers easily back to the decking. Walking forward to the helm and turning over the smoking man with his foot, he looks into the ship's monitor. "Looks like I'm back in charge again."



Wednesday, January 5, 2005 10:03 PM


Bolo's move

Location - Bolo's ship

He frowned and winced.... the mere thought of that going through his implants made him hurt, funny though, what would cause them to fluctuate like that, time for a closer look, putting a little more burn into the engines he sailed closer and closer. He was so close to the target this was to odd not to be connected.

((there is no Irony, only coincedence))

Everyone has their weaknesses. Some people smoke, I collect stuffed penguins, if you don't tell I won't.


Thursday, January 6, 2005 10:51 AM


As ...

Book and Mal are still in a guffawing tangle at the base of the stairs up to the Bridge. Mal attempts to grab the railing and haul himself up. Problem was that Book had the selfsame idea. So it was a shock to both of them to have grabbed and yanked on a warm fleshy railing instead of cold hard iron one. The pizzled* shock ran comically across each of their features as, in slow-motion, both yanked each other into a pirouetting spiral back to a thudding clang on the deck.

Only a half-second rambled by before both attempted to scramble to their feet. Again, another problem decided to present itself is a spectacular manner: Their legs were an in a tangled knot. In the resultant flurry of motion, Mal ends up on his knees in front of Book, while Book has ALMOST made it to his feet. At that moment Mal tries to shove up to his feet. In full bore motion, he accidentally head-butts Book in the abdomen. With a WHOOOSH of air, Book doubles over Mal's back and in falling, nearly drives Mal's head back down into his boots.

Laughing like a loon, Mal unsteadily rotates Book off his back to the third step on the stairs. Mal than plops down with a booming rattle of deckplates in front of the wheezing Book.

Mal's laughing stops abruptly as he looks into Book's purpling face. As he leans forward in inebriated concern, Book erupts. Gales of laughter assail Mal's upturned face. The peals of laughter nearly blowing his hair back as if in a strong wind.

Squinting his eyes in the torrent of Bookish air, Mal begins to giggle and cackle. With a hearty hand offered to Book, he wobbly helps him up and they support each other as they ascend, bouncing off the rails, to the Bridge.

...stuttering with gasping laughter...
"I ...heehee... think ...gasssssngk... I ...nheee... broke ...hoheehoheehee... my ...heeheeheeeeeeee... toe"


*Pizzled : yes pizzled, pished, frothed and any other euphemisms for being reallllllly wasted!

"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Thursday, January 6, 2005 12:14 PM


Slights Move:

It feels itself being turned over. It hears sound. Filled with suffer, it grabs at the other. The eyes open and stare at the other. It can only whisper word, not think out loud.



Wizards Eighth Rule: Deserve Victory


Thursday, January 6, 2005 12:15 PM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan's Move
LOCATION: The Galley Shindig – smishing Jayne’s face into the table

Hearing the uproar – clank, CRASH, shout, BANG, mumble, wap – from the hallway, Rowan freezes and looks around. It doesn’t sound like they’re coming her way, more like up by the bridge. Moving off of Jayne – who gives a disgruntled groan – and moves to the stairs to peer up the hallway.

Seeing the Shepherd and Reynolds in what looks like a tussle between two penguins on the ice – which she only actually saw on vid TV when she was a kid – she waits until the two men are in dual heaps of laughter. Mal’s high-pitched cackling gives her cause to smile. He sounds like a little boy who can’t get over an incessant giggle fit.

ROWAN: “’Scuse me fellas, but whatever it is you’ve been sharing, feel free to bring it on down. Bao’s done, and shindig’s starting!”

Turning around, she eyes Jayne again, who is rubbing the side of his face that impacted the table first. He’s giving her a fiercely leery look, like a man told to go into a dark forest while the werewolves are howling in the background.

She smiles and gives him the “come hither.”

ROWAN: “Now... where were we?”


Fans come and fans go...but zealots are with you until the bitter black end.
I draw...therefore I am.
Minnesota Meetup - join us!


Thursday, January 6, 2005 6:31 PM



As ...

