A Defiant 'Verse OOC and Sign Ups

UPDATED: Tuesday, June 23, 2009 09:34
VIEWED: 50347
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Saturday, April 18, 2009 3:40 AM


An Introduction-

“A Defiant ‘Verse” is a forum based Role Play game, right on this very forum. Set in the time of the Unification War (Exact Date, January, 2509), it centers on the freelance transport ‘Defiant’, which is involved with smuggling activities for the Independent Movement.

Characters are original, and the Role Play is to be Game Mastered by me (I will also be playing the Captain for ease when it comes to game mastering). This Role Play is based on no set rules, and your imagination is free to take reign, in the advisement of common sense, obviously.

However, before you try and leap into the little world I run, here are a few ground rules;

1) Game Master is your Role Play God. Hear thy word of feel thy internet wrath.

2) No killing of other peoples characters, without permission. Gotta’ place nice, now don’t we?

3) Use spell checker, please. I don’t expect all of ya’ll to spell like them ruttin’ angels, but use the power of the Spell Check, please!

4) Please, no aliens, demons and what not. Please try and keep to the non-canon but canon ‘Verse of mine, please.

5) While this isn't a rule, be warned that some times you actions will fail, your characters will be injured, if that is what I think is best for the RP. This, for the most part is to stop God Modding.

6) On a similar note to the last rule, it is encouraged that rather then using actions for everything, that you try and use dialogue to acheive what you want. Try and persuade each other, NPC's and Nathan. Remember that your own characters should be able to be persuaded as well. When trying to persuade NPC's, I will take into account your Character Sheet and your Relation ship with the NPC.

It also should be known that Nathan is but a tool to give out roleplay opportunities, not to give out role play itself. Be bold and take them.


“Earth that was could no longer sustain our numbers, we were so many. We found a new solar system, dozens of planets and hundreds of moons. Each one terraformed, a process taking decades, to support human life, to be new Earths. The Central Planets formed the Alliance. Ruled by an interplanetary parliament, the Alliance was a beacon of civilization. The savage outer planets were not so enlightened and refused Alliance control.”
- An Alliance History Text Book

The refusal of Unification lasted seven long years in the shape of a devastating and bloody war. Tens of millions of casualties were sustained on both sides. Those fighting died for one of two reasons. What was right, or what was simply profitable.

The ‘Defiant’ is an Aught ‘3 Mid-Bulk Transport, property of Captain Nathan Rey, and flies for what is profitable as a freelance transport, salvage and smuggling ship. The crew is a rather average sort of the rim. Pretty criminals and the middle class are the usual to call it home. Like most crew, work is their uniting factor. So, where there’s a job to be done, the ‘Defiant’ aims to be the crew doing it.

The Ship–

The ship itself is a character. The Defiant is fifty-three years old, and through the rust, the grit, and the grime is a history;

It was commissioned in 2456, April the 21st by a small time shipping company as the ‘Simplicity’. Its days under the alias were mainly between the Persephone and Dyton colonies, the same run under which it got hit by pirates thirteen years later.. The fate of the crew is unknown, but in the bounds of realism they were either sold into slavery, or for ’Simplicity’, killed.

The dates of its next service are unknown, though some time after 2469. Its owners were smugglers of a distasteful sort, people smugglers. Their cargo required the ship to be lightly modified. For its new life of crime, it was rechristened the ‘Black Rose’.

The crew met their end by patrols by one of the many Independent rim-world barons. Short of money and in debt, it was sold off in auction in 2497 and registered to Nathan Rey for several Independent Governments and the Alliance. It is here that the ship begins a new life as the ‘Defiant’.

Serial Number: S117-B7C6-M
Owner: Nathaniel Rey
Class: Mid-Bulk Transport
Model: Firefly ‘03
Manufacturer: Firefly Shipyards, Hera

So Far–

“May, 2508 - Alliance forces under General Mordeau are decisively defeated by Prudence Vaughn's much smaller forces at the Battle of Three Hills as a result of Vaughn's brilliant tactics, although General Vaughn is mortally wounded by friendly fire. Mordeau retreats. Alliance losses are 17,000 killed, wounded and missing out of 130,000. The Independents, 13,000 out of 60,000.

- Excerpt from a Cortex News Wave, 2515 – Unification Day.

(2509, January – Current Date) For a week now, the ‘Defiant’ has been grounded on the Thebarton SkyPlex, a space station above Beylix. Rey has been indecisive about a cunning and dangerous plan to strike platinum. Despite of being a good reprieve for the crew, a week without work is starting to frustrate the crew.

The locals have also seem to have taken a disliking to certain members of the crew, so the sooner they get loaded up for a job, the better. Angry mimes and mislead feds could start to become an interesting mix.


