GR RP "Adventures in GunRunning" ACT 17

UPDATED: Sunday, July 4, 2004 03:22
VIEWED: 19185
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Wednesday, May 19, 2004 10:26 AM


ACT 16:


Tools and tricks for the hip RPer.

Storyline work and a place for the acKtors to hang out.
OOC 16

Includes episode synopses and links to all the threads for prior acts

Guest DireKtor - DragonflyDireKtor { AIM, MSN }
Guest Asst. DireKtor - MercedesTroy { AIM}
GameMaster - Geezer { }
Co-Director - FrauDirektor {, MSN, AIM: MissAstriana, Yahoo!: MissAstriana, ICQ: 9592266}
Co-Director - Channain {; AIM}
Minion - DirektorsSmeagol { } , MSN, AIM)


None have been established yet. Each player has a unique style for posting a move that is consistent within itself. You'll catch on!

EOM = End of Move
OOC = Out Of Character
POV = Point Of View

Last but not least, the Gunrunners would like to extend a big THANK YOU to Joss Whedon for creating a whole new 'verse for us to play in, and to Haken for giving us a bright, shiny new sandbox theater!



Wednesday, May 19, 2004 10:29 AM


Where are they now?"


Mal, Zoe, Kaylee, River, Jayne, Book, Damon, Thorne

Inara, Rowan, Merz


"Observe Analyze & Respond"
Motto of the A.P.E.s
Alliance Protean Engineers


Wednesday, May 19, 2004 3:38 PM


Mal pulls out a box of Blue Sun Protein Puffs and munches a handful as he constructs the mighty big sandwiches.

Jayne walks into the galley, sweaty from a hard day's work, and snatches the box from the counter, sinking a hand in with a satisfied look. Suddenly, shock! The box is empty!

"Guess you were a little slow", Mal states without looking up, still making his sandwich.

Jayne bears his teeth, his breathing becomes heavy and laboured, spittle flying into the air. His muscles quiver and bulge, and his eyes dialate. He contemplates cracking the captain's skull open and feasting on the goo inside to quench his raging thirst for...

"There's another box in the cupboard", Mal adds.


Jayne sits, content once again, stuffing Protein Puffs into his mouth. He turns to face the camera and sprays with a full mouth, "I'm feng kuang for Protein Puffs!"

(BTW, everyone knows the bird's name is "Sunny", right?)


Wednesday, May 19, 2004 3:48 PM


Durn it! Sombody in the control booth pushed the wrong button and cued up the episode before we finished the commercial break!!!

Next commercial...


Wednesday, May 19, 2004 4:31 PM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by Saint Jayne:

Me, me, Oh, me!

VO (Voiceover): Sunday! Sunday! Sunday!

Image: Zoom in on flaming spaceship booster.

VO: At Persephone Dragway! The hottest ships! the coolest babes! Over 100,000 plat in prize money!

Image: Two ships accelerating down a track marked by floating strobe lights.

VO: See! Ion Injected, thermo-nuclear hot, full-race spaceships in head to head competition! See! Winner take all, loser go home racing on our brand new 1000 kilometer strip!

Image: Buxom bikini clad models presenting trophy to smoke stained pilot.

VO: With the beautiful Blue Sun Racing girls on hand; signing autographs and handing out the trophies in four Pro classes: Super Stock, Pro Modified, Funny Ship, and the maximum blast, Top Anti-matter Eliminator!

Image: slo-mo of ship crossing finish line just as engines explode.

VO: That's Sunday! Sunday! Sunday! at Persephone Dragway. Adults 10 plat, children five to 16 four plat, under five, free. Wave W237-35Q for advance tickets.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Wednesday, May 19, 2004 4:53 PM


Location Galley
Timetick 2:52

At Wash's comm, Mal goes to the galley door and shouts "I'll tell Book to run up to the bridge," ...chuckles... "Heh ... Whoops, seems he might'a heard me!"

He looks over his shoulder to check if Book has really heard.

Mal then walks over to the cooling unit and pulls out a fat round pitcher with comic eyes and a silly grin on it. Through the clear glass a frosty blue concotion fills the container. He truns to Thorne, lifts the pitcher up and asks - "Would you like a cool refreshin' blue lemonade?"


"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Wednesday, May 19, 2004 11:16 PM


Book's Move
Location: Galley
timetick 2:53

As Mal offers Thorne a beverage, disdaining Wash's call, Book looks questioningly at the captain as he exits the galley, heading to the bridge. Book waits until he's out of sight before he shakes his head disapprovingly.

There's time enough before the crew meeting to find out what Wash needs on the bridge. he thinks as he goes quickly up the hallway.

Walking onto the bridge, Book goes directly to Wash, sitting in his chair with his back to the door, puts a hand on his shoulder and leans down to see what he's looking at on the cortex.



Thursday, May 20, 2004 12:55 AM


Location: Bridge

Mal wanders into the Bridge holding 3 mugs. He sees Book and Wash talking about something.

Mal says, " I brought the both of you drink. Been a thirsty day." He tries to peer over Book as Book looks over Wash's shoulder. All Mal can see is '# LIVE WAVES MISSED: 001' in orange on the monitor, the rest of the text remains hidden behind Book and Wash. Mal asks, "That from that Hlastoni fella?" as he nearly juggles the mugs full of blue lemonaide.


"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Thursday, May 20, 2004 1:29 PM


Book's Move
Location: Bridge

Book moves aside at the captain's words to reveal the full text on the screen. He puts Damon's gun, which he just seems to realize he is still holding, into his hip pocket, and takes two of the mugs from Mal before he drops them... setting one down in front of Wash.

As Mal reads the text, comprehension dawns upon him, and his look begins to match Books... grim. "It's from Simon." Book says. "He's hidden his source location, but I know how to backtrace a message that was made using my card." Book pauses and looks back and forth between Mal and Wash for a moment. "He's a very bright lad, I'm sure he knew that."

Confusion paints Wash's face, and as a question is about to tumble from Wash's lips, Book continues. "He's coming in and out of himself. Sometimes he's himself, sometimes he's someone else. One thing is sure though, he's trying to tell us something. If nothing else, I at least hope to find where that message came from." Book pauses again thinking and then reaches into another pocket, produces the memory stick, and hands it to Wash. "Use this Wash... and please see to it that Zoe does too.



Thursday, May 20, 2004 1:53 PM


Wash's Move:
Location - Bridge

(Wash turns in his chair as Book enters the bridge. Wash says to Book): “What do you make of this, is somebody playing games with us?”


"I brought the both of you drink. Been a thirsty day."

Wash turns again, and rescues a mug of blue lemonade, his favorite, and places it in the cup holder that Kaylee had installed there so many years ago. “Thanks, Captain, I know you love your crew.”

"It's from Simon." Book says. "He's hidden his source location, but I know how to backtrace a message that was made using my card." Book pauses and looks back and forth between Mal and Wash for a moment. "He's a very bright lad, I'm sure he knew that."

Confusion paints Wash's face, and as a question is about to tumble from Wash's lips, Book continues. "He's coming in and out of himself. Sometimes he's himself, sometimes he's someone else. One thing is sure though, he's trying to tell us something. If nothing else, I at least hope to find where that message came from." Book pauses again thinking and then reaches into another pocket, produces the memory stick, and hands it to Wash. "Use this Wash... and please see to it that Zoe does too.

Wash (to Book, as he takes the memory stick): “I’ll Use it with Zoë as soon as I can, it’s almost three o’ clock”

(In a dressmakers shop, somewhere in the black, an old woman sighs as she reaches the last of the stock of pink chiffon. ”It’s too early to go home” she says to herself, as the clock reads 14:57 AMT (02:57pm) “I hope that mechanic girl really loves that dress, it took nearly all of my stock to make, and I don’t know where I’ll get more”)

- EOM -

Decoy, they make me go first.


Friday, May 21, 2004 6:37 AM


Slights move:

Brink Helsing wakes up screaming, sitting up in his bed and he cries like a madman.
Sucking in a breath, he whipes at himself frantically, whiping away the sweat. Another few deep breaths, and he returns to normal. He stands slowly, dressing with calm precision, and reaches for a bottle of saki.
He's gotten used to the nightmares now. They are never quite the same, no two alike, but he's used to horrors. But dreams will surprise.
He can't even remember the dream anymore, as he pours a glass. Not relevant.
But as he takes a sip, it all snaps back into him.
He's standing alone on the edge of a knife. In his left hand is a red axe. In his right, a white rose. At the far end of the knife, at the hilt, is a bright portal. On his left, a blue sun is burning brightly. On his right, is the girl. The one he raped.
Even he can see the meaning of balance in this. But he runs, trying to go through the portal.
But the sun has gravity, and he can feel himself be pulled down. The axe is heavy in his hand, but the rose is even heavier. Slight tries to drop it, but it grows a chain that wraps itself around his wrist.
He falls. He isn't even sure which way, but he falls.
When he stops, he's landed in a comfortable chair. His glasses are on, and he's in the suit of an operative. It's his fathers office, filled with ancient weapons. Everything from farming scythes to automatic rifles cover the walls.
First Power Helsing never did hold with lasers, though.
He's pouring saki wine. "You've gotten yourself in trouble now, boy."
Slight nods. He's not even doing anything now, just watching himself. "Fallen in with renegades, I know. Like 'em better'n you, though. They may not be classy or rich, but they are an honest people. Something I would like to explore."
His father shrugs. "Curiousity killed the cat."
"No guts, no glory."
"Fools rush in," his father counters.
"I took the road less traveled by, and it has made all the difference."
His father laughs. "Well, boy, what do you expect? That Shepard will bless you, or that Companion will tell you you're handsome, and above all guilt?"
Slight stands, removing his glasses. "I expect to find two things you never taught me, Dad. Hope, and a reason to find it."
With a flash, he's fighting himself. Slight is wearing his normal clothes-black shirt, pants and trenchcoat, holding a vertebrate whip. His counterpart is dressed in a Blue Sun suit, complete with gloves. The two are evenly matched, as the Blue Sun Slight uses a red axe, trying vainly to strike away the whip. Slight cannot seem to get around the axe. Then, both attack each other viciously, blow after blow anding, as skin and muscle are torn away. Slight strips from Slight.

Slight drops the glass, breathing deeply. He closes his eyes, trying to remember who wins. He cannot.
Slight sighs. He needs a cigarette. Suddenly he needs one really badly.

You see I cannot be forsaken/Because I'm not the only one.


Friday, May 21, 2004 1:02 PM



The three women spend a moment in a companionable silence, each thinking their own deep thoughts. It is a calming and pleasant interlude. Finally MERZ speaks, finished with the strange path her thoughts have carried her down. Strange. I have had few chances to sit and be with other females. I find there is a certain sense of, oh, what is the *shuddha word completeness in this. I have a theory that in your world, females – no, women need to spend time with other women. This I have observed before.

She looks at INARA and ROWAN in turn, one seated on each side of her, a small smile trying to tug at the edges of her mouth.

