Be part of a NEW virtual Firefly crew , named for Shepherd Book - the 'BOOK'

UPDATED: Friday, April 11, 2008 12:38
VIEWED: 139090
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Saturday, April 5, 2008 2:46 PM


I'm eating better on this ship then I was when I was planet side.

We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit those who would do us harm.


Saturday, April 5, 2008 2:50 PM


**Walks onto the Bridge and flops into my seat**

I got a boat full of coocoos.

** My eyes lock on the plastic T-rex sitting on my console**

(Wash: Let me just get that. ** Grabs the dinos** Part of the migration... thingy. **Eases back into her seat**)

Just get us out the world Wash.

** closes eyes as the engines fire up and we start into the air**

You need anything else?


Saturday, April 5, 2008 3:09 PM



Originally posted by WASHRULESBABY:
*********** Mobbex I was joking with you about the gun thing, chances are If I need anything like that before we get to Peresephone I can get it from you.***************

Over my dead body, sister. Oh, and by the by, you're hilarious.

*stomps away*

*clambers down the ladder to his quarters*

*restocks his personal ammo cache*

*locks & bolts his gunlocker when he's done, just in case*


Saturday, April 5, 2008 3:11 PM


*busies herself with placing all the topped up medical supplies in the infirmary with the help of Brit and Invictus. When it's complete she smiles at their fast and neat work*

We did good. I say I get with dinner.

*goes back into her loaded room, changes into grey slacks and her ratty red shirt again and a pair of slippers. Walks back out and up towards the empty, but thankfully warm and clean kitchen, she pulls out ingredients and protein (don’t wanna use the full stock of food) and start boiling the water, she then cuts up vegies and spices, butters the bread and cooks the tomato and basil sauce…. Before long the smell starts to waft in the ship*

We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit those who would do us harm.


Saturday, April 5, 2008 3:19 PM


No Capt. that is just shiny.

************ hits com yes Oram, any one not want italian?**************

Capt when we get to peresphone we have a job correct? if so whos going?

sorry about the dino thingy. they mirgrate alot.

(Mummbles they do that alot)

--------------------BREAKS ATMO------------------

Hits com everyone okay back there?

************Mobbex walks on the brdige***********

No wash we died , why ask a stupid question like that

well we have so new passengers on board , I was just being curteous. Now either sit dow or go polish your weapons some .

*******starts giggling at brit who is mimcing Mobbex right behind him*************

Capt. I need to speak with you later in detail about our next stop.

I am a leaf on the wind


Saturday, April 5, 2008 3:25 PM


Oh, Wash, I sent a wave to my brother that I want his old dinos... when we know where we're landing next I'll get him to send them. It depends on how fast the mailing service is.

*checks on food, and satisfied itll be fine for a few moments, goes to her room and starts unpacking*

We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit those who would do us harm.


Saturday, April 5, 2008 3:34 PM



Originally posted by Colt999:
I got a boat full of coocoos.

Careful, sir. Some people might take offense...

*Colt flashes him an icy glare*

Yeah... I'm kidding.

*plunks self on the navigator seat*

*cocks head to side and takes a pensive pose*

Some o' them might be a little off their rockers... *chuckles* I mean that Brit gal's just batshit nuts. And the mechanic, I mean... a grease monkey who doubles up as a two-buck minstrel? Talk about zany! And... *goes on & on*


Saturday, April 5, 2008 3:48 PM


Dinners SERVED!!!!

We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit those who would do us harm.


Saturday, April 5, 2008 4:52 PM


as everyone goes to the galley. Wash and the Capt. linger behind. I was promised to a guy on peresphone , I left him at the alter so to speak. THis guy comes from a very a well known crime family. I would prefer to stay behind.

*******Capt . and wash start walking down to the galley******

I became a pilot because of them, I fought with the browncoats during the fight for independance. I was doing some smuggling for them on the side. then I just dissappered on them.

*********Capt. stop and turns to look at wash*****

Wash your are going to go with me when we get there and pick up the job.

My name is not wash, wash was my uncle. I am Sha'uri . I just go by wash for safety reasons and it is easier to remeber. walks to her seat in they galley

(changes subject)

Great food Oram and thank you for the dinos.