Te RolePlay will take place around the crew, who will inevitable tangle with the Independents, Alliance, Criminals, the first Reavers and even honest folk. The ‘Verse is a tough place, and their pay check will rely on them Smuggling, Salvage, Piracy and Running well enough to stay in the black.


CS- (To be posted below. Do not start Role Playing before being approved.)

(Most people in the ‘Verse are the result of generations of different cultures, so bear in mind you may have a Caucasian with the last name Tam, and the like.)

Age: (This is fairly self explanatory, but as a note, we don’t want four year olds scuttling about a gun runner, do we?)

Sex: (Do I really need to have anything here?)

Role: (What are you going to do once you’re on my boat?)

Gear: (What do you carry around in your journeys about this here ‘verse? It’s sensible to have a piece, but not a whole arsenal!)

Assets: (What does your character have going for them? Are they strong as a gorram’ bull? Are they a damn fine doctor, gifted even? Do they know some important people? So on and so forth. Etc.)

Complications: (No one is perfect. What makes life not go smooth for your character? Are they a lightweight, take down by a few drinks or a bad cold? Etc.)

Physical Description: (Self Explanatory, but not everyone is going to be the purdiest thing in the ‘Verse, dong ma?)

(Probably the most important part of the CS, but self explanatory.)

Background: (For the most part, I want to know why you are/want to be on my boat. However, it’d be good to have back ground pre-Defiant.)

The Crew Roster-

"…These are paid members of the ship, whose roles are absolutely vital to any sort of running to the ship be it long term, or short term…”

“…The Captain is the highest ranking member of the ship, and is usually the owner when it comes to a freelance crew…”

Status: Closed
Current: Nathan Rey

“…The Pilot is a crucial member of any ship’s complement and is in charge of manipulating the ships controls to bring it from point A to point B…”

Status: Closed
Current: Bucket

“…The Mechanic is a pivotal job aboard any space faring vessel and is responsible for the maintenance of the mechanical kind…”

Status: Open
Current: N/A

“…These are paid members of the ship, whose roles are found on most boats and are necessary in the long term running of any crew planning to take on work…”

Executive Officer:
“…The Executive Officer is the second in command of the ship, who typically assists with keeping order and administration onboard…”

Status: Closed
Current: Lincoln Bargara

“…The Medic is regarded as one of the most important part of a ships crew. Considered by many-a-captain as a life saver, the crew’s health rests in the hands of the medic…”

Status: Restricted [Contact Defiant2thelast]
Current: Jaclyn Holiday

“…The Muscle onboard a boat provides protection, grunt work and other strength requiring things…”

Status: Open
Current: N/A

“…These are paid members of the ship, whose roles are something other than the normal. While generally consider as costly additions by captains, these are some of the most useful and specialised crew around. Ships with these usually separate the big time criminals to the small time crooks…”

Computer Specialist:
”…Computer Specialists are well versed in skills such as hacking and programming. Rarely used on rough and tumble ships of the rim, which is probably due to the rarity of their trade. However, to cunning captains are invaluable members of the team...”

Status: Open
Current: N/A

Electronic Technician:
“…Electronic Technicians are masters of the wired side of things. Ranging from skills including hot wiring to buildings circuits, they make for incredibly useful people in the more complex jobs are ship can get into…”

Status: Open
Current: N/A

“…These are paid members of the ship, whose roles are usually of a mundane sort and rarely seen aboard ships away from the core…”

“…The Cook is something which is considered a luxury amongst most captains, but a good meal is an extreme increase to any ships morale…”

Status: Open
Current: N/A

”…I’m not going to have everything here, so feel free to come up with your own…”

Status: Restricted [Contact Defiant2thelast]
Current: N/A

“…These are usually people paying to be aboard the ship, who many crews take on for a little extra profit between jobs…”

”…Passengers are found on just about every planet or port, and are willing to barter with coin, services or goods for transport offered by the ship…”

Status: Open
Current: Dale Jaitjien

”…Renters for rooms aboard the ship are rare, but it’s common practice for a shuttle aboard ship to be rented out for extra coin, thought there are other reasons why a captain would pick a specific renter…”

Status: Closed
Current: Ainsley Huntington

”…Stowaways are a thorn in a captains side, usually. They haven’t paid for what they are taking, and can lead to problems with the law. Some ships have an air locking policy for them…”

Status: Restricted [Contact Defiant2thelast]
Current: Alexander Williams

The Chat Room of the Defiant

Contact me at:


Saturday, April 18, 2009 3:51 AM


So I have my CS for the Captain, and the Example Character Sheet. I'll be using the log-in for Role Playing as the Captain, and Defiant2thelast for Game Mastering and othe NPC's, to avoid confusion.