I still have the fourth teacup. Was a gift for a hard lesson well learned. I may be the only member of my who has ever ‘comprehended’ fragile.

Rowan’s smile is more melancholy as she reflects on the conversation she just finished in the shuttle’s cockpit, then nods in agreement.

ROWAN: “I’d forgotten what that was like, sharing girl talk. Aislin and I had a huge blow out when we were kids. We got past it, but never really got over it. I couldn’t forgive her and she couldn’t figure out how to apologize. It got better after she left for Madrassa Academy. I can remember a few times when she visited that we sat up until midnight just talking. Then I went to university and that was it – we never saw each other or so much as sent a virtual wave card. Then the movement started and circumstances were such that she had to send my wedding dress along with my parents. Until just now, and except for one quick time during the war, we hadn't shared words for more than 10 years.”

Interesting, also, that having done so, it was easier for her to open up about it.

Inara winces, her heart breaking for both of these women.

INARA: I've had many a female friend, from my childhood on Sihnon, to my education at the Academy...though the relationships have often shifted from friend to rival, I've always treasured my relationships with women.

INARA glances up from her hands in her lap, meeting both women's eyes in turn.
I would be honored to call you both friend.

From over the intercom, a voice interrupts the tea party.

Inara, we are having the meeting in the Galley, please bring Rowan with you. If you see Merz, let her know the change in plans.

INARA chuckles: The men will never let us alone for long, will they? Shall we, ladies?

The three women gather their things and exit the shuttle. One of them now pondering the exact meaning of friend.


*shuddha = correct (Nepali)

If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Sunday, May 23, 2004 5:52 PM


Posting, posting. Might add more later...
River walks up to Thorne, and says:

"Guilty. You're guilty. Now, why are you guilty?"*

She walks out of the room, going to find something.

*Thanks to Decoy. Not my line, but I liked it.

"Freedom is the Freedom to say that 2 plus 2 make 4. If that is granted, all else follws"-Winston, 1984
Teela Brown, keeper of bad typing.
"No one reads these things any way."- Bart on Blackboard


Monday, May 24, 2004 10:49 PM


Book's Move

A little bit of space trash floats by the starboard window of the bridge. It catches Book's eye, distracting him for a moment. hmm he thinks ...that doesn't look like our trash.

Looking back at Mal, who seems incredulous that he's staring out the window, Book sets down his mug on the console area, turns to give Mal a contain-your-anger look and says, "Captain, I'm not sure what you have planned for the meeting coming up, but if it can wait a little longer, I can trace that wav... now. It won't take more than ten minutes or so... once the process is set in motion."

Book walks purposefully to the door of the bridge, stops, grabs the handle of the door and pulls it closed. Turning, he quickly walks back to the console area, beginning to fiddle with his shepherd's collar as he comes.

Settling down into a crouch beside Wash at the terminal, his hands still at his collar, Book slowly removes the white Shepherd's collar which shows his station and tears the stitches from one end of it. Pulling the fabric down, Book reveals the end of a flat, shiny, metallic-looking object concealed within the fabric.

Book holds up the object as he slides it out of the now-ruined cloth. "This is a target-defined locator strip. It can only find one thing. The location of a message sent using my card. I need access to the console. He looks meaningfully at Wash and Mal in turn. ...and your word that you won't convey anything of what you see to anyone else."



Tuesday, May 25, 2004 3:14 AM


Okay, I'll be gone a little trip for a few days, so this is my last post. For a few days.
River leaves the Galley, and goes off to find a Vacc Suit. She finds one, suits up, and grabs a big piece of cloth. She goes to the airlock (?), and ataches a tether. She steps outside, and slowley works her way to the windows, a big grin on her face the entire time.

"Freedom is the Freedom to say that 2 plus 2 make 4. If that is granted, all else follows"-Winston, 1984
Teela Brown, keeper of bad typing.
"No one reads these things any way."- Bart on Blackboard


Thursday, May 27, 2004 2:08 AM


Wash's Move:
Location - Bridge

(Wash gets up from his chair, so that Book can sit down at the console… He then says to both Book and Mal: “I have learned by now to never see anything that might even slightly make trouble for me later, you should know that by now, Mal… you tell him that.” (He points to Book, then we see motion in the cockpit window) “There you see (he points the motion to Mal, a small gloved hand wiping a cloth over the lowest right window) I don’t even notice that. I can explain it, but I don’t see it.”

In a small, dirty town, somewhere in the black, a dirty mudder looks at a restored statue of a great (though possibly misunderstood) man, and exactly then a whistle sounds in the distance that calls for the afternoon break, which is precisely 15:00 AMT (03:00pm) everyday. The nameless man asks himself: “I wonder how many people Jayne Cobb is a helping today?” as he sets off to the local watering hole.

- EOM -

Decoy, they make me go first.


Thursday, May 27, 2004 10:40 PM


Book's Move

Sitting down immediately when Wash stood up, Book pauses in disassembling the strip, when he hears Wash comment to Mal on an unexplained something at which he's pointing. Not being able to see what Wash's pointing at though, because of his vantage point, Book doesn't see River and assumes it's likely Wash is gesturing at the space trash. So he continues to work with the metal locator strip.

"After a while, we begin not to see the little things floating in space. I can't explain it either, Wash. I wonder why we do certain things at all." Book looks up from his work to stare into nothing for a second, his eyes tightening. this may not work he thinks, as he feels the strip in his hands. Hidden too long inside his collar, it's taken a slight bend.

After Book takes the somewhat damaged strip apart, he turns to the monitor and begins to manipulate keys with a previously undisplayed knowledge and adeptness. After quickly rocketing through two levels of flowingencryptiondata, the monitor waits for an input, and Book turns to the disassembled strip and puts it together again into a different shape... the proper shape.

He pauses before he inserts it into a port on the console area, then sliding it in he looks to the monitor and nothing happens. shai de whan shosu he thinks and looks up to Mal and Wash. "It didn't work." They aren't looking at him. They're staring open-mouthed out the window.



Friday, May 28, 2004 3:41 AM


Keep the Shiny side up

Thorne's Move

Location: Galley

RIVER: "Guilty. You're guilty. Now, why are you guilty?"

As RIVER drifts away, “Guilty, who isn’t?” Thorne thinks.

Colonel Thorne was looking for answers as he burst into the office, a sheaf of papers crumpled in his hand. Behind his desk Lionel Caruthers, the head of Alliance special research projects, looked up in alarm as Thorne slammed the report down on the desktop. “Caruthers, how could you possibly sign off on this abomination? I always figured you were in Blue Sun’s pocket, but this is going too far, even for you!”

“Now calm down, Rosie.” Caruthers replied. “Have a seat. I don’t know why you’re upset. It’s just the logical extension of the enhancement project we’ve been running on you and your troops for years. Not really any new technology and nothing risky.”

“Nothing risky to who?” Thorne retorted, pacing back and forth. “You’re talking about taking children and playing God with their minds and bodies. And you’ll cover it up as a school. The parents won’t even know what they’re sentencing their kids to. These children can’t be intended for a combat role, so you must be planning on using them as spies and assassins. How can you even think I wouldn’t be upset.”

Caruthers tried to be conciliatory. “I told them you’d feel this way, and I have concerns too, but this plan comes from the highest levels. Both in the government and Blue Sun. There’s no way we can stop it. If we protest, they’ll just toss us aside and bring in administrators who are more...pliable. At least we can ameliorate the impact, keep the project small.”

Thorne stood silent for a moment, and then spoke in a low, firm, voice. “No, Lionel, I can’t condone this at all. I’ll fight it all the way up if I have to. If we do this, we’re worse than the rebels…Hell, worse than Reavers. If you have any balls, you’ll fight it too. You better think about it.” And with those words he turned and stalked out the door.

“But you didn’t fight it, did you? When you heard they were coming to arrest you, you ran. Tried to justify it to yourself. Said you could do more if you were free. And they went right ahead and took kids like River, and stole their childhood, and their life, and left them broken. No wonder you drink.”

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Tuesday, June 1, 2004 5:44 PM


Wash's Move:
Location - Bridge

(Wash is still staring out the lower right hand window, as River wipes it with a cloth)

(Wash, to Mal): “An explanation… hummm, aliens, no ah, ok, truth is good, I suggested that River go outside to wash the windows, Captain. I hope I get a gold star for this, this bit of foresight, as we’ve got a good bit o’ piloting coming up, and you know I hate having dust on the windows…” (Wash turns to Book): “Did what work? Hey, it’s time for the meeting, we’d better get down there before the Captain finds out we’re late, and does something that everyone else sees as hilarious.”

At this very instant in time, an old pocket watch reads 15:01 AMT (03:01pm). The watch, the only recognizable piece of debris from the destruction of an unidentifiable ship, is slowly burning up in the atmosphere of Belleraphon… The reason that this is mentioned here, is that the watch stopped during an attack, which was a meeting or rendezvous (your choice) between two smugglers, one punctual and one slightly less so… so a very small lesson can be learned thusly:

Don’t be late for meetings, because you were winding your watch: others might start referring to you as ‘late’ permanently..

- EOM -

Decoy, they make me go first.


Wednesday, June 2, 2004 8:26 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan’s Move
LOCATION: Inara’s Shuttle

INARA: I've had many a female friend, from my childhood on Sihnon, to my education at the Academy...though the relationships have often shifted from friend to rival, I've always treasured my relationships with women.

Relationships with women are indeed a different animal. Often times if the connection is right, there is no sense of competition – of feeling the need to prove herself, or even defend herself if need be. Rowan remembers never quite fitting in with most of the women around her, being somewhat smarter than the average girl and always more interested in what might lie beneath any outward façade. There are adversarial occasions as well, of course, but the quiet times are infinitely more desirable. More than made up for all the work she had to do to compete in a man’s world.

Speaking of which...

MAL: Inara, we are having the meeting in the Galley, please bring Rowan with you. If you see Merz, let her know the change in plans.

Rowan rolls her eyes the same time that Inara gives a sultry chuckle.

INARA: The men will never let us alone for long, will they? Shall we, ladies?

Taking up the cue stick case she brought with her, Rowan rises first and starts ahead. Could be a good time to get at least one game in, since, in her experience, no staff meeting has ever started on time. Giving both women a smile, she starts out ahead.

ROWAN (absently to herself): Mei mei yo... sister-friend.


We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche


Thursday, June 3, 2004 2:28 AM


Keep the Shiny side up

Thorne's Move:

Location: Galley

Thorne's internal clock lets him know it's 3:00pm. The meeting should be starting and the Captain and most of the crew are MIA. Seems par for the course. Serenity seems to run on its own time, completely unrelated to the rest of the 'verse. He'll give them a half hour. He settles back in his chair and runs through his plans for tonight's engagement with Inara once again.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Thursday, June 3, 2004 11:37 AM


As ...

Inara's move

Inara makes her way along the catwalks toward the galley, noting the now-neutral smell of the cargo bay, no residue of the earlier alcohol spill remains.

