RP: Badger's Betrayal" or "Adventures in GunRunning" ACT 5

UPDATED: Thursday, January 22, 2004 03:39
VIEWED: 15801
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Monday, January 19, 2004 10:16 AM


something.....different? :P

Just a humble supplicant in service to all things Joss


Monday, January 19, 2004 10:51 AM


Kaylee's Move
Location: Close to Serenity, talking to Inara on the docks.

"This stuff is great, Inara! This perfume smells so good. It reminds me of my first home...had honeysuckle vines growin' right outside my window. Some of River's seein' 'bilities musta rubbed off on ya!" Laughing, Kaylee leans over to give Inara a hug.

Kaylee notices that Inara is looking at something-or someone-over her shoulder. She turns around to look and sees a beautiful Chinese woman walking towards them, carrying two cases. "She looks determined", thinks Kaylee.

"Do you know her, 'Nara?"

As Inara shakes her head, Kaylee turns back to the woman as she approaches them.

Smiling, she asks the woman, "Hey, there! Lookin' for someone?"

End Move


Monday, January 19, 2004 11:32 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan's Move:

ROWAN (to herself): The companion has AMAZING eyes.

Without breaking eye contact or her stride, Rowan moves toward the Firefly, practically to the foot of the boarding ramp. Not four feet from the companion, she pauses and lowers the duffle from her right shoulder. They spend a moment, gazing into each other eyes at first, then perusing further. Rowan wonders if a companion's skin is every bit as luscious as it looks.
Kaylee turns back to the woman as she approaches them. Smiling, she asks the woman, "Hey, there! Lookin' for someone?"
ROWAN (unable to hold back a smile): "After a fashion - I'm looking for passage off planet, but I'm short part of the fee and wondered if your captain would be in the market for short-term crew."

The girl on the mule has a sparkling beauty all her own. Aside from luxurious hair that Rowan once would have given her left thumb for, and sharp luminous eyes, her brilliant smile has more than a thousand watts behind it - a genuine spirit refusing to be contained.


I draw, therefore I am


Monday, January 19, 2004 11:37 AM


Kaylee's Move
Location: Just outside the ramp of Serenity

"Hmmm...depends on what ya can offer, I guess. The Captain'll be back soon. I'm Kaylee, and this is Inara. What's your name?"

Kaylee smiles at the woman, pushing the wisps of hair off her face. She manages to leave a thin smear of grease across her forehead.

End Move

"I love my Captain."


Monday, January 19, 2004 12:06 PM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan's Move:

ROWAN (to herself) If she could be any cuter, I can't see how.

ROWAN to Kaylee: "I'm Rowan. And I can provide just about any service he needs."

She lifts an eyebrow slightly to acknowledge the companion's direction.

ROWAN to Inara: "Not the kind that would infringe on your work, but I have some experience in all manner of tasks from cooking to ship-board computers."

Rowan scans the Firefly and makes note of the name painted on the cockpit.

ROWAN (to herself): Serenity. Nice.

ROWAN: "This is an R3, right? How long since you got to do an upgrade?"


I draw, therefore I am


Monday, January 19, 2004 12:43 PM


Simon's Move

Just minutes after the rest of the crew goes their own way.

Simon sits hunched over on the Cyrocase as River busies herself around the infirmary. He can't close his eyes without seeing horrific scenes of torture flow by seemingly without end.

Long thin glass ampoules filled with a green liquid inserted in a mans unirary tract and smashed...

The slow methodical flaying of deltoid muscle off of a shackled & fettered young female, who's screams have nearly ruptured her throat...

An Achilles tendon being pulled out of a males calf like a packing strap cutting through cardboard and sounding like a grisly shripping sound of torn velcro.

And continuously through these gut wrenching images and screams a soft and strange chuckle floats - a laugh that is somehow insidiously familiar

softly almost inaudable
"River ... mei-mei ... help me..."



Monday, January 19, 2004 12:46 PM


Inara's turn

Still holding the newcomer's jet black eyes with her own deep brown, Inara is lost in them for a moment. They speak of exotic pleasures and secretive trysts...they also are hard as stone, and a bit colder. A moment before their gazes break, the eyes soften and she sees something there....but then it is gone. Inara shudders as the woman turns to speak to Kaylee. Inara hears her mention her name: Rowan....the tree of protection and sanctuary....quite fitting indeed. She looked like she could protect herself--maybe a few others too.

KAYLEE: "Hey, there! Lookin' for someone?"
WOMAN: (unable to hold back a smile): After a fashion - I'm looking for passage off planet, but I'm short part of the fee and wondered if your captain would be in the market for short-term crew.

she lifts an eyebrow slightly to acknowledge the companion's direction.

ROWAN to Inara: Not the kind that would infringe on your work, but I have some experience in all manner of tasks from cooking to ship-board computers.

