GR RP "Adventures in GunRunning" ACT 17

UPDATED: Sunday, July 4, 2004 03:22
VIEWED: 19350
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Saturday, June 12, 2004 8:19 AM


Jonas Hexx

Guest quarters. For a ship, any kind of space-going vessel for that matter, Hexx had to admit he was impressed with the relatively generous amount of space provided for him. For all the bullshit he's had to endure, and WILL have to go through in the future, this job DOES have it's upsides.

Speaking of which, Hexx fixes his attention on the woman explaining the amenities of the ship. Meal times, toiletries, ship layout, off limits areas of the Longshot, etc. More focused on the way her mouth is moving and her graceful body movements. Her voice has an almost hypnotic quality to it. Very melodic and soothing. The more Hexx listens to her, the more relaxed and happy he feels.

Eveningstar, noticing how Hexx is staring at her with a sleepy and almost dreamy look, blushes and her rehearsed speech skips a beat. She looks at Hexx and takes his appearance in. Hexx has an almost sinister look about him that makes people step out of his way in a hurry when he comes through. Deep set eyes that seem to be hidden in shadow, offset with high cheek bones and a not-quite aquiline nose. Two days worth of stubble on his tanned, angular face and unkempt brown hair give Sarah the impression that Hexx has been on the move for quite a while. Muscular physique but not overly so. Eveningstar's opinion is that Hexx is a VERY satisfactory specimen of manhood.

Thinking to herself:"Perhaps I'll find out HOW satisfactory a specimen he is!"

Eveningstar abruptly claps her hands together which brings Hexx out of his daze. She says:"Well, that covers the mundanities of shipboard life. Now, if you'll pardon me for one hour, I'll see to preparing us some food and drink from the ship's Galley. You can unpack your gear if you wish, and you know where the facilities are. If you need me in the interrim, just buzz for me on the ship's intercom, Mr. Hexx."

Sarah Eveningstar turns to make her way to the door of the cabin, Hexx says to her:"Call me 'Jonas', Miss Eveningstar." He says with an almost imperceptible smile on his face.

Eveningstar blinks with suprise,turns, and says with a smile:"I'm Sarah, Jonas. I'm pleased to have met you. You were NOT the kind of man I was expecting." She extends her hand and Jonas takes it. Sarah is taken aback by the warmth of his hand and the gentle strength of his grip.

Thinking to herself:"He looks like he could snap me in two without exerting himself and holds my hand as though cradling fine china. No. Not at ALL the man I was expecting!"

Eveningstar clears her throat and says:"Well...excuse me, I know you must be famished. I...I'll see to our meal preparations. I will ring for you in about one hour for Supper, Jonas." Sarah departs to the Galley, stopping on the way to collect her wits. Thinking:"Oh my God!! Get youself in order Eveningstar! You're not a blushing school girl, after all. At least I didn't embarrass myself TOO badly, I hope. Remember, he's a Cleaner after all!!" Two deep breaths and she is on her way.

Hexx, in the meantime, is feeling the onset of an episode. Hands starting to tremble, he makes his way to the Midnight Box, enters the access inputs, and pulls out an injector. Smoothly loads up his fix and injects himself. Maybe a little chaser with my drugs to help smooth me out. He then pours out some amber liquor and downs it in one gulp.

Says to no one in particular:"That's the stuff."

Jonas closes the Box, and, feeling the ep starting to subside, engages himself in unpacking essentials and stowing his tools. Remembering to set out a good suit for Supper, Hexx whistles softly to himself and smiles thinking of Sarah Eveningstar.



Saturday, June 12, 2004 11:55 AM


Kaylee's Move
Location: Galley to Bridge

Standing next to Merz, Kaylee hears Wash over the comm say that Simon is on the Cortex.

Reflexively, she smiles at the thought of seeing him again. Slowly, though, the smile fades as she wonders just what he'll look like. Will he be the old Simon, or the new? Will she see that small hint of haughtiness that she saw in his message?

"Maybe I need ta shake him up some, see if that don't do somethin'," she thinks.

Sighing, she starts towards the bridge.

End Move

"I love my Captain."


Saturday, June 12, 2004 12:22 PM




UCHIGATANA City - ReinAct Faire grounds

2518 AD~Solor Day 025/Jan 24~0136 hrs/1:36AM AMT

Boomer finished closing down their booth, Legendary Leathers. Her husband had left the ReinAct Faire grounds to bring the Avaitor around so they could load up the extra supplies into it. The evening was so nice, Boomer decided to take a walk.
..."Hubby can deal with the project bag his strong-ole-self"... She thought as she looked down at the case full of uncompleted leather goods.

Smiling at the really good day they had, Boomer loses track as she exits the WestWorld section of the park. She lets her thoughts drift over the day, all the folks they had talked to, new friends made and the really good day they had in sales.
..."Hubby is gonna have such a surprise at our next anniversary"... she mused, patting the pocket she had squirreled away the credits for the nifty expensive present she planned on getting her husband.
..."Won't be much of a surprise if he knew I had this wad of bills!"... she chortled softly.

Boomer found herself waving to the guards at the front gate as she strolled out. Looking up as she passed from under the awning, she could not help but feel a thrill as she looked up to New Hokkaido's beautiful full moon. It hung midway in the sky, giving a burnt orange cast to the night sky. Darkened mares of dust on the moon connected together to form an outspread hand grasping the moon like a player gripped a basketball in one hand. The moon was in direct opposition to the sun, thus showing the hand in full relief. She noticed a reflection of silver in the base of the 'thumb'. A relatively tiny spread of lakes there shone with unabashed glory.

..."Wonder why they made the lakes outline to resemble a desert mouse?"... she mused as she rambled on. Feeling good and really happy, she let her mind absorb the sights and sounds of the early morning.

Passing by the old arena outside the Faire, she decided to duck in. After passing the entry arch, something caused her to involuntarily stop.

..."Wasn't that alcove empty yesterday,"... she thought as she tried to peer through the darkness shrouding the tall, raised alcove. A huge seated figure seemed to be reminiscent of a Buddha statue, but not as wide. The lotus position was correct, but the figure was no where the girth of a Buddha. Suddenly a soft deep voice drifted to her on the light breeze, seemingly for her ears only.

"No, not a statue. Just a storyteller resting his voice," the rich voice intoned.

