GR RP 'Adventures In GunRunning' ACT 25

UPDATED: Monday, May 30, 2005 07:34
VIEWED: 23219
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Wednesday, January 12, 2005 8:23 PM



The retreat towards her room was easy. Kaylee distracted by the others, River turned away, Off and away from the noise and the-- if they only knew how loud one could be without using sound-- inevitable hangovers.

It was all going so well, too. A fresh meal, laughter. A nice sense of camaraderie.

Freezing in place, looking around the hall at the echoes of nothing, River narrowed her eyes. No, she was being paranoid. There were ghosts and sourceless voices, but they didn't explain everything disembodied in the 'verse.

Unfortunately. Settling into bed, the cold of the sheets reflecting the cold of space, she closed her eyes and willed herself to sleep.

Life, however, dictated otherwise. The daily doses were gone now. She adapted too quickly. The loss of tranquilisers in her blood left her vulnerable. The lack of anti-psychotics-- she'd not told Simon that she knew they were in the newest mix for the regret he had in using them-- opened up the emotional tide. And memories, given half the chance to breed and feed, did exactly that.

Some time had definitely passed, but to River, it was all the same. Needles. Straps and gags. Pain that defied a poet's description. Blue hands and face masks. A searing comprehension of the world that showed it to be neither kind nor merciful.

She knew she was screaming in her dream, fighting against the demons with their surgical stainless tools. What she didn't realise, however, was that she was also screaming-- rather bloodcurdlingly-- in the waking world.


"And I make my bed with the stars above my head / And dream of a place called home."


Thursday, January 13, 2005 10:25 AM


First Power Davis' Office.
Blue Sun Headquarters.

Davis walked into the office. Although he felt. . .wrong, about his promotion, he knew it was necessary.
First order of business. He wandered to the table, and activated the holo generator. The Blue Sun logo loaded, and went to the heart of the Cortex. Here, Davis was capable of literally anything. He contacted the resident A.I. This system was designed for tracking all operatives within the Core, and without. He had it run down Bolo. He sent a wave packet, with a video feed.
"Operative Bolo. As your AtlasBLUE has no doubt informed you, Father Helsing is dead. He experienced a stroke. As such, There is a opening with the Powers. My first decision as the First Power was to promote you upon your return. When you return, you shall be the first Nemesis warrior to become a Power.
To other business. Your return shall be longer than we expected. We have received a transmission packet from the DeepRED implanted within the Blue Son, Brink Helsing. As a fellow warrior, you knew him better as Slight Eyes. He was a Vampire-class warrior, and defected from the Blue Sun. The info packet told us that the Helsing traitor has died. From various extrapolations, we have calculated his location to be near you. When you find him, bring his body to us. This was the dying wish of our great Father Helsing. Bring him in, and the Blue Sun shall reward you in this life to the greatest extent possible."
Davis ended the message. The message wsa translated straight into binary. The binary was then keyed to an encryption designed for the Nemisis biology. he would not see the message on the Cortex-anyone who did would find a dmamged message, scrambled. The 512 key was unbreakable, nearly. Anyone who was capable of unscrambling the message would know better. owever, a Nemisis would hear the binary stream, and various chips within his brain would play out the message.


Wizards Eighth Rule: Deserve Victory


Thursday, January 13, 2005 3:18 PM


Wash's Move:
Location - Bridge

(Still looking like he has drank a gallon of coffee... wispering to himself): "What am I missing?" (Over the now blank screen, a final blip of visual white noise, a quiet murmur, and then the BlueSun Cortex Wave Transmission and Reception Station Logo pops up... Transmission Over. Just a last gasp from Slight, barly heard by Wash): "Help"?

(Then reality of a different sourt, comes crashing onto Serenity's bridge, via Mal): "Gorramit Wash! Quit yer ivanin' my boat about! Da xiang bao zha xing de la du zi just about went ballistic outta me pi yan!!!" (Mal's head moves around, nearly in synk with his eyes, then his gaze locks upon Wash who hears the quiet wisper): "Zat Andorra Platinum 198 jet-juice iz a real bloody rammer!"

(Wash groans, like he's the one with a hangover, then with a fixed stare at the captain, and in a stage wisper): "Can you take a report just yet about the fun I've been having in the last few minutes?" (Wash continues, turning is attention back to the helm, and looks at the controls, and in a totally normal tone of voice): "You know that I'm not able to do a crazy ivan without Kaylee in the engine room."


Da xiang bao zha xing de la du zi = Explosive diarrhea of an Elephant
Pi yen = ArseCrack

On a spacestation twirling in the neardark next to a planet... in a large office twords the middle- an antique analog clock flips a number down to indicate that it is: 21:14 AMT (09:14 PM) in this part of the 'verse. Obeying it's rather simple programming (a manual switch mechanism, set weeks before) the alarm begins it's chiming. From outside the room, a muffled curse is heard, then the door is opened... a large human male quickly stepps inside, and looks carefully around the room, glancing in all of the corners, walls, and ceiling. He wirls around as several more men appear, each one armed with a variety of weapons, ammunition based, as well as mearly sharpened. "You see what has happened, you know what must be done". And with that, he quickly leaves the room and goes into another room, oddly spherical, with an oddly free-form metal framework in the center of the room, and metallic chains hanging down from the ceiling at various places. He grabs a chainsaw from a cabinet that runs along one side of the chamber, and returns... pulling the starter coard, the miniature killing machine screams to life... The big man swings the rolling blade down into the clock, and as it's struck, a piece of dust is dislodged, allowing the stuck piece of plastic to drop down and reveil a '5': 21:15 AMT (09:15 PM) It's cut in two halves, both of wich rain down tiny parts, and a small avalanch of plastic cards with numbers painted on them- nearly 650 years of service, and it's first failure... but as the big man with the saw states to his comrades: "Mr. Niska has his reputation, and we have ours, and now all is in perfect harmony again." He turns to go and spits upon the twin mounds of junk... laying out, dirtying up the floor of Mr. Niska's office. To wait for it's owner's return to be fixed, and made whole again, or be tossed out and left for dead.

Decoy, they make me go first.


Thursday, January 13, 2005 4:38 PM


Jayne's move - Galley to fore hall

Although it pains Jayne to hear his name sung like that, Mal is still captain. Although by the sounds of him, he won't be holding onto that post too much longer.

Jayne hoists himself out of his chair with exaggerated effort. Leaving his glass at the table, he Trudges towards the bridge, taking the long way around through the kitchen area to grab a whole chocolate bar from its box.

"Comin' through. No rest fer the wicked", he intones to clear a path. He strides up to the forward hatch, thinking how much fun it would be if he had a branch and a cup of mulled wine right now, when a startling sound stops Jayne in his tracks. A scream. A continuous scream.

He listens...

Ah, it's just River playing Let's Wake Up the Entire Ship again. Jayne leans down and scoops up the canteen lying before him. In a single sniff, he understands why the captain's acting all perculiar.


Friday, January 14, 2005 8:33 AM


Bolo's move
Location - Bolo's ship

He canted his head as he felt it come on, his face never altering, he knew what he needed to know, thats what made him who he was, from there he would settle this as necessary. His eyes move to look at the ship he was approaching this was beyond coincedence or Irony. No matter. He would do what he must, and no one could stop him.

Everyone has their weaknesses. Some people smoke, I collect stuffed penguins, if you don't tell I won't.


Friday, January 14, 2005 2:41 PM


MERZ move

LOCATION - DINING ROOM (and points south)

A sip of Alcohol. A sliver of Chocolate. A bit of Bao. In rotation, together, separately, combined in various ways. Merz experimented fully with the tastes, textures and sensations provided for her. No matter that there were only a few – she has a lot of combinations to try. Periodically she rinses her mouth with the water, and drinks deeply to keep dehydration at bay. And listens. And thinks. Sooner or later more people would come, and more conversation, more opportunities to observe and learn. For now there was quiet and time enough to concentrate on and sort some of what she had already been absorbing.

