RP GR "Adventures in GunRunning" ACT 16

UPDATED: Wednesday, May 19, 2004 12:54
VIEWED: 17804
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Sunday, May 2, 2004 7:56 PM


ACT 15:

{link to Cast and Bio thread}
coming soon!

Tools and tricks for the hip RPer.

Storyline work and a place for the acKtors to hang out.
OOC 15

Includes episode synopses and links to all the threads for prior acts

Guest DireKtor - DragonflyDireKtor { AIM, MSN }
Guest Asst. DireKtor - MercedesTroy { AIM}
GameMaster - Geezer { }
Co-Director - FrauDirektor {, MSN, AIM: MissAstriana, Yahoo!: MissAstriana, ICQ: 9592266}
Co-Director - Channain {; AIM}
Minion - DirektorsSmeagol { } , MSN, AIM)


None have been established yet. Each player has a unique style for posting a move that is consistent within itself. You'll catch on!

EOM = End of Move
OOC = Out Of Character
POV = Point Of View

Last but not least, the Gunrunners would like to extend a big THANK YOU to Joss Whedon for creating a whole new 'verse for us to play in, and to Haken for giving us a bright, shiny new sandbox theater!



Sunday, May 2, 2004 8:26 PM


Book's Move

His jaw set and his eyes focused, yet distant, Book sits stiffly in Simon's small folding chair. The letter left behind by Simon, specifically for him, held tightly in his hands. He took it with him. He took the damnable machine with him.

Book stares through the paper in his hands, down and out through the hull of the ship into the blackness of space and the imaginings of his mind. Why would he want to use it again? He's seen the effects on himself.

Book's vision snaps back into focus onto the paper in front of him. He scans the handwriting. So carefully written. Almost painfully precise and perfect. He can't be thinking right. To want to use it on someone else, he's lost sight of himself.

Carefully folding the letter back up, Book slips it into its envelope and tucks it into the back of his Bible for further perusal later. He stands and walks the two steps to the door, dims the light, and slides open the door panel. He steps nonchalantly into the empty hallway, notes River's still-empty room and walks into the common area. He takes his favorite seat and begins to think again.



Sunday, May 2, 2004 9:04 PM


OK quick location recap the tick of 1311hrs or 1:11 PM AMT or thereabouts.

Rowan, Mal, Wash, Thorne, Inara.
Wash's & Zoe's Dorm
Engine Room
Passenger Common Area
Cargo Bay
Merz, Jayne, Damon
River is everywhere!

{OOC - The others can goto hezmana fer now - direKtor tired... make corrections ta'marrie}

"Observe Analyze & Respond"
Motto of the A.P.E.s
Alliance Protean Engineers


Monday, May 3, 2004 12:57 AM


MERZ move


Sure, we can use ya. I'm Jayne, and I do not believe we been introduced. I'm gonna push this crate to the wall with the mule, you take off the wheels and pop 'em onto another crate, then Damon secures it with the chains. You think you can handle that? Ya put the wheels on like this.

She watches his demonstration of how to remove and reposition the wheels silently, while listening to him natter on. oh, woodpeckers, huh. i think that is some sort of bird. still makes no sense.

He has introduced himself, though, and it is high time MERZ returned the favor. “Nice to meet you JAYNE. They call me MERZ.”

She removes the wheels from the current crate and follows JAYNE and the mule to the new target. There is something . . . satisfactory about being here and doing this, but MERZ just can’t put a finger on why. She does not contribute much to the conversation but tries to laugh along if it seems appropriate. She will remember the jokes – someday they will make sense. . . .


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Monday, May 3, 2004 6:20 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

OOC: WHOA... monster post!

Rowan's Move
Early afternoon-ish

DAMON: "Hey, captain says there's gonna be a meeting at 3 in the cargo hold."

Rowan gives a quick wave of acknowledgement with one hand as she continues working her way onto the cortex with the other. Reflecting on the idiosyncrasies of Serenity's crew, and taking in the dinosaur toys on the console, she's already decided which would be the easiest access code to utilize.

Login: WWarren
Passcode: Rex


Rowan shakes her head ruefully and makes a note to talk to the captain about cortex security protocols. Browncoats are generally just a bit more paranoid about certain things. Maybe there was hope for him yet. A home site for a micro-subsidiary of Blue Sun specializing in vintage action figures appears as Reynolds continues.

MAL on the intercom:
"Guess they deserve a little time. Speaking of that ... eh, hold on, I'll be up there in a tick."

ROWAN to herself: This should be interesting. Haven't seen him since yesterday. Wonder if he still remembers my name?

Hearing his footsteps behind her, she moves on to the UBA (Universal Billiards Association) and logs in. Her reception box has only one new message in it, apologizing for the delay in distribution of the New Hokkaido tournament packet. The same message warns of a mutation of the yìchang virus, which has caused a temporary glitch in the SBA's Blue Sun based systems. Rowan can't help but smile, and silently wishes the last remnant of the Revolution's techno-terror attack on the Alliance a very happy birthday. She logs off again and is just powering the cortex down when Mal steps up behind her.

MAL "As I was saying - time off. I think it may be time for this crew to have a little RnR after the drop. A little vacation for my crew on New Hokkaido. And I seem to remember hearing about you playing in a game tournament there dirtside or something like that. So I have ta ask - You conversant with all the ...waggles his eyebrows and grins... relaxin' like amenities at" ... pauses a half second to remember ... "Uchigatana?"

Considering that suggestive eyebrow waggling, Rowan figures he's probably not interested in the new opera house or the VR-based entertainment center. The new companion house may have finished construction, but Rowan's inkling is that Mal is looking for something a bit more "down-home" like Frannie's, or better yet, the Solfyre Tavern. She's about to tell him as such when Wash makes his way past them both and takes a seat in the gunner's chair. After watching him come in, Reynolds holds up a finger to her.

"Hold on to that thought Miss, I got'ta talk to my poor over-worked, over-hormoned pilot for a sec."

Over-hormoned, is it? Spoken like a fella who hasn't been "hormoned" enough, obviously. The captain's attention being purely focused on his pilot, Rowan wonders what the man did to get his quiet little reprimand. When she hears the words, flat spin she's poised to get back out of Wash's chair when suddenly Reynolds grabs the gunner's chair by the back and gives it a few good shoves. Watching Wash spin around while hanging on to the seat, Rowan starts to consider whether or not the good captain has been dipping into Thorne's quality tequila while no one else is looking.

"Training exercise and seat bearing check. Viva the revolution."

ROWAN to herself: Viva the Revolution. (she smiles) Indeed.

She's about to suggest the captain could definitely use a little time at the Solfyre - where it's said all the oldest sins are committed in the newest ways - when there seems to be a minor convergence on the bridge. First Thorne bringing up some captainy business about a drop site (locked and loaded? Where are they headed anyway?), then Inara with concerns about the chair Wash is in - and rightly so - and finally Jayne on the intercom with plans to space the tequila pond under the cargo bay deck plating, all while Wash is starting to look just a tad green.

And who ever said life on a Firefly was dull?

INARA softly:
There has been a call for you in my shuttle, asked me to inform you when it came.

Rowan's heart starts pumping more in trepidation than anticipation. She still hasn't really had time to formulate what she wanted to say to Aislin, and honestly didn't expect to hear from her at least until tomorrow. Usually if a Companion is engaged that means there's a client involved, and most engagements can last an entire day or more. But when Inara straightens and fairly announces to the throng that they're headed back to her shuttle to discuss something, Rowan's early warning instincts flare automatically. Even Inara's more genuine smile isn't much in the way of reassurance, but she rises to follow anyway until she gets that "captain-like" look from Reynolds.

"Please, still holding."

Well, he is the captain after all. And as she's standing there, watching him answer all matters put to his attention in rapid-fire succession - including Wash's permission to hurl - she finds herself admiring the man. Officer's coat or not, the man has charisma and stronger command skills than most of the officers she ever met. In that aspect, he reminds her of the sergeant on the guard contingent at the Independent HQ who once told her that, "Men who know how to lead men into hellfire don't generally make very good officers."