Boomer started, she knew that displaced persons sometimes slept in the old arena. But they usually took to bedding down in-between the benches, so they were hidden from security visual sweeps. Suddenly she remembered talking to a fem that was going on and on, with great glee, about a HUGE man that was telling excellent parables disguised as highly entertaining stories. Nico, something ... this HAD to be him.

From the darkness the immobile giant whispered again. As if he could read her mind, he said, "Good morn, Mistress Leathersmith. I am NicoAllez, a plain and simple storyteller."

Slightly weirded out that he knew she was a leatherworker, she answered automatically, "Evenin', Mr. Allez."

A soft rumble that could be interpreted as a chuckle surged through the night like the hint of distant thunder. "It is plain NicoAllez. You may called me Nico."

Boomer smiled, there was a quality in his voice that was very reassuring and comforting. He somehow had the same speaking ease and pace her pop was known for. Smiling she said, "Nice to meet you, Nico."

"If you have a chance for a break from your booth, please accept my invitation to return tomorrow and hear a good story. It will be short, yet you may find it interesting. I'll save you a space up front for you and your husband," He paused a moment, a sense that he was listening to the wind was strong to Boomer. Using the techniques her father taught her while hunting, she strained to hear what Nico was listening to. Nothing but the sof surrsuration of the wind over hte rocks and the breathing and small movements of those sleeping in the arena.

After a moment, Nico broke the relative silence as he whispered again, "Ma'am, please tread carefully and 'ware the shadows of the pale moonlight," his tone was ... altered. Almost spooky in the bass of it and the eerie nearly supersonic trill that accompanied it. If she had not been taught birdcalls by her pa, she may have missed the trilling sound.

Suddenly she knew she needed to get back to the booth. It was a certainty that she had to go. She spoke over her shoulder to Nico as she retreated towards the entry arch, "We'll see if we can make it 'round lunch time then ." Sensing Nico's good natured agreement, she picked up her pace.

As she passed through the arch an arm snaked around her neck and locked there. Pulling to the left, she dragged her assailant out from the shadows of the stones into the middle of the arch and into the pale cinnamon moonlight. A slivery glinting showed her a knife being held up for her to be threatened with. A nasty cloud of vapor preceded a rusty hinge squeak playing at being a voice. "Money, now!"

Gagging, more from the smell than the arm wrapped around her throat, she tried to glance over where Nico was sitting. However the darkness revealed nothing. No savior was coming to her aid.

"BULLSHIT!!!" She exploded, both is words and in action. First, she used both hands to grab the knife wrist. She pulled and twisted the arm towards her, an unexpected move that shocked the thief. The shock erupted to a scream of pain as she drove the knife point into the thief's left elbow. The point bounced off and then sliced into his triceps. He flung himself away from Boomer, to land screaming on the dusty ground. In the distance, she herd the shrill sounds of guards whistles and people running towards the Arena. Booting the bleeding and whimpering thug in his head, Boomer spun angrily back to where Nico had been sitting.

"Could have used a little help there!" She roared.

After the echoes of her shout receded, Nico spoke, "You were doing fine, so I saw no need to intervene," he paused and the hint of distant thunder chuckle could be heard again. "Except, perhaps for the case of those two ... to your right."

Boomer looked in the direction indicated and this picture resolved: two prone man with a single short silver spikes imbedded in each of their necks. They were in the darkest of the shadows of the arch stones. Breathing, but not moving at all. The sounds of the guards were much closer as the breeze brought forth Nico's voice again.

The strange trill was back in Nico's voice, "Good job at taking care of those three all by yourself. The guards will be proud. But now I must remain quiet, else I be evicted."

Boomer nods unconsciously and walks back to the two snoozing men and retrieves the spikes. She would return them tomorrow, when she and hubby came hear Nico's tale. Might even make a nice leather holster for them, she thinks as she walks to meet the guards and make her report.

EOI 1p3


Saturday, June 12, 2004 3:41 PM


Wash's Move:
Location - Bridge to Location - Front Hall to Location - Wash & Zoë’s Dorm

(Wash turns to the communications screen): “Simon, it’s getting crowded in here, I’m gonna finally go and listen to the message you recorded for me, and take a quick nap, as I’ve got a tricky bit of piloting to do… You take care of yourself, ok.”
(Wash turns on the autopilot, sets the proximity alarm, and gets out of his chair, and squeezes out of the bridge, and goes down the corridor to his dorm room. He climbs down the ladder, and takes the memory stick, activates it, and carelessly tosses it on the bed. Nothing happens.)
(Wash, to the room at large.): “Oh, great, I broke it. I’m having a really good day.”
(He goes over and picks up the stick, and holds it up to his face, and looks it over… there is a flash of light, then the message plays.)

Message Stick Visual Recording

(Simon's Face appears sort of in mid-air and only to the eye looking into the memory stick) “Wash, I know you're the finest pilot around. And to that fine pilot I request a favor… please keep an eye on River. What I am doing may be a long shot, but in order to help my sister, I have no choice but to try.” (Simon looks uncomfortable here.) “I hate that I had to leave abruptly, but again I had no choice. There was no time for debate.” (Simon sighs with a feeble grin.) “I know you'll do what you can to insure River's safety. Take care and I'll be home soon.”

(Wash, to the stick he’s still holding): “Well, that’s fairly easy, we’re in a spaceship, where can she go to get into trouble… Oh, I’m a yúchûn qingwa cào de liúmáng… I TOLD her to go outside, and wash my windows… She could have gotten herself killed! Well, nothing can be done about it now, she’s safe on my bridge, I’ll go ahead and take a quick siesta now, so I can plot my wonder course later.”
(Wash gets undressed, sets the alarm for 1630 (04:30pm) minutes, as it is just now 1600 (04:00pm). He thinks that just 30 minutes will be enough… He climbs into the nice quiet transport to slumber… He starts to mumble out loud to the room, quietly…): “Maybe the crime, and course will be easy… maybe it’ll be a quiet run… quiet seismic detonators…”

Sleep comes quickly to the tired pilot… the best, no, the finest pilot out in the black… he dreams nice dreams… something safe, and familiar…

- The Real Dream Sequence -

A third person view… A view into an old-fashioned ship… a comfortable, predictable ship… a ship that is called: Enter… Serenity. “Lieutenant Rowan, get the landing party on the channel, please. (Captain Wash Warren, of the starship Serenity, sits in his command chair, and surveys the brightly lit circular bridge. A generic planet circles in the large view screen at the front of the bridge.) “Landing party here, Captain Warren” a tinny voice says over the intercom. “You have your orders, get those Reavers out of there,” Warren says to the air. (He hits a button on the arm of the chair, closing the channel.

