RP GR "Adventures in GunRunning" ACT 15

UPDATED: Sunday, May 2, 2004 20:49
VIEWED: 19931
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Friday, April 23, 2004 2:36 PM


ACT 14:

{link to Cast and Bio thread}
coming soon!

Tools and tricks for the hip RPer.

Storyline work and a place for the acKtors to hang out.

Includes episode synopses and links to all the threads for prior acts

Guest DireKtor - DragonflyDireKtor { AIM, MSN }
Guest Asst. DireKtor - MercedesTroy { AIM}
GameMaster - Geezer { }
Co-Director - FrauDirektor {, MSN, AIM: MissAstriana, Yahoo!: MissAstriana, ICQ: 9592266}
Co-Director - Channain {; AIM}
Minion - DirektorsSmeagol { } , MSN, AIM)


None have been established yet. Each player has a unique style for posting a move that is consistent within itself. You'll catch on!

EOM = End of Move
OOC = Out Of Character
POV = Point Of View

Last but not least, the Gunrunners would like to extend a big THANK YOU to Joss Whedon for creating a whole new 'verse for us to play in, and to Haken for giving us a bright, shiny new sandbox theater!



Friday, April 23, 2004 2:38 PM


Character Locations:
MAL & BOOK - Mal's Dorm, Discovering that there is trouble brewing on the horizon.

INARA & ROWAN - Inara's shuttle, doing something private. So keep yer nose outta it!

ZOE - On her way to the Bridge, to learn how to blow stuff up with the new cannon. Boy is SHE happy and still with an afterglow.

WASH,THORNE,DAMON & MERZ - Bridge, Merz has fallen and she canna get up...

SIMON - Waiting and pondering - Not quite on the sanity loop ...

RIVER - Her room, having a Mightmare...

JAYNE - passed out in his dorm?

SLIGHT - Visting Mr. Serling in the pit of man's fears?

NISKA - Hera{?} desert, eating a noon lunch of McCoyote.

NICOALLEZ - New Hokkaido: Ughigatana City outside the Reinact Faire telling parables of war.

JAX & HLASTONI - New Hokkaido: Ughigatana City: Sitting tight and waiting for a wave from Thorne.

TILDA - On the job - nuff said!

CORVAIR TROY - Flying fast in the Black to pick up Niska - so he thinks! Boy will he be surprised!

Oh yes and ...
YOSAFBRIDGE, EARLY - Somewhere over the Rim, where Reavers fly ... and YoSaf is having a nice flaming banannas Jubliee ...

"Observe Analyze & Respond"
Motto of the A.P.E.s
Alliance Protean Engineers


Friday, April 23, 2004 2:41 PM



MERZ is in the cargo bay – at the weight bench, lifting an impressive load. Suddenly aware of the camera, she lowers the weights, stands and walks towards it.

“Had a long day of working out? Beat up just one too many smart alec’s and evil persons. Well some days are just like that. But before you let sore muscles slow you down tomorrow, spend a little time with your friend – Blue Sun Balm.”

She brings her right hand out from behind her back with a small, bright blue jar, logo prominent. Slowly removing the lid, she carefully takes a generous dollop on her fingers and spreads it on her right arm.

“This stuff is just the last word. Makes them tired muscles just loosen up and go limp. I recommend you keep some on hand all the time.” She is facing the camera with a huge grin on her face as we fade to black.

But the audio does not cut out soon enough.

“Ow, HEY, OUCH. Hey YOU, you promised me – this jar was supposed to be cold cream . You get back here, I am talkin’ to you. Mutters ‘gorram agent gonna die for this one, that really HURTS’"


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Friday, April 23, 2004 3:08 PM


River stis down on her bed, and looks directly at the memory stick.

Play time is over.

In her head, she remembers Simon doing work, while she tried to make him join. Also, the voice of Simon comes up: "No more games - this one is for keeps. Remember - I'll always love you" River drifts into sleep...

She's at the Academy. Looking in on her are people in white. All familiar voices, but she can't see them...

"What should we do now sir?" Female, strong. A fighter.

"Whatever has to be. What do those reports say she'll do next?" Male, leader. Hard life.

"She'll either kill them, or something about soup, maybe the computers busted." Male, takes orders, doesn't make them.

"We need to cut. She's highly volatile." The leader again.

"But cutting sir?" Female. Such a young person, and caring.

"This plan is startin' ta sound better." Male, rugged.

"But cutting, won't that damage her?" Female, educated and elegant.

"No, not damage. Improve. Make better." Male, low and fatherly. Calm.

Footsteps come. "Are we ready to begin the procedure? Playtime is just beginning..." Male, young. Too young. They all come into the light, and their faces appear. All of the crew, Zoe, Mal, Wash, Kaylee, Jayne, Inara, Book, and leading them was Simon...

A voice speaks out. Her own. "Ge-ge, please don't! You don't need to!"

Two of them grabbed her, and sat her down, and they all came closer...

She wakes up screaming-no, no sobbing. A lone voice on a lone ship. "Ge-ge..."
Okay, that's my post! Made new line, please check.

"Freedom is the Freedom to say that 2 plus 2 make 4. If that is granted, all else follws"-Winston, 1984
Teela Brown, keeper of bad typing.
"No one reads these things any way."- Bart on Blackboard


Friday, April 23, 2004 3:21 PM


Damon's turn:

Damon looks up from his work on Wash's chair to see Merz nearly collapse barley breathing. The first thought to cross his mind is that the poor hwoon dahn had better get up before the guards see him.

He metally kicks himself and moves around Wash to get a look at Merz. He squats in front of her, careful to not crowd her and tries to make eye contact.

"Hey, you okay? Don't you pass out on me, I ain't tearin' my stitches to carry you down to the infirmery," he says jokingly, "And I definately ain't putting my mouth anywhere near yours so you better keep breathing."

He continues to watch her carefully.

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Friday, April 23, 2004 9:58 PM


Interlude 2 Part IV
Docking Bay 54, Cargo Tug Rubicon

2518 AD~Solor Day 024/Jan 24~1717hrs/5:17PM AMT
As ...
On wave receiver monitor:

"Squire, still as big a ponce as ever, I see. Afraid you'll never know how they're hangin', just that they don't swing your way. Looked over your list of prime real estate, and number three looks O.K. to me. Dry and empty as HLASTONI's heart. Not my idea of a pleasure palace either. Maybe after the deal's done you and I can hit Hokkaido City and have a good carouse before you head home. But don't bring your boss. All in all, he's just another brickhead in the wall. THORNE out."

Shaking his head ruefully
"That old dingo is NEVER going to let me forget the practical joke we played on him last Unification Eve. Wasn't that at that unlicensed bordello on ..."

"Barberell's Pygar Saloon, Mhatmoz Central City. And I still say you should have shaved your mustache and goatee. It clashed with the pink hair band and grey feather boa-bra."

in mock defensivness
HEY! I was SUPPOSED to have a veil with that outfit. And further - Rosie knows how I swing, he just has to have the last bloody word and try to wind me up -mostly under his breath and with a tiny laugh- and he usually succeeds, the friggin' bastich."

looking up, tilting his head to the left and raising both his eyebrows
"He probably feel that once a transvestite, always a transvestite. Not to mention - your very ...with a hint of disdain... touchy-feely."

