RP: "Adventures in Gunrunning" - Act 14

UPDATED: Friday, April 23, 2004 14:52
VIEWED: 18854
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Tuesday, April 13, 2004 10:38 AM




KAYLEE: "Sure thing. I'll git right on it. That was a helluva Crazy Ivan yesterday, Wash. Ya know how ta take good care o' meh girl. But if ya break her at some point, Zoe'll be mournin' certain body parts."

Grinning, KAYLEE turns to leave as ZOE enters with 2 cups of coffee. "Oh, hey, ZOE...".

WASH glances at ZOE as she enters the bridge.

WASH: "Did you hear that reckless threat? our marital bliss would take a terrible toll."

ZOE chuckles as KAYLEE leaves the bridge, then walks over to WASH and hands him a cup of coffee, made up just the way he likes it. Leaning lazily against her favorite corner of the console, back to the windows, she smiles broadly as she raises her cup.

ZOE: "Well, then, I suggest you don't go breakin' her ship, husband."

As the steam rising off the coffee reaches her nose, ZOE breathes in the aroma... and jerks her head back in surprise.

ZOE: "What the..."

ZOE carefully raises the cup and takes a small sip, then puckers her lips in an expression of distaste. Then she reaches over and takes WASH's cup out of his hands.

WASH: "Hon, why...?"

ZOE: "Stronger'n battery acid, dear. I'll go make some fresh and bring you some o' that - I don't think either of us could handle another sleep-deprived trip into the Black."

Grinning fondly at her husband, ZOE levers away from the console and heads back to the galley, cups in hands.

End Move.

OOC: Whew! I'm glad I read Merz's note about the coffee! Can you imagine Wash on stims???


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Tuesday, April 13, 2004 2:18 PM


MERZ move



I'm looking for two good seat straps for the bridge chairs. I figure we should go ahead and sort them all into groups as we go.

MERZ settles on the other side of the box and takes a deep drink of coffee before joining him in searching and sorting.

"If you do not mind a suggestion, lets find four matching. Seat belts are not going to be of much help during maneuvers. A 4-point harness will be safer. Crossed belts is as close as we can come."


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Tuesday, April 13, 2004 3:11 PM


Damon's turn:


Originally posted by MercedesTroy:
"If you do not mind a suggestion, lets find four matching. Seat belts are not going to be of much help during maneuvers. A 4-point harness will be safer. Crossed belts is as close as we can come."

"Not sure whether we'll find two matching harnesses, but using two 4-points probably isn't a bad idea."

He finally manages to loosen the rest of his knot and begins pulling out the individual straps and putting them into piles.

"Did you guys get as banged up on the bridge as we did in here?"

Damon listens as Merz gives a short summary of what happen. He's impressed by the way the crew seemed to handle the situation and by how well they could do their jobs.

"Well, I'm glad we have such good commanders, pilots and gunners on board. Don't think anyone would have been very happy if we had been boarded. Where'd you learn to shoot like that?"

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Tuesday, April 13, 2004 11:00 PM


Book's Move
Location: His Room and thereabouts.

Book leaves his room in search of River again. Maybe I should have stayed with her while she used the memory stick. I suppose I thought of it as a private thing.

He has decided who he will give the memory stick to next. Book goes to River's room and peers in the open door. Empty. As was the common area when he passed by. Where is she?



Wednesday, April 14, 2004 12:52 AM


MERZ move



Don't think anyone would have been very happy if we had been boarded. Where'd you learn to shoot like that?

aahhhh. it never bloody ends

MERZ pulls a knot of strapping into her lap, and shakes her head while starting to unravel it. “I think we all would have handled being boarded well enough, there were not that many pursuers this time. You are right, Serenity has a good crew and you and I are lucky to have fallen in with such good companions. As I mentioned before, *petit frère, I have been in the military. There is really no need to be more specific than that; I had a difference of opinion with the powers-that-be. They taught me to shoot, among other things.”


“I did not mean to step on your toes – Captain asked me to man the cannon. Otherwise you would have done it, and probably as well. No hard feelings I hope?”

She pulls two straps out of the mess in her lap, and starts separate piles on the table.

“Now, I have a question for you. I would have spent some time sighting that cannon by the tried and true method of firing at a target, and adjusting until it was right. How did you do that? If I knew your method, it could save me much time in the future.”


*petit frère = little brother (French)

If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Wednesday, April 14, 2004 5:47 AM



Inara is lost in her own thoughts as she applies brush and color to Rowan's face. Her mind wanders back to the a face not dissimilar to Rowans....

"There're a vision!" Aislin chuckles and settles onto her heels, placing her pot of rouge and blending brush to the side. The older woman holds up a mirror for Inara to take. Inara lets out a peal of girlish laughter when she sees her own face in the mirror. Her hair is pulled into a multitude of tiny tails around her face, to hold the strands away from Aislin's work.

Aislin and Inara are on the floor of Aislin's private quarters surrounded by cases of makeup and brushes...the soft tapestries on the wall absorb the sound of Inara's mirth. There are dozens of soft cushions on the floor, Inara and Aislin perched in the middle--islands of flesh in a sea of red brocade and white satin.

"--hahaha-- silly!" Aislin scolds, pulling the barretes from Inara's wavy hair and rearranging the curls.

She is transformed...the young woman who entered Aislin's room for an impromptu makeup lesson has gone, in her stead is a grown Companion...dark eyes stare back at Inara, rimmed with khol and shining with a dark mystery that frightens her a little.

Inara glances up at Aislin, who smiles sadly's strange isn't it? What these dyes and powders can do...." Inara nods mutely, memorizing the mask of a Companion.

Inara sits back and amires her handiwork--Rowan's face is now almost unrecognizable, it is now the face of a very young woman...though she had no contacts to cover Rowan's jade eyes, Inara did her best to detract from their color with clever masking.

Rowan's once-full lips are now concealed and drawn in thin...the tilt to her asian eyes disguised by expert use of a lining pencil, and her lashes lengthened to shadow her eye color...her skin has taken on a pinker cast, and a smattering of freckles covers her nose. Inara has clipped false earrings to Rowan's upper ears, and rearranged her long dark hair.

Appraising her work with the end of a blending brush pressed to her lips, Inara sighs.

This is all that I can do with what I have, Rowan...unless I cut and color your hair. Inara winces at the thought, tucking a silky strand behind Rowan's ear.

OOC got some time, I'll delete it if you have something else in mind, Rowan

Just a humble supplicant in service to all things Joss


Wednesday, April 14, 2004 9:41 AM


Damon's turn:


Originally posted by MercedesTroy:
“I think we all would have handled being boarded well enough, there were not that many pursuers this time. You are right, Serenity has a good crew and you and I are lucky to have fallen in with such good companions. As I mentioned before, *petit frère, I have been in the military. There is really no need to be more specific than that; I had a difference of opinion with the powers-that-be. They taught me to shoot, among other things.”


“I did not mean to step on your toes – Captain asked me to man the cannon. Otherwise you would have done it, and probably as well. No hard feelings I hope?”

Damon picks up another bundle of straps.

"Actually, I don't have much experience with shooting those things, I just put 'em together and take 'em apart."


“Now, I have a question for you. I would have spent some time sighting that cannon by the tried and true method of firing at a target, and adjusting until it was right. How did you do that? If I knew your method, it could save me much time in the future.”