In the end that sergeant was the same man who carried her away from the hellfire. The same one she buried on a moon halfway between the Independent capital on Pleiades and Osiris.

Meanwhile, Wash is just getting greener by the second.

ROWAN forcefully: "Captain, you make that man hurl, and you'll be cleaning it up your own self."


Yìchang = Storm

We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche


Monday, May 3, 2004 6:39 AM


Wash's Move:
Location - Bridge

(Wash spins in the gunner’s chair, the hint of a smile on his face this time, as Zoë enters the bridge… He puts his foot down and suddenly stops in front of Zoë, and leaps from the chair grabs Zoë, and dips and kisses her, while saying:)

Wash: “You win!”

(Wash returns Zoë to her full upright position, and then laughs, and says to Mal:

Wash: “I love my job, my wife, and even you, captain, sir.” (turns to Rowan) “Just kidding about hurlin’ miss, I’ve pulled more G’s running from Alliance cruisers, than that chair could give. Now, why are you in my chair? This would have never happened if I was a sittin’ in my chair, the buckles are too good, but then again, I prefer spinnin’ to other things that captain could do…”


Decoy, they make me go first.


Monday, May 3, 2004 7:25 AM



"All Right Folks, Lissen Up!" Mal growls menacingly.

Suprised by his tone, Inara turns and folds her hands neatly before her, the picture of the passive crewmember--inwardly she bristles at his stern tone.

She watches as Mal addresses everyone on the bridge, turning from one to the next, to the next, tackling all their concerns like the leader he is. After a momentary chat with the intercomm, he turns his attention to her, a smoldering glint in his eyes she's not sure she's ever seen there before. To her suprise, Mal extends a foot and executes a perfect genteel bow, before bringing those eyes up to meet hers once again.

"Madam Companion, if I may share a word with you in a ...brow furrows as he thinks hard... nonce?"

Inara Sera is never struck dumb, it's just a fact of life. Her training is too perfect, her Companion facade too firmly in place. This moment has brought her as close to speechlessness as she can remember being.

Executing a small formal curtsey out of habit--a mere bending of the knees and bowing of the head, Inara nods to Mal..."My time is yours until this eve, Capitan." Inara winces inwardly at the verbal barb--she couldn't help but allude to the night's rendez vous with Thorne...Mal had just ignored her too well too often.

As she waits, Inara breathes a brief prayer--"ah Tianna--please let Aislin be as anxious to see her sister as she always was--and as quick to answer"

Just a humble supplicant in service to all things Joss


Monday, May 3, 2004 7:48 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan's Move
Early afternoon-ish

Wash: “I love my job, my wife, and even you, captain, sir.” (turns to Rowan) “Just kidding about hurlin’ miss, I’ve pulled more G’s running from Alliance cruisers than that chair could give. Now, why are you in my chair? This would have never happened if I was a sittin’ in my chair, the buckles are too good, but then again, I prefer spinnin’ to other things that captain could do…”

ROWAN to herself: Okay, so he's just LIKE that. And how much shinier could that be? Zoe's a lucky woman.

Judging by Zoe's smile, it's obvious she's well aware of the prize she's married - for better and for worse. Staving off a sharp little wave of envy, she meets Wash's gaze as she answers.

ROWAN: "I was just checking the cortex to see if my tournament pack showed up yet. They just got hit by the new generation of the Yìchang virus, though, so I probably won't be able to get it until we land."

Still waiting for some manner of a dismissal from Reynolds, she switches to meet his twilight blue eyes as he turns to her and gives him a nod.

ROWAN: "I could probably direct you to one or two places, Captain. Good food, quality drink and better company. Wouldn't even have to look at any Feds at all for the whole time you're planet-side."


Yìchang virus - imagine the worst worm virus you've ever been subjected too. It self-replicates and has an evolution cipher. Every year or so it re-launches faster and mightier than before. It loads up an infected system with waves being sent to a non-existent address. Every year it sends more waves at a time and all it would take to stop it is the addition of one word.

We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche


Monday, May 3, 2004 8:04 AM


Time: Whatever time it is for everyone else...

ZOË leans against the doorway, watching in amusement as WASH puts his foot down and suddenly stops in front of her, leaps from the chair, grabs her, and dips and kisses her. As he returns her to her full upright position, ZOË laughs right out loud.

WASH: "I love my job, my wife, and even you, captain, sir." [turns to ROWAN] "Just kidding about hurlin’ miss, I’ve pulled more G’s running from Alliance cruisers, than that chair could give. Now, why are you in my chair? This would have never happened if I was a sittin’ in my chair, the buckles are too good, but then again, I prefer spinnin’ to other things that captain could do…"

Still smiling at her husband's antics, ZOË leans back against the doorframe, quietly taking in the conversation around her.

ROWAN: "I was just checking the cortex to see if my tournament pack showed up yet. They just got hit by the new generation of the Yìchang virus, though, so I probably won't be able to get it until we land. [turns to MAL] I could probably direct you to one or two places, Captain. Good food, quality drink and better company. Wouldn't even have to look at any Feds at all for the whole time you're planet-side.

ZOË (to herself): "An' maybe a little privacy... What I wouldn't give for a vacation that included some form o' privacy an' downtime all rolled up together..."

Suppressing a small sigh at the thought, ZOË nods approval at ROWAN and waits for the rest of MAL's orders.

End Move.

OOC: Edited a bit for flow & added fun bits.


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Monday, May 3, 2004 8:21 AM


Jayne's Move:
1:45 PM

"Nice to meet you JAYNE. They call me MERZ."

"Merz? Huh. You got some moves on ya. Like a circus acrobat or sumtin'. You some sort a performer, maybe a dancer? I knew this one girl Leena, she could make a grown man cry the way she... danced."

Jayne suddenly stops the mule and leans back to shout to Damon.

"Hey, that reminds me of another one! Lady gets a call from the 'mergency room. Husband's been shot. The Doc tells her it went through his spine and he's paralysed. She's gotta feed him, an' she starts sobbin'. She's gotta turn him in bed every two hours, an' she starts cryin'. She's gotta clean his se, an' she starts wailin'. Then the Doc says, 'Nah, I'm just messin' with ya, he's dead!'"

Jayne shares laughter with Damon, and looks over to Merz. She doesn't look like she's really enjoying the joke, but laughing along anyways, awkward and mechanical. Still smiling broadly, he talks to her invitingly.

"Let's see what you think is funny. You tell us a joke, Merz."


Monday, May 3, 2004 8:54 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan's Move
Leaning into mid-afternoon-ish

ROWAN: "As to the tournament, that's probably just an idea the UC chamber of commerce came up with to get the UBA out to the rim with its press corps and Blue Sun sponsorship. They've got a powerful need for expansion out there since they became an Alliance outpost. Trying to grow themselves up nice and shiny for the svelte and flush while 20 percent of the population is still homeless. Still, you're certainly welcome to attend. I could probably even scrounge some tickets. Choice seats too. You could see the play without field glasses."

Glancing at Zoe, an idea comes to fruition as she considers what life on a Firefly must be like for an "over-hormoned" married couple.

ROWAN: "The Greentree spa was built around the hot springs, and their rates were still pretty reasonable, last I checked. Best privacy policy in the 'verse too - harkens back to when the old magistrate used to keep it for his exclusive use."


UBA - Universal Billiards Association

OOC: Capn said fun and frolick during our RnR!

We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche


Monday, May 3, 2004 9:49 AM


Damon's turn:
1:45 PM


Originally posted by Saint Jayne:
"Hey, that reminds me of another one! Lady gets a call from the 'mergency room. Husband's been shot. The Doc tells her it went through his spine and he's paralysed. She's gotta feed him, an' she starts sobbin'. She's gotta turn him in bed every two hours, an' she starts cryin'. She's gotta clean his se, an' she starts wailin'. Then the Doc says, 'Nah, I'm just messin' with ya, he's dead!'"