"Pbbbpth ... oh, camel-buttberries! You two are just too wrapped up in your testosterone poisoned posturing. If I touch you, you gimboyds think I want to ram you. I may seem girlie-man to you seething gits -- but I prefer innies and not outies in the groinal area. And I despise hairy arses. -with a wicked grin- "Can't help it that I was born pretty"

looking thoughtful for a moment and then says with no change in inflection
"Option 3, map co-ord 51n18 by 42w69, also called Groom Lake. OK, I figured he would like that one. Nice multichannel canyons with tri-corbormite ore to scramble sensors. Perfect natural overhang big enough for the Rubi and their shuttle or conex and with room to spare. -he pauses for a moment- and a few handy sniping positions. Best to use slugthrowers, tri-c is techy when it comes to sonics."

not quite under his breath
"Always changing the frippin' subject."

End Of Interlude 2 Part IV

"Observe Analyze & Respond"
Motto of the A.P.E.s
Alliance Protean Engineers


Friday, April 23, 2004 10:23 PM


Book's Move

Books face hardens unconsciously as he considers Mal's suggestion. "I wish it were as simple as you say captain, but I have a feeling that Simon's used the card for something other than his 'simple plan'." He is a good man, Book thinks, as he looks at the captain.

"There is something more I can do... though I don't much care to do it." Book says with grim resolution as he walks towards the ladder. He turns back to Mal as he puts his mostly healed hand on the ladder rung next to his shoulder.

Book looks over his shoulder at the captain and silently considers what he could tell him. He suspects much about me already. I'm only giving him more reason to question me by not telling him. I should tell him. NO. I can't. Yes. It's in the past. But... No. Book sighs again.

"Please give me some time captain. There are a few things I need to do. I will find you soon." Book turns back towards the ladder, climbs it and walks down the hallway in a fog. His mind consumed by what he must do. He avoids the galley, not wanting to gather more attention than needed and heads down the fore stairway, crossing the catwalk to the stairs at the back of the cargo bay and quickly down and into the common area. Book doesn't look directly at the few people he see's on his way, trying to concentrate on the proper words he's going to need to use. It's been such a long time.

He arrives at the closed panel door to this quarters, lowers his head and slides the door open with numb hands. I don't want to do this anymore. As the door slides open and he lifts his head, he see's the purple light flashing gently again in the very container he was thinking about. He walks to it.

As Book initiates the safe-open sequence on the comunicator, he walks to the door again, slides it shut and the communicator blooms into life.

[Voice of communicator operator] "Sir, we've been trying to re-establish a communication link with you. There's new information regarding that illegal transmission."

{Book} "Niska."

[Voice of communicator operator] "Yes. {pause} How did... {pause} never mind, sir. We should have expected you to deduce the situation."

{Book} "There's more to the situation. I cannot go into it. Do not attempt to hinder the man using the card. That is an order. {pause}

[Voice of communicator operator] "Confirmed."

{Book} "Where is the exact area that communication came from?"



Friday, April 23, 2004 10:41 PM


Mal's Move
12:21 PM AMT
As ...

with a sigh
"Please give me some time captain. There are a few things I need to do. I will find you soon."

Book turns back towards the ladder and ascends out of sight. Mal stands and stares long after Book leaves. His mind trying to connect all of the puzzle pieces.

softly and with a grunt
"Too many rammin' variables in this gorram situation."

He turns back to finish his paperwork and inventory, pushing off thoughts of what he cannot control or plan for at this moment. Only time and more information will tell.


"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Friday, April 23, 2004 11:07 PM


Double rammin' post!


Friday, April 23, 2004 11:11 PM


1225hrs AMT {Alliance Mean Time}

As ...

"Where is the exact area that communication came from?"

with a slight hesitation in her voice
"Sorry sir, but the NOC protocol was used. The holders of the NOC list are incommunicado at the moment, so no pin-point is possible. IntenSec reports that there is severe unrest in the Enclave. It is a powder keg and all statistic probability points to an eruption of a coup in the near future. -she pauses and nervously clears her throat- There are 4 list holders in the dozen that have infiltated the Enclave, all are past due on their 60 day reports. The entirety of active efforts are now focused on their eventual extraction. However, your status is to remain unchanged.

The Tech jitters a bit while waiting for THX 1138's response.


TechnoBabble explanation
*NOC - Nexus-Omega Communication - a protocol which utilizes a wave frequency hopping routine to mask the transmission message. The message is also broken up into disparate packets and then sent through multiple cortex nodes along with numerous 'herrings' {false packets} in complex patterns. These techniques, coupled with various others, aids in keeping the transmitter's location a secret.

Any NOC list holder can trace any NOC transmission location utilizing their portion of the NOC list in combination with two other NOC list holders.

"Observe Analyze & Respond"
Motto of the A.P.E.s
Alliance Protean Engineers


Saturday, April 24, 2004 9:56 AM



ZOE raises her cup to her lips again and notices that her coffee is cold. Starting from her reverie, she looks around to see that she's alone.

ZOE (internal): "Bit of a good feelin', bein' able to take a little time off and such. Wonder if WASH wants his coffee now?

Smiling to herself, she gets up and dumps the contents of her cup down the drain, then washes and puts the cup away. That finished, she cleans out WASH's mug and pours him a fresh cup of the still-warm brew, again adding the perfect amount of sweetener and creamer. Smiling at the relative quiet and freedom of the day - cargo stowed, en route to the drop, not much to be done until they arrive at New Hokkaido - ZOE leaves the galley and makes her way down the aft corridor to the bridge. Expecting to see WASH arguing with DAMON and MERZ about the need for restraints on his chair, ZOE stops short upon seeing MERZ half-collapsed to the floor.

Smile instantly gone, ZOE's eyes rapidly flick around the room to assess the situation. Seeing that MERZ is in no immediate danger - in fact, she seems almost to be unaware of the others in the room - ZOE carefully steps around the woman and hands WASH his coffee, resting her hips in their accustomed place against the console.

Figuring MERZ will indicate if she needs help, ZOE seemingly casually crosses her arms over her chest and tosses a sardonic smile at her husband.

ZOE (to WASH): "You get upset when she tried to install them belts on your chair, dear?"

ZOE decides that's as close as she's gonna get to asking what the tien xiaode* happened - for now.


OOC: I'm baaaack!


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Saturday, April 24, 2004 12:33 PM


Keep the Shiny side up

Thorne's Move:

Location: Bridge

Thorne turns as MERZ suddenly straightens and speaks, discipline fighting with the emotion in her voice,

MERZ: “Pardon me, is that Dysseus Hlastoni, the pilot?”

At his affirmative reply, she drops like a puppet with its strings cut, barely catching herself in time to avoid going flat on the floor. DAMON moves to her side and check on her as ZOE enters. Her calm reaction and sardonic comment to Wash confirm THORNE's opinion that she's and old trooper who's seen it all.

Crossing the deck, he squats next to MERZ.

