Be part of the NEWEST virtual Firefly crew , the 'WASH'

UPDATED: Monday, April 21, 2008 16:31
VIEWED: 74819
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Friday, April 18, 2008 4:10 PM



syncronizing attitudes.............
firing stabilizers...........
we're hitched. lets go meet our friends on the WASH. - 'TRANQUILITY' [ PART 3 ]

xie xie SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Friday, April 18, 2008 4:54 PM


If someone would be willing to watch our "friend" here *looks at Spinebite* I can go greet our guests. Or... help... greet our guests.

Ching-wah TSAO duh liou mahng!


Friday, April 18, 2008 4:57 PM


ni hao BRG.
where's commander zero?
we have some supplies for you.

guys, bring it in...

xie xie SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Friday, April 18, 2008 5:03 PM


ni hao, ShadowCaptain. *attempts to smile, but fails terribly* You needed to see the engine room, yes? I'm sure you and your crew know where it is. Also, our mechanic, Tillie, I believe is preparing food in the galley for both of our crews. We also have a... problem... in the infirmary, but Spinebite is watching them pretty well. Zero, I believe, is on the bridge.

Ching-wah TSAO duh liou mahng!


Friday, April 18, 2008 5:16 PM


after we eat, i think we need some rest.
we've had a long journey.
we'll get started in the morning.
thanks BRG.

xie xie SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Friday, April 18, 2008 5:51 PM


** Whispers to Elbarto as the Tranquility crew follow their Captain down to the gallery

Guess we going to eat now, El - behave ok? And keep your eyes and ears open, somethings going on here...**

You are beholden to no man


Friday, April 18, 2008 6:06 PM


*heads to his room, grabs a small black bag, and returns to the Galley to eat with the others, the bag tied by a thin string around his waist through the belt loops on his pants* Very good stuff, Tillie. Better then Alliance rations, that's for sure...

Ching-wah TSAO duh liou mahng!


Friday, April 18, 2008 10:04 PM



New question; Why did you poison my food and attack me?

Poison your food? I never poisoned your food! Although it sounds like a pretty good suggestion right now!*looks at injured hand and feet pointedly*

As to attacking you. Have you SEEN yourself? You were a pretty big guy coming at me with a gun ! I had to try and protect myself. There was a knife on one of the containers in the cargo bay. It seemed like a good idea at the time.

Never fear, I learnt something. Never attack with a knife if the other guy has a gun.

Can I ask a question now? What's going on here, everyone seems a little jumpy? And just one more thing: What is the date?


Friday, April 18, 2008 10:42 PM



posted by BlueRedGreen:

Very good stuff, Tillie. Better then Alliance rations, that's for sure...

*with a great big smile* Thank you, Doc! Kind of you to say.

*bustles around putting food on the tables*
Please, everyone, sit and eat. There's plenty of bao, eat 'em while they're hot. The big ones have soup in 'em, so be careful you don't burn your tongues.

*to ShadowCaptain:* I heard you and some of your crew hail from Aquila, so I thought you might like some Tengoku-style home cooking. Got the gyoza recipe from Ojin-sama's own household, and there's real ramen and miso soup if you like. Douzo, please help yourselves, eat.

*makes trays of soup and dumplings for Spinebite in the infirmary and Zero on the bridge*

Doc, do you think your patient can eat? I mean, is she hungry? Is she allowed real food, or did you put her on a drip? I made a tray for Ian, I figured I could make one for her, too. Anyhow, you think on it while I get Zero her meal.

*leaves the galley, goes to the bridge with Zero's tray* Hey there, thought you might like to get some nourishment while it's still nice and hot. I'll bring you some tea after.


Saturday, April 19, 2008 2:26 AM


tillie. this is the best meal we've had in months, xie-xie.
this here's the best place to chat. - VFF CHAT ROOM [thanks BOOKIES]

xie xie SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Saturday, April 19, 2008 4:17 AM


BRG, i know your capt. has gone missing.
i sent a bounty hunter looking for him.
we have some intel on him that will help.
meantime, we need to get the WASH 'captained'.
commander zero is the next in line but it's up to you and yours to appoint an acting captain, 'til we get this "captain w. invictus"
issue cleared.
if your crew needs any more supplies, let us know. 'til then, i'll be helpin' with the fuel cell repair.

wave me for anything...


xie xie SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Saturday, April 19, 2008 5:34 AM


Well Tillie, rather or not we're going to feed her depends on if she answers our questions and restrains herself from any violent activity, such as... running at people with knives...


