GURPS Firefly

UPDATED: Saturday, February 28, 2004 06:53
VIEWED: 5654
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Tuesday, February 17, 2004 4:47 AM


This is my first attempt at modeling Serenity using the GURPS rules. Clearly somethings need to be tweaked (starting with the ship's dimensions ) and it might actually perform too well. The large amount of empty space covers the area above the cargo hold (technically I guess you could stack a lot of cargo and fill it up) and to fill out the ship to the rough estimate I made based upon its dimensions.

TL10 Firefly

Crew: 0 total. 2 crew stations covering 2 vehicle control (piloting), 3 communicators, 4 navigation aids, 3 sensors, countermeasure.

Subassemblies: Vehicle +9, Wings +6, Pod +6, Wings +6, Pod +6, Body +9.

P&P: 400,000-kW fusion reactor (200 year duration; long term access), ten 3,600,000-kWs rechargeable power cells, 3,000,000 lbs. thrust standard thruster (vectored thrust; no access space) [Pod], 3,000,000 lbs. thrust standard thruster (vectored thrust; no access space) [Pod], warp drive (warp thrust factor 1,500; long term access).


Occ: two roomy crew stations (bridge access, crashweb), eight cabins, three cabins, two luxury cabins, galley, two 15-man full life support systems Cargo: 75,000-cf cargo hold

Armor F RL B T U
Wings 4/100 4/100 4/100 4/100 4/100
Pod 4/100 4/100 4/100 4/100 4/100
Wings 4/100 4/100 4/100 4/100 4/100
Pod 4/100 4/100 4/100 4/100 4/100
Body 4/100 4/100 4/100 4/100 4/100

Body: complete workshop; transponder; cargo ramp; 5-man airlock; two 5,000-cf capacity vehicle bays; complete mini-workshop; 2-man airlock; very long range laser communicator (1,000,000-mile range; scrambler); two very long range radio communicators (500,000-mile range; scrambler); inertial navigation system; set of precision navigation instruments; transponder; advanced radar/laser detector; two microframe computers (complexity 6); two computer terminals; database; two datalink programs (C1); two computer navigation programs (C2); two routine vehicle operation programs (piloting-12, C2); two +2 damage control programs (C2); AESA (scan 35, 10,000-mile range); PESA (scan 34, 7,000-mile range); radscanner (scan 29, 1,000-mile range); diagnosis table; microframe computer (complexity 6); computer terminal; database; datalink program (C1); 2-man airlock; 300 man-days of provisions (life support installed); full fire suppression system; nine artificial gravity units (243,000cf covering).

Size: [LxWxH] 212’x53.1’x26.6’ Payload: 1,501,000 lbs. Lwt.: 3,167,761 lbs.
Volume: 299,596 cf Maint.: 2.63 hours (36.5 mh/day) Price: $57,938,200

HT: 8 HP: 1,687 each [Wings], 3,750 [Pod], 1,687 each [Wings], 3,750 [Pod], 45,000 [Body].

Air Performance: Motive Thrust 6,000,000 lbs., Stall Speed 0 mph, Top Speed 600 mph, Terminal Velocity 1,064 mph, Glide Speed 425 mph, Glide Ratio 0.365:1, aAccel 40 mph/s, aMR 1.5, aSR 8, aDecel 6 mph/s.

Space Performance: sAccel: 1.89 G / 3.6 G (empty), sDecel: 1.89 G, sMR: 1.89.

FTL Performance: 0.947 pc/Day.

Design Notes:
TL10 medium frame standard materials [Vehicle].
TL10 DR 100 expensive metal [Vehicle].
Payload Cost: $1,800
Vehicle Features: computerized controls, duplicate controls, self-sealed, fair streamlining.
Air Features: standard wings.
Wings: ruggedized.
Wings: ruggedized.
Pod: ruggedized.
Pod: ruggedized.
Volume: 5,000 cf [Wings], 9,750 cf [Pod], 5,000 cf [Wings], 9,750 cf [Pod], 270,096 cf [Body].
Area: 3,000 sf [Wings], 3,000 sf [Pod], 3,000 sf [Wings], 3,000 sf [Pod], 30,000 sf [Body].
Empty Space: 5,000 cf [Wings], 3,000 cf [Pod], 5,000 cf [Wings], 3,000 cf [Pod], 134,000 cf [Body].

I am not happy about using a fusion reactor as I don't think that is what exists on the show (what is a radeon accelerator core?). My design has no fuel requirements which is also contrary to the show (could be added to the ftl component ala GURPS Traveller). Might lower the thruster performance and up the FTL as they talk about getting to planets in hours sometimes. I am assuming multiple star systems (primarily because the sun is not really tiny on the outer planets, even though the concept of a single system is really cool).

Some items, such as the full fire suppression system I just feel should be there though it runs contrary to the show.


