RP: "Adventures in GunRunning" - Act 9

UPDATED: Thursday, February 19, 2004 07:35
VIEWED: 12408
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Wednesday, February 4, 2004 9:15 PM


Includes episode synopses and links to all the threads for
prior acts.

(chat and storyline work)

(more in-depth conversations about character

Captain Malcolm 'Mal' Reynolds - Humble
( temporarily played by Geezer (come
back soon, Humble!)

Inara Serra - Ciara (; AIM)
Zoë Warren - Astriana (, MSN, AIM:
Wash Warren - Temporarily played by Astriana (We'll miss
you Zachsmind!)

Kaywinnit Lee 'Kaylee' Frye - BoomerGoodHeart
(, MSN, AIM)
Simon Tam - CapnRahn (, MSN, AIM)
River Tam - TeelaBrown (AIM: Teela Sera)
Shepherd Book - ManiacNumberOne (
Jayne Cobb - SerenitysSon (

Adelai Niska - Kelso ( temporarily
played by CapnRahn

Jubal Early - Succatash
Roosevelt 'Rosie' Thorne - Geezer (
Rowan - Channain (; AIM: Channain)
Brink 'Slight' Helsing - RavenWhyteWing
Damon - Squee (; AIM: Squee755)

Astriana - GameMaster (, MSN, AIM:
Channain - Co-Director (; AIM: Channain)


EOM = End of Move
OOC = Out Of Character
POV = Point Of View
WT = Working Title

None have been established. Each player has a unique style
for posting a move that is consistent within itself. You'll
catch on!

Last but not least, the Gunrunners would like to extend a
big THANK YOU to Joss Whedon for creating a whole new
'verse for us to play in, and to Haken for giving us a
bright, shiny new sandbox theater!

JossRP Gang
HakenRP Gang



Wednesday, February 4, 2004 9:23 PM


Jaynes turn: (finally)

Jayne hears Mal over the radio and decides its best to go ahead and go check the cargo area. Moving slowly, sweeping back and forth with Vera, Jayne starts thinking it might not be such a bad assignment after all. He had noticed the new passenger several times as he went about his work today, and she sure wasn't hard on the eyes, could be a bit of fun.

Jayne enters the catwalk above the cargo area and looks down to see Rowan taking swig after swig from the Tequila. He stands there for a moment slightly taken aback then regains his composure and heads down the stairs.

"Ain't many women I met that can handle the hard stuff like that. Hell, ifin' I didn't know better, I'da sweared ya' was one a my old drinkin' buddies."

"Capn' wants us ta' check out the cargo are fer any signs a that ruttin psycho Niska, care ta' take a stroll?" Jayne offers his hand to Rowan to help her get to her feet.

The Hero of Canton, the man they call... Meeeeee!


Wednesday, February 4, 2004 10:33 PM


I hate doing this ...


Channain won't be able to post on the 5th ...

Ummm ... so everyone can carry on with their moves, this placeholder is here and with notes to help you follow the story line UNTIL - Channain and I can blend Rowan and Niska's 'moves'right here in this EXACT post.

In as much that ROWAN's move and NISKA's will not 'affect' other character...

For some reason...{SIDE NOTE: yer choice SSon, we thought ROWAN would get boored and do the following}...after searching for a bit in the cargo bay, Jayne and Rowan split up.

ROWAN decides to take the trash out on the MULE and dump it outside.
{Frau Direktor, sorry about the new bit with the mule . I felt it had to be done for continunity, if not correct in your eyes or the players, I can fix it}

Then this COMPLETED post will occur.

ROWAN will be found outside by {whoever wants to 'wander' outside first} on Hera(?) a bit drunk on tequila - leaning on/holding a mop handle with no mop hheadon the end.

ROWAN is staring stoically angry at something on the ground nearby. It is a broom handle broken into 2 nearly equal halves.

ROWAN may be quietly cussing about the deviant Shan Yu's teachings and that Shan Yu just outright stole and disgraced the teachings of Sun Tzu.

But ROWAN WILL be spittin' mad that Niska 'cheated' and got the drop on her.

NISKA and the MULE is nowhere in sight.

smeagol edited like mistress directed ...

Vas dot a kerrect aseezment, Frau Direktor?
*Cap'n Rahn weaves his sleepy way to his bedroom*


Thursday, February 5, 2004 9:32 AM


Book's Move

Location: Infirmary with Simon and Damon (on med bed)

"I know you don't want to talk about this, but you're going to have to."

As Book watches, the rage and anxiety seem to drain from Simon's body. Simon begins to wobble, and an uncontrollable urge to lie down immediately comes over him. As Simon teeters on the edge of his drug-induced strength, Book takes a step forward and guides him to the center med bed. Simon relaxes onto the table, visibly exhausted, and Book watches Simon's color turn from a semi-normal skin tone to a pale white.

Recognizing the withdrawal symptoms of the mind-altering drug he had held onto for so long, Book wishes he had never taken it from hiding, wishes he had never had it at all. *Book's thinking* "We've learned nothing, we've lost Niska, Simon's damaged, and I... I can't believe what I've done." Book swallows down his guilt and leans over Simon.

Book to Simon

"I know you can hear me Simon. Focus. It's coming to an end. You're going to be alright."

Book looks up to Damon whose still on the side med bed.

"Damon, I know you're hurt, but I need your help. Can you bring that oxygen?"

Book indicates a two-foot container in a metal stand behind Damon.

Book to Simon

"Simon. Focus."


OOC - CapnRahn, I noticed you were involved in sickness, co-directing and moving for Niska. So I took a little creative license with Simon. If it doesn't jive, let me know.


Thursday, February 5, 2004 9:37 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan’s Move:
Location: Cargo Bay, growing swiftly blended on tequila. Mal has just sent down orders for her and Jayne to search the entire bay, including hidden caches, for Niska.

Taking one more healthy drink for good measure - damn that's fine stuff - Rowan senses a sudden shift in the ship’s position and sits herself down on the deck grates. Wondering when it was they took off, she takes another drink.

Feeling the hairs on the back of her neck lift, she turns to see Jayne at the top of the catwalk, an enormous gun gently cradled in his hands, frozen in the midst of coming down. He was watching her like a man watches a strip tease - enjoying what he was seeing, and wanting still more.

