A Defiant 'Verse OOC II *Sign Ups Open!*

UPDATED: Sunday, August 9, 2009 23:50
VIEWED: 61846
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Wednesday, July 22, 2009 10:55 PM


It worked!



"Progress doesn't come from early risers — progress is made by lazy men looking for easier ways to do things." Robert A. Heinlein


Thursday, July 23, 2009 2:45 AM




Friday, July 24, 2009 3:42 PM


Ugh guys this is killing me! I wanna poooooost *cries*


Friday, July 24, 2009 7:46 PM



Come one people. Ava wants to post!

"Progress doesn't come from early risers — progress is made by lazy men looking for easier ways to do things." Robert A. Heinlein


Saturday, July 25, 2009 10:35 AM


Yeah, she pestered me like crazy ALL morning at work.


I posted :P:P:P LMAO

Also, fyi, I posted three chapters of a sort of fan fic in the blue sun room. The Empty Reflection is possibly going to be a sort of prequel to the Oberon, for Dicey, but it's non-canon in every way, as far as I'm concern, as Dicey was never ACTUALLY intended to ever come face to face with the crew of Serenity.

Chapter 1:

Chapter 2:

Chapter 3:

I could really use Contructive Criticism, if anyone has any :)


Saturday, July 25, 2009 1:00 PM


I did... I think I brought it up like, every hour, and jumped up and down and poked and prodded...

It was great

Edit: And it wasn't as massive as I expected, but ta da! <3 hope you guys like it


Saturday, July 25, 2009 4:28 PM


Welcome Aboard Ava! Officially now.

Great first post.


"Progress doesn't come from early risers — progress is made by lazy men looking for easier ways to do things." Robert A. Heinlein


Saturday, July 25, 2009 6:13 PM


Post on the way.

I'll just stick it in that spot in the new IC thread (the one where I thought I was posting in a new OoC thread)

I'm going to make an assumption about one of our newer characters and hope that's okay.

With Jackie being a local doc, I'm figuring she might have treated this person for an injury. Thought it might add a little dimension/drama to the situation.

If it's not kosher to do that here, just say the word and I'll remove it.


Sunday, July 26, 2009 12:39 AM


hey yall. Just posted. Note- his exclamation is a mental one, and I've repeated his earlier curse as poetic repetition- not out of laziness.


Sunday, July 26, 2009 9:12 AM


Lol, Bucket!

The doc shouldda gave him just a couple of those little green pills and took the bottle away from him.


Sunday, July 26, 2009 9:40 AM


Here's my problem. The captain shot Mei down pretty strongly. Unless he changes his mind, or someone else says something, she's going to write off the Defiant as a possibility and try somewhere else.

I really can't think of anything Mei could say or do that would change things. She's very new to the whole "job-hunting" thing.



Sunday, July 26, 2009 1:04 PM


Considering Mei's history, she doesn't necessarily seem the type to give up so easily. Yes, it would be quite a shocker to have your entire resume shot down without the blink of an eye, BUT that doesn't mean you should give up.

Yes, take a little time to possibly reconnect with what you're trying to imply and give to the captain, but don't give up. There have been plenty of interruptions for the girl to think about what to do and what to say, so just go with it and hope for the best.


Sunday, July 26, 2009 3:17 PM


It's not a bad thing Cel, but probably ought to post a new post instead of editing the last. What's done is done and it'd be better to just do a new one.

Also it's easier to notice that a new one has been posted.

It's up to you though.

Hopefully this won't be an issue in the future. We're working to address the no-deleting issue, among others.

"Progress doesn't come from early risers — progress is made by lazy men looking for easier ways to do things." Robert A. Heinlein


Sunday, July 26, 2009 3:53 PM


Okay, won't happen again, Linc. Thanks.


Monday, July 27, 2009 6:28 AM


*poke defiant*

Tag! You're it! Once you post, I expect another waterfall of posts in response, so.. get posting! LOL

On the other hand, cross your fingers for us.. it just keeps getting otter, and I swear.. I'm not gonna make it!! (it's in the nineties here this week - rare, for the northwest)


Monday, July 27, 2009 6:52 AM


I plan to drive around a lot in the next few days Shade, what about you? Air conditioning in the car ftw lol


Monday, July 27, 2009 4:02 PM


I'll work on a post tonight.

Stay tuned.