Inara tucks her chin down and smiles--"Very kind of you to consider my work, Rowan...but I don't service those aboard this ship. At least not in any professional capacity"

Inara's eyes twinkle--Mal's face flashes in her subconcious--she feels a small pang of guilt.

Will you come with us? I'm sure the Capitan will be back soon, the least we can do is introduce you to our dear Serenity.

End Inara's turn

Just a humble supplicant in service to all things Joss


Monday, January 19, 2004 12:46 PM



something.....different? :P

It was something, now it no longer is.
River is sorting medicines, and she finds a bottle. It's one she takes. She hands it to Simon.

It'll make the voices go away. You said it would. Ge-ge, I'm here for you.
Sorry for confusing people!
"Freedom is the Freedom to say that 2+2 makes 4. If that is granted, all else follws"-Winston, 1984
Keep flyin', and remember, THEY can't take the sky from US!


Monday, January 19, 2004 12:49 PM


Kaylee's Move
Location: Still outside Serenity

"Rowan, huh? What a shiny name! Yeah, Serenity's an R3. Haven't had much chance to upgrade NavSats, though. Workin' on the engines right now. Had a bit of a rough ride comin' into Hera, and my girl's banged up some. No worries, though. I got everythin' I need right here to fix her up good and proper."

Kaylee pats the boxes behind her.

"You got a good eye, Rowan. Hope the Cap'n says it's ok for you ta come with us. New people, new stories. Shiny!"

End Move

"I love my Captain."


Monday, January 19, 2004 12:57 PM


Simon's Move

Just minutes after the rest of the crew goes their own way.

Instead of taking the bottle Simon clutches River to him in a bear hug, using her touch to ground himself to the real world

takes a shuddering breath
"I never knew ... what they did to you ... what type of human animals live ... Niska ... The Academy butchers ... just for the sake of pain"

strokes River's hair and buries his face in her shoulder.


"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Monday, January 19, 2004 1:05 PM


River is comforting Simon now (For a change).

Shh, shh, ge-ge.

She strokes Simon's hair, and drops the bottle.

"Freedom is the Freedom to say that 2+2 makes 4. If that is granted, all else follws"-Winston, 1984
Keep flyin', and remember, THEY can't take the sky from US!


Monday, January 19, 2004 1:13 PM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan's Move:
Location: Outside Serenity

Rowan chuckles over the girl's enthusiasm, admiring her spunk and envying her a bit for her innocence.

ROWAN: "Sorry to hear about that. I'm a good hand with a wrench too, if you need one. As to the Nav Sats, I could offer at least a stage 5 upgrade."


I draw, therefore I am


Monday, January 19, 2004 1:23 PM


Simon's Move

Upon hearing the bottle hit the ground, Simon looks up into River's eyes and seems to be startled at the role reversal. Still Holding her, he leans over and gently retrieves the bottle

takes a steadying breath this time
"Thank you meimei ... I'll need a hypo, can you please get it for me?"

River reluctant to release Simon, attempts to snatch a sealed hypo from the just-out-of-reach work tray, nearly upsetting both the tray and Simon's perch on the Cryrobox. At the clatter River quickly looks back to Simon who, while blanched and aged looking, gives her a reassuring grin. He takes the hypo and tries to prepares it with shaking hands. River gently takes the hypo and bottle and expertly loads it and looks at Simon with questioning eyes.

"Yes, it might be better if you do it, I know you can"

River swabs his carotid artery and efficiently injects the medicine. Simon closes his eyes and goes limp over the Cryobox


I am bushed ... last post fer awhile!
"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Monday, January 19, 2004 1:26 PM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan's Move:
Location: Outside Serenity

ROWAN (to herself): I lingered too long, let the companion see too much. My fault - haven't seen anyone like her since I left the core. Like finding a swatch of red velvet in a stack of burlap.
Inara: Will you come with us? I'm sure the Captain will be back soon, the least we can do is introduce you to our dear Serenity.
ROWAN (hesitant): "As I can't quite pay the whole fee, I'll admit I'm leery about boarding without the captain's word. I've been on ships with captains who didn't take too kindly to the idea that I was on for barter. Nearly got jettisoned out an airlock once. Until he tasted my hot and sour soup, that is."


I draw, therefore I am


Monday, January 19, 2004 1:27 PM


Keep the Shiny side up


Zoe To MAL: "What's our move, Sir?"

Thorne has heard all Zoe had to say. He approves of Zoe. Not only is she a looker, she also doesn't seem to be one to go off half-cocked, unlike her hot-head boss. If he can get these kids out of here in one piece, maybe he can teach them enough to make them useful. He decides to soften up a bit, to see if the situation can be salvaged.