Jayne: "Ain't many women I met that can handle the hard stuff like that. Hell, ifin' I didn't know better, I'da sweared ya' was one a my old drinkin' buddies."
He seems much taller than the last time she saw him. Tilting her head back as he approaches, she determines there’s no mistaking the strength. She’d bet half her stash that when he walked into a bar, just about everyone in the place took notice.

Jayne: "Capn' wants us ta check out the cargo are fer any signs a that ruttin psycho Niska, care ta' take a stroll?"

Jayne offers his hand to Rowan to help her get to her feet.
ROWAN (to self): MMMM…nice hands.

After two tries, she gets the cap back on the bottle, then reaches out with her left hand. Gripping firmly, she lets him tug her to her feet, and holds on while the deck sways again.

ROWAN: Kinda pilot you all got on this boat anyhow?

Hearing his chuckle, she watches him turn and lead the way. A little distracted by the view - nice backside - she starts to follow, one careful step at a time, then stops as an idea blooms.

ROWAN: Waitasec. Be right back.

Turning back to where the cleaning supplies are, she zeros in on the probelmatic broom. Setting down the bottle, she gently yanks the broomstick free and takes it through a quick two-handed warm up, then through a complete competition-sharp bo staff kata. Poised in final position, she nods in approval, and turns back to give Jayne a frown.

ROWAN: If this Adalai Niska we’re looking for, I’d be more comfortable poking around with this than sticking my head in anywhere he might be.


Looking at him and sensing a hint of astonishment, she squints hard, trying to bring that big, handsome blur into focus.

ROWAN: What?


We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche


Thursday, February 5, 2004 9:55 AM


Damon's turn
Location: infirmery

Damon opens his eyes when he hears someone address him. "Damon, I know you're hurt, but I need your help. Can you bring that oxygen?" The preacher indicates a two-foot container in a metal stand behind Damon.
Damon looks to where the man is pointing and makes a face as he forces himself to sit up. He couldn't understand why his wounds were hurting so much. Why the hell would they feel worse after seeing the doctor?
He eases himself onto his feet cautiously and, using the counter for support, picks up the oxygen and brings it over to the preacher.
"What's wrong with him all of a sudden?" he askes leaning on the med bed.

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Thursday, February 5, 2004 12:12 PM


Book's Move

Location: Infirmary with Damon and Simon

After speaking to Damon, Book watches Simon closely for any more changes.

Damon eases himself onto his feet cautiously and, using the counter for support, picks up the oxygen and brings it over to the preacher.
"What's wrong with him all of a sudden?" he asks leaning on the med bed.

Book to Damon

"He isn't himself at the moment. I'm hoping that the things inside him will work themselves out soon. There's not much I can do. But we can help him by not letting him try to attack anybody... He doesn't normally act that way."

As Book is speaking, he accepts the oxygen from Damon and puts the mask into Simon's hands waiting hands.

Book to Simon

"Breathe into this when you need to doctor."

Book turns on the oxygen, lets Simon take control of the mask and takes a good look at Damon. He see's the blood has soaked through the bandages again, and the dressing done hastily. The sound of oxygen hissing into the room, Book leaves Simon's side on the pretense of checking the oxygen levels, and steps close to Damon.

Book to Damon, softly.

"I thought the doctor fixed you up?"



Thursday, February 5, 2004 12:39 PM


Damon's turn
Location: infirmery

Damon watches as the preacher helps the doctor with the breathing mask and then looks down at the bandages under his shirt. He steps closer to Damon and speaks softly, "I thought the doctor fixed you up?"
Damon studies the man for a moment, surprised by his genuine concern.
"He did... at least I think he did. I don't remember what happened. I think he stitched me up, but it feels worse than it did when the bullets were still in there."

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Thursday, February 5, 2004 1:06 PM


Just as...

SIMONs head is pounding from the after affect of the strange epinephrine rush he experienced when he got angry at the possibility SLIGHT had harmed RIVER.

Now he feels frustrated at the Captain for letting a Blue Sun operative on board without even TRYING to check out SLIGHTs story.

SIMON had thought that everyone aboard, even Jayne, had come to accept River and he.

SIMON shakes his head in negation, which feels like it triggers movement of a massive thrombus that has been wending its clotted way through his cerebral arteries since he saw BOOK nearly toss SLIGHT off of the exam table.

Simon replays the memory of what triggered him...


Book, though not having done much, begins to hyperventilate. He leans against the med table to steady himself, and hears a voice asking as if through cotton...

"What happened?"

Book slows his breathing and looks up to Simon as Slight's eyes stop bleeding and the swaying infirmary comes into focus.

"I don't know... it's my fault. I left her alone."

Book's face hardens once more and he snaps back to Slight. His anger obvious and about to consume him, Book grabs Slight's shirt, twists it tight and almost lifts him off the med table before he masters himself and drops him with a thud. Looking at his open hands, they begin to shake and he curls them into fists.

"River... we need to ask River."

Ringing his hands together, Book backs away from the med table to the doorway and turns to look for River in the common area.

... SIMON feels justified in taking what BOOK said and nearly acted on as a viable trigger. But... SIMON drops his head into his hands, the memory stick that SLIGHT gave SIMON pricking SIMONs forehead.

SIMON raises his head and looks uncomprehendingly at the memory stick.

A memory swims slowly from the depths of SIMONs mind. Something about a trigger ...River ... and ... death?

SIMON looks up to ask SLIGHT to further elucidate and sees that everyone has gone, except BOOK and DAMON.

BOOK moves toward SIMON with an oxygen mask.

"Breathe into this when you need to doctor."

SIMON accepts the mask and inhales slowly and deply for 3 long breaths. SIMON removes the mask and turns off the valve, as not to waste any of the gas left in the tank.

looks up to BOOK and sees that BOOK has turned away. SIMON croaks, his throat dried out by the small amout of raw oxygen he inhaled.
"Shepherd ..."


"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Thursday, February 5, 2004 8:49 PM


Jayne's turn:

Jayne apparently had too much tequila with Rowan and passed out behind a crate.

OOC:Sorry folks took 3 days to post works been hell.

The Hero of Canton, the man they call... Meeeeee!


Friday, February 6, 2004 4:49 AM


Keep the Shiny side up

Mal/Thorne move:

[MAL, THORNE, and SLIGHT have looked in every possible hiding place in the galley, even checking inside and behind the 'fridge. They have found no trace of Niska.]

MAL: "Nothin' here 'cept some leftover grub. Let's grab a bite before we head below. My stomach's gnawin' my backbone."