She's sure the other women are making their way to the meeting as well, but Inara is lost in her own head, thoughts flitting in and out with audacious speed. An image here, a sound there, a scent-memory that makes her wrinkle her nose. She holds the sleeves of her gown in her fists as she walks, rubbing the fine cloth between her fingers, the soft rasp rasp playing counterpoint and background to her whirling thoughts.

Inara steps into the galley, and gives Thorne her most brilliant smile, as she steps over the threshold, she glances behind her and notes that the other women have not kept pace. She wonders briefly where they've gone to.

"Good evening, Mr. Thorne....are both our timepieces so very out of sync with the rest of the ship? The meeting should be starting, shouldn't it?"

ooc--wow, it's been far too long...hope everyone's doing well!

Just a humble supplicant in service to all things Joss


Friday, June 4, 2004 1:05 AM




Not being seen following someone is just – second nature. When INARA glances around, of course MERZ is nowhere to be found. But she is following, heading for the same destination. friends. observation does indicate i would seem to have friends here indeed. impossible to deny that i am more comfortable as part of a group, the…team has been too much a part of my life. logical that separated from them i would seek alternatives. does this constitute a weakness? that possibility bears much weight. could be a problem

Slipping into the galley after INARA, MERZ slides around the wall to where DAMON is sitting on the floor, thinking his own thoughts. He seems more stressed than can be accounted for, sitting quietly here. MERZ files that away, for later. am i being unnecessarily paranoid? is there even the slightest possibility that i have been successful in escaping – that i will not be found. or even that i am not being sought?

Sitting cross-legged on the floor next to DAMON, she closes her eyes, sets her ears to alert her for the meeting, and settles back into deep thought. friends or not, i would sound truly paranoid, to speak the truth. might not even be believed. so, whom should know…?

Time passes in thought.


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Friday, June 4, 2004 2:13 AM


River finishes wiping down the windows, and comes into the ship. She slowley takes off her suit, and puts it away. She looks at it, and says:

"All alone in there, all alone."

She smiles a little, and makes her way to the galley.
Somewhere, on a dry, desesrt moon, a man comes to pick through the trash. Out slip a fanciful jacket, and a pocket watch, on which the minute hand was gone. "This ticks! I'll make a new hand." The hour hand reads: 15--.

"Freedom is the Freedom to say that 2 plus 2 make 4. If that is granted, all else follows"-Winston, 1984
Teela Brown, keeper of bad typing.
"No one reads these things any way."- Bart on Blackboard


Friday, June 4, 2004 10:53 AM


Book's Move

"I suppose you're right. There's nothing more I can do right now anyway." Book sighs, feeling beaten, and his shoulders sink a bit. He ejects the locator strip from the console and pockets it, then stands and watches River floating away towards the starboard hatch airlock. As she disappears from view a sudden thought strikes him and he turns to Wash. "Wash, for the next few hours, can you set up the incoming wav receiver to emit an audible notice when a wav comes in? I don't want to miss another wav from Simon."



Friday, June 4, 2004 1:44 PM


Wash's Move:
Location - Bridge

(Wash walks over to the console by Book, and turns a knob. To Book): “I turned on the answering machine, and It’ll signal me throughout the ship via the intercom.” (Wash turns to leave the bridge)

When Wash turns away from the console, a sudden tone is heard, and an obviously computer generated voice says: Thank you for calling Serenity. As all personnel are busy, please leave a message and a cortex number and time when you can be further contacted. Please remain aware that your message will have priority with our personnel. Thank you for this message that you will leave after this tone. (Repeats entire message in Chinese) The computer calls out the time: 15:02 AMT (03:02pm). There is just empty silence after the tone. (Wash turns to Mal): “Daì ruò mù ji machine deleted our message again… it’s your turn to leave one.”

- EOM -


daì ruò mù ji = dumb as a wooden chicken

Decoy, they make me go first.


Friday, June 4, 2004 10:16 PM


Book's Move

As Wash leaves the bridge, Book gives a withering look to the obviously makeshift knob that Wash turned to activate the "answering machine." Well, I could have done that. Book thinks tiredly.

Book takes the torn Shepherd's collar from the area near the console and pushes it into the pocket with Damon's gun, which suddenly seems very full. "This isn't the only thing I can try, Captain. I will find out what's going on." Book looks down the hallway to the galley. "We don't want to keep everyone waiting..." He exits the bridge and walks slowly down the hallway to the galley, giving Mal a chance to catch up, and rearranging the items in his pockets.

Mal stands with his hands on his hips, and a sour look on his face. Realizing suddenly that he's taken a strange pose and no one's looking, he becomes a little annoyed with himself and lowers his arms to his side.



Monday, June 7, 2004 1:45 AM


Mal looks at Wash in agreement. He leans in and hits the message record button.

"This is the Captain of Serenity, leave a message ... and don't forget to say who it's for."

Mal leans back to peer owlishy at both Book and Wash sidling down the hall.

"Well, I best git moving to the galley."

He rolls his eyes as he thinks about what the next half hour or so will be like. He mutters to himself - "Like herdin' wild felines!"

OOC::biggrin:Couldn't resist using yer line, Geezer!

"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Monday, June 7, 2004 1:51 AM


OK, I really mean this 'space is RESERVED for the MEGACHAT post - go ahead and post moves that happens after the meeting, following this DragonFlyDriector entry!

I suppoz' it would be best to wing it fer the time being, until the MegaChat Post gets, well, posted.


Jayne and Damon should be checking the inventory or freight rails, seismic charges etc.

Wash should be insuring that their 'counterfeit' {under assumed name} Alliance Planetary Geological Survey membership is still valid, plotting courses etc - during which he will get the "brrp" of an incoming LIVE wave. Hummm ... who could it be?!

Mal, Rowan, Inara Mal will talk to briefly to Rowan about the bar he wants to use as a contact point. He then will ask Inara if she has a moment to sit and talk and share the wine(?) directly after the meeting.

Zoe, Merz, Kaylee should begin to suss out how to hide Serenity's new "fangs" before they hit New Hokkaido's outer marker beacons.

River, Book and Thorne - I can't remember what OR if they had any "work" applied to them ... Meebe River dinna finish up the windows - them are mighty huge winders!

Who did I miss?

For a tiny bit of info to work with

MAL – Capn Rahn
MERZ-Tampa Cyberose
RIVER-Teela Sera-Teela Brown

You have just entered room "GunRunner Grand Experiment."

MAL: ALL Also try to indicate who you are speaking to by Capitizlating their character name or do ALL like I have just done - it will help.:-D

MAL: ALL we start right after the last post, I suppose.

DAMON: less confusion if we type which character we are talking to

DAMON: ((ok, so if anyone needs to talk OOC put it in brackets))
MAL: ALL OOC idea good if for ALL to know, if not a private IM shouuld work

MAL: ((Meebe a skip ahead to after Thorne gives his assessmnat - I am assuming Geezer won't show tonight))

DAMON: or just blend Thorne's assessment after?




MAL: ATTENTION ON DECK - **DireKtor walks on stage**


MAL: DIREKTOR NOTE - Ok, please go slow and if you get frustrated take a deep breath - this is an experiment

MAL: AT START OF this scens we are about to do EVERYBODY is in hte galley ... I hate that ROWAN and Geezer are MIA but we must solider on...


JAYNE: *Jayne walks in with Damon and steers him to the bench*

MERZ: *Merz is standing*

RIVER: *River is standing/going to sit*

ZOE: *Zoe is standing*

DAMON: ((SJ, we were bother already in the Galley))

WASH: *Wash is still standing, looking at coffee cups*

INARA: *INARA stands near the table, one knee resting on an available chair*


RIVER: ((Teela doesn't know what to say))


WASH: *Wash sits next to captain on right side of table*

RIVER: *River sits down within a couple chairs of

ZOE: *Zoe sits next to Wash*

THE MEETING!!! sorta - pasrts at least

MAL: To ALL : Everybody settled? Good. Wash, you go tthe maps I requested?

INARA: {{CIARA has to go to bed with husband, but may return}}{{SORRY GUYS!}}

DAMON: *sits in a corner on the floor, feeling slightly uncomfortable with so many people in the room*

WASH: Zoe: wanna sit down?

WASH: {{oops, ok}}

WASH: ((Yes, here they are))

WASH: *hands maps to Mal, in a binder, neatly*

MAL: **Mal takes the maps**

MAL: ALL; You heard Mr. Thorne's assessment - got
any opinons?

WASH: Mal: Groom Lake is on top

DAMON: ((I didn't hear the assessment))

RIVER: ((Neither did I))

WASH: Might be a hot drop...

MERZ: MAL: If JAYNE is worried - trust his assesment.

MAL: WASH Thanks **Mal bvegind to look at maps while the others carry on - he is still listening**

JAYNE: MAL> Yeah, lemme take a look at this.

WASH: I don't like leaving a party behind...

ZOE: *Zoe does typical 'wait til end for input'*

MAL: **Mal shares the map with JAYNE**

JAYNE: MAL> So this is it? This is the spot?

WASH: look at it, it's right at the end of maybe 50 miles of canyons...

RIVER: *River pulls her legs up to her chest and rests her chin on them*

JAYNE: MAL> Lotsa cover. We droppin' in a survey group first?

JAYNE: MAL> Or least buzzin' the place. Not a lotta growth ta hide under.

WASH: Mal, whats your great plan? I see wheels as spinin' but I hear nothin

WASH: Jayne, I can buzz it, but do you wanna let 'em know we are a commin'?

JAYNE: WASH> Either way.

WASH: Look close at the map, plenty of caves and rocks to get under

JAYNE: WASH> Everybody knows everybody else is here, or nobody knows 'bout nobody.

WASH: *just looks at Jayne*

JAYNE: WASH> Hey, I'll handle the job, whatever Mal decides.

MAL: WASH; Wash, do we still have that Alliance Planetary Geological Survey membership still?

WASH: One more thing Mal, there's a lot of sensor blocking matereal here... nobody's gonna do more than look at us, I promice]

MAL: WASH Under a psudonym?

MAL: WASH - OK, that is good

WASH: APGS, shure, I carry the card right here, with my Blue Sun credit card... why?

WASH: well, Rex has an account...

WASH: *cough*


WASH: Well, I can't give them my real name...

MAL: ZOE Mummm, Zoe, I would like you to start figgering out a way to hide Serenitys new peashooter - we don't need to advertise that she has teeth now

JAYNE: WASH> That yer sudo nim?

RIVER: ((That's hilarious Decoys!))

ZOE: **Zoe rolls her eyes at her husband*

RIVER: ((Decoy.))

ZOE: MAL: Sure. I'll work somethin' out with Kaylee before we set down

WASH: well it's a good idea, right?

WASH: Zoe, how's about a magnetic cover plate, I'm shure we've got the stuff here, and we can pull it off from the bridge

JAYNE: *Stretches and saunters to the counter*

ZOE: WASH: Sounds good.