I am a leaf on the wind


Saturday, April 5, 2008 5:20 PM


*Enters the galley, gets food, and starts eating. After a few bites, she pauses and speaks*

I know I met a couple of you back when ya'll landed on St. Albans, but none of us were quite properly introduced. Name's Sky and your Captain hired me as first mate so him and I will be headin' this boat from now on... well... mostly him. We go, uh, way back... but I know I ain't at liberty to go ramblin' on about the past.

*sees Captain come down with Wash*
Captain, we were just talkin' about you. *smirks*
Your crew ain't half bad, by the way. Though I've already been threatened by little Miss Bonkers and I gotta confess *whispers to the Captain* the big ol' brute... Mob-head or Mobbex or whatever his name is... he kinda makes me nervous.

*talks out loud again* Ah well...
So Captain... 'a course, as usual, I was never informed of where we were headin' to. I heard talk of Persephone, but I guess I just wanted to confirm it with you, sir. Then again I shoulda been the first to hear since I'm only... ya know... the first mate 'n all. *narrows eyes with a playful grin*

By the way, Captain... I think we need to sit down and have a little chat. Jus' you and me. I think we have some catchin' up to do.


Saturday, April 5, 2008 5:30 PM



Originally posted by Mobbex:
I mean that Brit gal's just batshit nuts.

*walks up with a small knife she found in the galley and stabs it into Mobbex's leg* "Batshit nuts." Not even the half of it.

"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with until you understand who's in ruttin' command here." - Jayne Cobb (Firefly)


Saturday, April 5, 2008 5:35 PM


*turns away from her conversation with the Captain as she hears commotion* What the--? *runs over to Brit and grabs her by the arm, pulling her away*
The hell is wrong with you?!

*looks over at Oram* Thought you said everyone was healthy! Gorrammit! Tend to Mobbex's leg, now!

*grabs Brit and drags her into her bunk*


Saturday, April 5, 2008 5:49 PM


"Mobbex, I just want to know more about the crew. Bare with me, please."


Saturday, April 5, 2008 5:54 PM


Invictus rushes to Brit to help Sev hold her down. "Brit, why did you harm him?"


Saturday, April 5, 2008 5:57 PM


that's nice, abbey. At least YOU do go to church on the book. If you ever need anything, im here.


Saturday, April 5, 2008 6:15 PM



Originally posted by SevenSkies:
...I gotta confess *whispers to the Captain* the big ol' brute... Mob-head or Mobbex or whatever his name is... he kinda makes me nervous.

*leers & ogles shamelessly* I heard that...


Originally posted by invictus12:
"Mobbex, I just want to know more about the crew. Bare with me, please."

Not... *chomp* ...interested *chomp* *chomp* *gulp!*


Originally posted by shinybrit:*walks up with a small knife she found in the galley and stabs it into Mobbex's leg* "Batshit nuts." Not even the half of it.)

Wh... OW! *whacks Brit across the face with the back of the hand* You...

*wants to twist her scrawny little neck into bone dust*

*tries to get up* Argh, my leg! You're one dead little ...

EDIT: I felt compelled to specify that the Mobster possesses a pair of thick, callused paws roughly the size of a sheet of letter paper.


Saturday, April 5, 2008 6:21 PM


Captain Colt, if ya see a mechanic, give him a holler, will ya? I need one. hope to work with you.

Captain Walker,
The Wash


Saturday, April 5, 2008 6:28 PM


*leaves brit and graps Mobbex by the throat as oram is patching him up* "im a man of god and i swear on my god if you EVER touch brit again i will see to it the captain WILL kill you. Understood?"


Saturday, April 5, 2008 6:32 PM


*grabs Invictus' wrist and twists it*

You threaten me again, I swear I'll rip your gorram limbs off!

Argh, my leg!



Saturday, April 5, 2008 6:35 PM


*grabs brits knife and slices another cut in mobbex's arm thats gripping invictus then holds it to mob's throat* "DO YOU UNDERSTAND?"


Saturday, April 5, 2008 6:48 PM


*spits a nasty gob of sputum straight into Invictus' right eye*

*capitalizes on his foe's moment of disarray and clenches Invictus' armed hand, using his colossal strength advantage to squeeze the blade out of Invictus' grip*

*blade falls to the ground with a clink*

*lowers voice to a growl* 'Should know better than to mess around with the big dogs, shepherd...


