OOC 27 'Adventures in GunRunning' GR RP

UPDATED: Wednesday, November 2, 2005 11:41
VIEWED: 16028
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Sunday, August 14, 2005 11:03 AM


This thread will contain general out of character discussion, as well as direction, commentary, and story arc information from the directors. If you're one of the actors, please check this thread before posting a move to the in-character RP thread.

If you need a refresher of what went before, you can reference the last OOC here:
OOC 26 :

...and the Chat Room here:

Access the latest story thread here:

"I've heard more intelligent sounds coming out of a pair of corduroys" - Herbert Phillip Lovecraft from *Cast A Deadly Spell*


Sunday, August 14, 2005 12:37 PM


Wow! A new OOC!

We have gunshots on board, the board. :)

Decoy, they make me go first.


Wednesday, August 17, 2005 10:20 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

*Takes a loooooong breath of new OOC air*


Alright, time for Rowan to sober up and freak out, I guess.

I draw...therefore I am.
Live in Minnesota? Join the Group! Yahoo Group, that is...


Wednesday, August 17, 2005 6:32 PM


Woohoo. Excitement and a new OOC thread.

Also, just as an advance FYI, I'm being a wholly impulsive little crazy thing and making plans to go to Dragon*Con (which is in about 15 days...). I got begged into it by a Stargate-lovin' friend, but seeing that our big damn cast's going to be there kinda sealed the deal.

So I'll be AFK for about a week and change come the 27th. If someone wants to run River whilst I'm keeping from acting like a giddy schoolgirl at Dragon*Con, lemme know here. I'll fill you in with what I'm trying to get to with her.


Mal: "Define interesting."
Wash: "'Oh God, oh God, we're all gonna die?'"


Tuesday, August 23, 2005 12:29 AM


Folks have bad news ... I feel I must hand over my so-called DireKtorship and acKtor parts to someone else.

Because of rapidly failing health {and other socioeconomic factors} I don't have "it" in me at this point. So, I feel I am doing all the talent here a disservice by trying to hang on and mire things down.

As an acKtor, I have MORE than enjoyed writing with all of you, both originals and the newbies. Unfortunately I can just barely seem hear 'voices' of the characters I am trying to play.

DireKting-wise, I can still 'see' the story arcs and character arcs as an interlocking Escher'esque interwoven tapestry - I just don't have the wherewithal {read: energy} to try to direct things along.

I can only hope all of you have had a positive experance here in our writing coopertive experiment that has lasted ... what, nearly 2 years or so. We have tried many different things -- some that have seemed to work, others that have not. But I still had a tremendous amount of fun playing, IMing, debating and most especially -- meeting and learning and sharing with the whole lot of ya.

Thank you for this experance! I hope you will keep in touch with me and each other, on this board, email or via phone. I really hope we all can meet sometime at a centralized convention at some point.

Take care and keep on a 'Runnin'!

"I've heard more intelligent sounds coming out of a pair of corduroys" - Herbert Phillip Lovecraft from *Cast A Deadly Spell*


Tuesday, August 23, 2005 10:20 AM


*true to his mountainitsic breeding, therefore gruff in anyh circumstances in which a good friend and fellow writer must depart from a grand and somewhat alien adventure, and will always be a fond memory in his heart-*

Well, get outta here already! You better take care of yourself, or else I'll kick your ass!

*Loosely translated-Farewell and Godspeed, and I hope to see you around.


Wednesday, August 24, 2005 3:06 AM


Greetings all.

I am afraid that I am joining the Capn in saying goodbye. I was against the hiatus from the start, but conceeded to the majority vote. I waited patiently with great anticipation for the start-up.

Well, it was not a great success. I know that real life makes a great inroad on peoples time and energy and I respect that. I think it is more than that here however. I cannot see that much interest in telling the tale remains. This makes me sad.

This has been a fun experience and taught me a lot. I think I have grown as a writer from our little experiment and that it grew from it's very humble and almost incoherent beginning, into a Big Damn Story. You should all be proud of yourselves - every one of you including our lost players. For a while, Serenity flew again ...