DAMON: **listens to the conversation, not following most of what's being said**

MAL: ZOE - Hang on Wash. ** looks to Zoe** After this here meeting take Kaylee, Mearz and Damon to help design and impliment this project a'fore we hit New Hokkaido's outer marker

WASH: Zoe, can I please have a cup of coffee, I've been good all day...

JAYNE: *sniffs at the coffee*

MERZ: MAL: that means a walk outside. Who is rated for that?

ZOE: MAL: You want us workin' outside the boats with suits.

RIVER: *listens, nodding silently at each point*


MAL: ((I will fix inconsistancys in the edit with any input from anybody who wishes to )) of

MAL: Jayne is correct

WASH: River's gone out several times. River, would you liike to go out, and clean my cockpit windows?

ZOE: WASH: Yes, dear. MERZ: Well, me, Jayne, the cap'n... just about all of us.

MERZ: ZOE: satisfactory

MAL: ((Debs is save going OK?))

RIVER: *River brightens at this suggestion*

MERZ: yes


MAL: JAYNE: Mal nods and looks to Jayne -

MAL: "Jayne, those dusty and ancient seismic test charges still within their freshness date?"

DAMON: **talk of leaving the ship in suits catches Damon's attention**

JAYNE: *pours the last of the coffee into a cup*

JAYNE: MAL> Uh, yeah.

MAL: We still go about a doze or so?

ZOE: *gives Jayne a /look/*

JAYNE: MAL> Yeah, 16.

MAL: ((dozen))

MERZ: *Tilts head, raises one eyebrow at Mal*

WASH: you ain't thinking about making me a bomber pilot, right?

MAL: I got an idea forming in my head ... just let me suss it out a mite further

WASH: *looks directly at Mal*

JAYNE: WASH> Heh heh. Thems fun toys.

WASH: I could drop them out the bottom cargo hatch...

MERZ: Jayne: you have a very interesting idea of fun.

MAL: **MAl picks up a colored pens and begins to mark the on the map flimsy**

WASH: Might be fun


ZOE: *smiles and shakes her head at Wash*

JAYNE: MERZ> Shoot, a little a that stuff'll clean a golpher hole clean out. *smiles*

WASH: hey, i don't get to mix much in the proper violence you know

MERZ: Jayne: and just what did the gopher do to you?

MAL: Jayne, is the cargo roller rails still stored behind the Infirmary?

JAYNE: MERZ> They'z just funny when they blow 50' in the sky, s'all.

MERZ: *closes eyes*

JAYNE: MAL> Yeah, it's back there somewhere, but I ain't done inventory there in months.


RIVER: *River wonders what to do*

JAYNE: *Looks questioningly at Mal*

MAL: ((River can make sugestions))

WASH: ((play along, I'm winging it))

DAMON: ((Teela doesn't know whats going on either i think :P))

MAL: JAYNE Umm .oh jus' a sec...

JAYNE: *Walks back over to look at the map*

MAL: (we all wing it !))

WASH: but the time you think of it, i can go and look, you know

RIVER: ((No I don't))

WASH: ((you will :-) ))


MAL: ((Cap lock sucks!))

RIVER: ((Teela needs something to do))

WASH: ((no, just your typing))

WASH: ((sir))

MAL: ((say a Riverism))

MAL: ((Pphhhhttttt))

RIVER: ((About what? Nothing seems appropriate))

WASH: ((there you go))

MAL: ((That was to decoy))

WASH: ((i know))

ZOE: {{sometimes Riverisms aren't appropriate to the current convo ;-) }}

WASH: ((i thought they were the best ones))

MAL: ((River has gotten 'better' she may say
something to help, I can;t say what tho))

DAMON: **stands up, carefully stretching his back as best he can with his sore ribs**

ZOE: {{okay, folks, I am in serious danger of falling asleep in front of the keyboard...}}

WASH: who's gonna trow stuff down the cargo rails, Capt?

MAL: OK, meebe this is a bust...

ZOE: *Zoe is instantly on alert.

MERZ: ((not to me))

MAL: ((That last was from me not Mal))

RIVER: Okay, per request..."Many corners make a
straight line"

WASH: Bust who, sir?

ZOE: {{no, not because I'm bored... because I'm just really tired.}}

WASH: oh, ok

WASH: ok, the map looks good sir

MAL: ((ME too astri - running a 100 temp righ tnow))

DAMON: ((Zoe on alert cuz of Damon, Astri?))

JAYNE: WASH> What looks good?

MAL: ((Let me catch basck up onm hte scens stuff ))

WASH: but there are spots that are only maybe 80 feet wide, Serenities' wings are at 50 or so feet...

ZOE: {{worked from 3am til 5am fri-sat, up at 8am sat for house work - very physical, then down late again and up early again for open house today.}}

ZOE: {{body is just exhausted}}

DAMON: ((River said something guys))

WASH: one wrong moove, and, well... we don't get paid, ever again

ZOE: {{S Yep, Zoe alert 'cause Damon stood}}

MAL: ((Astri meebe why we should just paly around and just suss this Live online Rp out a bit more))

RIVER: ((Per request, not my own))

MERZ: Wash: so, you said you are the crazy one.

ZOE: *laughs and looks at MERZ*

ZOE: MERZ: You ain't far wrong.

WASH: looks like too many corners to me... all banks and rolls... hard for the crew

MAL: ((This is an experiment after all, will be REAL bumpy, but we will find the problens and figger out solutions))

MERZ: *trys for a smile at Zoe*

RIVER: ((Yuppers))

WASH: ((sorry, but I'm pushing on))

MAL: ((Will respond to River now))

ZOE: WASH: Sounds like St. Albans again, dear...

WASH: *slight maniacle grin in eye*

RIVER: ((Teela is just...she doesn't know))

MAL: RIVER; Darlin' what do you mean - you got an
idea abvout our proposed twisty path?

ZOE: {{Teela is lovely! ;-) }}

WASH: going mach 1 through 50 miles of canyon, what's the red stars for, sir

MAL: ((Yer doing fine Teela))

RIVER: ((Tell Merz!))

RIVER: ((She made it up!))

ZOE: *recognizes Merz's attempt and smiles back*

DAMON: **watches the others talking around the map from the side**

MERZ: *twitch at corners of mouth get bigger then go back to straight line*

RIVER: ((Teela needs to go soon))

JAYNE: MAL> And we'z blowin' up those diamonds with high explosives and cargo doors? I don't get it.

MAL: Red is for seismic drops - we post a flight plan with the Geo Survey ID and sy we are doing an update.

JAYNE: MAL> Uh, yeah, and?

MAL: Covers our rears ... New Hokkaid is a freshly minted Alliance center

WASH: Ah, ok... I get it, we are doing crime stuff to cover up real stuff, no other way around... wow, 50 miles at mach 1 in atmo...*big grin*

MAL: We need to stay low - both in profile and in flying

DAMON: **stiffens at Mal's last statement about the Aliance**

ZOE: WASH: Focus, dear

MAL: (( Ok if to room at large I am not using a name or sayiny ALL))

WASH: I got focus, lover... *stares at map* ((to himself, quietly)) left, left... right, up, left...

RIVER: ((Teela has a nice saying, but doesn't fit now))

ZOE: {{CAPN: Fine with me. TEELA: Use it anyway, hon, we'll work it in.}}

MERZ: ((Yes capn))

WASH: you all had better lay down in your bunks and strap in, this is gonna be the best gorram ride in your life.

MAL: Jayne; The blue is the real drop -- I wnat those cargo rails set up to roll the crates out the front CargoBay airlock.

RIVER: ((Don't know who to say it to. Not right now. Would fit better somewhere else.))

MAL: The real Drop is in a cave like overhang - big enough for a few shuttles

WASH: Blue... oh, ok.... I see, right at Groom lake

MERZ: MAL: that is a difficult target, at the speeds your pagal pilot is planning

JAYNE: MAL> Huh, yeah.

ZOE: *puts a supportive hand on Wash's shoulder*

ROWAN has entered the room.

ZOE: MERZ: I'm sure Wash can handle it.

WASH: hey, I could hit a sniper laying down at
that speed on a cliff, and he'd never even know I hit him, until Book here read him his last rights...


ROWAN: {{I am SO late}}

MERZ: ZOE: I have not a doubt in this 'verse

JAYNE: ((Join in! Hi!))

MAL: MERZ: that is why we are doing the siesmic drops ... Wash will pull a brake screecher and the sdtruff on the rails will fly out the airlock and impact

WASH: {{no, you are here, so time is good}}

DAMON: ((Chan doesn't need filling, we've RPd live before right jie jie?))

JAYNE: MAL> So how are we gettin' paid if we just drop the stuff?

WASH: actually thinking about doing a 360 degree spin at mach 1, and they will just fget slung out...

MERZ: ((Good one decoy))

JAYNE: WASH> What about us?

WASH: actually hitting the 'brakes' would be harder on the hull, sir

ZOE: JAYNE: That'd be why you'll be in your bunk, strapped down

MERZ: Jayne: well, he specified strapped down for the cres

WASH: you is crew, right?

MAL: Well, at the real Drop I want Jayne Book and Merz to jump from the bottom 'lock - Wash will nap the earth so you wont have far to go.

MERZ: cres = crew

JAYNE: ALL> I'm likin' this less.

ZOE: WASH: I, on the other hand, will be strapped into the gunner's chair on the bridge.

WASH: how low you wanna go, I'm good allthe way down

WASH: good for my nervs

MERZ: *grins at Zoe again*

MAL: You 3 will be loaded with sniper gear and I think 2 permante postions and one wandering sniper would be good.

WASH: *still staring at the map*

JAYNE: *smiles a bit*

ROWAN: *finding her way to the galley, ROWAN can't help but notice an animated discussion. Rather than interrupt, she spots Damon and sidles over to him*

ZOE: MAL: So when do we make the drop?

MERZ: Mal: Book? you are pulling my leg, yes?

MAL: JAYNE: Where do you think the 2 stick locations should be **Hands Amp to Book and Jayne**

DAMON: **frowns slightly, confused with the image of Book with a sniper**

WASH: I can be there in a few, if you call and need a pick-up, I just don't like leaving you there all alone

MERZ: Wash: trust me!

MAL: (( Astri don'thave map ahndy!, so I'll fak eit))

ZOE: {{good for me}}

DAMON: **notices Rowan and straightens the slightest bit**

ROWAN: ROWAN (softly to Damon): What's all the fuss about?

JAYNE: ((2 stick? Amp?))

ZOE: {{need to go, kitty troubles}}

WASH: I trust you, I don't trust anyone elce on this tiny moon... Oh, yah, forgot, you gonna need breathers here

DAMON: **softly to Rowan** The job

WASH: no job, just the payment phaze of the crime

MAL: ZOE: The 7th "seismic test site - blue dimond at Groom lake

RIVER: ((Teela needs to go. Have fun, all can borrow River for small things))

ROWAN: **ROWAN nods** Uoh... right. The job. **obviously still isn't sure what's going on, but starts paying attention**

DAMON: **continues softly** somethin about flying a false route to throw the Feds and dropping at a lake

MAL: MERZ: Book has some hidden talents!

