A Defiant 'Verse OOC II *Sign Ups Open!*

UPDATED: Sunday, August 9, 2009 23:50
VIEWED: 61849
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Thursday, July 2, 2009 8:45 AM


Sorry I haven't been on for awhile, but I hope to remedy that in the days ahead. Family was out of the country for a few weeks, got back this week, so it's been a readjustment period for everybody.


Thursday, July 2, 2009 9:06 AM


It's ok. I haven't had as much time as I'd like either.

I've just gotten a "new" car, my first actually. A 1974 VW Beetle, runs great, looks nice, needs a little work... not surprising as it's 35 years old. So I've been busy clearing room for it in the barn, learning to drive it and get my license which I've put off for far, far too long. After the 4th I should be more active in the evenings.

Also I've not heard from Defiant in some time. I'm assuming big RL stuff as he's never gone this long without school or something forcing him away. In his stead if you need anything just PM or email me ( ). Hopefully he won't be gone very long. I expect I'll probably hear from him tonight or tomorrow. Keep the fingers crossed.

"Progress doesn't come from early risers — progress is made by lazy men looking for easier ways to do things." Robert A. Heinlein


Thursday, July 2, 2009 10:09 AM


Thanks for the reassurance, Linc.

A 34-yo car? Well, that'll keep you busy. Just keep a pair of good walking shoes in the trunk. *wink*

Forgot to say previously, Bucket got a pic! Good job.


Thursday, July 2, 2009 10:29 AM


It's a volkswagon though. No computer, air-cooled... things will be driving on fricking mars, someday. It's in near perfect condition, the engine is anyway, paint-job was done shoddy back in the 90's and a few other bits need work.

Volkswagon's are basically the real-world equivalent of a Firefly, simple, far from perfect but just damn reliable and beautiful if taken care of and given a bit of love.

Personally I'd wanted an older one, but I'd liken my reaction to seeing this one to Mal turning around and seeing Serenity sitting all dusty and beaten at the edge of the junker lot. Except my baby was dusty and stored in the corner of a friends garage. He had to lift it and pull it away from the wall to back it out! How many cars can you seriously park like that?

"Progress doesn't come from early risers — progress is made by lazy men looking for easier ways to do things." Robert A. Heinlein


Thursday, July 2, 2009 6:28 PM


Whoa. Linc- THAT IS COOOL. Always great to have a project.
Nice imagery too :)
Its shiny when moments like that happen in real life.
Im not sure if I envy your start-up repair works, even if shes a simple reliable running thing.
Like Dale, I have no skill or connection with machines and their workings.


Thursday, July 2, 2009 6:31 PM


Hey guys. Yes, I had RL stuff again, but now I have two weeks of freedom!

Lincolnz: I'll have an explosion in my pants pocket when I get a text message now


Thursday, July 2, 2009 7:26 PM


I'm not much of a mechanic myself but I learn easily. I also have a pretty easy time with machines so hopefully it won't be so hard. My dad however is very skilled and the guy I bought it from is a friend and a decent mechanic himself. He only sold it since he didn't have time for it and wanted to spend what he did have working on his other baby, an awesome Oldsmobile 442. Can't get much different than a 442 and a Beetle.. lol.

WELCOME BACK DEFIANT! I knew it was just something simple like that. Glad you're on break now too.

"Progress doesn't come from early risers — progress is made by lazy men looking for easier ways to do things." Robert A. Heinlein


Friday, July 3, 2009 11:25 AM


Hi Guys, it's me again... I gave up on waiting, soooo this is my new name. Hi, I'm shade's friend, write on the Obie and Sallie, ummm I can put up my cs, but I don't have her history done yet, SO! If that's ok I'll put it up and edit it but if not I'll try and think of it today >.<


Friday, July 3, 2009 11:35 AM


Take your time. No need for a rush, post it when you feel it's done to your satisfaction.