Saturday, April 19, 2008 6:20 AM




We also have a... problem... in the infirmary, but Spinebite is watching them pretty well. Zero, I believe, is on the bridge.

*fusses with bandages. Looks at Spinebite* So...

This is not my best day ever. This morining my location was earth, 2008. Pretty much the same as it had been for the past 27 years. But this...this is either a really bad concussion or i'm on a spaceship in the future. Could you at least tell me the date? And how far are we from earth? By the smell of you I can tell that you're not an alien.

*stomach rumbles* do you eat in the future? *looks at spinebite with a hopeful expression*


Saturday, April 19, 2008 7:29 AM


*walks out from the bridge*
Ni hao, ShadowCaptain. Welcome aboard. Hope our mech can help you out with whatever mechanical stuff you need helping with.

*shakes his hand*
It's good to finally meet you, I've heard good things. Unfortunately we found some loon in our hold. Upperton, I think was her name. Don't really know how she got there. Just hoping she ain't here to harm any of us.
Well have fun with that cell whatever-thing. I'll be keeping an eye out for Captain Walker.

*sits back up on the bridge and waits for a while before she sees Tillie come up with plates of delicious-looking food*

Tillie: Hey there, thought you might like to get some nourishment while it's still nice and hot. I'll bring you some tea after.

Zero: Wow, Captain goes missing and we have a feast. *chuckles* Well, I'm up for it.

Tille: Just thought you'd be hungry like the rest of us. You've been up here all day.

Well, I'm just worried, that's all.

Tillie: About the Captain?

Just wondering where he's at, is all. Don't know if I'll be up for taking over Captain duties, but if I have to, I will.
*Eats some of the miso soup*
Wow, great cooking. Haven't had a meal like this for a while. Glad we have someone with culinary talent on board.

Tille: *smiles* Well, thanks. Glad you liked it. *goes to walk out of the bridge*

Hey, Tille. After he's done eating, would you mind sending Spinebite up here? Need to have a little chat with him.

Tille: Uh, yeah. Sure.

Thanks. *goes back to eating and watching outside the window on the bridge. Tille leaves, slightly concerned for Zero, and heads back into the galley*

*Zero finishes up her food and continues to stare outside*

*mumbling to herself* Soon as we hit the ground, Captain's gotta wander off like a 5-year-old. Gorram it. Where the hell are you Walker?


Saturday, April 19, 2008 9:28 AM


*enters the infirmary and makes a surprised face* She hasn't been killed yet? Hmm... *looks at Upperson* What IS your name, anyway?

Wuo duh ma...


Saturday, April 19, 2008 9:50 AM


*enters infirmary with trays of soup and dumplings for Spinebite and Upperson*

*to BlueRedGreen:* Doc Alex, I figured it'd be safe to give her some nourishment with you two here to watch her. There's nothing you need knives for, all soft food.

*to Spinebite:* Ian, Zero wants your company on the bridge after you finish your meal.

I gotta get back to the engine room see what repairs those folks wanna make to the fuel cells.

*leaves infirmary*


Saturday, April 19, 2008 11:46 AM


*enters engine room, sees ShadowCaptain alone in the small space, rummaging through a large box of tools and parts he's brought on board.*

Hey there, Cap'n, c'n I help you find somethin' in there? *he grunts something but doesn't look up or stop his search*

Can't tell you how glad I was to get your wave. You about saved this ol' girl *pats Wash's hull lovingly* with that scan you sent me. I looked it over, found more'n one crack in the port rotor housing, in the actual block. No way I could've ever found that, not if I were lookin' for it on purpose even, it's tucked so deep up inside the housing.

Thing is, to fix it we have to uncouple the rotor from the housing and pull 'er out, and with no port thrust that'll leave us dead in the water. If you stay docked so Wash can lean on Tranquility a while, we can make the repair easy and no danger for either ship. *reconsiders* No wait, I can't fix it, neither. I'd need a whole new block, can't fabricate a block from new without --- *ShadowCaptain, grimacing, hauls from the box the exact cylinder block Tillie needs*

*ShadowCaptain:* How 'bout this?