THORNE: "While Hlastoni might be considered ruggedly good looking by some, if they're near-sighted and they've had enough to drink, he's never to my knowledge been the type to make the ladies swoon with passion at the mere mention of his name. I take it then that you are familiar with our gallant space jockey? If so, you'll get to renew acquaintances tomorrow when we deliver my cargo to him and his band of Merry Men. And if you bear him a grudge, I ask that you please don't kill him until after he's paid me."


"Keep the Shiny side up"


Saturday, April 24, 2004 3:52 PM


Jayne's Move:
12:22 PM AMT

Book turns back towards the ladder and ascends out of sight. Mal stands and stares long after Book leaves. The door to Mal's bunk fails to close, and from up above voices carry down to distract Mal and further shorten his fuse.

"Uh, hi there preacher. I wasn't eavesdropping or nuthin', I just gotta talk with the cap'n. Cap'n!"

Jayne clambers down the rungs and stops at the base. Letting the door close and keeping the ladder between him and Mal, he continues.

"This can't wait. I think that Rowan girl ya picked up is a spy!" Jayne looks absolutely out of breath and tense. "That's why I was actin' all funny yesterday. She kissed me, Mal, square on the lips an' took off. An' she gave me a drink, too. I jus know she drugged me up somehow, sure as I'm standin' here! Then Niska scampered off. She musta helped 'im!"

Jayne pauses to catch his breath.



Saturday, April 24, 2004 4:38 PM


As ...

JAYNE pauses to catch his breath.

MAL's shoulders tighten as he sits on his bench, the sound of rending paper is clearly heard. His head slowly pivots and he gives Jayne the ole cold fish eye stare.

grating, as if over sharp edged shale
"*Liou coe shuai du biao-tze huh hoe-tze duh ur-tze!!! Jayne this better be good or I'll have your ulgy carcass spinning in the Black so fast ... - it hits MAL what JAYNE has just said ... Rowan a spy!"

MAL stands and move over to confront Jayne through the rungs of the ladder. He leans in and sniffs at Jaynes breath and searches JAYNE's eyes for any sign of drunkenness.

with a distinct incredoulous irony
"Has Book been sharing some outta date communion spirits with you? First Book comes in all in a fret over Simon becoming Niska. Now you pop in with better news, Rowan is one of Niska's Nien ching duh."

MAL eyes flare with anger.
in a rough growl
"You people will be the hangin' of me. Ni ta ma de. Tian xia shuo you de ren dou gaisi!!


{*Liou coe shuai du biao-tze huh hoe-tze duh ur-tze: Salivating son of a bitch and a monkey!}

{*Nien ching duh: Little girls.

{*Ni ta ma de. Tian xia shuo you de ren dou gaisi: Motherhumper! Everyone in the universe should die!}

"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Saturday, April 24, 2004 4:57 PM


Jayne's Move:
12:22 PM AMT

in a rough growl
"You people will be the hangin' of me. Ni ta ma de. Tian xia shuo you de ren dou gaisi!!

Jayne stares at Mal through the metal bars of the ladder. "Well, ya gonna complain 'bout us or ya gonna do somethin'?" Jayne leans back as Mal flashes a disapproving glare. "Just, this ain't all my fault, all the sittin' round and sleepin' I been doin'. I was drugged, and ifin you hadn't pumped me with that popper, I'd be flat out like you was after Saffron kissed ya."

Jayne pauses to survey Mal's reaction. "You 'member that alright, doncha? This Rowan's a real purtty one; could have that evil Companion training just like Saffron. Give her time, an' she'll be Mrs Jayne Cobb I betcha."



Sunday, April 25, 2004 5:28 AM


MERZ move



. . . you'll get to renew acquaintances tomorrow when we deliver my cargo to him and his band of Merry Men. And if you bear him a grudge, I ask that you please don't kill him until after he's paid me.

MERZ is aware of THORNE’s words, but the first thing she can see clearly is DAMON’s worried face. He is putting on a lighthearted mask, but his eyes speak of his concern.

“S’OK *mon ami , I think I am better now. Although I have no idea what just occurred.”

MERZ looks over at THORNE. She is still a bit blurry around the edges, but recovering. “Roosevelt, do you remember earlier I mentioned I was in the Valley for a reason that did not work out. I have been trying to track down some people. One of the people I have been trying to find is Dysseus. Serenity Valley was the last place I saw him, being loaded onto a medical transport, in as bad a shape as I have ever seen a living person. I am . . . glad to verify he survived. I must apologize to you. Had I been more willing to share information with you, I might not currently find myself in this ridiculous position.”

She starts to struggle to her feet and finds no lack of willing hands to help her up. Shaking her head, and a little pink-cheeked still, she looks around at all who are in the room. “It was never allowed for us . . . for me, to speak about where I come from and what I did. Now, it is hard to break that imposed silence. I ask you to have patience with me, while I sort out so many new things.”

When she smiles at THORNE this time, it looks real and even touches her eyes. “No, I most definitely do not wish to kill Hlas. But I hope he will speak to me. I have much catching up to do.”

MERZ turns to DAMON again. “Would you mind finishing up here? I need to work out a bit – get my equilibrium back. That was . . . very strange.”


*my friend (French)

If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Sunday, April 25, 2004 8:35 AM


Damon's turn:


Originally posted by MercedesTroy:
MERZ turns to DAMON again. “Would you mind finishing up here? I need to work out a bit – get my equilibrium back. That was . . . very strange.”

Already back on his feet, Damon nods and gestures with the tool he's still holding. "It's just about done anyway. Should only be another couple minutes. Then I'll have to find something to keep me occupied for day."

He turns back to Wash's chair and continues working on the strap. "As soon as it's convinient, I need you to get up so I can finish."

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Sunday, April 25, 2004 1:08 PM


Teela wants a reaction, needs a willing volunteer.
River gets out of her bed, and starts to walk out of her room. Her steps are forced, and slow. She starts saying to herself in a low whisper:

A nightmare is a mind's way of staying awake. Alive. Nothing more, it can't hurt you.

She steps out of the hatch, and on to the walkway.

"Freedom is the Freedom to say that 2 plus 2 make 4. If that is granted, all else follws"-Winston, 1984
Teela Brown, keeper of bad typing.
"No one reads these things any way."- Bart on Blackboard


Sunday, April 25, 2004 2:34 PM


Keep the Shiny side up

Thorne's Move:

Location: Bridge/Common Area

MERZ is still a black hole to THORNE's empathic sense, but her emotion on hearing of Hlastoni's continued existence is palpable.

MERZ: “No, I most definitely do not wish to kill Hlas. But I hope he will speak to me. I have much catching up to do.”

After she asks DAMON to finish up and leaves the bridge, THORNE comments, to no one in particular,

THORNE: "Ah, the Ice Queen has come to life. I find myself envious of Hlas, if he can stir emotion in one so controlled. Oh, well. Thanks for the message, WASH. Guess I'll get out of the way and let DAMON finish installing those belts. Good idea, by the way."

THORNE makes his way down the catwalk, sees MERZ begin another kata in the cargo bay and decides not to interrupt, descends the stairs, and enters the common area. RIVER is just leaving her room, mumbling to herself. No black hole here, just black feelings.

THORNE: "Hello, little one. Is there something I can help you with?"