[All three ladle up bowls of BOOK's stew. THORNE tastes his, searches the cabinet for a bottle of hot sauce, applies several splashes, and tastes again.]

THORNE: "Oh, yeah. That'll make you sweat. Got anything around here to wash it down with?"

MAL: "Some o' that Blue Sun shiong mao niao JAYNE drinks, is all we got here."

[Both THORNE and SLIGHT pull a face. They've tasted Blue Sun before.]

THORNE: "Just water for me then, thanks."

[Still eating from their bowls, the three make their way down the aft stairs to begin searching the passenger quarters.]


Shiong mao niao: Panda piss

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Friday, February 6, 2004 5:45 AM


Slight stops suddenly.
"Hwoon Dan. . ." he mutters, pointing to the hatch. He sighs. "Captain, you wouldn't happen to missing a suit would you?"

OOC-sorry for being out of the loop again.

Everyone Dies. Someone's carrying a bullet for you, doesn't even know it. The trick is, to die of old age before he finds you.


Friday, February 6, 2004 7:05 AM


GMC (GameMaster's Comment): Everyvun vill take a look at zee OOC before postink today. Zere iz important information regardink zee game.

Zose who do not look vill be severely punished.



Friday, February 6, 2004 7:26 AM


Zoe/Wash's Move:
Location: Bridge

ZOE and WASH search every nook, cranny, and possible hiding place on the bridge and find no sign of Niska.

They lock down the bridge and make their way through each of the crew's bunks, checking through possible hidey holes. They make a point of NOT going through any of the crew's personal things.

WASH: "Lambytoes, I really don't WANT to know what JAYNE's personal thoughts are, I find that concept frightening."

ZOE grins at her husband and shakes her head.

ZOE: "Dear, I don't think anyone wants access to JAYNE's personal thoughts."

They check the rest of the crew quarters, one by one. ZOE sighs as they find no evidence that Niska was ever up here.

ZOE: "Alright, we've finished this bit. Let's work our way through the galley next. Hopefully one of the others has found something."

WASH (uncharacteristically somber): "Hopefully they've found NISKA!"

They make their way to the galley, and find MAL and THORNE getting themselves some of the Shepherd's lovely stew, while SLIGHT stares at the hatch. WASH pointedly avoids the red-eyed man's gaze, finding a seat at the table. ZOE moves to the stove and gets herself some stew and looks at MAL.

ZOE: "No sign of NISKA on the bridge or in the crew quarters, Sir. You find anything?"

End Moves.


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Friday, February 6, 2004 7:31 AM


Inara's turn


Inara sighs as she sits up on the couch, slowly stretching the kinks out of her back. Her momentary doze had yielded nothing but frenzied dreams of being tortured with bad beer. Niska kept pouring it down her throat and growling: "thees is the waaaay...eet is saaaafe...eet weel make you seeee" Inara sighs and shakes her head.

River is still sitting beside her, watching the infirmary closely.

You sit here, sweetheart. You can play the game from here, can't you? I'm going to go see if anyone needs my help.

Inara stands, stretching once more, and sets off into the Infirmary. Simon is on the med-bed, breathing deeply into a mask, Book is turned away and Damon stands to the side looking pained.

Inara approaches the bed. Simon's face is turned away. his face is a bit grey and he strains to speak.... "Shepherd"....

Inara puts a hand on his, and bends down to eye-level. "Simon....I wanted to let you know River's all right--she's in the common room. Is there anything I need to do for you?"

End Inara's turn

Just a humble supplicant in service to all things Joss


Friday, February 6, 2004 8:12 AM


Keep the Shiny side up

Thorne/Mal move:

[As they head for the aft stairs, MAL hears SLIGHT speak, and everyone stops for a second.]

SLIGHT:"Captain, you wouldn't happen to missing a suit would you?"

MAL: "Oh, the empty rack? No. JAYNE has that'un down in his bunk to fix the comms." [to himself] "Been a month. Ta ma duh oughta be done by now."

[They turn at a sound from the galley, but it's just ZOE and WASH. They enter from the crew quarters, look around a second, and start getting some chow.]

ZOE:"No sign of NISKA on the bridge or in the crew quarters, Sir. You find anything?"

[MAL has just taken a bite of stew, so THORNE answers]

THORNE: "No ma'am. We've checked the engine room and the galley, even under the placemats, [he grins] but no snakes here. We're about to head down an' search the passenger quarters. Hey, that's a pretty good chow stew, isn't it?"

MAL: "Whas [swallows ] WASH! KAYLEE says we're 'bout ready to fly. When you're done feedin' your face, get up to th' bridge an' pre-flight Serenity, then get down the the cargo bay. We'll finish lookin' below and meet you there. ZOE, you gather up KAYLEE an' JAYNE, and that Ruth Anne girlie. We'll get them as can move from the infirmary."


Ta ma duh:Motherhumper

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Friday, February 6, 2004 8:14 AM


Book's Move

Location: Infirmary

Book's concern for Damon shows on his face, and he puts a hand on Damon's shoulder.

Book to Damon, softly.

"We'll get you fixed up right. Why don't you lie back down?"

Book turns back to Simon as he hears him call out "Shepherd." Inara has entered and she stands next to Simon talking quietly, offering words of comfort and help. Book steps back over to Simon and leans over him again.

Book to Simon

"I'm here son. What is it?"

As Book waits expectantly for some words to give meaning to chaos, he looks up to Inara and notes that she is also waiting with a similar expression.



Friday, February 6, 2004 8:43 AM


Zoe's/Wash's Move:
Location: Galley

MAL: Whas [swallows ] WASH! KAYLEE says we're 'bout ready to fly. When you're done feedin' your face, get up to th' bridge an' pre-flight Serenity, then get down the the cargo bay. We'll finish lookin' below and meet you there. ZOE, you gather up KAYLEE an' JAYNE, and that Ruth Anne girlie. We'll get them as can move from the infirmary."

WASH gets up and moves toward the bridge. ZOE watches her husband leave, then looks at MAL.

ZOE: "Sir, I suggest we go check through the passenger dorm and the infirmary before we head to the cargo bay. More likely than not that he holed up there, hoping to hurt us some. And the girl's name is ROWAN."


WASH walks onto the bridge, sits down in his big comfy chair, and begins pushing the buttons for the pre-flight sequence.

End Moves.


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Friday, February 6, 2004 9:02 AM


OOC, I'll just kill my last message. I can adjust. OH, and don't forget, Wash has to push his magic 3 switches!