*Tillie stares at the block with astonishment before rushing to take it from the captain, who's straining with the weight. She holds it lovingly and looks from the block to the captain with huge shiny eyes* *stammers* O-of course, you read the scan over, you saw the cracks too... But you got exactly the right one. Xie xie ni.

Let's get that stowed. *puts the block carefully in a foam-lined crate, and hands the captain a rag to wipe his hands with* So... what do you wanna do first?


Saturday, April 19, 2008 12:36 PM


*finishes eating, sets bowl down, and turns to Upperson* Don't think I'm through with you yet. *exits medbay, goes to bridge* Tillie said that you wanted to talk with me, commander?

"Pain is scary."


Saturday, April 19, 2008 12:36 PM


*finishes eating, sets bowl down, and turns to Upperson* Don't think I'm through with you yet. *exits medbay, goes to bridge* Tillie said that you wanted to talk with me, commander?

"Pain is scary."


Saturday, April 19, 2008 12:36 PM


*finishes eating, sets bowl down, and turns to Upperson* Don't think I'm through with you yet. *exits medbay, goes to bridge* Tillie said that you wanted to talk with me, commander?

"Pain is scary."


Saturday, April 19, 2008 12:36 PM


*finishes eating, sets bowl down, and turns to Upperson* Don't think I'm through with you yet. *exits medbay, goes to bridge* Tillie said that you wanted to talk with me, commander?

"Pain is scary."


Saturday, April 19, 2008 12:36 PM


*finishes eating, sets bowl down, and turns to Upperson* Don't think I'm through with you yet. *exits medbay, goes to bridge* Tillie said that you wanted to talk with me, commander?

"Pain is scary."


Saturday, April 19, 2008 12:36 PM


*finishes eating, sets bowl down, and turns to Upperson* Don't think I'm through with you yet. *exits medbay, goes to bridge* Tillie said that you wanted to talk with me, commander?

"Pain is scary."


Saturday, April 19, 2008 2:22 PM



Originally posted by TillieSong:
*enters engine room, sees ShadowCaptain alone in the small space, rummaging through a large box of tools and parts he's brought on board.*

Hey there, Cap'n, c'n I help you find somethin' in there? *he grunts something but doesn't look up or stop his search*

Can't tell you how glad I was to get your wave. You about saved this ol' girl *pats Wash's hull lovingly* with that scan you sent me. I looked it over, found more'n one crack in the port rotor housing, in the actual block. No way I could've ever found that, not if I were lookin' for it on purpose even, it's tucked so deep up inside the housing.

Thing is, to fix it we have to uncouple the rotor from the housing and pull 'er out, and with no port thrust that'll leave us dead in the water. If you stay docked so Wash can lean on Tranquility a while, we can make the repair easy and no danger for either ship. *reconsiders* No wait, I can't fix it, neither. I'd need a whole new block, can't fabricate a block from new without --- *ShadowCaptain, grimacing, hauls from the box the exact cylinder block Tillie needs*

*ShadowCaptain:* How 'bout this?

*Tillie stares at the block with astonishment before rushing to take it from the captain, who's straining with the weight. She holds it lovingly and looks from the block to the captain with huge shiny eyes* *stammers* O-of course, you read the scan over, you saw the cracks too... But you got exactly the right one. Xie xie ni.

Let's get that stowed. *puts the block carefully in a foam-lined crate, and hands the captain a rag to wipe his hands with* So... what do you wanna do first?


i'll leave the technical stuff to you and my mechanic SHINYFRY. she'll be here soon, but you can start without her. i can see you know [and love] your ship and her workin's.
i need to talk to commander zero.
here's the rest of the scans and blueprints.

xie xie SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Saturday, April 19, 2008 3:09 PM


*watches ShadowCaptain leave with a wistful expression on her face*

Such a gentle way with him, for a captain. Ain't painful to look on, neither.

Sure has nice...pants.