"Let's see what you think is funny. You tell us a joke, Merz."

Damon secures the container he was moving at the top of the large group. He looks down at Merz and Jayne below. Somehow he doesn't think Merz was ever really a dancer and from what he saw when she was helping him with the cannon, he doesn't think she needs to be shown how to work any of this equipment either.

He attaches the last chain and hops down to the floor.

"Jayne, I think we're just about done here."

1:50 PM

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Monday, May 3, 2004 11:18 AM


Slight breathes heavily. The nanyte foe has fallen to the floor. It has barely hit the ground before it falls apart and zooms toward him. Various cuts and bruises litter his body, and his chest bleeds freely. The armor covers his body, and clicking in an almost genlte fashion begins to apply enzymes and vitamins, helping him to heal rapidly. In an hour, the bruises will have faded, the cuts nearly gone.
A beep interupts his reverie. The remote com is informing him he has a message.
Slight climbs carefully to the shuttle, and opens the Cortex. Tapping a few choice buttons, he sets the system image focus to a blur, and shifts the sound to distort. Bouncing it around on relays to make it untraceable, he opens the channel.

"You are aware, old friend, that this is a rather bad time."
The darkly hued man smiles in return. "I thought you might want to be informed of Blue Sun activity on Hera, M'Lord."
Slight blinks. The Blue Sun informant was only careful on codenames. Everything else, he was blunt and to the point.
"You don't say."
"I do."
"Pretty quick of you. Couldn't have been that big if you've heard of it. No offense."
The informant shrugs, dropping his smile. "None taken. But this one was very big. They didn't bother with zealots." Slight is surprised. Big indeed.
"Now drop the other shoe."
"They sent all three elite classes to recover the cargo in question."
Slight shrugs. "Drakes are good pilots and shooters. They can't handle much physically, and Vampire's aren't even a finished technology yet. Nemesis are generally the best thing for any ritual. If it took three tries, I imagine the powers are very upset."
"You misunderstand." Slight suddenly realizes how serious the mans expression is. "One of each class was sent. All three. As a team."
Slight shakes his head, bewildered. "Impossible. The dogma dictates-"
"Two by two. I know. The operative was some sort of Alliance offshoot of the Blue Sun doctrine. The cargo... I don't know what it was. All I know is it is-was, being defended by something called a Troy. The Drake and the Vampire are dead. The Troy is still alive, probably still on Hera. But the Nemesis has the cargo, and he's currently recovering the key."
Slight reaches for his cigarettes, lighting one. "Key?"
"Only way to open the cargo."
"How cliched."
"It should be. From what I could get, it's centuries old."
Slight nods. "Thank you, old friend."
"A pleasure, M'Lord."

Slight cuts off the transmit, and deletes the path. He takes a long drag, considering. This was interesting. First of all, Mercedes Troy. He seriously doubted it was the same one on Serenity. First of all, she was not only alive. She was healthy and uninjured. After three such operatives, she could not have walked away hurt-free. Secondly, he had been with her until the ship had left. Presumably. So it was impossible for the results of the OP to occur that fast.
However, it did explain one or two things. The mechanical manner, and most unsettling, the utter blankness of her mind to the sensitivity. It was possible that the Alliance had allowed the Blue Sun to work with them so closely to create some sort of defense against the sensitives. So.
"After over a millenia of technical progress, we can still get locked out of a box with a key." He shrugs. "Well, it seems to work, so what the hell."

You see I cannot be forsaken/Because I'm not the only one.


Monday, May 3, 2004 11:56 AM


Kaylee's Move
Location: Engine Room

Kaylee hears Jayne's instructions about venting the cargo bay. Struggling up from her troubling thoughts about Simon, she turns to leave the engine room. She spies the toolbox sitting next to the doorway.

"Huh. Guess that Merz musta brought it back," she thinks.

Working her way towards the cargo bay, she passes through the empty galley. Voices carry down from the bridge. Seems to be a lot of folks up there. Entering the common room, she sees Book sitting on the couch. He appears to be lost in thought. She can sympathize.

"Hey, Sheperd. Sumthin' boterin' ya?"

End Move

"I love my Captain."


Monday, May 3, 2004 1:00 PM


Hi-hi, posting. (Wow, it's amazing!) And it's short! (No suprise there!)
River walks around until she sees the doorframe of the Commons Area. She peeks her head in, and in a jovial voice, she simply says:

"Hello! I found you!"

She steps into full view.

"Freedom is the Freedom to say that 2 plus 2 make 4. If that is granted, all else follws"-Winston, 1984
Teela Brown, keeper of bad typing.
"No one reads these things any way."- Bart on Blackboard


Monday, May 3, 2004 2:14 PM


MERZ move


JAYNE Merz? Huh. You got some moves on ya. Like a circus acrobat or sumtin'. You some sort a performer, maybe a dancer? I knew this one girl Leena, she could make a grown man cry the way she... danced. . .

what would he think of me if i explain what i was doing. What do i care? no harm in it. dance . . . interesting idea, could learn dance now, even if it is useless to me. . . hum. did he, they appreciate what they saw?

She missed JAYNE’s next joke. They are laughing like loons once again. But JAYNE brought her back to reality quickly.

JAYNE Let's see what you think is funny. You tell us a joke, Merz.

MERZ just stares at him wide eyed. joke. he wants me to tell a joke! *goromute! well, it’s called fitting in, Mercedes. get used to it. and think of a gorram joke.

“It’s not really dance JAYNE. Some of it is fighting and some is acrobatics. It is a technic – to stay limber and in shape and improve my ability to fight well. I did not know it could be anything else. Did it make you want to . . . cry?"

She pauses. “I thought of a joke.”

She heard this once on the base years and years ago. In her mind it is tagged as a joke. Might as well try it out. MERZ remembers how the speaker had told it, and tries to reproduce the ebb and flow of the woman’s voice.

A woman was leaving a Blue Sun Outlet mall, when she saw a most unusual funeral procession approaching a nearby crematorium. A long, black hearse was followed by a second long, black hearse about 50 feet behind the first one. Behind the second hearse walked a solitary woman leading a pit bull on a leash. Behind her were about 200 women, walking single file.

The woman could not stand her curiosity. She respectfully approached the woman walking the dog and said “I am sorry for your loss, and I know now is a bad time to disturb you, but I have never seen a funeral like this. Whose funeral is it?”

“My husbands.”

“What happened to him?”

“My dog attacked and killed him.”

She inquired further, "Well, who is in the second hearse?"

The woman answered. "My mother-in-law. She was trying to help my husband when the dog turned on her."

A poignant and thoughtful moment of silence passed between the two women.

“Can I borrow the dog?"

"Get in line."

there. it either works or it does not. at least i tried.


*piss of bull (Nepali)

If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Monday, May 3, 2004 5:54 PM


Damon's turn:

Just when Damon thought the joke telling was over, Merz comes out with another. Already in a good mood, he can't help laughing again and gives Merz an approving look.

Jayne finishes with the last container and secures the mule. After double checking the chains, he turns and heads for the com.

EDIT: took out Damon's comment to Merz cuz it looks like they aren't ready to lock up yet

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Monday, May 3, 2004 6:11 PM


Wash's Move:
Location - Bridge

ROWAN: "The Greentree Spa was built around the hot springs, and their rates were still pretty reasonable, last I checked. Best privacy policy in the 'verse too - harkens back to when the old magistrate used to keep it for his exclusive use."

Wash: (to Bridge in general) “Oh, a Spa! I don’t want to scope out another wretched hive of scum and villainy to get a job… Somewhere private, quiet and peaceful… Oh, Captain, I haven’t asked you for anything in at least a few minutes, please can Zoë and I go? (Slightly piney) Please, not another Cantina…I promise to take a comm, and I’ll even put a power cell in it this time!"