Damon can't help smiling. He takes a moment to consider his response, chosing his words carefully.

"I worked at one of the fatories that made those things. I had my own issues with the powers-that-be and decided to pull a prank. Each of those cannons has a targeting system designed to be 100% accurate, but I got my hands on the modules and changed the default setting to throw off the readings. That's why most of those models are off by 15 to 25 degrees.

"So to answer your question, I simply accessed the targeting system and set the default back to the original setting. Most people can't fix it that way because they assume that the default is correct, and even if they do figure out that the default is wrong, they'll only be able to fix it if they know the original setting."

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Wednesday, April 14, 2004 1:01 PM


Wash blinks as he turns back to the ship. Now terribly paranoid, he checks one last time. Should arrive in New Hokkaido in a day.

Slight's move:
Slight closes his eyes. He answers quietly.
"I am."
He remembered the joke of fear. "He's the Blue Son."
There's a moment of tense silence. "What the gorram hell are you doing here." Candy says in icy tones.
Slight explains quietly. "I left the Sun. One day, I was ordered to rape a girl. I'd been dry for seven days." Although his eyes are still closed, Candy nods. His eyes have shifted into a hunter mode of heat-sight. She knows what sort of things the younger soldiers were ordered to do. The Sun recognized the sexual drives of humans, and ordered a sexual performance once every three days. These were eventually regarded as a family ritual, a habit. But when you were ordered to go "dry," to not have any sex for eight days, you knew you were going to have sex with a norm. Raped, or inviting the act-either way, you would get laid.
"I. . .I saw my soul that day." He opens his eyes to see Candy tilt her head in confusion. His eyes return to normal. "The woman was somehow sensitive enough to help. She was able to read enough to break open the firewalls in place. I saw the energies inside everyone."
Candy sits down, unable to blink. "But when I looked at the zealot guarding, I saw nothing. Like a candle that wasn't lit. So I left. I started to break some of us free, started to help those inside out. I broke some of the operatives free first.
"Most went their way. A couple-new op's, barely a week into the world-told me about an Academy, some sort of school. Only they were playing with the brains of the 'students.' When I got there, security was considerably tighter. Apparently, one of the students had been broken out by some radical terrorist group. I was taking the schematics for the building when two zealots attacked. They used the Blackout drugs."
Neither he nor Candy felt like discussing the Blackouts. It was used on true believers because they were the only ones able to focus on the mission once injested. Simple put, it activated your andrenaline, boosted the serotonin, and just about shut down your concious mind. You became an unstoppable machine with only one thought-if it moves, kill it. Even if you blew the legs off someone in Blackout, they would crawl to you faster than you could run, and try to gnaw off your head.
"I got one of them, but the other was too fast. He knocked me out the window. I hit the ground from about eight stories. The zealot broke his neck on his way down. I was in no condition to fight," Slight remember the doctor telling him almost every bone had been broken, "and so I moved out to the borders, and tracked down the girl who broke out."

You see I cannot be forsaken/Because I'm not the only one.


Wednesday, April 14, 2004 2:42 PM


MERZ move



I worked at one of the factories that made those things. I had my own issues with the powers-that-be and decided to pull a prank. Each of those cannons has a targeting system designed to be 100% accurate, but I got my hands on the modules and changed the default setting to throw off the readings. That's why most of those models are off by 15 to 25 degrees . . . .

look at that smile; he is proud of himself

MERZ just looked at DAMON for a second, then emptied her mug and shook her head.

“Interesting. Let me give you something to think about. Blowing up a factory hurts the powers-that-be and those-who-lead. Sabotaging a gun sight mostly kills grunts. Sometimes checking the equipment has to wait. So you have someone missing the target and getting blown up for it. Hitting a friendly by accident. Grunts who may be no more responsible for, or pleased by where they are and what they are doing than you were. I know. I have been there.”

MERZ scrubbed at her eyes. “And I cannot even take you to task for it – you believed you were standing up for yourself; and I have been assigned to enough shadow OPPS to be just as guilty of the same wretched actions. Just one more reason why I am here and not . . . elsewhere.”

“I can remember a lot of years. The more I see of this world that I am in now, the more I realize I have lived a entire lifetime and accomplished nothing of which I can be proud.” Pause “Except perhaps yesterday. To defend these good people from – anything is the most worthy thing I have done in my life to date.” MERZ tilts her head and looks at DAMON. “Should I be depressed by this?”

She dumped more loose straps into the piles and picked up her empty mug. “Want some coffee?”


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Wednesday, April 14, 2004 3:36 PM


Damon's turn:


Originally posted by MercedesTroy:
“Interesting. Let me give you something to think about. Blowing up a factory hurts the powers-that-be and those-who-lead. Sabotaging a gun sight mostly kills grunts. Sometimes checking the equipment has to wait. So you have someone missing the target and getting blown up for it. Hitting a friendly by accident. Grunts who may be no more responsible for, or pleased by where they are and what they are doing than you were. I know. I have been there.”

MERZ scrubbed at her eyes. “And I cannot even take you to task for it – you believed you were standing up for yourself; and I have been assigned to enough shadow OPPS to be just as guilty of the same wretched actions. Just one more reason why I am here and not . . . elsewhere.”

Damon gives her an even look. He doesn't need to think about his responce.

"The soldiers who were going to use those weapons were Alliance and the more of their grunts and friendlies who died because of my faulty equipment the better. I don't know what wretched things you think you've done, but I've seen my share of wretched actions, and sabotaging enemy equipment isn't one of them."

There is a moment of silence before Merz speaks again.

“I can remember a lot of years. The more I see of this world that I am in now, the more I realize I have lived a entire lifetime and accomplished nothing of which I can be proud.” Pause “Except perhaps yesterday. To defend these good people from – anything is the most worthy thing I have done in my life to date.” MERZ tilts her head and looks at DAMON. “Should I be depressed by this?”

Damon is quiet for a long moment, thinking of his own life and how little he has accomplished in it.

"Sometimes one accomplishment is worth everything," he says softly, not looking up. "You may not accomplish much, but you should be proud of everything you can manage."

She dumped more loose straps into the piles and picked up her empty mug. “Want some coffee?”

Damon nods.

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Wednesday, April 14, 2004 10:35 PM


Book's Move
Location: Common Area

Book walks up the stairs leading to the cargo bay, and makes a small detour down the hallway behind the infirmary to see if River is back there hiding in the small nook. "River?" he calls as he pokes his head around the corner. No one. Book has a sudden insight, remembering who he is searching for, and he takes a moment to look questioningly above him into the darkness of the pipes and ducts. Still no one.

Still not completely convinced that she isn't hiding up above the ducts, Book walks into the cargo bay and scans around. Crates of various sizes, the weight bench, stairs, much open space. I should find the captain soon too. Book thinks, It's past time I told him.

Book goes to one of the many hidden panels on the walls of the cargo bay, gets down on a knee and knocks. He knows River's favorite hidden panel. "River?" No answer. Book straightens up and looks into the rafters of the cargo bay. She likes to jump around up there too. he thinks with a shake of his head. River is no where to be found.

Book decides to check the upper deck and walks towards the fore stairway.