*looks down, notices ShadowCaptain's coat partially visible under the box lid. Picks it up, dusts it off, and inhales its fragrance*

He'll be needing this. Best not let it get all filthy on the floor... *folds the coat and puts it on her hammock, then goes back to work. A while later, satisfied that she's done all the preparation that can be done with only one pair of hands, she settles into her hammock to read the new set of scans while she waits for Shinyfry*


Saturday, April 19, 2008 3:41 PM


Captain? to self:

We're he get too? Don't want anymore unexplained disappearances...

**Walks down to see if he's looking at the engine and sees Tillie apparently stroking the ShadowCaptain's coat**

Er- hello there! (pretends not to notice Tillie jamming the Cap'ns coat behind her back)

Great food you made - not ate like that for a long spell! So, er, has our Cap'n been here? I was just needing to speak to him. Have you got everything you need? Shiny is around here somewhere...

You are beholden to no man


Saturday, April 19, 2008 4:10 PM


Hi all. sorry i'm late... just finished tunnin' up Tranquility. I'm ready to look at the engine and fuel cells.

*walks into engine room*

I love these old firefly engines.

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Saturday, April 19, 2008 4:22 PM


Hi Shiny,

You seen the Cap'n? I'll leave you two to get on then, and see if I can locate Mr ShadowCap'n...

You are beholden to no man


Saturday, April 19, 2008 4:29 PM


hi kat. i'm just lookin for commander zero.
i think she's in charge now but i want to be sure the WASH is ok before we leave. - VFF CHAT ROOM
i check this room a lot. you find out all kinds of shiny stuff here.

xie xie SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Saturday, April 19, 2008 6:50 PM



posted by Dockat:
Great food you made - not ate like that for a long spell! So, er, has our Cap'n been here? I was just needing to speak to him. Have you got everything you need? Shiny is around here somewhere...

I'm real glad you liked it. Any left, please bring 'em over to Tranquility; they'll keep if your cooling system's good. Your Cap'n went on up forward to the bridge, talk to Commander Zero.


posted by Shinyfrye:
I love these old firefly engines.

Ain't they sweet? She can really go, too. Your cap'n brought me a new block for the port rotor housing, I just need your help to pull it out nice and straight, help pull the old cracked block out, and then put it all back. This part here's too much for only two hands.

*Together they remove the large, heavy machine part and carefully put it down. They work easily together, each knowing what the ship wants and how to put her back together the best way.*

Shinyfrye: That wasn't bad at all. *puts her hands on her hips and stretches back to get the kinks out* Okay, let's get to those fuel cells.

I'm right behind you.


Saturday, April 19, 2008 11:34 PM




*enters the infirmary and makes a surprised face* She hasn't been killed yet? Hmm... *looks at Upperson* What IS your name, anyway?

My name is Linn Jansen people used to call me Up or Upper due to me being so restless. Guess your trained ape curbed that habit *looks at feet pointedly* May I please get some answers now? I'm harmless, I promise.*looks at the doctor winningly*


*enters infirmary with trays of soup and dumplings for Spinebite and Upperson*

*at tillie* Thank you so much! *reaches for food* I'm Lin by the way.



finishes eating, sets bowl down, and turns to Upperson* Don't think I'm through with you yet.

*glares at spinebite's retreating back*

*snorts* What a charmer.


Sunday, April 20, 2008 3:13 AM



Originally posted by TillieSong:

posted by Dockat:
Great food you made - not ate like that for a long spell! So, er, has our Cap'n been here? I was just needing to speak to him. Have you got everything you need? Shiny is around here somewhere...

I'm real glad you liked it. Any left, please bring 'em over to Tranquility; they'll keep if your cooling system's good. Your Cap'n went on up forward to the bridge, talk to Commander Zero.


posted by Shinyfrye:
I love these old firefly engines.

Ain't they sweet? She can really go, too. Your cap'n brought me a new block for the port rotor housing, I just need your help to pull it out nice and straight, help pull the old cracked block out, and then put it all back. This part here's too much for only two hands.

*Together they remove the large, heavy machine part and carefully put it down. They work easily together, each knowing what the ship wants and how to put her back together the best way.*

Shinyfrye: That wasn't bad at all. *puts her hands on her hips and stretches back to get the kinks out* Okay, let's get to those fuel cells.

I'm right behind you.