WASH: it's lite on oxigen ((sp)) and the gravity is less too

JAYNE: *huddles around the map with Book, Wash in the middle*

RIVER: ((Bye!))

MERZ: Mal: damned well hidden, sir

MAL: ((Stick - place of sitting snipers, amp -=Map))

ROWAN: ((night Sera!))

DAMON: **to Mal's comment, mutters** yeah, I'll he does at that

WASH: ((bye))

MERZ: ((bye teela))

RIVER has left the room.

MAL: ((Se ya Teela sorry this was a bit fubar))

WASH: you wanna me to drop somebody at top of cliffs?

ZOE: {{back, not as bad as I thought, but needs attending}}

JAYNE: BOOK> Could go here. Nah, this is higher. Oh, better cover here.

WASH: how about here?

MAL: I'll let Jayne, Book and Merz figger that out...

WASH: *pionts*

JAYNE: WASH> Fine, you can go there and draw fire.

WASH: well it's the hardest place to land, so I figure you'd like it

WASH: ((:-)))

MAL: Yep, They will need breathers, and body armor

MAL: We're not landing..

JAYNE: MERZ> *smiles* Yer takin' a rifle?

MAL: This is al done from the air

WASH: no landing, just slowing down a bit

MERZ: Mal: breathers for them, I will survive

MAL: **MAl looks at Merz - startled**

MERZ: Jayne: why, you offerin to share

WASH: you'll need o2 to breath, you know, merz

ROWAN: ROWAN TO DAMON: Sounds more like a free-for-all.

MERZ: Wash: less than you, trust me

DAMON: They seem to know what they're doin'

JAYNE: MERZ> We picked up some extra gear from Niska's cronies. I might got som'tun that'll fitcha.

DAMON: ((that was to Rowan))

MAL: From a low atmo planetMerz?

WASH: Ok, if'n you say so...

MERZ: Jayne: If you have sufficient, I would
appreciate the assistance.

MAL: She must know her limits...

ROWAN: ROWAN to DAMON: I hope so.

MAL: But take one just in case Merz...

JAYNE: *Walks over to Merz*

WASH: It's looking like we'll be pulling six to seven G's... can you all take it?

JAYNE: MERZ> Yeah, "just in case".

MAL: MERZ: Though tyou had your own piece?

DAMON: *nods* to Rowan: might not know what's goin' on but it sounds illegal to me...

WASH: Hey, it's a spare for sombody elce...

JAYNE: *looks at Wash "duhhh"*

DAMON: **gives a small smile**

WASH: ((sorry, can't help it, this is fun))

MERZ: Jayne: I did not know you cared. Yeah, I gotta piece. Got really limited ammo for mine though.

JAYNE: MAL> We picked up a couple nice range pieces.

ROWAN: *ROWAN gives Damon a look before stepping forward* TO ALL: You've made plans to jam the fed's detection systems... right?

ZOE: {{Okay, I really need to go for the night. Working early again.}}

JAYNE: MAL> Niska outfits his men good.

MAL: **Looks to Rowan** Mz. Rowan is there a good "private" bar we can meet JAYNE at?

WASH: *to Damon* hey, it's not illegal if'n you don't get caught

MERZ: ((sorry Astri - will miss you. ))

ROWAN: ((bummer, Astri))

ZOE: {{Zoe can be assumed to stand aside while the conversation continues, probably mutter something about there being something out of joint, and then following Mal's orders as given... :P)

WASH: detection system woul't work there, too much interference

MAL: ((Se ya Astri - will email the edited chat to ya to fill in more Zoe stuf))

WASH: ((bye!))]

ZOE: {{Thanks Capn, I was gonna ask...}}

JAYNE: *finishes the coffee in one big gulp*

ZOE: {{Night all! *kisses to all*}}

MAL: ((Sleep well astri!!!))


WASH: ((thanks))


WASH: ((thanks))

ZOE has left the room.

MAL: ((OK, I gotta catch up again - got lost..))

MERZ: *pause*

MAL: ((OK MAl asked a question to Rowan))

JAYNE: BOOK> Yep. Good, here and here. That works as long as the movin' man's got our backs.

ROWAN: *Rowan meets Mal's Gaze* That would be the Rockbottom, Captain. Nobody goes in there anymore except the old timers. Feds pretty much ignore it these days.

MERZ: jayne: so who moves, you or I

MAL: Yep, that is why I though twe should have a wanderer - you wan the job Shepherd?

WASH: How does a sheaperd know so much about positions? they write it out in a good book, or something?

JAYNE: *eyes up Merz*

JAYNE: MERZ> I gotta say, I think yer good fer that job.

MAL: ROWAN; Thank you miss, that sounds good. i'll get the details after this meetin'

MERZ: Jayne: I gotta say you are correct

JAYNE: MAL> She's real light on her feet. Good moves on her.

DAMON: **stores the name Rockbottom in his memory**

MAL: JAYNE - your choice just figger it out 'tween you three...

MERZ: Book: shepherd - No offense.

DAMON: **anyplace with no Feds is worth remembering**

JAYNE: MERZ> I gotta nice automatic, too. Was gonna keep it fer myself, but you can use it this once.

MAL: ((Channy did you miss Aml's response?))

MERZ: Jayne: I would consider it an honor, and I know how to clean it, after

JAYNE: *smiles broadly*

MAL: ((Mal's))

ROWAN: ((nope - formulating))

MAL: ((OK this is a bit fast fer me righ tnow... though tI had lost hay, lol))

WASH: *studying map*

MAL: ((lost ya))

ROWAN: ROWAN: You wanna find it, Captain, you'll be taking me with you. I said only old timers go there.

MAL: ((OK))

JAYNE: BOOK> I got yer piece, Shep, don'chu worry. It's in good shape. Got ammo enough, too.

ROWAN: *She grins at him slyly* If you think that means only old folks frequent the place, you'd be sadly mistaken

MAL: ROWAN: OK, lets talk about the bar contact with the recivers...

WASH: Kaylee: you had better check the engine and the gravity generator out real good, if now, I'm gonna make a new crater in this tiny moon, for real.

JAYNE: *pushes Wash into the table and walks over to the benches*

ROWAN: ((Only my second live chat - still working out particulars))

MERZ: *Merz glances between Mal and Rowen, confused*

MAL: ((My first live OL RP!))

DAMON: ((doing great, jie jie! :-)))

WASH: ((me too))

DAMON: ((everyone is!))

MERZ: ((most of us are - neophites))

MAL: ((OK back to the show))

JAYNE: ((I'm a neopacifist))

ROWAN: ((looked to me like you guys had it pretty much down - impressive!!))

MAL: ((Took a bit to ease into the flow))

WASH: ((you are packing a new fist, righht))

MAL: ALL: We are going to New Hokkaid after we drop our packages ...

ROWAN: ((a little confusing for me because I don't know who's playing who except CapnRahn and Squee))

MERZ: ((partieeeee))

JAYNE: I'm Saint Jayne!

MERZ: I am merz

WASH: ((I'm Wash, your humble pilot))

MAL: While Jayne, Book and Merz watch Mr. Thorne's investment...

ROWAN: ((All right then - let's play))

JAYNE: MAL> Ya leavin' us up there fer long?

DAMON: **starts to wonder if they need him for anything in this little adventure and considers asking**

WASH: SPA! can I go to the spa... Zoe too, I mean, I'll be good and take a working radio...

MAL: We give the recivers the code to the locks and get the code for the mony pouch in the bar.

ROWAN: Rowan to Mal - You make him take a radio with his wife to the spa?

WASH: I'll need to unwind later, you know

MAL: JAYNE; Maybe a coupla hours - depends on NewHokkaido Transis Authority

WASH: Mal here, may need serenity, you know, like a blankie, or somehing

MERZ: Mal: suspenders and belt. Nice>

JAYNE: *puts his cup on the table; catches eyes with River; walks away to Damon up against the wall*

MAL: ROWAN *Caught of guard - he missed the conversation** Eh?

MAL: No spa till we get the palt...

MERZ: Damon: you out of this one, consider self lucky.

DAMON: **notices Jayne heading his way and watches him silently**

MAL: ((Plat))

JAYNE: MAL> So why is everybody here fer this? What's Damon and River doin' all this?

WASH: She asked why you make me take a radio when I lezve my jail on the bridge, sir

DAMON: Damon hasn't said anything out loud, Debs))

MAL: Everybody is to be wired...

MAL: I don't like surprises

WASH: River's gonna go EVA, and clean my windows... if she does, I'll let her play with Rex and friends

ROWAN: *She smiles back and holds up her hand held* I can patch into Serenity's systems with this. You can save your hand comms for the rest.

MERZ: ((Does not matter - trust me- you think with more than mind))

MAL: ((Save OK Debs?))

WASH: I'll get a surprise ast the spa, when I smash my radio, sir... *lear*

JAYNE: * glances at Rowan; and away quickly, stopping by Damon*

MERZ: ((still ok. panic not))

MAL: ROWAN; VEry nice Miss, that would be a good idea

JAYNE: DAMON> Pretty fun, eh?

ROWAN: MAL> And don't call me Miss. Rowan is fine.

MAL: WASH: SPA later - drop prep now...

WASH: Gorramit Mal, I am wired right now... look at that small hairpin turn...

MAL: Understood, Rowan

JAYNE: DAMON> I'd wait till Serenity lands before ya go runnin' like Hell again.

MAL: WASH; You can do it - you have before in worse circumstances

DAMON: Jayne: Shootin' Feds always is

WASH: no more gun dreams until vacation time, ok

DAMON: ((that was repsponse to Jayne's first comment))

WASH: I know I can do it, I'm worried about everyone elce

MAL: ((Is Ciara still here , I fergot))

MERZ: ((I think not))

ROWAN: ((doesn't look like it))

WASH: Who is gonna push out the real cargo at the blue site?

JAYNE: DAMON> You ain't runnin' from Feds, are ya?

MAL: WASH; Theyll strap in somewhere ...

MERZ: JayneL why, you got a problem with that?

MAL: WASH: Me, Damon, Zoe

DAMON: **breaks his gaze from Jayne, scrambling for an answer**

ROWAN: *Rowan lends half an ear to the Jayne/Damon exchange*

WASH: Jayne: last I looked we were all running from the Feds

JAYNE: MERZ> Huh? Problem?

MAL: ((OK about Ciara))

JAYNE: *Walks over to Merz, leaving Damon alone*

WASH: Mal: ok, just be careful, I can't just stop in a panic, ok

MERZ: Jayne: maybe. you allience friendly?

JAYNE: MERZ> Hey, don't get me wrong, I ain't on no one's side 'cept the guy who pays me.

MAL: **looks around** Where dit he map git to?

MAL: ((did))

WASH: *wash picks it off table, hands it over*

MAL: Thanks Wash.

DAMON: **breaths an internal sigh and steps back against the wall**

WASH: no problemo

MERZ: Jayne: well!