Decoy, they make me go first.


Monday, May 3, 2004 10:45 PM


Book's Move

Book looks up slowly and ponderously as Kaylee addresses him. His eyes, somewhat blurry, find it hard to bring Kaylee into focus for a few moments, and he brings his hands up, intending to try to clear his vision, when another voice stops him and he lowers them to see a somewhat blurry River leaning through the doorway, smiling widely and as always it seemed when she smiled, innocently.

"Kaylee, River. Sit for a moment." Book pauses and gestures tiredly for both girls to sit in nearby chairs. "Did you hear? The captain wants us in the cargo bay for a meeting soon. I don't know what he wants us for."

Book looks at River, her arms in the air, swiping at invisible fireflies, and waits until her gaze finally stops on him for a moment. "River. Do you still have the memory stick? "



Tuesday, May 4, 2004 2:47 AM


Keep the Shiny side up

Thorne's Move:

Location: Bridge

Thorne guesses he'll get to tell everyone his concerns about the exchange tomorrow all at once, down in the cargo bay. Everyone's too busy planning the victory party to discuss it now. 'Not your ship, Rosie' he cautions himself again.

A word in ROWAN's remarks catches his attention.

ROWAN: "The Greentree spa was built around the hot springs, and their rates were still pretty reasonable, last I checked. Best privacy policy in the 'verse too - harkens back to when the old magistrate used to keep it for his exclusive use."

He turns to Zoe

THORNE: "Greentree is a pleasant place. If you go, ask for Micah, the manager. Tell him Rosie Thorne said to treat you well. Request the Aspen suite. It's got a tub with plenty of room for two, and a great view."

Thorne is pretty sure they'll get the suite, and good treatment. He owns half the Greentree.


"Keep the Shiny side up"


Tuesday, May 4, 2004 3:21 AM



ROWAN: "The Greentree spa was built around the hot springs, and their rates were still pretty reasonable, last I checked. Best privacy policy in the 'verse too - harkens back to when the old magistrate used to keep it for his exclusive use."

ZOË deftly supresses a start of surprise at ROWAN's comment, realizing that it would be fairly obvious to anyone with eyes that she and WASH could use some time off and alone.

WASH: "Oh, a Spa! I don't want to scope out another wretched hive of scum and villainy to get a job… Somewhere private, quiet and peaceful… Oh, Captain, I haven't asked you for anything in at least a few minutes, please can ZOË and I go? [Slightly piney] Please, not another Cantina…I promise to take a comm, and I'll even put a power cell in it this time!"

ZOË chuckles out loud, not caring who might hear, and while all eyes are on WASH, takes a moment to gaze lovingly at this man who shares her life.

ZOË (to herself): "This is why I love this man. He makes me laugh again. How could I have ever said 'no' to such a rare gift?"

THORNE turns to ZOË, and she pulls herself out of her reverie, still smiling at WASH.

THORNE: "Greentree is a pleasant place. If you go, ask for Micah, the manager. Tell him Rosie Thorne said to treat you well. Request the Aspen suite. It's got a tub with plenty of room for two, and a great view."

Before MAL can start getting upset at his plans - and his crew - being "commandeered," ZOË speaks:

ZOË: "Gotta finish the job 'fore we can really start worryin' 'bout which spa or cantina or whatever we head for. [inwardly wincing at the hurt on WASH's face] Mr. THORNE, I believe you said somethin' about needin' to be locked and loaded for the drop?"


OOC: Poor ZOË... She wants the time off as much as WASH does!


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Tuesday, May 4, 2004 6:12 AM


Keep the Shiny side up

Thorne's Move:

Location: Bridge

ZOË: "Gotta finish the job 'fore we can really start worryin' 'bout which spa or cantina or whatever we head for. Mr. THORNE, I believe you said somethin' about needin' to be locked and loaded for the drop?"

"Bless you, woman." Thorne thinks as he hears Zoe's question. "At least there's someone in this madhouse who has her head on straight. If I thought she'd leave her Captain, or that he'd survive a week if she did, I'd hire her away from this mess and give her a good ship of her own. Never happen, though."

THORNE: "That's right, Zoe. HLASTONI, my customer, is a bit paranoid at the best of times, but the place he picked for this drop suggests he's worried about unwelcome visitors for sure. An easy place to secure, and good cover, physical and electronic. As safe a location as he could find, at the expense of any ease or comfort.

I'd recommend that we go in a high state of alert: ready for trouble. Laser manned, pilot and engines ready for a quick takeoff, everyone armed. HLASTONI will be loaded for bear, you can be sure.

I'd guess that it's my no-good brother-in-law, trying to get more than his finder's fee out of this deal. Can't figure how Ellie could marry him anyway, with a name like BADGER. Hope we don't have to make her a widow."


"Keep the Shiny side up"


Tuesday, May 4, 2004 10:43 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan's Move

Hearing the urgency in Thorne's voice doesn't do anything in the way of lowering Rowan's guard. She's seen men with his eyes, heard them speak as he does and at that particular point in time the activities they were engaging in were the sort that could very easily get them shot for treason. At least now she had a pretty good idea what the little crew meeting in the cargo bay was going to be about.

Thorne: Can't figure how Ellie could marry him anyway, with a name like BADGER. Hope we don't have to make her a widow."

Rowan's eyebrows rise with interest at the mention of Badger's name, surprised first off that someone hasn't seen the benefit of shooting him yet; second, that Reynolds would get anywhere near doing business with him; and third that Thorne is apparently and unfortunately related to the xiâo erh liann hwang shu lang. Then again, Badger does tend to have his ear to the rails when it comes to just about any and all well-paying nefarious activity in the 'verse. In times like these, captains can't really afford to get too picky and still expect to survive. Who knows, Reynolds might even like the thrill of pulling something over on the Alliance. Rowan had never met a true browncoat who didn't. Turning to look directly at Mal, she sees a little flash of temper flare in his eyes.

ROWAN: "Captain, I'll be in the cargo bay at three for your orders. If you don't mind, I have a transmission coming in that I'd like to answer in Inara's shuttle."

Arms still folded, she lifts an eyebrow at Thorne in a poignant look that silently informs him that his word is dust so far as she's concerned, and follows Inara down the Bridge steps.



xiâo erh liann hwang shu lang = little two-faced weasel

We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche


Tuesday, May 4, 2004 12:24 PM


COMMONS AREA- wow, I'm saying right out where I am.
BOOK: "River. Do you still have the memory stick?"

River's mood changes. She solemly nods, and pulls the stick out of her belt, but doesn't seem to want to hold it or give it away. She just looks forward at Book, in the same solem mood.

"Freedom is the Freedom to say that 2 plus 2 make 4. If that is granted, all else follws"-Winston, 1984
Teela Brown, keeper of bad typing.
"No one reads these things any way."- Bart on Blackboard


Tuesday, May 4, 2004 5:10 PM


MERZ move


DAMON laughs and grins at her. Apparently that was an actual joke. MERZ is . . . pleased that she guessed correctly. Yes, pleased is definitely down the right track. This time spent working with the males has been rather . . . interesting. She senses a certain camaraderie between DAMON and JAYNE that actually seems to include her too at the end. i could get used to this. i do not really comprehend it yet, but i have seen it before with other . . . people.

MERZ is reluctant to say anything, does not want to break the spell; to say something wrong. She does feel the corners of her mouth want to curl up in answer to DAMON’s laugh. She suppresses it, out of habit. my first joke. wonder how many other firsts these good and patient people will witness unawares?

JAYNE has parked and secured the vehicle he was using and is heading for the com, possibly for another announcement. MERZ decides she has been barefoot long enough, and after fetching her boots, drops onto the deck to dress her feet once again. This time she will pay more attention to his words. one of these days, waiting to playback something is gonna get me iced.