Should you choose to go on, you can keep Merz, although I would be very careful who you give her to ... she's my baby.,, Keep in touch people, I am not going away mad. I am just going away.

- DeeDee

Once you pull the pin, Mr. Handgrenade is no longer your friend.


Wednesday, August 24, 2005 5:09 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

While I hate to see this come to an end, I must admit that I've seen this coming down the turnpike for a while now and expressed my concerns privately to both Capn and Dee-Dee. As Dee-Dee has stated, taking the hiatus may have seemed like a solution at the time - even to me - but the result has turned out to be quite the opposite.

If your opinions differ, please let us know.

CAPN: I've known you were unwell for some time, but not HOW unwell, and I mourn for the loss of your AWOL muse. I fully intend to keep in touch with you - crafty codger.

Dee-Dee: We are most certainly still friends. If we weren't I wouldn't have been able to speak my mind, knowing you would accept my words and POV even if you maybe didn't agree with them. I don't think anyone could or would dare try to write Merz the way you have. We'll also be in touch.

Apparently now is the time. As the last surviving co-DireKtor, I would put it to you, the aKtors, to determine our fate. If there was poll capability in here, I would start one.

However, you all should be made aware first that my participation has been lacking of late for several reasons, most of which relate to the gorram and everlasting trial of combining full-time work and full-time school. Due to that adversity - and the fact that I don't see it lightening up anytime soon - I would be wholly and completely unable to take on any of the roles currently up for grabs.

My plan is to arrange for Rowan to leave Serenity - NOT by taking a sudden spacewalk - to pursue the search for her lost husband. I'm also taking ownership of Damon in order for him to go with her, as their storylines intertwine. Since he's already shot Mal, chances are pretty good he wouldn't want Damon on board anymore anyway.

So, here's how it is:

We agree to press on, send out a casting call for the various roles that Capn and Debs have left in our hands.

We pull the curtain down, with a few curtain-call posts to wrap things up and send Serenity off on her merry way.

We pull the curtain down NOW - forever and for always.

What say you?

I draw...therefore I am.
Live in Minnesota? Join the Group! Yahoo Group, that is...


Wednesday, August 24, 2005 8:32 AM


I wish the two of you best of luck and thanks for a great time.

Aaaaand... I'd love for this all to continue and that there's a casting call put out. With the movie coming out, there's a chance that it won't be difficult.

For me, I can still do it. Hell, if someone could promise me that I wouldn't be at everyone's beck and call 24/7, I'd be willing to help manage... but I'm not gonna ask or presume that. One, because that's cheeky of me to think I can stroll in and do it, and two... well, two is longer.

Here's the scoop with my life, fast and dirty. I'm graduating from college this year, taking the GRE in September (a week before the BDM comes out), and spending the summer digging through a storage locker I've had for three years to get rid of excess crap. Then I'm going to grad school. o.O

I want this to go on. I enjoy it quite a bit. I'm willing to pimp it whilst at Dragon*Con-- if anyone wants-- to drum up interest, in fact.

But that's just me, one voice in the choir.

Mal: "Define interesting."
Wash: "'Oh God, oh God, we're all gonna die?'"


Wednesday, August 24, 2005 12:59 PM


Quick character arc note - Mal wasn't going to boot Damon off the boat after the shooting - he was just going to be shocked that Damon shot him and then asked {in his own special way} if Damon had got his "wantin' to shoot somebody" outta his system...

OR - even shot Damon back (in the same place Damon accidentally shot Mal} and asked Damon how it felt to have someone betray him/be SO tetchy etc. and so forth ...

It was an attempt to show the 'personal growth shock' that some folks, like the character of Damon, need to finally make a hurdle that had eluded them - an bloody epiphany -- so to speak.

Damon, while a really great character at times, had a tendency to be a bit ... basic and 2 dimensional at other times. I still feel that Mal would have not tolerated the whiney, self-involved parts of Damon as well as I played it. As soon as Damon pulled the gun the 2nd time - Damon would have as likely been dead - if it were ran as a real FF episode.

Oh well ... that is only my opinion and I could be wrong in the long run.