Saturday, April 5, 2008 7:15 PM


thats ENOUGH!!!! **standing between the two men arms raised** the capt. has to many other things on his mind then your squabbles. so lets all settle down and eat ok


Saturday, April 5, 2008 9:37 PM


From:Ex-Lieutenant Jack Shepard
Location: Lilac
To: Captain Colt

"***Message Begins***
Captain, I've heard of you ship and I am offering my services, I served in the Unification War, The 41st Steel Cats, an Elite unit of reconnaissance specialists. I was commanding officer, and specialize in lock picking and safe cracking as well as handy with machinery. I'm stuck on Lilac. Reavers hit my boat, the "Deadalus", and we were forced to crash land before destroying the Trans-U. Most of the crew are dead, the rest have are MIA. It's a detour captain, but you wont regret it. Coordinates attached to this message.
***Message Ends***"


Saturday, April 5, 2008 11:32 PM


YOU! *Points at mobbex* Infirmary! And you…. *gestures towards Invictus* Go wash your eye, don’t need any infections. And someone confine Brit to a room so that I can sedate her until everything is cleaned up.

Don’t worry about saving my dinner, I'm gonna be too busy to eat.

We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit those who would do us harm.


Sunday, April 6, 2008 1:24 AM



Originally posted by DasOpitz74:
thats ENOUGH!!!! **standing between the two men arms raised** the capt. has to many other things on his mind then your squabbles. so lets all settle down and eat ok

Easy for you to say! You're not the one who got his leg slit open...


Originally posted by Oram:
YOU! *Points at mobbex* Infirmary!


*drags himself up and hobbles toward the infirmary*


Sunday, April 6, 2008 2:24 AM


*mobbex is on the chair, his bleeding leg has been injected with local and Oram is stitching it up neatly. Next she goes to his arm and, satisfied it's not deep, places a bandage on it.*

You know what set her off? And before you get all yuàn pì huà on me, I'm a GP, not a brain surgeon.
And she will be taking a dose of Lithium...
*more to herself than mobbex*
Might have to get her checked put by someone that knows brain chemistry ... don't wanna end up killing her.

*finishes fixing up mobbex*
Right, I've given you a shot of pain killers, stay off the leg for the night, and DON'T lift anything heavy for 48hrs. Or you'll tear muscle and it'll take longer to heal.

We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit those who would do us harm.


Sunday, April 6, 2008 3:51 AM


**Walking with Wash to dinner**

Promised to someone? Persephone a bit more settled than than most of the backwater planets. Thought those customs were long gone.


I became a pilot because of them, I fought with the browncoats during the fight for independance. I was doing some smuggling for them on the side. then I just dissappered on them.

War's more than seven years gone. You think they'll still be looking for you? Wash,I need my pilot to do her job. We'll need to be taking on fuel water and such. Could be I'll even need you to help hunt down a job.


My name is not wash, wash was my uncle. I am Sha'uri . I just go by wash for safety reasons and it is easier to remeber. walks to her seat in they galley

**stands somewhat shocked **
CooCoos (under breath)

** Takes a seat at the head of the table**

Captain, we were just talkin' about you. *smirks* So Captain... 'a course, as usual, I was never informed of where we were headin' to. I heard talk of Persephone, but I guess I just wanted to confirm it with you, sir

Yeah we're heading to Persephone. Let Abbey get her shuttle set up. Maybe line up a job while were there. ** Sky also informs me of the wave from the Wash's Captain and LTShepherd.**

We had a time finding out mechanic *nods to Spots* But tell him we'll keep an eye out.

Safe Cracker could come in handy. Contact him and let him know we'll head that way when we finish on Persephone.

**Watches as all Hell breaks loose. Brit cuts Mobbex, Mobbex smacks Brit, Next Mobbex and Invictus are struggling. Oram circles the two men trying to stop the bleeding. Spots yells enough and trys to get between them. Sky pins Brit**

**I draw my pistol and aim at the table**

**Everyone freezes**

**To Brit** Darling you go cutting everyone that call you Batshit nuts, you'll have a full time job. **To Sky** "Take her to her quarters"

Padre, Why don't you go check on Brit. We'll talk later bout you cutting on my merc.