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Tuesday, May 4, 2004 5:57 PM


Wash's Move:
Location - Bridge

(Wash has gone back to sitting in the gunnery chair, as sitting on the bridge, even as crowded as it is, is natural for him.)

Wash: "The Groom Lake is what's programmed in the navigation computer, Captain... Let's get in a few hours of gunnery practice, and Zoë and I'll be ready to take on any lièzhì who get in our way, and... (Look of thought painfully crosses Wash's face) maybe with this cannon, we could drop off a party, and be 'High Cover'... What do you think, boss? (Wash goes back to normal) Maybe when this is all over, we talk about vacation, ok?"

lièzhì = inferior; shoddy; trashy

Galactic Time Reference, from Navigational readout = 1325 AMT (01:25pm)


Decoy, they make me go first.


Wednesday, May 5, 2004 6:51 AM


Time: 13.25

WASH: "The Groom Lake is what's programmed in the navigation computer, Captain... Let's get in a few hours of gunnery practice, and ZOË and I'll be ready to take on any lièzhì* who get in our way, and...{Look of thought painfully crosses Wash's face} maybe with this cannon, we could drop off a party, and be 'High Cover'... What do you think, boss? {goes back to normal} Maybe when this is all over, we talk about vacation, ok?"

ZOË {to WASH}: "Maybe we should call MERZ up to the bridge, get me that training we talked about. Maybe even get in a little target practice before the meeting later. {to the room at large} Wonder if she's got that shock worked outta her system yet?"


lièzhì = inferior; shoddy; trashy

OOC: Short, sweet and to the point - for a change!


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Wednesday, May 5, 2004 6:56 AM


There was a time when Slight was actually proud of his work.
It was the time he'd died.
One particular ritual was difficult. He'd been sent with a Drake to delete a politician, who was imposing taxes and sanctions on the Corporation. What they had not expected was his expecting him.
The guard was blank. Like Merz, he was totally seperate from the two ops. Therefore, at a severe advantage. Blue Sun sensitives were trained to pry into the mind, in order to sense their reactions and predict their next move. Even so, the Drake shot the guard in the foot, as they fought in the abandoned warehouse. But the Drake failed. It was not a fatal injury. The guard shot the Drake down, and turned to face Slight.
Slight smiled, and without warning launched himself into the fight, fists and feet moving liquedly, purposefully. Even in the middle of it he could appreciate the liqued form the guard used, no waste and every shot a hit. Finally, slight drove his fist into the stomach of the guard and drove him five stories into the air. When he dropped, it was into Slights hands, who flipped him head first into the concrete floor. As he dropped the body, he became aware of clicking, and realized there were seven guards above him. He pulled out his pistols, and began twirling on the spot, firing fluidly. But the bullets reached him, and his eyes began to fade. When he awoke, he was back in the office, in the medlab. Harold Helsing strode in. He said only three words.
"I am impressed."
Later, the doctors explained that his heart had stopped. In order to keep him alive, they had changed his biology somewhat. It was, they said, the ultimate upgrade. Past this, the only change they could make would turn him into a Nemesis, which would be counterproductive at this point.

You see I cannot be forsaken/Because I'm not the only one.


Wednesday, May 5, 2004 11:24 AM


'Round abouts twenety ta 2 in the afternoon

Mal is shocked that Inara actually responded well to attempt his at being genteel. What was that comment about "Until this eve" supposed to mean? It had the feel of Inara's usual ...Atherton Wing's smug face pops into Mal mind... sharp and pointed riposte ...She'll never want to settle for a unpolished man, like... He shakes off the bad feeling and comes back to the conversation as Wash dips Zoe and applies a nice bit of the ole mouth to mouth.

grinning at Zoe and Wash then looking to Rowan with gratitude
"Thanks Miss Rowan. I am sure that spa will be just what the doc ordered. Tickets to your contest would be a helluva good thing too."

Mal frowns briefly as he thinks of Simon and Book's fears about him. Best to deal with that when it comes up. He then moves over to Inara, expression as neutral as he can get when around her.

for her ears only and looking deep into her eyes, an ember of hope glimmering in his, only momentarily slipping through his captain's facade
"Its been too long since we shared a sit on the catwalks. I hope we have time to do it again soon. I miss those times ... in normal voice ... If it is OK with you, I'll catch up with you later, after my business with Mr. Thorne is complete."

He smiles as he inclines his head in a short bow to Inara as she smiles enigmatically and follows Rowan out of the Bridge. Mal listens for a moment to Wash and Zoe's exchange.

with interest
"Yep, there is a germ of an idea there. I'll be discussing it along with others with Mr. Thorne. We'll work out a rough framework and see ya in the cargo bay at 3."

Turns and gestures for Thorne to go first down the gangway, but then turns back.

"Wash, dig up a detailed a map of the entire moon, as detailed as you can find. I got an idea that will test your claims of being a pilot."

Waggles eyebrows in mock chiding as he turns again to follow Thorne out of the Bridge and to the Galley.

Passing the starboard hall, Mal excuses himself for a moment to dog the starboard hall hatch in prep for the cargo bay dump.


"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Wednesday, May 5, 2004 2:26 PM


Wash's Move:
Location - Bridge

MAL: "Wash, dig up a detailed a map of the entire moon, as detailed as you can find. I got an idea that will test your claims of being a pilot."

Waggles eyebrows in mock chiding as he turns again to follow Thorne out of the Bridge and to the Galley.

(Wash, still sitting in the gunnery chair, Brings up a computer prompt on the console, and begins to search for the best map he can find, by placing a search query to New Hokkaido’s Local Pilot’s Guild. Maps begin to upload to Serenity…

Wash (to the console): “It’ll take 20 Minutes… Wow, got some good one’s a’ coming… Groom Lake; Let’s see a map of that, for 100 clicks… (Typing that in) Ah, let’s be careful, and sneaky” (Glances out the windows into space, and then looks carefully at the first big map of the moon, starts to say names and type them in…) “Just in case somebody’s monitoring this data stream, I’m gonna make sure nobody’s got a clue where I’m thinking of going…”

(He starts to fidget with a loose piece of trim on the console, then realizes what he’s doing…)

Wash: (Quietly, to room/self) “Kaylee got after me for that before… it was a week until she could find a spare mercury switch…” (Gets up, and sits in the pilots chair, and switches the communication system over to Inara’s shuttle that Rowan had left engaged…) “Rowan will appreciate that”

(Begins a diagnostic on the pilot’s console, and picks up his dinosaurs)

Wash (to Dinosaurs): “Ah, so you dare challenge me to 9-ball! You are a fool! You shall be defeated again, ha ha!”

The current time on New Hokkaido is 1350 AMT (01:50pm)


Decoy, they make me go first.


Wednesday, May 5, 2004 6:42 PM


Inara watches Mal when he's not aware--as she often does...though she'd never conciously admit it.

She watches as he grins with goodnatured comraderie at his first mate and pilot, watches as he glances in Rowan's direction, his visage softened, giving her a slight nod of thanks. Now he's in transition, a brief flash of concern flits across his features as he turns toward her. Here is a face she has studied so often, from behind lowered lashes, or with a quick glance, and then away...never truly revealing her interest.

Suddenly, the object of her scrutiny is turned toward her, and a slight flush creeps up the back of her neck as Mal leans in close, a strange expression on his face now...his neutral features only enhance the gleam of..what is that? Love? Trust? Hope? As suddenly as it comes, it's gone..and she's realized his lips are moving but the words haven't reached her ears. She begins to pay attention:

MAL"Its been too long since we shared a sit on the catwalks. I hope we have time to do it again soon. I miss those times ... ... If it is OK with you, I'll catch up with you later, after my business with Mr. Thorne is complete."

her voice lowered, tuned for his ears only

"of course, Mal...I've a bottle of Kaylee's wine left--I think this batch is a bit less...fresh. Come by the shuttle when you're in the mood to try it."

Inara smiles up at Mal, fancying she sees a small secret smile on his lips as he gives her a final nod.