"I've heard more intelligent sounds coming out of a pair of corduroys" - Herbert Phillip Lovecraft from *Cast A Deadly Spell*


Wednesday, August 24, 2005 7:57 PM


I play the game. The game that gets played. I do less now than I did before. I can only do what I can do though. You know. I get so busy with RL sometimes. If you all decide to stop, I will stop. We've lost three so far, right here, one staying and me waiting to see how it goes with the rest. We seem to draw things out a bit, which I think is why we lose people. Maybe we should've tried fewer people writing for characters in a short story setting, instead of trying to play a full crew, then the stories could've arced more quickly.

Inara: Who's winning?
Simon: I can't really tell, they don't seem to be playing by any civilized rules that I know.


Thursday, August 25, 2005 10:06 AM


i DO aim to misbehave


Originally posted by CapnRahn:
Quick character arc note - Mal wasn't going to boot Damon off the boat after the shooting - he was just going to be shocked that Damon shot him and then asked {in his own special way} if Damon had got his "wantin' to shoot somebody" outta his system...

Damon's reply to that wouldn't be what Mal might expect. He doesn't have a hankering to shoot anybody - not even the one who deserves it. I don't mean Mal.

OR - even shot Damon back (in the same place Damon accidentally shot Mal} and asked Damon how it felt to have someone betray him/be SO tetchy etc. and so forth ...
Damon's been shot once already. A bit cliche and redundant to my frame of mind.

It was an attempt to show the 'personal growth shock' that some folks, like the character of Damon, need to finally make a hurdle that had eluded them - an bloody epiphany -- so to speak.
Understood, although this isn't the personal growth shock that was originally in the plan for Damon. Now I have to back up ten yards and figure out what Rowan's role is in all this. Hers and Damon's storylines got twined together when the exposition revealed that Damon and Rowan both know Rowan's husband, but are wholly unaware of their mutual association. May need to do some head scratching on that one.

Damon, while a really great character at times, had a tendency to be a bit ... basic and 2 dimensional at other times.
Considering his environment for the past several years, there hasn't been much to give him dimention. The RP was supposed to help him in that direction. Not every character comes out fully fleshed.

I still feel that Mal would have not tolerated the whiney, self-involved parts of Damon as well as I played it.
He put up with Jayne, didn't he? He's every bit as whiney and even more self-involved than Damon.

As soon as Damon pulled the gun the 2nd time - Damon would have as likely been dead - if it were ran as a real FF episode.
Unless Mal was taking Damon on as crew, in which case, Damon would be covered by the umbrella of loyalty that Mal extends to everyone on board, for better or for worse. The only people Mal has shot outright are those who endanger his crew, in which case - you bet he would have been dead. Or at least wish he was.

And for a fella who claims he doesn't have "it" anymore, you sure are showing strong signs... of "IT"

I MISS THIS!!! Story discussion - there's been way too much "sorry, too busy, can't post" posting in the OOCs these days - my own included - not enough talk story.

I draw...therefore I am.
Live in Minnesota? Join the Group! Yahoo Group, that is...


Thursday, August 25, 2005 10:23 AM


i DO aim to misbehave


Originally posted by BrokenChilde:
I wish the two of you best of luck and thanks for a great time.

Aaaaand... I'd love for this all to continue and that there's a casting call put out. With the movie coming out, there's a chance that it won't be difficult.

For me, I can still do it. Hell, if someone could promise me that I wouldn't be at everyone's beck and call 24/7, I'd be willing to help manage...

No no no, no one is going to be anyone's beck and call girl around here!

Seriously, if you'd like to help manage it, that would be fabulous. You can even step in to the lofty post of DireKtor if you feel so confident. As previously stated, my timing is LOUSY!

I draw...therefore I am.
Live in Minnesota? Join the Group! Yahoo Group, that is...


Thursday, August 25, 2005 7:13 PM


I would like to make a suggestion to you all.

I think load times are becomming an issue on this board, and there are limits to what can be done in story crafting. There are better places to tell this kind of tale, and I would like to suggest one to you all.