Thursday, April 15, 2004 1:04 AM


MERZ move


MERZ rummages around and comes up with another empty coffee cup. Filling both, she turns back to the table and sets one in front of DAMON. She stands there a minute looking down at him, a peculiar expression on her face.

When she speaks again, she has changed stance, expression and vocal inflection – it is an eerie version of DAMON himself, repeating back to him words he spoke only yesterday.

‘I missed the war. It started and ended without me. And now I'm traveling this verse, completely ignorant of what went on or why. The small part I did participate in only makes me more confused. I gave up trying to decide which side I was really on. So it's just one of those topics that I avoid so as to keep from getting beat up by Alliance and Independents.’


‘The soldiers who were going to use those weapons were Alliance and the more of their grunts and friendlies who died because of my faulty equipment the better.’

She relaxes back to herself. “Enemy is a point of view. Apparently ignorant does not prevent you from having an opinion. I would say you definitely have chosen a side, whether before or since. I admit I was in the war. I had no choice in participating in the blessed war, and I made a choice to abandon my unit and my life when I realized just how much I have been lied to.”

MERZ takes a deep drink, and resumes her seat and her task. “And for the record – the Alliance friendly I brought down with your precious gun was a non-combatant: a medical transport. Don’t bother telling me there were soldiers on board. Once they are wounded, they are just people in pain and out of the battle. It makes a difference to me. It is one of my flaws.”


"I despise wetwork."


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Thursday, April 15, 2004 4:20 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan's Move:

INARA: "This is all that I can do with what I have, Rowan...unless I cut and color your hair."
ROWAN (shaking her head slightly): "No, I'd like to avoid that. The press corps following the pro-billiards league would make too much hoopla out of it."

Opening her eyes as she feels a strand of hair tucked behind her ear, Rowan looks up at Inara and sees she is holding out an ornate hand-mirror. Looking at the reflection staring back at her, at first Rowan thinks the mirror is equipped with internal imaging until she blinks and realizes the eyes in the reflection are still green.

Feeling her jaw drop with utter astonishment, she lifts a hand to the mirror, and the other to her face. Her skin even feels smoother somehow, and there is absolutely no trace of the bruising left over from her injury.

ROWAN: "Lìngrén jingyì - all I wanted was to cover up the bruising, and you went and turned me into a swan. Tianna I look ten years younger. You're a bona fide miracle worker, that's for sure and for certain."

As Inara beams over Rowan's girlish effusiveness, Rowan turns her face from side to side, checking the effects from as many angles as she can and smiles with continued amazement.

ROWAN (softly): "Tianna... I almost do look like her."


Lìngrén jingyì = stunning, amazing

OOC: Ciara, you never cease to surprise me.

We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche


Thursday, April 15, 2004 7:26 AM


Damon's turn:

Damon stares at Merz as she recites what he said yesterday word for word.


Originally posted by MercedesTroy:
MERZ takes a deep drink, and resumes her seat and her task. “And for the record – the Alliance friendly I brought down with your precious gun was a non-combatant: a medical transport. Don’t bother telling me there were soldiers on board. Once they are wounded, they are just people in pain and out of the battle. It makes a difference to me. It is one of my flaws.”


"I despise wetwork."

Damon leans forward and looks hard at Merz.

"I may not know much about the war, I may not know which side I was helping more while working for that factory, but that doesn't mean I don't know which side I was rooting for.

"So don't try to make me feel guilty about that accident," he says, trying to keep the anger from his voice. "I did what I did and nothing you can say will make me regret it. And don't try to lecture me about innocents and bystanders either. I've seen more innocents killed and burried than I can count. Shit happens. You want to survive, you accept that reality and do whatever you can to fight it."

OOC: I have to go now, Debs, but Damon will be tasting that coffee next post

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Thursday, April 15, 2004 7:28 AM


Slight's move:

For a long time, Candy can't seem to speak.
"If you're the Son, you must have gotten all of the upgrades."
Slight considers for a moment.
"Not all, no. With any pale, it's generally decided that a Vampire-class upgrade is the best. And my biology is. . .stranger still. I was the first experimental body. My father, when creating his private army, wanted to make sure of loyalty from his walking weapons. He was brilliant."
"He was a sick, perverted old man."
"Any difference?" Candy simply slits her eyes.
"So he left it up to Second Power Davis to find ways of doing it. Davis came up with the faith of the Blue Sun, spreading lies that one day we would rule all the 'Verse. And there's no one more faithful than a converted believer. So they created 'faith restructuring,' brainwashing. The doctrine, "Two by two, hands of blue. To the Void, we are true. Two by two, hands of blue, we are the few, we are the true. They made Blackout drugs, and this armor." With a mental thought, Slight forces the armor into the wing configuration. Although cramped in the tiny shuttle, it still displays the powers inside.
"And with all these soldiers running around-"
"I have a question. What were the Powers' intentions with these things? Supersoldiers, unkillable?"
Slight sighs. "Not really. From what I dong ma, more like tailor made. Designed for specific purposes. Vampire-class was one of the three elite."
"The other two?"
"Drake and Nemesis class. Drakes were intended for speed, with the fastest reaction times and greatest senses. Two Drakes working together could give an Alliance fleet a run for their money. As for the Nemesis-class, they are the supersoldiers. Pray to the Void you never see a Nemesis within a mile. Blackout, cybernetic strength enhancers, gas pores and immunity to every poison in the world. They were unstoppable. Then you have the zealots, and the priests. I have yet to understand fully what the Academy was gearing towards. As for us Vampires, we are the hunters. Boosted speed, stronger senses and great endurance. Good hand-eye coordination, and deeper empathy.
"Those are the soldiers I know of."
Candy stands. "I have to fly the ship. I'll tell the captain you are not to be disturbed."
"Gracias, senorita. I'm sorry to dump all of this on you."
"You broke me out, didn't you?"
"Si." Slight nods. "How'd you know?"
"You're on a mission of penance. One minute, I'm killing three children, the next I'm in the middle of Beaumont, holding three hundred plat and remembering my humanity. Aweful coincidence."

OOC: Thought I'd do some character developement, and some Blue Sun background. Once "Pale Moonlight" starts, you'll understand why this is necessary to explain.

You see I cannot be forsaken/Because I'm not the only one.


Thursday, April 15, 2004 8:09 AM


Kaylee's Move
Location: Roving

Kaylee smiles as she leaves the bridge, Wash's response to Zoe as amusing as ever.

Slowly walking towards the engine room, her thoughts turn once again to Simon. The feeling of unease grows inside of her. Something is very, very wrong.

Somewhat absentmindedly, she sets out the tools that she thinks Merz might be needing.

Her thoughts are far away, with her troubled doctor.

End Move

"I love my Captain."


Thursday, April 15, 2004 1:16 PM


MERZ move


“Not attempting to make you feel guilty or anything else. Not trying to cause you to regret anything. I will handle my own guilt and regrets, and you tend to yours. However you choose to is up to you.”

“I have learned that nothing one does is without consequence. My trick, my new trick is to try to arrange it so I can live with the results of my actions. All of them. And if I can go the rest of my existence without harming another innocent – then I will have something to be proud of.”

She digs back into the box of straps, muttering to herself ‘*la mierda sucede, solamente no mi mierda, no más.’