CS - Defiant2thelast

Name: Nathaniel Rey

Age: 34

Sex: Male, Heterosexual

Role: Nathan is the Captain aboard the ‘Defiant’.

Gear: Nathan is rarely seen without his trusty Six-Shooter, Worn Black Jacket and Aviator Sunglasses with his falsified Alliance Salvage Papers in pocket…

Assets: Nathan has various connections amongst both Criminal groups and the high class, and can be quite persuasive when needed.

Complications: It’s not an uncommon sight to see Nathan’s ego to get in the way. When it comes to keeping his reputation and his profits, he will stop at nothing. He ain’t going to drop that cargo if it is the death of him.

Physical Description: Nathan stands at 6’2” with hazel eyes, a similar colour unkempt hair and a generally disheveled look about him. His skin is tanned and his hands are some what scared and calloused from his salvage life.

His clothes are constantly dust ridden, and worn as are the clothes of most people on the Rim and Border worlds. His typical attire consists of his Worn Black Jacket, loose urban camouflage print pants, a plain white tee-shirt and aviator sunglasses.

Personality: Nathan can be more then a little egotistical at times. It doesn’t help that he’s also the same when it comes to being a hot head. However, it doesn’t stop him from being cunning and somewhat persuasive where need-be.

Just one thing is needed to be kept in mind when dealing with Nathan. Nothing gets in the way of his net profits at the end of the day. However, he is true to his word unless the profit is worth the impact on his reputation.

Background: Nathan lived on the Core side for most of his early years; breaks on this pattern to follow his father on his ship bound business trips. Like his father, Nathan became a somewhat savvy businessman. Unlike his father, he saw greater profits and freedom on the border and rim.

For his adult life until purchasing the Defiant, Nathan bounced between salvage crew to salvage crew. With the money and experience earned during this time, he bought the Defiant and set up his own crew. Better Margins that way…


Saturday, April 18, 2009 4:24 AM


Gorram'it that was fast. I came here for the very reason, but in all seriousness I didn't expect people to be this fast.


Originally posted by Bucket:

I've RPed a bit with mates and stuff but nothing maj, but would i be able to join?

Sure! The more the merrier! Currently it's just little ol' me here and I got aw full lone some.


Originally posted by Bucket:

You need like crew yeah, what crew do you need or have?

Well let's see here... There's me, me, me and me aboard the Defiant so we have a whole range available. Here's a list for you;

First Mate


So first in best dressed. Take your pick!


Originally posted by Bucket:

And is it still in the Civil war?

That it is!

The idea is the crew are currently making their living of Arms Running for the Independents, as well as the general crime you see in the Series and to a lesser extent, the Big Damn Movie.


Originally posted by Bucket:

Sounds like a fun idea though... i think i have a charcter idea. Should i PM you or something.

Go for it!

I'd be more then happy to hear what you got thought up!


Saturday, April 18, 2009 4:47 AM


Hey, will definitely sign up tomorrow. (It's 12.45am here, and I have work in the morning! GAH!)

Keep a spot open for me. I was thinking I could be a Scout? Like a 'muscle' variant. Good with a sniper, tactics, scouting the area (duh), etc.

I will return.


Saturday, April 18, 2009 6:29 AM


Name: Dale Jaitjien (Or something else- open to ideas)

Age: 22

Sex: Male, Heterosexual

Role: Dale has been on the Defiant too long to be considered a passenger anymore. Originally a refugee student, he has taken on a number of assisting roles- including medic (not confident at surgical though), scout and agent- but is no master of any trade.

Gear: Dale doesnt stick to anyone one set of gear, indeed, he enjoys gearing to each occassion and taking on roles, whether it be posing as a slick waiter as part of a heist or getting into camo gear for combat/ops. He has, however scavenged together a small sturdy med-kit he occasionally takes with him whilst on rim. He's also found, cleaned and modified a rugged sniper rifle from the first firefight he participated in with the Defiant's crew. A multi-tool and pocket-tablet are Dale's two only constants.

Assets: Dale is slim and can both slide/sneak through places and obstacles others cant. He is also book-smart and perceptive beyond his years. He can get along well enough with anyone, but properly bonding is a problem for the reserved boy

Complications: Dale is phlegmatic and philosophic to a fault whilst in the black. Pondering bleak futures and agonizing over blocked potential, Dale thinks far to much. He is also torn between his new, and now, only family (-he is the only survivor of his) and his need to DO SOMETHING.
Also, he isnt strong. Not weak, but he is less than useless in a fist-fight, unless he uses his head of course.

Physical Description: Dale stands at 5’9” with large brown eyes, a brown-black unkempt hair and alternating between attempts at rogueish facial hair and clean-shaven sophistication. His skin is fair, but tans well enough and his slim physique can either look boney or leanly muscular, depending on the looker.

