RP GR "Adventures in GunRunning" ACT 15

UPDATED: Sunday, May 2, 2004 20:49
VIEWED: 19929
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Wednesday, April 28, 2004 1:48 PM


MERZ move


One interruption was easy to ignore. The walkthrough was no problem. The sound of a 50-pound barbell hitting the deck is a tad more unusual. At the very least notice is taken – better care should be taken of equipment. He walked behind her towards the catwalk. Still not a problem, but her concentration is, well, lessened. JAYNE starts for the catwalk where other sounds are present, footsteps. MERZ continues her routine now fully aware of two persons on a collision course. Outwardly no change, but attention now divided between her actions and the actions of others. Never know where danger lies.

They are entirely ignoring her. Voices start low and while they do not rise much, they slowly grow tenser. Does not reach anger, but . . . the smells change. ROWAN in particular – MERZ has spent time with her and could pick her scent out of a crowd; the paints and unguents cannot hide her essential smell. And from ROWAN, MERZ can sense the beginning of worry and possibly fear.

JAYNE now, he does smell angry, and that is cause for concern. No matter that MERZ knows ROWAN can take care of herself. She spoke kindly to MERZ and will be defended, if necessary. MERZ pads closer to the pair, still involved in her routine, still apparently inwardly directed. She does not need eyes to see.

Close enough to react quickly. Wait for it . . .


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Wednesday, April 28, 2004 3:14 PM


Jayne's Move:
12:40 PM

"You got something to say to me shuai nan hai?"

Jayne stands for a long moment, still staring into Rowan's eyes. His face relaxes and his body takes a more casual stance.

"I jus' seen what Niska done to ya, is all. Didn't get a good look afore. You really got more'n yer fair share of thumping. I was worried aboucha."

Green eyes? Part of some disguse, or retinal scan decoder maybe. She slipped up, but I can't let on that I noticed! Jayne knows Mal wouldn't take too kindly to him doing anything to upset the passengers. On more than one occasion that included leering at them. He needs proof that she's a spy before anything can happen. Right now, Jayne figures the best thing to do is just keep his knowledge of her secret. Just act like she's any other gorgeous gal.

Jayne smiles warmly.


Wednesday, April 28, 2004 5:13 PM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan's Move:
12:40 PM

Something about that smile seems unsettling, but Rowan can't exactly pinpoint why. His body language and his expression work in tandem to back up his words of concern, but his eyes are definitely saying something else. Not to mention, whether as an insult or a compliment, no one has ever looked at the true color of her eyes without saying something.

Definitely something up with this tall drink of hard liquor - it was as plain as the goatee on his face.

ROWAN: "Worried, huh?"

Moving closer, she lifts one hand to his face to lightly touch one of the marks, intentionally drawing her fingertips down through his beard. Returning that warm smile, she leans in so that their bodies are nearly touching.

ROWAN (sweetly): "That's a load of gôu pì and you and I both know it."


We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche


Wednesday, April 28, 2004 6:50 PM


Interlude 2 Part V
Market Concourse

2518 AD~Solar Day 024/Jan 24~1730hrs/5:30PM AMT
As ...

TILDA LEON wends her way thorough the crowds thronging the Market Concourse. Her diminutive and slender form shrouded in a dark embroidered burka. Occasionally light would sparkle from the tiny silver-black hematite beads. They were sewn in scattered archaic Toltecah* patterns within the flowing and sharp script of the embroidery.

With a comedic ease, she flowed through the crowd. A skip and a angled slide here, sidestep there and then a sideways twirl to avoid a wheeled messenger's blindly erratic and high speed charge. Beneath the veil, TILDA's bronze face shone with calm happiness of simple joy. This easy rapture stemmed from her private dance, performed in order to avoid collisions. Most folk don't look down while wrapped in a crowded market. So, they don't see a teen sized body like TILDA's. Much less notice her moving through and between them like water coursing through a bed of stones.

If any of the travelers cared to observe, they could have noted a unique midnight black medium sized case. It was the only item TILDA carried than her belt of pouches, the dark leather flashing from beneath her outer robe with her movments. The case itself, was nearly indistinguishable from the burka. It's bulk swollowed in the fabric flowing around her arms, sweeping to and fro in the voluminous robe sleeves.

With the ease of practiced grace, TILDA skips and dances in an adrupt ninety degree course alteration. Her target is the south hub entrance of the Uchigatana docks - the legend DOCKS 42 - 54 broadly displayed in ideograms on the overhang.


{*Toltecs from 'Earth That Was' ancient South American continent.}

"Observe Analyze & Respond"
Motto of the A.P.E.s
Alliance Protean Engineers


Wednesday, April 28, 2004 11:13 PM


Book's Move
Location: Aft Stairs

Book stops short halfway up the stairs and suddenly misses his Bible. Where did I set it? He turns back around and goes down the stairs again into the infirmary. Sitting forgotten on a counter, with a few medical items he forgot to put back in their proper place, is the Bible. Guilt floods through him as he picks it up. "I shouldn't be forgetting this."

Book turns to a passage about helping his fellow man. "I know I'm going to look in Simon's room. I should just quit dancing around it." he thinks as he walks resolutely out of the infirmary and back down to Simon's room.

The room is dark as Book steps into it and he leaves it that way until he has slid the door closed behind him. Turning the illumination up only slightly, just enough to see, Book sets his Bible on Simon's small desk and begins to look for the illusive mind-machine again.



Thursday, April 29, 2004 4:56 AM


Jayne's Move:
12:41 PM

"Worried, huh? That's a load of gôu pì and you and I both know it."

Jayne stretches to his full height, even angling backwards slighty to make sure Rowan can't plant another kiss on him. Does she know? Does she know I know?

"God's honest truth. Been thinkin' boutcha all mornin'. I ain't likely to forget you anytime soon. But, the Cap'n don't like me gettin' ta know the passengers that well when there's work ta be done."

Jayne steps back from Rowan and turns to survey the disorganized crates stacked throughout the hold, sighing "yeah".

Not 20 feet away Merz moves fluidly and stealthily away from the two as her "dance" continues.

"Hey there! You might wanna take a bow an' scoot for a while so's I can get to work down here. Miss, uh..., miss."


Thursday, April 29, 2004 6:57 AM


DireKtors response - BOOK

As ...

BOOK sets his Bible on Simon's small desk and begins to look for the illusive mind-machine again.

In the dim illumination, BOOK sees that the flip out worksurface has been left down. Considering it unusual for SIMON to leave anything untidy, Book moves from the desk over to it. Isolated in the right corner of the table is a small tan envelope. The only markings on it is a drawing on the front -- a cross. It is a hastily drawn Celtic knotwork affair, art with the hint of talent.