"Girl makes sense, Cap'n. Look, I admit we got off to a bad start, but we can all make out like bandits if we work together. The fee for my cargo plus that little extra helping over at dock 4 can keep you flying for quite a while. So come on. Besides, this little lady's [nods at Zoe] too pretty to get all shot up. What you say?


"Keep the Shiny side up"


Monday, January 19, 2004 1:28 PM


As River injects the fluids into Simon, she says:

Time to go to sleep.

She hugs him, then goes out where Kaylee and Inara are meeting Rowan.


"Freedom is the Freedom to say that 2+2 makes 4. If that is granted, all else follws"-Winston, 1984
Keep flyin', and remember, THEY can't take the sky from US!


Monday, January 19, 2004 2:39 PM


MAL: Says to Zoe:"I want you to go over and start a fight with that Alliance narc. Get some pushing and shoving going. We'll duck on out the back and lose these Alliance pricks in the confusion, dong ma?"

Says to Thorne:"Cai bu shi. Looks like you got yourself a deal, wo de tien ah. We'll meet up at Alliance dock 4 in, say, two hours? I want to load up 50 cases of Tequilla to use as our cover story 'case we get boarded. Oh, one final thing. I ain't your boy, and you ain't my daddy, Jack!"

[Clicks on radio mike.] Says to Serenity crew:"Get ready for some action. Zoe and I are heading back. Deal went ok. We're in business! Next stop:New Hikido!"

[Leaves bar with Zoe and heads back to Serenity at a brisk pace.]


OOC:Way to go with the RPing all! Very entertaining.


Monday, January 19, 2004 3:42 PM


Kaylee's Move
Location: Slowly working her way up the ramp of Serenity.

"Oh, hey, River! How's the doc? Sure looked bad before I left. You been keepin' watch?"

Kaylee looks back at Rowan.

"Well, come on, silly! Time's a'wastin'. Oh, this is River, another one of our crew. She takes a little gettin' used to, but she's really sweet, and you'll figure her out right enough."

Kaylee drives the mule up into the cargo bay, Inara & Rowan trailing behind her. She parks the mule and starts to unload it.

"Hey, River! Wanna gimme a hand with this? Got alot a stuff ta go down ta the engine room."

End Move

"I love my Captain."


Monday, January 19, 2004 4:39 PM


Keep the Shiny side up

Thorne's move:

Thorne watches Zoe start a small brawl. As Mal and Zoe sneak, not so inconspicuously as they believe, out the back door, he thinks:
[Lord save me from heroes. If they'd have just listened I could've gotten them out of here with no one the wiser, plus tied up half the Feds in town waiting for them to come out. Now they're gonna run into that squad out back and get the shooting match that boy's looking for. Time to go to work, I guess.]

Thorne rapidly climbs the back stairs to the second floor. As he goes, he removes the hollowpoints from his revolver and replaces them with eight new rounds, each carrying a "ZZZ" etched on the cartridge head.

Reaching the second floor balcony, Thorne takes a quick look over the rail at Mal and Zoe walking briskly towards the docks. He also sees the squad of armored Feds waiting to ambush them.

He thinks [Work, work, work. Work, work, work. Work, work, work.] as he rises again, draws his revolver, and fires eight muted shots, seemingly without aiming. The eight Fed squaddies slap at various unprotected patches of skin, and collapse to the ground...out cold.

Mal amd Zoe continue down the street, never seeing their sleeping ambushers.

Thorne goes back down stairs, where the fight has calmed down, and orders a beer. He has a couple of hours to kill before the meet at dock 4.


"Keep the Shiny side up"


Monday, January 19, 2004 4:49 PM


MAL:[As they're heading back to Serenity, Mal lets out a laugh.]

Says to Zoe:"I think I got the best of that good old boy back there! Ha! Ha! We're going to make money hand over fist on this caper, eh Zoe?"

[Looks over at Zoe with a smile and winks slyly.]



Monday, January 19, 2004 6:05 PM


River goes to help Kaylee, and passes by Rowan. She says to Rowan:

Nine ball.

She then says to Kaylee:

Simon is asleep. It was his time.

She picks up some stuff, and heads off to the engine room.

"Freedom is the Freedom to say that 2+2 makes 4. If that is granted, all else follws"-Winston, 1984
Keep flyin', and remember, THEY can't take the sky from US!


Monday, January 19, 2004 7:50 PM


Book's Move

Location: Bridge

Book waits for an answer from Zoe, but silence tells him volumes. He waits and listens, eventually going to the storage locker, removing another radio and tossing it to Wash.

"Keep an ear out for more Alliance troop transmissions Wash, things went quiet real quick. Keep Zoe and the Cap'n apprised. I'm going down to check things out."

Book leaves the bridge and goes down by way of the aft stairs. He stops by his room and pockets his ID card, then moves to the door of the common room. He stops as he see's Kaylee and Inara on the end of the lowered cargo bay door talking to a slight woman whom Book thinks he recognizes. Looking beyond them, Book breathes easy as Mal and Zoe, heads together discussing, come into sight around a far corner. Book turns and goes back to his room to think.