*shit happens, but not my shit, not anymore (Spanish)

If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Thursday, April 15, 2004 3:24 PM


Damon's turn:

Damon reaches down and picks up his mug of coffee. He looks at her, this older woman who doesn't know when to wear clothes or how to wash them yet still manages to make him feel like an ignorant little kid. He always knew that you are supposed to respect your elders, but this is the first time that he feels compelled to do so.

A question worms it's way into his mind. "What is an innocent? How do you determine whether someone is innocent or not?"

He takes a sip of his coffee and almost spits it out. He manages to swallow it, his face scrunched up in disgust.

He shakes his head as if it would help get rid of the taste and the memories of the stuff being forced down his throat with the "drink it or breathe it" threat.

"Ohh man... that stuff's strong enough to make your peck... uh... just about anything stand on end."

He puts the cup back down, still trying to get the taste out of his mouth.

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Friday, April 16, 2004 1:29 AM


MERZ move


She is busy with untangling, but can’t help but notice DAMON shake his head, mouth pursed. His expression is – unpleasant as he stares into his cup before putting it down. MERZ is puzzled – aren’t they drinking the same thing? She picks up her cup and tastes it again. Well, what she had earlier was . . . tasty, but this is the way she has always drunk it. MERZ sighs and takes DAMONs mug.

“Sorry *petit frère. Apparently I made this pot for me. I shall find out who made the last one and have them show me the correct method. I honestly thought the last pot tasted so good because the pot and/or the beans were different. Silly me. I just hope you people don’t get tired of straightening me out.”

She pours what is left in his cup into hers, and sets both on the table, and gets to her feet, to dump the remaining coffee into recycle before someone else gets into it. She winces, remembering ZOE pouring 2 cups earlier. “Must apologize to them later, too.”

whatever does not kill us, makes us stronger. well if i can get to new hokkaido without this gang killing me, we will all be stronger for it.


* little brother (French)

If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Friday, April 16, 2004 4:37 AM



ZOE enters the dining room, cups in hands, and sees the look on DAMON's face.

ZOE (to herself): "Looks like he's tasted the coffee..."

Shaking her head in amusement, ZOE sees MERZ dumping the coffee left in the decanter into the recycle and hears her apologize.


MERZ: "Sorry petit frère*. Apparently I made this pot for me. I shall find out who made the last one and have them show me the correct method. I honestly thought the last pot tasted so good because the pot and/or the beans were different. Silly me. I just hope you people don’t get tired of straightening me out. *wince* Must apologize to them later, too."

ZOE's smile softens as she moves to the sink and dumps the contents of the cups.

ZOE: "Apologize to who? You ain't done a thing needs forgiveness - 'less you're talkin' 'bout that coffee. An' even the Cap'n's made more'n' a few bad pots in his time. Here... everybody learns it when they first get on board - seems like it's your turn."

Seeing that the decanter is empty, ZOE reaches and takes it from MERZ, and sets about making a new pot, taking her time to make sure MERZ can see everything she does and ask questions as necessary.

End Move.

*petit frère = little brother (French)


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Friday, April 16, 2004 6:02 AM


Keep the Shiny side up

Mal's Move:

Location: Galley/His Bunk

Looks like everyone else has work to do, so MAL decides he has to get onto his as well. Polishing off the last of his muffin, he cleans up the table where he was sitting and heads for his bunk, stopping at the fridge for a bottle of Sunny D. "Strange how nobody knows what's in the stuff, but everyone drinks it" he thinks, "And what the tzao gao is a 'Sunny D' anyhow?"

This is the job MAL hates most. He folds down the small worktable and opens a lockbox stuffed with slips of paper, which he begins to sort into piles.

"Let's see. Fuel, ammo, docking fees, rebuilt catalyzer, lithium grease, batteries, food, water, toilet paper. We spend that much on gorram toilet paper? License fees, bribes, Cortex access. Huh? 200 hours to Jayne's bunk? That bun tien-shung de ee-duai-ro been downloading techno-porn again? Med supplies, beer, tampons (sigh), laundry soap, water recycler filters, spool of 10 gauge wire, spool of 14 gauge wire, spool of 18 gauge wire. Damnit, Kaylee, pick a size. Duct tape, chop sticks, light bulbs, rope. Never have too much rope. An' tequila. Half of which is still sloshin' around under the hold."

"Now the credit side. Inara's shuttle rent, an' Thorne's deposit for this trip. still got the balance and his sweetener pending. This plus that, carry the 7, oops, thats a 5 there. An' the total is... Go-se! Whoever said freedom's not free sure had the right of it. But at least we can keep flying' for a while yet."

Tzao gao = Shit
Bun tien-shung de ee-duai-ro = Stupid inbred sack of meat
Go-se = Dog crap.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Friday, April 16, 2004 7:43 AM


Damon's turn:

Damon waves off Merz's appology and gets up to follow her to the kitchen. He reaches the sink, slurps up a mouthful of water and sloshes it around his mouth. After spitting it out and repeating the process, he drys his face on his sleeve and walks back to his box. He puts the last of the straps in their appropriate piles and starts tieing the bundles together.

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Friday, April 16, 2004 6:35 PM


0700 AMT {Alliance Mean Time}

As ...

After he brief change of command, the Watch Captain sat in the darkened control center. His face was illuminated by the scrolling text of daily log on his hand comp. He had to catch up on the previous Watch's notes and unusual items.

"Sir!", one of the numerous wave technicians called out. His call breaking the cadence of clicks and beeps issuing from the equipment in the vast chamber.

After toggling his hand-comp to his incomplete entry in progress, he responds, "Yes, Station 42?"

"Operative THX-1138 is not responding to our hails."

The WC frowns as he states, "Isn't ... ", what was his cover name? the WC thinks, Rev B ... Bem or somesuch? After moment the Captain continues, " ... he supposed to be on total wave-break - no contact."

"Yessir, but his ident card was used in a level Nexus-Omega communication. Protocol states that a wave-check with the operative be preformed in the case of NOCs.

"Was it?"

"Yessir! He gave the appropirate countersigns. Wave duration was a concern, so at his aknowledgement, we cut contact."

The Captain furrowed his brow. "What is the problem then?"

"InternSec have since decoded a fragment of the orginal NOC. We have attempted to re-connect with 1138 to verfy, but he is not responding."

"Problem with the decode?!"

"Nosir ... we needed him to verfy the content I.S. did decode."

"So?", The Captain spat.

The technician gulped, "Um, it seems... from the fragments... that Adelai Niska is finally making his move on the Enclave and maybe using 1138's ident-codex."

The Commander gaped at the tech in total stupfication. After a timeless moment, He sighs in a great burst and reaches for the hot-line.

End Of Scene

"Observe Analyze & Respond"
Motto of the A.P.E.s
Alliance Protean Engineers


Saturday, April 17, 2004 5:20 PM


Interlude 2 Part III
Docking Bay 54, Cargo Tug Rubicon
0713 AMT

As ...

Corzaire Jax, ESQ. sits on a small milkcrate. He is muttering and making small sharp gestures. His movements tilting the crate in such a manner that it threatened to dump him on the Rubicon's small cargo bay floor. Jax pays no heed, he is pondering murder.

"Such a simple thing... " he thinks, his mind concocting wonderful images of a full blown torture and murder of scruffy, self-important officials. He shakes off the idea of ending a sentient's life with a deep frown - "Takes too much trouble to neutralize all the crime scene evidence. " He blows a halfhearted raspberry and lowers his head to his hands.