BOOK stands in front of the letter, hesitant & wondering.


"Observe Analyze & Respond"
Motto of the A.P.E.s
Alliance Protean Engineers


Thursday, April 29, 2004 7:11 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan's Move
12:43 PM

"God's honest truth. Been thinkin' boutcha all mornin'. I ain't likely to forget you anytime soon. But, the Cap'n don't like me gettin' ta know the passengers that well when there's work ta be done."

Now what was that little measure of panic in his eyes? He certainly doesn't strike as the type who gets jittery around aggressive women. Provided he actually was thinking about her at all, Rowan can pretty well imagine exactly where that thought process was taking him. She also had the distinct feeling that his using the words "God's" and "honest" in the same breath just might be tantamount to heresy. Yet there was something awfully appealing about the big brute that seemed to be speaking pretty loudly to her own baser female instincts. At the same time, a little warning klaxon is also going off, getting marginally louder as he backs off and turns away.

JAYNE to Merz:
"Hey there! You might wanna take a bow an' scoot for a while so's I can get to work down here. Miss, uh..., miss."

Thinking again about the nice backside on the man, Rowan shakes her head and decides that flirting with the man called Jayne is going to be an engaging distraction. Follow through? Maybe not so much.

"Maybe when you're not so busy, we'll get to play a game of nine-ball."

When he twists around to scowl at her again, she gives him a smile.

"Be seeing you, da jia huo."


da jia huo = big guy

We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche


Thursday, April 29, 2004 9:01 AM


Wash's Move:
Location –Galley

Damon: "Either of you know where a 'cup' is?"

(Wash and Zoe looks at each other knowingly, as Zoe goes and gets one to show Damon.)

(Wash to Damon): She had to show me before too… I can fly a ship, but if I’m caught in the galley by myself again, Mal’s promised to space me. Let’s eat.

(Wash and Zoe fix a couple more Chicken and vegetable flavored protein packets, and join Damon at the table…eating ensues with a few subtle groans about the food substance. When done, a wave for Damon, then off to their quarters to relax until 5:00 AST, when it’s back to the bridge)

Location – Wash’s and Zoe’s Quarters


Decoy, they make me go first.


Thursday, April 29, 2004 11:39 AM



1745hrs/ 5:45 PM AMT
As ...

Merely one day from picking up NISKA, CORVAIR TROY relaxes by studying the parts of the coup he is privy to. Closing his eyes, he pulls up the POA* outline into his minds eye. It amazed even CORVAIR that this frail seeming Adelai Niska was as much a predator as any of the Troys. Further, the tactical intuition of this ancient Rakches Bhoksi was staggering.

To be present at the fruition of Adelia's decades long campaign caused CORVAIR to experience ... something. A warm feeling he had not had since the Troys were fractured by that ... that, no derogatory word really seemed to fit. Every time, a strange reaction shuddered through CORVAIR's massive frame, as it always did when he thought about ... 'her', the unholy itinerant whore that she was. Her name caused a foul bubbling of his stomach, which generated a blood and bile taste in the back of his throat.

What was it the phrase Adelai used ...

whispers deeply and with blazingly intense venom
"Waiting is."


Nepali Language
{*Alachina Randi = Unholy Whore}
{*Rakches Bhoksi = Demon Warlord}

{*POA - Plan Of Action}

"Observe Analyze & Respond"
Motto of the A.P.E.s
Alliance Protean Engineers


Thursday, April 29, 2004 12:10 PM


OOC: Whoa, Decoy, you went to town with lunch... if it's all the same to you, I'm going to continue writing one piece at a time. I'll keep the interaction bewteen Damon, Zoe and Wash minimal to stay consistent.

Damon's turn:


(Wash and Zoe looks at each other knowingly, as Zoe goes and gets one to show Damon.)

(Wash to Damon): "She had to show me before too… I can fly a ship, but if I’m caught in the galley by myself again, Mal’s promised to space me. Let’s eat."

Damon takes the measuring cup from Zoe and fills it with water at the sink. He dumps it into the pot and turns on the stove. After following the rest of the instructions and waiting for the food to cook, he spoons it onto a plate. He grabs a beer from the fridge on the way to the table and sits down.

Zoe and Wash join him after a few minutes, making a few negative comments about the food. But Damon has no complaints, he enjoys every bite of it.

It doesn't take long for him to forget that Zoe and Wash are even there. His thoughts wander off to New Hokkaido and what still needs to be done before he gets there. Would probably be best to ask the captain about that. Wash mentioned something about the port burner but ultimately, Mal's the one with the money.

Finished with his plate, he gets up for more.

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Thursday, April 29, 2004 3:45 PM


MERZ move

TIME 12:43 AMT


"Hey there! You might wanna take a bow an' scoot for a while so's I can get to work down here. Miss, uh..., miss."

MERZ declines to answer him, or even acknowledge she has heard him speak. She moves off to the opposite side of the cargo bay, as far from his location as there is space for. As JAYNE works in the cargo space, wherever he moves she remains at the furthest place from him, seemingly oblivious to his existence.

At the top of the hour, her internal clock goes off, and MERZ drifts from the fighting kata into pure acrobatics. Finding the floor space to be somewhat confining she stops momentarily to remove the heavy boots she has been wearing and the socks beneath.

Carrying her footwear with the socks tucked inside and the laces tied together, MERZ pads over to the nearest set of stairs to the catwalks and springs lightly onto the handrail. She dances up the railing and drops her shoes across the rail at the top, out of anyone’s way and then drops softly to the catwalk.

MERZ returns to her acrobatics around and around the upper level, remaining always opposite JAYNE’s location below.

TIME tick 13:00 AMT and continuing.


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Thursday, April 29, 2004 4:16 PM


Jayne's Move:
12:50 PM

Jayne puts his back into a few heavy moves and secures the loads to the wall. He's sure Rowan has found something else to do by now, but that other woman is still sneaking around the cargo hold.

Jayne casually makes his way to the control console near the airlock. He glances around. It's all clear apart from the dancing lady, and she's at the opposite end of the bay. Jayne leans into the controls and pushes the comm button for Inara's shuttle.

"'Nara. 'Nara, you there? Answer me if yer still alive."


Friday, April 30, 2004 6:58 AM


As ...

Inara finishes stowing away her makeup cases, removes the cups and saucers to their rightful places, and glances in the mirror hanging beside the shuttle door. Smiling at her own reflection, Inara tidies up her hair and wipes a bit of powder from the bridge of her nose with a smirk. She leaves her shuttle intent on a bit of food from the galley.

Gently closing the door behind her, Inara simultaneously hears Jayne's words from the comm behind her, and in the cavernous bay below her.