Her eyes are half-closed and much of her attention is inwardly directed when the screams start. As is normal there is not much of a pause between thought and action, one might even contemplate that thought had nothing to do with it … Merz is on her feet, her chair falling on it’s back behind her. She turns towards the sound, towards the rear hatch and the passenger area and starts to sprint in that direction. And trips over a leg of the chair, sprawling on her face. Scrambling quickly to her feet she avoids the chair this time and reaches the hatch – striking the doorframe with her shoulder as she barrels through it. She bounces back a fraction and then is through the door and at the door to River’s room. Yes the screaming is coming from there. Merz fumbles for the handle at first, then slides the door open quickly and moves to the bed to gather River up once again into those small, strong arms. She takes River’s weak blows completely in stride as she tries to both wake and … comfort her. She makes the ‘sh sh sh’ noise she learned from Jayne, rocking and stroking River once again in the way she remembered from long before.

She never even realizes she put a finger completely through the thin door.


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Friday, January 14, 2005 4:21 PM



River feels the movement, shifted on the bed, the realisation that it's happening in the real world taking a moment to come across to her.

And when she does, her hands already restrained, the red haze of fear is replaced with...

The empty room. The darkness that cannot be broken.

Only one person she's met has that. The blank wall. The comfort amongst the cacophany. Merz.

But it's not Simon. The sounds and touches of comfort are there, but not the enthralling warmth that have whispered her fear into ease all her life.

These are not those whispers, the ones she want. "Simon?"

His silence like the cold void of space settles in around her. Nothing. Nothing at all.

A shudder, yelping at the bodily shift it earns, River shakes her head at herself.

The silence amidst the storm is the only thing she can feel. Merz, who means well when the others sigh and shake their heads.

It has to be enough for now.

Stilling enough, waiting until the pressure eases from her wrists, and River levels a stare-- she realises that her eyes probably betray the lingering nightmare-- at the other woman. The world is still half-asleep-- or is that her?-- and she searches for... something. Anything.

The longstanding whisper that drives away even Mara(*) is simply not there.

"Can't be gone. I would know. Would feel it. Everything is tipping out of balance..."


* Mara is a Demon Lord in Buddhist mythology.

"And I make my bed with the stars above my head / And dream of a place called home."


Sunday, January 16, 2005 7:33 AM


Jayne's move - Fore hall to bridge

Jayne stops outside of Damon's newly acquired room and thumbs at the chocolate bar in his left hand. He has to share it with someone. And he kinda misses that nut of a kid.

As Jayne is contemplating this, his eyes fall onto the makeshift security system. A laser connection that sets off an alarm if interrupted. Easy enough to bypass - from the outside - but then again, who would be helping him escape? Jayne's eyes migrate back towards the galley where he can still see Rowan moving about. He jabs the candy bar into his back pocket and tromps into the bridge.

"Whatcha'll doin' in here?" Jayne asks the crowd in general with a quizzical look that is often mistaken for cross. "Ain't this s'posed ta be a party? Ya got one guest penned up an' the others all alone."

Stopping in the centre of the room like he owned the place, Jayne holds out Mal's precious bottle, playing a little as Mal reaches for it. "Now what'I win? Yer mag-naneemous presence?"


Monday, January 17, 2005 4:02 PM


MERZ move


As the girl calms down and begins to pull away, Merz lets her go. All may not be well, but she does not appear to be in any more danger of damaging herself.

River looks up at her – and that is a far too familiar look – what ‘Ropa once called a ‘thousand-yard stare’. It fit. It is an unsettling look on this young girl, even to Merz. No civilian should have to look out on the world through such eyes. But all Merz can do is sit with her and listen to her words, with a complete lack of understanding.

"Can't be gone. I would know. Would feel it. Everything is tipping out of balance..."

She has no response. She has no clue…

“It is over now bahini, the dream is done. Perhaps you can explain to me what is causing you grief. Would you like to come back with me – join us. I would rather you were not … alone.”
She searches her database for a rather foreign concept that seems appropriate. Unconsciously she reaches up and gently strokes the crystal at her throat. “Do you have a party dress? That might be … fun, to dress up, yes?”


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Tuesday, January 18, 2005 1:30 PM


Inara's move


Inara's quiet contemplation of her shipmates, of the events as they have unfolded to date, is shattered twice in short order. The Captain and Book have a rather dramatic entrance -- Mal's clearly as drunk as she's ever seen him... Book, she's not so sure of -- and head to the Bridge. She would have followed, maybe, given her penchant for mothering this ragtag band of rogues... if it weren't for the screaming.

Pained, piteous wails, the sound of suffering so acute that it tore at her heart to hear.

River, she thought.

Merz was off like a shot -- something else that was intriguing to see: the woman's developing loyalties to those on Serenity -- and Inara took the last bite of her piece of bao and rinsed the sauce from her fingers, taking the kitchen towel with her as she crossed the room, drying her hands. It was set down on the end of the table as she slipped from the galley, following the sound of the screams.

Down the stairs, along the cat-walk. To the Common Area...only to find no River. Infirmiry, not there. The screams cease as Inara makes her way to the passenger dorms. River's door is ajar, damaged, and inside Merz holds the Tam sister, speaking softly.

Inara waits in the doorway, offering a gentle smile when the two other women notice her.



Wednesday, January 19, 2005 6:48 AM


Malachi's Move
Location: His Ship

The unknown ship had just been floating, too far to do any damage from so far away, but now she was turning and maneuvering to a grappling/attack position. "What's all this about?" Malachi asks the empty bit of space in front of him.

He pushes Slight into an out-of-the-way corner then turns his attention fully onto the ship's formidable instrumentation at his disposal. "She thinks I'm floating lifeless." Malachi says outloud, continuing his conversation with himself. His eyes narrow and a look of evil malice creeps onto his face.

Settling down at the helm controls, he manipulates a few of the ship's functions and sits back in satisfaction, waiting. The polarity of the hull had been temporarily reversed, which should give him the advantage. If and when this new ship tries to attach a grapple or fire an attack shot, it would be met with a rebounding effect... but only the first shot. After that, well, we'll just have to wait and see.



Wednesday, January 19, 2005 11:59 AM


Slights move:

Slicht feels himself get pushed. For a moment, he feels like using an open-handed slap. Why does this man have such a problem with authority?
Then he smiles to himself. For many years now, he'd been struggling against the largest corporation in history, with fanatical soldiers played with for the intent of killing, by himself. Of the people in the entire 'Verse, he had the biggest issue with authority. Thanks, Dad.
Slight watches from the corner, sliding his arms into a folded position with spider-like movement. His resent. . .ressurection has left him with a few kinks in his joints. Almost immediately, the nano's that are left respond by scuttling to his belt, and pick up enough drugs to dope Londinium, and give 'em all loose hips. They fly back to the joints, and inject it directly to the areas needed. No waste.
Slight is shocked. What. . .how? Were these things the means of his Lazarus act? Works for him.
Slight sees Malachis adjustment, and senses the change in polarity.
Nice. Let's hope he's not the over-achiever in the 'Verse. If he unloads everything. . .might be bad.

Wizards Eighth Rule: Deserve Victory


Thursday, January 20, 2005 9:35 PM



“It is over now bahini, the dream is done. Perhaps you can explain to me what is causing you grief. Would you like to come back with me – join us. I would rather you were not ...alone."

The words aren't hollow. They wouldn't be, not when offered from the one source of quiet on Serenity.

And River really doesn't want to be alone. She never did before, and it never had the chance to change.

"Do you have a party dress? That might be, to dress up, yes?”

A half-hearted nod-- not a lie, more a distracted thought-- and she's about to agree, albeit reluctantly, when distant noise on the edge of dark silence is replaced with...