"Smutbunnies!" He explodes. Anger vented, he sighs, "As Milla would say."

Jax grumbles further to himself in a silly brogue, "Why canna things ere ga smooth?!!!"

Hlastoni drops down from the cockpit with his usual grim expression. Seeing Jax bent over, he pauses. After a few moments, it becomes apparent that Jax is not going to look up.

Hlastoni's jaw firms as he grits his teeth at Jax's frailty of spirit. Slightly shaking his head, he speaks in a booming tenor, "Squire, maps are done."

Jax finally totters off the crate at the report of Hlastoni's voice. He falls on his back with a thud to the deck. Ironically, flat on his back he is looking up at Hlastoni.

With no sign of his pratfall coloring his voice, Jax says, "So, I suppose you want me to wave Thorne with the choices?"

"Yes, you know the history between he and I." Hlastoni rumbled with a stony expression.

"It wasn't that bad. You didn't know his family estate was in Serenity Valley. Well, at least you didn't know it was his when you strafed it in your skiff." Jax replies innocently.

With no change of expression or acknowledgment of Jax's barb, Hlastoni hands Jax a memory rod. "The choices for a drop and exchange are on New Hokkaido's moon. Over half a dozen prime locations. All criteria are noted -- timing of orbital traffic, cover, escape routes and the like. Tell him to wave his decision to both the Rubicon and Chimera." Hlastoni grates. Without waiting for an answer, he does an about-face and ascends back into the cockpit.

Jax tilts his head back to follow Hlastoni's progress. When the pilot disappears, Jax sighs softly, lips twist in a wistful grin, he whispers, "Never forgives, never forgets, loves his pain."

Jax relaxes back to the cool deck with a big grin at his friends foibles, "What a smeghead."


"Observe Analyze & Respond"
Motto of the A.P.E.s
Alliance Protean Engineers


Sunday, April 18, 2004 3:01 AM


MERZ move


She watches DAMON rinse his mouth out with a small sense of amusement, without ever taking her attention off of ZOE making fresh coffee. Next time . . . it will be correct.

Once ZOE has shown her the way, she heads back to the table. DAMON is bundling up the sorted straps and returning them to the box.

“Go ahead and pick us a selection of straps about 2 ½ to 3 inches wide. Get a couple more than we need in case we need to switch something out for some reason. I will catch KAYLEE and get us some of the tools I am not carrying and meet you on the Bridge. Tell Wash he should have fresh coffee soon. We will do the other station first and give him a chance to see what we are doing and if he wants it done that way or a different way.”

She grabs their empty mugs, carries them to the sink, and heads off to the engine room.



If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Sunday, April 18, 2004 8:59 AM


Damon's turn:


“Go ahead and pick us a selection of straps about 2 ½ to 3 inches wide. Get a couple more than we need in case we need to switch something out for some reason. I will catch KAYLEE and get us some of the tools I am not carrying and meet you on the Bridge. Tell Wash he should have fresh coffee soon. We will do the other station first and give him a chance to see what we are doing and if he wants it done that way or a different way.”

She grabs their empty mugs, carries them to the sink, and heads off to the engine room.

Damon watches Merz leave the room and sets aside the bundle of 4-point straps. There aren't very many of them but at least they have a couple extra to work with.

With the rest of the bundles neatly back in the box, and the 4-pointers hanging around his neck, he closes the lid and lifts the box from the floor.

"Merz, I'm takin' these down to the cargo bay," he calls down the hall as he turns for the stairs.


I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Monday, April 19, 2004 7:05 AM


Keep the Shiny side up

Thorne's Move:

Location: His cabin/Galley/Cargo bay

Checking the comm, THORNE sees it's lunchtime. He has finished his preparations for this evening and has some time to kill. Maybe a light snack and then some excercise. He remembers seeing a weight bench in the hold. He changes into shorts and a sweatshirt and heads out.

The galley is empty, although the coffeemaker is just sputtering the last few drops of a new batch into the carafe. "Had enough caffine for the day. Maybe just some water with lunch.", he thinks. A quick search turns up a loaf of bread and some cheddar cheese. A little of this will do to keep hunger away. and there'll be better later.

Alternating bites of bread and cheese with swigs of water, he walks to the cargo bay. The storage boxes have been stowed away again, and the floor is clear. Might as well let the food settle a bit before starting on the weights. He props a molded plas pallet against the bulkhead and backs away a few steps. Reaching to the back of his neck, he removes three flat throwing knives from their sheath inside his collar, and begins to juggle them.

Noticing a short, heavy hammer clipped to a beam, he grabs it and adds it to the mix. the pallet has a shipping label on it, about the size of a short card. "That'll be the target", THORNE decides. Still juggling, he closes his eyes and turns his back to the pallet. After a moment, he whirls, eyes still closed, and throws the three knives in a continuous blur of steel. They hit the label almost as one, left edge, center, right edge, penetrating the tough plas at least an inch. Before the sound of their impact dies, the hammer hits the center knife headfirst, driving it completely through the pallet.

"Not bad for an old man", THORNE says quietly. He'd not likely throw away a perfectly good knife in an actual fight, but this little routine is a good test of his dexterity and kinesthetic sense. he recovers his knives and the hammer and returns them to their places. After a few stretches, he begins his tai chi. Need to wait for someone to come by who can spot him before he starts on the weights.


"Keep the Shiny side up"


Monday, April 19, 2004 9:29 AM


Damon's turn:

Damon stares down from the catwalk as Thorne goes from juggling knives to throwing them at a lable with his eyes closed.

"Tzao gao..."

He knows that there are people who spend their whole lives practicing knives but something about this is just down right unnatural. He makes his way down the stairs as Thorne mutters something inaudible.

"I think my list of people not to piss off just got longer," he says, reaching the floor. He walks over to the pile of boxes and sets his down.

OOC: Well, if I was at home I could have looked up something more profound for Damon to say in Chinese. Something like "Holy mother of God and all her whacky nephews" but I guess I'll have to make do with what I know.

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Monday, April 19, 2004 2:14 PM


River goes to her room, looking at the memory stick.

"Time to stop playing, no more games."

Filler post, write more later.

"Freedom is the Freedom to say that 2 plus 2 make 4. If that is granted, all else follws"-Winston, 1984
Teela Brown, keeper of bad typing.
"No one reads these things any way."- Bart on Blackboard


Monday, April 19, 2004 2:36 PM


MERZ move


Merz slides back to her own dorm, to gather her tools before dropping by the engine room to gather some additional tools from KAYLEE. She is almost . . . happy with work to do and no current worries. Once she acquires her own tools, she buckles on the belt and practically bounces down to the engine room.

Once she has arrived, she sticks her head in to announce that she is there. KAYLEE is standing with her back to the door, looking/listening to Serenity’s engine, her thoughts very far away. MERZ notices a small pile of tools on the floor near the door, precisely what she would have requested to borrow. Assuming that they were set out for her, and very reluctant to interrupt KAYLEE and wherever her thoughts have taken her, MERZ carefully and quietly gathers up the tools and scarpers off toward the bridge.

Outside the bridge she listens carefully for any indication that WASH may be busy and hearing nothing untoward, heads through the door. Once again, she addresses WASH before doing anything else.