The captain begins his survey of the bridge, starting with the console in front of him. At the helm, a nervous ensign Reynolds is staring out into space. Warren quietly gets up out of the command chair, and walks up beside the nervous plebe, and taps the console in front of him, as words are unnecessary. Reynolds quickly stares downtrodden at his console, and pushes a button… he flushes red. Warren continues the inspection: Lieutenant Troy at navigations, confidently running a diagnostic on the phasers… Commander River, naturally standing (on a wooden crate) at the science station, looking into her blue glowing reader scope. Lieutenant Rowan at communications, looking good in the short red skirt, and boots, head cocked as she listens intently to the silver salt-shaker in her ear. Security guard Damon is standing at ease in the turbo-lift doorway, ready, just ready for trouble. Ah, Kaylee, sweet Kaylee playing piano on the main engineering boards… All is well, but a nagging thought occurs to the mighty Captain… Red shirt, red shirt… Oh, well… no matter. Inara is in my office, awaiting my official needs… Book is in sickbay with Simon, and all is right with the world. Security chief Jayne is down below, protecting whatever needs protecting…

Something is missing? What… everything is perfect… A sudden brain-fart… Where is Zoë? Oh, no! a vision, as bright as if the image has come on the large screen if front of him. Zoë is on the planet surface, wearing a red shirt, and the opening credits are about to roll… “Rowan, get the landing party on the screen”, Wash screams… Was it too late? No, it can’t be… there, on the screen, the party is under fire… and the truth is there, plainly on the screen… Zoë, under cover, firing at an unseen enemy, a small group of men around her, all in yellow-gold shirts… She was the one today… she’s gonna get killed today, because she’s the one in red. “Transporter room, beam them up now!” but it’s never that easy… (to Reynolds, the geeky kid at the helm) “Take us in, we’ve got to save them!” (Reynolds, scared stiff) “But sir, we could be destroyed! I can’t do that!” (Warren steps to the console, and flings Reynolds away from the helm, and sits down) “I’ll save her, I always do.”

As seen from outside in space: The great starship begins to tilt, and then flies to the surface, coming ever closer to the firefight below… from the viewpoint of the bridge, the screen shows the battle below… then suddenly, Zoë takes a glancing hit… Warren screams, “I’m coming, I’m almost there!” to the screen… Zoë looks upwards to the ship, and her lips move, but no words are heard… Jayne steps over, being hidden in cover until then, killing Reavers as always, and kisses Zoë, full on the lips… suddenly time seems to stop for Warren… the images in the screen keep getting larger and larger, until only Zoë’s face is visible… suddenly it happens… reality crashes in, as Ensign Reynolds bellows in Warrens ear: “You Gorram bèn dàn, you’ve destroyed everything!” The good ship Serenity hits the planet surface, on top of the landing party…

(Wash suddenly sits bolt upright at his console, sweating profusely, and as he does, we see that he is gripping Rex tightly in his arms… “It was a horrible nightmare, oh, gods if something ever happened to Zoë…” (And as a reflex, he twists off Rex’s head.) “I’d kill them with my bare hands” (Wash suddenly looks down at the two pieces of Rex… his… best friend): “Oh, gods…”

- Dream Over -

“NO!” (an electronic female voice is heard in the darkened dorm room: “The time currently is now 1630 hours Alliance Me” (Thunk is heard, as Wash’s fist hits the top of the clock). “It was all a horrible nightmare… I could have killed Zoë… I must be going mad. Rex too… What is wrong with me, maybe I need this vacation… I need a good long soak in that kê ài spa on New Hokkaido.

- EOM -

yúchûn = stupid/ignorant
qingwa cào de liúmáng = frog-humping sumbitch
bèn dàn = idiot
kê ài cute/adorable/lovely

Decoy, even in my dreams, they make me go first.


Saturday, June 12, 2004 8:54 PM



January 1552/3:52 PM AMT

Wash turns to the communications screen): “Simon, it’s getting crowded in here, I’m gonna finally go and listen to the message you recorded for me, and take a quick nap, as I’ve got a tricky bit of piloting to do… You take care of yourself, ok.”

Simon smiles and give a short wave good-bye to Wash as he exits. He then peers into his monitor as if he cannot readily see who is in the background.

"Kaylee, is that you back there? Please talk to me. Everything is going OK. Slight and I are so close to finding the Doctor!"

He sounds so ernest and pleased Kaylee can't help but be drawn towards the screen. An unconscious smile begins to form as she moves forward, but is quickly supressed, lest Simon sees her happiness at seeing him. Even if he was covered in soot and grime. At seeing Simon dirty and disheveled, Kaylee stifles a giggle behind her hand ...


"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Sunday, June 13, 2004 4:58 AM




The room has almost completely emptied of people, either getting busy with their assigned tasks or gone up to the bridge to speak to the Doctor – that Simon person. MERZ seats herself with her meal, attention focused inward, still engaged in sorting, categorizing and filing impressions, facts and people. MERZ has a distinct impression that she is going to be doing that every spare moment, for a long, long time to come. So *dherai much to learn.

She notices someone approaching; Captain Reynolds. He slips into the seat next to her and looks at her carefully and a bit speculatively.

Might I have a bit of a word with you, Miss Mercedes?

Satisfied with the opportunity to finish the database on him, MERZ nods. "Certainly Captain Reynolds. Please call me Merz. Mercedes was … their … name for me, and I choose not to use it anymore. Merz will do, until I choose another."

He nods back. Folks around here mostly call me Mal, unless formality is required. Hardly ever here to home. Now I need to know a little sumthin’ from you, before tomorrows big shindig. I would appreciate bein’ sure just where your loyalties lie. You’ve not been aboard long, and you would seem to have a mighty strong tendency to take orders from most any source, which could work out to a mighty big problem under the right circumstances. So. Clue me in.