MAL: DAMON **Mal still lookin gat the map** You
OK for a litte excercise tomarrow?

JAYNE: MERZ> I'll tell ya one thing 'bout the Alliance. They got some really nice equipment. And some real crap, too.

DAMON: **looks up at Mal** Sure

MERZ: Jayne: duh. and your point is?

ROWAN: **Rowan watches Damon with interest and decides to keep a discerning eye on Jayne.**

WASH: *wash get up, and gets a drink of water from tap, sits back down, by Mal's spot on table*

JAYNE: MERZ> No point. Just noticed.

DAMON: Mal: not sure how much help I'll be in the air though

WASH: *keeps eyes on map in front of Mal*

JAYNE: MERZ> I got me a little collection.

MAL: DAMON: OK, you get some rest ater Zoe finishes with you and the nose gun

MAL: BOOK & JAYNE: OK you both got the duty to secure the rails and chech the siesmic ordance



JAYNE: MAL> Secure the rails n' check the bombs.

DAMON: **opens his mouth to ask about the nose gun but closes it when Mal turns to the others. it can wait**

MAL: Jayne; OK star it as soon as this meeting is finished...

MERZ: Jayne: anytime you want,

ROWAN: ((ZOE response)) **She looks to Damon and gives him a nod that coincides with Mal's order**

WASH: Mal, I gotta learn this here rout, I can't program this, the computer'd say I was insane

MAL: I think we got a good framework - any other ideas or questions?

MERZ: ((nope))

MAL: ((Thanks Channy!!!)

WASH: ((not really))

ROWAN: *Rowan raises her hand* Mal > I got one.

MERZ: hlas - cool, run wih it!

DAMON: ((was that OOC Debs?))

MAL: **sees Damons** pause and turns back to him** DAMON: You ahd a question son?

ROWAN: ((that was an in-character question))

JAYNE: ((Oh, I thought Debs was still writing))

DAMON: Mal: missed the part about the nose gun

WASH: ((rowna, what's question))

JAYNE: MERZ> Anytime I want? What, ya mean my collection?

MAL: DAMON: ask Zoe **Truns to Rowan** Yes?

ROWAN: ((Rowan doesn't know what the cargo is, that's all))

ROWAN: MAL > I'm new here, so I'm just curious. The way you're all behaving, I imagine that's not more tequila in those crates in the cargo hold, am I right?

WASH: toothpicks, 1 million of them1

JAYNE: WASH> Heh heh heh!

MAL: ROWAN: Mr,.Thorne's business, if wants, he'll tell you.


WASH: ((oops, me got locked))

ROWAN: **Rowan nods, although not happy with the response**

MAL: ((CHANNY hee hee pleas have Zoe smack her hubby))

WASH: ((smaked))

WASH: ((auto smak engaged))

JAYNE: ((Debs gone?))

MERZ: jayne:-((I got me a little collection)) you confused merz, no problem. she confuses easy

MAL: ((Sorry I ado not want o put words into Thorne's mouth - Geezer is a bit tetchy about that - got an email onec))

WASH: ((why I said toothpicks))

ROWAN: ((ZOE Response)) WASH > Wash, honey, would you mind toning it down to a couple of notches below crazy?

ROWAN: ((understood, capn))

MAL: ((He heh shiny Zoe!))

WASH: Crazy is good, where I'm taking us tommorow...

WASH: but I see your point

MAL: Any other thoughts?

MAL: On the drop

WASH: ((caught me))

MAL: **Looks scathingly at Wash**

JAYNE: MERZ> Well, you'll be coming to my bunk ta get the rifle and automatic. Ya might like to take a look. I bet you 'ppreciate a nice piece of equipment like the one's I got.

ROWAN: MAL > Fine then. Let me know when you need that guide to the Rockbottom.

ROWAN has left the room.

DAMON: **Damon smiles at Jayne's comment**

MAL: ROWAN: OK, how abou tin a minute I think we may be done here..

JAYNE: *turns to Damon, sharing a grin*

WASH: Waht's for dinner, I'll need to keep up my energy for tommorow

WASH: who's cooking tonight?

DAMON: dunno, but you declined my invite

JAYNE: WASH> Not me!


MAL: WASH; You can do it - you have before in worse circumstances

DAMON: Jayne: Shootin' Feds always is

WASH: no more gun dreams until vacation time, ok

DAMON: ((that was repsponse to Jayne's first comment))

WASH: I know I can do it, I'm worried about everyone elce

MAL: ((Is Ciara still here , I fergot))

MERZ: ((I think not))

ROWAN: ((doesn't look like it))

WASH: Who is gonna push out the real cargo at the blue site?

JAYNE: DAMON> You ain't runnin' from Feds, are ya?

MAL: WASH; Theyll strap in somewhere ...

MERZ: JayneL why, you got a problem with that?

MAL: WASH: Me, Damon, Zoe

DAMON: **breaks his gaze from Jayne, scrambling for an answer**

ROWAN: *Rowan lends half an ear to the Jayne/Damon exchange*

WASH: Jayne: last I looked we were all running from the Feds

JAYNE: MERZ> Huh? Problem?

MAL: ((OK about Ciara))

JAYNE: *Walks over to Merz, leaving Damon alone*

WASH: Mal: ok, just be careful, I can't just stop in a panic, ok

MERZ: Jayne: maybe. you allience friendly?

JAYNE: MERZ> Hey, don't get me wrong, I ain't on no one's side 'cept the guy who pays me.

MAL: **looks around** Where dit he map git to?

WASH: *wash picks it off table, hands it over*

MAL: Thanks Wash.

DAMON: **breaths an internal sigh and steps back against the wall**

WASH: no problemo

MERZ: Jayne: well!

MAL: DAMON **Mal still lookin gat the map** You
OK for a litte excercise tomarrow?

JAYNE: MERZ> I'll tell ya one thing 'bout the Alliance. They got some really nice equipment. And some real crap, too.

DAMON: **looks up at Mal** Sure

MERZ: Jayne: duh. and your point is?

ROWAN: **Rowan watches Damon with interest and
decides to keep a discerning eye on Jayne.**

WASH: *wash get up, and gets a drink of water from tap, sits back down, by Mal's spot on table*

JAYNE: MERZ> No point. Just noticed.

DAMON: Mal: not sure how much help I'll be in the air though

WASH: *keeps eyes on map in front of Mal*

JAYNE: MERZ> I got me a little collection.

MAL: DAMON: OK, you get some rest after Zoe finishes with you and the nose gun

MAL: BOOK & JAYNE: OK you both got the duty to secure the rails and check the seismic ordnance



JAYNE: MAL> Secure the rails n' check the bombs.

DAMON: **opens his mouth to ask about the nose gun but closes it when Mal turns to the others. it can wait**

MAL: Jayne; OK star it as soon as this meeting is finished...

MERZ: Jayne: anytime you want,

ROWAN: ((ZOE response)) **She looks to Damon and gives him a nod that coincides with Mal's order**

WASH: Mal, I gotta learn this here rout, I can't program this, the computer'd say I was insane

MAL: I think we got a good framework - any other ideas or questions?

MERZ: ((nope))

MAL: ((Thanks Channy!!!)

WASH: ((not really))

ROWAN: *Rowan raises her hand* Mal > I got one.

MERZ: hlas - cool, run wih it!

DAMON: ((was that OOC Debs?))

MAL: **sees Damons** pause and turns back to him** DAMON: You ahd a question son?

ROWAN: ((that was an in-character question))

JAYNE: ((Oh, I thought Debs was still writing))

DAMON: Mal: missed the part about the nose gun

WASH: ((rowna, what's question))

JAYNE: MERZ> Anytime I want? What, ya mean my collection?

MAL: DAMON: ask Zoe **Truns to Rowan** Yes?

ROWAN: ((Rowan doesn't know what the cargo is, that's all))

ROWAN: MAL > I'm new here, so I'm just curious. The way you're all behaving, I imagine that's not more tequila in those crates in the cargo hold, am I right?

WASH: toothpicks, 1 million of them1

JAYNE: WASH> Heh heh heh!

MAL: ROWAN: Mr,.Thorne's business, if wants, he'll tell you.


WASH: ((oops, me got locked))

ROWAN: **Rowan nods, although not happy with the response**

MAL: ((CHANNY hee hee pleas have Zoe smack her hubby))

WASH: ((smaked))

WASH: ((auto smak engaged))

JAYNE: ((Debs gone?))

MERZ: jayne:-((I got me a little collection)) you confused merz, no problem. she confuses easy

MAL: ((Sorry I ado not want o put words into Thorne's mouth - Geezer is a bit tetchy about that - got an email onec))

WASH: ((why I said toothpicks))

ROWAN: ((ZOE Response)) WASH > Wash, honey, would you mind toning it down to a couple of notches below crazy?

ROWAN: ((understood, capn))

MAL: ((He heh shiny Zoe!))

WASH: Crazy is good, where I'm taking us tommorow...

WASH: but I see your point

MAL: Any other thoughts?

MAL: On the drop

WASH: ((caught me))

MAL: **Looks scathingly at Wash**

JAYNE: MERZ> Well, you'll be coming to my bunk ta get the rifle and automatic. Ya might like to take a look. I bet you 'ppreciate a nice piece of equipment like the one's I got.

ROWAN: MAL > Fine then. Let me know when you need that guide to the Rockbottom.

ROWAN has left the room.

DAMON: **Damon smiles at Jayne's comment**

MAL: ROWAN: OK, how abou tin a minute I think we may be done here..

JAYNE: *turns to Damon, sharing a grin*

WASH: Waht's for dinner, I'll need to keep up my energy for tommorow

WASH: who's cooking tonight?

DAMON: dunno, but you declined my invite

JAYNE: WASH> Not me!


WASH: Jayne: Not me!

WASH: ((k))

ROWAN: ((Zoe Response)) *Smiling wryly, she gives Wash that LOOK** WASH > Good thinking dear.

JAYNE: ZOE> It's yer turn.

WASH: *looks down at table* (to himself) ouch

JAYNE: MAL> Didja eat all those Protein Puffs? I can't wait till dinner, I didn't eat fer lunch.

ROWAN: MAL > Ready whenever you give the word, Captain.

ROWAN: ((SJ - did Jayne actually smack Wash?))

JAYNE: ((Just nudged him))

WASH: ((no, but Zoe might be cooking/burning))

JAYNE: *back over to Damon*

JAYNE: DAMON> How's the ribs?

WASH: ((she can kill people either with guns or by feeding them))

MAL: JAYNE: No there is anoter box in the food pantry locker...

DAMON: Jayne: Fine

WASH: (quietly) saved

JAYNE: DAMON> Glad I didn' hafta kill ya.

JAYNE: DAMON> Why'dja go all squirrly there?

MERZ: Hayne: I defininitely know a good piece when I see one. Apprediate you showing me one real soon now. No time like the present

DAMON: Jayne: just was startled is all

WASH: Well, I'd best be getting back to the bridge, to do bridge stuff...