Book to himself

"That went a little too easy."



Tuesday, January 20, 2004 2:54 AM


Keep the Shiny side up

Thorne's move.

Thorne sits at a table in the bar, doing serious damage to a plate of filly fillet, haricort vert, and fried yucca. He runs through a mental list of what he'll need to take with him on Serenity:
[Let's see. The Barrett M-210 for long range work. A shotgun's good...doesn't overpenetrate in a ship. Couple of spare handguns. Ammo, including the specials. Level IV back & brest. And rope...If you don't have it you're sure to need it. The usual spices. Wonder if anyone on that tub can cook? Probably not. Now what did the kid say? Tequila, yeah! Toss in a couple cases of limes, at least. Marguritas away! Hah! (pause) I'll need one or two after we clear the Valley. Pray to God this is the last time I ever have to go back there.]


"Keep the Shiny side up"


Tuesday, January 20, 2004 4:37 AM


Zoe's Move:

After the short brawl, ZOE heads out the back with MAL toward the ship. As they walk, she keeps watch and a hand on her rifle. At one point, she thinks she hears a body fall. She looks around, sees nothing, but takes her alertness up to battle-ready.

MAL says: "I think I got the best of that good old boy back there! Ha! Ha! We're going to make money hand over fist on this caper, eh Zoe?"

He winks, and she looks at him like he's a bit out of his mind.

"Cap'n, we get word that not only is the place crawlin' with Feds, but they've IDed us, and there's no one out the back waitin' to haul us in? That getaway didn't seem just a little too easy to you?"

Sees BOOK poke his head out and then disappear back into the ship. Notices KAYLEE driving the mule up the ramp with INARA and another woman following on foot.

"Looks like there'll be more to tell on this end, too."

End Move.


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Tuesday, January 20, 2004 7:17 AM


Book's Move

Location: Book's Room then the Common Area

Book stows away the radio and small gun he was carrying, again takes his Bible in hand and returns from his room into the common area with a shepherdly presence.

Noticing that none of the others have yet come back to the common area, Book furrows his brow, sits down in one of the many cushioned chairs and begins to pretend to read.

In his mind he wonders how Zoe and Mal could have escaped the Alliance? ...indeed what happened to the Alliance? and where is their back-up now?

Book looks up to the infirmary and another question arises in his mind ...what did Simon glean from Niska?



Tuesday, January 20, 2004 9:13 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan’s Move:
Location: Outside Serenity

ROWAN (to herself): "I think it’s been ten years since I smiled, let alone genuinely laughed. Did it ever simply flow out like that? Maybe once – one day, like a flash in the pan. Lord, it all happened so fast. Did the cause destroy it all?

Rowan can’t help it – there is just no other way to respond to such sparkle except with a smile.

ROWAN: "Well, can't very well refuse such a shiny invitation, now can I?"

Glancing at the companion, the two share a look of mutual agreement before the companion gestures again toward Serenity’s cargo hold. Lifting the duffle back to her shoulder, Rowan looks upward at Serenity’s profile before turning her focus to the boarding ramp. She’s halfway up the ramp before she feels someone approaching from behind. Looking over her right shoulder, she sees two individuals on their way toward the ship like they’re on a mission from the Almighty. The woman is striking, with the kind of dark beauty that would have launched ships in the ancient history of Earth-that was. The fella beside her, matching her stride for stride, carries himself like a man who knows his own mind and isn’t afraid to go for what he wants.

Both of them are wearing brown coats. Hers is lighter, more khaki, but his is obviously an officer’s coat direct from the Independent uniform series from the early, more prosperous years of the war. So not on any mission other than likely outrunning some trouble with the local Alliance. Rolling her eyes upward, she sends a nasty look toward the Almighty.

ROWAN (to The Great Whoever): I’m shipping out on a vessel crewed by Independents. Frankly? Could have done without the ironical omniscient sense of humor -- thanks!


OOC: Keep forgetting to end my move!

I draw, therefore I am


Tuesday, January 20, 2004 9:27 AM



Wash goes to follow Book but he forgets that he put the gun down when Book gave him the radio. So he goes back to get his gun, and then he drops his radio. When he picks it back up, he hears on his radio..

Voice1: (sounds out of breath) "..reporting in. Got Reynolds. He didn't put up much of a fight."
Voice2: (garbled) "That's a neg-- *static* Reynolds *static* --my sites. They're at--"
Voice3: (deep scratchy voice. sounds like a commander of some sort) "Sargeant get off the line."
Voice1: "But Sir he's right here. We got Reynolds!"
Voice3: "That's not Reynolds you idiot! You're in the wrong bar!"
Voice2: *static* "Looks like Thorne. *static* --with Thorne."
Voice3: "You positive corporal?"
Voice2: *static* "--hundred percent affirm sir."
Voice3: "ABORT! Clear channel!" *static*
Voice2: "Aborting capture mission." *static* "Operation" *static* "Is a go."