"Keep the Shiny side up"


Sunday, April 25, 2004 3:26 PM


Thanks Geezer! I do love reactions! (Me and my inprov. Oh well.)
River bumps into Thorne, and jerks her head up. Her eyes shine, and she stares coldly into his eyes. She talks monotonously:

"They're out there. Looking. Waiting. Plotting. And they don't know it. They can't see."

She gives a worried laugh, a joke only she knows. Thorne is confused, but he doesn't show it.

"But one, his voice changed. His mind tried to come to life. He knows. He tries to rid himself of it."

River disengages herself, and continues walking naturally.

"Freedom is the Freedom to say that 2 plus 2 make 4. If that is granted, all else follws"-Winston, 1984
Teela Brown, keeper of bad typing.
"No one reads these things any way."- Bart on Blackboard


Sunday, April 25, 2004 5:07 PM


MERZ move


Her thoughts circling again, tomorrow, will see him tomorrow, who else will be there? ah, what if he . . . they have forgotten me . . . ? tomorrow . . . tomorrow . . .

She has reached the cargo bay without being aware of a single inch of the journey. It is empty, but MERZ would not have cared if a squad of purple-bellies had been present. Despite the rather too snug shipsuit she is wearing, she starts into her hand-to-hand kata without a thought or a pause the instant she has stepped through the door. She fights memory demons only some faceless. Her concentration is . . . almost . . . total. But too much has happened, too many changes, too many fears, too many revelations.

She cannot submerge herself completely in the safety and the calm of routine.



OOC Edited - looks as if the end is no longer valid

If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Monday, April 26, 2004 1:00 AM


Keep the Shiny side up

Thorne's Move:

Location: Common room/His Quarters

RIVER: "They're out there. Looking. Waiting. Plotting. And they don't know it. They can't see. But one, his voice changed. His mind tried to come to life. He knows. He tries to rid himself of it."

RIVER straightens up and walks out of the common room, leaving a puzzled THORNE to respond to the empty air.

THORNE: "Well, glad I could be of assistance. Any time... Poor child really needs help. Hope her brother can find something for her on this wild-goose chase of his."

Shaking his head, he enters his quarters and closes the door.


"Keep the Shiny side up"


Monday, April 26, 2004 8:27 AM


OOC: Decoy, I'm going to move Wash out of his chair so Damon can finish. Hope that's ok.

Damon's turn:

Damon turns Wash's chair around when he gets up and continues attaching the straps. After a few short minutes, he gestures for Wash to sit down again.

"Ok, I'm finished. All you need to do is adjust them to fit and you'll be good to go."

He starts picking up the tools from the floor and puts them back in the box that he assume they came in.

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Monday, April 26, 2004 8:32 AM


Wash gratefully takes the cup of coffee from Zoe. "More'n a bit. But if it's really the health of me she's concerned about, I got no qualms. Just wish they came in silk or sumthin."
Wash's ears perk up at Damons words. "Actually, if you really want something to do, I bet Kaylee wouldn't mind some help on the port 'burner. Maybe you could volunteer." He takes a swing of coffee, not seeing Damons reaction.

You see I cannot be forsaken/Because I'm not the only one.


Monday, April 26, 2004 2:06 PM


Wash's Move:

(getting up and moving to the starboard (gunnery) console, looking at the screen with the cross-hairs on it)

"Zoe, how's about we practice shakeing the ship around while you test out your new chair? I promise to warn everybody"

Decoy, they make me go first.


Monday, April 26, 2004 4:28 PM


Damon's turn:


Wash: "Actually, if you really want something to do, I bet Kaylee wouldn't mind some help on the port 'burner. Maybe you could volunteer."

Damon opens his mouth to reply, but Wash has already turned to Zoe and his coffee, so he picks up his box of tools and heads for the engine room instead.

Passing through the galley, his stomache reminds him that it's lunch time. He puts food on the top of his list of things to do after putting everything away and continues on to the engine room.

He steps inside and looks around for Kaylee. Working on the port burner sounded like a fun idea, though he isn't sure Kaylee would agree. He spots her tinkering with something, looking a little distant.

"I got your tools here. We finished puttin' the straps on the bridge chairs. Wash said that you might need help with the port burner. I was just going to grab a bite to eat, but I can come back when I'm done and help with somethin' if you'd like."

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Monday, April 26, 2004 8:45 PM


Kaylee's Move
Location: Engine Room

Kaylee hears the voice from far away. Looking up, she sees that Damon has appeared in her doorway, saying something about the port burner.

"Sure, whatever...see what Wash wants ta do 'bout it..."

Turning back to her work, she sinks again into her reverie.

End Move

"I love my Captain."


Monday, April 26, 2004 9:00 PM


Damon's turn:


Originally posted by BoomerGoodheart:
"Sure, whatever...see what Wash wants ta do 'bout it..."

Turning back to her work, she sinks again into her reverie.

Damon watches her for a moment, realizing that whatever is bothering her, it isn't him. He sets the box of tools down out of the way and takes the bundle of remaining straps out to take down to the cargo bay.

When he gets down there, he sees Merz warming up for some excersize. He makes his way down to the floor of the big room and, staying well out of Merz's way, puts the straps back where they belong.

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Monday, April 26, 2004 10:31 PM


Book's Move

Book listens to the background interference generated on the other end of the communicator and meant for multiple purposes; masking, anti-interception, and multi-wav scrambling to outside listeners. They are wasting time and resources. Book thinks. I should them to consider those operatives that are out of communication to be compromised. No. I can't get involved again. Book turns to the cracked mirror and the battered Bible sitting on the counter below.

{Book} "Continue as previously instructed. Return communication when another of the NOC holders becomes available. The location of that transmission is very important, even if it's general. The man who made it has no doubt moved somewhere else by now, so an exact pin-point would be... pointless."

[Voice of communicator operator] "Confirmed. You will be contacted within 16 hours."

Book snaps the communicator shut and walks to the counter by the mirror. He picks up his Bible, holds it close to his chest and walks out of the room. Intending to finally find River, he crosses the small hallway and notices that her bed has been messed up since he last peeked in. "I'm chasing the girl in circles."

A sudden inspiration strikes Book as he walks by the infirmary and he enters it and begins opening drawers and cabinets. "Where is that thing? What was that thing?" Forgotten for the moment is his search for River, as Book tries to recall exactly what the machine was that Simon used to connect himself to Niska. Maybe there's some sort of information left on it that will help me know if what I think about Simon is right. he thinks.



Tuesday, April 27, 2004 2:11 AM




WASH: "ZOE, how's about we practice shakeing the ship around while you test out your new chair? I promise to warn everybody."
ZOE turns and looks at her husband for a moment, then shakes her head in amusement.

ZOE: "Dear, don't you think I outta learn how to shoot from the new chair before we go shakin' folks around? Gotta wait for MERZ to get herself together an' have her show me the ropes on this thing... Although I could get a head start..."

ZOE sits down in the gunner's chair and straps herself in, beginning the process of committing all the buttons and dials to memory, hands never actually touching any of them.

End Move.