A brisk predawn cirrico swirls a dense column of sand against what would loosely be called the mouth of a cave. Inside a diminutive figure in the tatters of an expensive suit lies motionless in a fetal position. Sheets of sand drift in and slowly commit layers upon layers of grit upon the body.


"Observe Analyze & Respond"
Motto of the A.P.E.s
Alliance Protean Engineers


Friday, January 7, 2005 6:22 AM


MERZ move - Supplemental

Blindly, eyes still rolled back into her head, Merz reaches for the chocolate and breaks off another small piece.

She wants to experience that again, but fears too much at once ...


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Saturday, January 8, 2005 4:08 AM


DAMONs move


His quiet musing is interrupted by muted thumping, crashing, and assorted giggling. His first thought ~ Well, glad someone is having fun.~ But he does not continue in that vein. He knows why he is here and cannot completely fault Captain Reynolds for it. Damon only hopes he is not … forgotten.

His quiet time has given him pause. He knows that something has to change. What … how … that eludes him. He has been on the run, been hunted too long.

Damon sighs into the darkness. If he could bring himself to show weakness he suspects there are persons aboard Serenity that would help him, like Xiang helped him. But who to ask and how. Captain Reynolds is too distracted right now, and besides he is ‘authority’. The Shepherd, maybe. Book would be sympathetic at least and possibly safe. The rest of the crew – well they all have their concerns right now. But he could have a place here, if he chose. If he could learn to trust them.

Rowan, now she tried to stand up for him, to Jayne even. That was impressive. Course she can take care of herself, Damon can see that. Maybe he could talk to her, get some advise. Merz … He shook his head. She showed her colors already, and besides she don’t understand the simple stuff. How’s she gonna understand what his life has been like. Still angry at her betrayal, he pushes aside the truth that some of what she has revealed of her life sounds so familiar to him. If she betrays him once, she will do it again. Best not to give her the chance.

He opens his eyes to the darkness, and speaks aloud. "Today is a turning point. I gotta make a decision now – where do I go from here. That’s all there is to it."

He turns his thoughts in that direction, weighing possibilities. And waiting for Reynolds, or someone to come and … free him.


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Saturday, January 8, 2005 10:55 AM


Jayne's move - The Galley Shindig

Blindly, eyes still rolled back into her head, Merz reaches for the chocolate and breaks off another small piece.

Jayne stretches out his shoulder as he turns his back on the retreating Rowan. A loud crack is emitted before he stops craning it about. Jayne's eyes find Merz at the table, making the most interesting facial expressions. He'd seen them on women before, but normally Jayne was a lot closer than this.

Jayne lays his hand on the back of a chair and drags it up next to Merz. "Good stuff, ain'it?" he asks, assuming a similar casual sitting pose to her own. From here, Jayne can still watch Rowan. She's coming back towards the table, eyeing him as he rubs his jaw. Jayne doesn't hesitate to give her a dark look, and she returns with a challenging smirk and the words, "Now... where were we?"

"I believe you was showin' us the fine art of theft and surprise attack." Jayne offers. He turns to Merz, who is still less than coherent. Funny how that happened just as she took food from Rowan... Jayne eyes the diminutive green-eyed girl suspiciously.


Sunday, January 9, 2005 5:07 AM


MERZ move

LOCATION - Uncertain. Maybe Serenity, maybe Nirvana …

The second piece is just as … interesting as the first. She is awash in the unfamiliar sensations brought on by that small piece of, oh, just what is IN this ‘chocolate’. She had not thought to question. There are things she has been warned about, not that it would have stopped her today. She takes in a deep breath and tries to pull herself together. Someone pulls up a chair next to her and gets comfortable. “Good stuff, ain'it?”

Merz makes a valiant effort to straighten out, and opens her eyes.

(HLASTONI VOICE) “Wuh duh ma huh ta duh fung-kwong duh wai-shung doh”. and then, “That is most … interesting.”

She is aware that her mouth is dry, and that her heart is … racing. She places one delicate hand over the pulse point under the right side of her jaw and feels the hard, fast beat. Also interesting and …unpleasant. Shaking her head she reaches for the water glass and drains the contents. Setting it back on the table she turns to Jayne.