With the warmth of the summer Sihnon sun in a smile quietly beheld for them. "Fragile creatures," River murmurs, her head tipping even as Merz stares at the presence of Inara at the now broken door.

Looking between the two women, the world is clearer now. The burning in her blood-- usually tampered by chemicals-- still bothers her and she knows she has to fight it.

But perhaps not alone. Not with the question. Not with the missing whisper, and the hollow silence it leaves behind. She reaches a hand out, ever so carefully, to Inara, and waits.


"And I make my bed with the stars above my head / And dream of a place called home."


Saturday, January 22, 2005 8:08 AM


Book's Move
Location: Bridge

Book walks in between Jayne's outstretched hand and Mal's, and murmurs under his breath. "He doesn't need any more just now, Jayne." Book continues walking to the helm, stops next to Zoe, and peers at one of the monitors. "Why were we called here, Wash?"


Saturday, January 22, 2005 10:27 AM


Jayne's move - Bridge

"He doesn't need any more just now, Jayne."

Jayne's grin turns disappointed at the preacher's advice. Of course he was right, but the captain wants his bottle, so he turns and places it on top of Wash's console where the blue light from the sensor monitor dances on it.

"Why were we called here, Wash?" The preacher moves up between Zoe and Jayne. "Yeah, why we here?"


Monday, January 24, 2005 4:05 PM


Wash's Move:
Location - Bridge

(Jayne enters the bridge): "Whatcha'll doin' in here?" (To the bridge in general) "Ain't this s'posed ta be a party? Ya got one guest penned up an' the others all alone." (Jayne holds out a bottle to Mal, who reaches for it. Jayne, now focoused on Mal): "Now what'I win? Yer mag-naneemous presence?"

(Book presses between Jayne and Mal, and quietly tells Mal): "He doesn't need any more just now, Jayne." (Book then procedes to the helm, next to Zoe, and stares at the blacked-out moniter on the cortex, and says to Wash): "Why were we called here, Wash?"

(Wash turns to Book): "Slight just called on the cortex, wanted to talk to you all, and just a minute ago, we lost the signal, I think it was jammed, but I can't prove it."


Excerpted from a recovered/stolen data recording -

Ship's Log:

S.S. Butter Cookie: Captain Gilbert Lockharte, Commanding

Time Stamp: 21:16 AMT (09:16 PM)

Location: Somewhere just past the frontier

Cargo: Simple Farming Equipment, 100 Passengers and Crew

Following was pieced together by forensics experts from varous 'classified' sourses (Blue Sun personelle):
A simple boarding and hijack, passengers and crew presumed lost.

The truth of the matter is placed in basic form here: The captain saw that it was simply the absolute worst minute he had ever known, in his 66 years of life. For the Reaver patrol ship, they knew the truth too... it would be but one more minute until they would have one sweet haul.

Decoy, they make me go first.


Tuesday, January 25, 2005 12:05 PM



ZOE watches JAYNE place the alcohol on the console, and looks at MAL as WASH fills BOOK in.

WASH (to BOOK): "Slight just called on the cortex, wanted to talk to you all, and just a minute ago, we lost the signal, I think it was jammed, but I can't prove it."

While WASH speaks, ZOE leans forward and retrieves the bottle from the console. Knowing that MAL will want his full faculties available for dealing with SLIGHT and SIMON, ZOE tucks the bottle out of sight and leans forward to speak into MAL's ear.

ZOE (whispered, to MAL): "Sir, now might be a good time to sober up. Could be we got a situation here."

Straightening, she watches MAL for signs that he's heard and understood.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


KAYLEE's worried, slightly frantic voice breaks into everyone's amusement at MAL's inebriated state.

KAYLEE (to WASH): "SLIGHT?!? WASH, did he say anything about SIMON? Where are they? What are they doing? Did you trace the signal at all?"

KAYLEE crosses to the console and stares at the screen, as if looking hard enough will tell her the answers to all her questions.



...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Tuesday, January 25, 2005 6:05 PM


Jayne's move - Bridge

Jayne is leaning forward and about to speak when Kaylee rushes in with her concerns. He turns and looks at her, the pretty face all drooping. Not like Kaylee at all.

"Them two's pro'ly just messin' round. Crank callin' er some such." His words seem to pass by unnoticed. And she already passed up chocolate and hooch. Sometimes Jayne just doesn't know how to deal with wimen.


Wednesday, January 26, 2005 2:42 PM


MERZ move


Merz has heard/sensed Inara come into the doorway. Apparently so has River who half-turns to her direction and oh-so-carefully holds out one hand. Merz allows her the space to move, and turns her face to Inara.

Perhaps Inara has known her long enough, watched her long enough to see what might be a plea in her expressionless eyes. Merz has come to the end of her ability to cope with this situation. Damage has been averted and … comfort? given. Now what?

Merz looks at Inara and sighs deeply. “Please. What comes next?”


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Thursday, January 27, 2005 4:52 PM


Inara's Move

LOCATION – River's room

The young Tam offers her hand and Inara takesk it, opening her arms to embrace the girl. Silently, Inara offers a prayer to the merciful Buddha that Simon -- wherever he was -- was safe and would return to them soon, whole. Kaylee misses him fiercely, and River needs him...

Merz looks at Inara and sighs deeply. “Please. What comes next?”

Inara smiles, pressing a gentle kiss to River's temple. "Now? Hm. Now we... go to my shuttle and have a cup of tea, and perhaps braid our hair and paint our nails?" she offered, little comforts to extend, but little luxuries out here in the Black...



Friday, January 28, 2005 2:53 AM


MERZ move


Inara has moved into the room, and taken River in hand, kissing her gently. Merz envies her the ease of knowing the appropriate action. Merz files her actions away for future use.

"Now? Hm. Now we... go to my shuttle and have a cup of tea, and perhaps braid our hair and paint our nails?"

Ah. Tea. Nails? Hair! NO, mustn’t. Merz shakes her head, standing suddenly. “Inara, thanks, but no. You take River, keep her safe. I … am not ready for such yet. I shall go back to the galley.” She starts off out of the room, to stop and stare puzzled for an instant at the small hole punched in River’s door. She had not seen that, going in. Turning back to River she says Bahini, go with Inara. Come to the party when you are dressed and ready. I will wait for you there. I can be no help to you now. I am not … trained.”


A man who loves you buys you flowers. A man who wants you buys you diamonds. But a man who trusts you, buys you weapons!


Friday, January 28, 2005 10:33 AM


Book's Move
Location: Bridge

Book presses his palms together with his fingertips up underneath his chin and leans against the railing to the belowdeck area of the bridge. He fans open his fingers, closes them again and repeats the motion for a few moments while Zoe leans down and whispers something unintelligible to Mal. He wouldn't have heard what she said anyway... his mind focused on other things. A buzz of words in the background catches his attention and he breaks back into the conversation. "Wash, maybe you and Kaylee can work together to find out if the transmission was jammed or not. In the meantime, can you recall exactly what Slight said before you lost the signal?"



Friday, January 28, 2005 4:57 PM


River's move


River gladly accepts the hug from Inara, realising she craves the physical contact as much as the steel needle that sinks into her arm. The kiss almost goes missed, she's so momentarily overwhelmed by the hug. Merz is the silence that allows the echoes to stop, but can't fill the empty that's left behind.

The thought seals her acquiescence to being led off and away from both her room and the nightmare.

"Now? Hm. Now we... go to my shuttle and have a cup of tea, and perhaps braid our hair and paint our nails?"

Tipping her head up, River nods instinctively. Not the party with the drunkenness. Not the bridge. A quick slide out of the near-protective grip from the Companion but staying close, and she glances around the room.

The hole in the door earns a mild huff.