"'Nara. 'Nara, you there? Answer me if yer still alive."

Inara steps lightly along the catwalk and peeks down to see Jayne huddled in front of the intercomm, clutching it's sides as if he weren't only speaking to her, but straining to reach and touch her.

He says again, a bit more forcefully-- "'Nara. 'Nara, you there?"

Inara steps quietly onto the cargo bay floor, and walks slowly over to the airlock controls, her soft slippers making barely a sound. Engrossed as he is with the intercomm, Jayne doesn't hear her footfalls.

"I'm here, Jayne.." she says softly from just behind his left ear

**awaiting Jayne's response**

I'm back, dearies....and trying to catch up!! forgive my cruddy posts at first ;P

Just a humble supplicant in service to all things Joss


Friday, April 30, 2004 7:53 AM


OOC: since a lot of us operative types are working out, guess I should too.

Slights move:
Slight finishes the cig, putting it out against his hand. With one hand, he launches over the railing. He lands silently. Standing up, he pulls off the trenchcoat. The armor explodes off of him, as he lowers his head, closing his eyes and cocking his elbows. His fists are clenched at his hips, as he breathes deeply. The armor forms several balls and disks. The disks are razor sharp-if they were instructed to, they could slice through the bulkhead and suck 'em all into the Void. The balls are the weight and solidity of lead, capable of smashing skulls.
Two razors launch first, almost silent.
Slight twists to the side and falls to one knee, using his wrists to deflect both. Three balls now rush at him, as he backflips over them. four blades are twirling towards him even as he lands, and drops to his stomach. The first two blades now rush at him, as he does a push up into the air and locks them down with his feet. As programmed, they remain there, until the next session. In response, the nanytes combine tactics, two weights dropping down from above as blades arch towards him in a scissor pattern. He twirls, cating the wieghts by dropping his arm and absorbing the shock by swinging his arms down with the force as the bades miss him by inches. He programs the weights into gloves, and catches the last four in his fists.
The first session is over.

You see I cannot be forsaken/Because I'm not the only one.


Friday, April 30, 2004 8:12 AM


"A terrible display, Agent Slight. Such pointless bloodshed." The Power was enjoying his title, obviously.
Slight raised his eyebrow. "I snapped the kids neck, Tenth Power. There wasn't any blood."
The Power sneered. Definetly new, so low on the chain, and unaware of who Slight was exactly. "You cut yourself on the environment in the middle of the ritual, Agent. And show respect for your superior, or else-"
Slight was done playing. "Or else what, Power?" he whispered in a deadly tone.
He leaned forward, staring into the mans eyes with his red gaze. Show them your strength.
The man couldn't even resist a flinch. Sad. "Let me guess, Tenth Power. Son of another power, probably Seventh or Eighth. No faith structuring, since you would never think of betraying the Sun."
The Power gulped, scratching at his blue gloves a little.
"Nor any fieldwork. You ever seen a Blue Sun Power at work? They are surgical in what they do. No unnecessary words, no actions unintentional. They are machines. You will never see the outside of this building again acting like a spoiled child. Your pee goo will remain where it is. Behind this desk, and give agents a pat on the back and their ritual talismans." The Blue Sun didn't give medals. Counterproductive, gave them pride. But give them rights, such as a talisman for women or men, depending on the case, and they will beg. "But if you give them real trouble over nothing, such as getting clipped by a innercity train on their way out? Then you will become a zealot. Faith restructuring daily, Blackout drugs will be implanted into your skin. You will become the training toys of this place. Any idea how many zealots I have killed, just to get here? Imagine being the plaything of a Nemesis."
The Powers lip was trembling. Now he is scared.
The First Power slid in. "That is enough, Brink Helsing. Return to your quarters."
"Yes, sir." Slight makes sure to smirk at the Power as he leaves. Then he has a thought. "Sir, may I inform this man of my heritage?"
Harold Helsing shrugged. "Why not. May teach him the lesson further than you already have."
The mans eyes might leave his skull at any moment. Slight smiles. "I am the son of the Blue Sun. I am the child of Harold Helsing."
As the door shuts behind him, he can hear the mans scream.

You see I cannot be forsaken/Because I'm not the only one.


Friday, April 30, 2004 9:09 AM


Damon's turn:

Damon finishes the last of his meal and stacks his dishes in the sink. Time to have another talk with the captain.

He asks Zoe and Wash as they decend into their bunk where he would find Mal and is directed to his bunk not far away. Standing near the entrence, he turns on the com to Mal's room.

He hesitates for a moment, still not really sure how he should address him or what to say.

"Uh, cap'n, could I speak to you?"


I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Friday, April 30, 2004 9:28 AM


Jayne's Move:
12:52 PM

"I'm here, Jayne.." she says softly from just behind his left ear

Jayne reels about in surprise, falling backward onto the three-foot high comm console and grabbing at it for support.

Yelping in surprise, but immediately catching himself and carrying on as normal
"Aaahh thought you was in yer shuttle."

Jayne's voice echoes throughout the cargo bay unnaturally. His face is pale and shocked, but that changes rapidly to a pained look as he realizes the comm is on. He steadies himself and turns to look down at the panel behind him. A dim green shimmers next to the label, "broadcast all". Jayne switches the comm off and turns back to Inara, his eyes closed and his mouth silently cursing. He gathers himself and speaks quietly to her.

"That girl Rowan was up in your shuttle. You know 'bout that?"

"Well, yes, I was there with her, why..."

"An' yer alright?" Jayne looks confused, his brow furrowed. Well, if Rowan wasn't there to kill Inara, maybe she was pushing her for information. "Was she askin' 'bout stuff? About Mal, or the ship? Maybe ya talked in yer sleep?"


Friday, April 30, 2004 9:39 AM


DireKtor Emphasis
12:52 PM AMT

Over the intercom through every speaker on Serenity, rebounding and echoing throughout the ship: Jayne's voice - distorted yelp then a too loud exclamation.

"Aaahh thought you was in yer shuttle."

Quicky DireKtor post - will fix format and spelling later - gotta run!

Now edited... does this type of post work as intended? Now ya just gotta figger out my intentions!

"Observe Analyze & Respond"
Motto of the A.P.E.s
Alliance Protean Engineers


Friday, April 30, 2004 11:03 AM


Slight doesn't stretch or warm up as he prepares for the next traing session. What so few people realized was a hotzone rarely gave you time to prepare yourself physically. Sure, it kept you in top form. But when the bullets fly, you didn't go into a butterly position. You hit the deck, grabbed your peice, and you shot right the hell back.
The nanytes collect. They solidify, and form an opponent. His same form attacks before the body is complete.