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Tuesday, April 27, 2004 5:24 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

Inara & Rowan Blended Post:

INARA: "I wish to be connected to Fa-Zhou Aislin, Please."
COMMS OPERATOR (monotone): "One Moment please."

A screen comes up with "Selene" in glamorous gold animation that resembles rippling liquid platinum, but only for a brief second.

COMMS OPERATOR (monotone): "I'm sorry, but Fa-Zhou Aislin is currently engaged. Whom shall I say waved?"

It was a fifty-fifty chance that they would actually be able to talk to her in person, but Inara feels the disappointment keenly nonetheless. Rowan's hand stays on her shoulder, even giving hers a firm squeeze as if to say, it's all right.

INARA: "My name is Inara Sara. Could you have her return my wave at her convenience?"

COMMS OPERATOR (monotone): "Your wave is received and logged for delivery. Thank you for calling The Selene, stunning jewel of the Blue Sun Line."

The screen blinks back to the liner's entrance page just before Inara logs off and turns to Rowan, expressing her disappointment with a sigh.

INARA: "I'm sorry we couldn't reach her in person."

Rowan takes a long, steadying breath and gives the companion a smile that blends both delight and relief.

ROWAN: "It's okay, really. I'm not sure what I would have said if she did answer. Now maybe I'll be able to work up something that won't sound like I'm still eight years old."

Inara smiles and holds Rowan's slim hand in both of her own.

INARA: "Would you like me to finish your makeup now? Or perhaps before we land?"

ROWAN: "Before we land, I think. Come to think of it, I should be receiving my information packet on the tournament anytime now. I should go up and see if the pilot has received any waves for me."

Sensing that Rowan isn't in any hurry to leave, Inara recalls the advice Simon gave during Rowan's treatment. She's supposed to be getting rest, but the tension Inara can perceive in the her shoulders and her eyes indicates that Rowan likely hasn't let herself sleep or even so much as relax since the procedure.

INARA: "I wonder if I could interest you in a massage then? I imagine you could use one, and it would certainly be beneficial before starting a tournament. What do you say?"


We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche


Tuesday, April 27, 2004 6:00 AM


Bolo's Intro
Location: unnamed port

They prepared to leave their ship, silent as always for they no longer need random conversation. An odd trio for an odd mission. All are dressed in tailored suits, wearing blue gloves. None smile, but then again, they never do.

They step out into the darkened and deserted port, an unimportant building before their faces. Old, desolate and unkempt, even the building is coated in layers of filth. The doorway is deep in drifted trash. Outward appearances suggest no one has been here in a long time.

The leader moves swiftly ahead, the other two falling in line behind him. The largest and most impressive of the trio takes up the rear. He has seen rough times or intentional mutilations – a curved metal plate covers half of his face, from neck to crown, inset with a cybernetic eye.

The code lock on the door is a minor obstacle, hardly a challenge at all. The door creaks open and they quickly slide inside, closing it behind the last one, leaving themselves in darkness. No question of not closing the door before showing a light, stealth is second nature to these three men. The leader feels about softly and quietly for a light switch, might as well see if it works, before bringing out the lesser illumination they are carrying. He is pleasantly surprised when the long dormant lights flicker briefly and then remain lit. Well, that was a piece of cake. I would have thought there would have been more – security, the leader thinks. Someone has been very lax. Their eyes recover quickly.

And they find that they are not, after all, alone.

Their objective is what looks like an oversized silver coffin, dim light reflecting from the intricate designs carved on the exterior. It is in the center of the room, resting on two very ordinary sawhorses. However between them and their target is a woman. Not just a woman but also a Warrior of female gender. She is not as large as their largest companion, but hardly average.

She stares at them as if her eyes could burn and speaks slowly, her voice rusty with disuse and full of venom. “You. Leave. Now!”

No consultation is necessary, this team has worked long together and reacts in an instant. The two in front pull their weapons, and while their companion in the rear dodges to one side they shift to the other, drawing her eyes, and the guns that rapidly fill her hands after them. The first flurry of gunfire is both swift and ineffective as all three gunfighters are abnormally fast and practiced. They dodge and fire in a weaving circular dance that leaves the third man out of the battle for the moment, if not safe from flying projectiles.

However he takes a running jump over most of the affected area and lands next to their target.

The gunfight continues and the men realize that she is good, possibly better than they are – without cover in the room the odds are going to catch up to them soon and if they do not bring her down, they are going to rapidly run out of ammo. They do not wish to go hand to hand with this one. But all that matters, in the long run, is recovering their objective and the leader makes a decision. He charges the woman and attempts to bring her down. As he does so the second man attempts to get behind her and the third begins the difficult task of moving the coffin. It had not been possible to bring anything to move it with – that was his job. He maneuvers his bulk under the box and between the sawhorses, puts one hand one either side for balance, and simply rises with it balanced on his back. It is a massive weight and his bones creak with the effort, like steel under pressure.

As he makes for the door as fast as he can manage, he can barely keep his balance. But he gets his center of balance at last and then the weight drives him forward – always almost but not quite falling forwards. He reaches the closed door and simply bulls right through it; he has no other choice. He is moving too much weight to be able to stop and open it.

The leader is dead, and the second man dying but still managing to keep the woman off of his back. Too bad, they were useful. She kicks aside the dying man aside and tries for a shot at his retreating back. One round ricochets off of the protection of the box on his back before her last gun clicks empty. As she begins to sprint towards him and the door, the last intruder snags her ankle and brings her down. She screams in rage and shatters his neck with a blow as she gathers her feet under her and takes off.

Not quickly enough. His mates have bought him just enough time to enter the ship they came in, parked closely and illegally to their destination. He has just enough balance to snap one hand aside as he enters the doorway and triggers the door shut in her face. No time to store the thing, he drops it in the corridor and is sprinting for the pilot’s station immediately.

The ship is warmed and ready to go. He keys in the owners code and is blasting off as soon as the ship signals clear. A part of him, in the back of his mind, rather hopes he caught the woman in his blast zone.

He sends a confirmation communication back to HQ, with a full report of objective received and casualties taken. The response is a new objective – a ship that seems to have obtained the key to what he is carrying. He smiles at the news and the final command. “Finish it, Bolo.” No conditions. No warnings. He has free rein on this one, something rare, and to be cherished.

He is alone, tired, and unfettered with orders. That means extreme sanction. Well, a vacation at last.


Everyone has their weaknesses. Some people smoke, I collect stuffed penguins, if you don't tell I won't.


Tuesday, April 27, 2004 8:08 AM


Slight sits back, in the relative quiet of the Shuttle. The engines have been spinning, and he felt the quick moment of weightlessness as the ship left the gravity well of Hera.
Slight closes his eyes. What is he going to do now? Tam was the last one on the list. The Daughter is. . .or was, rather. . .in good hands. She still is, really. She's found a family.
Slight suddenly feels like retching. Family. That word has become a hell for him, worse than anything he's ever done or heard. He's tried so hard to understand it, to understand the feeling. But how do you explain the meaning of family to someone who's experienced only a false religion? How can you explain love and compassion to a man who know's only death, who's taken comfort in the quiet of a mind that is dead? How do you show a man loyalty who's had only himself, and been betrayed by his own father?