MERZ stops, thinks about his question. Just where do her loyalties lie? She has disassociated herself from her family, permanently as far as she is concerned. She has been long separated from the A.P.E.S., and no longer knows how they might feel about her. So here and now … . "Mal. You have placed me in crews’ quarters. You have allowed me to man your gun. You have offered me crew compensation for my actions. My take on this is thus. Until such time as we reach a mutual agreement to the contrary, then I offer my absolute loyalty to you as my Captain, and to the complement of Serenity as fellow crewmates, and to any passengers as required by my position within the crew. In that order. Do you find that satisfactory?"

MAL nods again. Best I can ask for at this particular time. Thanks for the info. And pardon me for bein’ so quick, but got other people to discuss things with, so I need to be movin’ on.

Smiling at her, he moves off, leaving MERZ to her own devices. done. database file updated and completed. i know you now mal, and i will not forget


*dherai = very (Nepali)

If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Sunday, June 13, 2004 1:09 PM


i DO aim to misbehave

OOC: This takes place before the meeting, explaining where Rowan was, and why she was late getting to the Galley.

Rowan's Move:
START LOCATION: Catwalks outside Inara's shuttle.

Deciding to take a little detour, Rowan descends all the way to the cargo bay deck and makes her way quickly across to the passenger dorms. Something about Merz's speech, or her ingénue, but it strikes a minor chord. Taking the hand held from the waistband of her trousers, she glances around to make sure no one is about and activates it. Quickly bringing up the wireless access, she taps into her sourcepad and accesses the old Revolution logs stored deep in its memory. Scrolling back, she finds one dated about a year prior to the end of the war titled The Troy Project.

As nothing in the log could never be fully proven, Xiang had deemed it unpublishable, but Rowan had taken the initiative to save everything, just in case some crucial bit of evidence came along. She'd clean forgotten about it until now - after all, how could a woman not know the simplest definition of pretty? Didn't every girl yearn to emulate the current accepted icon of beauty and fashion? Didn't every girl despair once she realized it wasn't possible? Didn't every girl feel justified once she believed she could be her own icon?

Bookmarking the full article for some night-table reading, Rowan decides to change her shoes and walks in to find her quarters in complete dissaray. The duffle is on her bed, the contents spread about and her toiletries bag has been up-ended beside it, spreading her paltry cosmetic collection out across the blanket. Her attaché is up there as well, open to expose the sourcepad and the Colt packed in with it. In a panic, she dives immediately for the money pouch laying right there on the bunk, and finds it still heavy with platinum.

Breathing a heavy sigh of relief, Rowan takes in the disarray of her personal items and moves right on into confusion. After time spent on board, she had started to getting lulled into a false sense of security. Contrary to other ships she'd been on, nobody on board had struck her as the thieving sort. Maybe she has only been aboard for a little over 24 hours, but her people instincts are generally bang on. Not to mention the fact that it seems all her valuables are all accounted for. Why would someone search through her belongings and then only mess with the cosmetics?

Gatherering up lipsticks, eye shadow and such, she stows it all away again, and refolds everything. Instead of repacking, she decides to put her things away in the accommodating dresser. Since someone went to all the trouble of unpacking, it seemed superfluous to bother with putting it all back now.

Settling the empty duffle and the attaché back under her bunk, Rowan heads back out, now much later for the meeting than she intended.

END LOCATION - PASSENGER DORMS - Rowan is en route to the Galley and arrives about half way through the meeting.


We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche


Sunday, June 13, 2004 1:36 PM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan's Move
LOCATION: Galley, Post meeting

MAL: "Inara, could you please wait a sec? I would like to see if we could have our chat now. I just gotta ask Rowan a thing or three.

INARA: "Now Malcolm Reynolds, are you asking me to wait while you chat up another woman?"

It's interesting, watching two people so fiercely attracted to each other dance around the white elephant standing right there in the room with them. Watching them both, Rowan doesn’t bother to hold back a smile. As she catches Inara's eye briefly, she raises an eyebrow that clearly indicates she can see exactly what's going on. Now whether the companion decides to acknowledge that - the attraction, that is - would be left entirely up to her.

MAL: "Rowan, can you give me any more intel on that bar you mentioned?"

Rowan decides to hold back her understanding of the captain's situation. It was one thing to tease a friend on certain things - but this man was still the captain and still a browncoat. Friendly enough, but not someone she needed to offend in any fashion.

ROWAN: "The Edge isn't just a bar, captain, it's a pool hall. About the only place out here a player can go to get an honest game. Money changes hands pretty regular, but it's more about the game than the wager. When the magistrates all decided it was time New Hokkaido became an Alliance protectorate, though, things got a little dicer. They didn't want any wagering going on that wasn't regulated - so they could show they were upstanding types and all - but the local magistrate does enjoy his stick once in awhile, so he worked a deal. The Edge could stay as it was so long as the only people who played are registered with the UBA, and the doorman will expect to see a membership card before letting you set foot."

She glances over at Mr. Thorne, but can't tell if he's paying attention.

ROWAN: "Mr. Thorne there won't have a ghost's chance in hell of getting you in. Whereas I can get you in with access to the private room in the back. I can even guarantee you the best reconnaissance in the 'verse. Only I gotta be there. That's how it works, Captain."

Tipping her head to one side, she gives him a little smile. She can tell he's distracted. Man with a woman on his mind generally is.

ROWAN: "Captain, if you don't mind, I'd rather hold off on the firewater. Seems the folks here could use a meal and I feel like it's my turn."

Getting the captain's nod, Feeling eyes on her back, she turns to find Jayne behind her, just looking away.


UBA - Universal Billiards Association

We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche


Sunday, June 13, 2004 2:20 PM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan's Move

ROWAN to herself: Let's see what the Shepherd's spice rack has in store. Maybe I can take a crack Aislin's special sesame chicken. Well, except maybe for it having to be protein and not actual chicken.

Just thinking of her sister's name and the long talk they had brings a smile to her face again. Heading for the kitchen, she's nearly run over by Damon as he executes a fairly graceful turn. Looking up, she sees he seems a bit thoughtful - not an unusual state for him, certainly. The boy has always had more inside than he let on. He seems a bit more perceptive than usual, however.

DAMON: "You look... chipper. Someone die and leave you a fortune?"

ROWAN *grinning*: "Nope, just got some good news today, that's all. Hey, I really do like this new you, by the way. Your face takes a razor pretty well, doesn't it?"