* they walk to the fuel cells both feeling a sense of accomplishment. they prep the fuel cell harness and both look at the interior. *

"tillie, it looks like the electrolyte compound isn't conducting ions correctly. that may be affecting the cogeneration of 'waste heat'. if we can fix that, it will be a big improvement."

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Sunday, April 20, 2008 3:22 AM


"The fuel cell matrix may be damaged beyond what we can fix here but like i said we can get her limpin' faster and back to a repair station. I'll tune the reformer a bit, but that's all I can see to do with what we have.
hope that's ok with you, bein' your baby 'n all."

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Sunday, April 20, 2008 3:53 AM


***************** intercom ********************

hey all, i have an announcement that grieves me some...
your captain ain't be seen nor heard from in a long bit, and that ain't no way to treat a loyal crew.
so... i hereby relieve him of duty.
commander zero will be 'acting captain' 'til such time as she steps down or other plans are arranged or you choose a different captain.
i would like it if someone would wave me with an update here:


or my secure channel here:

also, looks like repairs are nearing finish, so we'll be off your boat soon.
thanks to you all for your hospitality.

1 last request:
LTSHEPARD of the VFF INDEPENDENCE is creating a weekly bulletin in the format of the "Eavesdown Runner"
[the bulletin that Badger waved in front of mal in the pilot]
called the GREENLEAF INFORMANT [very shiny-looks just like it].
we need 1 person [or more] to email or post a weekly update on major events that happened on your ship.
here's both of our secure channels:

thanks again,

xie xie SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Sunday, April 20, 2008 5:32 AM


*sneaks aboard the Wash*



98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Sunday, April 20, 2008 6:06 AM


Very well Upper. Ask us what you want, we'll answer.

Wuo duh ma...


Sunday, April 20, 2008 6:57 AM


Oh, simple things really Doctor. *smiles at Blueredgreen* Like where are we, when are we? Who are all of you? How soon will I be able to walk? Just sitting in a bed all the time is getting on my nerves.

*Fiddles with the blanket* Also, I've been hearing things about a missing captain. I...I'm worried that my arrival may have something to do with his disappearance... Not intentionally you understand? *Looks worried* But as a side effect of the experiment.


Sunday, April 20, 2008 7:33 AM


Well, we're on a firefly-class ship called The Wash, early 26th century, we are the crew of this ship, and if you're lucky, you'll be able to walk with some assistance in a few days. Maybe on your own in weeks. And... the captain... who knows where he went off to. Couldn't take the responsibility, is likely.

Wuo duh ma...


Sunday, April 20, 2008 7:39 AM


*sneaks back over to Tranquility*


98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Sunday, April 20, 2008 7:54 AM



all TRANQUILITY crew members please reboard TRANQUILITY.
the INDEPENDENCE now needs our help.


.............................THRUSTERS FIRE

xie xie SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Sunday, April 20, 2008 8:19 AM


Thank you doctor. glad to hear that it wont be too long until I can do something constructive. *smiles and lies down* Think I'll get some sleep now.


Sunday, April 20, 2008 9:14 AM


Alright then, in the meantime I'm going to lock you in here. Still not sure if we can trust you or not. *walks out of the infirmary, closes and locks the door, and begins looking around the ship for CommanderZero*

Wuo duh ma...


Sunday, April 20, 2008 9:14 AM



Sunday, April 20, 2008 11:04 AM


(wrong post, sorry)


Sunday, April 20, 2008 11:24 AM



posted by ShinyFrye:

"The fuel cell matrix may be damaged beyond what we can fix here but like i said we can get her limpin' faster and back to a repair station. I'll tune the reformer a bit, but that's all I can see to do with what we have.
hope that's ok with you, bein' your baby 'n all."

*heads upstairs from the bay after seeing the Tranquility crew off* What a nice bunch o' folks on that boat. That ShinyFrye was real pleasant, and she gets how I feel about you. *sliding her hand along the hull as she walks* Bet she feels the same way about Tranquility. Bet that's her baby.

Gotta talk to Commander --no, make that Captain-- Zero about getting us dirtside soon so as I can make a better repair to that matrix. I'm not exactly lovin' the way that reformer sounds, either.