“Mr. WASH, Captain Reynolds has put in a request for belts on the chairs in the command room, in case of future maneuvering such as experienced yesterday. I was planning to rig a cross belt arrangement for the gunner station. I can do the same for you since I consider a lap belt to be inadequate for the task. However if you have a preference, DAMON and I can rig your station to your satisfaction. Please let me know.”

She pauses to let him speak before turning away.


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Monday, April 19, 2004 10:56 PM


Book's Move

Book goes slowly up the fore stairway, missing Thorne coming down the other stairs, and stops in the hallway outside the galley. He looks up past the crew quarters to the bridge and see's Merz talking to Wash. No River on the bridge.

Book turns away from the hallway to the bridge and steps through the doorway and down the few steps into the galley. He glances quickly around the room, lowers himself into a padded chair in the corner. Closing his eyes for a moment, he thinks to himself. This is a small ship. She can't have gone far.



Tuesday, April 20, 2004 7:56 AM


Wash raises his eyebrows in frank confusion. Command room? Future manuevering?
Mr. Wash?
Wash stands easily, holding up his hands.
"Umm, for one thing, only my mother and the feds get to call me Mr. Wash. Wash, or that crazy guy behind the wheel will do shiny. Pilot, if you're feeling too orderly to be onboard this ship. And this is just a bridge. Only commands done in here is the captains commands on where to go, and my commandin' the ship to get there. As for the gunner chair, patch it up if you feel like it. However, I don't like belts clipping my, uh. . .thigh." Just as the engine room is Kaylee's turf, this is Wash's homestead, and he's made it just the way he likes it. "So do what you feel like doin' on the gunners chair, but I'm comfortable with this chair. You'll be the one doin' the shooting here, I just push three buttons and get us wherever we gotta go."
Wash sits back down, flipping through the NavCom of the dropsite. "Where are you headed, anyway?" Wash asks easily. Might as well get to know the previously naked woman.

You see I cannot be forsaken/Because I'm not the only one.


Tuesday, April 20, 2004 1:31 PM


MERZ move


well, apparently that flowery, shirt thingie i have not be able to make heads or tails of is not a uniform. so, drop the mr. i can do that.

MERZ gives WASH a long look. “Being as how we can be plain spoken folk here and now, I do have something for you to consider. You do not have to wear a restraint all of the time you are in that chair, and I have every sympathy for a belt “clipping” anatomical bits, considering no chest belt was EVER designed to make a woman comfortable. But please consider that if you do a roll in this bird during a fight, and your ever beloved ZOE is in the gunner chair safely strapped, you got no one holding you down. When you land on your head, don’t come crying to me.” Pause “If you let me install them now they will be there when you need them even if it is 10 years from now. Bet it’ll make ZOE feel better.”

that is a low blow and i should never have used it. but he won’t believe me so it can’t matter


Where are you headed, anyway

that is a safe enough question, bein’ as how i got no answer for it

Content to chat for a moment, DAMON having the straps with him, MERZ considers her answer for a second. An opportunity to learn to talk to people can’t be passed up. “Out there, somewhere,” she says motioning out the view port with her head and holding up one hand. “No I am not being difficult or secretive. I really don’t know where I am going. Somewhere, I have no idea where to look, I have . . . friends, I hope. Until I find them or a lead to them, I suppose I am just . . . driftin’.”

She gazes off into nowhere. “Sooner or later I will find a reference to a new ship, Chimera, or to Captain Marovech Rahn, or Hlas, or someone. I can be patient.” like i have a choice


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Wednesday, April 21, 2004 7:51 AM


Wash can't help but be amazed. The robot can speak plain English, and she has a fine point.
"Alright, put it that way, I would like to see my kid's later on."
Wash considers her response.
"Well, I can well relate to drifting jus' fine. We've been sailin for more'n six years, and I don't think we've ever settled on a place more'n two weeks, and that was just cuz we had to repair somethin'." Wash smiles fondly at the memory. "That was actually where we picked up Kaylee. Since then, never had a so much as a rattle that she couldn' fix. But hey, we're always driftin about. You talk with the captain, he might make you a home here." Wash stares plaintively out into the black. "I mean we've got enough strays as it is. You've proven you're a fair hand in a fight." Wash figures she don't much want to discuss that, so he changes the subject. "How's the voyage so far? Meet any drinkin buddies?"

You see I cannot be forsaken/Because I'm not the only one.


Wednesday, April 21, 2004 11:54 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

OOC: Moving things along as I promised.

Inara & Rowan Blended Post:
ROWAN (softly): "Tianna...I almost do look like her."

She was watching again – always from the doorway and always without barely breathing for fear of making some noise. Aislin was trying on her gown for her presentation at the Academy while a seamstress waited nearby to hear the results of her trade.

"It has to be perfect." Aislin turned for probably the tenth time to examine herself from all angles. "There can’t be any flaws."

How many times had she said that? She can’t remember now. It seems Aislin has always kept herself neater and cleaner and prettier than anyone has a right to. Rowan had overheard their father say what a noble profession it was, what a tremendous opportunity, to be chosen to become a Companion.

What can it be like to have to strive so hard for perfection every minute of every day?

Inara watches as surprise and delight melt slowly into regret. With a sigh of resignation, Rowan turns her glittering eyes upward again. Catching reflected light from the mirror, they flash with green fire.

ROWAN: "Much as I’d like to keep it, I’m afraid the press corps would have a field day with this too. Is there an easy way to get all this off and start over?"

Inara smiles generously and reaches for a pack of facial cloths. Opening one, she spreads the soft fabric across her palm and holds it up.

INARA: "Close your eyes."

She does, but not before lifting a suspicious eyebrow first. Holding her face upward, she reminds Inara of a small child awaiting a quick cleaning after spreading ice cream all over. Gently, she removes the makeup and then applies a light toner smelling of citrus, followed by a light cream. Finished, she realizes Rowan and Aislin may have the same elegant beauty blended from Irish and Chinese bloodlines, but that Rowan's natural beauty is somehow more appealing than the applied splendor Aislin always accomplished.

INARA (to herself): Two sisters – so similar, and yet so vastly different.

INARA: "There – you're just you again."

Opening her eyes, Rowan looks and seems surprised. Seeing the green eyes still staring out of the mirror at her, she makes a face.

ROWAN: "Wode tìan they're obnoxious, aren't they?

INARA: "Actually I think they're quite lovely. Moreso than I had been told."

Rowan's look is more indicative of the notion that Inara may have quietly lost her mind.

ROWAN: "You must be kidding. Why in the 'verse would she talk about the ugly green-eyed troll?"


OOC: I'm hoping for one post per day for the next week or two. Wish me luck!

We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche


Wednesday, April 21, 2004 1:53 PM


Damon's turn:

After dropping off the box of straps in the cargo bay, Damon makes his way back up to the bridge. Merz is already there talking to Wash. Not wanting to interrupt, he waits near the door and starts examining the straps.

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Wednesday, April 21, 2004 4:10 PM


MERZ move



How's the voyage so far? Meet any drinkin buddies?

She considers his question quite carefully. Not an easy one to answer on several levels.