"Progress doesn't come from early risers — progress is made by lazy men looking for easier ways to do things." Robert A. Heinlein


Tuesday, July 28, 2009 9:05 AM


So apparently I knocked even though you guys are outside... ummm totally disregard that and it's just a flub on my part because I wasn't quite sure as to where we were and I was just too excited to post lol <3


Tuesday, July 28, 2009 9:09 AM


No worries, apparently we are both inside and outside the ship, as everyone seems to have a different idea of where we are all standing.


"Progress doesn't come from early risers — progress is made by lazy men looking for easier ways to do things." Robert A. Heinlein


Tuesday, July 28, 2009 10:48 AM


Yeah, and I think the cap'n strode right by the doc and Bucket on his way from his bunk to the cargo bay, and we didn't even see him.


Unless there are two passageways. I should look at the floor plan again.


Tuesday, July 28, 2009 11:07 AM


I'm in the process of making up Defiant-specific Firefly Deckplans as we speak.

Those who have seen the Oberon's plans will recognize a lot of it, but we've made changes based on Defiant's specifications.


Tuesday, July 28, 2009 4:41 PM


It'll be awesome. I've been sorta looking over her shoulder as she works and I'm happy so far.

It's not exactly the same as Oberon, we're making sure to keep it unique. The layout is basically an 03 Model Firefly with the typical variance and changes you'd expect from a half-century old ship.

"Progress doesn't come from early risers — progress is made by lazy men looking for easier ways to do things." Robert A. Heinlein


Tuesday, July 28, 2009 7:19 PM


I posteded.

Weak post but I didn't feel like writing too much. I think I'm coming down with a cold. How the hell I caught one in the middle of summer is beyond me.

"Progress doesn't come from early risers — progress is made by lazy men looking for easier ways to do things." Robert A. Heinlein


Tuesday, July 28, 2009 10:52 PM


There's alot of stuff on my mind atm, and I'm having problems scrounging a post together. Shade, if you get really bored of waiting go ahead and write Nathan. Sorry guys.

Lincolnz: Buttle... to duel with ones buttocks


Friday, July 31, 2009 4:18 AM


Guys, please point out anything wrong with my post. I promised Lincoln I'd write one but I'm still pretty distracted with Is... err, RL.

Lincolnz: Buttle... to duel with ones buttocks


Friday, July 31, 2009 11:16 AM


Eh, no worries dude. We all have Isa... I mean RL issues! lol

Well people? You wanted off the damned Skyplex, you wanted to know what I've been trying desperately NOT to tell some of you... well let's get to work!

My post will be up tonight, I posted last before Nathan so I'll give someone else a chance to post the first reaction post. Just remember to not like take command and write the ship leaving immediately, stuffs happening and everyone should have a chance to react.

"Progress doesn't come from early risers — progress is made by lazy men looking for easier ways to do things." Robert A. Heinlein


Friday, July 31, 2009 12:56 PM


ok, if I understood his post correctly, a bomb went off, and fairly close to the Defiant, yes?

Close enough for Nathan to somehow be hurt and knocked down (and therefore, anyone else close to him, as well)?

I'm guessing the ship's not damaged, although, if it were close enough to hurt Nathan in the airlock, it'd have to be pretty damn close...

I just have to check my facts so I can post. I know it drives some GMs crazy, but if I don't check to make sure, I post really weird.


Friday, July 31, 2009 1:10 PM


Don't think about it in terms of an explosion planetside. This was in a pressurized space station. The pressure and energy generated by such an explosion would spread through the entire skyplex, not having anywhere else to go. If you didn't die in the blast or slam into something else, you hit the floor.. hard.

That said, yes it was close and yes the ship is obviously (functionally) undamaged. Or would you all want to stay on the now horribly damaged Skyplex for a few months(Game Time, remember we've only done a few hours so far)... or die when it decompresses...

Remember no one is dead or seriously injured unless they or Defiant says they are. All hell is breaking loose, how would your character react?

Also, Defiant? That was a bit more graphic than I expected. Well done, that type of thing is typically not easy to write, especially when distracted and not at your best.

"Progress doesn't come from early risers — progress is made by lazy men looking for easier ways to do things." Robert A. Heinlein


Friday, July 31, 2009 5:39 PM


Whoa sheeeet.
Gagh, this is gonna be interesting.
And here I'd figured Dale'd was about to embark on another humourous fluffy side-trip.
Question to the management (and scholarly types) How does the artificial gravity system react to these kinda things??