*stops at the galley to make herself a cup of tea, looks around for her cup and finds it on the dining table with a handful of wildflowers and straw in it like a bouquet. She picks it up to examine it more closely, and a small folded piece of paper drops from the underside of the cup onto the table. The paper reads: Thank you for supper, LF* Ain't that sweet. Who's LF? *decides against tea, carries the cup with the little bouquet with her back to the engine room, and puts the cup in one of the nooks next to her hammock* That's real purty. Nice homey touch. *snuggles against her new pillow, and drifts to sleep*


Sunday, April 20, 2008 12:09 PM



Originally posted by spinebite:
*finishes eating, sets bowl down, and turns to Upperson* Don't think I'm through with you yet. *exits medbay, goes to bridge* Tillie said that you wanted to talk with me, commander?

Spine, I just wanted to make sure you knew not to harm that young one on board. The Upperton one. I don't need you going trigger happy on civilians that sneaked on board... not unless... I say so.

*She sighs* I also believe that you already know that the Captain ain't coming back. Means I'll be taking over Captain duties. Now that Shadow and his crew have reboarded Tranquility, I'm planning on having Tot take us dirtside. I got a job lined up for us on Jiangyin. I need you and the crew fully prepared before we land...

As for other things... I want you to be my first mate (unless you dont want to), but you can still take care of mercenary duties. I just need another gunhand on board. I'll need you to find one for me. We'll see if we can pick one up on Jiangyin and if not, we'll have to find us one somewhere else.

*Tot comes up to the bridge*

Tot: Umm... am I interrupting?

Nah, Spine was just about to leave.

*Spine grumbles and walks off the bridge*

Tot: Where's CaptainWalker?

Afraid, he ain't coming back. I'm in charge now...

Tot: *her eyes are wide* Oh... Ok...

I need you to take us Jiangyin. It's only about 1 week away, so let's get going now.


Sunday, April 20, 2008 12:42 PM


*enters the bridge* There you are! And, weren't we going on a job for Badge that the... former... captain arranged?

Wuo duh ma...


Sunday, April 20, 2008 1:05 PM


ni hao WASHers.
just making it official. COMMANDER ZERO has been promoted to captain of the VFF WASH.

VFF 'WASH' - ID# 03-K64-FFF-03
COMMISSIONED: Friday, March 28, 2008 07:05

safe jouneys from the crew of TRANQUILITY.

xie xie SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Sunday, April 20, 2008 3:43 PM


*before exiting bridge* Don't worry, I'll be your first mate. Jiangyin is a long way from Cosack. Are we abandoning Badger's job? Not that I particularly care, but it could stir up trouble for us in the future.

Cap'n Zero:We've got no choice. Walker held all the particulars in his head.

Spinebite:I see. *exits bridge, goes down to medbay, starts sharpening knife in plain view of Upperson* (to Upperson):I told you that I wasn't through with you.

"Pain is scary."


Sunday, April 20, 2008 3:43 PM


*before exiting bridge* Don't worry, I'll be your first mate. Jiangyin is a long way from Cosack. Are we abandoning Badger's job? Not that I particularly care, but it could stir up trouble for us in the future.

Cap'n Zero:We've got no choice. Walker held all the particulars in his head.

Spinebite:I see. *exits bridge, goes down to medbay, starts sharpening knife in plain view of Upperson* (to Upperson):I told you that I wasn't through with you.

"Pain is scary."


Sunday, April 20, 2008 3:43 PM


*before exiting bridge* Don't worry, I'll be your first mate. Jiangyin is a long way from Cosack. Are we abandoning Badger's job? Not that I particularly care, but it could stir up trouble for us in the future.

Cap'n Zero:We've got no choice. Walker held all the particulars in his head.

Spinebite:I see. *exits bridge, goes down to medbay, starts sharpening knife in plain view of Upperson* (to Upperson):I told you that I wasn't through with you.

"Pain is scary."


Sunday, April 20, 2008 3:43 PM


*before exiting bridge* Don't worry, I'll be your first mate. Jiangyin is a long way from Cosack. Are we abandoning Badger's job? Not that I particularly care, but it could stir up trouble for us in the future.

Cap'n Zero:We've got no choice. Walker held all the particulars in his head.

Spinebite:I see. *exits bridge, goes down to medbay, starts sharpening knife in plain view of Upperson* (to Upperson):I told you that I wasn't through with you.