"You are alone, Brink. No one will ever understand you, will ever even try. You're pale skin, your eyes, are all the marks of a defect, of someone who is incomplete."
Harold Helsing was never one for beating about the bush. And a man who is twice your size, dressed impeccably in a suit with blue gloves knows the truth. Absolutely.
"And because you are alone, you must realize that you have to be strong enough for whoever crosses your path to know that. You must show to the world you have accepted that truth forever."
Helsing leaned forward, impressing this on the seven-year-old boy standing before him at perfect attention.

You see I cannot be forsaken/Because I'm not the only one.


Tuesday, April 27, 2004 11:05 AM


Book's Move

Whether it's all the different things pressing on his mind or his (shudder) age creeping up on him, none of the instruments Book rummages through look like the one Simon used with Niska.

Tucking the desire to search Simon's room beneath the surface, Book exits the Infirmary and goes around the corner to the aft stairway. He stops at the base of the stairs and glances down the port passenger hallway to River's still darkened room. She could have snuck back in while I was in the infirmary. he rationalizes and quickly walks down the hallway to her door.

It's exactly as he left it a few minutes ago. Book looks up above him to the ladders leading to some small, unused, mid-room height passenger dorms. Those doors never open. Resisting the urge to go into Simon's room, Book goes up the aft stairs to tell Mal that he must wait.



Tuesday, April 27, 2004 11:44 AM


"You don't ever show weakness. You never show softness. Don't let you're enemy see your pain, your anguish. Walk tall, walk strong."
The Son never responds. Helsing launches a punch into the gut of the boy. His lips don't even flinch. He reachs, and blocks the punch. He doesn't counterattack, only defends. . .
The boy is fifteen, but because of his body, he looks and feels twenty. He is training with a "crush" team. Five Zealots and a priest. The priest watches dispassionetly as Slight breaks necks, crushes sternums and snaps leg and arm bones. The priest moves forward. Like any good soldier, he dismisses the deaths of five men. Of course, they aren't men. Not anymore.
"Congradulations, Slight."
Slight moves to the end of the room, breathing heavily and grabbing a towel. "Thank you, Lieutenant."
The man is a fit thirty at the moment. "You've just passed a test that thirty trained Feds would fail. Aren't you proud?"
Slight gives a sardonic grin. "That would include you, wouldn't it?" He lets the grin drop as he takes a drink of water. "But no, Lieutenant Thorne, I am not proud. Nor am I regretful." He clenches the towel around his neck, hanging his elbows loosely. The lieutenant watches him, shocked. "It's life, not an action, not anymore. It's not a job, or a passion. It is something I do, just like you breath air or take a piss. It's a function of mine." Slight shrugs. "No reason to feel anything, really. I'm just hoping for a little trim later, since I broke the record." Slight mops off his face.
"I think that deserves a reward, don't you?"
"You only care about the time it took to kill someone?" The lieutenant can't seem to understand. Moron.
"All I have is time. I'm going to die in less time it took you to reach puberty, Sir. Don't see why it matters that someone else is dead. We're headed to a war, you and I. Border planets are getting restless. And while we are going to destroy the backwater bagbirths, we are going to be required to kill. Sooner I get something done, sooner I can move on to the next thing."

Slight puts his face in his hands, tears running freely.

You see I cannot be forsaken/Because I'm not the only one.


Tuesday, April 27, 2004 11:49 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

Inara & Rowan Blended Post:

A massage - to lie completely relaxed, warm and ideally naked under the knowing touch of a woman who understood the nuances of the human body and how to sooth most any ill. The idea was provocative and extremely compelling.

ROWAN (regretfully): "I would say it would be heavenly, but something tells me I better respectfully decline before you tempt me into a contract I can't afford."

Compassion draws Inara to her feet to stand before the taller woman and see the extreme degree of her fatigue up close. Tucking a strand of Rowan's glossy black hair behind her ear, she lets that hand rest on Rowan's shoulder.

INARA: "You need to rest, Rowan. You can't go on as you have – no one can."

Rowan is already shaking her head.

ROWAN: "I can't. I can rest, but you mean to help me to sleep and I can't do that."

INARA (softly urgent): "Rowan – "

ROWAN: "I can't. I dream when I sleep and lately all I can dream about is…"

Hearing the tremor in her own voice, she stops just in time.

XIANG's voice in ROWAN's Mind: For love is as strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave. It burns like blazing fire, like a mighty flame.

Rowan breathes a long, steady sigh to bring her emotions back under some semblance of control.

ROWAN (stoically): "I can't." (She swallows hard to dispel the lump in her throat) "I... I should go see to that packet I'm expecting and I should get my dress out for the reception. You'll let me know when Aislin calls back?"

Inara lets go when Rowan gives a gentle tug and folds her hands together in front of her, resigned to let the matter rest, as it were. At least for now.

INARA (nodding): "I'll be sure to notify you."

ROWAN (nodding back): "Thank you. For everything – and for meaning well."

Turning, she tries not to feel like some manner of fugitive as she leaves Inara's little shipboard haven behind.



We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche


Tuesday, April 27, 2004 12:56 PM


OOC: curses... my beautiful and ingenious chinese translation doesn't show up...

Damon's turn:

Tools and straps put away, Damon heads back up the stairs to the galley. The galley is empty, which Damon finds strange seeing as it's lunch time with a dozen people on the ship.

He rumages through the pantry and pulls out an easy make meal package. Chicken and vegetable flavored protein. The instructions look easy and he's not picky enough to care what it tastes like. As long as it's warm and filling he's happy. Besides, he doesn't remember what real chicken tastes like anymore anyway.

He opens the package and dumps the contents into a small pot on the stove. Looking down at the box, he reads the instructions:

Add one cup of water. ????

He looks around at the cups on the counters. One thing he remembers being told is when it comes to cooking, things come in sizes just like wrenches and other tools, so you have to look for the one with the right lable.

Despite angry growling from his stomach, Damon starts looking through the cupboards.

???? = add one cup of water (just imagine chinese symbols )

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Tuesday, April 27, 2004 2:39 PM


12:23 PM AMT
As ...

Jayne pauses to survey Mal's reaction.

"You 'member that alright, doncha? This Rowan's a real purtty one; could have that evil Companion training just like Saffron. Give her time, an' she'll be Mrs Jayne Cobb I betcha."

For nearly a minute MAL just stares at JAYNE. The internal struggle of emotions and rage play only in and around his eyes. JAYNE attempts to resist MALs stare, but fails. He has been here before, with the exact same stare hunting him. He fidgets and unconsciously slides back from the ladder into the short corner. He stops only when he hits the bulkhead. He looks pleadingly at MAL and begins to open his mouth. A BIG mistake.

Before JAYNE can utter a syllable, MAL has managed two lightning fast strides across the cabin, tipping his orange lounge chair over. His arms unfurl through the shoulder level rungs, flying right at JAYNE. MALs hands claw and grasps JAYNE's shirt front before JAYNE can even expel his breath in a yell. MAL yanks JAYNE forward with malicious intent. With an increadble resonating 'bong 'JAYNE finds the right side of his forehead and face squashed into he corner of the rung that is now above his head. He is pressed in so far, the right side of his lips are drawn back in a painful grimace.