Lifting her hand to touch - she's always found a nicely shaven male face irresistible - she isn't entirely prepared for Damon's reaction. Her hand barely touches his skin before he's jerking his head sharply away.

Usually when she touches them, men have a tendency to melt under her fingers. She's always amazed how fast their minds go from a touch to all manner of unspeakable fantasies. The look in Damon's eyes reminds her more of a dog that's had too heavy a hand from his master, cringing whether it's raised in anger or for a quick scratch behind the ears. She's about to take her hand away and the words are there to soothe his trepedations when he stops.

As wonderment begins to replace that chilling fear in his eyes, Damon shifts back again, and very carefully places his jaw into the palm of her hand. His skin is warm and smooth in a way that only a straight razor can make it. He's unbelievably tense, his entire body vibrating to indicate it's taking every muscle to keep from bolting. When he steps away the second time, she watches a certain sense of calm wash over him and the fear fades away. She wants to ask what happened to him, and yet can't bring herself to it. After all, if he were to ask her why she doesn't sleep, what would she say?


OOC: WHEW! I'm caught up!!

We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche


Sunday, June 13, 2004 3:59 PM


Jayne's turn:

Jayne sits on his bed and stares straight ahead. After a minute of waiting, he starts to shift around in boredom. Well, that was a bust.

Jayne wipes the lipstick from his mouth onto a pant leg and moves onto the next colour. That shiny looking one was bound to have special properties. Jayne inserts his head into his trousers, moves it up and down, from side to side. The trousers drop, revealing Jayne's glistening, moist-looking lips perched in a deadly serious expression. He waits.


Monday, June 14, 2004 9:41 AM


Damon’s turn

Damon’s eyes remain meticulously locked onto Rowan as he straightens, carefully moving back toward the hand poised only inches from his face. This time he stands his ground, permitting the contact, but only barely. Her soft, delicate fingers move gently down his tightened jaw. His mind spins, trying to figure out her intentions. His fixed gaze searches her now more serious expression that changed almost as fast as his comfort level, but he can’t interpret that either.

After a few long seconds, he forces himself to relax enough to move a step back and slowly release the breath that was caught in his lungs. Rowan lets him go without any indication of wanting to stop him. He looks down at her and suddenly finds himself being reminded of Xiang. Calm, comforting, providing that silent reassurance that he so desperately needed. A small smile flickers across his lips and then vanishes when he hears Wash’s voice over the intercom:

“Hey guys, Simon’s on the screen here, live, so hurry on up here, if you wanna talk to him, ok?”

Thoughts returning to the present, he remembers that he has much to do before tomorrow. Zoe, Merz and Kaylee needed help with the nose gun, Jayne needs help with some rails, and he needs to talk to Inara about the cortex and Mal about his gun. He glances around for Zoe, he was told to ask her about what they were doing with the gun, but she’s already left. Merz is still in the room, maybe she knows.

He turns back to Rowan, the last of his unease forgotten.

“I should get back to work.”

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Monday, June 14, 2004 11:39 AM


Kaylee's Move
Location: Bridge

Kaylee moves into view as Simon calls out to her. He's dirty and covered with soot, but smiling out at her. Wary, she moves closer to see his eyes.

"Hello, Doctor. Good of ya ta check in."

Simon's smile shifts to an expression of confusion from her oddly formal tone. Kaylee only called him Doctor when she was good and riled at him.

"Kaylee? Is something wrong? Did you not get my message?"

Kaylee turns over in mind what to say, all the while staring into Simon's eyes. The confusion is real, she sees. He doesn't know at all why she's talking to him like this. Huh. Time for brutal honesty she thinks.

"Doctor, you've gone 'n done something you shouldn't have. Sheperd knows it, and I know it. Yer not the same man as came on board Serenity. You get that straightened out, then we'll talk 'bout where our future may be. I'll know yer fixed when I see it. Until then, it's for the best if we don't talk again."

Kaylee was watching Simon closely during her speech. There, she thinks. Right there. To the casual observer, Simon's reaction would have been one of confusion and disbelief. Kaylee, though, saw the derision underneath that. Something was there, hiding just below the surface. It whispered of violence and hate.

The Engineer continued to work on the problem before her while the Woman broke a little inside.

End Move

"I love my Captain."


Monday, June 14, 2004 10:40 PM


Book's Move
Location: Hobbling quickly to the bridge.

Book winces with pain as he gets to the top of the aft stairs and walks down the short hallway. He lets go of his pain as he walks into the galley, not wanting to show anything is wrong. Smiling at everyone in the galley, he does not linger, but goes quickly out the opposite doorway and up the hallway to the bridge.

Kaylee is standing at the console as he walks in and stops at the hatch. She isn't talking. It looks as though she's said her piece and is awaiting some sort of response. I can't miss my chance. I've got to talk to Simon. I must know what's going on.

Moving the rest of the way into the room, and making a little bit of noise, Book approaches the console chair, puts his hand on the counter and leans down peering concernedly into the screen of the console. "Simon, where are you? What's going on? Why did you...? Book suddenly glances at the communication channel to check if it's secure. It's not. He smoothly switches tack, realizing more is wrong and Simon isn't likely to tell him where he's located. "How're you doing, son?"



Tuesday, June 15, 2004 9:19 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan's Move

"There is a moment when you can see it in their eyes. It happens very quickly, so I have to truly be paying attention. I have seen it - that moment when understanding dawns and I know I've reached one of the resistant."

Seeing the sparkle in his dark eyes, Rowan wasn't fooled and angled her eyes back at him suspiciously as she answered in Chinese. "You are speaking of me, are you not?"

Xiang ate one of his coconut shrimp with chopsticks, smiling mischievously as he chewed. Finding she had spent another long day immersed in research for the Revolution, Rowan had been shocked to see the clock was telling her it was late evening. She had been just contemplating dinner possibilities when he appeared toting take out from her favorite hole-in-the wall Chinese kitchen. Curiosity had inspired her to ask him about himself, which ultimately lead to asking him if he felt he had ever reached any of his students.

Gentlemen would not speak with their mouths full, but Rowan suspected he was purposely waiting until after he swallowed to hold her in suspense.

"Seeing it in you did not take quite as much effort," he admitted at last.