No I wasn't waiting for a post today. I honestly just got online right as you posted. Weird huh?

"Progress doesn't come from early risers — progress is made by lazy men looking for easier ways to do things." Robert A. Heinlein


Friday, July 3, 2009 1:23 PM


o.O stalker much? lol j/k


Friday, July 3, 2009 1:39 PM


ROFL. I've just had remarkable timing lately. Plus it was raining all day so I didn't get anything done outside. Reading James Rollins latest action/adventure book, the only author in that genre I actually like. Not bad.

I look forward to your CS, Ava. We've about filled our crew, definitely got all the vital roles.

This crew will be really fun to work with once we get past all the introductions and into the meat of the storytelling process.

"Progress doesn't come from early risers —
progress is made by lazy men looking for easier ways to do things." Robert A. Heinlein


Saturday, July 4, 2009 10:11 AM


Can someone add a link to that blue print of the Firefly's layout? I can't remember where I saw it and I'm having a little trouble visualizing where things are.

Thanks in advance.

Great posts, everyone!

In particular, I liked Shade's comment, "War just took all the fun out of violence." Heh.

Also, I liked Shade's unusual reaction to Mei's scars; she's such bad-ass that she envies Mei's deformity.

And we get a peak into Ainsley's dubious intentions -- a very nice hook at the end of the scene.

Now I gotta go try to come up with something halfway interesting. *grin*


Saturday, July 4, 2009 11:23 AM


those are for a regular firefly, with dual passenger dorms. It's my understanding the original Serenity has only ONE, straight back from the Infirmary and lounge, but I could be wrong, I can't afford the actual blueprints.

More importantly, I'm not sure which version Defiant is using, best clear that by him.

My own Oberon is modified further, with expanded dual passenger dorms, a wrap around stairway around the infirmary and an extra crew bunk up by the engine room. if you're curious to see what I ended up with.

We refer to the lounge closest to the passenger dorms as the "passenger lounge" and the small seating area in the galley as the "lounge". And I had so stinkin' many passengers, I had to make sure I had room for them all.

Hope that helps, and I'll have to let Linc or Defiant let you know what mods the Defiant might have.

You know you want it -

You know you need it -


Saturday, July 4, 2009 12:15 PM


That was quick! And just what I needed. Thanks, ShadeSiren.

Looks like I'm the only one here who hasn't written in the Firefly 'Verse before. I hope you won't get annoyed at my newbie questions.


Saturday, July 4, 2009 1:25 PM


naah, Im a newbie too. We can divide the "annoying people" workload between us :)


Saturday, July 4, 2009 2:11 PM


Heh. Good deal.


Saturday, July 4, 2009 7:08 PM


Ok the "official" QMX blueprints of Serenity show two passenger dorm corridors. Bits of the series also suggest it if you pay close enough attention. It's been awhile so I couldn't point to them by minute at the moment.

I've also already mentioned two on Defiant, we can change it if Defiant doesn't agree. I've done a lot of thinking on the various ways one could customize and alter a '03. Serious amounts of time. I can say without arrogance that I probably know more than most of Firefly design. At least the "canon" and QMX designs as well as a bit of conjecture(well thought out and oft debated conjecture). I've literally poured over everything with a magnifying glass and loupe... not joking. The two corridor layout matches the series, movie and other "canon" and semi-canon material.

I should watch the series tomorrow, I haven't since late last year. That's the longest I've ever gone without seeing it.

Ok I promise I will look into scanning my QMX blueprints for Defiant use. I must ask that if and when I do that no one take them and post them elsehwere, out of respect for QMX we should only share them amongst ourselves and for RP use only. They may have blown it on the Star Map but they sure do amazing art and we should respect our dedicated and skilled artists, paid and unpaid alike.