MERZ: *darn: Jayne*

MAL: (( All yal think we are done twith the mass meeting and could goto other chats make it less confusion fer the folks talking in a group - Like Mal and ROWAN may goto the Infirmy or sumptin to tralk about Rockbottom))

WASH: ((getting to be my bed time))

JAYNE: MERZ> Ahh, hah, yeah... I'm busy now, but after I get the fittin's in the cargo bay ready, I'll look you up.

MERZ: Merz needs sleep real bad.

JAYNE: DAMON> *smile* She's a hoot.

ROWAN: ((works for me - it's too late in the day to create this fast :-)))

MERZ: Jayne: any time pretty boy

WASH: *Wash gets up, and heads for the doorway*

JAYNE: DAMON> Well, you givin' me a hand in the hold, or did I bust you up too bad?

ROWAN: **Turns to head for the rear stairs to the dorms - pauses when she hears Jayne's question**

DAMON: Jayne: I'm fine. What needs doing in the hold?

MAL: OK folks let's git to the prep work!

WASH: *Wash leaves, and heads for the Bridge*

JAYNE: ((That's a good wrap point for Jayne))

WASH: ((Washm, out))

MAL: After the wok is finished I spect we should have a sit down and unwind

MAL: *Smiles ** and gbreak out some of the old firewater.

WASH: ((Will find the message on the bridge, and call Book to the bridge, but in real life morning, ok))

MAL: Now git ta work you buncha horrible space monkies!!!

ROWAN: **Rowan's ears perk up at that** MAL > What kind of firewater you folks got on this boat, Captain?


ROWAN: **Watching Damon, she decides he isn't any the worse for wear, in fact remarkably so**

JAYNE: I guess I'll go then...

DAMON: ((Capn, edit Damon's last question to Jayne))

ROWAN: MAL> **meaning Jayne** You want I should sedate him? I could, you know. **Looks Jayne up and down** Wouldn't need a hypo gun either.

MAL: ROWAN *Laughs* I'll bring out my personal stock and Kaylee has some excellent inter-enginge fermented hootch

WASH has left the room.

MERZ: Love you all but I have work in the AM

MAL: ((Squee, will do!)))

JAYNE: ((Ooooo nasty ROWAN!))

JAYNE: ((Bye all))

JAYNE has left the room.

ROWAN: ((:-) thanks))


MAL: Whew!


"Observe Analyze & Respond"
Motto of the A.P.E.s
Alliance Protean Engineers


Monday, June 7, 2004 2:04 AM


Timetick - As the meeeting is breaking up - lets say around 3:45

Mal turns to Inara as she moves towards the aft hatch.

"Inara, could you please wait a sec? I would like to see if we could have our chat now. I just gotta ask Rowan a thing or three."

He nods at Inara's response and allows a tiny smile to flit across his features. He then turns and moseys over to Rowan.

"Rowan, can you give me any more intel on that bar you mentioned?"

Mal leans aginst the kitchen counter with his arms folded over his chest as he awaits Rowan's response.


"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Monday, June 7, 2004 2:56 AM




MERZ approached ZOË.

Well, I am not at all sure where to begin. Perhaps we should head to the bridge, look around and see what options are available to us. There may be provisions already built into Serenity for bringing a external cradle inside under power. We should bring KAYLEE along also, I feel certain.


OOC: this is just a quickie until I get home from work. Astriana - Boomer, you got any ideas post 'em or email me. Debs

If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Monday, June 7, 2004 6:07 AM


Keep the Shiny side up

OOC: This actually is happening prior to the BDM (Big Damn Meeting) but couldn't be posted prior to the placeholder since I was out racing. No actual disruption of the space-time continuum has occurred.

Thorne's Move:
Location: Galley
Time 3:05ish

Thorne is still thinking of his upcoming evening with Inara when she walks into the galley and lights up the entire room with her smile. Meeting her alone was worth the trip, no matter how the rest of the deal goes down.

INARA: "Good evening, Mr. Thorne....are both our timepieces so very out of sync with the rest of the ship? The meeting should be starting, shouldn't it?"

THORNE: "No, my dear, all the clocks are correct, but I've noticed that some of our fellow travelers seem to have a rather slippery notion of how they should be read. Anyone who believes time is an absolute should avoid traveling on this ship, unless they truly want their faith tested.

But here come some of the less chronologically-challenged now."

Thorne nods towards the door as Merz, and a moment later River, enter the Galley.


"Keep the Shiny side up"


Monday, June 7, 2004 9:34 AM


Damon's turn:

Damon steps back as people begin moving toward the doors. He watches Jayne, ready to head down to the cargo bay as soon as Jayne gives the word.

OOC- not much of a post, but I don't have much to go on until the mega chat is posted.

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Monday, June 7, 2004 1:21 PM


Kaylee's Move
Location: Galley to ?

Kaylee lifts her head as Mal's meeting comes to a close. The conversation had just sort of drifted over her, not really making much of an impact.

"Stupid drop," she thinks. "Just one more job on one more moon. S'not like it matters anyway. Simon's out there, all alone, doin' somethin' he shouldn't be. Doesn't anyone else care 'bout that?"

Getting to her feet, she drifts over towards Zoe & Merz. She figures they'll need her help, sooner or later.

End Move

"I love my Captain."


Monday, June 7, 2004 1:54 PM



In the cramped cabin of a no-frills converted troop transport, Hexx is sleeping restlessly. Nightmarish dreams and half-remembered memories come flooding back to him. Foggy medical procedures mixed in with a jumble of nonsensical missions to bizarre places give him a sense of being in a carnival fun-house gone mad.

(Noises in the darkness.)Bip, beep, bip, beep.

Hexx awakens instantly to the soft alarm of his "pocketwatch". He flicks on the overhead light and clicks open the device.

(Words flash across the face of it like blue flames.)Message reads:Hexx, Unfriendly Traders have acquired Bank Property with intent to sell. We wish for you to persuade Traders to return said Property post-haste. If Traders decline, close all accounts. Use of Extreme Prejudice is authorized in regards to buyers. Recover and return Property at all costs. Confidence is high Transaction location is on New Hokaido. Proceed there at once. Compensation package will be generous. Signed, The Bank.

Hexx finishes reading the message and presses the ACCEPT stud on the watch, closes it and returns it to his vest pocket.

Hexx says to himself:"No rest for wicked me."

Hexx takes out a hand-held device and schedules an express trip from Greenleaf to New Hokaido. That done, he looks in the corner of the cabin. There, sitting like a square of midnight is the Box. Hexx, with a mixed rush of excitement and dread, opens it and proceeds to get the tools of his trade in readiness.



Monday, June 7, 2004 2:01 PM


Jayne's turn:

Jayne's face become thoughtful and serious as he watches Rowan's back. With a lurch he turns to lock eyes with Damon, who calmly waits for instructions.

"Say, Why don't you make yerself useful an go find them rails behind the infirmary. Haul 'em into the cargo bay an' come git me in my room when yer done. Don't knock, just walk on in and git me."

Without even a pause for Damon to acknowledge him, Jayne darts out of the Galley and towards the front of the ship.


Monday, June 7, 2004 3:54 PM



MERZ: "Well, I am not at all sure where to begin. Perhaps we should head to the bridge, look around and see what options are available to us. There may be provisions already built into Serenity for bringing a external cradle inside under power. We should bring KAYLEE along also, I feel certain."

ZOË: "Think you might have the right idea. KAYLEE's like to take it amiss if we start talkin' 'bout modifyin' her girl without her say-so."

ZOË turns and notices KAYLEE absently walking toward them. Immediately grasping the meaning of the woman's distraction, ZOË realizes that she hasn't yet seen the data stick that SIMON left behind.

ZOË: "MERZ, looks like KAYLEE's headed this way. The two o' you wait here just a minute while I speak with the captain."

ZOË approaches MAL and waits for his attention. Upon receiving it, she speaks.

ZOË: "Sir, any idea who was the last person to have that data stick the doc left behind? There's a few left who ain't heard what he meant for 'em yet. No sense draggin' it out, and it might give us an idea where he is an' what he's doin'.

ZOË glances meaningfully in KAYLEE's direction.


El Jefe Magnifico's Mistress... of Communications and Harems...

...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Monday, June 7, 2004 7:35 PM


1548 hrs

ZOË: "Sir, any idea who was the last person to have that data stick the doc left behind? There's a few left who ain't heard what he meant for 'em yet. No sense draggin' it out, and it might give us an idea where he is an' what he's doin'.

ZOË glances meaningfully in KAYLEE's direction.

Mal nods to Rowan and turns to see where Zoe is looking. Suddenly he remembers the missed wave from Simon.

MAL: ...with concern... Durn it, with all the prep for tomarrow, I forgot to let Kaylee know that Simon has tried to wave us." ...thinks for a moment... "Wash got the answering system booting back into operation, so if Simon jingles again, he can leave a message. Let Kaylee know he tried to wave us"

Looks again to Kaylee with a mixture of concern and paternal love.

"I dunno who has the memory stick." ...pauses to BELLOW to the room at large...

"HEY, who has been hoarding the message stick that Simon left for ALL of us?"


"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Monday, June 7, 2004 8:08 PM


Damon's turn:


Originally posted by Saint Jayne:
Jayne's face become thoughtful and serious as he watches Rowan's back. With a lurch he turns to lock eyes with Damon, who calmly waits for instructions.

"Say, Why don't you make yerself useful an go find them rails behind the infirmary. Haul 'em into the cargo bay an' come git me in my room when yer done. Don't knock, just walk on in and git me."

Damon draws a breath to ask what he's doing and how long he'll be but Jayne turns and hurries out of the room before he can utter a word.

Guess it won't make much difference...

He turns and glances at Inara on his way toward the door. She seems to be in a good mood, but then, he's never seen her in a bad one. She's always wearing that flawless smile and carrying that calm, in-control demeanor, as if she decended from her world of perfection to walk among the simple mercenaries, mechanics, pilots, soldiers and a slave aboard a rusty ship.
He's known others with a similar air, Crofton, Simon, maybe Thorne, all floating above everyone else on their clouds of money. But Inara is different. She seems to genuinly care for her friends, gracing them with her full attention and still seeing everything else around her.
And yet, even in this world that is clearly not her own, she still maintains that look of complete happiness, without a care in the verse- something Damon thought to be impossible to have. Maybe it's her money, or maybe it's just an act, but whatever it is, he knows it's far beyond his reach or comprehension.

He completes his turn and coming out of his thoughts, almost bumps into Rowan.

"Whoa, sorry..."

He steps back and looks down at her. She's been practically glowing ever since she walked into the room during the meeting. Looks like Inara's happiness may be spreading.

"You look... chipper. Someone die and leave you a fortune?"

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Tuesday, June 8, 2004 2:33 AM


Wash's Move:
Location - Bridge to Location - Front Hall to Location - Galley

(Wash walks out of the bridge, and heads down the corridor to the Galley. He hears a loud noise as he gets to the Galley door)

"HEY, who has been hoarding the message stick that Simon left for ALL of us?"