“Interesting question, Wash. There hasn’t been time for me get to know anyone much, and I am perhaps not very skilled at meeting new folk. Some are out of my league, like Roosevelt and Rowan and definitely that Inara. That Damon is a tough one. Nice enough, but I think we are on opposite sides in the long run. Still, would trust him to guard my back – nice feeling, that. Captain Reynolds; he is a captain and I am a grunt. Jayne I have only seen in passing and don’t look to turn my back on till I know him better. Never met the little girl or your missing Doctor. Zoe is my kinda woman, wish I could hang around long enough to get to know her better. We might just be friends. Kaylee is nice enough, and I understand her need to fix things, but she’s got somethin’ weighing her mind a lot right now.”

She pauses a second, listening. Then raises her voice, turning her head toward the door, “Come on in DAMON, not talking about anything you can’t hear.”

MERZ looks back at WASH with a tilt to her head. “Drinking buddy. Alcohol, right? I understand the term, but . . . I have never had a drink. Never had a drinking buddy either I suppose.” not in a long time. hlas would have drunk with me, ditto maro, ditto others. if only i could . . . well breaking all the rules now aren’t i. maybe i will just let go one of these days . . . Softly. “Wish that Brink Helsing had stayed around for a time . . . wanted to talk to him a bit longer. Oh yes.”

MERZ makes that grimace that she believes is a smile at WASH. (She looked at it in a mirror once – not sure it is quite right yet.) “Guess I have to get back to work now. Can’t spend all day jawin’. Before you know it, the Captain will be coming in here wondering why I’m just standing around.” She turns her smile on DAMON. “So let’s see the straps you selected and get started.”


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Wednesday, April 21, 2004 9:49 PM


Damon's turn:

Damon stands in the doorway, fiddling with the straps, not paying much attention to the conversation until he hears Merz mention his name.


Originally posted by MercedesTroy:
"That Damon is a tough one. Nice enough, but I think we are on opposite sides in the long run. Still, would trust him to guard my back – nice feeling, that. Captain Reynolds; he is a captain...

Merz continues but Damon's thoughts take him away from what she's saying. That had to be the nicest thing anyone has said to him, even if she wasn't speaking to him directly. He was used to people calling him a stubborn, ignorant, ass who only looked out for himself.

Frankly, he can agree with that. He learned the hard way on too many occasions that you need to look out for #1 or you're shooting yourself in the foot. That bar tender was clearly anti Alliance but that didn't stop him from letting the Feds walk in and pound the go se out of Damon yesterday morning. The guy could have at least given him a heads up, or maybe he did and Damon was too hung over to hear. Either way, goes to show what happens when you let your guard down.


“Come on in DAMON, not talking about anything you can’t hear.”

He takes a couple more steps into the room as Merz turns back to Wash. When she finishes, she turns him with a smile.


“So let’s see the straps you selected and get started.”

He nods and holds up two of the straps. "I think these look to be the best pick of the bunch, though I could be wrong. It's been a while since I worked on anythin' with a harness and it's not coming back to me as fast as I expected it to."

go se = ... I think everyone knows what this means by now and if you don't, you haven't watched your DVDs enough yet.

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Wednesday, April 21, 2004 10:37 PM


Book's Move

Book sits in the corner of the galley thinking. Hands pressed together and drawn close to his lips. His eyes open and he squints. What is Niska doing with my ID card? How did he manage to steal it from Simon? Or is it Simon? Or Simon under the influence of Niska? Book inhales deeply and exhales slowly. Simon's in some sort of trouble, or the card wouldn't have been used. Either way, I should tell Mal a few things. I've delayed too long with other things this morning.

Book sits up in his chair and notices a spare coil of rope on the floor under the table. He stands and goes to the rope, picks it up and carries it with him on his way out the door towards Mal's quarters. He notices Damon and Merz intent on beginning to install some cross-straps to the gunner/co-pilot chair. Wash sitting in his own chair, pretending not to watch. Wash jumps around a lot when he flies. I wonder if he's allowing them to put one on his chair too... he thinks.

Focus. Trying to remain inobtrusive, Book walks half the length of the hallway, stops quietly at the captain's door-hatch and knocks. Book shakes his head and looks down at the rope in his hands. I wish I'd brought my Bible instead.



Thursday, April 22, 2004 2:02 AM


Mal's Move
12:15 PM AMT
As ...

Mal sits back in his bench, away from all the gorram paperwork littered across his desk. He scrubs his eyes and exhales a mighty sigh. He then glares at the nearly empty coffee cup on his desk. With trepidation, Mal takes a sip and gags on the cold nastiness from the mug. After spitting the offending coffee into the sink, Mal looks at the clock to see how much time he has wasted on paperwork.

"Ahhhgh, go-se, past noon!" he grunts.

A knock sounds at his hatch.

Mal stands and hits the intercom. "Better be important, like space monkey Reavers or the like."


"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Thursday, April 22, 2004 3:00 AM


Director to Wash

On the wave receiver panel in front of Wash, a small green light begins to flash.

End Of Direction

"Observe Analyze & Respond"
Motto of the A.P.E.s
Alliance Protean Engineers


Thursday, April 22, 2004 8:05 AM


Wash turns from the two, giving the final word to Merz. "well, anytime you want to find a Drinkin buddy, just find me in the galley after supper. I usually have a glass of fresh wine or three."
Wash is distracted by a blinking diode on the console. Another wave. Huh.
Wash opens the Cortex, and checks who the Wave is aimed at. He grabs the mike. Might as well give a little announcement. "Hi folks, this Wash. We'll be landing at the dropsite in four hours. So buckle up. And on a side note, Thorne, you have a wave."

You see I cannot be forsaken/Because I'm not the only one.


Thursday, April 22, 2004 9:13 AM


Book's Move
Location: Crew hallway outside Mal's room

Noticing the door-hatch is not locked, Book pushes it open as he hears the captain's voice.
Book climbs down the ladder into the captain room. "Reavers may be the least of troubles before this is over, captain." Book says as he reaches the bottom rung.

Mal's room is littered with all manner of equipment. He's apparently sorting it and doing some inventory. Book turns to look Mal directly in the eyes. "I fear I may have done something foolish." Book watches the look on Mal's face turn from minor annoyance to severe displeasure. "When Simon left, I gave him one of my ID card's to help him if he needed to get out of a tight spot." Book pauses and watches Mal crumple a sheaf of papers in his hand. "I can't tell you how I know, but he's used it... and I don't think he would have unless something went very wrong."



Thursday, April 22, 2004 1:49 PM


Mal's Move
12:15 PM AMT
As ...

Mal's hatch opens and Book descends.

"Reavers may be the least of troubles before this is over, captain."
Book turns to look Mal directly in the eyes.

"I fear I may have done something foolish."

Mal begins to get the sinking feeling that things are going around the twist -- yet again.

"When Simon left, I gave him one of my ID card's to help him if he needed to get out of a tight spot."

ID card! Mal thinks, qingwa cào de liúmáng*! THAT card! ... wait ... ONE of Book's ident cards? Mal continues to listen, but with the distinct feeling that Book may have more in common with Niska. Naw, if he was a criminal, he must have reformed - he is now my crew and has been fer a fair bit. quickly crosses his mind.

"I can't tell you how I know, but he's used it... and I don't think he would have unless something went very wrong."

After Mal realizes he has just crumpled the fuel tallies, he drops them to the desk and turns back to Book.

in a tight voice tinged with irony
"Lìngrén jingyì chûn* Shepherd. That boy is smart, but not in the ways of the wild. We better hope that Slight fella can reign our Doc in. Other that that, I see as we are stymied until one or the other contacts us. Less'n you got other info that you ain't spilled yet."