*EDIT* Also I should note that not only are there two corridors but there are two levels of dorms. Remember the ladders in the series? And the panel doors above the lower ones? So there's 9 passenger doors in total ON SERENITY. Apparently the rooms are modular and can be customized into smaller or larger rooms. I mentioned the Doc's room being the central lower one between the two corridors(Same as Simon's.. it's the most convenient for a doctor). And since it is mentioned as larger that would suggest it's double sized... we should start a whole thread on berth's.. lol It's our boat so we can debate and rethink this as much as we like.

Did all that make ANY sense to anyone else? Or am I rambling incoherently? I will retract anything if you guys have issue with it or can give a good reason why this doesn't make sense.

"Progress doesn't come from early risers — progress is made by lazy men looking for easier ways to do things." Robert A. Heinlein


Saturday, July 4, 2009 8:06 PM


Those blueprints are a bit odd, btw. From what I can gather the QMX ones make more sense(and are more screen accurate). Imagine the two corridors, but with less outward angle. Squash them together and combine the inner rows of rooms into one. That also explains a bit of the shape of Simon's room. Seriously it'd make sense if we could all see the blueprints... I am really working on that. I'll look into that tomorrow or next weekend. Next time I can get near a good scanner. I have more access now than I did a year ago(The last time I promised someone I'd get them scanned).

"Progress doesn't come from early risers — progress is made by lazy men looking for easier ways to do things." Robert A. Heinlein


Saturday, July 4, 2009 8:14 PM


Ok ok... triple post. I got tired of editing my others.

I forgot to add that lets not over think this like I have... it gets annoying. We can just mention our bunks until we can work out a blueprint or something along the lines of Shades own modified ones.

Sorry for my triple post and rant. I am this passionate about few other things.

Crew please check the chat.

"Progress doesn't come from early risers — progress is made by lazy men looking for easier ways to do things." Robert A. Heinlein


Saturday, July 4, 2009 8:41 PM


whoa. I think I'll re-read your post again later linc :)
Seems mostly in order, though I gotta say- I reckon serenity only has the one dorm.
As you said- theyre two story modular ones-
So theres room enough for all the passegers.
Then, theres the fact of the ship, its size and the space-efficiency of everything-
A ship with fold-out toilets doesnt have excess passenger rooms. I'd argue the dorm has to be singular to allow the back of serenity to curve in at the end. Also, its a light-freighter, not a liner-
it doesnt need to carry 9 passengers.

Oh, and celestia-
Sorry my post only reacts to what you've done, it doesnt do anything new.
I just thought it needed a dramatic add-break or cut-scene before I post the second half. Otherwise it doesnt really flow.


Saturday, July 4, 2009 8:43 PM


Dude... check the chat. The proof is all right there. Joss considers that canon and honestly, so do I.

Not bad posts, btw. From you and Celestia. I'll post tomorrow... too damn tired after all the blowing stuff up and burning fingers... and food.

"Progress doesn't come from early risers — progress is made by lazy men looking for easier ways to do things." Robert A. Heinlein


Sunday, July 5, 2009 4:46 AM


Check the chat? Thanks for the reminder. I keep forgetting to do that.

Linc, I appreciate a person's passion for detail. You wouldn't have to go to all that trouble with scanning and posting a slightly different layout of the ship, though. I can make do just fine with the one Shade posted. So, just when you have the time, no rush.

ElPagan, I forgot that Dale didn't know she was a doc, but I like his reactions. So, how will he answer the question, "Are you a doctor?"


Oh, BTW, she said flak "packets", but you probably had Dale think "jackets" on purpose. I'm just making up some futuristic medical terms, but you probably realize that. I like the "molecuscope" as an evolution of what we call a "micro" scope. Heh.


Sunday, July 5, 2009 8:17 AM


Actually I don't need to scan them now. I was sorta trying to drop a hint with the "check the chat" mentions. I sorta hoped people would be up on the take with that. Oh well. Just didn't want to post it here and step on toes or break any rules.

Working on a post at the moment. Should be up in an hour or so.