"Pain is scary."


Sunday, April 20, 2008 3:43 PM


*before exiting bridge* Don't worry, I'll be your first mate. Jiangyin is a long way from Cosack. Are we abandoning Badger's job? Not that I particularly care, but it could stir up trouble for us in the future.

Cap'n Zero:We've got no choice. Walker held all the particulars in his head.

Spinebite:I see. *exits bridge, goes down to medbay, starts sharpening knife in plain view of Upperson* (to Upperson):I told you that I wasn't through with you.

"Pain is scary."


Sunday, April 20, 2008 3:43 PM


*before exiting bridge* Don't worry, I'll be your first mate. Jiangyin is a long way from Cosack. Are we abandoning Badger's job? Not that I particularly care, but it could stir up trouble for us in the future.

Cap'n Zero:We've got no choice. Walker held all the particulars in his head.

Spinebite:I see. *exits bridge, goes down to medbay, starts sharpening knife in plain view of Upperson* (to Upperson):I told you that I wasn't through with you.

"Pain is scary."


Sunday, April 20, 2008 4:11 PM


*to CommanderZero* I suppose you're right. Though I hope this doesn't hurt us in the future...
*walks off to the galley, grabs a small snack, and returns to the Medbay* So, Spinebite, I trust that you'd be more then capable of putting her down in case she causes any trouble? I don't trust her, stowing away on The Wash like she did... and the fact that she came at you with a knife isn't such a pleasant thought either. Plus, her explaination...... seems like she's a crackhead or something.

Wuo duh ma...


Sunday, April 20, 2008 5:12 PM


*sighs and looks to Zero with a sad expression*
I can't beleive that CaptainWalker left like that...was it something I did? Was I not a good enough pilot?


Sunday, April 20, 2008 7:34 PM


*refreshed after her nap, Tillie goes forward to the bridge to talk to Zero; overhears*


posted by Tatertot:

*sighs and looks to Zero with a sad expression*
I can't believe that CaptainWalker left like that...was it something I did? Was I not a good enough pilot?

*gives Tate a big hug* Oh, Jordyn honey, you're a great pilot! Cap'n Walker leaving us is not. your. fault!

*looks over the top of Tate's head at Zero, giving a "help me out here" look*

Zero: Uh, yeah...*shrugs her shoulders*

*Tillie glares at Zero*
Listen sweetie, he did NOT leave on account of you. You've got to know that. You have been doing so great ever since you been here. When Tranquility was getting ready to dock you kept her so nice and steady, they had a real easy time of it. *kisses the top of her head* Honey, I know it's hard to understand, but sometimes people do things we don't know why. It ain't the kids' fault if mama and baba fight or if one of 'em leaves, and it sure ain't your fault Cap'n Walker went away, 'kay? I mean it. And another thing: you would'a never got to sit in that chair you didn't know your stuff, pilotwise. You got hired fresh outta school, it's true, but you learned your training real well and you been doin' your teachers proud ever since you been on the Wash. You handle 'er like a pro, 'n I mean that. *Tate looks up at Tillie and smiles*

Now Cap'n Zero, I heard you say we're going to Jiangyin. About how long we'll be there, do you think? Cuz I need to do some serious repairs in a real station. Now, Jiangyin -- y'ever been there? Well, it's a dump; backwater, backwards, and folks got some real strange ideas about hospitable behaviour. Anyhow, ain't no place on that rock for me to work on the fuel cells.

Greenleaf has the kind of station I need, with the facilities and all the equipment to get the Wash up to safe running condition. It's only ten hours from Jiangyin, and one of the shuttles can make it there and back easy. If I can load the bad fuel cells into the shuttle's cargo hold, I can fly off, fix the damage, and fly back in two days.

*Zero raises her eyebrow at Tillie*

Cap'n, believe me when I tell you this repair is needed. You can wave Tranquility and talk it over with Cap'n Shadow and ShinyFrye if you don't take my word on it, but it's gotta be done.

Zero: Greenleaf? Are you out of your mind?

I've lived and worked on Alliance planets before, and my trader badges get me respect, and no questions asked. Doing repairs ain't illegal. Not me or the shuttle or the fuel cells will be at risk while I'm there, I promise you that.