Slights move.

Everyone Dies. Someone's carrying a bullet for you, doesn't even know it. The trick is, to die of old age before he finds you.


Friday, February 6, 2004 9:04 AM


OOC, I'll just kill my last message. I can adjust. OH, and don't forget, Wash has to push his magic 3 switches!

Slights move.
Slight takes one of the Blue Sun beers. He takes a long pull, and sighs. It tastes like recycled moose piss, but he actually never could get enough of it. Slight decides t try to talk to that doctor again, and see if he's done hitting him.

Everyone Dies. Someone's carrying a bullet for you, doesn't even know it. The trick is, to die of old age before he finds you.


Friday, February 6, 2004 9:05 AM


OOC: SIMON Post holder ... sorry mind ont on RP ... MUST KILL Cathy and my mortage broker ...

Cathy called him today {he DOES NOT call us to update} ... BAD NEWS from him - out of the blue ... destroyed Cathy's good mood for her Birthday ...grrrrr...

Back later t'nite to fill this in.

if I don't get back and post a SIMON move:

Manaic, Ciara or Squee
Have SIMON not being able to talk until he gets a drink.

And while that is going on Book can start reading the memory stick in the Infirmary computer ... You may want to talk to Raven on just WHAT exactly he has on the memory stick.

Iz OK? ... again my apologies for not posting this in the OOC... and not posting a move.

"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Friday, February 6, 2004 9:10 AM


Damon's turn:

Damon sees the preacher reach for him and steps back against the med bed wearily. His body tense and mucsles coiled, he watches as the man sets his hand on Damon's shoulder.
"We'll get you fixed up right. Why don't you lie back down?"
Damon studies the man in front of him but sees nothing but concern on his face. He slowly relaxes and shrugs the stranger's hand off of his shoulder as he turns toward the empty bed.

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Friday, February 6, 2004 9:17 AM


Keep the Shiny side up

Thorne's/Mal's move:

ZOE: "Sir, I suggest we go check through the passenger dorm and the infirmary before we head to the cargo bay. More likely than not that he holed up there, hoping to hurt us some. And the girl's name is ROWAN."

[THORNE smiles as he hears ZOE suggest to the captain exactly what he had just told her they were already planning to do. He thinks: "That girl doesn't take orders, or even suggestions, from anyone but her captain. Hardly heard me at all. She and her husband must have an interesting realtionship."

MAL: "Naw, we got enough to search the quarters an' sickbay. [indicates THORNE and SLIGHT] I want everyone in the hold ma-shong so we can talk...ROWAN too. What kinda' whoo dahn name's ROWAN, anyhow?"

[MAL gestures at SLIGHT to get down the aft stair.]


Whoo dahn: Stupid

Ma-Shong: On the double

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Friday, February 6, 2004 9:55 AM


Keep the Shiny side up

Mal/Thorne's move:

[The three enter the common area from the stair. RIVER is seated on the couch, staring intently at the infirmary door, through which INARA’s back can be seen. SLIGHT enters ROWAN’s quarters. MAL and THORNE hang back to give him room to move around. THORNE decides this is a good time to get some more Information about INARA.]

THORNE: “Captain, how long has the Companion been with you? It’s really a coup for a small ship like yours to have her on board.”

MAL: “Seems like forever, sometimes. And she ain’t with me! Just a payin’ passenger. She’s off-limits to the crew, anyway.”

[THORNE is surprised by MAL’s vehemence. He can feel the inner conflict, and even sees SLIGHT’s slight turn of the head as he senses it too. Nevertheless, he presses on with his questions.}

THORNE: “I hope that prohibition doesn’t apply to passengers as well. I’ve been out on the Rim for quite a while, and would enjoy spending some time in refined company. Maybe on the jump to New Hokkaido.“

MAL: “Old man, I don’t care who she does her whorin’ with, as long as it don’t affect the crew’s discipline. Now Bi zui and check your quarters!”

[“Now, this is interesting.” THORNE thinks as he moves around MAL to his room. “Definitely more going on here than shows on the surface.”]


Bi zui: Shut up!

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Friday, February 6, 2004 10:10 AM


OOC bad post...sorry


Friday, February 6, 2004 10:14 AM


DAMN ...


Friday, February 6, 2004 10:14 AM


My comp is going nuts after the power blacked out ... gotta do some software repair!... sorry folks!


Friday, February 6, 2004 10:43 AM


Slight turns to Thorne, and starts to follow him to his quarters. Not much else to do around here.
"So, why'd you leave the Academy?" Slight begins to feel a bit relieved at meeting someone who at least understands. "I mean, you weren't the greatest agent there, but you had potential, Rosie. Seemed like you were going to stay there forever. Ever since my father left Davis in charge, things became actually lax around the Academy Wasn't much point to keeping on without River, so we actually were given lives. Why did you drop?"
Slight takes another pull off the beer. Gotta respect a man who likes bad alcohol.

Everyone Dies. Someone's carrying a bullet for you, doesn't even know it. The trick is, to die of old age before he finds you.


Friday, February 6, 2004 12:41 PM


Keep the Shiny side up

Thorne's move:

SLIGHT:"So, why'd you leave the Academy? I mean, you weren't the greatest agent there, but you had potential, Rosie. Seemed like you were going to stay there forever. Ever since my father left Davis in charge, things became actually lax around the Academy Wasn't much point to keeping on without River, so we actually were given lives. Why did you drop?"

[THORNE thinks for a moment, and replys]

THORNE: "I never had any problem with the project when it was military, and everyone a volunteer. A soldier's life is forfeit anyway. Then they started bringing the spys and assassins in. I thought it was dirty business. [shrugs ] At least it was their choice. By your age I assume even you had some say in your treatment. But when they started that damn school, just so they could pick the brightest kids and force them into the program...I knew I couldn't take the system down, and I knew I couldn't stay, so I left.

Most of my original comrades were gone by then; dead or in hospital. I wasn't leaving anything behind I'd miss. Just moved back out to the Rim and started a new life. My training and improvements made it easy. Not hard to wheel and deal when you know if the other guy's lying. The combat skills have come in handy a couple of times too.

And how about you? What are you planning, now that you have your life back, with advantages?