Seriously... if you are passenger or crew, check the chat. That's a direct order from the captain, through me, to you all. You'll be happy, really.

"Progress doesn't come from early risers — progress is made by lazy men looking for easier ways to do things." Robert A. Heinlein


Sunday, July 5, 2009 11:15 AM


Pretty pictures in the chat room. Thanks, Linc.

And I sure hope the three folk waitin' at the back door can get inside soon. ;-)


Sunday, July 5, 2009 11:21 AM


Don't worry... probably won't be out there much longer.


"Progress doesn't come from early risers — progress is made by lazy men looking for easier ways to do things." Robert A. Heinlein


Sunday, July 5, 2009 5:02 PM


*is going to use the bluprints from Obie because even though the chat ones are very very pretty, they make my head hurt* =P

Edit: and apparently I'm logged in as the wrong person *facepalm*


Sunday, July 5, 2009 5:07 PM


No worries. I'm going to work on finding someone to make us one in the style of Obies, but much different.

Hmm... where could we find someone with those sorta skills?

"Progress doesn't come from early risers — progress is made by lazy men looking for easier ways to do things." Robert A. Heinlein


Sunday, July 5, 2009 5:45 PM


Way different how...?


Sunday, July 5, 2009 5:49 PM


I mean in regards to layout. Defiant and I have talked about a few points. A major one, sparked by recent debate, is the passenger dorms. They will be pretty different.

It's a different ship, hence different layout. For now if you aren't sure, ask or remain somewhat vague.

"Progress doesn't come from early risers — progress is made by lazy men looking for easier ways to do things." Robert A. Heinlein


Sunday, July 5, 2009 6:06 PM


We had a similar issue on Obie awhile back, but that was a fairly easy fix with some simple revamping on Shade's part =P


Sunday, July 5, 2009 6:36 PM


I'm in a very creative mood tonight. I might just sit down and try and do one myself. I'll keep you all posted on my success or failure...

"Progress doesn't come from early risers — progress is made by lazy men looking for easier ways to do things." Robert A. Heinlein


Monday, July 6, 2009 12:49 AM


whoa. Didnt realize I'd missed so much on the chat! I havent even begun to read it, and may not for a day or two-
Im moving house to on-campus accomodation :)
but yeah, I think I can fit in a post from Dale between boxes of junk (always surprised by how much I have :) ).
Also, linc- sorry for contradicting you, I hadnt seen your 2nd two installments of your triple post, nor the chat, when I did mine. Your right, a parallel double corridor (not V shaped) with a shared centre-space makes alotta sense.
Cool to know we've got some serious Serenity scholars leading this shindig!


Monday, July 6, 2009 5:06 AM



Originally posted by LincolnZ:
... ask or remain somewhat vague.

The vague part is easy enough for me to do. Lol

I've gotten used to that feeling from writing in other sci-fi RPGs where the military and technobabble just kinda made my eyes glaze over when I tried to process it.

That's why I figgered the Firefly 'verse was more my kinda place.


Monday, July 6, 2009 8:21 AM


The firefly verse is a friendly place to all, methinks.
Nice post celestia! Im finding this scene fun :)
And yeah, he didnt answer the doc's medical question, I figure he forgot he didnt actually speak his thoughts.


Monday, July 6, 2009 8:55 AM


Funny post in the RP, ElPagan. :-D

I'll try to follow up soon.


Monday, July 6, 2009 10:04 AM


Funny. Odd... but pretty funny. You two are doing some good posts.