Friday, July 31, 2009 5:59 PM


I'm guessing not well... thanks for the idea too. :D...

"Progress doesn't come from early risers — progress is made by lazy men looking for easier ways to do things." Robert A. Heinlein


Friday, July 31, 2009 6:07 PM


Well, I just posted, and its only up to the moment of impact- but I figured I was slightly behind the happenings and needed a catch-up.
Also, I needed to check-
Are both the cargo-bay doors (outer and inner) closed?
Do we have a fortuitous cargo of soft-feather beds-
(or anything of similar effect) or will I be going with bumps, bruises and breaks when Dale gets flung over the stairway's hand rail?


Friday, July 31, 2009 8:28 PM


Plastic crates could be a more ideal landing zone than the hard cold deck plates.

Also lets avoid the loss of gravity for now. Captain doesn't like the idea and this can get confusing enough without tossing other stuff into the mix. Right now apparently the station has power to lights and critical systems, for now.

Good luck posting.

If you need help feel free to contact me at l DOT bargara AT gmail DOT com I'll always help with technical issues you have, few people know Fireflies better than I do and that's not bragging. Also leaving messages in the chat is a good idea too, I'll try to remember to check there tomorrow.


"Progress doesn't come from early risers — progress is made by lazy men looking for easier ways to do things." Robert A. Heinlein


Monday, August 3, 2009 1:55 PM


Great post Ava.

Lets get this going again. Post people POST!


"Progress doesn't come from early risers — progress is made by lazy men looking for easier ways to do things." Robert A. Heinlein


Monday, August 3, 2009 2:13 PM



And because everyone should know the awesomeness of this

www. youtube. com/watch?v=HtvIYRrgZ04 (except without the spaces and all lol)


Above video does have profanity, so if you be at work or sensitive to the ears, do not clicky with loud volume


Monday, August 3, 2009 7:05 PM


I just completed the most stressful couple of work weeks I've had in 14 years!


Have pity, have mercy. I can't post right now.

My problem, as far as posting, is that I often only have a unexpected and sudden window of time open up where I can do some writing. I can usually find time once a week, but not lately.

This doesn't leave me a lot of time to ask a question here, wait a day or so for an answer, and then get to my post. I just don't have that much free time.

I haven't yet read the latest IC scenes, so if you're needing something from the doc, maybe Dale can cover. Maybe Jackie got knocked out by the blast? (I know there was a blast because I read it above, here in the OOC thread.)



Tuesday, August 4, 2009 2:09 AM


ok. So I know my post wasnt anything pretty- but I figured somebody needed to close the door. That and peeps were naggin for posts.
No trouble. I can easily find you out cold with a bump on your head if circumstance requires. No pressure for you to post before your ready to. I must say however, that the speed at which the thread moves probably means that the Doc wont be interrupted or found before you're available.


Tuesday, August 4, 2009 10:50 AM


You both have mentioned posting in a very negative manner and that's not what it is at all. The thing about PbP RP is that we all have to rely on each other. We aren't writing a single story where if you don't feel like posting, no one is affected, or if it's one on one, you just have that other person to contend with, and if you feel like pausing for a bit, there's no problem with just picking it back up where you left off.

I'm not trying to pick on anyone in particular, or say that I'm right you're wrong, but if we're having this much trouble keeping up with how posting is going now, I'm worried to see what happens when we are actually in the air and settled.

Even if you can't come up with a post right away, say something in the OOC thread so that we know what's going on. There's so much OOC chatter on the Oberon talking about why we may not be able to post because of RL circumstances, and about why we posted this that way, or what we're hoping to convey. You can't see the backstage chatter unless you're part of that particular ship, but I promise you it's there. Obie's is at least twenty pages long.

Nevertheless, I'm not trying to bash on anyone, or upset anyone, I'm just trying to put into perspective that once we get to flying, things are going to be moving a lot quicker and we won't have to rely on the GM as much. Our characters will be interacting freely with one another, unless there's some magical way to avoid everyone on the spaceship that I don't know about =P

Furthermore, as much as the GM is the "leader" and the one to push the story along, we all are a part of this and all have to take into consideration that our posts and actions IC help this story be what it is and move along in a timely fashion.



Tuesday, August 4, 2009 3:17 PM


Wow, look at Ava with all the good points. You sound like such an old pro - I'm so proud lol :)

Just wanted to point out Shade was still outside (I hadn't figured what to do, should have realized GO INSIDE was the obvious answer - was going to help the captain, but he's inside already so no point) anyhow, I edited my last post to amp up the damage from the explosion AND to move myself inside.