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Friday, February 6, 2004 8:20 PM


Slights move:
And how about you? What are you planning, now that you have your life back, with advantages?
Slight shrugs, at first unsure of how to respond. "Well, as you know, my father, Harold Helsing, started the Blue Sun. The corporation wasn't his idea, that was Second Power Davis' brilliant idea. All the psychics, all of the physical training, that was all my fathers doing. As for the improvement program, no I did not have a choice. I was one of my fathers 'true children.'" Thorne can hear and feel the bitterness in Slight.

"Technically I wasn't his blood. But he considered me and the Tam girl to be his true children. And Tam was born naturally. I was pulled out of a damn test tube. From the day one I could do things, see things on the slant. Maybe that's why I saw the danger my father was to the human race. Or maybe that's why I see him as a father at all. Way I look at it, though, I've got a lot to make up for. This girl's just one of over a hundred on that data stick. I suppose once I'm done on this ship, I'll just shuffle of, and move elsewhere."

Everyone Dies. Someone's carrying a bullet for you, doesn't even know it. The trick is, to die of old age before he finds you.


Friday, February 6, 2004 8:37 PM


Just as...

INARA approaches SIMON sitting on the stool. SIMONs face is turned down. He is holding an oxygen mask and something INARA cannot see at the moment.

In a croak...

INARA puts her hand on SIMONs clasped ones and kneels until she is eye-level with SIMON. SIMON still looks down into his lap.

"Simon....I wanted to let you know River's all right--she's in the common room. Is there anything I need to do for you?"

SIMON gently untangles his hands from INARAs and sets the mask down on the work tray. He finally looks up to INARA. The expression in his eyes is open and vunerable. Much more than she has ever seen them before.

To INARA there seems to be an ancient smoldering pain in SIMONs gaze. She controls the chills of surprise that run up and down her spine that SIMONs look has generated in her. INARA had not considered that the so-very-young SIMON could harbor something so deep or old. She had known SIMON to be stoic, but this was something different. Something or someone he felt he had betrayed, INARA surmises.

Voice still rough, but stronger
"Water please..."

INARA, hardly ever caught off-guard, gives a small, soft smile and moves over to the sink. As INARA fills a cup with water, her mind focuses on SIMON.

INARA knows what stress SIMON has felt, since he came onboard. A Companion has to be trained to sense the needs of a client. One of the main reasons INARA became a Companion was the Companion's ability to help others in myriad ways. The protection and status afforded by the temple insured that INARAs efforts would not be interfered with. However, Companions exercised this power only as a last resort. At that thought, the memory of debacle concerning ATHERTON wings briefly through her consciousness.

Yes, compassion was called for, something ATHERTON had been ignorant of. But SIMON was and is the opposite of ATHERTON ... yet ... there was something new in SIMON. Something ... very different, closer to ATHERTONs coldness of spirit.

INARA promises herself that she will find out what is affecting SIMON. Her insatiable curiosity about human nature chimes in as well. INARA decides to observe and see how SIMON reacts to even the small things.

INARA moves back to SIMONs right side and hands the cup to him, being sure to touch his hand with hers as she does so. What SIMON needs now is some human, compassionate physical and nonsexual contact. INARA insures that she is also looking SIMON into his eyes as she does so.

Again, INARA senses the pain. She just had no idea the depth of it. Believing it to be the angst that SIMON feels about failing his sister, INARA ponders the heights of love for River that SIMON has. It must be an astounding height indeed.

INARA continues to study SIMONs look as he takes a sip of the water. She realizes that SIMON is scrutinizing her as well over the rim of his cup.

BOOK has turned back and stepped back over to SIMONs left side and has leaned down.

"I'm here son. What is it?"

BOOK waits expectantly for some words from SIMON to give meaning to chaos that SIMON has generated. BOOK looks up to INARA and notes that she is also waiting with a similar expression as her eyes are locked with SIMONs.

After a timeless interval, SIMON slowly begins to swings his gaze over to BOOK. SIMON seems reluctant to break the visual link between he and INARA until the very last possible moment.

SIMON locks his vision resolutely onto BOOKs eyes. SIMONs face is a mask of stoic contrition.

His voice is back to normal, just with emotion deepening his tone
"Our 'witches brew' had an unexpected interaction with the portable encphlo-reader. I had the *P.E.R.W.G. listed with the medications the Captain and Zoe removed from the hospital on ARIAL. I needed it to help RIVER, as a very last resort. It allows a type of connection with the patient, give the MedTech a simpler version of the Encephlo-reader I used on RIVER, again -- back on ARIAL."

SIMON takes another sip of water and then continues.

"There was an atypical feed back, the device can be used as a ... encephlo-writer as well. Anyway, I have been having these anomalous grey-outs since using it on Niska. It is much akin to a waking dream, a complicated series of ... snapshots, for the lack of a better term. Then suddenly my head is clear and everything snaps into focus."

SIMON clears his throat, then drinks again -- draining the cup. His left hand still clasping the memory stick from SLIGHT in his left fist.


* P.E.R.W.G. - Portable EncephloReadWrite Glasses. Pronunced as 'periwig' by Doctors and Technicians alike.

smeagol informs me that your link in the archives to ACT 9 needs to be changed to this:

I already gave him a fish treat. Don't let him lie to you about it.

"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Friday, February 6, 2004 11:17 PM


Damon's turn:
Location: infirmery

Damon drags his bag of possessions with him on his way to the med bed. He lies himself down and sighs as the woman returns to see the doctor. What did they say her name was? Inara? He watches her kneel beside the doctor as the preacher moves around the other side.
"Simon....I wanted to let you know River's all right--she's in the common room. Is there anything I need to do for you?"
"Water please..."
Damon watches the three of them with a distant fascination that boarders on curiosity. So much is said in the long moments of silence and he suddenly feels like he is a world away.
"I'm here son," the preacher says, "What is it?"
They trust eachother, care for eachother. Concepts that are as foreign to him as the sky to a fish.
He folds his arms across his chest and realizes that his wrists still have the Fed cuffs attatched to them. He had forgotten about them and wanted to kick himself for having done so.
He pushes himself into a sitting position and pulls his pocket knife from his pocket. His frustration builds by the second as he fiddles unsuccessfully with the Alliance go se without a keyhole.
"I'll be damned if I get used to wearing these things again," he mutters to himself, though he knows that he already is which only makes him angrier.

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Saturday, February 7, 2004 3:46 AM


Keep the Shiny side up

Thorne's/Mal's Move:

SLIGHT:"...This girl's just one of over a hundred on that data stick. I suppose once I'm done on this ship, I'll just shuffle off, and move elsewhere."