Wash looks at his radio in disbelief. Then quickly moves out of bridge down hallway looking for Book, who's already moved on.

"Book! Hey, wait up! Did you hear this?"


OOC: Assume when Wash catches up with Book that Wash relays what he heard to Book. If Book had his radio on, Book did NOT hear the same thing Wash heard. For more clarification please ask me questions in the OOC thread.

"Hang on, travelers..."


Tuesday, January 20, 2004 11:28 AM


Kaylee's Move
Location: Taking supplies & parts down to the engine room.

"Thanks for the help, River! Never can find a man ta help out when ya need one. Hey, did you call Rowan "Nine Ball"? Do you know her?"

Continues on to engine room with River.

End Move

"I love my Captain."


Tuesday, January 20, 2004 12:17 PM


Book's Move

Location: Common Area outside the Infirmary

Book, still pretending to be engrossed in his reading, looks up with concern as Wash runs up to him, radio in hand and a look of crazed uncertainty on his face.

Wash paces in front of Book, the radio almost flying out of his gesturing hands. Book stands and tries to calm Wash, taking the radio from him and setting it on the table. As Wash relays the incoming transmission to Book, (who had left his radio in his room,) Book goes quickly to the aft stairway.

Book to Wash

"We need to get this info to the captain. It sounds like Alliance troops may have captured our contact, Thorne."

voice dropping low as he continues up the stairs.
"Things are starting to make some sense."

raising his voice again
"Was there any more to the transmission?"



Tuesday, January 20, 2004 12:36 PM


Keep the Shiny side up

Thorne: move

Thorne looks on as three guys in civvies jump some tourist wearing a brown jacket and haul him out the door. None of his business. He finishes his Key Lime pie and goes upstairs to his room to pack. As he throws weapons, clothes, and a wire whisk into a duffel bag, he trys to figure how to decoy some of the Feds away from Dock 4, now that Mal has screwed up Plan A. Thorne has to live here after this deal goes down, and folk offing a bunch of Feds makes things a mite uncomfortable.


"Keep the Shiny side up"


Tuesday, January 20, 2004 1:02 PM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan’s Move
Location: on the boarding ramp, just after spotting Mal and Zoe

River goes to help Kaylee, and passes by Rowan. She says to Rowan:

Nine ball.
Rowan starts violently and turns around to her right just in time to see the girl pass. Little bit of a thing, a waif really. Light on her feet, there was a dancer’s grace in her movements, and a boldness of innocence. Young too. Watching her help Kaylee, she sees a shy smile and figures she can’t be more than sixteen.

ROWAN (to herself): What is a sweet young thing like you doing out here? And how in nine hells do you know I play billiards?

Then the girl looks up and Rowan finds herself starting again. They are enormous, and should have been the kind to betray any and all self-centered thoughts that careened through a teenage mind. Instead they are shielded--showing nothing--and intuitive--seeing everything. Staring right into her and through her, Rowan can’t help but feel that for the second time in her life, someone else knew her innermost thoughts and every secret she has been harboring for the past decade.

ROWAN (to herself): How much can she know?


I draw, therefore I am


Tuesday, January 20, 2004 1:50 PM


River says to Kaylee:

But, I don't...she won the nine ball game...

River almost looks confused.

"Freedom is the Freedom to say that 2+2 makes 4. If that is granted, all else follws"-Winston, 1984
Keep flyin', and remember, THEY can't take the sky from US!


Tuesday, January 20, 2004 2:19 PM


Inara's turn

Inara leads the way into Serenity's cargo hold. She steps aside as Kaylee drives the mule up the ramp and begins unloading it with the help of River.

She glances back at Rowan, and notices her looking back down into the docks. She glances out into the bright scene, Serenity's cool shadow making the day seem all the more dazzling.

Zoe and Mal are trotting toward the ramp at a brisk pace. Mal with a look of smug good humor, Zoe with her usual "business" face--utterly impenetrable and unreadable. It seems, at least to Mal's thinking, that the deal went well.

Inara smiles inwardly at the broad grin on Mal's face as he enters the bay. He looks at her curiously.

End Inara's turn

--edited to fit later post

ooc ok I tried to narrate a little--yell at me if I messed anyone's plan up, and I'll rewrite *ducks*

Just a humble supplicant in service to all things Joss


Tuesday, January 20, 2004 2:33 PM



Says to Zoe:"See. There you go again with the negative vibes. We got somethin' those gorram Feds don't. We're so damn pretty! Now don't worry that pretty little head o' yours over shoulda beens and coulda beens. Lets focus on all that coin we're gonna be getting after this job is over. Juh hen sh guh kwai luh duh jean jan!"