**Spots follows Brit, Sky and Invictus out of the room**


YOU! *Points at mobbex* Infirmary! And you…. *gestures towards Invictus* Go wash your eye, don’t need any infections.

** Watches Oram and Mobbex leave**

** Sits back down with Wash and starts to make plate. Abbey comes running into the room, gun in hand **

**Abbey** I heard a shot.

**Wash** Shot?...It was the..a..Dinner timer?

Yeah dinner timer musta echoed. Have a seat.

**Abbey holsters her piece. "Where is everyone?"

Oh they'll be along, Dig in 'fore it gets cold.


Sunday, April 6, 2008 4:00 AM


*wanders back into kitchen, sees that everybody has left, but someone has wrapped her meal up for her along with a piece of bread and cup of tea, then notices a bullet hole through the table*

*blinks* Glad to know Pa wasn't the only one who shot to keep the peace.

*before she gets back to dinner, she trys to find the captain and check up on his recovery as well as ask what course of action he wants taken with shinybrit*

We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit those who would do us harm.


Sunday, April 6, 2008 5:00 AM


*walks up to colt* My apologies captain, I lost my temper. It will not happen again. Even so, Brit is mentally unstable. She might not have known what she was doing. Mobbex was in the wrong.
*follows Sky and Brit to Brit's room.*
*to Brit*What was that about? You lost it there for a second, as did I, to my shame.


Sunday, April 6, 2008 5:04 AM


I don't know Capt. it is possible.I mean his family helped us greatly helping my dad out of debt . And belive me the debt would have taken lifetimes to fix. His son had a thing for me , his was a nice boy and all a bit daft in the head. So His father told my father to forgive the debt I would have to marry his son. MY father died 7 years ago so I ran.

*********turn to look at capt.***************

I will do what you ask . gets up to wrap up Orams dinner.

Capt. I am taking my dinner up to the bridge and set in a course for peresphone.

*****************starts walking up there sits in chair and turn the ship towards peresphone.*******

Nice to met you sky nice to see we have 1st mate finally.

I am a leaf on the wind


Sunday, April 6, 2008 5:05 AM



*before she gets back to dinner, she trys to find the captain and check up on his recovery as well as ask what course of action he wants taken with shinybrit*

I'm thinking heavy medication. No more than that. You got anything stronger than that?

I knew she was off but never saw her as a threat. She's...Scratch the meds. I want you to dig 'round, do your job. Find out whats going on with her. Dope her if you have to, or if she refuses to cooperate. She's in your care. Let me know what you find and we'll decide what to do with her.


Sunday, April 6, 2008 5:18 AM



I'm thinking heavy medication. No more than that. You got anything stronger than that?

I knew she was off but never saw her as a threat. She's...Scratch the meds. I want you to dig 'round, do your job. Find out whats going on with her. Dope her if you have to, or if she refuses to cooperate. She's in your care. Let me know what you find and we'll decide what to do with her.

*hears Colt talking about doping Brit and decides to go along with it for now, knowing it is for the best, but decides to keep an eye on her*


Sunday, April 6, 2008 5:18 AM



Sunday, April 6, 2008 5:29 AM


**Goes to Brit and Invictus**

Padre, I appreciate you defending the crew, but let me point out their all crew. Just because little addel brain here goes apeshit and cuts on Mobbex don't give you the right to join in.

I'm sure you feel bad and I'm sure you didn't make a friend in Mobbex so you'll have to deal with that.

But understand, my boat, my rules. They ain't that much different than the ones you carry in the book of yours. But let me add one, for the both of you. Thall shall not cut on my crew.

**To Brit**

And you, Doc's going to look you over. ** Notices a look of terror in Brit's eyes**
Easy now, Doc knows her stuff, ain't gonna hurt you. But you are going to do it. You refuse and you off this boat when we hit Persephone. Dong Ma?

** Walks back to the Bridge**

Listen Wash...Sha'uri. I know you been acting as both pilot and 1st mate. But now Sky's here. If your worried 'bout Persephone, asks Spots to handle the fueling. You can stay on the boat if you want. Got enough danger lurking 'round us with out inviting more.

** Leave the Bridge and heads for my bunk, passes Sky**

I'll fetch the bottle and meet you in the galley. We need to talk about what I just brought you into.