You see I cannot be forsaken/Because I'm not the only one.


Friday, April 30, 2004 1:42 PM




"I'm here, Jayne.." she says softly from just behind his left ear

Inara suppresses a laugh as the large mercenary leaps into the air, landing facing her, and reels backward, clutching the intercomm panel for support.

His suprised yelp echoes several times around the cavernous room before finally dying.

Inara leans away from the flailing giant, a look of pure innocence on her face. "for such a large man, he's certainly graceful, even when suprised!" Inara thinks to herself.

Jayne rights himself, and makes a grand attempt at carrying on as if nothing has happened.



"Aaahh thought you was in yer shuttle."

Inara winces at another echo, and shakes her head as Jayne deftly reaches back and thumbs the comm off.



"That girl Rowan was up in your shuttle. You know 'bout that?"

"Well, yes, I was there with her, why..."

Jayne interrupts her with a barrage of frenziedly concerned questions...

Inara holds up her hand..."Jayne, I'm fine...she and I had a nice conversation, as a matter of fact!" Realizing one of Jayne's questions implied she and Rowan had slept together, Inara straightens, dark eyes blazing.

"do I talk in my SLEEP?" Inara throws at Jayne. What's that to do with Rowan and I? Jayne, Rowan is a friend, not a client...not that it's your concern. As a matter of fact, you can keep your concern to yourself! I thought you were worried for my health, after helping me earlier....but you were just interested in my Companion'ing without your audience?

Inara crosses her arms across her chest, a hurt look on her face. She had hoped Jayne and she had become comrades of a sort after he'd helped her recover.

yeah, Inara seems to be a bit easily-upset today!!
I'm assuming she hasn't had her meds yet.

Just a humble supplicant in service to all things Joss


Friday, April 30, 2004 2:06 PM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan's Move
12:52 PM

Hearing the yelp over the intercom stops her in her tracks and she's looking around frantically when Jayne's voice comes over the general.

JAYNE "Aaahh thought you was in yer shuttle."

A full smile feels pretty good, but she manages to hold in her laughter and head down to the passenger dorms at the same time. Wiping errant tears aside as she reaches her dorm, she crouches down once again and pulls out her duffle. First she checks the money pouch, testing the weight and decides that if anything has been pilfered in her absence, she could very easily make it up in one or two matches. Any less than the P2000 she needed for the high-stakes entrance fee for this tournament, and she'd have to go after someone's hide. Probably Jayne's, which actually would be some grand manner of mischief, come to think of it.

Setting the pouch aside, she lifts other tiny black items of clothing from the duffle and then a small packing box from the bottom. Unsnapping the latches, she lifts the cover as she sets the case down on the mattress and draws out a length of sheer silk. Reaching for the collapsible hangar secured under a pair of Velcro straps, she lets her hand brush across the deep red silk of the dress still lying inside the case. Folded so that a black dragon is grinning up at her, she runs her fingertips over his grinning visage. Aislin had sent the dress from Sihnon, thinking on it now, Rowan realizes that it represents Aislin's intention to make amends. Too bad the war started right after that or they may actually have made some headway.

Shaking herself from yet another melancholy reverie – at least the intensity of her memory flashes has tapered off somewhat – Rowan holds the black dress up by the spaghetti straps. She inspects for wrinkles – and is able to see the doorway through the fabric – before hanging it up so it can relax a bit before the reception at New Hokkaido. Running her fingers over the strategically placed sequins, she wonders absently who will be at this tournament, and what manner of competition she might be up against. If Andreas is there, at least there would be someone decent to shoot with, to drink with between matches and spend the night hours in more engaging distractions. That is, so long as Eleni wasn't still after getting her claws into him. Conniving little jien ren.

Speaking of that, Rowan remembers there's a packet on the way and she turns to put the dress case back into the bottom of her duffle. She's about to start repacking her clothes as well, when she stops, suddenly realizing that she's been allowed to stay on as crew, at least until New Hokkaido. Since the meeting with Niska, she hasn't had a chance to give much consideration to what that means. Once she won the tournament, she would have enough coin to buy Serenity if she had a mind to, and if Reynolds had a notion to sell which was highly doubtful. On the outside chance she doesn't win, she'll still need transport off planet.

To pack or not to pack - that is the question.



jien ren = bitch

We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche


Friday, April 30, 2004 5:16 PM


Jayne's Move:
12:55 PM

"Do I talk in my SLEEP?"

Jayne weathers the verbal storm, he himself only able to sputter out a few sounds. "B... Wh... I..." For each of Inara's angered words, he has one to calm her at the tip of his tongue, but he can't get them out.

"...but you were just interested in my Companion'ing without your audience?"

Now with a moment to react, Jayne's thoughts culminate into a single response to explain this misunderstanding and alleviate Inara's hurt feelings. He speaks forcefully and slowly, emphasizing each syllable.


Inara crosses her arms across her chest, a hurt look on her face. Jayne hates that look. He wants to do something, but feels unable to handle the situation. Her eloquent words danced skillfully and violently into his ears. Wimen he thinks. Turn on ya faster than a weathercock.

"Ya wanna keep yer voice down? This is important, here."


Friday, April 30, 2004 7:46 PM


1250 PM AMT
As ...

MAL wakes when the intercom goes off.

Over comms
"Uh, cap'n, could I speak to you?"

Growls while shaking the grogginess from his short nap off
"Yeah, what ya got on your mind ... pauses to relate name with voice ... Damon? Egh, come on down."


"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Friday, April 30, 2004 8:19 PM


Damon's turn:


Originally posted by CapnRahn:
"Yeah, what ya got on your mind ... pauses to relate name with voice ... Damon? Egh, come on down."

Damon opens the hatch to Mal's bunk and climbs down the ladder. He takes a quick look around, remembering the feeling of having a room to dominate. An even more distant memory was when he had a room of his own, not just a corner of a warehouse packed with slaves.

He stands under the door, leaning his shoulder against the ladder. "I finished- well, Merz and I finished settin' up those two bridge chairs with four point straps so your pilot and first will be good to go. Wash said the port engine might need some fixin' up but I thought I'd ask you if there was anything specific you needed done before tomorrow."

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Friday, April 30, 2004 8:24 PM


1251 PM AMT
As ...

"... but I thought I'd ask you if there was anything specific you needed done before tomorrow."

rubbing sleep out of his eyes
"Good job. I'll be inspectin' it in a bit. Has Jayne done anything in sorting out the cargo bay? There was still some Tequila sloshin around under my deck."


"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Friday, April 30, 2004 8:30 PM


Damon's turn:


Originally posted by CapnRahn:
rubbing sleep out of his eyes
"Good job. I'll be inspectin' it in a bit. Has Jayne done anything in sorting out the cargo bay? There was still some Tequila sloshin around under my deck."