Inara turns and smiles to Rowan, who returns the smile knowingly..."ahhh I wonder if she'll question me about this?" Inara thinks.

Rowan and Inara make their way down into the cargo area, and over to the shuttle, companionable silence stretching between comfortable as childhood friends.


*phew* my muse is gettin' wordy :( *sigh*

Just a humble supplicant in service to all things Joss


Wednesday, May 5, 2004 7:17 PM


The direKtor decrees - Time is aligned. All on Serenity are in the same timetick of round-abouts 1350hrs/1:50 PM on the 23rd day of the year 2118.

Carry on...

Now to confuse - we jump time one day for an interlude...

Interlude 3 Part III

Connected by umbilical walk through
2518 ~ Day 024/January 24th ~ 1800/ 6 PM

CORVAIR TROY enters the Gyrfalcon. Something is ... amiss. He freezes just outside the hatch. He sees that the pilots chair is turned away from him, only a man's suit clad elbows visible. A tang of ozone mixed with copper indicates the presence of airborne nanites. Corvair focuses -- a minute buzzing trill underscores the soft hums and clicks inherent in a Gyrfalcon on standby. "Yes, nanites," CORVAIR sneers softly to himself. No air movement stirs the fine hairs on his arms, the scrubbers are turned off.

Absorbing all the information his senses could assimilate, his mind clicks into analysis mode. Two men... One awake in the pilot's chair: Not Niska. The other: prone in the rear compartment. Nearly invisible scorch marks told the tale of nanite electrostatic propulsion. The second man's nanite crutch must have retreated from a perceived threat. Otherwise, there was no other taste, smell or touch of violence.

"It iz OK, to enter, my dear boy. You are more dan velcome here."

CORVAIR's analysis is rapid ...Has Adelia's meter perfectly paced, but the pitch and tone are incongruous. ... CORVAIR realizes it is the same voice, but issuing from a different larynx. Yet another unfamiliar sensation begins to creep up CORVAIR's spine and prickle his bald pate. A frigid hand grips his bowels. This was not logical. He had never had these sensations before. He smelled flight hormones ... to his newfound horror, he realizes it is his own scent tinged with a new, haunting, flavor.

with fondness
"Now, now my dear child, it iz not to fear ...small chuckle ... do you even know fear? I suppoze not, trained well, you are. A very good family invezment made szo many years ago with ze right ... oracles."

The irony of the VOICE's statement is lost on COVAIR. For he now battles with these new, conflicting sensations. Most the input data points to Adelai, but not one hundred percent. Nothing in his experience nor in training database classifies or clarifies this strange new situation. He thinks ... I need more input ... Yet another 'feeling' comes over COVAIR ... frustration. It is one of the sensations he was very familiar with. His search for 'her' had provided many opportunities to experience that particularly egregious emotion.

in strong voice - overtly strong
"You are not Adelai Niska."

The man in the chair stands. Still in shadows, he turns to reveal a tall slender ... youth. His eyes are hidden by circular lenses. Capable of filtering the 400 to 490 nanometer frequency range, CORVAIR surmises by the sienna tint of the lenses. The young man's grin was o-so-much like Adelai's. At this realization, CORVAIR's blood seems to suddenly be infected by the cold roiling in the pit of his abdomen. Ice splinters shoot through his veins to impale and paralyze muscles. Staccato thoughts obliterate all others in CORVAIR's mind: " Not rational. This could not be. Could not exist. Should not exist. Not allowed TO exist.

with arms spread, elbows above the hips
"Corvair, you know za shell may change. It iz the spirit withzin that definez the soul. OR perhaps, you do not understand. Your range was limited. Zo sad, a waste of good manipulatable emotion."



Thursday, May 6, 2004 6:59 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan's Move
1350hrs/1:50 PM on the 23rd day of the year 2118

(OOC: so... it’s January? )

MAL with gratitude: "Thanks Miss Rowan. I am sure that spa will be just what the doc ordered. Tickets to your contest would be a helluva good thing too."

ROWAN to herself: Miss Rowan – I’ll be gorramed - he still remembers. Will wonders never cease?

ROWAN to MAL: “I’ll make some inquiries then, Captain.”

At his nod, she only has to wait for Inara and so is witness to an extremely warm exchange between captain and companion. A clear case of opposites attract, these two, and yet Rowan can’t escape the notion that they seem to suit each other surprisingly well. Seeing Inara’s somewhat sheepish expression as she turns to leave, it’s clear she’s half expecting some inquiry on the situation. Rather than ask, Rowan simply smiles in understanding. If there’s anything she knows about, it’s falling in love with the right fella at the wrong time. Judging from the look in Reynolds’ eyes, though, he’d give a great deal to be that fella.

WASH (overheard): “Ah, so you dare challenge me to 9-ball! You are a fool! You shall be defeated again, ha ha!”

Rowan chuckles as she and Inara depart. Following her down the stairs to the catwalks in comfortable silence, it doesn’t occur to her that Inara may have some clandestine information to share until they reach the cargo bay. Jayne is still there, just finishing up organizing the bay. He glances up as they go by, then does a double take when he sees her that he takes great pains to cover up with unnecessary action that looks downright clownish. Damon is with him, doing his part in the chore and turns around when he hears their footsteps, instincts on high alert as always. As he looks at her, Rowan almost doesn’t recognize him at first, then marvels at what a clean-shaven appearance can do for a fella.

ROWAN (calling down): “Say – when did this shuai nan hai manage to get on board?” (squints and feigns shocked realization) “Why Damon – is that you? By the Almighty – who knew you’d clean up so good?”

Giving him a playful wink – which barely hurts at all now – she smiles and continues on her way, sharing a quick smile of delight with Inara.


shuai nan hai = pretty boy, less snide this time.

OOC: (paraphrase Niska) wordiness I LIKE

We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche


Thursday, May 6, 2004 10:28 AM


Damon's turn:

Damon looks up when he hears footsteps on the catwalk and sees Rowan and Inara making their way back toward Inara's shuttle. Rowan slows to a stop when they make eye contact and calls down:


Originally posted by Channain:
ROWAN: “Say – when did this shuai nan hai manage to get on board?” (squints and feigns shocked realization) “Why Damon – is that you? By the Almighty – who knew you’d clean up so good?”

Giving him a playful wink, she smiles and continues on her way.

It takes Damon a moment to let her words sink in. She wasn't insulting him, no sarcasm or ridicule. It was just a compliment, which leaves him all the more stunned. Still, he didn't shave to impress anyone, and certainly wasn't looking for attention.

He knows he should say something, but has absolutely no idea what that should be. Falling back on the sarcasm that he is so accuston to, he calls back: "Yeah, I'm winning a lot of beauty pagents down here," he gives half a smile, "Must be those lenses of yours."

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Thursday, May 6, 2004 4:15 PM


MERZ move

1352hrs ATM/1:52 PM on the 23rd day of the year 2118

Say – when did this *shuai nan hai manage to get on board? Why Damon – is that you? By the Almighty – who knew you’d clean up so good?

MERZ watches as the two women work their way back to the shuttle together, gentle smiles on both of their faces. She stands up while considering ROWEN’s words. DAMON has removed his beard lately, and JAYNE has acquired some interesting facial bruising. But in the tactile/ taste/ visual/ audible/ olfactory gestalt that represents an individual person to MERZ, there has been no essential change. Confusing.

So far, in the last hour, ROWEN has used these same words to DAMON and to JAYNE. But, JAYNE does not look like DAMON. Neither of them look like a sunset, or a painting, and she has heard the same word in the same context with these items also. And women. Women are pretty. She supposes if she asked the males, they would tell her INARA and ROWAN are pretty.