I'm not getting left behind because of being overlooked. That's stupid.

Anyhow, Ava's right about a lot of things. One of the things I ask people before they join the Oberon is if they are SURE they want to commit to something like this. It CAN take a lot of time and effort at times. At the same time, if people know what is going on with you out of character, know that you're on vacation, or working overtime, or babysitting your cousin's octuplets - whatever it is, if the others know you a little better, they can help work around or with you to help you out more.

Another thing - I've been encouraged twice, I believe, to post for another character. I can't do that. I dont' KNOW them. Now, the problem there is if you're more vocal in general, and I get to know YOU, I'll have a WAY better chance of having SOME idea what your character might do, even if you haven't had the chance to post enough to let me get to know the character.

OOC chatter is SO important. We chat about ourselves, about life, about what we want to do, what we're planning for our posts, even funny ideas we had for incidents or reactions.

Having our backstage chatter available ONLY to us means readers never get plot spoilers. We treat our stories like a TV show - we don't even call it a play by post, but a Writing Collaborative. We plan a lot, but only in the general sense, as in establishing what point a is and what point b is, all the way through to the end of the current plot. What is actually posted is the meat, the details, that fill in that journey from a to b to the end.

Now, having said all this, I do believe that Defiant is run more like an old Tabletop RPG. The "roleplaying" comes in somewhat aecondary to the "game" part. That means he's looking more for your reactions to things that happen, than how you feel about what happened. He's looking to see what you DO, what choices you make. Not read reams on your internal conflicts and motivations.

That doesn't mean they shouldn't be included - that's what makes it fun to both read and write these things. So - don't leave it out, but be aware that what you do will have consequences that he's not going to cooperate with you to "work through". If you make a mistake, you might pay for it.

That said, I think we all know if he does something to completely kick you out of the game, he's got to be careful, or he will get rid of all his players, and a GM without players is a sad, boring thing! LOL!! So, you may have to pay, but if you're smart about it, you'll find a way to survive.

I hope that helps too. I went into this expecting something more like the Oberon, where we have more of a plan, and the writers are all as in control of what happens as I am - not pawns controlled by me, but equals in the sense that they know everything that's planned, to a certain extent, and they had a hand in planning it.

Doesn't make Oberon better, just to say, cuz it's just DIFFERENT. I miss my tabletop days. Knowing this is more like that sort of environemtn - even if Defiant is rather absent, he's our GM, and we're just players, so we've got to watch each other's backs, and we can do that by talking to each other a little more!

ok, now I think I'm rambling. ANyhow. just in case, don't nobody take any of this as wrong, as far as, it's just me talking, putting thoughts out there, and stating things as I understand them. I'm making an attempt to have a conversation, not attacking or complaining, or anything ELSE. Just talking. I hate how you can't see that I'm smiling, or hear that some of this is amusing, you only have my words on the screen, and i know people have a bad habit of reading something, and hearing it in their head in the worst way, not how it was actually intended, and I don't want anyone getting their knickers in a twist over just talking. Happy to be contradicted or corrected, if need be :)


Tuesday, August 4, 2009 3:56 PM


whoa. chillo folks. I understand your helpfull comments were ambiguous and for general use-
but i definitely feel like im a targeted piece of ambiguous.
All i meant to say in my previous post is-
iz all goood bra.
No time hassles- you'r covered- and you probably dont even need to be.
[there was no intention of any slur on the game-speed, only an emotionless estimation]

As for using OOC threads more-
well, it sure sounds good. But until we start using the entire crew (or at least more than two people!) in a single conflict, action sequence or even just a chaotic conversation, Im not sure we fully need it yet.
Also, if we commit more time to posting on the OOC regarding in character posts, awaiting replies on it, responding back and awaiting their second reply(s) before you even post in the in-character thread-
You could very well add a week or more to the time gap between in-character posts.
But, as I mentioned earlier-
for multi-character actions/fights/arguments (with interruptions! :) !)
Yeah- OOC will be mighty handy.


Tuesday, August 4, 2009 4:11 PM


not so much saying anyone has to post more - I was just pointing out chatting more amongst ourselves leads to a closer-knit, more productive group :P

I rambled a LOT... brain just kept working.