"Yeah, he's down in the cargo bay, I think, so I assume that's what he's doing."

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Friday, April 30, 2004 9:29 PM


Blended Post: Cap'n Rahn & Squee

1252 PM AMT
As ...

Smiles easily
"You might git down there and give the big galoot a hand ... grins sardonically ... "And pay him no mind if he tells of a thrashing."

Damon nods, wondering how to ask what's really been on his mind.
"Do you uh... know what kinda work they have on NH?"

pondering, looking off to the side, as if reminiscing
"Hummm ... dock work, warehouse and then there is that Renact Faire whoozits."

Mal waits till Damon goes through his options. Letting the boy have a moment or two.
He considers those possibilities but none of them sound like short term work, or at least work that would keep him moving at a safe pace.
"Do you know if there will be any other ships there that might need a hire?"

"That you would have to check with the port authority or on the cortex listings."

Damon can't help but look unhappy about either or those options.
"Feds and me don't get along to well. But thanks for the info, I'll see Jayne about the cargo bay and check the cortex later."

looks innocent
"Alrighty then." ... gestures toward the hatch. MAL waits till the despondent Damon starts to ascend the ladder.... "Wait."

Damon stops with one foot on the ladder and waits for Mal to continue.

"If that work on them straps is prime and I smell no tequila in my bay ... appears to ponder very seriously ... we'll just see if we can't find a place to store your skruffy behind."

Damon smiles
"I think I like that idea."

"Excellent - now git! My bay stinks to high heaven and I want to have a meeting there at 3 PM - tell everybody else to be there on time or be ready to take a swim in the Black."

Suddenly a yelp is heard over the shipwide intercom followed by Jayne's voice....
"Aaahh ... thought you was in yer shuttle."

Damon gives the comm a questioning frown but shrugs it off.
"I'll be in the cargo bay if you need me."

He starts climbing the ladder again, too happy to worry about his questions. Time enough to talk about their second contract later but for now, there was work to do.

MAL grins and shakes his head as DAMON departs and the clang of his hatch fades away. Sighing, MAL flips on the com to the Bridge.

"Wash, we got any dropsite plots from the pickup folk? ... scowls while waiting for an answer... Wash?!"

EOBM 1257 PM

"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Saturday, May 1, 2004 4:27 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

OOC: This is assuming Damon took the forward stairs down, and he and Rowan miss each other by seconds.

Rowan's Move
12:54 PM

To pack or not to pack. It's a little less than a day now before they reach New Hokkaido. No sense unpacking for that amount of time. Her things would barely get settled in before she packed them up to move to the hotel. So for the time being she moves everything back into her duffle and shoves it under the bunk. Reaching for the hand-held computer and her cue stick case, she heads back out and makes quick time up the aft stairs.

Glancing down the engineering corridor, she wonders absently what Kaylee is up to. Serenity seems to be running like a top, though, so the girl is definitely still on her game. The rest of the crew probably could go days without seeing her unless they made a point to go into the engine room. Only the best engineers ever slept with the beating hearts of their ships and there was some comfort in the fact that Serenity had herself one of the best.

Taking a right, Rowan heads into the galley and looks up as she passes by to find the holo-emitters are right where she left them, ready for further use. Although she could wile away a few hours on her own with practice shooting, Rowan holds some hope that one of the crew or passengers might venture up and be coaxed into a match. It's always more interesting when two play.

Down the crew quarters hall she notices that most hatchways are closed, but only Wash and Zoe's is showing secured. Smiling wistfully, she decides those two have the right idea.

Consequently, the bridge is empty when she arrives, with all controls set on autopilot. Locating the cortex interface easily, she sits down in the pilot's chair and switches it to active just as Mal's voice comes over the ship-board intercom.

"Wash, we got any dropsite plots from the pickup folk? (PAUSE) Wash?!"

Apparently their friendly neighborhood pilot forgot to mention to anyone he was taking a little afternoon delight with his wife. Shaking her head over the idiosyncrasies of pilots, Rowan reaches over to switch on the com.

"Rowan here, Captain. Helm's locked down, autopilot is on and I believe your pilot is spending a little quality time with your first officer."

EOM 1257 PM

We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche


Saturday, May 1, 2004 9:05 AM


OOC: Rowan would have seen Damon, so I'll just say that he was still climbing up from Mal's room when she passed.

Damon's turn:
12:57 PM

Damon is still smiling as he closes the hatch to Mal's bunk. Hasn't reached the end of their first contract and he's already signed on for a second. He's surprised that a crew of this size would need another hand, but he's not going to argue it with anyone.

He walks down to Zoe and Wash's bunk, wondering how long the captain intends to keep him on for this time. He turns on the com to their bunk.

Com to Zoe/Wash's bunk: "Captain says there's gonna be a meeting at 3 in the cargo hold."

Strange couple that. Would never have guessed that two opposites would get along so well. He takes a quick peek in the bridge and sees Rowan in the pilot chair.

To Rowan on the BRIDGE: "Hey, captain says there's gonna be a meeting at 3 in the cargo hold."

He grabs a muffin from the basket on the dinning table while passing through the galley on his way to the engin room.

12:58 PM

He knocks on the doorway of the engine room and looks around for Kaylee. "Captain says meeting at 3 in the cargo hold."
He waits for a nod, to make sure she heard him and then turns for the stairs.


Munching his muffin, he starts walking toward Inara's shuttle but stops when he sees her down below with Jayne. Merz is doing acrobatics across the railings and for a moment, Damon just stares at her. He shakes his head and turns back to the stairs.

"Cap'n wants a meeting here at 3," he announces to everyone, making his way down. "He also said I should help you here with the cargo and tequila, Jayne. I'll be back in a minute."

1:01 PM

He crosses the common room and enters the passenger dorm. Not really sure whose room is whose, he assumes they will hear him from where he is.

To Thorne, Book and River (if she's around): "Captain wants a meeting in the hold at 3."

He tosses his empty muffin wrapper in the infirmery's trash can and returns to the cargo bay.

1:02 PM

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Saturday, May 1, 2004 10:04 AM


Inara's move
time is relative

Inara makes her hands into small fists, the nails cutting pink crescents into her palms, as she watches Jayne's face fall...she is immediately sorry for her anger. Her furious words still echoing in her own ears, she waits for Jayne's response, at once fearful she's hurt him, and hoping he'll shrug her words off with his usual nonchalance.

"..No" Jayne says slowly, and with more composure than she herself can boast at the moment.

"Ya wanna keep yer voice down? This is important, here."