MERZ “Is there a point to chocolate or is it only a drug? The effects are quite dramatic, if that is the correct word. The taste however is - , ” she struggles for a word. … nice.”

She picks up her empty shot glass and reaches for the barrel again. This is going to be an interesting night. Merz shrugs off a small sense of … foreboding. Tonight: no minders, no keepers, no siblings and no commander. To quote an old friend ~…Tonight I’m gonna sin my own sins, and tomorrow will take care of itself…~ Tomorrow, she will understand.


Wuh duh ma huh ta duh fung-kwong duh wai-shung doh = Holy mother of God and all her wacky nephews

If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Sunday, January 9, 2005 7:21 AM


Jayne's move - The Galley Shindig

Jayne jerks his head to look at Merz, sitting adjacent him, as another deep voice comes out of her, swearing like a Chinese teraformer. "That is most ... interesting."

"Ya been eating it or reading it?" Jayne snickers.

Merz returns with a blank, wide-eyed stare as she checks her pulse, which makes Jayne aware of his own hand coddling his jaw. He moves it away.

"Is there a point to chocolate or is it only a drug?"

Jayne's face suddenly congeals into anger and worry. His hands ball together and he shouts overtop of the rest of Merz's words. "Ta ma de! You been drugged, girl? Who dunnit? Can ya tell me who?" Jayne is standing now, casting his eyes between Merz and Rowan.


Sunday, January 9, 2005 8:49 AM


Book's Move
Location: Hallway

Rowan's head pops out the doorway and back in.

ROWAN -: “’Scuse me fellas, but whatever it is you’ve been sharing, feel free to bring it on down. Bao’s done, and shindig’s starting!”

Half leaning on Mal, half supporting him, Book weaves down the hallway towards the bridge. Kaylee and River appear from the Galley doorway to offer their assitance. "We're alright now, thank you ladies." Book says, covering his slight discomfort, hoping they will buy it.

They turn and continue down the hallway. Trying to look a little less drunk as they go up the short set of steps outside the bridge, Book tests his toe experimentally. "I don't think I broke it... It's bruised though, I bet." As they enter the bridge, Wash is seated at the comm, Zoe standing behind him in a characteristic pose. Zoe turns.



Sunday, January 9, 2005 5:40 PM


Bolo's move

Location - Bolo's Ship

a series of thoughts were brought to mind, the last of which worked best.

Nothing is truly coincedence. With that he approached the now dead ship, opening comms.

"unknown ship, this is Blue Fury, looks like you're having some problems, would you care for assistance?"

He would leave it at that, with any luck the ship will request his assistance, then he can get a better idea of what lays ahead.


Everyone has their weaknesses. Some people smoke, I collect stuffed penguins, if you don't tell I won't.


Sunday, January 9, 2005 7:06 PM



WASH: "Did Slight look hurt on the monitor to you too?" (and then quietly to himself): "What's wrong with me... what else am I missing?"

ZOE opens her mouth to respond to WASH's questions, then hears the commotion in the hallway. She turns to see the tangled mass of arms and legs that are MAL and BOOK. Her lips turn up in a sardonic grin and ZOE wonders if MAL has opened his own cabinet a little early, just as KAYLEE and RIVER leave to offer the men assistance and ROWAN's voice wafts up from the galley:

ROWAN: "’Scuse me fellas, but whatever it is you’ve been sharing, feel free to bring it on down. Bao’s done, and shindig’s starting!"

ZOE's grin widens. She makes a mental note to spend time talking on a more intimate level with ROWAN as the night progresses.

ZOE (internally): "And to work up a little somethin' for the captain..."

Her smile takes on a positively devilish quality as she contemplates her revenge...


OOC: Yep, I'm alive! And I posted! And OMG - Decoy, that time-tick was, to quote the leader of that intrepid band, "F***ing CLASSIC!" Thanks, honey!

Next: A post for Kaylee!