Tuesday, August 4, 2009 4:20 PM


Out of character chatter is not a requirement, nor is it necessary for moving the IC forum further, but the entire point is to get to know people better, so that we're more like a family rather than just posting for a character. We have our characters, and each other.

And in regards to feeling targeted, yes, the argument was brought up in regards partially to what you said, but in no way was meant to target you personally, just the subject you mentioned.



Tuesday, August 4, 2009 5:03 PM


Why you guys bring up some interesting points.


Now, having said all this, I do believe that Defiant is run more like an old Tabletop RPG. The "roleplaying" comes in somewhat aecondary to the "game" part. That means he's looking more for your reactions to things that happen, than how you feel about what happened. He's looking to see what you DO, what choices you make. Not read reams on your internal conflicts and motivations. That doesn't mean they shouldn't be included - that's what makes it fun to both read and write these things. So - don't leave it out, but be aware that what you do will have consequences that he's not going to cooperate with you to "work through". If you make a mistake, you might pay for it.

You pretty much highlighted what it is that's always intrigued me about this particular RP, the fact that it's mainly reaction-driven. If you screw up, you will suffer the consequences. It's up to you to dig your way out of whatever predicament your character stumbles into, the GM is not going out of his way to make it easier for you. I think it's a beautiful thing. I did the whole "collaborative writing" trip once, twice, thrice, and I find that it makes for a lesser RP experience in that it robs me of my ability to react. Planning the plot ahead amongst ourselves and adding in the meat as we post becomes more of a writing exercise than a game, and that, to put it bluntly, simply fails to keep me interested.


Another thing - I've been encouraged twice, I believe, to post for another character. I can't do that. I dont' KNOW them.

I am completely with you there. I don't post for characters other than mines, and I certainly don't expect other players to roleplay my characters. While I can appreciate that godmodding might ultimately prove a necessary evil to keep the RP going in instances such as when a player completely falls off the map, I prefer to leave it to the GM(s).

Finally, on the topic of OOC talkity talk, I see where you guys are coming from, but remember that some people just aren't into that sort of thing. Me, I'm all for mass communication, staying up until 2AM chatting, making friends out of my fellow players, all that good stuff. But I recognize that some people might not be as eager as I. I don't think it's so much an issue of us "not needing it" at the moment as it is of us not quite being there as a group. Some RP groups just hit it off straight away, others, well, don't. It doesn't mean the RP is guaranteed to flop, it's just gonna function differently.


Tuesday, August 4, 2009 5:37 PM


Again, not saying anyone HAS to - I just want to make sure they['ve considered the benefits of it. Until Oberon, the only reason I knew people in the RPGs I was in was usually only because they were sitting across the table from me, face to face.

I don't care if they do or not - but I know I like the benefits of it myself, so I want to make sure they know what they're missing lol.

And yeah - I totally see what you mean about the difference in reactionary and collaborative RP. I've done reactionary to death in tabletop. In play by post, I prefer the other, mainly because, without Dice, let's be honest - we're all godmoding ourselves to a certain extent. No dice, no stats, no clear line of failure. In a play by post, it's even worse, because it's arbitrarily up to a GM, who could decide to screw you if he's in a bad mood, whereas, the dice don't HAVE moods. If he doesn't like you're plan of action, he can decide to just leave you behind, or worse. And in some games, you don't even have the OPTION of fixing things - you're DONE. So I'm more for dice or collaborative, not something in between. That said, I'm not AGAINST it either, and lookie, I'm still here, so obviously I'm willing to play it lol.

Sometimes, I just like to know something was said - just so that the words were heard, and the other person's brain can process them. I don't want any particular reaction, I just want to know they thought about it. My players know I will sometimes do this - post something just to make them think about it. NO changes requested, no orders given, just a subject I want to know they thought about. I think it's good for people to think :)


Wednesday, August 5, 2009 12:18 AM



Originally posted by Shadesiren:
I do believe that Defiant is run more like an old Tabletop RPG. The "roleplaying" comes in somewhat aecondary to the "game" part. That means he's looking more for your reactions to things that happen, than how you feel about what happened. He's looking to see what you DO, what choices you make. Not read reams on your internal conflicts and motivations.