Clothing: His clothes are grouped into activities or areas of use, and he will generally dress to mix in.

Personality: Dale is an annoyingly human mix of traits including narcism, neuroticism, kindness, coldness, cowardice, but he mainly keeps those tumbled up inside. He can be sarcastic, witty, aloof, sincere and neutral. But under all these contradictions and conflicts, is a strong and determined core that drives Dale to surprising feats of bravery when it is needed.
Dale is frequently in conflict with the Captain over the morality of some of their dealings and actions. This keeps Dale from ever fully becoming a recognized as a permanent crew-member.

Background: Dale was born on Osiris, but his family moved early to a planet mid-way out of the system. The eldest son of a (rim-relative) well-off family he was three years into a medical degree when the civil war suddenly came to his (independence) planet. Escaping from his flaming university, he wandered dazed for days, until he happened upon a refugee/resistance camp and stowed away on a passing smuggler ship. There in it's cargo hold he began to ponder his new future...

What dya think? Sorry he doesnt really fit in any one place.
Also, how often do you post? How do we do dialogue? I'm new to this(but eager!)
I love the firefly verse


Saturday, April 18, 2009 6:37 AM


also, whats a wheel-man?


Saturday, April 18, 2009 4:05 PM


*Gives Mudders Milk to all*

Gorram'it that's a lot of responses. Ok, so I better get to awnsering you folks, shouldn't I?


Originally posted by BigRichard:

Keep a spot open for me. I was thinking I could be a Scout? Like a 'muscle' variant. Good with a sniper, tactics, scouting the area (duh), etc.
I will return.

Sure! Sounds great!

Originally posted by Bucket:

I had an idea for maybe an ex-alliance pilot with some mechanic skills or something. Basically a dude who gapped it (deserted the Alliance) after a battle (im not to up on the FF Lore so one of them big ones) and was a bundle of nerves and nurosis but in a amusing or random way. I'll write up one of those character sheets and PM you...

Looks sweet, look forward to seeing your CS.


Originally posted by elPagan:
Name: Dale Jaitjien (Or something else- open to ideas)

Accepted most definatly! Good CS elPagan!


Originally posted by elPagan:
What dya think? Sorry he doesnt really fit in any one place.

That's awesome dude. Being a jack-of-all trades master-of-none is fine.

You will not know how relived to see you added the bit about his interaction with the Captain, too.


Originally posted by elPagan:
Also, how often do you post?

This varies from person to person. Some people can post hourly, but for the most part people post a couple of times a week.

The main rule is no double posting.


Originally posted by elPagan:

How do we do dialogue?

I'd say probably don't use other peoples characters for the most part. However, if in doubt, talk to the person about it.

Anyway, an example of intereaction.


Blah blah says hello.


BLAH BLAH BLAH says hello back.

Now obvoiusly I expect something a little more articulate then that, but it gives a fair idea of how you can do it.


Originally posted by elPagan:
also, whats a wheel-man?

A weel man's a drive, for mules and the like. I've had some boats get full up and scrounging for different roles so I thought I'd throw it out there.


Originally posted by Bucket:
Ok heres my CS

Accepted! Another great CS. Look forward to playing with you all.


Ok, just so you guys know. THis is an out of character thread. I figured I'd leave the RP thread for a bit while we get full up.


Saturday, April 18, 2009 5:45 PM


There still an opening for First Mate? If so I'll take it.

Might take a couple hours to come up with a CS though.



Saturday, April 18, 2009 5:52 PM



Originally posted by LincolnZ:
There still an opening for First Mate? If so I'll take it.

Might take a couple hours to come up with a CS though.


That there be. I'll keep it reserved for you if ya' like.


Saturday, April 18, 2009 5:56 PM


Thank you kindly. I'd appreciate it.



Saturday, April 18, 2009 7:41 PM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.

I have a character in mind who'd be more than happy to rent the shuttle. It's nearly midnight where I am right now, though, so I'll probably head off to bed soon, but I'll be back with a CS tomorrow.


Saturday, April 18, 2009 8:38 PM


Name: Lincoln Bargara(May change last name in future)

Age: 45(looks younger)

Sex: Male

Role: First Mate/Tech

Gear: Not typically seen without his favorite brown tweed flat cap. Wears mostly casual clothes but owns at least one well kept old suit. Rarely armed but when needed he prefers a concealable sidearm to a large assault weapon. Also owns a number of finer tools and computer hardware he's salvaged from other ships. Oddly he keeps a small brown teddy bear on the shelf over his bunk.

Assets: While not a trained combatant Lincoln's shear size deters most from attempting to tackle the mountain of a man. Despite his lack of training he does know how to handle a gun and has been known to be an effective brawler. He is a skilled computer programmer and a quick thinker. Having working experiences with both the Alliance and Independents he has numerous contacts among the technology and information hubs of the 'verse.