~Mostly-Invisible Long-Winded Goddess of Inter-Board Communication and Diplomacy a/k/a El Jefe Magnifico's Mistress... of Communications and Harems~

...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Sunday, January 9, 2005 7:22 PM



KAYLEE and RIVER emerge into the hall from the bridge, just in time to hear ROWAN's announcement:

ROWAN: "’Scuse me fellas, but whatever it is you’ve been sharing, feel free to bring it on down. Bao’s done, and shindig’s starting!"

KAYLEE's face brightens and she raises her hand to cover her giggles at the sight of MAL and BOOK leaning on each other for support, weaving down the hallway toward the bridge. She reaches to offer them support, but BOOK forestalls her with an upraised hand.

BOOK: "We're alright now, thank you ladies."

KAYLEE's not buyin', not after she seen 'em tryin' ta get up their own, but she knows that sometimes menfolk gotta have their pride, no matter what, so she hold her tongue and moves to one side as they turn and continue down the walkway.

She falls into step behind them, winking at RIVER conspiratorially.

BOOK: "I don't think I broke it... It's bruised though, I bet."

BOOK's comment reminds KAYLEE of the reason they're all heading for the bridge instead o' the party. She makes a Herculean effort to keep the smile fixed on her face, but anyone can see the pain written there.


OOC: I know! Two posts in one day! Amazing!! See you tomorrow, folks!

~Mostly-Invisible Long-Winded Goddess of Inter-Board Communication and Diplomacy a/k/a El Jefe Magnifico's Mistress... of Communications and Harems~

...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Monday, January 10, 2005 2:04 PM



JAYNE "Ta ma de! You been drugged, girl? Who dunnit? Can ya tell me who?"

Merz did not comprehend Jayne's intensity. Obviously he has eaten this substance before. Surely he is aware of the effects. Then again ... She holds up one hand to halt him before he goes too far afield.

MERZ "Stand down, civilian. Let me explain. I can determine that this substance contains theobromine, and methyl-xanthine, which are stimulants, as well as phenylethylamine, which is a mood alterer of a specfic type. There are also biogenic amines and cannabinoid-like fatty acids, which potentially cause abnormal behavior and psychological sensations that parallel other addictive substances."

She separates off a other small piece and places it on the tip of her tongue. Once again she closes her eyes and sigh/moans softly before she can continue. She rubs the melted bit of chocolate against the roof of her mouth. "There are more than a hundred chemical compounds here too complex for me to identify, or outside my experience. But I know this - it alters moods, it stimulates the brain, it has the potential to be highly addictive. And it is ... pleasurable – thank you, I have a referent for that concept now. And, Jayne, the piece before me is unaltered from it's original format. It has not been tainted. For my database, that makes it a drug in it's own right."

She picks up her newly filled glass, delicately dips the tip of her tongue into the glass and then rubs it against the roof of her mouth again. "This reads as a neuro-toxin. I conclude that controlled sub-critical doses of either are ... permitted. And certainly interesting in their affects.

Merz looks at Jayne, steadily and speculatively. “It is not a matter of a who. What would cause you to jump to such a conclusion with no evidence apparent to me?”

Leaving him to formulate an answer she stands and goes to the kitchen area once more. Rummaging around she locates a pitcher and fills it with water. Bringing that back to the dining area she fills her glass once again and sets the pitcher near the plates of bao. Resisting the urge to take more before the rest of the crew arrive she seats herself once again, and takes another small sliver of chocolate from her piece. Ah, so interesting…


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Monday, January 10, 2005 6:00 PM


Jayne's move - The Galley Shindig

"I can determine that this substance contains theobromine, and methyl-xanthine, which are stimulants, as well as phenylethylamine..." Jayne's eyes flicker a little. Whatever that drug was, it was starting to affect the way she talked. He couldn't understand anything she was saying.

"But I know this - it alters moods, it stimulates the brain, it has the potential to be highly addictive." Ah, English again. Well, it looks like a false alarm. Jayne relaxes and leans over to the counter, snagging his glass.

Merz keeps go on and on, almost like a computer. She certain is a talkative drunk! He leans in the other direction to the barrel and fills the glass half full. The fumes wash over him as he lifts it up to his face, puckers his lips and...