MALs face looms in, eyes icy with chilling flame. JAYNE suddenly has the same wrenching-gut-drop he experanced when he had been in an uncontrolled groundcar heading for a very deep ravine at ridiculous speed. Jayne tries to pull back, but MAL's strength is at manic level. It is as if JAYNE's face has been welded to the ladder.

MAL continues to search JAYNE's eyes for a moment.

in tiny, strained and nearly incomprehensible voice
"Ughhhg, Malgh, dis kida hurbts..."

MAL's jaw clamps and the cold fire in his eyes roars higher. In another sudden smooth movement MAL slides JAYNE's face up and around until it is now the left side that is streched or compressed beyond reason.

In a soft, nearly friendly tone - but with a bedrock of wrought steel and edged in red.
"Better now? It best be, 'cause you better lissen up. And I do mean devote every little greasy thought to what I am going to say to you ... Dong Ma?!

JAYNE blinks frantcally in agreement, his eyes the only moving thing on his face that doesn't hurt. A thought pops off and flies around JAYNE's brain, 'what-n-th-hell has set Mal off on my kiester?!!.

MAL smiles a small predatory grin that JAYNE really believes belongs on a big ole croc.

still with the same scary voice of sanity and reason...
"Git yer ugly meatsac up to the cargo bay and get it all squared away for tomorrow. I swear by my boat, if this job comes up with so much as a squeak of a hitch ... I will take out every inch of it on you ... MAL's eyes glint like chips of diamond ... and I will be sure to take a few pages out of Niska's Shan Yu book when I do."

MAL nods once and then pauses to see if this is fully sinking in . JAYNE's panicked expression tells all, so MAL continues.

"You just let me worry about all the other impediments to our nice and quiet trek."

MAL releases JAYNE so quick, that JAYNE nearly cracks his head on the back wall. MAL stands erect, crosses his arms over his chest and simply says...


*CHIME* - it is now 1226 hours Alliance Mean Time... *CHIME*

"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Tuesday, April 27, 2004 4:00 PM


Wash's Move:
Location - Bridge

(After looking at the gunnery console, walks over to the door, and closes it, then goes back to his console and chair, and looks at the straps... then sits down, and begins to fasten them, and then snugs them up some. He leans forward, and finds that, to his mock horror...)

(to Zoe): I've been flying Firefly's around the stars for probably fifteen years, and I have never had to strap in before... then again I've never really had to worry about getting in a shot at someone before either.

(takes a sip of coffee)

(to space): Oh, well... (reaching for his "relaxation items") Gorram it, I can't reach Rex... I need Rex, without Rex, who will cause the inevitable betrayal?

(takes another speculative sip of coffee)

Maybe I can just move Rex... Yes that's it. It really is just that simple. I can live with this change.

(back to Zoe): How's the chair feel to you? Why am I asking you about a chair? (playfully slapping head, then with a sly grin) I'm sorry, how's the weapon look to you? Sorry, I lost track there for a minute, these changes come hard to me, you know, it's been my chair for six years now, and we've been through a lot, (Imperiously, to Bridge at large) but I accept this change, because it's for the good of the ship.

(Unstrapping from chair, and flipping a few switches... a green light appears, as a small screen says "Autopilot Engaged". Gets up and goes over to Zoe, still at her console)

Serenity says it's 1230 on the display, I've got her on auto, let's do lunch, and maybe a little afternoon delight, before we go back to the bridge? (Classic leer, of course, and a small peck on Zoe's cheek)

(Wash walks to the door, and opens it, just as Jayne goes tearing out of Mal's room, and down the corridor)

(quietly to Zoe): What's eating him? He looks like he needs a nice vacation... maybe with a companion... help him to relax.


Decoy, they make me go first.


Tuesday, April 27, 2004 6:37 PM


Jayne's Move:
12:28 PM


Jayne is outside of the Captain's room before his mind even catches up with what his body is doing. His head swirls in confusion and surprise, and with every heart beat his face throbs where it was merged with the metal ladder.

Jayne hears Wash and Zoe on the bridge and sees people across the catwalk in the dining area. He
slips down the stairs to the cargo bay, not eager to meet up with anyone at the moment. The weight bench looks like a good idea to clear his head, so Jayne sits and proceeds to do arm curls.


Tuesday, April 27, 2004 8:40 PM


Noon-Thirty AMT
As ...

MAL's door bangs shut, nearly on JAYNE's arse. MAL stands there a moment with a relaxed grin on his face.

in an ironicall tone
"Huh, pain IS scary ... can be fun too."

MAL starts at that thought. He unfolds his hands from his arms and stares at them.

whispers gruffly
"What in the ten hells of being drowned upside down is going on? I actually tried to strain Jayne thu my ladder ... Heh. Tho it did have certain bit'a humor to it."

Mal turns, sets the chair upright and then drops heavily into it. Has things been so rocky that he was losing his cool? With all the bustle and fuss on Serenity for the past few days, MAL felt like he was slipping down a mudslide towards a smeg pit. His key was wound so tight, he felt that he would surely snap and the shards of his anger would cut everyone to ribbons. Especially himself, control of himself is all he really felt had. Nothing else mattered - it all ends.

All the while there was something itchin' and annoyin' at the back of his mind urinating on his concentration. MAL tries to focus on that in an attempt not to thing about other things ... or people ... person ... Inar-. He switches tracks, not liking where this was heading. The thing irritating his memory -- it was something he had either heard or read. Something special, different -- even unique. But try as he might, MAL couldn't remember what it was. Suddenly very achy and tired he supports his head with his right hand. MAL closes his eyes, seeking a little peace in the darkness behind his eyes.


OOC : probably dos'na make much sense ... sorry! should not post while tired and brain ded.

"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Wednesday, April 28, 2004 12:43 AM


MERZ move – supplemental

TIME 12:28 AMT


She has not been at it long. Not long enough for the real world to fade completely from her conscious mind. So when JAYNE enters the cargo bay, and makes a beeline for the weight bench, it is easy enough to stay out of his way, and not include the intruder in the shadowfight.

Later on, that option would not prove so easy.

MERZ considers stopping while another person is present, and drops the thought almost immediately. they do not own me anymore. let him see what he likes. i do not give go-se anymore.


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Wednesday, April 28, 2004 2:01 AM


Keep the Shiny side up

Thorne's Move:
Location: His Quarters

Time - 12:30 PM

THORNE has rechecked his preparations for the evening, and, finding everything satisfactory, is stretched out on his bunk, musing on the new information he gathered on the bridge.

Thorne: "Looks like the drop will go as planned, although HLASTONI has managed to find the most remote place in the system to do it. The man just loves to do things the hard way. Wonder if that means he's expecting trouble? Probably be a good idea to get the crew together for a little pep talk...or at least suggest that to the captain. Remember, Rosie, it's not your ship."

"Interesting revelations from MERZ. She knows Hlas; very well, I'd guess, and she was at Serenity Valley during the battle. That makes her Alliance, or at least Alliance-connected. And she's obviously been schooled and controlled from a young age. It's likely she's completely devoid of the basic social skills because she never learned them in the first place. Plus the fact that my empathic sense can't read her at all. Hmm, could be that the Alliance had another human-enhancement project on a seperate track from the one that produced me and RIVER. Ended up just as nasty, it seems."