Complications: Chronic allergies and mild asthma keep him from pushing himself too far, but limit his physical activity little at all. He's struggled in the past with depression(triggered by past trauma) but keeps it mostly in check. He was injured two years previously in a skirmish with an Alliance patrol and has a noticeable limp in his left leg.

Physical Description: 6'5" and 272 pounds Lincoln is a literal mountain of a man. He has a dark skin tone and medium brown eyes. His hair is typically kept neat but he's known for neglecting his physical appearance, despite having impeccable hygiene for living on a ship. Hulking but with a gentle face he wouldn't be someone you'd like to meet unexpectedly, though he's certainly someone you'd like to have around when trying to avoid a fight. His size is sometimes troubling when trying to get around in the more narrow passages of the ship.

Personality: Rather upbeat and constantly trying to look on the brighter side, Lincoln has a tendency to become anxious or depressed while under stress, though he's very good at keeping this to himself. He has a strong sense of loyalty to his ship and Captain. Usually slow to anger, he also doesn't take threats to the ship and his fellow crew lightly. He also values honesty, if he gives his word you can bet he'll go to great lengths to keep it.

Background: Raised in a city on one of the more developed Border Planets, he showed an aptitude for computers at a young age. Graduating school with a Degree in Advanced Programing and Technology Lincoln was recruited by a large information firm on Osiris. He worked his way from one mindless, unfulfilling position to the next until leaving to find more interesting work. Shortly after he began a career as a electronics and software technician for a company servicing an Alliance installation on Boros. When the Alliance began to push outwards more forcefully he decided he'd rather not be associated with them and quit again to seek more neutral employ.

More recently he's taken numerous jobs on freighters, passenger liners and salvage crews, where he met and befriended Nathan Rey, having issues with their employer they both jumped ship in the same port and decided to look for work together. They continued moving from job to job until Nathan saved enough to buy his own ship, offering Lincoln the position of First Mate because of his loyalty and and keen mind as well as his talent for breaking up arguments.

There you go. That's Lincoln. By the way, Bargara is the street in Bundaberg, Queensland where they make my favorite beverage... just using it as a place holder until I figure out a better name.


Saturday, April 18, 2009 8:43 PM



Originally posted by yinyang:
I have a character in mind who'd be more than happy to rent the shuttle. It's nearly midnight where I am right now, though, so I'll probably head off to bed soon, but I'll be back with a CS tomorrow.

Cool, look forward to it.


Originally posted by LincolnZ:
Name: Lincoln Bargara(May change last name in future)

I talked to you about it, so definatly ACCEPTED.

I must admit, I never expected to get so many people looking for a place in this here Shindig. I also got to admit that I never thought I'd get this many brilliant CS!


Saturday, April 18, 2009 11:08 PM


Whoa there! This is lookin' to be shapin' to be a pretty fine crew :)
whats more- an interesting crew! Kendo swords and teddy bears!? Brilliant!
I've gotta agree with Nathan:
Bucket and Lincoln- nice CS's

Bucket and Nathan- What kinda dynamic have you two got and how'd ya meet? I mean, its all well and good to have a wacky pilot, but does it often test the Cap's patience? (and sense of self-preservation? :P)
How'd he even land the job?

Also, to everyone- about the remaining crew:
The people we've got sound great, but we do need a few ladyfolk onboard, not to mention a loveable resident macho fool :)
What do the other current crew (and Captain) think?




Saturday, April 18, 2009 11:18 PM



Originally posted by elPagan:

Bucket and Nathan- What kinda dynamic have you two got and how'd ya meet? I mean, its all well and good to have a wacky pilot, but does it often test the Cap's patience? (and sense of self-preservation? :P)
How'd he even land the job?

Also, to everyone- about the remaining crew:
The people we've got sound great, but we do need a few ladyfolk onboard, not to mention a loveable resident macho fool :)
What do the other current crew (and Captain) think?



Nice to know someone be thinking the same.

I've pm'd Bucket and should work something out in respects to his character.

Sadly, I can't fix the second one. Let's just hope we look mighty attractive to the lady folk.


Saturday, April 18, 2009 11:50 PM


I figured this shiny bit o' news required it's on post.

Now over at the VFF they have some might fine chat rooms, but hey, now so do we! Look forward to seeing some of you there.


Sunday, April 19, 2009 12:27 AM


nice chat room and logo there!

but, alas, I haven't got around to writing up my thing yet, my stupid internet has been capped. That'll teach me to download so much eh? (it won't, i'll be doing the same next month!)

Anyway, will start writing my CS now, have it up soon.