[Mal approaches Serenity and sees Inara and Rowan in cargo bay. Mal looks to Inara with a curious look on his face.]

Says to Inara:"A new client?"



Tuesday, January 20, 2004 3:57 PM


Keep the Shiny side up

Thorne's turn:

Thorne props his duffel by the back door and walks over to the bar. Smitty, the Fed snitch, is sporting a shiner and a split lip. Thorne decides Smitty can create his diversion and clean up some bad business at the same time.

"Hey Smitty, you look like crap. Have one on me. What'd you say to that little gal caused her to hand you your ass?"

"Thanks, Rosie. I could use a drop. Don't know what the slut's trouble was. Just hauled off and slugged me for no good reason. If I'd a been ready I could'a taken her. Hell. You were talkin' to 'em. What was that about?

"Oh, my brother-in-law, the "interstellar entrepreneur", sent 'em to me for a cargo, but they're looking for the kind of stuff an honest trader doesn't sell. I shuffled 'em along to Elmore's. The whole lot of 'em can get kraunched until their brains run out their ears, for all I care."

"Always said you're an honest man, Rosie. Just ask anyone. Never would deal in that junk."

"Well thanks, Smitty. That means a lot to me. Gotta go now. You take care if you see them runners again. They were armed to the teeth and looked pretty trigger-happy."

Before Thorne even gets to the back door, he can hear Smitty babbling into his comm. "Yeah. They're on their way to Elmore's. Sure I'm sure. Reliable source. They're packin' heat and not afraid to use it."

Thorne loves it when a plan comes together. Even though the Feds won't find anyone at Elmore's, they'll be drawn off the docks, and they'll probably take the opportunity and rough him up a bit for their trouble. Dirt should be cleaned up whenever possible.


"Keep the Shiny side up"


Tuesday, January 20, 2004 4:31 PM


Inara's turn, supplemental

Inara's lips part slightly in shock at Mal's frank question. It's as close as she gets to slack-jawed suprise.

Why no, Capitan. I wasn't planning on Rowan becoming a client of mine, but who's to say? Certainly not you. I'm sure you weren't prying into the legal affairs of a registered companion, now were you?

glances significantly at Rowan

I will be in my shuttle, Rowan, if you would like to come for some tea. I am sure we have much to discuss.

Inara nods her head to Rowan, and smiles serenely at Mal before heading up the stairs to her shuttle

Inara's heart flutters with the minute look of jealousy on Mal's face at that last statement.

End Inara's supplement

Just a humble supplicant in service to all things Joss


Tuesday, January 20, 2004 5:01 PM



[Gives Inara a 'well, la-dee-da' look. Staring hungrily after her as she ascends stairs.]

Yells to Inara:"Oh, by the way, not meanin' to intrude on your affairs, but I'll be gettin' my shirt back: when?!"

[Turns to Zoe.] Says:"Why don't you see to getting us underway to make our appointment with Thorne?"

[Looks at Rowan.]Says:"Well Miss. I see you've met some o' my crew. Is there something I can do you for?"



Wednesday, January 21, 2004 5:34 AM


Zoe's Move:

Heads up to the bridge looking for WASH and JAYNE, to clue them in on the next step of the plan. As she goes, hears INARA's invitation to ROWAN and notices the almost defiant look on INARA's face. Also sees MAL's not-so-subtle reaction, grins and shakes her head like an indulgent big sister.

To herself: "Those two..."

A little alarmed at finding only JAYNE on the bridge, ZOE calls over the ship-wide comm...

"WASH head on up to the bridge, we got some plannin' to do before we leave this rock."

When WASH arrives on the bridge with BOOK in tow, ZOE fills them in on the details.

"We made the meet with this THORNE. Seems we're to take the man on as a passenger in addition to the cargo. We're meetin' THORNE at Dock 4 in two hours for a little side job he's got to sweeten the pot a bit."

Turns to JAYNE: "JAYNE, you and I'll start gettin' ready for the job at Dock 4."

Turns to WASH: "KAYLEE's back with the parts she needs and another possible passenger to boot. Cap'n wants 50 cases of tequila on board to throw off any questionin' by the Feds. Take the mule and get what we need as quick as you can, then get Serenity ready to head out as soon as we finish this side job."

Turns to BOOK: "Shepherd, I'd appreciate it if you could see your way clear to make up a bunk for THORNE in the passenger dorm. And maybe one for this ROWAN. Cap'n's talkin' to her now, might be she's comin' with us."

Looks around at all three: "Any questions?"

End Move.


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Wednesday, January 21, 2004 7:50 AM


Book's Move

Location: Bridge

Book leads the way up the stairs, but he is overtaken by Wash as they both hear Zoe calling out his name. Book follows Wash onto the bridge, listens to Zoe explain the situation and then nods.