THORNE: "Over a hundred? I had no idea it had gotten that big since I left. And you plan to, what? Roam the 'verse, finding them and busting them loose? A fine goal, but you'll need support to get it done. Maybe a base of operations. After this little adventure is over, we need to talk some more.

[The passenger quarters have been searched with no results. The three men move to the common area. Time to gather up the rest and head for the cargo bay.]

MAL: "Where'd that little yaoguài get to, anyway? Alright, you two, let's see if the Doc has calmed down, an' head ever'one for the bay. SLIGHT, you wait here 'til I see what's what. But stay away from RIVER. Dong mah?"

[MAL heads for the infrinary door.]


OOC: I'll be off most of the day picking up my RACE KAA! Later.

yaoguài = monster

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Saturday, February 7, 2004 8:58 AM


"Over a hundred? I had no idea it had gotten that big since I left. And you plan to, what? Roam the 'verse, finding them and busting them loose? A fine goal, but you'll need support to get it done. Maybe a base of operations. After this little adventure is over, we need to talk some more." Sight starts, suddenly. By the Void, is he interested in helping him?
Slight nods. "That we do."
"Where'd that little yaoguài get to, anyway? Alright, you two, let's see if the Doc has calmed down, an' head ever'one for the bay. SLIGHT, you wait here 'til I see what's what. But stay away from RIVER. Dong mah?"
Slight nods again. "Understood, captain. I doubt we have little to say to each other at any rate."
Slight heads over to the counter and jumps up, pulling out an archaic pack of smokes. He holds it up. "Your atmo feed able to handle this?"

Everyone Dies. Someone's carrying a bullet for you, doesn't even know it. The trick is, to die of old age before he finds you.


Saturday, February 7, 2004 7:26 PM



Book’s Move

Book shakes his head and leans deeply into the med bed. The heaviness of the situation becoming more overwhelming with each passing hour.

Book to Simon

”That was a foolish chance to take.”

Book slowly brings his head up and wearily engages the doctor’s eyes.

”We need you back to normal doctor.”

Book takes the empty cup from Simon’s hand, and looks to Damon.

If you're able, Damon’s wounds need re-tending.”



Saturday, February 7, 2004 9:05 PM



As ...

shakes his head and leans deeply into the med bed.
"That was a foolish chance to take."

SIMON takes a deep palsied breath at BOOKs flat statement of fact. SIMON knows it was a radical and yes, foolish, lack in his analysis and response to the situation generated by Niska being on board.

At that thought of failure, SIMONs eyes almost flick downward, and his head starts to bow. However, not wanting to disappoint BOOK, SIMON holds his head up and awaits BOOKs further assessment.

slowly brings his head up and wearily engages SIMONs eyes.
”We need you back to normal doctor.”

At this statement, SIMON closes his eyes in shame. Had SIMON failed again those he was beginning to hold dear? No, even after the heat of the attack by Niska and Early, SIMON knew Niska was still very much a threat.

There had to be something SIMON could do other than patch up the aftermath of such violence. He knew he was pulling his own weight, but SIMON felt that he could do more for the Crew of the Serenity. They had adopted River and he far faster than SIMON would have ever guessed.

First and foremost, Captain Reynolds deserved his full loyalty and use of SIMONs abilities. The rest of the crew he owed just as much to, even Jayne, despite him being a misguidedly avaricious hairy anthropoid.

SIMONs thoughts swing over to SLIGHT. The man was not to be trusted, he was Blue Sun and represented those who BUTCHERED RIV...

...the anger in SIMON begins to flare at the very memory of what THEY did to his beloved sister. Riding that fiery wave is another ... sensation. A sensation of the torrid plume of rage pushing ahead a frigid cyst containing an inhuman Machiavellian presence.

SIMONs surprise at the sensation shocks him from his rage. As it vanishes, the frozen cyst feels as if it drops suddenly into an abyssal vacuity of impenetrable darkness.

SIMON jumps a tiny fraction and his eyes flash open as...

as he takes the empty cup from SIMONs hand, and looks to DAMON.
"If you're able, Damon’s wounds need re-tending."

SIMONs instincts activate at BOOKs words. His normal demeanor resurfaces as he looks over to DAMON. The wounds on DAMON looked as if they were already beginning to suppurate, as there is yellowish white glazing of dead white cells in the blood seeping through the bandages.

SIMON gets up and moves to a comfortable, nonthreatening distance from DAMON.

professionally and still with obvious concern
"With your permission, may I take a look at these wounds again?"


Heh, I came up with another way to complicate things further!

The colors I based on the color plot cut-away found in "Serenity - the 10th Character" special on the DVDs.

{posted by me in the Blue Sun Room here: }

It helps the reader(synopsis & transcript maker too!} quickly ID the scenes location by color when just skimming the thread quickly.

I can email anybody who is interested the full text with correct color tags in place. All anybody would have to do is highlight copy and paste the full text/tags right into their post from the email or doc file.

I'll edit this out of my post after everybody gets a look.


As ...

As ...

As ...

As ...

As ...

As ...

As ...

As ...

As ...


Sunday, February 8, 2004 12:15 AM




Scene opens as ... With very blurry vision through slitted eyes, NISKA sees SIMON as

SIMON finishes an injection in NISKA's neck when the intercom clicks on...
over the intercom to SIMON
"Doctor, to the cargo bay, right away. There's a hurt man down there!"

NISKA tries to move but is still mostly paralyzed as ...

...SIMON puts away the tools he was using and closes the cryobox
...sealing NISKA back into darkness. NISKA waits for the 'click' of the locks being engaged, but it doesn't happen, instead - NISKA hears this, almost in his OWN voice, just as he passes out again...

*Ai-ya! Nee ta ma duh. Tyen-shia suo-yo duh run doh gai si!!!
{*from the Chinese = "Damn! F*** everyone in the universe to death"}

NISKA awakes after what seemed hours of darkness only to hear a click of the door lock. NISKA realizes he was only out for seconds. He is in an uncomfortable fetal postion. Slowly he tries to move.

Success! Gingerly and slowly NISKA streches and then pushes up so very slowly on the lid. It lifts and the expected stop of the lid being locked down does not come.

A sliver of actinic light between the lid and box stabs pain like sharp needles into NISKAs unprotected eyes. After a moment of visual adjustment, NISKA listens and hears nothing in the room. NISKA sits up with an uncharacteristic grunt and heaves the lid off of himself.