Sunday, April 19, 2009 12:31 AM



Originally posted by BigRichard:
nice chat room and logo there!

but, alas, I haven't got around to writing up my thing yet, my stupid internet has been capped. That'll teach me to download so much eh? (it won't, i'll be doing the same next month!)

Anyway, will start writing my CS now, have it up soon.


Ha ha, that's exactly what I say every month. I was capped for more then two weeks this time round, and only got my internet back today. Nasty.


Sunday, April 19, 2009 1:45 AM


Ok, I just wrote it in Word. And, I may have gone on for longer than I should've....

it's just over a page.

Anyway, since it's so long, shall I post it here, or PM it to you, or what? Or would everyone like to read my crazy typing frenzy?


Sunday, April 19, 2009 3:14 AM


post it public!
Always best to know a fellow crewmate :)


Sunday, April 19, 2009 3:36 AM


alrighty...u asked for it is...i've tried to format it as best i can...

also, as with others, my name may change...but it'll probably be similar.
Also, hope the way that I mentioned Nathan at the bottom is ok.

Name: Alexander Williams

Age: 26

Sex: Male

Role: Scout/Odd jobs.

Gear: Alexander carries a modified sniper rifle that he has been adding to for years, and a knife,
which he takes great care of, and has become known as ‘Carlo’. Carlo, a past friend/soldier,
had his name inscribed on the blade when it was his, but after Carlo died in the early years of the war,
Alex took the knife in memory of Carlo.

Assets: Alexander is young, but he’s seen many battles. He knows a good many browncoats,
both high and low in rank, due to his shuffling about after an early war incident. He is a good scout,
and an excellent shot, although only at long distance, in mid-range battles he is fairly average.
He is very quick, and quiet, which makes him perfect for scouting. Because his use is mostly off-ship,
Alexander has some cooking skills as well, both to try to be useful onboard, but also as something to do.
Constantly learning this craft, he isn’t the best cook, but he’s willing.

Complications: Alexander is very quiet, and doesn’t always make himself heard, which can
make him angry with himself and others, without them knowing it. He isn’t particularly big either,
so isn’t the most useful in a brawl, unless some sort of weapon is available. He also has ‘big ears’, and often ends up listening to
conversations he shouldn’t be, although this isn’t always his fault, as sometimes he’s just so quiet that he goes unnoticed.
This can get him into trouble.

Physical Description: Tall (6”2) and skinny (fit), but by no means scrawny, Alexander has unruly dark brown hair and green eyes.
He isn’t one to care much about his appearance, so his hair is usually a mess, he often has short stubble,
and he won’t often be wearing designer clothing, just any old t-shirt and shorts, or whatever suits the current job.

Personality: Alexander is, for the most part, a quiet person. He’ll join into conversations and stories, he’ll crack jokes, but
he’ll often be content with just listening, resting, and waiting for a time when his opinion is needed.
He is a very social person, and while he can often be very inward, he relies on the presence of his friends and crew to get him through situations.
Because of this, he also likes to help the crew out, and will often talk them through any problems, and almost be like a ship psychiatrist.

Background: Alexander left his home before the war, when the first signs of conflict were showing.
Although he wasn’t old enough to join any army services, he lied where he could and managed to
get a lot of placements simply through his willing and want to fight. He was a member of various independent factions and underground movements,
but eventually became stuck to one ship, ‘Xibalba’, that was home to a crew of browncoats, led by a man named Carlo.
Something of a bond was formed, and Carlo essentially turned Alexander into the man he is today. During the early years, Alexander learned to scout,
a job that was chosen for him because of his physical attributes, but also well-matched his personality.
He did this job for quite a few years, and it was in this job that disaster struck. One day he was scouting ahead for traps,
and when he returned, his crew had been taken by the people who were to become The Alliance. Everything had been left behind.
He waited and searched as long as he could. In the end, he was forced to sell most of the possessions of the crew,
including the ship itself, in exchange for information and supplies. He only held onto some of his own possessions,
and some of the other crew’s possessions, as memorials, which is how he became the owner of ‘Carlo’.
His search eventually led him to an underground movement. They had found some survivors from his crew.
When Alexander was finally able to enter the facility where they were being kept,
all he was able to find were the bodies of 4 of his ship’s crew.
After the break in, his group separated at a dock, which is where he ran into Nathan who had just begun to put together a crew.
Although he hasn’t told anyone on the crew about his past, he feels extremely close to them,
if only because they were there when he needed someone most.


Sunday, April 19, 2009 6:29 AM


What do you all think?
I got some reservations.. but he seems to be mainly a fine bloke. Im sure lookin forward to learnin some shootin skills from 'im.
We could sure wreak some cross-firin ambushin havok on those Alliance types with two snipers!
(course, I'll still be learnin the finer points)
Dont kno much about this counselling business though...
Seems like the best dramas aboard a ship stem from secrets, unspoken words and incongrous characters..
Alexander seems too damn reasonable n malleable.
Perhaps he's got some secret traits/problems besides his immediate background... (kudos to it though! Great back-story richard!)