Inara's body relaxes, her anger forgotten in the face of Jayne's solemn words. She takes a hestiant step toward him, glancing around to see that no one is around to hear.

"Jayne, what's this about? Has Rowan done something I should know about? She was with me for quite some time, and seemed perfectly normal"

Inara hears footsteps on the overhead catwalk, and puts a hand upon one large shoulder. Inara pulls Jayne along with her, tucking them behind a large cargo container.

She turns to face him, and awaits his explanation.

1:02 PM

Just a humble supplicant in service to all things Joss


Saturday, May 1, 2004 11:24 AM


Jayne's Move:
1:02 PM

Inara pulls Jayne along with her, tucking them behind a large cargo container. Jayne really doesn't want to worry her - she's a paying passenger, not crew, plus she's got her own problems to worry about. Obviously. He decides to keep his questions general.

in a whisper
"You Companion types, y'all use them face paints an' pretty clothes 'n stuff. D'ya get trained to put on disguises, like fer fancy parties or guys with whacked out fantasies or sumtin'?"

As Inara answers him, Jayne cranes his head around to keep tabs on the footfalls moving around the cargo bay. Must be that Damon's back.

in a whisper
"Ya think Rowan might know sumtin' 'bout yer work? She's purtty and graceful 'nough, she could be a Companion, doncha think?"

The footfalls have been scattered and wandering, but now they are coming closer. Jayne realizes the jig may be up.


Saturday, May 1, 2004 11:47 AM


Damon's turn:

Damon walks into the cargo bay and looks around. Where'd they go? He walks across the room, looking for where they may have gone to and spots them standing behind the container.

"I'll be right over here when you're ready, Jayne."

He moves back out of sight, not wanting to intrude and watches Merz continued her artistic routine on the catwalks.

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Saturday, May 1, 2004 1:56 PM


Keep the Shiny side up

Thorne's Move:
Location: His Quarters/Common Room/Cargo Bay/Mal's Door

1:04 PM

Thorne instantly awakens at DAMON's call. Meeting at 3:00. He should talk to the Captain now about the coordinates and the time for the exchange...and mention his concerns about HLASTONI's choice of meeting place and what it likely means.

Probably a good idea to get this out of the way now anyway. MAL doesn't know about his engagement with INARA tonight, but he'll probably hear about it tomorrow. He'd be less receptive to THORNE's information then. Too bad the boy's jealous about things that aren't important.

THORNE rises, automatically checks his weapons, and heads for MAL's cabin. He passes the Shepherd in the common room and nods. Entering the cargo bay he sees DAMON, and a second later INARA, talking to JAYNE. MERZ is still working out, now extreme gymnastics. He climbs to the crew bunk passage, and stops outside MAL's door. He thumbs the comm button.

"Captain, this is THORNE. May I speak to you for a moment?"

1:10 PM


"Keep the Shiny side up"


Saturday, May 1, 2004 3:12 PM


Wash’s move:


Wash (to Zoe in general, and world at large): Why is it that it’s quiet when Mal is taking a break, and everyone uses the intercom when we’re recharging? Gorram, I’m going back to the bridge and play with my toys.

(Wash gets up, dresses, goes to hatch and starts to climb up)

The time is currently 13:00 AMT


Decoy, they make me go first.


Saturday, May 1, 2004 4:42 PM


1257hrs/12:57 PM AMT
As ...

"Rowan here, Captain. Helm's locked down, autopilot is on and I believe your pilot is spending a little quality time with your first officer."

MAL shakes his head ruefully. Those two ... chuckles out loud ... like prairie ferrets in full blown season, even after all these years. 'If only ...' MAL abruptly turns his thoughts back to business and away from Inara.

with a hint of light humor
"Guess they deserve a little time. Speaking of that ... eh, hold on, I'll be up there in a tick."

MAL clicks off the link to the bridge and fairly zips up the ladder. 'A good nap does wonders for a fellas outlook.' MAL thinks. At the bridge gangway, he takes two and three stairs at a time and enters the Bridge as Rowan turns from Wash's board.

"As I was saying - time off. I think it may be time for this crew to have a little RnR after the drop. A little vacation for my crew on New Hokkaido. And I seem to remember hearing about you playing in a game tournament there dirtside or something like that. So I have ta ask - You conversant with all the ...waggles his eyebrows and grins... relaxin' like amenities at" ... pauses a half second to remember ... "Uchigatana?"

Before she can answer, Wash enters the bridge.

EOM 1301 hrs/1:01 PM AMT

"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Saturday, May 1, 2004 5:55 PM


Wash’s move:

(Wash climbs out of the hatch, steps into the corridor, and trudges to the bridge… Sees Rowan in his chair, and mentally decides if Mal is in a good mood, why do I have to be in a bad one… Wash goes and sits in the gunnery chair… but does check to see if the autopilot is still engaged… and looks to see if the radar scope is clear…)

Wash: (under his breath) all clear, and on course. (checks the time on the console: 1301 AMT)


Decoy, they make me go first.


Saturday, May 1, 2004 7:22 PM


Jayne's Move:
1:05 PM

"I'll be right over here when you're ready, Jayne."

sticking his head out from behind the crate
"Yeah, why don't you head over to the other side of the bay and start movin' those containers to the wall. Whatever ya can manage. We'll use the mule fer the big ones."

Jayne turns back behind the crate. He moves close to Inara, encompassing her shoulder with one great hand wrapped in fresh white gauze. His face, marred by red bruises, moves inches away from her own. He whispers so as to barely be heard.

"Inara, ya gotta do one thing for me - I'll explain later. You can trust me, right? I'm gonna seal up the bay here for a half hour or so. I need you to make sure Rowan an' you are in yer shuttle while that happens, dong ma?"

Dong ma = got it?


Saturday, May 1, 2004 8:00 PM


As ...

Inara flinches at Damon's voice in the near-silent space between she and Jayne. Jayne's voice is muffled as he leans out and gives instructions to Damon, from her vantage behind him, she can see the tight set of his shoulders...whatever is on his mind has him very concerned.

Jayne leans back into the shadowed space behind the crate, and puts a hand upon her shoulder, pulling her closer. Inara notices a bandage wound around his palm, the same hand that bears a crescent of small teethmarks. Inara leans into Jayne's warmth, eyes searching his concerned face.

"Inara, ya gotta do one thing for me - I'll explain later. You can trust me, right?

Inara nods, the urgency in his words warning her to keep silent and let him finish.

I'm gonna seal up the bay here for a half hour or so. I need you to make sure Rowan an' you are in yer shuttle while that happens, dong ma?"