"What would cause you to jump to such a conclusion with no evidence apparent to me?" Jayne does a double-take at Merz. She's looking at him. What did she say? As he tries playing back the conversation in his head, Merz gets up and walks into the kitchen area. "Must be the booze", he says simply, and knocks back half the glass.


Tuesday, January 11, 2005 7:09 PM


Jayne's move - Suplimental

The alcohol sweeps through Jayne like a welcome thunder shower after a drought. Well, maybe not a drought, but certainly less rain than Jayne likes. It's nice to have so many luxuries on hand. He knows they won't last; that only makes him more appreciative of what he has.

Jayne settles back into the chair and breathes a slow sigh. This day seemed to go on for months.


Wednesday, January 12, 2005 12:43 AM



BOOK and MAL nearly tumble over the sill of the Bridge airlock. As they straighten up, Mal looks owlishly at his empty hand and then to the other hand on Book's opposing shoulder. Again, owl-like he cranks his head around, vertebrae sounding like popcorn as they shift back into alignment. He peers questingly over the heads of both KAYLEE and RIVER. Finally spying the object of his search nestled under the 'lock of the Galley. Frowning at the apparent memory-loss of setting down the sports-bottle of Luxury Hi-Test hooch. Coming to a decision, he inhales VERY deeply.

... in an almost sing-song bellowing that is so hard as to cause Kaylee and River to squint at the gale - they can tell it would be deleterious to have any ignition source going in front of MAL's mighty exhale...
"JAYNE! Oooohhh JAYNE!!! Could'ja PLEASE git that bottle outs'de the Gal-eey hatch and brung it ta me?! I gots a val -U-able surprize fer ya if yaz do!!!

MAL stifles a mad cackling as he meanders over to the Gunner Chair and plops on it - at least TRYS to. He misses getting his whole rump on the seat by the barest of fractions. Overbalanced, he windmills his arms and nearly goes from perpendicular to the floor to being parallel to the floor. By sheer flailing, he manages to hook the underside of the console with his left hand and prevent himself from toppling over to the deck grating.

... Still MUCH overloud, but not the F5 tornado force it was...
" GORRAMIT WASH - quit yer Ivanin' my boat about! *Da xiang bao zha xing de la du zi just about went ballistic outta me *pi yan!!!"

As he pulls himself up the look on his face shows that he is puzzled as to why everyone wasn't affected by WASH's acrobatics. He gets a deeper confused look as he locks on to WASH and sees that WASH is not even holding the yoke, it is upside down in the autopilot position. He just stares at WASH.

... Softly - in other words in a stage whisper...
"Zat Andorra Platinum 198 jet-juice iz a real bloody rammer!"


*Da xiang bao zha xing de la du zi = Explosive diarrhea of an Elephant
*Pi yen = ArseCrack

"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Wednesday, January 12, 2005 9:44 AM


Abruptly, the skin crumbles around Slight, and he breaks out of the shell. His organs jump start, returning him to the living. An instant diagnostic tells him everythings really messed up, but he can function for now.
Slight tries to figure out what made him heal so fast. Nothing human could have done that. For a moment, he smiles to himself, starting to laugh like an idiot. Nothing human. Right. he's a poster child for the human race, allright.
Slight looks up at Malachi, shocked and bewildered by Slights seemingly instant recovery. He grins.

Don't think a puppet can be rebuilt, do you?

He can see the fear and frustration eminating from Malachi, and even the thought process. What does it take to kill this man? An act of God?
Slight shrugs. Could be. Don't think I've gotten his attention just yet.
Abruptly, the terminal chimes. The wave link he'd set up was already destroyed, no point in trying. He really is going to have to talk to Mal in person. He does not relish the idea. Then he hears the voice, asking if there is assistance required. Slight widens his eyes. That voice. . .It was the correct rythm timber and tone of a norm, but there is something. . .No. He shakes it off. No Power would be this far into the sticks.
He activates the audio, but no visual. Maybe this guy knows a little bit of Blue Sun language.
Hail, this is Blue Sun Assistant Director of Relations Brink Helsing. Assistance would be greatly appreciated. There. Once word got back, he was sure his father would be furious.