Sunday, April 19, 2009 12:05 PM


I also happen to agree with elPagan, but I'm not sure where I stand with the character sheet. I'll come back to it later today.

On another note, I was talking to Bucket just a moment ago about how the crew know each other. To work this out, I have decided that each of the crew should work with one another to work this out, so we have a fair idea who's who as we have supposed to have been working together for awhile. You might want to make private Chatzy rooms to do so. Ya'll have until Sataday, it's a good week, still.

Pretty much you will just write maybe, a paragraph, on what your character knows and thinks of each other character? This is why I suggested you work together on these things.

This also brings me to my final point. I won't be accepting any more people as the "current" crew. You guys will be hired near the begining as crew.

Any questions?


Bucket wrote a decent example post that show's what I mean pretty clearly:


Bucket is of the oppinion that despite their differances, and the captains propensity to shout.... and yell obscenites at Bucket, and wave his pistol and... um well threaten things involving iron bars, that hes an ok guy.
Bucket is aware that he doesnt exactly make things easy.


Now once again, this is just an example. I'm expecting something a bit more then that, but it gives you the right idea.


Sunday, April 19, 2009 12:35 PM


BigRichard, I've come to a verdict on your Character sheet.

I think you may need to re-write it a little bit for this, but we'll be taking you on as newly hired crew once we start RolePlaying. (We hire you once in the RP). Other then that, it's accepted.


Sunday, April 19, 2009 5:19 PM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.

Alright, here's my CS. Hope you like it!

Name: Ainsley Huntington

Age: 29

Sex: Female, bisexual (with a much stronger preference for women)

Role: Shuttle renter

Gear: Something of a clotheshorse with all her loose, sleeved satin tunics (shirts and dresses), fitted shorts/pants, and flashy sandals. Perfect style for a big, hot, crowded Core city. Also packs a non-lethal stun device.

Assets: Money. Lots of money. Not that she’s about to share and make things easier for the crew, mind. She also has some useful contacts, although not as many since cutting ties with her family.

Complications: Impulsive, sometimes to the point of recklessness. Does not take orders well. Tends to get in way over her head, especially with her latest venture. Sometimes acts quite haughty.

Physical Description: Tall and chubby, with brown skin, light brown eyes, shoulder length black hair, oval face, and a big nose. Much like an Indian from India on Earth-that-Was. (I have some character pics if you want.)

Personality: Bold and assertive, she walks into a room like she owns the place. She refuses to feel shamed for who she is, what she looks like, what she does, etc. She tends to throw money around, whether in donation to a beggar or to pay for a business service. Projects herself as more confidant and capable than she really is, especially when speaking with strangers or her contacts, which often makes her look haughty. Has few, if any, true “friends,” as she considers them to be a waste of time, and she does not enjoy opening up to anyone for fear of being too vulnerable.

Background: Born and raised in a large family living on the Core, she has a very noticeable accent, similar to Badger’s but more upper class. Her parents were formerly lower class, having gained their wealth before she was born through successful business ventures; but, their “backwards” views still attest to their upbringing. For instance, they always said she should have been a Companion, but they meant it unkindly.

Ainsley has spent the last decade working in business, at first for her family, and then on her own, as a higher-up in a business with ties to Blue Sun (although, really, who doesn’t have ties to Blue Sun anymore?). She’s heard frightening rumors of some questionable government dealings, leading to her anti-Alliance (though not necessarily pro-Independent) views, and subsequent falling out with her family. Her reason for wanting passage aboard the Defiant is to travel around and meet with her contacts, as well as build new ones, in search of more solid information about the Alliance’s dirty dealings.


Sunday, April 19, 2009 5:41 PM


Definatly accepted. Looks like we'll be picking you up in a week


Sunday, April 19, 2009 6:35 PM


Will rewrite it a bit, send me a PM with some of your thoughts if you like. Basically the point I was trying to make is that, he likes to talk to people, but that can get him into trouble, as it's almost like talking about people behind their back. He stirs up trouble and knows way to much about everything, and everyone. More than everyone thinks.

He's not meant to be a main character really, more like a side character, more like the Shepherd, that you don't really hear from much, but is always around.


Sunday, April 19, 2009 6:40 PM



Originally posted by BigRichard:
Will rewrite it a bit, send me a PM with some of your thoughts if you like. Basically the point I was trying to make is that, he likes to talk to people, but that can get him into trouble, as it's almost like talking about people behind their back. He stirs up trouble and knows way to much about everything, and everyone. More than everyone thinks.

He's not meant to be a main character really, more like a side character, more like the Shepherd, that you don't really hear from much, but is always around.