Inara gives Jayne a speculative look, trying to decide if the large man is suffering from some sort of tequila-and-drug induced insanity. Finding his blue eyes clear, she decides to give him the benefit of the doubt.

laying a small hand on the large one covering her shoulder Inara speaks:

"Jayne, I don't know what this is about, but I have come to trust you...I've not said it, I know...but I so appreciate what you did for me when I was ill. I'm sorry if I was any...trouble.
Inara gives the gauze over Jayne's hand a light pat, and brings her hand back down to her side.

"I'll go the galley, and decide on a reason to bring Rowan back into my shuttle...a half hour is all I can promise, and you'd better make it wouldn't believe how Serenity carries sounds."

Jayne nods, giving her shoulder one last squeeze, and Inara turns, striding back into the main cargo area. Inara gives Damon a nonchalant smile, and a nod as she passes, and begins ascending the stairs to the upper catwalks.

Just a humble supplicant in service to all things Joss


Saturday, May 1, 2004 10:19 PM


Damon's turn:


Originally posted by Saint Jayne:
sticking his head out from behind the crate
"Yeah, why don't you head over to the other side of the bay and start movin' those containers to the wall. Whatever ya can manage. We'll use the mule fer the big ones."

Damon nods and heads for the containers, leaving them to their talk. There are a bunch of them, most of them standard size. He rotates one, getting ready to lift it

He moves at a quick, steady pace, despite the weight of the boxes, and it isn't long before he sinks into the monotonous routine of manual labor that he was so accustom to. No longer seeing the boxes or feeling their weight, he thinks of all the hassle he is saved now that he has another job so soon. Doesn't need to worry about getting food, or finding a place to sleep, or transportation, and more importantly: he'll be off New Hakkaido before the Feds will have time to track him.

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Sunday, May 2, 2004 3:27 AM


MERZ move
TIME 13:02 AMT

MERZ is not far into her acrobatics, but moving well and contented with her body’s responses, after too many months on the run and without the luxury of regular exercise periods. These people have made it clear that whatever she was or is, she is welcome here and now. It is so much easier to relax and be herself. She knows she is still in for a fair bit of confusing and possibly offending people, but time and practice will help her to correct these lapses. Lack of patience is not one of her flaws.

There is an increase of activity below. MERZ can hear footsteps; conversation. But she is too far away to really hear anything and all she can smell up here is dust, machine oil, tequila, and the ozone tang that is part of the air of all enclosed craft. Nothing she can hear causes alarms to go off.

From below, she hears DAMON "Cap'n wants a meeting here at 3. He also said I should help you here with the cargo and tequila, Jayne. I'll be back in a minute."

MERZ ponders. Stop now, and help move cargo – that is exercise of a sort too? No, not just yet. Training too far behind now, really need to finish this – can’t afford to lose conditioning. Just because she has left her team, does not mean her skills will never again be needed. Her contribution to Serenity, as crew, will be to maintain her skills, to strive to be at her best. And that means, for now, to keep her physical abilities at peak.

She performs a series of back-flips terminating in a one-armed handstand, while pondering. Thirty more minutes of this, then break to assist with cargo, and clean up and change before meeting.

Sounds good.

She sets her internal clock for .30 and sinks back into the routine.

TIME 13:05 AMT

If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Sunday, May 2, 2004 6:17 AM


Jayne's Move:
1:08 PM

Inara glides away from Jayne as he turns and marches in the other direction. Leaning over the comm stand, he fiddles with the controls and barks into it.

"Kaylee. Y'alright, girl? Haven't seen y'all day. I'm gonna be lockin' up the cargo bay afore we meets with the Cap'n, an' spacing this foul-smelling jiu. When I give the word, I wancha ta set the atmo-feed to pull the O2 and pump the fumes in here from the resta the ship."

Jayne looks up to see if that finally got the dancing lady's attention. Not so much as a funny look. She is engaged in an intense acrobatic workout, and Jayne can't help but watch her. He really feels badly not having paid for this, a display of unbelievable power for such a small frame; woman pushing herself beyond her own human limitations. Beautiful. Somehow that gets him all charged up.

Eyes still locked on the free show, Jayne leans back into the comm.

"Wash. I'm gonna need ta lock down the cargo bay in about an hour to space this mess. When I give the word, get the crew an' passengers what don't need ta be on the bridge ta meet in the galley or 'Nara's shuttle fer a head count. Then Kaylee sucks the O2 an' we open the airlock."

Jayne and Damon get down to work. Once Damon finishes with the manageable loads, Jayne gets him to restack them to his liking and secure them to the wall, ceiling and floor beams with the ample chain found in the room. Jayne himself positions several hydrolic-lift wheels under the larger loads and pushes them to the wall with the mule.

Jiu = booze


Sunday, May 2, 2004 7:35 AM


0101 hrs/1:01 PM AMT {Relatively speaking}
As ...

Wash meanders into the Bridge and flops into the newly minted gunners chair. He wriggles around unconsciously as if the chair isn't comfortable. After a second of adjusting, He does a quick glance at the instruments.

Mal looks back to Rowan and holds up a finger in pause.

in a congenial tone containing a whiff of humorous intent
"Hold on to that thought Miss, I got'ta talk to my poor over-worked, over-hormoned pilot for a sec."

Mal moves over to the other side of the Bridge. He stops and lays a hand on the opposite side of the gunners chair headrest. Crouching and facing Wash, Mal's positioning blocks Wash's view of Rowan. His left arm drapes across the back of the chair as if Mal had a companionable arm around Wash himself.

eyes flint hard and in a tight and almost pained whisper, his voice only carrying a couple feet
"Been needin' to ask you something. ... pauses to stare Wash straight in the eye... You and the crew lookin' to have a new captain on this here boat? If you and the rest have lost enough respect for me to allow a stranger to make orders on my bridge without my say-so, I can't but believe I need replacin'. If that is the situation, I do herby resign."

Wash's studied blank look dissolves into a dazed and confused expression as he assimilates exactly what Mal as said. Mal waits until Wash's shock wears off and he tries to speak.

eyes glittering with barely contained humor
"Naw, I paid good plat for this ship. ... shakes his head in a comically serious manner ... Instead, how 'bout we see if the new seat-belts work in a flat spin?"

Mal stands up and back in a snap. His left arm flinging the chair in a counter clockwise motion, spinning Wash like a top. Wash's form blurs with the chair's into a cyclone of blended color.

with feigned shock and wonder
"Whoa - good bearings! Durn, fergot to fasten the buckles. Ah well, we'll do it next time."

MAL turns back to Rowan, as he attempts to stifle a huge grin. Behind him Wash is still attempting to stay in the chair and slow the spin. Valiantly remaining seated, Wash's revolutions begin to slow. Mal notes Rowan's expression and explains with eyebrows raised and a tiny grin ...

lilt in voice
"Training exercise and seat bearing check. Viva the revolution."