Sunday, April 6, 2008 5:29 AM


(Double posting for some reason)


Sunday, April 6, 2008 5:40 AM


I understand Captain. As always I will help you and follow the rules. Again, I apologize for my actions. But we also cant do anything to Brit here. We have no psychiatrist on board. We dont have enough medical equipment to test her. But I do know where we can get the tech and supplies to test her If you are interested...


Sunday, April 6, 2008 5:42 AM


Also, Captain, I will be staying on board while we are on Persephone. It is not safe for me to be seen with you.


Sunday, April 6, 2008 6:05 AM


*walks up to Sevenskies*
Excuse me, miss, might I take a moment of your time? I seem not to have have a chance to talk to you yet. What's your story?


Sunday, April 6, 2008 6:27 AM


*sits on the infirmary chair, still swearing & cussing as Oram is patching him up*


Originally posted by Oram:
You know what set her off? And before you get all yuàn pì huà on me, I'm a GP, not a brain surgeon.
And she will be taking a dose of Lithium...

I ain't got no clue! Girl's mad as a hatter! Look, y' wanna do somethin' smart? Dope her up to her eyeballs, and tie her up while you're at it! Don't... don't look a' me like that! What happens next time she gets into a chop up mood? She sneaks into my bunk and carves out a piece of my liver? Or maybe it's you she'll starts cutting on! Or Wash! Or the captain!


Originally posted by Oram:
*more to herself than mobbex* Might have to get her checked put by someone that knows brain chemistry ... don't wanna end up killing her.

*rolls eyes* Yeah, that'd be a real bummer.


Originally posted by Oram:
*finishes fixing up mobbex*
Right, I've given you a shot of pain killers, stay off the leg for the night, and DON'T lift anything heavy for 48hrs. Or you'll tear muscle and it'll take longer to heal.

No lifting!? I'm gonna choke that little ...


Sunday, April 6, 2008 6:32 AM


**walks in to the galley putty knife, putty and sandpaper in hand to fix the gunshot hole in the table**
**sees Doc Oram finishing her dinner**

***putting tools in the table, walks over to get a cup of tea***

Hi, thanks for cooking for us it really nice of you.

***Sits down a cross from her***

well i have to say an interesting first day on the boat. you know ive wanted to crew a ship since about 14 but now i dont really know.

what about you why are you here?


Sunday, April 6, 2008 6:43 AM


**See Oram and Spots in the Galley so directs Sky towards the cargo bay. Sits down on the catwalk and pours two drinks.**

You know not a day goes by I don't think I'd be retired right now if you hadn't set off that alarm on Bellerophon.

**Sky smiles " And not a day goes by that I don't think we could both be retired if you hadn't ran off with that Baron's daughter on Ariel. And I didn't set off that alarm you did.**

The Baron's daughter was love. You know that.

**Love? What was her name again?**

Her name was....Betsy ...Bonnie.. it was B something. *Laughs* It lasted two weeks after we left. But you did trigger that alarm, my window wasn't wired, yours was.

** True but I bypassed it and the floor sensors were in the room you came through.**

Just like old time heh?

**"To old time" Sky hoists her glass "Got a good crew here Colt, little bit off but good"**

**Shepherd Invictus enters the room**


I understand Captain. As always I will help you and follow the rules. Again, I apologize for my actions. But we also cant do anything to Brit here. We have no psychiatrist on board. We dont have enough medical equipment to test her. But I do know where we can get the tech and supplies to test her If you are interested...

Doc's what we got Padre. Let her know what your thinking and if she's onboard with it, we'll talk about it. Right now we need some coin. Paying jobs first then we'll see.


Also, Captain, I will be staying on board while we are on Persephone. It is not safe for me to be seen with you.

Of course a big percentage of our work comes from Persephone and half my crew has to hide on the boat. Fair enough Padre you can help keep an eye on Brit.

I'll leave you two to get to know each other.


Sunday, April 6, 2008 6:55 AM


*walks up to Oram* Oram, a friend of mine has enough meds and tech to help and test brit, but the problem is, its hidden because my friend was arrested for stealing the tech from the alliance. He is being held on New Earth, the center of the alliance, in solitary. we might be able to spring him, but discuss it with the captain...