One person starts the story, and can designate any number of person's as 'principal authors' which gives them a lot of director capabilities. The Storycrafter and principal authors can post as anyone if need be. Icons are easier to obtain, create and can be changed in minutes. There is a lot of flexibility in posting options and it takes html coding.

You might find it a better outlet for storytelling than this site. I have.

Once you pull the pin, Mr. Handgrenade is no longer your friend.


Thursday, August 25, 2005 9:21 PM



Originally posted by Channain:

Seriously, if you'd like to help manage it, that would be fabulous. You can even step in to the lofty post of DireKtor if you feel so confident. As previously stated, my timing is LOUSY!

I'm honoured that you'd mention such a thing.

Tell you what; I'm a day and change from leaving homebase for two weeks of likely chaos. Fun chaos, but still chaos. Whem I'm back, I'd be happy to talk it out thoroughly; but right now, anything that's not the two monster luggage pieces on the table or the profs I have to beg to not drop me for missing class is getting the last dregs of my daily energy.

Which'll get better when I get back. Even if I have to make it.

Then again... if you want to message me tomorrow, I should be around for all but a couple hours for a milk run. (LaCaitiri on Y!M and AIM)

The occasionally brave, but really just more talented at stepping up and maintaining her thus far perfect insomnia record,


Mal: "Define interesting."
Wash: "'Oh God, oh God, we're all gonna die?'"


Saturday, August 27, 2005 12:42 PM


I myself would love to double post as Merz. I've been keeping an eye on the character development throughout, and while I don't pretend to understand the full depths of the sinisterly calm and controlled Merz, with a curiousity in what she must view as close to exotic and strange world of the "norm." (If it's not obvious, I'm prodding for a decent-deadwrong basics of Merz)
I also have some thoughts I been bouncin around on her. With your permission, Dee, I'd love to take a swing at it.
As for DireKtorship, I give my second to Brokenchilde. I personally feel I've invested too much to just let this fade out. I even had an idea for a way to close this ep to CapnRahn, if he'd hear them. Guess I could wave the new DireKtor.

"Wasn't about you, Jayne. It was about what they needed."
"Don't make no sense." -Jaynestown

We're still flying. It' not much. . . It's enough.


Sunday, August 28, 2005 5:14 PM


Raven -

So long as you understand that I am ALSO taking her with me, feel free to take Merz over here. I look forward to seeing what you can do with her. I warn you, she is a challenge and a half, and can take over your way of thinking sometimes ...

And, should you have any questions, feel free to contact me - anytime.

Oh yeah, and you have the Capn's contact info. I am sure he would accept a wave from you. Just understand that it might take him a couple days to receive and comment on it, circumstances being what they are.

- DeeDee

Once you pull the pin, Mr. Handgrenade is no longer your friend.


Monday, August 29, 2005 9:16 AM



Originally posted by RavenWhyteWing:

As for DireKtorship, I give my second to Brokenchilde. I personally feel I've invested too much to just let this fade out. I even had an idea for a way to close this ep to CapnRahn...

Sneaking in on my host's iMac (meaning all typos are because I go for the wrong keys ), and it makes me happy to know I'm not the only one who wants this to keep going. I think of it too fondly, I think.

And cheers much for the vote of confidence, Raven. :)

Now, I must run. Last minute DragonCon errands, an Egyptian museum and picking up combat boots for the proper Browncoat costume are calling.


Mal: "Define interesting."
Wash: "'Oh God, oh God, we're all gonna die?'"


Monday, August 29, 2005 3:07 PM


i DO aim to misbehave

Alrighty then!

Sounds like we've got a going concern so far. huh... not the response I expected, I'll admit. Just goes to show how something like this can get under the skin. Makes me feel 100 times more optimistic than I did a week ago.

I also checked out, suggested by DeeDee, and it could very well be the way to go.

We still have a couple of people to hear from, I think, and may want to wait until after the Labor Day/Dragon*Con weekend to fire up again.

I may try to figure out what the heck is going on, and set up a casting call for Mal, Kaylee and Jayne. I think we should keep the original characters like Merz and Damon in the family.

I draw...therefore I am.
Live in Minnesota? Join the Group! Yahoo Group, that is...