Wincing at the clatter of the lid falling, NISKA glances quickly at the door. He then notices that everything is VERY blurry. NISKA pats his left breast coat pocket and finds his glasses case still there. With growing wonder, he removes the case and finds his glasses inside - cleaned and spotless, the very way he normally kept them. But ... he had no time to clean and polish them after ...

...NISKA sneers at the memory of being captured by this upstart Renyolds and his ragamuffin crew.

At this thought, NISKA seems to hear an indistinct voice, as if from far down a well. NISKA shakes his head to clear it. He then stands and moves over to the INFIRMARY DOOR. Ah, lucky for NISKA, the door can be unlocked from the inside.

He listens at the door and hears nothing. Unlocking the door softly, he cracks it the barest millimeter.

Through the small breach between the door and sill, NISKA watches an obvious COMPANION {INARA} pass by and then he sees her and hears/smells wafting within a sudden gust of air from the cargo bay - this:

INARA quietly walks back through the common area. Pausing in the common area, with a straight line of sight into the cargo bay, she sees quite a few members of the crew and a few people she doesn't recognize. The smell of alcohol is very strong, and she hopes its not coming from any of the assembled.

Curious, she decides to watch from above. INARA climbs the stairs onto the catwalk overlooking the cargo bay and watches the scene unfold.

As the COMPANION {INARA} moves off, another UNKNOWN FEMALE {ROWAN} passes the Infirmary heading the same direction.

After she passes, NISKA dares to open the door a fraction further. He hears that the COMPANION {INARA} is climbing her way out of the Dorm area and into the cargo bay.

For several minutes NISKA listens to the commotion coming from the CARGO BAY.
Then he fully slides the INFIRMARY door quietly open. He slowly leans out, seeing no-one he closes his eyes and listens and breathes deep through his nose.

NISKA barely hears the sounds, yet fully senses the natural pheromones an UNSEEN FEMALE {ROWAN} nearby.

NISKA exits and slides the INFIRMARY door softly closed and moves slowly towards the COMMON AREA STAIRS. The pungent odor of tequila finally & fully wafts through, obliterating the wonderful sent of pheromones from the UNKNOWN FEMALE {ROWAN}.

NISKA sees the UNKNOWN FEMALE {ROWAN} Lurking on the COMMON AREA STAIRS watching the goings on in the cargo bay so intently she does not sense him.. NISKA takes a quick assessment of the UNKNOWN FEMALE {ROWAN}.


Quietly and with much caution, NISKA moves to the starboard dorm hall. He climbs the back ladder up into the deep shadows. As he begins to test the hatch, he is startled by...

Over Intercom
"This is Zoe. We need all personnel - and I do mean all - to the galley immediately"

NISKA hears the Firefly's engine spinning up to speed. The vibration subtly shakes the ladder. NISKA then hears this:

Rowan returning to her room, she locates a pair of hemp-soled sandals in her bag and quickly slips them on. Closing her bag, she shoves it into the next bin over under the bunk and then heads out, taking the back stairs up to the galley.

OK, so this was posted over in ACT 8. I figger'd it would be easier if it was posted here too so readers would maybe enjoy the trouble Niska went to in his escape from Serenity.


Sunday, February 8, 2004 6:10 AM


Keep the Shiny side up

Mal's move:

Slight heads over to the counter and jumps up, pulling out an archaic pack of smokes. He holds it up. "Your atmo feed able to handle this?"

MAL: "The atmo system, yeah. My nose, no. Last time some'un smoked them things in here, it took a gorram month to get the stink out. You want'ta burn your luh-suh, go outside.


"Keep the Shiny side up"


Sunday, February 8, 2004 7:29 AM


The atmo system, yeah. My nose, no. Last time some'un smoked them things in here, it took a gorram month to get the stink out. You want'ta burn your luh-suh, go outside.
Slights shrugs, and heads down to the cargo bay. . .he wouldn't mind being alone for a while, anyway

OOC-I hope by outside you just meant the cargo bay

Everyone Dies. Someone's carrying a bullet for you, doesn't even know it. The trick is, to die of old age before he finds you.


Sunday, February 8, 2004 8:23 AM


Damon's turn
Location: infirmery

"If you're able, Damon’s wounds need re-tending.”
Damon looks up at the mention of his name and sees the preacher approaching with another concerned look on his face.
He returns his attention to his handcuffs, but the pocketknife wasn't going to get them open no matter how hard he tried. He either needs a laser or someone with the brains to crack the code. He closes his knife with a frustrated sigh and looks up at the preacher.
"So what's you name, old man?" he asks in a conversational tone.

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Sunday, February 8, 2004 10:25 AM


River is in the Commons Area, looking at the infirmary, and she says:

You tried. But you forgot why you came.

"Freedom is the Freedom to say that 2+2 makes 4. If that is granted, all else follws"-Winston, 1984
Keep flyin', and remember, THEY can't take the sky from US!
Teela Brown, keeper of bad typing.


Sunday, February 8, 2004 10:30 AM



Book's Move

Some of Book's weariness leaves him as he see's an opportunity. He smiles at Damon as he watches him work fruitlessly to pick the handcuffs with a pocketknife.

Book to Damon

"I'm a Shepherd. They call me Book, but Shepherd will do."

Book waits as Damon finishes his attempt to remove the cuffs. Then, keeping Damon's attention by locking his eyes in contact with his own, he deftly reaches down his hands and with a subtle movement snaps the handcuffs from Damon's wrists and tosses them lightly onto a nearby countertop.

"You don't need those, do you?"



Sunday, February 8, 2004 11:57 AM


OOC: Capn, did you add the part when Simon taked to Damon after or did I just miss it? I'm very sorry if I did, I would have answered you in my last post. posting at 7 in the morning may not be the best idea...

Damon's turn
Location: infirmery

Damon watches as the doctor approaches, stopping at a comfortable distance. "With your permission, may I take a look at these wounds again?"
One minute the guy's spouting about how dangerous he is and the next he's offering medical services.
"Yeah, sure. But you start pounding me like you did that poor hwoon dahn before, I promise you I will pound back."
He looks over at the preacher as he steps closer.
"I'm a Shepherd. They call me Book, but Shepherd will do."
Damon looks down in complete bewilderment as the preacher tosses both handcuffs onto the countertop.
"You don't need those, do you?"
"Hell no..." he rubs his wrists and looks up at Book. "How'd you do that, old man? I've been trying to figure out how to get those off for-" he stops short and looks down at his pocketknife, grateful for a distraction. "...all day."