Sunday, April 6, 2008 7:31 AM


*spots Invictus*

*hobbles up to him, looking mighty hot under the collar*

You there, preacher man! What the hell's wrong with you? I'm the one who gets cut on and I get the sermon? Not to mention the cut on my arm? What the hell kind of a holy man are you!?


Sunday, April 6, 2008 7:37 AM


I apologize Mobbex. I was not thinking straight. I hope we can put this behind us. I will see to it that Brit doesnt harm you again. I promise.


Sunday, April 6, 2008 7:44 AM



Originally posted by invictus12:
I apologize Mobbex. I was not thinking straight. Ihopewe can put this behind us. I will see to it that Brit doesnt harm you again. I promise.

Oh right, apologies. Well that settles that, right? Stuff it!

I don't want your apologies, I want to break you in half. I want to snap all of your fingers one by one, and take a good slice outta your arm, for good mesure.


Sunday, April 6, 2008 7:55 AM


*pats the the pistol on his side* I may be a Shepherd, but I know how to use a gun. If you hurt me or any other member of the crew, I WILL put a bullet in your head, God help me. Until you do harm someone, I will treat you with respect as the captain ordered. Good day.
*turns to leave*


Sunday, April 6, 2008 8:04 AM


*walks out of the other room with the Captain and hears Mobbex talking to Invictus*
Now, as far as I understand it, we don't need no more hurtin' on each other here, so I suggest you two just stay away from each other for now.
Once we land, Shepherd will be far out of your sight, Mobbex, so you won't be needin' to break anyone in half.

*under her breath* If she woulda cut on me, I'd have felt the same...

*looks to captain* Appreciate the talk Cap-i-tan. It was great catchin' up on good times and it looks like we're already makin' memories... heh.


*walks up to Sevenskies*
Excuse me, miss, might I take a moment of your time? I seem not to have have a chance to talk to you yet. What's your story?

You must have not been in the galley when I was tellin' ya'll, I suppose. I guess all the ruckus must have just made it fly over some people's heads.
Anywho, I'm from Santo. I'm the first mate, and that's pretty much all you need to be knowin' for right now.

*walks to Oram* So have you decided what you were gonna do with little Miss Bonkers? I dunno 'bout you but I don't want her cuttin' on me in my sleep...


Sunday, April 6, 2008 8:15 AM



Originally posted by invictus12:
*pats the the pistol on his side* I may be a Shepherd, but I know how to use a gun. If you hurt me or any other member of the crew, I WILL put a bullet in your head, God help me. Until you do harm someone, I will treat you with respect as the captain ordered. Good day.
*turns to leave*

Don't you turn your back on me, you sanctimonious son of a !

I'm onto you. You're a man who's made a living outta stirrin' up shit from one end o' the verse to the other, and now you're trying to make amends. *smirks* Well y' wanna know somethin'? It ain't gonna happen. I've met dozens like you. Tight-lipped little bastards with the shady past and the fanciful notions. You pick up the Book 'n you're a new man! *chuckles* Right... There's no redemption, there's no absolution, it's all make-believe! It don't matter who you are or how "strong your faith is", there's no changing what you are. Lama people call it karma. And y' know what's the best thing about karma? *grins* It's got a temper. When the sum of your deeds reaches critical mass, you're croaked. Game over. *grins some more* You my friend are gonna die a violent, agonizing death, and when the day comes, trust me, I'll be there. Watching.

*hobbles away*


Sunday, April 6, 2008 8:17 AM



*to Brit*What was that about? You lost it there for a second, as did I, to my shame.

*narrows eyes* You taking the action in the same way makes you no less of a person than I.

He just looks better in red...


**To Brit**

And you, Doc's going to look you over. ** Notices a look of terror in Brit's eyes**
Easy now, Doc knows her stuff, ain't gonna hurt you. But you are going to do it. You refuse and you off this boat when we hit Persephone. Dong Ma?

*nods* I-I'm sorry... *seems horrified* I just... I don't know what's happening to me... *starts to cry* They keep... speaking to me... telling me to do things that I don't want to do but I STILL DO THEM!!
Please, God, help me...

"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with until you understand who's in ruttin' command here." - Jayne Cobb (Firefly)


Sunday, April 6, 2008 8:26 AM


*to brit*I dont like Mobbex either but we must put up with him, captain's orders. Now, we might have a way to help you, but we must remain patient and not attack Mobbex. Yes?






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