Wednesday, August 31, 2005 8:12 AM


*peeks inside and looks around before walking in and sitting down*

hi all

Sometimes life takes us where we weren't expecting to go...


Wednesday, August 31, 2005 11:19 AM


i DO aim to misbehave


Originally posted by Squee:
Sometimes life takes us where we weren't expecting to go...

Doesn't it just!!!

Hi Mei Mei! Welcome back!

Okay, here's the thing. The issue I'm having is with Damon shooting Mal. Having been one of the two to interact the most with Damon, I know for a fact that he A) would never have shown anyone his slave brand whatever the circumstances and B) would never have shot Mal for any reason other than self defense.

I have a couple of notions on changing what's been written already. Now I know it's never been done that way before and I wanted to see how the other players felt.

I draw...therefore I am.
Live in Minnesota? Join the Group! Yahoo Group, that is...


Thursday, September 1, 2005 10:42 AM


Sad to say, I didn't even see any of the recent developments with the threads until yesterday. But my input is that it hurts my heart to think of putting the game to rest before the story's finished being told.

Having been one of the guilty parties in the "unable to post" department, I'm happy to say I'm finally starting to get my computer situation to a place where I can post again. I'm ready and willing to jump back in...

Capn Just sending lots of love and healing hugs your way, hon. You know May wasn't the last time we'll be seein' each other.

Merz Same for you, hon... and in extra doses. You'll be hearing from me very soon.

Channy I also didn't see your post to me about why Zoe pulled Rowan aside until right after I'd come here to see what was up with the storyline. The main idea was to take advantage of Rowan's teasing Wash and grab an opportunity to have these two characters interact a bit more, like we used to talk about before RL started getting in the way...

Everyone in General Sorry I've been gone so long. I'd be willing to pick up one of the direktorial mantles again, if need be. Just let me know. Now that the move is over (all but the unpacking of boxes we haven't even seen in 3 to 6 years ), everything is back to a much more even keel.

I've missed everyone more than you can imagine, and I hope we're not seeing the end of something truly extraordinary...


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Saturday, September 3, 2005 9:55 PM


It's ok by me if you want to change it


Sunday, September 4, 2005 7:47 AM


Hi jie jie! thanks for the invite. and yes, that would be my signature that's still up from so long ago. funny how it can be just as true now as it was then.

Everyone's probably already guessed that I'm back to play Damon- now that he's in need of a writer, Chan asked if i could rejoin. As the knower of all things Damon, i figured why not, plus, i've really missed him and GR and all you wonderful folks keepign this RP alive


Okay, here's the thing. The issue I'm having is with Damon shooting Mal. Having been one of the two to interact the most with Damon, I know for a fact that he A) would never have shown anyone his slave brand whatever the circumstances and B) would never have shot Mal for any reason other than self defense.

I have a couple of notions on changing what's been written already. Now I know it's never been done that way before and I wanted to see how the other players felt.

Yes, A and B are both correct and to be honest, i'd be at a loss if i had to pick Damon up as he is right now cuz I can't justify his actions in that scene without making him a completely different person.

So, yes, change would be very appreciated cuz i think its the best way to get Damon back on the track that's true to his character.

Sometimes life takes us where we weren't expecting to go...


Sunday, September 4, 2005 3:21 PM


Whatever - consider him unshot.

"I've heard more intelligent sounds coming out of a pair of corduroys" - Herbert Phillip Lovecraft from *Cast A Deadly Spell*


Sunday, September 4, 2005 3:32 PM


Now all you have to do is make the 'shot' a sparking circuit from the kicked over ping grid or something ... have fun.

Yes, I am annoyed - if anybody had actually READ the post, they would find that Damon ACCIDENTALLY shot Mal in a reflexive clenching at being called a 'catimite'. It wasn't a conscience decision.

"Observe Analyze & Respond"
Motto of the A.P.E.s
Alliance Protean Engineers


Sunday, September 4, 2005 6:33 PM


I realize that I no longer have a right to an opinion, but I do have a suggestion.

If I were you, I would start the current scene again from the beginning - start a new thread, and take up where you choose after the hiatus.