"Does that mean I was a good student after all?" she asked teasingly, knowing full well she had gone into old-earth history fully prepared to resist.

He chuckled, keeping his eyes on his food. He had stopped eating and was shoving around the contents of the white box in his hand instead. "It means that I couldn't keep from watching you every minute of every class. Paying attention to you was a simple thing."

She reached over to stop his hand and got him to look at her. Since she had been taping a broadcast for the Revolution, her lenses were put safely away in their cleaning case for the evening. He lifted his eyes to hers, showing her the same intensity she had seen only briefly the day he saw her eyes for the first time. Intensity that she now recognized as desire.

Resting her hand on his clean-shaven face, she threw caution to the wind and leaned in to finally satisfy a particularly voracious curiosity.


Letting her fingers curl into her palm as Damon steps away, Rowan beat the remains of that memory back down into the far reaches of her mind where it belongs. In its place, ever faithful, surges the fury she has maintained since the moment she woke up and realized Xiang had betrayed them both.

WASH: “Hey guys, Simon’s on the screen here, live, so hurry on up here, if you wanna talk to him, ok?”

ROWAN to herself: Soy sauce… sesame oil…vinegar…chili paste… garlic… wonder if there's any flour on this boat?

Thinking about dinner helps. By the time Damon looks at her again, she has the fury under control and the sudden rush of hot tears beaten back as well. Damon looks more relaxed than she's ever seen him, which she suspects is an accomplishment of some giant proportion when it comes to someone who has to stay always on their guard. She should know.

DAMON: “I should get back to work.”

Rowan nods and gives him a smile.

ROWAN: "Me too. Come back up in about an hour. I should have something in the way of dinner ready by then."


We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche


Tuesday, June 15, 2004 10:52 AM


Damon's turn:


ROWAN: "Me too. Come back up in about an hour. I should have something in the way of dinner ready by then."

Damon gives another small smile at the mention of food and the thought of someone else cooking it. Somehow everyone else in the verse managed to make food taste ten times better than his best efforts.

"I'll be here."

Turning toward Merz, he moves around the table and speaks as soon as he has her attention.

"Hey, I heard something about helping you guys with the gun but I don't know what we're doing."

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Tuesday, June 15, 2004 1:17 PM




DAMON approaches from behind, obviously careful about not startling her. MERZ wonders if this is characteristic of DAMON himself or if something in her has inspired him to an unwonted caution. One more thing to worry about.

DAMON Hey, I heard something about helping you guys with the gun but I don't know what we're doing?

MERZ shakes her head. MERZ “I don’t completely know what we are doing either. Mal wants the gun hidden, and that is wise. But, as true creativity is not something I am especially skilled in, I am at a loss at how to proceed. Which is a bit of a moot point right now, since starting on the Bridge is a necessity and it is too crowded to deal with right now.”

MERZ motions DAMON to sit, no need for him to stand while they talk; he is not giving himself sufficient time to heal as it is. “I can see one of two things. Either we can rig it to retract into and extend from the hull, or we can cover it up. I cannot see a way to retract it unless Serenity is already carrying the hardware stored somewhere. I don’t see an easy, quick or practical way to cover it. And to be perfectly honest I don’t actually like where it is mounted. We did the best we could do on the ground and in the time we had. But I would like to move it forward right under the nose while we are still in the black and it would be easiest. However there again, it would be even easier to see unless we can pull it inside. I have not figured out a possible plan yet. We could use Serenity’s engineer on this one. But until she is free, have you got any brilliant ideas?”

She watches him, with complete attention, while still aware of everything, anything around her in the room.


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Tuesday, June 15, 2004 3:11 PM


Damon's turn:

Damon waits for Merz to finish, still standing next to the table. It isn't worth sitting down if he has to get right back up again.

"Actually, I think there might be something still in the crate that could be useful. It's not an original part so I didn't pay it any mind. We could go look at it if you want."

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Tuesday, June 15, 2004 4:21 PM


Jayne's turn:

Jayne wipes the glossy lipstick from his mouth with rough strokes of his trouser leg. A small but visible amount rubs onto the edges of his dark beard and moutasche, giving his mouth a little white halo.

He immediately thrusts his head back into his trousers and swirls his lips around the bright red smear. Jayne loses his patience, though, and grazes the dark red lipstick with the tip of his nose, far enough down that he doesn't see the deep red button of colour deposited there.

There, naked and motionless on his bed like something out of a carnaval porn, the clown waits.


Wednesday, June 16, 2004 12:44 AM




Actually, I think there might be something still in the crate that could be useful. It's not an original part so I didn't pay it any mind. We could go look at it if you want.

MERZ stands. “I want.”

As they leave the galley, DAMON stops. Oh, tzao gao, I need to get hold of Jayne. It'll save me a trip if I do it now. Just give me a sec ... .

“No problem.”

She trots along behind DAMON, not much caring where they are going, just happy to be doing something. They end up outside JAYNE's bunk.


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Wednesday, June 16, 2004 7:15 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan’s Move

In a drawer next to the dishwasher, Rowan finds a towel, folds it into a triangle and ties it around her waist as a makeshift apron. Properly suited up, she starts exploring the cupboards in search of foodstuffs. Finding a large pan and a bag of rice right off the bat, she sets water to start boiling before continuing her culinary treasure hunt. Gathering ingredients together in one place – and pleased to find there is not only flour on board but cornstarch as well – she quickly puts together the marinate, then sets it aside and grabs three large cubes of protein claiming to be chicken flavored. From a shockingly extensive spice rack, she pulls down poultry spice and rosemary, and begins coating the protein. Then with a particularly impressive looking kitchen knife, she cuts it into cubes and sets it next to the marinate to season a bit while putting together the sauce.

Happy to be doing something creative with her hands again, she finds herself humming an obscure tune, hearing the lyrics in her head.

ROWAN to herself: Take my love, take my land... take me where I cannot stand...I don’t care, I’m still free... you can’t take the sky from me.

Thinking fondly of that soused-up band of rag-tag browncoat veterans in the saloon on Greenleaf, she smiles and tastes the sauce.

ROWAN to herself: A bit more... chili paste... add the garlic... stir with haste... burn the land and boil the sea... you can't take the sky from me...


OOC: Yeah, I know it’s cheesy, but what the hell. And I know I'm bad at filk.