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Sunday, February 8, 2004 3:43 PM


Slight reaches the catwalk, puts his foot up on the railing and lights the smoke, sighing. It has been a long day.
Brink looks back on the crew, and what he saw of them. He saw signs of a mechanic, but never actually locked eyes with her. Pilot seems good, if a little jumpy and reluctant to face him. That preacher was. . .odd. As for the captain, pain was written all over his face.
Indeed, an interesting bunch. Slight curls up in a corner, and continues to drag. . .staring off into nothing. . .

Everyone Dies. Someone's carrying a bullet for you, doesn't even know it. The trick is, to die of old age before he finds you.


Sunday, February 8, 2004 4:50 PM


Inara's turn, short

((still getting over the sick, guys...felt I had to do SOMEthing, goes))


Inara watches Simon as he rises to attend to Damon. She had seen the anguish and fear in his eyes as he lay there...saw the understanding of how much danger he had put Damon in--how his wounds could fester and kill him, especially out here. Inara's heart broke for him, for his daily suffering with his sister--for his pain now in this new "altered" state. She didn't fully understand the implications of what he'd said to Book:

" been having these anomalous grey-outs since using it on Niska. It is much akin to a waking dream, a complicated series of ... snapshots, for the lack of a better term. Then suddenly my head is clear and everything snaps into focus."

but she was sure it meant danger for herself and the rest of the crew Simon included. How could one young man bear the burden of all this anguish? Inara watches as Simon's cold facade slips into place again, and he begins to unwrap the hasty bandaging job she'd applied to Damon.

"You seem to have things well in hand here, Simon...Book...I'm going to go check on Kaylee. She looked more than a touch distraught when she left. Simon--I'll have River come back into the infirmary if that's ok."

Simon glances over her shoulder at her and nods absentmindedly.

Inara steps into the common room to retrieve River.

Inara doesn't immediately see River, but pays it no mind, she looks around the corner, in all the nooks and crannies--her search becomes frantic...Oh God...he's loose and I left her alone! River!! RIVER! honey where are you?!

Inara's chest constricts...she shivers as ice pours forth from her heart, filling her veins with frost. A primitive mothering instinct makes her heart beat faster, her feet moving along to the rhythm.

Inara hurries back into the infirmary tears welling in her eyes, splashing down her pale cheeks in sparkling rivulets. Clutching the back of Simon's shirt as he bends over Damon--she softly sobs: Simon--I'm so sorry, I was only gone for a minute..and oh god....oh god she's gone! that monster's loose, and she's gone!

((phew, that was a Ny-quil induced post--please let me know if I've screwed anything up...thanks))

Just a humble supplicant in service to all things Joss


Sunday, February 8, 2004 7:08 PM


Book's Move


Book chuckles at Damon's question and bringing a hand up to his chin, strokes his non-existent beard in a mock thinking motion. Pretending an earnest answer, Book furrows his brow, quirks an eyebrow and looks sidelong at Damon.

Book to Damon

"If I tell you, you've got to promise to devote the rest of your life in service to my order"



Sunday, February 8, 2004 9:53 PM


Jayne's turn:

Jayne slowly battles conciousness, and the roaring sounds in his head. As his eyes flutter open, the light stabs pain into the back of his skull. Flinching from the brightess, a cacophany of glass against glass, rattles around him. Barely able to make out the shapes, his eyes start to focus on MANY empty tequila bottles. Not really able to remember what happened, Jayne's hands quickly dart to his head.

"Whew, I ain't got no flowery hat thing on so's, at least watever I done did couldn't a been that bad..."

The Hero of Canton, the man they call... Meeeeee!


Sunday, February 8, 2004 10:21 PM




Scene opens as ...



Scene opens as ... NISKA drops the last few feet to the ground from the access handholds built into the exterior starboard side of the cargo bay. His aged frame barely soaking up the impact.

He listens for a moment and moves off at an angle from Serenity into a small canyon.

In minutes, NISKA navagates a few blind curves in a slow walk as he assesses his options.

Lost in thought, NISKA is startled when he is suddenly aware of someone behind him. Cursing himself for a fool, he begins to turn. Midway through the turn, a hard tap on his right scapula nearly makes him grunt in pain.

Standing behind him is ROWAN, holding a broomstick with the brush end removed. She weilds it like a bo staff, one end supported in her right armpit and the other tip returning in an arc from her forceful tap on NISKAs shoulder. She stops the improvised staff with the barest waver.

Time seems to stand still as NISKA and ROWAN scruntinize each other...


Bugger - I lost the whole doc ... power failure again ... go-se construction! I can't wait till we move!

I need to invest in a UIPS ... I'll redo the flashback pt2 ASAP ... tired now...

This will be the final Niska post until Channain and I can choreograph their shared scene.


Sunday, February 8, 2004 10:38 PM


Damon's turn
Location: infirmery

Book chuckles at Damon's question and bringing a hand up to his chin, strokes his non-existent beard in a mock thinking motion. Pretending an earnest answer, Book furrows his brow, quirks an eyebrow and looks sidelong at Damon.
"If I tell you, you've got to promise to devote the rest of your life in service to my order."
Damon looks at Book skeptically, trying to decide how serious he is being. He slowly smiles and holds the bottom of his long sleeve shirt out of the doctor's way as he starts unwraping his bandages. "Preachers needing muscle and weapons? thats sounds intriguing, but I tend to prefer being paid for my services, not bound to them."

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Monday, February 9, 2004 6:42 AM


Keep the Shiny side up

Mal's/Thorne's move:

{As Mal enters the infirmary he hears INARA]

INARA:"Simon--I'm so sorry, I was only gone for a minute..and oh god....oh god she's gone! that monster's loose, and she's gone!"

MAL:"She ain't gone far. I asked THORNE to walk her up to the cargo bay. Can't nobody find Niska. Little bastard may be gone off the ship. Want ta get everyone together for a talk. Doc, How much longer 'til your patient can move, or be moved?"

[Meanwhile, River and THORNE are entering the cargo bay.]

THORNE:"Little one, I know that your senses are better than mine. Can you feel this Niska character anywhere on the ship? I believe that he's gone, but you could reassure me."

[As THORNE waits for an answer, he hears a noise, like empty glasses clinking, and his revolver instantly appears in his hand. RIVER lays her hand lightly on the gun, and shakes her head 'no'.]


"Keep the Shiny side up"






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