Create a new OOC and a new post thread and cut/paste only what you choose to save from the old one. That way, a lot of issues are no longer ... issues.

- DeeDee

Once you pull the pin, Mr. Handgrenade is no longer your friend.


Tuesday, September 6, 2005 9:48 AM


i DO aim to misbehave


Capn said
Yes, I am annoyed - if anybody had actually READ the post, they would find that Damon ACCIDENTALLY shot Mal in a reflexive clenching at being called a 'catimite'. It wasn't a conscience decision.

If you knew what "catamite" meant, ignore this post. otherwise, here's what Merriam Webster had to say about it

catamite: Etymology: Latin catamitus, from Catamitus Ganymede, from Etruscan Catmite, from Greek GanymEdEs: a boy kept by a pederast

And just to make sure it was what I thought it was, I looked up "pedarast" as well and found out it was EXACTLY what it sounded like.

The problem I'm having is this: when did Mal make the leap from "master" as written in the blended post with you and Debs, to "pederast"? Granted, Mal's made some pretty smutty leaps--how he first referred to River when he saw her naked in the cryo chamber springs to mind.

However, none of the other characters were supposed to know about this--not even Rowan. Damon hadn't actually spoken of it to anybody so there's no way that MAL could have overheard it either.

Using "catamite", then having Damon react to it unconsciously might have worked, if the exposition was there to back it up. Not to mention Damon's not an educated fella and likely wouldn't have known what "catamite" meant--unless it's more widely used elsewhere and I'm just not aware of it. Now, I suspect Mal was just trying to get a rise out of the boy, but I didn't read it that way initially.

And I'll admit for me, part of the problem with that post was having to wade through the syntax you use for Mal's speech and figure out what he was saying. The way you use punctuation to superimpose Mal's accent (as you perceive it) over the dialogue can get excessive at times, and strikes me as fairly frivolous in the long run. You may recall ages ago I mentioned that it's distracting for me when Mal's syntax is taken to such an extreme--so again, it may just be me.

The scene was well-written--as all of your work has been--but may have been posted ahead of its time.


Having already resigned, you really didn't have to delete the scene--take your ball and go home, as it were. You might have trusted us to be creative enough to get around it.

The best directors, I've heard, are the ones who allow their actors some leeway to reinterpret the characters as THEY see them. This includes giving them all the information they're going to need BEFORE shooting the scene, to get the job done.

I draw...therefore I am.
Live in Minnesota? Join the Group! Yahoo Group, that is...


Wednesday, September 7, 2005 4:52 AM



Originally posted by Channain:
I also checked out, suggested by DeeDee, and it could very well be the way to go.

We still have a couple of people to hear from, I think, and may want to wait until after the Labor Day/Dragon*Con weekend to fire up again.

And what a Dragon*Con it was for us Browncoats. Didn't have all the cast present, but the four that were rocked the house.

Anyways. I'm flying home today and will be back at the real computer laaate tonight. Which means I probably won't do anything again online 'til tomorrow. Including looking at

Until then... keep flyin'.


Mal: "Define interesting."
Wash: "'Oh God, oh God, we're all gonna die?'"


Wednesday, September 7, 2005 5:29 AM


Channain my friend,

I was not planning on getting in on this again, but you know how it goes. And I can say what I am going to say perfectly knowing that I have it right. This is not supposition on my part.

Mal’s choice of word had nothing to do what-so-ever, with any perceived truth concerning Damon, (and this HAS been explained to Squee). I am not sure it really deserves an explanation here, but … MAL used a word that was the worst thing he could think of that he assumed DAMON would not know. He was not trying to imply anything.

I personally have accidentally pushed someone’s hot button on more than one occasion, so I know that it happens.

I was running Damon and it was my considered opinion that he WOULD have heard the word under his circumstances and resented it.