We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche


Wednesday, June 16, 2004 8:59 AM


Damon's turn:

Damon strides down the forward hall at a brisk, purposeful pace, glad to finally be getting back to work. The last hour and a half or so had been a little too stressful for his liking. He arrives at Jaynes bunk and places a hand on the com before remembering Jayne's instruction. He opens Jayne's door and looks down the ladder.

"Hey, Jayne, you in there?"

When all he gets is a muffled grunt, he turns to Merz.

"I'll be right back."

Damon takes hold of the ladder and without a second thought to his condition, slides down into Jayne's room. He lands with a grunt and winces at the jolt to his wounds.

Gorramit, Damon, what are you trying to-

He looks up to see Jayne lying completely naked on his bunk, trousers and underpants in hand and wearing what looks like make-up smeared on his face.

"Wuh duh ma huh ta duh fung-kwong duh wai-shung doh. What the gorram diyu are you doing?" Suddenly realizing he had been a bit loud, he quiets his voice. "You're supposed to be helpin' in the cargo bay, not whackin' off with your girl's make-up."

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Wednesday, June 16, 2004 9:58 AM


Jayne's turn:

Jayne has just counted down the seconds to a full minute when the door to his bunk slides open.

"Hey, Jayne, you in there?"

"Y'early", he grumbles simply, and begins wiping the bright red lipstick from his face in preparation for the final test.

"Wuh duh ma huh ta duh fung-kwong duh wai-shung doh. What the gorram diyu are you doing? You're supposed to be helpin' in the cargo bay, not whackin' off with your girl's make-up."

"I'll whack you if'n ya don't keep yer voice down. You just remember, I tell you what yer s'posed ta do, not thuther way round. Now shut the gorram door and wait there, I ain't done yet."

Jayne holds up his trousers and burries his face in them as if he thinks they're a shirt. His puckered lips are visible roaming underneath the material, and when he retracts his head, his lips are covered with a generous amount of dark red lipstick.

"Grab me some clothes from the closet there. You might need to dress me."

Simple process of elimination, Jayne thinks; this has to be it, and if Damon is there to witness his collapse, all the better.


Wednesday, June 16, 2004 10:42 AM


Damon's turn:


Originally posted by Saint Jayne:
"I'll whack you if'n ya don't keep yer voice down. You just remember, I tell you what yer s'posed ta do, not thuther way round. Now shut the gorram door and wait there, I ain't done yet."

Damon rolls his eyes in growing frustration as he turns his back to Jayne and looks up at Merz with a: 'this guy's a complete nut case' look on his face.


"Grab me some clothes from the closet there. You might need to dress me."

Damon turns back around to glare at Jayne. "What?! Shit, no, what do I look like a gorram nurse maid?"

Calm down, Damon, he ain't going to get you in trouble. Just give the guy his clothes.

He pulls out a pair of pants and a shirt from the closet and tosses them on the bed next to Jayne, who is now smothered in dark red lip stick along with his pants.

"Get yourself dressed we have work to do."

Turning back to Merz shaking his head: "Go ask for a rag with something that'll clean make-up. There should be something in the kitchen."

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Wednesday, June 16, 2004 11:39 AM



Dinner went well thought Hexx, reminiscing to himself while lying on the bunk in his quarters.

Three hours previously:

Hexx finishes getting his gear squared away. He then proceeds to clean himself up for Supper. Forgoing shaving, he opts for a quick shower, towels down and rakes a comb through his hair. Thinking that ought to do, Hexx puts on his suit. A surprisingly expensive and well-tailored one at that. Dark blue jacket having an ornate silver design towards the cuffs. Dark blue slacks matching the jacket. Burgundy shirt with a Chinese collar which works just fine for Hexx's fashion sense. Donning a pair of custom-made black leather boots that fit wonderfully well. Hexx is just finishing putting a nice shine on the boots when a chime comes over the intercom.

"Lady luck is smiling upon me. Finished just in the nick of time. Nicely done, old boy." Says Hexx aloud, lips curving upward into a crooked smile. Giving himself the once-over in the mirror, Hexx proceeds to the galley for Supper.

Eveningstar, having laid out the meal, sees Hexx approach. Her eyes light up and she lets out a little yelp of delight. Composing herself quickly, she says to him:"Why Jonas, you look positively handsome in that suit!"

Hexx eyeballs Eveningstar. Surprised she'd changed from her uniform to a summer dress matching the color of orange you'd see in a sunset. Her red hair hanging loose upon her shoulders like the flames from a fire. Hexx's eyes widen slightly and he takes in a quick breath. Stopping in his tracks, Hexx says:"Sarah, I do believe you are the most beautiful creature I've set eyes on in a long damn while!"

Eveningstar curtsies, does a little girlish spin to show off the dress (and her figure), and says:"Why, you are positively charming my poor ears off, Jonas. Now, why don't we attend to our Supper? All is in readiness, I hope you brought your appetite!"

Hexx pulls Eveningstar's chair out for her and then seats himself at the table. The two dine for about an hour, eating and talking. Getting to know one another.

Jump to present:

Hexx hears a knock on his cabin door. Getting the pistol from underneath his pillow, he moves to the door and turns on the cabin light. Putting the piece behind his back, he opens the door slightly only to see Sarah Eveningstar standing outside with a bottle of vodka and two glasses.

"I couldn't sleep, so I thought you might be interested in a night-cap?" Says Eveningstar to Hexx. "Maybe a little more than a night-cap?" She finishes with a mischievous smile.



Wednesday, June 16, 2004 12:32 PM


Jayne's turn:

"What?! Shit, no, what do I look like a gorram nurse maid?"

All manner of retorts race to Jayne's head, but before he can select an apropriate one to lash out at Damon with, the new crew hand steps over the closet and pulls some clothing out for him.

Jayne holds up his fingers and stares at them. They are fully in focus. He's not sleepy in the least.

"Well, shoot. I'm immune to the stuff."

Jayne is hit by several articles of clothing. He turns to look thoughtfully at Damon.

"Get yourself dressed we have work to do."

Nah. Now I'm just thinkin' crazy. Jayne slips into the fresh clothes and walks over to the mirror to wash off the remainder of make-up.


Wednesday, June 16, 2004 1:59 PM


Damon's turn:


"Well, shoot. I'm immune to the stuff."

Damon leans back against the wall near the ladder watching Jayne wash his face and wondering what the diyu he's talking about.