Niagra Falls? Dude... ok maybe it's from a book? I suppose if they know the Beatles it's not a huge stretch. Just remember this is hundreds of years in the future, in a society that knows little to nothing of Earth, even to the point of considering it a myth. That said I suppose little stuff like that can be explained as the name living on in memory and applied to places in the 'Verse. No worries though, it's not a reality breaker or anything... first person to mention Brittany Spears or something like that gets booted out the airlock, however. :P

Oh, hey... about technobable and such. I understand what you mean Celestia. One of my pet peeves is BS canned technobable. We'll try to avoid that here as much as possible. We just want to create a ship where we all know where and what we are each talking about and be able to picture it as best we can. Firefly is more about the character interactions and dialogue... which brings me back to my comment about remaining vague on location details unless you're sure of them. Focus on dialogue and interactions with shipmates, it's what it's all about anyway.

Also, my attempt at blueprints has failed. I just don't have the software, resources or experience with this sort of task. I have a couple people in mind to ask about it though, so it's not in the canner just yet.

"Progress doesn't come from early risers — progress is made by lazy men looking for easier ways to do things." Robert A. Heinlein


Monday, July 6, 2009 12:27 PM


The people outside are still waiting...



Monday, July 6, 2009 1:08 PM


Well aware of that fact Meshakhad. So far no one was immediately there when the "ringer" was buzzed, I imagine it also alerts the bridge or the captain's office. So I suppose no one was in either of those places at the time either. That's only if it's actually what everyone thinks it is anyway. lol I think it is, just not sure it works.

Anyone consider knocking?

Regardless Lincoln will notice people still outside very soon and check more closely. I'm also trying to give you time to respond to what Shade said about the fat guy next door. lol

"Progress doesn't come from early risers — progress is made by lazy men looking for easier ways to do things." Robert A. Heinlein


Monday, July 6, 2009 3:17 PM





Monday, July 6, 2009 5:30 PM


and I'm still waiting to find out if Mobbie.. I mean, Moe... is going to shoot me for a thief, or wait for an explanation. Or possibly some other reaction I haven't thought up.

As for the "doorbell", I would assume it would set off some kind of repeating tone or light, or something that would continue until shut down or answered, something like that. IF it even works lol.

And as to deckplans, I'd be MORE than happy to work something up for Defiant, if you wish. If someone wants to send me via email

Shadesiren at, you guessed it,

and then I can see about editing something up. I do enjoy making deckplans, and I have all the raw materials here from the Obie's and other deckplans. IF you want me to, let me know, send me stuff, etc.

um.. I think that catches me up?

I could respond to Mei, but I'm thinking during her short trip to the Wednesday, Moe and Shade can wrap up the stolen item conversation, and then Shade will respond to her.

HOW she responds.. well.. we'll see. *snicker*

I won't let her be mean :P

You know you want it -

You know you need it -


Monday, July 6, 2009 9:22 PM


I broke the chatzy *cries*


Tuesday, July 7, 2009 6:16 PM


The doc has put Dale on the spot. Let's see if he bolts. Heehee


Tuesday, July 7, 2009 7:23 PM



Seriously I can't come up with a better response... just really funny.

"Progress doesn't come from early risers — progress is made by lazy men looking for easier ways to do things." Robert A. Heinlein


Wednesday, July 8, 2009 1:07 AM


LOL, good going, ElPagan.

Hey, maybe Dale will get lucky and hear Ainsley calling for assistance. Lol


Wednesday, July 8, 2009 6:21 AM


:D Thanks for the set up celestia! As for movin furniture- thats my current notion. I reckon he'd love to de-stress doing some heavy lifting in the more familiar (and waay less stressing) presence of our good first mate.
Im curious about which way the doc will (mis-)diagnose Dale's swinging temps (clammy to flushed and back) and the stuff she mentioned herself in post..

And Bucket.. I gotta say, as Dale- I'd want you to be back in sleep. For the health and well being of everyone on board.. and then for your health and well-being as a sickly lookin crewmate.
As a reader though... bring on bucket!!
Hes sure to bring "fun" to the party :D


Wednesday, July 8, 2009 11:51 AM


Name: Ava Marie

Age: 24

Sex: Female

Role: Companion, passenger

Gear: Various outfits consisting of, but not limited to, a skirt and a laced top, which in turn could be one piece, or multiple laying on top of one another and flowing together seamlessly. Ava does have a few articles that are far from Companion standard, which you will rarely find her in unless the situation calls for it. She also carries a somewhat hand-held cortex (similar to that of a blackberry or iPhone from Earth that was), though it does not always work in the times that she needs it most. The only recurring item on Ava's person is a small silver pendant dangling from her neck, though it is usually hidden by the various jewelery and clothing that her profession requires her to wear.