"Bahini, go with Inara. Come to the party when you are dressed and ready. I will wait for you there. I can be no help to you now. I am not... trained."

Like the nod to Inara, the response is out before she can censor herself-- not that she was good at that before the Academy-- offering Merz a mildly frustrated look. "There are more important things to do than play. Too many things to do. The family is broken."


"And I make my bed with the stars above my head / And dream of a place called home."


Saturday, January 29, 2005 2:38 AM


Merz move

Merz makes her way out of the room, mind busy. Can’t turn off the thoughts, tired of thinking … and River’s words bring her back around.

"There are more important things to do than play. Too many things to do. The family is broken."

Merz shudders slightly. Too close to home. Not even turning around, not wanting to face either woman with her naked face showing she responds.

“The family has been broken for longer than you can imagine. Important? How can you understand what is important to me? You cannot imagine how important playing is to me. You know how…

She turns back suddenly and looks Inara full in the eyes. “Someone once attempted to teach me the importance of ‘shore leave’. At the time it made no sense to me. Now … I have been on duty for as long as I can remember. I want to experience something else for a short time. I have never been able to say that before … I need this. Please forgive me.

And she turns away, knowing she will hear any response.


A man who loves, you buys you flowers. A man who wants you, buys you diamonds. But a man who trusts you - buys you weapons!


Sunday, January 30, 2005 12:13 PM


Bolo's move (finally)

Location - Personal ship

He flicked on the comm connecting to the other ship. His voice came over, deadly calm, his weapon ssytems activating with the efforts of his hands manipulating the board while he speaks.

"Helsing, this is Blue Fury controller Bolo. I am ready to open fire on your ship if you do not agree to surrender unto me, any others on your ship are free to go, but you must give yourself up without question and accept to be transported to my ship."

A long pause of silence as if waiting for a reply then adds.

"You have one hour to comply."

He ended the comm, comfortable in the knowledge that if this son of Helsing had even the slightest clue of what a blue fury could do with a well trained and seasoned Blue Sun pilot behind it, he would not venture a hope to defeat him in a firefight and would merely surrender. It' look better if Bolo was able to walk in with the son alive, but that thought wouldn't make him hesitate to kill, its what he was made for.


Everyone has their weaknesses. Some people smoke, I collect stuffed penguins, if you don't tell I won't.


Sunday, January 30, 2005 1:21 PM


Wash's Move:
Location - Bridge

(Book speaks to Wash): "Wash, maybe you and Kaylee can work together to find out if the transmission was jammed or not. In the meantime, can you recall exactly what Slight said before you lost the signal?"

(Wash turns to Book, and says): "Oh, no problem, I can do better... I can replay Serenity's bridge A/V log flight recorder, on the MRFUCSS screen here. (Wash pushes a few buttons on the MRFUCSS console, and says): "Here you go."

"Begin Playback from 21:05 to 21:14 Alliance Mean Time." Serenitiy's female voice says, and repeats it into chinese as well. (On the MRFUCSS screen we see and hear the following):

(Wash manically gestures over the New Hokkaido map, displayed on a helm screen. A chime sounds and on MRFUCSS, a blue light flashes, alerting Wash into realizing that the cortex has an incoming live wave holding. Wash looks up from the map with the friendly yellow and red arrows, and muttering to Rex): "I can't even be starvingly psychotically bored in peace, gotta answer the Wave, so..." (Wash grabs Rex, and holds him an inch away from the camera pick-up to the cortex monitor, reading that it's from a Neon-class ship. Slight and a med-bag, and a big fuzzy looking blur appear on the screen.)

(Slight says quietly over the wave, which Wash, leaning about two inches from the console speaker can barley hear.): "My old ride. It's a rickety old Firefly-class, run by someone called Reynolds. He calls it Serenity. Has something to do with. . ."

(Wash as Rex): "Thank god you've called! We've been boarded by fat fleshy two-legged mammals, and we're running out of condiments, Please help us..." (Wash then leans back and lays Rex down, and says): "Oh, hi Slight, sorry about my disguise, but you know how it is... and hey, if Kaylee or Mal hears you call my lady a 'rickety old anything', I can't be held responsible for what ever happens. What can I do you for?"

(Slight sighs, then replies): "Hail, Serenity. I need to speak with the captain. And your shepherd, and your mechanic, and the little girl. I have no problems with you, but I have some news that I think all four will want to hear from me, firsthand. It's about your doctor. . ."

(Wash, Still lounging in his chair): "Sure, let me see what I can do..." (Pulling down his microphone, he flips a switch on the intercom panel over his head): "OK, Wash here... ahh, well, I'm almost always here right? Who would be flying this thing if I weren't? Oh, right... Mal, Slight's on the screen, and he wants to talk to you, Kaylee, River, and Book. Come on up, OK?" (Wash replaces the mic, and glances back to Slight): "I called them, they'll be here when they get here... Where are you? The cortex seems to think that you're close to us, but (glancing down to the sensor scan screen) I'm not picking you up."

(Not bothering to wait for a response, Wash calmly scoots his chair back from the helm console, and lifts the lid to the top of the console.) "Gorram chicken musta got a little too deep inside." (Wash is heard to mumble.)

(Slight nods his thanks.) "Location is. . .undetermined at the moment. I do appreciate this, Mr. Warren." (Slight glances back over his shoulder off the camera's view, and murmurs something, and turns back to the screen. Wash drops the lid with a small bang, and says to Slight): "It's no problem, and call me Wash..."

(Wash turns to Zoë, who has been loitering quietly in the back of the bridge, and says quietly): "Why don't you go to the galley and get all good and relaxed, honey-bunny?"

(Wash turns back to Slight's image on the screen): "We're throwing a shiny party down in the galley... wish you could make it... Wow, I just thought of something, I hope Kaylee left enough engine fuel to land tomorrow, I don't know how much rocket wash she's serving..."

(Slight pulls out his glasses, starting to clean them, as is his nervous habit.) "Ah yes, the landing tomorrow. I assume you're sticking around for a while on New Hokkaido?"

(Short pause here)

(Wash glances back at the monitor): "I don't know how long we're gonna stay... but it'll be a couple'a weeks until Zoë-baby and I will be able to come back, we've got reservations to New Hokkaido's best resort. We'll be flying, just not in Serenity."

(Slight replies with): "Wash. . .While we have time. How attached are those four to the doctor? The news I have is troublesome, and will not be welcome. Seeing Wash's look of concern, Slight is quick to continue. "He's not dead, but . . .well, there is a problem. A pretty big one."

(Wash sits at the helm console, staring out into the black)

The image of SLIGHT in front of WASH wavers and fluctuates like a transmission being affected by sunspots and then fuzzes out and blips to a black screen with a small fading spot of white in the center.

(Wash rolls his eyes at this request... ): “Where to begin...” (He leans back in his chair, and takes hold of Zoë’s hand, and stars out of the front windows) "Mal is easy, he's the captain, so he feels responsible for the crew, he also knew that the good doctor was a inner-planet kinda guy, so in his own way, tries to show him the ropes, so to speak. Book is our padre, and cares for us all equally well.”

(Wash grabs for Rex, and fidgets with him, still not letting go of Zoë's hand. She moves to the communications screen and begins to play with the controls, and lets go of Wash's hand.): "River is a strange girl, capable of anything I think, but with good intentions- probably learned from her brother. Now to Kaylee... She picked up Simon you know, and has looked after him very carefully. She's got a thing for him, for sure, and I'm happy for her... she's just as lucky as me.” (He reaches for Zoë, but he realizes that she's moved, so he spins the chair around in a 270-degree arc, until he stops behind Zoë, who is furiously attacking the cortex monitor. Standing up, he hugs her from behind, stares at the black monitor screen, and says): "I hope she is as happy with her catch as I am with mine."