And none of these things look enough like each other to give MERZ even a fighting chance of figuring out just what the bloody hades “pretty” is. She remembers thinking of the little girl, of RIVER as ‘lovely’. That is just another form of pretty and it was in context. Sometimes her mind translates like that. But it never explains why.

somewhere in the furthest reaches of her emerging humanity a pitiful voice cries ‘am I pretty?’ but it is not a question she can hear herself yet, and could not dream of asking.

Blanking her mind of fruitless thoughts, MERZ trails JAYNE to the com. If he is done with her, it is getting on toward time to buckle down and show ZOË how to use the cannon. That needs to be done soon.


*shuai nan hai = pretty boy

If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Thursday, May 6, 2004 4:57 PM


Jayne's Move:
1:50 PM

"Can I borrow the dog?"
"Get in line."

After a second Jayne's face lights up once more and he inhales for a mighty laugh that doesn't come out. Instead he freezes, watching as Inara and Rowan walk into view from the bridge. Rowan meets his eyes, and Jayne immediately casts his view to the ceiling, pointing upward and loudly commenting about how you can still see his footprints up there from when the gravity was turned off one time.

Jayne quiets down as the two women disappear behind the port docking bay door. His face sinks into a frown while he watches for a moment, then turns abruptly and stomps over to the comm.

"Wash. We're gettin' ready ta seal the cargo bay. Let the crew an' passengers know to stay out. You can blow the airlock doors at... what time is it now?"

"Since when did you develop a temporal lobe?"

"The only temper load I got is with yer smart mouth. Jus' give it 30 minutes, then blow it. Now call who ya need up there on the bridge an' seal the door. Seal the docking doors, too."


Thursday, May 6, 2004 5:47 PM


Wash's Move:
Location - Bridge

Wash (On ship-wide intercom): "Ok, I'm gonna lock down the ship for thirty minutes, starting when you hear the alarm sound. You need to be either in the galley, Inara's shuttle, or the bridge with me. I'll let you all know when it's safe to come out... Captain, Zoe, and Merz, why don’t you come to the bridge, and have that gunnery practice before dinner, ok Bridge out."

(Wash switches over to the communications link to Inara’s Shuttle… “You two ready in there, I’m gonna seal you in ok?” (Wash waits to get the acknowledgement from Inara)

(The timer on the galley microwave sez (because the whole ship is wired for this): 1351 AMT (01:51pm)


Decoy, they make me go first.


Thursday, May 6, 2004 6:29 PM


As ...

Inara pauses as Rowan jibes Damon goodnaturedly, leaving the young man with a confounded look on his face.

As Rowan speaks, Inara watches the three below, Damon, eyes fixed on Rowan, Jayne, avoiding eye contact entirely, and a blonde woman who Inara has seen, but has not been introduced to. The woman stands stoically, neither seeming interested or disinterested, merely observing, just as Inara herself. The woman is finely muscled, the strongest-looking woman Inara has seen in quite some time, and her body glows with a fine sheen of sweat.

Realizing Rowan has finished speaking and begun to walk toward the shuttle again, Inara nods to the woman, whose intense eyes have locked to hers as she moves away. The woman makes no move to return the nod.

Inara unlocks her shuttle and both women enter, the familiar scent of her quarters doing little to calm Inara's jangling nerves. Inara desperately searches her console for that telltale green light that will signal that a call has arrived..with an internal groan, she sees the console is dark.

Surreptitiously pulling the curtain covering the console area closed, Inara motions for Rowan to be seated. Inara walks about the room restlessly, mind spinning for an excuse to delay Rowan until the call comes.

The comm suddenly crackles to life and Inara hears Wash's voice: “You two ready in there, I’m gonna seal you in ok?” Inara thumbs the console switch and replies: "Yes, Wash..thank you, we're ready. Don't forget us in here, you promise?"

As Inara straightens from the comm, a green light blinks to life on her console. She breathes an intense yet silent sigh of relief. Sweet Aislin..punctual as ever.

Rowan, you can sit up here and take the call if you'd like.. [Inara motions to the cockpit area] I'm afraid it's the best privacy I can offer.


Just a humble supplicant in service to all things Joss


Thursday, May 6, 2004 11:11 PM


Book's Move

A vague smell hits Book's nose as he leans out to take the memory stick from River's clenched hands. He wrinkles his face up and sniffs questioningly at the air. "Smells like sealing cement." Kaylee looks on somewhat worried as she doesn't appear to smell anything unusual. "Kaylee," he says as he puts the memory stick in his pocket, "how did Simon sound to you on the message he left for you? I mean, did he sound like himself?"

As Book waits for Kaylee's answer, River stands fretfully, as if anticipating something, and Wash's voice comes over the comm.

"Ok, I'm gonna lock down the ship for thirty minutes, starting when you hear the alarm sound. You need to be either in the galley, Inara's shuttle, or the bridge with me. I'll let you all know when it's safe to come out..."

Book stands as River starts to move away. "River, wait. We should get to the galley. Kaylee?" Book questions her more with his eyes than his words, as he starts to herd River to the aft stairway. Kaylee, stands and begins to follow as Book and River ascend the aft stairway. As they enter the galley, Kaylee is not immediately behind them, but Book assumes she will be right along.

Settling River in a padded chair in the corner, a few minutes later Book sets her favorite mug in front of her, steaming with hot cocoa, and eases himself into the chair next to her.



Friday, May 7, 2004 4:56 AM


Damon's turn:


"The only temper load I got is with yer smart mouth. Jus' give it 30 minutes, then blow it. Now call who ya need up there on the bridge an' seal the door. Seal the docking doors, too."

Wash (On ship-wide intercom): "Ok, I'm gonna lock down the ship for thirty minutes, starting when you hear the alarm sound. You need to be either in the galley, Inara's shuttle, or the bridge with me. I'll let you all know when it's safe to come out... Captain, Zoe, and Merz, why don’t you come to the bridge, and have that gunnery practice before dinner, ok Bridge out."

Seems like a lot of hassel for some spilled tequila but if it clears the air of the fumes, it'll be worth it.

Damon walks toward the stairs. "I'm headin for the galley, Jayne."

He reaches the galley and scanning the room, he spots Book and River sitting in a corner. He locks eyes with River for a few uncomfortable moments but all she does is stare back silently. Pulling his gaze away, he walks into the kitchen and pours himself a large cup of cold water. He brings his drink back into the dinning area, giving Book a nod in greeting, and sits down on the floor in a corner of his own. Resting against the wall behind him, he lets out a weary sigh and takes another swallow of water.

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Friday, May 7, 2004 12:45 PM


Wash's Move:
Location - Bridge

Wash (Surprised to find Zoë standing in the corner) “Ah, hello, lover, I thought you were gonna talk to Thorne with the captain, If I’d a known you would be staying here with me… I wouldn’t have done anything different. I’m sorry if you feel that I’ve forgotten you, kiss make better while we wait for the rest?”

(The timer on the pilot console of the spare shuttle indicates (because the whole ship is wired for this): 1352 AMT (01:52pm)


Decoy, they make me go first.


Friday, May 7, 2004 6:59 PM


Jayne's Move:
1:55 PM

"I'm headin for the galley, Jayne."

Jayne grunts his approval and heads towards the common area, shouting to the air as he walks.

"Aright, I'm locking up the bottom! Everyone not wanting to taste their own lungs better get on outta here. That means you, River."

Jayne stops short at the workout bench. He remembers back to the first time they opened the cargo bay doors in deep space to put out a fire in the engine room. A small dumbbell got lost. Better safe 'n sorry Jayne thinks as he scoops up the smaller weights and hoists them into the common area where he deposits them under the landing.

With a self-satisfied smile, Jayne closes the door to the cargo bay and seals it.


Saturday, May 8, 2004 2:58 AM


MERZ move


Aright, I'm locking up the bottom! Everyone not wanting to taste their own lungs better get on outta here. That means you, River.

Time to go. MERZ slides out of the area, heading towards the bridge. She hears JAYNE seal the door behind her. River is safe, she wants to tell him; there was no one in the room who was not already accounted for. But she believes that he knows that or would not have sealed the room already.