I was NOT aware of what the Capn was going to write, we set it up so that each person is as surprised by the dialog as one would be in a conversation. Damon’s reaction was MINE and mine alone, and the Capn did not know what I was going to do …

The other thing is, this was off screen to the rest of you. A surprise reaction was called for. One does not get a genuine surprise reaction by asking “okay we are going to do this, if it is all right with everyone else. Please act surprised”. No one else runs their moves by the director before posting, why should we have run our move by you? You cannot have known what was going on, so what information did you need before we did our scene? I find myself confused, but then again it really is a moot point.

The scene still exists, it was deleted not destroyed. In reading the OOC it was clear to me that the intention was to unshoot MAL. Apparently it was clear to the Capn too. This decision was not discussed, and I did not disagree with it when I was advised it had been deleted. If your intention was to remove the whole point behind the scene, and there are issues with Damon and Mal’s actions, then you should have your replacements re-create what happened after the PING grid was destroyed. There is a whole ‘nother conversation there that still remains and you can pick and choose what you would keep of it.

But if the issue was with our last scene and how WE wrote it and how WE as the only players involved interpreted our OWN actions, and that seems to both of us to be the case, then you do not need that scene to go on. Creative you may be, but unshooting Mal with that scene in existence is the equivalent of Geezer leaving through an airlock in the middle of a voyage with no back-up explanation of where he is going and who is picking him up in the middle of nowhere. I hated that, and I won’t be a party to having the same thing done in my name. I won't have my action turned into a mind movie, because it wasn't. It was an action, I made it, and I stand by my interpretation. I understand your disagreement with it, however it was my decision alone.

I have no hard feelings. I still have friends here I hope. But … I don’t want to argue over my words any more.

- DeeDee

Once you pull the pin, Mr. Handgrenade is no longer your friend.


Thursday, September 8, 2005 11:31 AM


i DO aim to misbehave


Dee Dee said
I have no hard feelings. I still have friends here I hope. But … I don’t want to argue over my words any more.

Yeah, I'm getting that. And I agree. We keep spiraling like this and nothing's ever going to move forward.

And move forward we shall.

Shaz and I will work together with whomever wishes to join us as directors or players.

We have a gunrunning mission to complete. A rescue operation to engage, and whatever else should happen along the way.

I draw...therefore I am.
Live in Minnesota? Join the Group! Yahoo Group, that is...


Friday, September 9, 2005 9:20 AM



Originally posted by Channain:
And move forward we shall.

Shaz and I will work together with whomever wishes to join us as directors or players.

We have a gunrunning mission to complete. A rescue operation to engage, and whatever else should happen along the way.

I couldn't have said it better myself. It's a lot to ask to keep everyone happy all of the time, but I'll miss those who are leaving, am glad those who are staying are staying so we can continue to play, and look forward to meeting new players.


Mal: "Define interesting."
Wash: "'Oh God, oh God, we're all gonna die?'"


Monday, September 12, 2005 11:29 AM


Well said, Dee. email me with contact stuff, so's I can deliberate widcha about Merz.

"Wasn't about you, Jayne. It was about what they needed."
"Don't make no sense." -Jaynestown

We're still flying. It' not much. . . It's enough.


Wednesday, September 14, 2005 2:47 AM



Originally posted by Channain:
We have a gunrunning mission to complete. A rescue operation to engage, and whatever else should happen along the way.

So what's the plan, folks? Should I go ahead and post for Zoe as if shots rang out, or are we going sans-shooting? ('Cause, y'know, it's Zoe. Ain't likely to just sit and chat when shootin's happening aboard-ship... or anywhere else, now that I think of it... )


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Thursday, September 15, 2005 3:17 AM


To keep going, we need to plan... So, Let's PLAN!
Maybe let's vote on a single course of action?

Decoy, they make me go first.


Friday, September 16, 2005 2:34 AM


*stumbles in from the cold darkness of the internet and falls over Decoy* PEOPLE!!! *cling*


I hope all is well, dearly-missed folks!

Just a humble supplicant in service to all things Joss


Saturday, September 17, 2005 10:20 AM


Hello, Ciara. Good to see you again.

My personal vote- sans shot. I'faith, 'twas a wee bit strange.

Yeah, I'd say whipe it out , dust off, and keep flyin. My suggestion-it sounds like a shot, but perhaps one of the pistons or something popped in the same manner as a pistol. I could spin a mechanics post.