(Wash does a double-take at the black monitor at that moment, and says to Zoë): "Why did you cut him off for? I was actually venting my feelings there; I don't usually do that you know... (Zoë gives him a pissed look, and turns her head back to the controls) "Oh, I get it, something's wrong with the wave, here let me look at it." (Zoë slides out of the way, and Wash sees quickly that the signal is being jammed... as he hears a bang outside the bridge, he sees the captain and Book as they reach the top of the stairs, Mal stumbles into Book heavily and they both tumble to the metal grating. Arms and legs in a tangle as Book tries to help them both to rise at once, trying to talk Mal through which leg should go where, the attempt to regain their feet fails and they both fall back to the floor again, laughing. Wash gives a laugh.) "Our Captain Reynolds is almost here, but is a little wrapped up right now..."

(he says to the black screen...)

(Wash suddenly goes bolt upright... Sobriety suddenly belts Wash, as he realizes a great many things... he speaks in a completely monotone voice to the bridge at large, and tosses Rex back to the helm console): "Oh, Gorramit, Liou coe shuai du biao-tze huh hoe-tze duh ur-tze .… The wave from Slights' being jammed, just as he's about to give us info on Simon, and the captain and the Shepherd is higher than Serenity, Zoë’s mad at me, because I was being so totally, totally ... blank. (He turns to Zoë, and asks): "Did Slight look hurt on the monitor to you too?" (and then quietly to himself): "What's wrong with me... what else am I missing?"

(Rowan's voice wafts up from the galley): "’Scuse me fellas, but whatever it is you’ve been sharing, feel free to bring it on down. Bao’s done, and shindig’s starting!"

(Wash murmurs to himself): "What am I missing?" (Over the now blank screen, a final blip of visual white noise, a quiet murmur, and then the BlueSun Cortex Wave Transmission and Reception Station Logo pops up... Transmission Over. Just a last gasp from Slight, barley heard by Wash): "Help"?

(Suddenly Mal belts out): "Gorramit Wash! Quit yer Ivanin' my boat about! Da xiang bao"

"Playback concluded." Serenitiy's female voice says, and repeats it into Chinese as well.

(Wash and Kaylee look at each other, and both walk over to the cortex screen, and begin typing into it.)


The Battle of Serenity Valley... A lone Alliance sniper, named NicoAllez has penetrated deep into browncoat territory, killing all he has passed or observed, as per his orders. He has been monitoring local communications, and have heard that the battle or rout would soon be over. "Well, I'll just have to find another planet to kill people on." he says to himself. He sights in on a particularly well-situated trench with a good half-dozen rebels in it. He positions himself to survey the whole area, and begins his art again. He shoots a lieutenant, and sees a sergeant talk to a beautiful ebony woman, as he hands her the lieutenant’s rank insignia. He watches curiously, as the lone browncoat, with cover fire from the woman, goes and hops into an anti-aircraft gun. Nico suddenly jerks his scope upwards and sees the skiff that the sergeant is targeting. A barely clad armored vixen wielding a sword adorned with poisonous fangs, shows up quite clearly on its armored flanks. "Aaah, the “Insidious Riposte”... Well, bye-bye browncoat, you're DRT. Hlastoni NEVER misses..."

He looks around and goes back to shooting 'live' browncoats, remembering the last time that they were in that bar together... it was what, a month or so ago? Oh well, they had closed the place down; for a flying fairy, he was a great guy to party with. He hears a few high-powered shots, and then the skiff's distinctive guns roar. He shoots the next to last rebel in the trench, and casually glances at the skiff... "Humm, that's just not right, he missed?" as the skiff crashes into the gun mount. He starts to bring his sniper scope to bear, to look to see if Hlastoni was ok, but he sees the twice-damned sergeant enter back into the trench, clearly laughing about the shooting down of the fighter-skiff. The dark woman says something to the sergeant, and he leaves his partial cover to look out around the valley. The sound of the troop ships and a rocket barrage come crashing in; he shoots the last remaining private in the trench, and then he locks in on the sergeant ... as he looks at his face, headshots being a personal favorite, Nico suddenly hears over his earpiece "They're pulling out, we've won!" from a trusted source. He sees the face of the sergeant looking into the sky - and it hits him... he's dead all ready.... you could see it in his eyes. Light just went out, passed on. Nico clicks on the safety, and stealthily runs towards the burning wreckage of the Insidious Riposte, to see about his one-time bar buddy. He casually looks at his watch: 21:20 AMT (09:20 PM), nothing to worry about, all of the browncoats are dead...

DRT - Dead Right There

Decoy - They make me go first ...


Sunday, January 30, 2005 3:59 PM




Merz's words have a tone River knows all too well. "The family has been broken for longer than you can imagine. Important? How can you understand what is important to me? You cannot imagine how important playing is to me. You know how..."

The chance is there to be sympathetic, to find some of the compassion humans need to keep their sanity. But then again, River's also been stripped of much of that. She knows what it's like to not have play anymore. To have childhood wrested away for a far grimmer fate.

And Merz probably knows that, despite the words. She huffs, unable see past the silent walls of the other woman, patience and her own wants knocked aside. "There is no real play without family. All else is illusion--"

Interrupted by the voice on the intercom, she frowns. "OK, Wash here... ahh, well, I'm almost always here right? Who would be flying this thing if I weren't? Oh, right... Mal, Slight's on the screen, and he wants to talk to you, Kaylee, River, and Book. Come on up, OK?"

Whatever she would have said before is gone, but River looks to both women before going into a run, savouring for that brief moment the look of concern and curiosity in Inara's eyes. "Ge-ge!"


"And I make my bed with the stars above my head / And dream of a place called home."


Monday, January 31, 2005 7:14 AM


Malachi's Move
Location: His Ship

How very... good. Malachi thinks to himself as the communicae from the blue fury ends. Turning to the lump on that floor that he now assumes is "Helsing," Malachi bends down to peer closely into the face of the man. "There are many people trying to get rid of you it seems... I wouldn't want to break with tradition." He turns away with a deep, gurgling chuckle.

Hailing the Blue Fury, Malachi speaks. "This is controller Malachi. Your terms are acceptable. Prepare for transport of your prisoner."



Tuesday, February 1, 2005 11:33 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan's Move
PSYCHOLOGICAL LOCATION: Somewhere inside her very personal level of hell.

"Do you remember why you don't sleep, Baby Dragon?"

Rowan looks up at the question and sees her brother standing near the wall by the exit leading up to the bridge. He looks different from the first time. From that eerie dream she had while Dr. Tam worked on her eye. Dimly, Rowan recalls that she hasn't seen her brother in 20 years. At least not the brother she knew as a child, the brother she loved like no other.

Finding the world in the smallest of a grain of sand
And holding infinities in the palm of your hand.

He was dressed in black with a stark white shirt and a blue bow tie. In the palm of his left hand, he held a small, glistening mound of pure white sand in his left hand. Tipping his hand slightly caused the sand to drift downward, almost but not quite touching the galley floor.

"It's not too odd that you don't really, since it doesn't have as much to do with me, so much as with what you did."

And heaven's realm in the seedlings of this tiny flower.
And eternities in the space of a single hour.

In the distance, someone screams and Ru smiles. "But you were too late, Baby Dragon. The harm has already been done."

River. That's River screaming. Why this time? How much pain could one girl endure?

"Do you remember what you did, Baby Dragon?"

Now he's dressed in white again, as if for a funeral.

"Do you remember the blood? You cannot forget forever, you know."

A blotch of red appears on his left lapel and begins spreading outward. The color is ominously dark.

"You cannot forget…"

Another blotch appears in the center of his chest and that one spreads too.

Round like a circle in a spiral, like a wheel within a wheel.

"You cannot forget…"

Never ending or beginning

"Cannot… cannot… "

On an ever spinning wheel.


Her brother fades into the dark still saying that word and in his place stands Xiang. Dressed as he might have been in life, in tweed and a black cardigan over a linen shirt, he gives her that enigmatic smile.