EOM 0103hrs/1:03 PM

I am just putting in timeticks as a reference for me. As Ciara sez -- time is relative! So don't feel you have to get too hung up on time.

"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Sunday, May 2, 2004 7:46 AM


MERZ move

TIME 13:35

*Time Mercedes*

MERZ comes out of her last move upright, poised and focused. Calm even. JAYNE and DAMON are still below, shifting and securing cargo. MERZ trots down the stairway, collecting her footwear on the way by and slinging it back over her shoulder.

Easy enough to fall into the pattern of what the boys are doing, and lend a hand. She listens carefully to JAYNE’s stories and jokes. All input is useful.


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Sunday, May 2, 2004 9:34 AM


Jayne's Move:
1:38 PM

As Merz approaches the two sweaty men, she finds Damon tightening chain with a hoist and Jayne positioning hydrolic-lift wheels under one few remaining boxes in the middle of the hold.

loudly finishing the punchline to a joke
"' the guy says, 'that ain't my pecker, he's better trained than that!'"

Jayne roars in laughter, slapping the side of the cargo container. Damon is a good worker who responds to Jayne's orders with immediate action. He doesn't talk much, but that doesn't stop Jayne, who really needs to feel good for a while. He hasn't laughed so hard since he conned Simon into getting into that space suit when he was new on board.


Sunday, May 2, 2004 11:10 AM


Keep the Shiny side up

Thorne's Move

Location: Upper passage/ Bridge:


THORNE gets no response from MAL's Comm, and understands why when he hears the Captain's voice coming from the bridge. He walks toward the bow and climbs the bridge stair. MAL is standing behind a queazy-looking WASH in the gunner's chair. ROWAN is sitting in the pilot's chair, smiling at some joke he just missed.

Thorne: "Captain, if you have a minute, I'd like to talk about the drop tomorrow. Based on where the coordinates will put us, I have a hunch that we might want to go in locked and loaded."


"Keep the Shiny side up"


Sunday, May 2, 2004 11:49 AM


Damon's turn:


Originally posted by Saint Jayne:
loudly finishing the punchline to a joke
"' the guy says, that ain't my pecker, he's better trained than that!'"

Damon's grin breaks into laughter at Jayne's joke. Listening to Jayne laugh only makes him laugh harder. He shakes his head and leans against the container for a moment to catch his breath.

At first he was concerned that's Jayne's conversation would lead to questions that Damon didn't want to answer, but he was pleased to find that Jayne is more interested in keeping them entertained.

Damon wipes the tears and sweat from his face on the back of his sleeve still smiling. It felt good to laugh. He turns back to his work and sees Merz watching them.

"Hey, Merz, care to join us? We could use another heavy lifter."

"Why? She good at this kinda thing?"

Damon smiles. "Well, she handled the capn's cannon well enough."

Both of them burst into laughter again, their laughter rolling through the ship.

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Sunday, May 2, 2004 2:07 PM


MERZ move


JAYNE. . . he's better trained than that!

MERZ looks at the laughing men, very confused. She has no idea what that means, or why it is amusing to DAMON and JAYNE. There has to be a joke there somewhere, but MERZ just has not gotten the hang of humor yet. DAMON notices her approach.

DAMON Hey, Merz, care to join us? We could use another heavy lifter.

JAYNE Why? She good at this kinda thing?

DAMON Well, she handled the capn's cannon well enough.

They go off laughing again, clutching their sides, heads rolled back. MERZ sighs. She knows she is missing something and has long associated other people’s laughter with something called enjoyment. Which is just a word to her. No one has really been able to explain to her how to ‘enjoy’ something. And there is something to their smell that leads her to believe this may actually be some form of a ‘dirty’ joke – another concept she does not comprehend. And possibly at her expense?

Does not matter. They seem friendly enough and she did come down to be of assistance. She nods and attempts to laugh with them. “Sure guys, what do you need me to do?”


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Sunday, May 2, 2004 3:33 PM


Wash is moving:
LOCATION - BRIDGE Rotating Fast, Bridge, Bridge Rotating Slower, Bbrriiddggee Stop

Wash: (at end of the discipline spin, quietly to self, possibly to Mal) Permission to hurl, sir... (To Mal, directly) This conversation could go round n' round, but it comes to this... I'm sorry, I reacted, instead of thinking... We as a team could have done that exercise with much more flash, sir... So…

(Bracing in the chair)

Wash: (With a look of slight mischief) Please don’t resign, sir it’s always Gorram hard to break in a new captain. I think it’s only appropriate to say:

Spin me sir, spin me hard... But can I have Rex first, I need a hug.

(Time tick: Afternoon, there are numbers here, but they could be anything)


Decoy, they make me go first.


Sunday, May 2, 2004 4:25 PM


As she enters the galley, Inara hears echoes of speech from the hallway adjacent to the bridge.

She rummages through a few cupboards, finally coming across a small packet proclaiming the contents give the diner "much well and smooth happiness!" Chuckling at the strange advertisement, Inara grabs a much-abused piece of fruit from the counter and heads toward the voices. The contents of the package turn out to be small blue-tinged crackers shaped like suns. Inara pops one into her mouth every few steps.

she emerges from the hallway, and enters the bridge. Thorne is standing just adjacent to the doorway, and Rowan is perched lightly on the second pilot's chair. Inara gives a demure nod to Thorne, who returns it.

Mal seems to be playing some odd sort of game with Wash, the pilot's toes skidding on the deckplates, his chair's spinning coming to a halt as she approaches the pilot's console.

MAL"Training exercise and seat bearing check. Viva the revolution."

Inara smirks: "if that squeaky old chair is all that stands between us and certain doom, I fear for us all."

Wash gives Inara one of his trademark silly grins, his blonde hair seeming to protrude from his head more than usual, and turns back to Mal

Wash: (With a look of slight mischief) Please don’t resign, sir it’s always Gorram hard to break in a new captain.

Inara, deciding not to dwell on the prospect of "breaking" Malcom Reynolds in, turns to Rowan, Jayne's directive echoing in her mind.

While the men are engrossed in what is certainly a very deep conversation involving revolutions and plastic dinosaurs, Inara stoops close to Rowan's ear.

INARA softly:
There has been a call for you in my shuttle, asked me to inform you when it came.

To make sure Rowan has no choice but to follow her lead, Inara straightens and says a bit louder: Why of course, Rowan..if you'd follow me back to my shuttle we can discuss it further.

Inara gives Rowan an encouraging smile and turns to exit the bridge.

Just a humble supplicant in service to all things Joss






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