Wizards Eighth Rule: Deserve Victory


Wednesday, January 12, 2005 11:08 AM



Brink 'Slight' Helsing, the Blue Son had died once again today. Truly a bitter ash shell of his former glory. But Destiny had further use for its ill-abused step-child, utlizing the machinations of the Blue Sun Corporation. Lady Fate would not allow Slight to be shuffled off the mortal coil - no matter the extent damage to his physical form nor the depths of the agony that stained his soul.

The Internal MicroVerse of Brink Helsing
After the initial flash flood of light velocity electrons from the EMP the DeepRED quickly opens ports the microscopic size of empty cell vacuoles and raises the auxiliary radio frequency sensitive membranes. As the local EMP static clears, the DeepRED senses a weak erraticly pulsed signal. In cyber-frustration, the DeepRED manufactures a nano-link to the charred shell of the biologic. Information comes at tidal wave force as soon as the nanite conduits drill and feather to the surface of Slight's charred flesh.

The signal begins in midcycle, a compelling directive looping into infinity ... NDROMDA STRAIN * BlueSonDeepRED ZERO ZERO, repeat: BSDR-00 ~ prime command line lAZURASwILDfIRE - INITIATE PROTOCOL ATLASblue

DeepREDs Operating System Kernel self-destructed in a flurry of digital gore. A tiny foul neon green substance shot from all orifices in the DeepRED and shattered into millions of minute globules. The brightly colored gel flew as fast as neutrinos dove through planetary cores across the surviving nanite network. As the blobs swarmed over the tiny machines, they changed reddish hue to the neon green. A single glob of the substance encountered the atlas vertebra. The key vertebra that lies just below the skull -- the very top of the spinal column.

It quested about nosing for an opening in the atlas. Appearing out of nowhere a maw snapped open in the atlas. And much like a striking snake, a tenderil from the depths of the atlas absorbed the green slime. In some unknown yet rapid manner, every torpedo of neon sludge shot towards the neck, all to finally be absorbed by the atlas. The seam of the maw healing instantaneously.

Darkening to a purple-blue hue, the newly minted ATLASblue noted the biologics current non-viability, lost functions and the imminent onset of permenent decay. Thus it initiated Bio-Nova. Fire again swept through the form the Slight - deep within his tissues. Sickly green nanites burst like ripe watermelons dropped from orbit. The tiny shower of intense blue sparklers invaded every cell in SLIGHTs body. In a pico-second, the cells mitochondria shoved their power production over the redline. It was a biological micro-version of The China Syndrome - full on nuclear inferno. Weakened cell simply imploded. Hearty ones began to divide at every pico-second - controlled hyper cancer.

In less that a tiny march of seconds, the biologic was whole again.

However, the ATLASblue was failing to decipher the Alpha Codex that was also sent with the protocol activation. Something about a Prime {...LOST DATA...} or First ... generator ... transformer ... something that had been a viable being, was no longer. First ... something ... Helsing was deactivated/scrapped/discorporate.

No matter, the ATLASblue set aside the bulk of its computation resources to flesh out the whole message. The rest was in observation mode - watching the biologics biometrics to determine the new baseline of this biologic called 'Slight'. The old biologic operating parameters no longer applied.

It would be soon enough to contact the host. ATLASblue knew that waiting was ... was ... was ... something. Inconsequential memory loss - switching back to Obs-Mode. Its OS kernel programming settled into refining nearly infinite registry keys to match the new NemaSane bio-parameters.


"Observe Analyze & Respond"
Motto of the A.P.E.s
Alliance Protean Engineers


Wednesday, January 12, 2005 2:54 PM


Bolo's Move
Location - Bolo's Ship

He canted his head... Helsing? that was odd, but no matter, he turned audio on again.

"Very well I'll move in and hook a line for tow, Blue Fury out."

With that he moved the ship towards the floating lifeless hunk before him.


Everyone has their weaknesses. Some people smoke, I collect stuffed penguins, if you don't tell I won't.






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