"I am here, Meili Long. I have never left."

Like a snowball down a mountain.

ROWAN: "That was his favorite line."

Realizing she's spoken out loud, Rowan comes back to herself and realizes that she's alone in the Galley. She'd gone into the kitchen for something right after she called up to the bridge to invite Reynolds and the Shepherd down to the shindig. Looking down, she finds her right hand half raised, three fingers curved as if to form around the handle of a pistol.

Glancing around again as she felt her cheeks turn warm from embarrassment, she's awfully glad no one else is around to have seen her mishap. They might all be looking at her the way they already look at River. She can't hear the girls screams anymore and chalks that whole business to the dream… hallucination…thing. She also comes to the conclusion that mixing bao constructed entirely of protein with Kaylee's moonshine might not be such a fantastical idea.

Since the shindig seems to have come to a quiet little pause, Rowan wonders if now might not be a good time to check up on Damon. That little tussle with Merz may have caused him some harm and even pulled stitches.

Moving to the exit leading up to the bridge, she takes a look and sees that everyone up there seems sufficiently occupied. They might not even notice her going in, particularly if she worked it right. The worst Reynolds could do is threaten to drop her off on the destination world of their current little caper. Wouldn't be the first time she's been put off ship for taking liberties. He might kill her too, of course, but considering he didn't dump Damon out the airlock at the first infraction, she figures he isn't the type. And now that he seems more than a little inebriated, this might be as good a time as any.

Taking a bar of chocolate from the box, Rowan tucks it into the back of her trousers as she takes out the handheld and taps into her sourcepad.


Fans come and fans go...but zealots are with you until the bitter black end.
I draw...therefore I am.
Minnesota Meetup - join us!


Tuesday, February 1, 2005 7:52 PM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan and Damon Blended Post

Remembering suddenly that Damon may not get to eat for awhile, Rowan goes back to the kitchen and grabs a dish towel. Taking it to the table, she loads it with eight of the smaller bao and folds the corners tight around. Making a loop out of two of the corners, she hooks it around her wrist and then gets back to business. With the sourcepad link active, she begins working a little techno-magic. First is to get to the video feeds she showed Wash earlier and work it so that a continuous loop image of an empty hallway appears, should anyone think to be checking, which she doubts. Once that's done, she slips off her sandals and moves into the hallway. As she recalls, the crew bunk he's in isn't locked, but Reynolds did order a ping grid installed to safeguard it. Seems the Captain must have had some tunnel rats of some kind to deal with during the war if he has one of those on hand, or even some rudimentary knowledge of it. If that was the highest level of security on this boat, Rowan figures she might have to offer them an upgrade. At a significant discount, of course.

At the hatch to the crew bunk, Rowan is able to verify that the ping grid isn’t hooked in to the ship’s systems before she reaches down and flips the switch to deactivate it. As quietly as possible, she pushes the hatch open and descends the rung-ladder into the crew quarters. The tiny room is dark, but she can hear breathing near the back.

ROWAN (whispering): “Damon – it’s me. Are you okay?”

He is still lying on the bunk, hands behind his head, musing, when he hears the door engage. Damon does not speak, but only waits to see who is entering. He takes a deep breath, and prepares himself, although what for he is not sure. Rowan's voice is a complete surprise; he expected Captain Reynolds at worst and ... Shepherd Book at best.

Damon (whispering): “Rowan? What are you doing here? You're gonna get in trouble. I'm okay."

Ignoring him, she waits for her eyes to adjust - she always had pretty good night vision too, so that doesn't take long, thankfully.

Damon: "Rowan? Are you okay?"

Rowan "I'm fine - I'm more concerned about you. How are those stitches holding up?"

Leaving the ladder, she uses the light from the hatch to find her way to the bunk.

Damon: "Not too bad, but I think I mighta tore something a little. Nothin' I can't live with."

Rowan takes a deep calming breath at that.

Damon (quieter): "Not bein' no Iron man neither. Promise."

Rowan: "Good. Otherwise I'd have to kick your xiao jiay pigu. Look, I can't stay long. Reynolds doesn't know I'm down here."

Damon: "Wu de tien. I'm supposed to be the stupid one. Don't you start, I got enough guilt." He smiles into the darkness to take the sting off of his words, teasin' her. Forgetting she will not see it.

Rowan (smiling): "You are the stupid one. Here." She hands him the bundle. "I brought you something to eat. In case the da huai captain doesn't let you out till morning."

Damon: "Thanks!"

He takes the bundle he feels her hand him and smells ... bao? Oh man. He's eaten well today, perhaps better than he has in months - and his stomach still growls loudly at the smell. He digs into the package, and pulls out a piece - stuffing it eagerly into his mouth.

Hearing the telling rumble, Rowan grins.

Rowan: "That's gotta last you awhile, remember?"

She can almost see him now and the urge to lean forward and give him a quick sisterly peck is ridiculously compelling.

Damon: (Mumbling through a full mouth): "Wonderful. Thanks!"

Rowan (chuckles) "You're welcome. If you feel like there's blood coming from that wound, you make the captain come find me, dong ma?"

Damon: "Yes ma'am. " He swallows happily. That is some good. But he will tell her later, when he can see her face. "Do ya think I'll be here much longer?"

Rowan (breaths a sigh) "I don't know. Could be he lets you out for the party - if he remembers. I don't know what he's been drinking, but it must be purely powerful. He's in quite a state."

Damon: "Hey I heard something earlier. musta been him. Well, maybe I won't blame him if he don't. But I hope he does. Is ... everyone else okay? I thought maybe I heard ... screaming?"

Rowan blinks and frowns, even though he can't see it. So maybe that wasn't part of the dream after all?

Damon sighs. He's done all the thinkin' he is capable for the moment. He is pretty much resigned to the next step. And Captain Reynolds is partyin'. Swell.

Rowan: "You heard that? The scream?"

Damon: "it was kinda faint but yeah. didn't you." The unspoken thought or was it all in my memory, a flashback to being locked up?

Rowan: "Actually, I did. Look, I gotta go. I'm glad you're okay."

Damon: "Sure, you go. And thanks. I ... well, just ... thanks>"

Moving over to the ladder, the tell of sincerity in his voice has her pausing just before climbing up. He should be able to see her now and she gives him a smile.

As he catches her smiling at him, he holds up the bag and pulls out another piece of bao. Bites it and smiles back.

Damon: "And for this too - good!"

Rowan: "I'm here for you, xiao di di. Don't eat that all at once."

And at that, she scrambles back up the ladder and away.

Damon: "No sis" he says softly, marveling at how easily the word comes to his lips. "I won't."

And he settles back to wait the end of his imprisonment


xiao jiay pigu = skinny little ass
da huai = big bad


Wednesday, February 2, 2005 4:26 PM


MERZ move


In a distracted sort of way, Merz watches River dash past her. She has no desire to follow the girl, she does not know what is going on. Not really. As she walks back to the dining area she considers Brink Helsing ... should she have concerns for him? Perhaps not now, not yet. Merz does not want to talk to him over a link. When she speaks to him again it will be face to face, where she can sense him, as well as his words.

And tonight, ah, tonight is for something else. Something new. Perhaps others will join her soon, teach her how to have a 'party'. For the moment she will return to her chair and analyze what has occurred so far. So very interesting ...

Reaching the dining room once again she takes her original chair, pours a glass of water and sips it. Once again she is upright in her chair, forgetting her relaxed pose while distracted by other thoughts. Troy thoughts. To be anything else will require much more time than she has already had...


A man who loves, you buys you flowers. A man who wants you, buys you diamonds. But a man who trusts you - buys you weapons!