As Mal crosses his arms over his chest, he stares hard into Book's eyes. Mal's right eyebrow nearly disappears into his hairline as he waits for Book's response.

{*qingwa cào de liúmáng = frog-humping sumbitch}
[*lìngrén jingyì chûn= stunningly stupid}

"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Thursday, April 22, 2004 2:25 PM


Merz Move



Well, anytime you want to find a Drinkin’ buddy, just find me in the galley after supper. I usually have a glass of fresh wine or three.

MERZ pauses in the act of responding to WASH's remark; something on his console captures his full attention. Further comment can wait for a time. She reaches for the first two straps DAMON hands her and finds them barely worn and fully acceptable. For all that he is a bit out of practice, DAMON gets the idea of where she is going with the straps and they have a full rig set on the gunner station in no time. KAYLEE’s rivet gun and other assorted clamps and cutters being of unmistakable help.


Hi folks, this Wash. We'll be landing at the dropsite in four hours. So buckle up. And on a side note, Thorne, you have a wave.

MERZ sighs. Looks as if her short vacation is about to end. Who knows what comes next.

She glances at Wash. “Too bad – I was going to take you up on that drink, only . . . I seem to recall someone saying something about tequila. I’ve heard of that and I smelled it when I came in. An interesting aroma, to be sure. I was lookin’ forward to having someone introduce me to that. Go ahead guys, talk some more. I can listen and work at the same time. DAMON, how’s about you hop up on that chair and we will see how these set.”

MERZ stands up next to the chair and prepares to help DAMON strap in and check for ‘pinchin’.

too much more of this homey talk and i am going to wake up screamin’ tonight. good thing they taught me ‘colloquial’ as a separate language. ‘least WASH likes it better, but it is beginnin’ to rub off something awful


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Thursday, April 22, 2004 7:35 PM


Damon's turn:

Damon hesitates for only a brief moment before sitting down in the gunner chair. Despite Merz's invitation to talk with Wash, Damon remains quiet. He doesn't particularly want to talk about his love - hate relationship with alcohol. Besides, all this talk of arriving at NH reminds him that his contract on Serenity will be over by the end of the day.

Part of him is happy to be able to add more money to his stash but the other half is wondering where he's going to be sleeping tonight. He won't have to worry about dinner if he gets a good meal before leaving the ship, but he knows next to nothing about NH. He'll have to do a little research after he finishes with Merz.

After they finish adjusting the straps and get them secured properly, Damon gets up and looks down at Wash.

"We doing your chair too?"

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Thursday, April 22, 2004 10:02 PM


Book's Move

Book looks at Mal's expectant stance and sighs. "I would like nothing better than to be able to give you the answer you're looking for captain, but there are... choices I made that prevent me." Book watches the expression on Mal's face turn from anger to slight astonishment. "But I can tell you that the card was used for illegal communication purposes, and it was used to access a place that Niska is known to want control over."

Book spots the stack of coiled ropes in the corner, walks over to them and drops the one in his hand onto the top of the pile, leaving his hands free. "I know this may not mean much or make much sense, but you remember how Simon was acting before he left... he was behaving differently."

Mal grudgingly nods his head and Book continues. "I know for a fact that he initiated a very dangerous and experimental procedure involving his own mind and Niska's. I wasn't aware of what he tried to do until it was too late... but you saw the effects.
Simon was like Niska for a time, he had his anger, he spoke with his accent and used his mannerisms. I can see you know where I'm going with this line of thought."

Book stops and looks hard at the captain's incredulous expression. How can I tell him straight out that I think Niska's mind may have somehow copied a portion of itself onto Simon's mind? Book thinks.



Friday, April 23, 2004 3:44 AM


Keep the Shiny side up

Thorne's move:

Location: Cargo bay/Bridge

Thorne has finished his tai chi set and still no one has wandered by to spot him on the barbells. He decides that maybe he should set up a weight date with someone next time. Might as well head for the Bridge and see if his customers have gotten in touch yet.

As he enters the bridge door her hears WASH:

WASH: "Hi folks, this Wash. We'll be landing at the dropsite in four hours. So buckle up. And on a side note, Thorne, you have a wave."

Four hours? Even with the best pilot in the 'verse, a Firefly can't make Hera to New Hokkaido in less than 48 hours, and they're only halfway into the trip. They should arrive tomorrow. But let's check the mail first.

THORNE: "I'm here, WASH. let me see that message, please."

WASH cues up the wave and THORNE enters the password. The grinning face of Corzaire Jax appears.

JAX: "Hey, Rosie, you old pirate. How they hangin'? Fearless leader commanded me to contact you with a list of locations for the hand-off. All choice pieces of nothing on Hokkaido's gloomy satellite, and far from the pleasures of civilization, or what passes for it out here. Why can't we ever do a deal in a brothel, or a five star restaurant? Anyway, get back to me with your preferred chunk of desolation, and we'll see you on the dark side of the moon. Jax out."

THORNE looks over the list of coordinates while thinking ruefully of the context in JAX's message. It would figure that HLASTONI'd want to meet as far from folk as possible. Just not the sociable type. Makes the Puritans look like flaming libertines. Good at what he does, though.

Deciding on a location, THORNE flips the switch to 'record' and begins to talk.

THORNE: "Squire, still as big a ponce as ever, I see. Afraid you'll never know how they're hangin', just that they don't swing your way. Looked over your list of prime real estate, and number three looks O.K. to me. Dry and empty as HLASTONI's heart. Not my idea of a pleasure palace either. Maybe after the deal's done you and I can hit Hokkaido City and have a good carouse before you head home. But don't bring your boss. All in all, he's just another brickhead in the wall. THORNE out."

Now for the other issue.

"Wash, could you send this out right away? And what's this 'four hours to the drop point' stuff? First, you don't even know where the drop point is, second, we're still a day away from there. I find myself puzzled."


"Keep the Shiny side up"


Friday, April 23, 2004 7:32 AM


Wash shakes his head. He needs that coffee much more than he realized. That tequila Merz mentioned might be more inviting than usual, on the other hand.
"Sorry, meant to peg that eight on the end. And I count a moon as a drop sight, cuz anywhere on a planet I can make in four minutes. But that wave'll be out in a minute."
Wash leans back in the chair, sighing. Without even looking, he sends the wave, closing his eyes.

You see I cannot be forsaken/Because I'm not the only one.


Friday, April 23, 2004 9:44 AM


Keep the Shiny side up

Thorne's Move:

Location: Bridge

Watch me work without a net!

WASH: "Sorry, meant to peg that eight on the end. And I count a moon as a drop sight, cuz anywhere on a planet I can make in four minutes. But that wave'll be out in a minute."

THORNE: "Oh, right, 48 hours. I forgot that you'd be off the usual flight path for Hokkaido and be clipping the edge of the time distortion. Interesting how setting up the 1G field on all the terraformed planets caused that to happen in this part of the black. And even stranger, tomorrow morning ship time we'll just be a couple hours out. Crazy old 'verse, ain't it?

And, yeah, just get that wave out and we're good to go."

OOC: and at no time did my hands leave my arms.

"Keep the Shiny side up"






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