Book to Zoe

"I'm sure I can manage to help get the passengers settled Zoe... but tell me, how did you escape Alliance troops?"



Wednesday, January 21, 2004 7:56 AM


Zoe's Move (Supplemental):

To BOOK: "Went out the back in the brawl that grew outta my pickin' a fight with the Fed they had inside. Cap'n's idea. Sumthin' ain't sittin' right with me about how easy we got out the back, but I ain't 'bout to look that gift horse in the mouth."

End Move.


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Wednesday, January 21, 2004 8:31 AM


Book's Move Supplemental

Book to Zoe

"Then we both have the same uneasy feeling. Wash heard something on the radio about Thorne, but we're unsure what it means."

Book goes to the door of the bridge, then turns back to Zoe.

"We need to keep an extra close eye on this Thorne... and the other passenger might not be just coincidence. I hate to sound untrusting, but we've dealt with one shady passenger after another."

Book turns to leave.

"I'll go set those new passenger rooms up near mine, right now."



Wednesday, January 21, 2004 9:00 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan’s Move:
Location: Serenity’s Boarding ramp, on the way inside.

River says to Kaylee:
But, I don't...she won the nine ball game...
River almost looks confused.

ROWAN (to herself) The cue stick case.

Touching the black leather strap crossing her chest that secured the case diagonally across her back, Rowan relaxes. If the girl is living on the ship, she has to have seen a pool game in one of the ports once or twice. That has to be it. Someone said something once about space dementia – how it can cause paranoid delusions at the drop of a hat. Rowan smiles at herself – at what Kaylee would call silliness - realizing she has been in space long enough to have gotten more than a little delusional. Not that there certainly isn’t reason for it, but to suspect that even 16 year-old girls are agents for the Alliance? That is a just a little over the top.

Inara: I will be in my shuttle, Rowan, if you would like to come for some tea. I am sure we have much to discuss.
Inara nods her head to Rowan, and smiles serenely at Mal before heading up the stairs to her shuttle.

Mal: [Gives Inara a 'well, la-dee-da' look. Staring hungrily after her as she ascends stairs.]

Rowan accepts the companion’s generous invitation with a single nod of her own. Curious, she turns to look at the fella in the Independent brown coat and decides she’s now in the presence of Serenity’s captain, who also happens to be the companion’s—Inara’s landlord. It also isn’t lost on her at all that under the guise of aggravating him, Inara is also flirting shamelessly, which, if Rowan understands the occupation correctly, is not something they normally have to do. Not so very different from the kind of flirtation Rowan herself implements when she’s hustling a mark.

And then there’s the look in the captain’s eye. The kind of yearning that goes beyond a man’s basic attraction to the elegant sexuality suggested by a companion. No, there is something running much deeper in this one, and Inara chooses to respond to it by trying her best to put him off.

ROWAN (to herself): That is what I would definitely call interesting. Now what, I wonder, would happen if these two just said to the ‘verse with it and gave each other a real chance?

Thinking briefly of Xiang, Rowan swallows back a quick sharpness in her throat as the captain speaks.

Mal: [Looks at Rowan.]Says: "Well Miss. I see you've met some o' my crew. Is there something I can do you for?"

Rowan gives him a half smile.

ROWAN: "Might be something I can do you for, captain. If you are - captain, that is.


I draw, therefore I am


Wednesday, January 21, 2004 9:38 AM


Book's Move

Location: Passenger Area

Book makes up a room for each of the new passengers. He decides to set up things for Rowan, (whom he has yet to meet) next to Simon's room. (indicated on the map with an R) Book sets up Thorne's room across the hall from himself. (indicated on the map with a T)


Wednesday, January 21, 2004 9:54 AM


Kaylee's Move
Location: Engine Room

Kaylee thanks River for helping her carry supplies back to her lair.

"Why don't you go check on Simon, River? Make sure he's still sleeping."

As Kaylee begins to putter around, putting stuff away, taking stuff out, she thinks about how she wound up here. The Captain sure was nice to offer her a job doing what she was born for.

Almost without effort, she's back on her parent's farm, arguing with her dad. She's all of 8 years old.

"Dad, the thing's not gonna work. It doesn't like what ya done to it."

"Kaylee-girl, what in the Sam Hill do ya mean? Gorram thing needs a'couple whacks wit' this here hammer and she'll be right as rain."

Rolling her eyes, she replies, "Da, don' hit it, 'k? Gimme a minute."

She stands still and closes her eyes. Turning her head ever so slightly, a smile crosses her features.

Opening her eyes, she says, "Ya jus' need ta move this here dohickey to that there openin', then put some o' this stuff in tha pan there, and...see?"

The machine starts to hum nicely as she works on it. Her father stares at her.