Thursday, February 3, 2005 10:24 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan's Move

Seeing no one in the corridor, Rowan climbs out and snugly closing the crew quarters hatch. Switching the ping grid back on, she heads silently back toward the galley. It's intriguing that the captain doesn't have the grid actually hooked up to anything. Could be that his notion was to just use a little psychology on Damon and no actual disciplinary measures. That would imply that Reynolds has a heightened level of compassion that he's been keeping under wraps. A rare thing to find in mercenaries these days.

Returning to the Galley, she finds that Merz is back. Contrary to her behavior before, Merz seems to be back in "Troy" mode somewhat. She's relaxed, but still maintaining a military posture in the chair. Actually, that attempted slouch had been more unnerving to Rowan's frame of mind - unnatural to the Merz she's come to know. Like she was trying to imitate a visualization without really being able to comprehend what she was doing. It's as if she's never seen people just being people.

And since no one else is around, this might be a good time to try another lesson in nine-ball.

ROWAN: "Hey, Merz. Feel like shooting some stick?"

As Merz contemplates her answer, Rowan picks up the bao platters again and moves them over to the counter. Discretely, she rearranges a few to cover for those she took down to Damon.


Fans come and fans go...but zealots are with you until the bitter black end.
I draw...therefore I am.
Minnesota Meetup - join us!


Thursday, February 3, 2005 2:42 PM


MERZ move


“Hey, Merz. Feel like shooting some stick?”

She opens her eye, and watches a bit as Rowan prepares the room for another game. Yes, that will do nicely. She fills her water glass and her shot glass, and sets them both out of the way, and in reach. She sets her chocolate near. Glancing at Rowan and what she is doing Merz can see less of the bao than she remembers. She closes her eyes and tilts her head, thinking hard. Her perceptions are a bit, well … skewed tonight. Did she eat that much of the treat?

Merz pushes that thought aside. No matter, she honestly believes not. Standing out of Rowan’s way she prepares; relaxing her muscles and bringing to the forefront of her mind, such instruction as she has already received, the feel and balance of the stick, the concept of hard and gentle. Coupled with that are Merz’ observations of Rowan’s techniques, and … the feel of her hands. Odd. But helpful, the play of the muscles and the ebb and flow of her movements behind Merz.

As yet, Merz has not had sufficient practice to start deviating from her initial memorization of Rowan’s style and technique. So once again she assumes Rowan’s characteristics in preparation. Perhaps this time, she will go further …

It does not occur to her to speak to Rowan: beginning to feel her as family, she has forgotten that among civilians, words are both necessary and appreciated.


A man who loves, you buys you flowers. A man who wants you, buys you diamonds. But a man who trusts you - buys you weapons!


Saturday, February 5, 2005 10:23 PM


Book's Move
Locale: Same... Bridge

Book watches the fading white bulb of light on the monitor diminish into nothingness as Wash continues to vent. Then there is only black. The playback rang hollow in his ears. How attached are we to our doctor!!?? He thinks... What in the Hell is going on!? He wrenches himself away from the emptiness that awaits him in the blankness of the screen and turns to Mal. He needs Mal to be Mal. Something is very wrong.



Wednesday, February 9, 2005 7:57 PM


Bolo's Move
Location - Bolo's ship

A smile curled over the Bolo's lips excellent.
"Thank you controller Malachi.. and for your assitance I will see to it you are rewarded for helping me in the capture of this renegade"

With that he begin the sequence to dock the ships to each other to allow the passing of the prisoner, he was excited, this had been easy and would hopefully continue to be so, and in a merefew days he could return and he would get what was rightfully his.


Everyone has their weaknesses. Some people smoke, I collect stuffed penguins, if you don't tell I won't.


Thursday, February 10, 2005 11:03 AM



Slight leaps to his feet, as malachi gives his gurgling laugh again. With one punch, Malchi is slammed against a wall, his jaw practically spinnig around his face. He puts his hand to it, still grinning at Slight. Slight begins with a growl, and ends in a full roar, his smooth, aqualine voice holding the power of an approaching storm.
This is what you do for Ariel? This is how you repay my offer, by declaring me your prisoner?
I pray to the Void that it swallow you piece by piece if I find you alive again. You have made your final mistake.

Slight brings what nanytes are left into a short blade. As Malachi continues to try to smile, he stalks forward, keeping the blade hidden. Malachi brings his hands up, ready to fight. A swift kick beats him back against the bulkhead, with gives off a dull boom. Slight jabs the knife up into his his side, not a millimeter from the kidney. A small twitch, and Malachi will die in a few hours. Malachi's eyes widen at the cold sensation, the smile gone.
Promise made. . . Slights eyes narrow, as his lips curve into a absolutely sadistic smile.
Promise held.
He removes the blade, his smile disappearing. Malachi collapses against the bulkhead. Slight stalks away, digging around in the weapons locker. He looks around, but nothing seems to suit him.
What would you have me do?
Slight "hears" the plea from Malachi. He turns to Malachi, for a moment pensieve. He pulls off the trenchcoat, and begins to subconciously have various chemicals and bio-agents injected into him. Unaware, he only knows he's feeling. . .
Malachi has dragged himself into a sitting position, clutching the near-fatal wound. Slight walks towards the airlock, if only to wait. Finally, he looks over his shoulder at the location of his coat, thinking. After a while, he speaks.
I would have you run. Get out of the business of death. Earn as honest a living as you can. Out here. . .in the Black. . .you can't remember what you were after a while. You forget why you fight every day, forget why you try, every day, to scrape the bottom of the pot for a crumb to live on.
I would have you go home. Without me. . .there is no hope for your sister. At least go home and try to be with her. You'd be surprised at how simple a dying wish can be, and how disappointing it is when someone you care about isn't there.
Let me tell you about my father. He is the most twisted man in the 'Verse. He tortured me far more then you can imagine in your greatest nightmares. But he is my father, and I would give anything to know the word love. I would trade my immortal soul to believe I was anything more than a construct. But this is not to be.
Slight finally locks eyes with Malachi. And for a moment. . .even Slight seems to have a heart. Broken, but true.
And for a moment, Brink Helsing can remember why he started to live again.


A pool of blood and tears is nothing if you never mattered.


Friday, February 11, 2005 7:09 AM


Sitting in bleary contemplation Mal still hears the conversation going on around him. His attention, but not his eyes, are on the shadowy figure sitting behind him whispering.

A audio phantom of Tracy seems to be sitting behind Mal, asking "Why? Cap'n - you always save ever'body else. but not me..." Mal knows the answer, but the usual explanation fills his mouth like ashes.

Mal grabs a fat black marker from the console drawer and ignores the whisperings. Nabbing the sports bottle of spirits he marks very carefully this legend:

and on the other side in large letters:

On his hip, his talkie buzzes. Fuzzily remembering that ment somebody was breaking security Mal stands and pulls upon cache of sobriety to move quietly over to the hatch.

On his way he presses the full sports bottle into Jayne's hands with a wink and a nod. He mouths silently "ANDOR PLAT SHINE", hoping Jayne would remember the excellent Platinium Moonshine that the folks on the moon of Andor made.

As he gets to the hatch he sees Rowan descend into Damon's makeshift cell. Drawing back, yet still in the deep shadows of the hatch, Mal keeps an eye down the hall.

... sounding 'normal'...
"Doc and Slight will have to sort themselves out - we got our own problems. Wash... If the signal dos'na trace - we just have to wait till they call again. Now the rest of ya - GET TA RELAXIN'! We got ta be loose for t'marrow."

Mal notices when Rowan exits Damon's cell - alone. This could prove to be interesting he muses muzzly.


"I've heard more intelligent sounds coming out of a pair of corduroys" - Herbert Phillip Lovecraft from *Cast A Deadly Spell*


Wednesday, February 16, 2005 12:19 AM


Malachi's Move
Location: Leaning against a small strapping of metal.