(Wash, to Mal): “I have the memory stick right here, (Wash pulls it from his pocket) but I haven’t been able to listen to it with Zoë yet.”

- EOM -

Decoy, they make me go first.


Tuesday, June 8, 2004 3:08 AM



WASH (to MAL): "I have the memory stick right here, but I haven’t been able to listen to it with ZOË yet."

ZOË: "Alright then."

ZOË turns to MERZ.

ZOË: "Why don't you and KAYLEE get started comin' up with ideas about how to camoflage that laser while WASH and I get our messages?"


El Jefe Magnifico's Mistress... of Communications and Harems...

...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Tuesday, June 8, 2004 10:14 AM


As ...

The meeting having wound down, Inara lifts herself from her chair and stands, watching the crew mill about. She is in the process of turning on her heel, intent on making her way back to the cargo hold for some space, when a warm hand on her arm stops her.

Inara raises her eyes from worn white shirt, up a tan neck to Mal's warm eyes.

"Inara, could you please wait a sec? I would like to see if we could have our chat now. I just gotta ask Rowan a thing or three."

Sliding her arm from his grip and allowing her fingers to rest for a moment in his large palm, Inara gives Mal a smirk and replies--eyes atwinkle

"now Malcom Reynolds, are you asking me to wait while you chat up another woman?"

Mal's fingers tighten on her own, his eyes going from warmth to concern. Inara squeezes his fingers back and chuckles lightly.

"I was joking, Mal..go on, I'll wait here for you."

Mal nods at her response, a grin flitting across his face before he releases her hand and turns to shamble toward Rowan.


Just a humble supplicant in service to all things Joss


Wednesday, June 9, 2004 10:44 PM


Book's Move
Location: Galley

Book lingers in the galley after the all-too-quick meeting. Most of the crew leave in search of whatever they'll need to complete their assignments. Book contemplates everything said, and not said as he walks slowly towards the rear of the galley. He turns to the empty spot where River was last standing. River most likely already knows. There was so much that he wanted to tell them... about what he suspected may have happened to Simon, but there was no real proof yet and no reason to have unwanted questions raised about how he thought he knew what he did. There had already been enough of that. Book leaves the galley, walks toward the aft stairway and pauses at the top. It was getting harder and harder to leave his past behind on this ship.

Book continues to walk down the stairs, not looking really at where he's going. The message. The empty wav. He was telling me something with that empty wav. It was addressed to me. He wanted to make sure I saw it. I don't believe for one second that he didn't have a purpose. But was it what I think it was? Does it matter? He wants me to know that he has had to use the card... to get our attention. For one reason or another, he is trying to tell us something is wrong. Could Brink Helsing have something to do with this? Finding himself in his room, he remembers that he was supposed to be helping take some cargo rails from behind the infirmary and goes to check on Jayne and Damon's progress.



Thursday, June 10, 2004 1:27 AM


Time : 1550 hrs

The Incoming Wave light begins to flash just before WASH enters the Bridge ...


"Observe Analyze & Respond"
Motto of the A.P.E.s
Alliance Protean Engineers


Thursday, June 10, 2004 4:49 PM


Wash's Move:
Location - Galley to Location - Front Hall to Location - Bridge

(Wash walks back the his favorite haunt on board Serenity, namely his bridge. He is mumbling to himself): “Great, I’m a gorram bomber pilot” (He opens the bridge door, and settles down in his chair, at the piloting console, and then pulls out a small drawer hidden under the console, where a few papers get ruffled through.): “Ah, ha! There it is, my old Alliance Planetary Geological Survey membership card.” (Wash turns to Rex, the dinosaur) “Sorry, but I’ve got to use your APGS card, as I have somehow lost mine, you don’t mind, do you?… No? Ok then, let me activate the cortex, and we’ll see if you need updating, but I don’t think so, it hasn’t been that long ago, when you cheated and passed your written test” (Wash turns to the cortex console and makes a brief query about the card’s expiration date, and then notices the incoming live wave indicator light is on) “Well, I wonder who that could be?” (Wash begins to plot his new re-entry course for New Hokkaido, and the rendezvous with Groom Lake. He hits the Accept button) “This is Serenity, Wash here”

Wave in Progress

(Simon appears in a darkened environment, maybe the Gyrfalcon, it is hard to tell. His face is smeared with soot and he looks rumpled. His expression is one of great joy and happiness when he sees Wash appear on Simon's screen.) "Wash! I was wondering if everything was OK on Serenity. Is River safe?”
Wash: “She was the last time I checked” (as he looks at the console if front of him, and thumps the top.)
Simon: “Good! I just wanted to drop a wave to let everyone know I am ok and let you know the plan is proceeding along. There have been a few ... delays, but Brink has been absolutely amazing.” (Shakes his head in awe and then looks up into Wash's eyes) “Is there anybody up that will talk to me? Specifically River.”
Wash: “Hold on Doc, let me call down to the galley, we’re just having a strategy meeting for the upcoming cri… (Wash suddenly gets flustered) crash simulation disaster drill… Yes, for the passengers, you know…” (Wash hits a switch, and calls out over the intercom, ship wide): “Hey guys, Simon’s on the screen here, live, so hurry on up here, if you wanna talk to him, ok?” (Wash turns off the intercom, and turns back to Simon’s screen): “Sorry we missed you earlier… by the way, River was helping me out a little while ago, she stepped outside, and was cleaning the bridge windows.”

(The display which is overlaying Simon’s face on the communications screen indicates that it is 15:55 AMT (03:55pm) and that it is not a collect wave, and that 01:05 Minutes have elapsed in the current wave.)

- EOM -

Decoy, they make me go first.
Go, Decoy, Go!


Thursday, June 10, 2004 8:39 PM


Book's Move
Location: Behind the Infirmary

The cargo rails were stored high. To access the rails, Book had to climb the access ladder on the wall and then cross over the open air to the cool ventilation pipes where the rails were stored. Having already lowered a few rails to the ground, Book was still high up in the pipes when the call from Wash came over the comm.

Simon's calling again! I've got to get to the bridge. Too quick for his own good, Book climbs from the back of the piping area, moving along the top of the remaining rails. One of the rails slides under his feet and he loses his footing. He tumbles forward, smacking his chest on the pipe in front of him and falling off the ventilation pipes to the small hard floor. Landing with a grunt on top of the rails that he had already tossed down, he immediately tries to rise and gets halfway to his feet before a mighty headrush sends him back to the floor.

Too soon. I can't miss Simon. Book gathers himself back together and gets to his feet. He moves, injured but still quickly, out from behind the infirmary and up the aft stairs... heading to the bridge.



Friday, June 11, 2004 2:56 AM


River, wherever she is, hears the message, and walks solemnly to the Bridge.

Bridge, right?

"Freedom is the Freedom to say that 2 plus 2 make 4. If that is granted, all else follows"-Winston, 1984
Teela Brown, keeper of bad typing.
"No one reads these things any way."- Bart on Blackboard


Friday, June 11, 2004 12:05 PM



A ship lands on Greenleaf. It's night, just a little after sunset. An angry storm is brewing in the sky. Flickers of lightning and the distant rumble of thunder make their presence known.

Out of the darkness slips Jonas Hexx, like a phantom wraith. Moving noiselessly, Hexx departs the transport ship and makes his way towards another vessel parked 500 meters away, eyes moving restlessly over the terrain. Thinking to himself:"The Longshot, a special prototype ship created by 'friends' of the Bank. Built for speed and stealth, it'll get me where I want to go, no doubt about that. Also packs some armaments in case trouble comes calling."

Hexx is expected. The ship's pilot has the engines all fired up. Boarding the ship, Hexx is met by a Bank Emissary. Description as follows: Female, American Indian descent, 2 meters in height, 70-75 Kilos, long red hair, full lips, brown eyes. In a word, STUNNING. Dressed in a black two-piece uniform of possible Oriental or Russian design.

The woman smiles and bows low, saying to Hexx:"Welcome aboard Mr. Hexx, my name is Sarah Eveningstar. Your gear is being transported to your quarters as we speak, per your communique. We're ready to take off immediately. If you'll follow me, I'll show you to your quarters and fill you in on mission details."

Hexx says to himself:"Sheeee-iiiiitttt!! This plan is going TOO smoothly. Something's up. Better be looking for the Joker in the deck, I'm sure it'll be popping up before too much longer." Giving a final suspicious glance behind him, and seeing not a living soul in sight, Hexx turns and follows Eveningstar.

The Longshot departs Greenleaf ten minutes later, rising soundlessly into the night sky. Upon leaving atmosphere, Longshot goes to full burn. E.T.A. to New Hokaido, 4 standard days.



Friday, June 11, 2004 2:14 PM


Jayne's turn:

Jayne hurries through the cargo bay and up towards the crew bunks. He turns to his own and swings the door open with one foot. The lights finally flicker on fully as he climbs off the ladder and lets it slam closed behind him.

He immediately undoes his trousers and examines his craftily acquired evidence. None of it has gotten onto his skin, but dabs of burgundy, red, and flesh tones cover the front of his underpants from the large dollops of lipstick he had smeared onto the inside of his pants.

Jayne peels himself out of his damp T-shirt and uses it to cover his legs as he slides his trousers down. His boots fall to the deck, followed by the T-shirt and the underpants which would be dangerous to wear covered in the Good Night Kiss drug. Jayne carries his trousers over to his bed wearing only one sock, and sits.

One or more of these four lipstick streaks would drop a fully grown man in seconds. Damon would find him unconscious here and Rowan would be proven a spy! The Captain would be so surprised that Jayne weaseled her out, he might even get a bonus. Jayne grins widely and nods to himself, then suddenly realizes the state Damon will find him in. Jayne walks over to the pile of lipstick-covered clothes on the floor and moves them gingerly to the laundry hamper, then returns naked to the bed.

Pro'ly this skin coloured one. Saffron looked like she wun't wearing no make-up at all. Jayne contemplates the inside of his pants with a furrowed brow, then moves in for a kiss.


Saturday, June 12, 2004 3:55 AM




Why don't you and KAYLEE get started comin' up with ideas about how to camoflage that laser while WASH and I get our messages?

MERZ looks over at KAYLEE, standing blank and distracted next to her. She seems almost disassociated from all that is going on around her. MERZ shrugs. fine. i can wait all day. in the mean time …. MERZ uses the time to start the database on KAYLEE storing all she can except the voice pattern. Soon enough for that, in a bit.

They are still standing, silent and unmoving, when the intercom crackles and a voice is heard ship wide.

Hey guys, Simon’s on the screen here, live, so hurry on up here, if you wanna talk to him, ok?

KAYLEE brightens a bit at that and starts to drift towards the door. MERZ, having nothing to do with that, decides that a bit of nourishment would not be at all out of line, and digs for a protein bar and a glass for water.

Can’t scope out the bridge until they are done with it anyway.


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress






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