That's fine, and it's a good CS. Just something that didn't ring as current crew is all.

(You know, if that makes any sense to you. )


Sunday, April 19, 2009 10:34 PM



Originally posted by BigRichard:
Will rewrite it a bit, send me a PM with some of your thoughts if you like. Basically the point I was trying to make is that, he likes to talk to people, but that can get him into trouble, as it's almost like talking about people behind their back. He stirs up trouble and knows way to much about everything, and everyone. More than everyone thinks.

He's not meant to be a main character really, more like a side character, more like the Shepherd, that you don't really hear from much, but is always around.

riiiight! That sounds pretty good to me actually!
Here I was worried you'd be solving our problems in a boring straighforward way! :)
Sounds like you'l be a great catalyst, putting your foot in it and breaking subjects open(that arent even yours)! haha
I sure like the sound of it.


Sunday, April 19, 2009 11:16 PM


yeahhh, upon rereading it, I realised how it may have sounded to everyone else.
"He talks to the crew and everyone is happy! Their lives are exceptional and there are no problems whatsoever!"

When this is actually almost the opposite of what I meant!

The point is...he likes to try to help people, but is really making things worse. Also, he's a bit of a nosy bastard! :P

Edit: Although, to be honest, I can get rid of all this counselling crap if y'all like, I'm not bothered so much.


Monday, April 20, 2009 1:37 AM


"He talks to the crew and everyone is happy! Their lives are exceptional and there are no problems whatsoever!"

That was pretty much it, and once again I find myself agreeing with ElPagan, to avoid echoing him.


Monday, April 20, 2009 2:05 AM


good good!
Well, if you have any other comments, let me know, otherwise, just keep me posted on where/when it's all going down and such!


Monday, April 20, 2009 2:06 AM


*scratches head*
Im trying to find a quote about great minds...



Monday, April 20, 2009 3:00 AM



Originally posted by elPagan:
*scratches head*
Im trying to find a quote about great minds...


He he.


Monday, April 20, 2009 8:46 AM


Well this crew certainly seems to be shaping up well. I can't wait to get down to business and start telling some stories.


Monday, April 20, 2009 6:53 PM


And we have signitures! Me and Lincolnz (Mainly Lincolnz) have made signitures unique for the Defiant RP.

Just gotta' ask either me or him if you want one made up.


Monday, April 20, 2009 7:07 PM


Shameless showing off of my signature...

Zhù na ya tian guò de yú kuài!


Monday, April 20, 2009 8:20 PM


cool, how do I make on o' these?


Monday, April 20, 2009 8:36 PM


Find a picture somewhere that you feel resembles your character and PM me the link, you can also post it here or find me in the Defiant Chatroom. I can make you one in a few minutes.

Zhù na ya tian guò de yú kuài!


Monday, April 20, 2009 8:50 PM


Your name is still spellt wrong....


And I be using the wrong account.


Monday, April 20, 2009 9:04 PM


You "be" using the wrong grammar, mate.

Zhù na ya tian guò de yú kuài!


Tuesday, April 21, 2009 2:00 AM


You hurted my feelings....


Tuesday, April 21, 2009 6:11 AM


has anyone got any of my PMs?
Im starting to think I might have learnt it wrong..


Tuesday, April 21, 2009 8:32 AM


Sorry El, I went to bed before you PMed me. I just couldn't stay awake any longer.

Here ya go!

Should do, let me know if you want something changed.

Edit: Mine do seem to turn out a tad different than D2tL... man? What are you using different, besides software?

Zhù na ya tian guò de yú kuài!


Tuesday, April 21, 2009 8:56 AM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.

So.. seeing as how most people have a forum account with their character's name, should I go ahead and make one, too?


Tuesday, April 21, 2009 8:59 AM


If you like. But it's really not required. As long as we all know who you are we'll know.

Zhù na ya tian guò de yú kuài!


Tuesday, April 21, 2009 1:47 PM


Having multiple accounts can get very confusing. D2tL/Nathan has already missposted. Ain't that right cap'n? ;)

I actually named my account for my character but only because my previous account was lost. I forgot my password and the email address I had used was old and deleted somehow. So I'm starting anew. I've been around here going on four-five years.

Zhù na ya tian guò de yú kuài!


Tuesday, April 21, 2009 2:50 PM


It's the software dude. Mine has an anti-aliasing feature... which also applies to text.

So now, I can either go over and fix all of the fonts on the ones you do, or I could just swap the ones I've done with this feature around. It's up to you.


Tuesday, April 21, 2009 3:39 PM


thats soo snazzy!
Thanks lincoln :)


Tuesday, April 21, 2009 3:46 PM


eh, but I cant seem to paste images...
*im an uber nube*







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