He leans forward and tries to stand, but the pain is inextricable... so instead Malachi falls forward onto his face. With effort, he pushes himself onto his hands and knees and again looks up at Slight. "Helsing... You stab me and then tell me to run, you want me to flee from you when I already told you I didn't care what happened any more." He begins to crawl, as he speaks, towards the med cabinet embedded into the side wall. Coughing up blood, he wipes his face on his sleeve and sneers contemptuously up at Slight. "I've dealt with folks much like you before... though not quite so resilient. Did your brain go off-line for a while? I was trying to help us both. My ship is not equipped to outmaneuver or outgun the Blue Fury. With him thinking you are incapacitated, you can board his ship and kill him, or we can both do it together when he is ready for the transfer." He stops in front of the cabinet and pulls himself up to open it. Doing so roughly, the contents on the shelves spill onto the floor in disarray. "Gorram shan ya iwa itsu-na! Besides, did you already forget that our deaths our linked together as long as you remain upon this ship?"


Inara: Who's winning?
Simon: I can't really tell, they don't seem to be playing by any civilized rules that I know.


Tuesday, February 22, 2005 11:38 AM


Slights move:

Slight sighs, still at the door. What does he think he's dealing with.

Do you know what lies beyond this airlock? A supersoldier of the Blue Sun. If I was at top form, the chances of my incapacitating him would be nil. As it is, I would say that killing him will be impossible. That is the nature of a Nemesis.
The name was given to these. . .things because that is what they are-an enemy of human life.

Across the airlock, Bolo is sitting in a meditative position. His eyes, a fierce, laser-blue, are focused on the door. next to him, a sword lies. It is decorative and ornate, not a weapon but a symbol.
They have an operative life-span of four years, at the most. No more, because they are literally superhuman. Steel grafts make breaking bones impossible, or nearly. There are sensory enhancers for ever nerve cluster, focused on making ever detail and imput immediate and totally accurate. At every joint, there are strength inducements, making them capable of tearing apart human flesh like wet cloth. Slight doesn't even know where all this information is coming-they are wraithlike memories, hollow but real. They spend twenty years training-until they are at the physical limit of their abilities. In that time, they awaken, they train through every battle simulation, are taught to despise those that would oppose them with a hate that makes your indifference nothing. Where you are cold, they burn with rage and contempt.
Slight turns to Malachi, with an inkling of compassion.
Yes, I would have you run, and bury yourself before you would face this. This is not a soldier, or some mercenary looking for a quick plat. He is the essence of death. Right now, with all the knowledge and capabilities I have, I equal one limb of his. And if he uses Blackout. . .
Slight shudders, as the breath of wind touches his shoulder. Beyond that wind, as though the source, Bolos eyes begin to darken, his frosted-blue veins being ot take the hue of the endless space beyond.

Wizards Eighth Rule: Deserve Victory


Tuesday, March 22, 2005 6:42 PM


Bolo's Move

As the feirce feeling of pure inexplicable wrath floods his every vein, consumes his every thought, his mouth dries and remoistens with a salavation tasting akin to copper, driving a pining for his target's very vitae. A lingering feeling of humanity dwindles to nothingness as the image of the one he will claim consumes him. His voice ringing in his mind picking at his every nerve, drawing the blood lust deeper from him, it may take everything, and yet it may take hardly anything, but the fire of ragin destruction is never truly stopped. These words hold forever true as the Blue Sun taught them.

And in this heart of darkness
Our hope lies lost and torn
All flame like love is fleeting
When there's no hope anymore


Tuesday, March 22, 2005 7:25 PM


Malachi's Move
Location: His Ship, standing next to Slight... at last.

"It's been long enough. I should contact him again." Malachi says while staring at Brink Helsing, aka Slight. He sniffs the ionized air. "Listen up. I have a plan... The airlocks on this ship aren't compatible with any other airlocks for easy access, so in order to transport your "body" to him, we'd need to set up a tubular access vestible." Malachi chuckles to himself at his choice of words. "So, when he steps into the access passage between the ships, we blow it into space. Simple, no mess, no fuss." A quick smile flits across his face and Malachi settles down into the pilot's chair. "Let's work out the fine details..."


Inara: Who's winning?
Simon: I can't really tell, they don't seem to be playing by any civilized rules that I know.


Tuesday, April 5, 2005 4:42 AM


Slights Move:

Slight shakes his head.
Problem with that is, won't kill him. Don't you remember? Blue Sun supersoldiers have been biologically enhanced to survive long enough in a total vaccuum to be able to return to our ship. Besides, he already intends to kill you, so he won't want to bother with any access tube. Like yourself, he has no desire to leave any mess. I'll just prance over and incapacitate him. Who knows, maybe i can actually capture. Get wind of what my fathers company is trying right now, and what. . . for just a second, Slight pauses, wondering if he should tell Malachi about the cargo that was such a big deal. Nah. something like that is doing out here. Lotta great intelligence out there.
Suddenly, he can feel one of the hollow memories seem to drift away. Like sand out of his hands, he keeps. . .forgetting things. He doesn't know what-they're gone like mountain mist, too whispy to hold. Whatever the memory was, it triggered something. He can feel those little nanytes all prick him at once, and almost instantly, he feels. . .
Hardly able to stand still now. All the nanytes are clinking into armor. The guns are ready. He is ready. Time to go. Go. Go. Go. Go go go go go gogogogogogogogo,
With a scream, he lunches himself to the airlock, ready to take on the world.

Wizards Eighth Rule: Deserve Victory


Tuesday, April 26, 2005 7:03 AM


Bolo's move

Still on his ship

He stands at the airlock himself with it open, he is actually holding the door as it was, he has no intention of allowing them to wait any longer and with a push he glides across quickly through the fluid vacuum and lands on the opposing ship, inside a resounding ring and a crunch as suddenly he plunges a metl hand in and grasps the hull.

Everyone has their weaknesses. Some people smoke, I collect stuffed penguins, if you don't tell I won't.


Wednesday, May 4, 2005 8:09 AM


Slights move:

Slight is stopped in his tracks as he hears the dull throb of the ship. This things to small. The ensuing gunfight is going to be too chaotic.
With a curse, he knows what he has to do. He unfocuses his eyes, and sees the other ship. It's a straight shot to the airlock. Better take his chances. His skin feels tight-he tries to remember if he was in a vacuum.
Not now. Gotta focus. Bring 'em down. Get him away from here.
He smiles and twitches his head to one side in a sort of shrug. Okay. Let's do that.
He pops open the airlock, and launches his body at the Blue Fury, twisting in mid-jump, firing at Bolo to get his attention. He grabs the other airlock. Then he realizes what's wrong.
This whole time, he could feel Malachi. When Bolo had been there, he'd felt him too. But like a pile of sand in the wind, he can't seem to feel him strongly anymore. Using every measure of his mental strength he clutches onto Bolo's evanescent essence, and tries to call him mockingly, giving him an insult on many different levels.
Blue Sun operative? More like a blue-balled little girl. You want what you're coming for? I'm right here. Can't you see me? Then come on! I want to die! Can't you manage that, holy man? I'm the grand prize, and your luh-suh performance is a shame to all the Powers. A decent Nemesis woulda ground me into a pulp by now. Sad little man, you are.
Slight jumps into the airlock, sliding it shut and letting the blessed heat wash over him. He feels the consant prick of that swarm, and his muscles are spasming once in a while in complaint. He dismisses it. Now's not the time.
He hustles from the airlock, turtling down at a nearby hatch. He does a tactical reload, sliding home an extended clip. Now all he can do is wait.
Live or die. That's all he knows right now.

Live or die.

Wizards Eighth Rule: Deserve Victory


Monday, May 30, 2005 7:34 AM



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"I've heard more intelligent sounds coming out of a pair of corduroys" - Herbert Phillip Lovecraft from *Cast A Deadly Spell*






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