"Wasn't about you, Jayne. It was about what they needed."
"Don't make no sense." -Jaynestown

We're still flying. It' not much. . . It's enough.


Sunday, September 18, 2005 4:23 AM


Maybe something on the bridge shorted out, making the 'pop' noise... there are plenty of reasons for it.

Decoy, they make me go first.


Tuesday, September 20, 2005 11:48 AM


i DO aim to misbehave


Originally posted by Decoy:
To keep going, we need to plan... So, Let's PLAN!
Maybe let's vote on a single course of action?

Decoy, they make me go first.

We need to run a casting call for a few folks. Mal, Kaylee, and Jayne, in particular.

We're keeping Merz in the family, so to speak, and I may have Squee back to write for Damon again.

Raven - Thanks for taking up the task.

Decoy - Glad you're staying on board.

All others - Thanks also for persevering.

I draw...therefore I am.
Live in Minnesota? Join the Group! Yahoo Group, that is...


Tuesday, September 20, 2005 1:41 PM


You might outta check with Boomer... she mentioned something about potentially wanting to pick Kaylee up again...


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Monday, September 26, 2005 2:09 PM


Hey all,

Just a quick check-in to see how everyone's doing here. I know I've been busy (and goading everyone I know to go see Serenity at least once ).


Mal: "Define interesting."
Wash: "'Oh God, oh God, we're all gonna die?'"


Thursday, September 29, 2005 6:00 AM


I'm here, just been a bit under the weather this past week. How's everyone else been doing?


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Thursday, September 29, 2005 2:03 PM


I'm financially, physically, professionally, romantically, mentally totally thrown off.

Still walkin and talkin

Serenity tomorrow!!!!!
I've got four diehards and three newbs I'm kidnapping, blackmailing and otherwise convincing to the show.

"Wasn't about you, Jayne. It was about what they needed."
"Don't make no sense." -Jaynestown

We're still flying. It' not much. . . It's enough.


Thursday, September 29, 2005 3:45 PM


Hey all. Yup. Still kickin' around too. Been trying to forget about missing out on going to the red carpet premiere in LA with Tash. He and I got invited by Haken to go to the party there (free of charge) to be part of the entourage. It woulda been great but he turned it down. Gorramit! Alas, I am almost over the disappointment. How goes the casting call here? Anybody new crop up to fill our empty roles yet?


Thursday, September 29, 2005 3:54 PM


Why as I live and breathe!! If it isn't my old pals again! n_n I see yer still pinin for people--I'm still ready if anyone ever gives me the green light and some backstory :)

as for Serenity, I've got two newbs plus the spousal unit and a few other maybes for tomorrow night--hopefully things will go perfectly--I've had chill bumps all day!

Just a humble supplicant in service to all things Joss


Thursday, September 29, 2005 4:33 PM


sad to hear the Cap'n, Merz and others are having Real life probs ...

I was never in the Gunrunners game really .. I was waiting in the wings for the Gunrunners: The New Hakkaido Adventures to begin.

I have enough rp elsewhere and enough real life stuff going on myself to design a character to insert a character into whatever form the GR stuff will take ... and I'm not sure if the game that was planned in New Hakkaido will actually take place over at StoryCrafter so I think I'll just ride of into the sunset and keep an eye on things here at fireflyfans

Have fun folks

'Trust me - I know what I'm doing!' - Sledge Hammer


Tuesday, October 11, 2005 3:54 PM


It looks like the impetus is gone.


Friday, October 14, 2005 2:24 AM


Looks like... I'm ready to post, I just need somebody to take charge/direct and tell me what has happened.

Decoy, they make me go first.


Monday, October 17, 2005 2:46 AM


I don't know that the impetus is gone, just that our fearless leaders are probably up to their eyeballs in school work.

I'm just waiting to post until I know if the gunshot issue has been resolved, so I know whether to send Zoe on the hunt or not.


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Saturday, October 22, 2005 2:31 AM


Still W A I T I N G . . . ! ! !

Whah! I wanna post!

Decoy, they make me go first, when somebody can GO, that is!






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