This is exactly what was set out for when I found the idea of the Defiant, and a vision shared when I conscripted Lincoln to the scene. Like AP has also stated, the collaborative writing never washed right with me. I’ve done a couple of them, and many with AP himself. However, I never could have foreseen the mountain of stuff in my life right now. Thus, I have become increasingly more absent from the Defiant and this has had a negative effect on the role play. Thus, me and Lincoln have come to the following decision:

Lincoln is your new GM. Nathan will be written off in the near future (which was previously planned anyway, which is why his write up was so ambiguous) and Lincoln will probably take captain. While I will still play a part in this role play and the decision made for the direction it goes in, I simply have to stand back.


Wednesday, August 5, 2009 4:24 AM


what?? My beloved despised captain?!? Who will Dale smirk at now?? I was only just discovering Dale's mix of jealousy, righteous moral dislike and logically held (if not felt) respect for him!!

Sorry to hear you're being taken away from us mate.
Im glad its not a complete withdrawal.
If Nathans character is being withdrawn, will you be playing villains and randoms? or is the old guy we brought on-board an interesting character, not just a dead body in waiting??
I really am sorry to see you have to step back
BUT the possibilities you've just opened up are endless! I feel guilty for being excited now too..

final note- I really like the way you've set this RPG up. Describing it would repeat everyone else, so-
kudos to your fine work.


Wednesday, August 5, 2009 8:47 AM


O man, where do I start?

When I signed on with The Defiant, there was a statement somewhere that we would post at least once a week. This was an important consideration for me because that's about as often as I will be willing to participate.

Lincoln, congrats on your promotion to new GM. Defiant, I'm sorry to see you go, but I completely understand. I hope everything smooths out for you soon.

As the new GM, Lincoln, I will abide by your rules, guidelines, advice, and suggestions. It feels like there is a new dynamic here that's trying to change things. As it's a fairly new game, I'm sure we'll change, evolve, and grow, but if the changes don't work with my lifestyle, well... then they won't.

I'd love to spend hours on here every day, but my life is too full to allow for that. RPG participation is a hobby, a source of pleasure from the daily-daily. This is not the only RPG I'm involved in. Plus, I write fiction on my own.

I don't talk about my other RPGs here because this is The Defiant. Each RP has a character and personality and style of its own and I don't see the need to make comparisons.

I generally won't be reading the posts or writing as my character, even a sentence or two, more than once a week. If there are going to be pages and pages of posts to read every week in both the OoC and the IC threads, then I'll have to leave, too, because I don't want to participate in that kind of RPG.

I've been writing in RPs for years and have made good friends through them, and I didn't do it by chatting with them every day. The best friendships form over time and at their own pace.


Wednesday, August 5, 2009 9:02 PM



Originally posted by Celestia:
This was an important consideration for me because that's about as often as I will be willing to participate.

Aye, this was my problem near the end. Due to the Defiant picking up speed, posting once a week (which was all I could possibly do) was simply TOO slow for it.

Lincolnz: Buttle... to duel with ones buttocks


Thursday, August 6, 2009 6:50 AM


Sorry for not posting for so long - real life interfering.



Thursday, August 6, 2009 7:58 AM


Signing out, everyone.

The changes in the guidelines and in RL make it impossible for me to continue.

It's been great getting to know you all -- Defiant, Lincoln, Bucket, ElPagan, and YinYang. Nice chatting with you guys and with Moe on Chatzy.

Good luck to the rest of you that I didn't get a chance to know better.

Have a great RP! I'm sure it'll be one of the best.


Thursday, August 6, 2009 8:42 AM


Farewell Celestia. Wish it could have turned out better but we all tried. You'll be missed.

Dale's acting medic again now so brush up on your treatments for broken ribs, limbs and faces...

I am very proud of the last posts by Bucket, Dale and Mei. You guys did awesome and it gives me new hope that this RP won't fade away.

I'll post IC sometime soon(in a few hours I hope) so everyone sit tight. I apologize for not posting sooner, I've been a bit overwhelmed with taking over GM duties. I've done it before, however briefly, so I know I can do it again. I've got all of you to lean on and help me out, so together we'll keep this going on towards better days for the crew and ship.

We're about to be boarded and rounded up by the Alliance, their ship isn't the biggest, or the best, but they are a hell of a lot bigger than us and have some big guns to boot. The space around us is crazy, others who can are trying to escape, debris is everywhere. Let's get cracking and tell some good stories.

I'll be announcing something very important and major to the future of the RP in the next couple days sometime. Don't worry, it will change some things but we as a crew, the rules and the story will remain the same. Hopefully the only change will be for the better.

"Progress doesn't come from early risers — progress is made by lazy men looking for easier ways to do things." Robert A. Heinlein






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