At the bridge she moves just inside the door, ZOË is present, watching the pilot do his thing, and WASH as usual, in his chair, talking to her. MERZ takes a moments thought before announcing her presence is this what marriage is, or love? put these two in the same room, and no matter what else is happening around them, half of their awareness is always on their mate. and still it does not detract from their ability to function at full peak. interesting . . .

“I’m here, WASH. Ready when you are.”


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Saturday, May 8, 2004 3:10 AM


Okay, I'm posting. Joy-joy.
Okay, I believe COMMONS AREA to GALLEY.
River starts to leave, when Book says:

BOOK: "River, wait. We should get to the galley."

River stops, and waits for him to catch up. When he does, he leads her to the galley. She passes above Jayne...

JAYNE: "Aright, I'm locking up the bottom! Everyone not wanting to taste their own lungs better get on outta here. That means you, River."

River nods a little bit, and starts doing some quick problems in her head. They reach the Galley, and while Book is getting her favorite mug and cocoa, she sees Damon, and their eyes lock. There is uneasy air between them.

RIVER, thinking: "He doesn't know what to think. The House* is divided."

Book sits down next to her, and puts the steaming cup of cocoa in front of her. She looks away from Damon, grabs the mug, blows some steam off, and she takes a sip. It spreads through her, a warmth that reminds her when she was with her brother. She knows when her cocoa turns cold, it reminds her of her loneliness. Another sip. The same things go through her mind. They will even after the cocoa is gone. Such is life. She takes another sip.

*Not politics House. Think really hard...

"Freedom is the Freedom to say that 2 plus 2 make 4. If that is granted, all else follws"-Winston, 1984
Teela Brown, keeper of bad typing.
"No one reads these things any way."- Bart on Blackboard


Saturday, May 8, 2004 3:24 AM


A supplemantary post...Merz, okay, can't explain, you'll see...
River is sipping her cocoa, and Merz walk in. River looks up at her. She stares at her. Contemplating. Mostly blank, like a new sheet of paper before the creator comes and draws on it. River thinks to herself:

"What is love?"

She seems almost confused, and looks away. She has felt it, a brotherly love. Is that what she* is asking about? River doesn't think so. She sips her cocoa again.

*The she can be applied to either Merz or River. You make the choice.

"Freedom is the Freedom to say that 2 plus 2 make 4. If that is granted, all else follws"-Winston, 1984
Teela Brown, keeper of bad typing.
"No one reads these things any way."- Bart on Blackboard


Saturday, May 8, 2004 5:06 PM


Damon's turn:

Damon relaxes as he feels River's eye leave him and rests his head against the wall next to him.

Why am I so tired? It’s not even two o’clock yet. You’re getting soft if you’re getting tired after only ten hours of work, if you can even call installing seat belts work.

He opens his eyes and glances up to see River studying her mug. The girl scares him and he doesn’t understand why. She seemed so young, innocent and harmless when he first saw her yesterday, but now…

She knows. If I stay… I shouldn’t stay. I can’t risk the others finding out. As much as I’d love to take the captain up on his offer, I’d be safer if I left.

Damon sighs, closing his eyes again, and sets his cup on the floor. Somehow freedom wasn’t quite the paradise he had hoped for. Fourteen months on the run and he’s still fighting to keep it. The thought of having to start all over again on a different ship makes him feel all the more exhausted. Even worse is the thought of how much longer he’s going to have to continue like this before he earns enough. Crofton spends all of five seconds burning the thing onto his arm and now it’s taking him years worth of work and money to get it off.

He folds his arms over his knees, trying to think of anything other than Crofton as he dozes off.

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Sunday, May 9, 2004 3:28 AM


MERZ – supplemental

Time. Time is an enemy – too much time to think while waiting. Waiting now for the next thing, and the mind just does not stop. Saw the child RIVER on the way here; stared at MERZ as she passed. makes me uneasy, do not know why.

Walked on towards bridge, mind still roiling – so much new data to assimilate in the last two days. So many impressions, and new folks to datastore fully. New sensations; far too many new sensations. MERZ welcomes the expansion of her knowledge base, but the speed is choking her ability to adapt and categorize.

what is love?

And just what has brought that thought back? MERZ had thought that one banished, burned, scattered, buried and decontaminated six years ago. The last night she went under-the-beam, for a week.

Too much time to think . . . .


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Sunday, May 9, 2004 6:31 AM


Kaylee's Move
Location: Common Room to Galley

Kaylee follows Book & River towards the galley, thinking about Book's question. How DID Simon sound in her message? Forlorn...weary...intense...just like him, yet at the same time, not.

Stopping just outside the galley doors, she brings his face again into her mind. There...something is there...something...not quite Simon. She hurries to catch up with Book.

End Move

"I love my Captain."


Sunday, May 9, 2004 10:37 AM


Wash's Move:
Location - Bridge

Wash (Turning to Merz) “Before we start blowing holes in space, I gotta flush the cargo bay. Just a second.”

(Wash turns back to the console, and activates the ship-wide intercom): “Ok, people I’m blowing the bay.” (He pushes a button, and an audible ‘click’ is herd. Then a few more ‘clicks’ are heard over the intercom, followed by a quiet Wash saying: “Nuts, the alarm button’s broke…(louder) “Ah… oh… Awooga!, Awooga!”

There is a sudden shift in the normally well-behaved motion of the ship, as a loud pop and whoosh are heard. The ship momentarily feels as though Wash had rotated the thruster pods backwards, then everything goes back to normal, but there is a quiet hush in the air… Then, motion is seen on both the Bridge, and Galley… a few scraps of paper, then a few new stars go shooting past… the tequila droplets, some frozen air… and lastly a couple of dirty scraps of cloth lazily tumble past… rags from the weight bench… The explosion of the air exiting the ship has given the detritus just enough velocity to escape the gravity field of Serenity… seen from far away, she suddenly glows as if possessed… then it fades as the trash leaves the lit view of the view ports…

Wash (Turns back to Merz): “Ok, now… how do you wanna teach us to shoot this here new thingy”

(Somewhere, out in the black, probably on a Reaver ship, the wristwatch on Jubil Early’s wrist reads: (because I say it does): 1355 AMT (01:55pm)


Decoy, they make me go first.


Sunday, May 9, 2004 7:17 PM


Jayne's Move:
2:00 PM

With a self-satisfied smile, Jayne closes the door to the cargo bay and seals it. Now it's time to end this. Jayne darts towards the back of the ship. He pauses at the stairwell to listen, and hears Mal giving a brief explanation of what was happening to the others.

Continuing on to the passenger dorms, Jayne lets himself into Rowan's room and slides the door shut behind him. Not wasting any time, he opens the bag there on the bed and rummages through its contents.

Items of interest immediately begin to pile up. A Colt 357 and cases of ammo. A source pad that Jayne just knew was brimming with clandestine data, but also knew he'd have no chance to access. A money pouch, heavy with platinum. And a make-up case.

Withdrawing the case from the bag, Jayne examines it closely. This could be it. But how would he know for sure? He certainly can't test these seemingly innocent beauty aids on himself; not here and now.

There are four lipsticks jumbled with the other vials and wands in the case. A rich red, a darker one, a flesh tone and a frost. Jayne stares for a moment. He couldn't test them on anyone else. He would have to try them himself in the safety of his own room.

A clatter from upstairs makes Jayne gasp and spin his head to the door. It was a small ship with far too many people; Jayne had to move fast and get out, and his brain wasn't generating a lot of options under the pressure.

Jayne unzips his pants and one by one applies a generous portion of each lipstick to the inside.

The oriental door to Rowan's dorm slides open, and Jayne looks out. He walks out stiffly, barely moving his legs in an effort to ensure the lipstick only comes in contact with his underwear and not his skin. Satisfied that no one is coming, he walks slowly to the infirmary to make it look like he was getting a new wrap for his hand.






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