Um, I'm lost. Uh, I'm Angry. And I'm Armed.


Tuesday, February 17, 2004 4:51 AM


I designed it using GURPS Vehicle Builder and had the various rooms separated by packages. I see that they didn't carry over and some components are listed multiple times rather than being consolidatd. I will have to adjust this.

Also I gave Mal and Zoe/Walsh luxury cabins because their rooms are larger than Kaylee's or Jayne's. I also don't think that all the passenger cabins are the same, but don't have specifics.

Um, I'm lost. Uh, I'm Angry. And I'm Armed.


Tuesday, February 17, 2004 7:17 AM


GURPS Serenity "Version 2.0"
TL10 Firefly-Class Midbulk Transport (w/TL11 Standard Reactionless Thrusters)

Crew: 3 total. 2 crew stations covering 2 vehicle control (piloting), 3 communicators, 4 navigation aids, 3 sensors, countermeasure. mechanic.

Subassemblies: Vehicle +10, Wings (R) +6, Pod (R) +6, Wings (L) +6, Pod (L) +6, Body +9.

P&P: ten 3,600,000-kWs rechargeable power cells, 250,000-kW fusion reactor (200 year duration; long term access), 1,750,000 lbs. thrust standard thruster (vectored thrust; no access space) [Pod], 1,750,000 lbs. thrust standard thruster (vectored thrust; no access space) [Pod], warp drive (warp thrust factor 2,000; long term access).


Occ: two roomy crew stations (bridge access, crashweb), eight cabins, four luxury cabins, galley, two 15-man full life support systems Cargo: 75,000-cf cargo hold

Armor F RL B T U
Wings (R) 4/100 4/100 4/100 4/100 4/100
Pod (R) 4/100 4/100 4/100 4/100 4/100
Wings (L) 4/100 4/100 4/100 4/100 4/100
Pod (L) 4/100 4/100 4/100 4/100 4/100
Body 4/100 4/100 4/100 4/100 4/100

Body: AESA (scan 35, 10,000-mile range); two 2-man airlocks; 8-man airlock; three microframe computers (complexity 6); two +2 damage control programs (C2); three datalink programs (C1); inertial navigation system; 300 man-days of provisions (life support installed); two very long range radio communicators (500,000-mile range; scrambler); radscanner (scan 29, 1,000-mile range); two routine vehicle operation programs (piloting-12, C2); two sound systems; two transponders; two 5,000-cf capacity vehicle bays; cargo ramp; ten artificial gravity units (270,000cf covering); complete mini-workshop; complete workshop; two computer navigation programs (C2); three computer terminals; database; diagnosis table; three flight recorders; full fire suppression system; very long range laser communicator (1,000,000-mile range; scrambler); set of precision navigation instruments; PESA (scan 34, 7,000-mile range); advanced radar/laser detector.

Size: [LxWxH] 200’x38.8’x38.8’ Payload: 1,501,000 lbs. Lwt.: 2,794,786 lbs.
Volume: 300,000 cf Maint.: 2.83 hours (33.9 mh/day) Price: $50,003,200

HT: 8 HP: 2,250 each [Wings (R)], 4,500 [Pod (R)], 2,250 each [Wings (L)], 4,500 [Pod (L)], 45,000 [Body].

Air Performance: Motive Thrust 3,500,000 lbs., Stall Speed 0 mph, Top Speed 600 mph, Terminal Velocity 999 mph, Glide Speed 400 mph, Glide Ratio 0.414:1, aAccel 25 mph/s, aMR 1.06, aSR 8, aDecel 4.25 mph/s.

Space Performance: sAccel: 1.25 G / 2.71 G (empty), sDecel: 1.25 G, sMR: 1.25.

FTL Performance: 1.43 pc/Day.

Design Notes:
TL10 medium frame standard materials [Vehicle].
TL10 DR 100 expensive metal [Vehicle].
Payload Cost: $1,800
Vehicle Features: computerized controls, duplicate controls, self-sealed, fair streamlining.
Air Features: standard wings.
Volume: 5,000 cf [Wings (R)], 10,000 cf [Pod (R)], 5,000 cf [Wings (L)], 10,000 cf [Pod (L)], 270,000 cf [Body].
Area: 3,000 sf [Wings (R)], 3,000 sf [Pod (R)], 3,000 sf [Wings (L)], 3,000 sf [Pod (L)], 30,000 sf [Body].
Empty Space: 5,000 cf [Wings (R)], 7,375 cf [Pod (R)], 5,000 cf [Wings (L)], 7,375 cf [Pod (L)], 131,927 cf [Body].


Um, I'm lost. Uh, I'm Angry. And I'm Armed.


Saturday, February 28, 2004 6:53 AM


OMG that is too cool. I used to LOVE GURPS. In light of this I might have to dust off the old manuels!

Can't take the sky from me...






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