"Damn, Kaylee-girl, but ya got talent! Comere, sweetheart." Her dad engulfs her in a huge bear hug.

Laughing, she says, "I'll check tha other machines, too, Da, 'n see what's wrong wit' 'em."

The now-grown Kaylee smiles as she remembers the exchange. She misses her family--especially her dad--terribly, but knows that she left them in much better shape before she left. She begins to hum the song from the party on Persephone as she gets down to the business of fixing her girl.

End Move

"I love my Captain."


Wednesday, January 21, 2004 11:36 AM



[Aware of Rowan's scrutiny, Mal quickly hides the yearning he has for Inara, so evident on his face. Feeling a tightness in his throat, Mal clears his throat, swallows hard, and forces himself to smile at his unexpected new arrival.]

Responding to Rowan:"Oh, juh jen sh guh kwai luh duh jean jan! Sheh-sheh! Something you can do for me, huh? Yep, I'm the Captain of Serenity. I'm for sure and for certain of that."

[Mal looks at Rowan suspiciously. Thinks "Ok, what's she selling?"]

Says to Rowan:"Think I got all that I need though. I'm thinking, whatever you can do FOR me has already been done TO me by someone else, I'm sure. Now, unless there was something else, I've got a ship to run and cargo to deliver on New Hikido! So, xei-xei, but no thank you. Have a nice day bao bei!"

[Mal turns on his heel. Thinking to himself "Well, that's that! Now to pick up that cargo."]



Wednesday, January 21, 2004 12:24 PM


Keep the Shiny side up

Thorne’s Move:

Thorne shoulders his duffle and walks slowly toward Dock 4. He has plenty of time, and doesn’t want to draw any undue attention. “Back to the Valley again.” He thinks. “last time pays for all.”

{Flashback: Thorne and his father on the front porch of the family main house in Serenity Valley. Nighttime.}

“Roosevelt, I can’t believe this. The Alliance has given you your rank, your training, your whole life. How can you quit them and support these rebels? “

“Not rebels, father. Just folk that want control of their own futures. And the Alliance isn’t what it was when I joined. Things I’ve seen lately...I can’t stand by and let it go on”

“If army life isn’t for you any more, resign your commission and come back to the Valley. You could manage the new farms. I’m getting on and could use the help. Just come home, son.”

“I can't now, father. I’ve got this to do. When it’s over I’ll settle down and we can grow some crops together. Don’t tell the family I was here. If it gets out it’ll just bring you trouble.“


“Never even got to say goodbye. And trouble came anyway.”

Thorne walks on towards Dock 4


"Keep the Shiny side up"


Wednesday, January 21, 2004 12:37 PM


Book's Move

Location: Common Area doorway

Satisfied that he's finally done something useful, Book leaves the common area and walks up the steps leading to the cargo bay just as
Mal says to Rowan:

"Think I got all that I need though. I'm thinking, whatever you can do FOR me has already been done TO me by someone else, I'm sure. Now, unless there was something else, I've got a ship to run and cargo to deliver on New Hikido! So, xei-xei but no thank you. Have a nice day bao bei!"

Book sighs and waits on the edge of the new-comers vision to see if she concinves the captain otherwise. Mal turns and begins to walk away.

Book thinks to himself,

"Perhaps getting a room ready for her wasn't so useful after all."



Wednesday, January 21, 2004 2:59 PM


River takes Kaylee's advice, and goes to check on Simon. She tries to move him, and she fails. Shes says over the intercom:

Help is needed. Please come.

She looks down on Simon, and says:

We are all dreaming.

"Freedom is the Freedom to say that 2+2 makes 4. If that is granted, all else follws"-Winston, 1984
Keep flyin', and remember, THEY can't take the sky from US!


Wednesday, January 21, 2004 4:31 PM



[Still waiting on Rowan's response, Mal hears River's voice come over the intercom.]

Says to River over intercom:"I'll be right there Xiao mei-mei!"

Says to Rowan:"I got a matter to attend to. Why don't you go on with your pitch while I look into this? Walk and talk, yeah?"

[Mal keeps on walking toward Infirmary without looking to see if Rowan's following.]

[Mal arrives at Infirmary, sees River and the unconcious form of Simon.]

Says to River:"Wu de ma! River, what happened to your ge ge? Was he feeling sick earlier nien ching duh?"

[Mal proceeds to check Simon's vitals. Heartbeat, pulse, respiration, etc. Having had some medic training in military.]



Wednesday, January 21, 2004 4:35 PM


On seeing Mal do all this she starts to laugh.

Ge-ge needed to sleep.

She stops laughing and smiling.

The voices in his head won't stop. He asked me too.

"Freedom is the Freedom to say that 2+2 makes 4. If that is granted, all else follws"-Winston, 1984
Keep flyin', and remember, THEY can't take the sky from US!






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