Zero: It does sound like a good plan, but I'll have to get back to you on it. I have to see how long our job on Jiangyin will take. *seeing Tillie's look of frustration* And I do realize that the problems with the fuel cells are serious. Captain Shadow told me about it when we discussed my becoming captain.

Thank you, Cap'n. I'll be aft if you need me.


Monday, April 21, 2008 6:03 AM



starts sharpening knife in plain view of Upperson* .

Wakes up to annoying scraping sound and sees Spinebite


to Upperson):I told you that I wasn't through with you.

How wonderful! Other girls get to wake up to Prince Charming, but not me, oh no, I get this *glares viciously at Spinebite*

While you're busy with that knife, hand me the gun and we can have a little re-enactment of our previous encounter, with one important difference! I'm more than a fair shot, and at this range, I'm sure I could pick off what I wanted to...*winces at pain in hand, and lies back again. calms down*

Oh I wish you wouldn't stand there trying to look intimidating. I really am already quite as frightend as I am going to be, you know. *sulks*



returns to the Medbay* So, Spinebite, I trust that you'd be more then capable of putting her down in case she causes any trouble? I don't trust her, stowing away on The Wash like she did... and the fact that she came at you with a knife isn't such a pleasant thought either. Plus, her explaination...... seems like she's a crackhead or something.

*Gapes openmouthed at Blueredgreen, and sits forward on the bed*

I'm right here, you know? Right here. No need to talk to the homicidal maniac crackhead on that side of the room. I'm perfectly sane, and believe you me, I don't particularly like what happened here either. And if this is the 26th century then everyone I ever knew is DEAD. *shuts up suddenly looking shocked*

*Says quietly to Blueredgreen*

However, if you are really a doctor, and this is really a spaceship... then I have to discuss something confidential with you...later *glares piercingly at Spinebite* private.


Monday, April 21, 2008 6:35 AM


*sighs as she sits up on the bridge pulling out her gun and a cloth and wiping it down* Well Tot. You heard. Take us to Jiangyin.

Tot: *still seems confused* I just don't understand it...

*Zero looks at her* What? Why we're going to Jiangyin?

Tot: No... why the Captain left.

*Zero stands again, placing a hand on Tot's shoulder* Look, Tot... if you're still wondering why the Captain left, none of us know why, alright? It wasn't 'cause you weren't a good enough pilot or Blue wasn't a good enough Doctor. Ya'll are doing great in my eyes. If you weren't I would have already had you off the ship. Now, if you wouldn't mind, my kind pilot, I'd like to get to Jiangyin as soon as possible.

Tot: Alright. We'll be out of atmo in five.

Good. *smiles as she heads down to the engine room where she sees Tillie*
Tillie, I've decided to let you take the shuttle to Greenleaf, but I want you to take Tot with you. I'll have Spine and... the Doc will be handling a gun for me until we have a new gunhand. So you do your thing on Greenleaf and get back to Jiangyin and dock as quickly and quietly as possible. Got it?

Tille: Yes, ma'am. Thanks Captain.

Yeah, just don't get caught.

Tille: I won't...

*Zero now heads down to the infirmary where she sees the Doc and Upperton with Spinebite cleaning his knife nearby*
Hey, Doc, on Jiangyin I'm gonna need you to be a gunhand.

Doc: I take bullets out of people. I don't put them in.

First time for everything, ain't there? As for you *looks at Upperton as she's sleeping*... Find anything interesting about her Doc? Name... where she's from? Anything?

Doc: Yes, actually. Her name is Linn Jansen. People call her Upper, I guess.

Hm. Well that's a whole ton of information, ain't it? *Sees Upperton wake up and threaten Spinebite*

Huh, I guess I'll have you stay here when on Jiangyin, Doc. I don't want her wandering around and messing anything up. Keep a close eye on her Doc. See if you can find out where she's from and how the hell she got on my gorram boat.

*exits the infirmary*
Ni shi na li ren...


Monday, April 21, 2008 9:00 AM


*****Incoming Message From The Book*******

Hey Captain Zero. Just wanted to welcome you to the fleet...again...I Captain now. Hell you know what I mean.

The Book's around if you need assistance. Not sure how fast we'll be able to get to you if you have a need, but we'll do our best.

See ya in the Black







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