"What to do after the deal's finished? Spend some time on New Hokkaido? Head back home? Might drop by Persephone and pick up my yacht. Guess I'll just leave my options open and wait for a sign. Now about tonight..."

Thinking of the evening with INARA, THORNE drifts into a light sleep.


"Keep the Shiny side up"


Wednesday, April 28, 2004 3:17 AM




WASH: "Serenity says it's 1230 on the display, I've got her on auto, let's do lunch, and maybe a little afternoon delight, before we go back to the bridge?"

ZOE chuckles lightly at WASH's leer and leans in for his small peck on her cheek.

ZOE: "Sounds like a plan I can get behind, dear."

As she follows WASH to the door, ZOE sees JAYNE over WASH's shoulder, making a bee line for the cargo bay.

WASH: "What's eating him? He looks like he needs a nice vacation... maybe with a companion... help him to relax."

ZOE shakes her head at the image of JAYNE with a Companion.

ZOE (laughter in her voice): "That's a rather unsettlin' thought, husband. Do Inara a kindness and don't mention it to him. Matter of fact, I'd consider it a personal favor... Now, what about that lunch you were promisin'?"

Leaving unsaid the manner of payment for that favor, ZOE gives WASH a gentle shove out the bridge door and they walk down to the galley.

End Move.


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Wednesday, April 28, 2004 4:53 AM


Jayne's Move:
12:35 PM

Too many gorram people on this boat. Can't find me a speck of privacy. Jayne does his best to ignore the woman dancing in the cargo bay, and keeps his back to her so she doesn't get a look at his face.

Jayne mutters inaudibly to himself, grunting a few syllables out loud every time he hoists the 50lbs to his chin. "...shuh muh... ...I'm na... ruttin'... ...son of... ...gorram... ...thinkin'..."

Sounds from the catwalk catch Jayne's attention. He tilts his head slightly and glances up to find Rowan, walking quickly away from Inara’s shuttle. Jayne lowers his arm and lets the dumbbell drop to the floor. 'Nara? he thinks, his eyes becoming wider as his mind conjures wicked scenarios of what Rowan has done to her. Jayne stands, no longer concerned about hiding his face. Just 'cause the Cap'n can't see what's goin' on don't mean I'm gonna sit on my thumbs an' ignore this!


Wednesday, April 28, 2004 5:41 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan's Move:
12:35 PM

Rowan moves out quickly, before she can change her mind and rush back. It’s been an awfully long time since she’s been touched with any true tenderness, but as tempting as it is there is also the danger of losing herself to it. It’s one thing to let go in the midst of a meaningless tryst with a fella who won’t bother to think about waving after. To experience the kind of emotional stimulus a companion can render without half trying could very well be her undoing. The only way she’s been able to maintain her strength for so long is by avoiding even the hint of that kind of involvement, and that’s exactly what she’s telling herself as she makes her way aft across the catwalks.

Out of the corner of her eye, she sees Merz moving fluidly through some martial discipline disguised as a dance. Completely focused, her movements continue uninterrupted causing Rowan to wish briefly that she could find that level of concentration again. Been a long time since she found peace of mind, even on a superficial level.

As she descends the stairs near the common area, Rowan is surprised to see Jayne. Standing with arms folded, and a smug look on his handsome face, he certainly looks about ten times more alert than the last time she saw him.

ROWAN: "Ni hao da jia huo! Nice to see you making use of your boots for a change."


End Location: CARGO BAY

Ni hao da jia huo – basically "Hi there big fella"

OOC: My hand to The Great Whoever, had “fella” in its database.

We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche


Wednesday, April 28, 2004 6:43 AM


Slight takes a deep breath. The empty bottle of whiskey lays testiment to the past hour he has spent. He slowly rises in the shuttle. Despite the rather large amount of alcohol in him, his movements are still assured as he sets down at the console.
Better at least tell Reynolds he's on his way.
Slight thinks better of it, and decides to wave Thorne instead. Might not want to aggravate that captain any time soon. From what he had seen, the man could use a break. From what little Slight knew of such situations, however, such breaks came rarely, if ever.
Slight starts up the Cortex, and then reconsiders. He's seen Thorne's mind, and knows his preferences. No reason he can't hack up the old messages received by Thorne.
Slight begins to type away at the Cortex. Hlastoni. Name means nothing. Spot three, previous mail, three options. Time and place.
Slight's sitting on the bird getting him there, so he doesn't have to worry about that. Slight sends a private message to Candy, informing her of thge dustoff that he needs to go to. She'll go there, and ask no questions about. Chances are she wants to help him. . .get as far away from her. She wants nothing more to with her past, and he can't blame her. Pity. He could use all the help he could get taking out the Academy.
Slight opens the door of the shuttle, and moves down to the catwalk, lighting a cigarette. No rest for wicked.

You see I cannot be forsaken/Because I'm not the only one.


Wednesday, April 28, 2004 8:10 AM


Jayne's Move:
12:39 PM

Ni hao da jia huo! Nice to see you making use of your boots for a change.

Nien ching duh's makin' fun of me now. Took me down real easy, didn't she? Jayne meets Rowan at the bottom of the stairs. As Rowan closes the gap between them, both notice something different about each other. The sides of Jayne's face and forehead are imprinted with red, linear marks.

Parroting Rowan's thoughts out loud
What the guai happened to your face?

Jayne stares at Rowan, his eyes shifting left and right. It is obvious he is just noticing her true eye colour for the first time, and he is certainly not showering her with more compliments. Far from it, he seems to be keeping his distance, his eyes locked on Rowan's and his expression one of... anger?

Nien ching duh = little girl
Guai = Devil


Wednesday, April 28, 2004 9:41 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan's Move
12:39 PM

As she approaches and gets a good look at him, Rowan decides he looks like someone smished his face against the deck plating. Or maybe one of the access ladders – only it’s fairly recent because it sure wasn’t there last night. Who did he manage to piss off enough to get strong-armed for it?

JAYNE What the guai happened to your face?

Took the words right out of her mouth.

ROWAN (frowning): "I got pounded on by that fafeng lâotou someone was dumb enough to let loose on this boat – but you..."

Gesturing to his face, she's about to tell him that the bruising he's going to end up with could be tricky to explain to the next whorehouse he might venture into. Then she realizes he's taking in her eyes for the first time, and if that scowl is any indication, his reaction to the god-awful color is going to be vastly different from the others she received that morning. Seems like his dander might be up about something else too, and it sets her hackles prickling.

ROWAN (acerbically): "You got something to say to me shuai nan hai?"


fafeng lâotou = crazy old geezer
Shuai nan hai = she just called him "pretty boy."

OOC: The Jayne quote is done using a font color instead of the *quote* html - I like it much bettahrer. Thanks for showing me the way SJ!

We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche


Wednesday, April 28, 2004 9:55 AM


Damon's turn:

Damon looks up as Zoe and Wash enter the galley.

"Either of you know where a 'cup' is?" He points to the instructions on the box to clarify.

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...






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