Assets: Complies with the rules (mostly) and works well with others. Is trained in hand to hand combat for self defense, and has access to viable networks on both sides. Completed Companion Training.

Complications: Naive and somewhat innocent to the world outside of her work, and almost, but not completely, useless in a fight. No weapon skills except relaxed fencing. Occasionally forgets to hold her tongue when in a discussion or argument, causing a bit of controversy in acquiring her license.

Physical Description: A hint of innocence is hidden behind Ava's mahogany eyes, though the concentration on said feature is lost almost instantly. With auburn hair flowing down to her shoulderblades and her usual attire, the young girl screams Companion. Standing at a mere five foot four, her body is somewhat petite, though the immediate perception when dressed up as much as she is required is expected to be exaggerated in the wrong direction.

Personality: Having been accepted into the training for companionship at the age of ten, the majority of her life before was lost in the infinite amount of detail and poise from becoming a Companion. Soft spoken and well mannered, she retains the traits that her parents taught her about growing up and the world outside their home. She never would have expected to use their words so soon though. Always giving a person the benefit of the doubt, Ava is very easy to talk to and get along with, hard to anger, but if you somehow manage, you may want to run for the hills.

Background: Miss Ava Marie was born and raised on Santo, a planet near Persephone, with less sophiscation and hustle and bustle of the core planet so many frequent. Though the girl spent most of her childhood here, helping her family with their business and lives, she could not remember most of it if you asked. The reasoning behind her departure was still vague even to her, but at the age of ten she was taken from her home and shipped to Persephone, where she started training as a companion almost as quickly as she landed.

Regardless of her disadvantage, Ava excelled in all of her courses, though it seemed as though she had to work a bit harder considering her background. Even after graduation and earning her license, there are still moments where her previous status slips through and she must take a few steps back. Ava earned her license at the age of eighteen and has been a certified companion for six years.

Her specialties include, but are not limited to, escort, comfort, and simple companionship. Although these are very few of the skills learned while becoming a companion, and by far not the only things she has been asked to perform, these are her most sought after abilities. Whether it be as arm candy for a party or shindig you can not show up to alone, or the comfort after a traumatic experience or the need to be near someone, Ava is on the top of the list.

^^^^^^^ possible siggy pic?


Wednesday, July 8, 2009 11:51 AM


That is a lot longer than I expected but ta da!

And the background is subject to change and all that jazz


Wednesday, July 8, 2009 1:27 PM


Nice CS, Ava :)

Mei - Shade is about to answer you, but I'd really like a post from Moe before she does.

Kinda wierd Mei turning away and moving on after she's JUST asked a question, but I just wanted you to know I'm not refusing to answer, and I'm ready to post, but I can't really keep going, when Moe is ALREADY several posts behind. The more we keep posting, the farther he is left behind. Outside the ship, that is - inside can keep moving, until or unless they open the door and begin interacting with us as well.

At this point, only an interruption from those inside will derail things, in my mind, until Moe can post. I don't want to ignore the fact that I've just offered him his recently stolen property, and he doesn't know how I got it. Wouldn't be fair not to let him respond, in my mind.

Dale and Doc, great exchange, very entertaining :P


Wednesday, July 8, 2009 1:50 PM


Accepted Ava Marie, beautiful well written application. I'll post more later, sleepless night >.>

Lincolnz: Buttle... to duel with ones buttocks


Wednesday, July 8, 2009 2:59 PM


Yay *dances*






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