"Trust me, you're not- it's quite visible and doesn't do you justice. But somehow I don't think you make a habbit of wearin' that sort of thing."

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Wednesday, June 16, 2004 2:00 PM


MERZ move


MERZ watches DAMON do a quick descent down the ladder to JAYNE’s quarters. She thinks about joining them, with an eye to checking out JAYNE’s equipment, but decides later would be better for that and waits in the hall. Suddenly, DAMON’s voice rises from the room, startled and loud.

Wuh duh ma huh ta duh fung-kwong duh wai-shung doh. What the gorram diyu are you doing?
And a bit quieter You're supposed to be helpin' in the cargo bay, not whackin' off with your girl's make-up.

put the words together, mercedes. the ones you are having trouble with are all in english. you speak english, so why does it not make sense?

There is more talk, JAYNE oddly muffled part of the time and DAMON frankly disturbed about something. Is it because JAYNE is unclothed? She sighs. well i won’t make that mistake again, but i would have thought it would be acceptable in my room. unless … ah, that is it. visitors make the difference, don’t invite someone in.

DAMON glances up at her. Go ask for a rag with something that'll clean make-up. There should be something in the kitchen.

MERZ understands that at least, has been required to wear makeup in the past. She gave a thought to what MAL said about her following orders. But this is harmless and more in the nature of a request, so she heads back to the galley.

It is starting to smell rather good in there. ROWAN has improvised an apron for herself, apparently raided every shelf and storage area in the galley, and is busily cooking and singing to herself. MERZ sigh again. That always looks like such fun – cooking. Merz clearly remembers her first and last attempt. Way back when, with the A.P.E.S.

“Why Mercedes, how nice of you to surprise us by cooking before we returned… . What is it?”

“According to the book I got it out of, Beef Stew.”

“Why is it green?”

“I wanted to do something different, special.”

“I can smell mint.”

“Went with the color.”

Not one of her favorite memories. They never let her near a galley after that unwatched. But what ROWAN is doing seems like magic.

MERZ rummages around for rags, attempting to keep out of ROWAN’s way and sniffing enthusiastically at the wonderful aromas in the room. Locating some stray pieces of cloth, she wets one with water and then turns to ROWAN.

Do you know where the Olive oil is?

Sure, here you go.
She fetches it out from where she had seen it earlier. What’s up?

I do not know. Jayne is in his bunk, doing something that has DAMON sounding like he has swallowed something distasteful. Something involving make-up … he requested I bring something to remove it. Olive oil seemed a reasonable attempt.”

MERZ takes the bottle and dribbles a generous portion of Olive oil on the second cloth, and folds it up in her hand. Thank you. And for cooking also. I find myself anticipating the results. I must go; I have things to do.

She turns for the door.


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Wednesday, June 16, 2004 2:44 PM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan’s Move

When the smell of the sauce makes her taste buds tingle, Rowan smiles and sets it to simmer on the lowest setting. Pouring the marinate over the protein cubes, she makes sure each one is coated and sets the bowl aside again. She’s just opening the bag of rice and reaching for the measuring cup when Merz comes in. A woman on a mission, she starts rummaging around for rags, carefully skirting the stove. If Rowan didn’t know the woman better, she would say she was almost wary of it. Whether it was the stove or the cooking would remain to be seen.
Locating some stray pieces of cloth, she wets one with water and then turns to ROWAN.

MERZ: “Do you know where the Olive oil is?”
ROWAN: “Sure.”

Turning to the cupboard behind her, she fetches it out from where she had seen it earlier and hands the bottle to Merz.

ROWAN: Here you go. What’s up?

MERZ: I do not know. Jayne is in his bunk, doing something that has DAMON sounding like he has swallowed something distasteful. Something involving make-up … he requested I bring something to remove it. Olive oil seemed a reasonable attempt.”

MERZ takes the bottle and dribbles a generous portion of Olive oil on the second cloth, and folds it up in her hand. Thank you. And for cooking also. I find myself anticipating the results. I must go; I have things to do.

She turns for the door.


ROWAN: “I’m sorry – did you say something involving make up? As in Cosmetics?”

What were the chances? Jayne was acting fairly peculiar in the cargo bay earlier, back when he still had bruises on his face. Only he doesn’t strike as the type who would risk the captain’s wrath by messing with a passenger’s personal items. Not to mention the idea of that brute having a fetish for women’s make up was beyond hilarious. It bordered on the extreme unsettling, in fact.

ROWAN: “Do me a favor, would you? Ask Damon what color he’s wearing – don’t tell him I asked – and let me know what he says. Would you mind?”

Chuckling at a sudden image of Jayne wearing “Spike” red, Rowan goes back to stir measuring rice with one hand while giving the sauce a quick stir with the other.


We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche


Wednesday, June 16, 2004 3:18 PM


Jayne's turn:

"Trust me, you're not- it's quite visible and doesn't do you justice. But somehow I don't think you make a habbit of wearin' that sort of thing."

Jayne responds to Damon as he scrubs away at the lipstick in the mirror.

"This here's a matter of ship security. That's why I asked you ta come down here. You, I can trust. The others, well, I ain't so sure. I know this looks all manner a' strange, but you gotta trust me here."

Jayne turns to Damon, padding his face dry with a hand towel. "Don't breath a word a' this till I'm sure those passengers is who they say they is." He tosses the towel onto the rack and turns back to Damon. Hints of colour are still visible on his mouth and nose.


Wednesday, June 16, 2004 9:31 PM


Damon's turn:


"This here's a matter of ship security. That's why I asked you ta come down here. You, I can trust. The others, well, I ain't so sure. I know this looks all manner a' strange, but you gotta trust me here."

An eyebrow disappears beneath Damon's dark hair as he looks as Jayne skeptically. The guy was making no sense whatsoever. Damon's not sure if he trusts anyone on board but that doesn't mean there's a shipwide security risk. Besides, what did he do to gain Jayne's trust?

Do I got 'you can trust me' tattooed on my forehead or something? And what does this have to do with lip stick?

Part of him wonders what it is that has Jayne acting so weird but he decides against asking. He's got enough to worry about without worrying about other people's business.


Jayne turns to Damon, padding his face dry with a hand towel. "Don't breath a word a' this till I'm sure those passengers is who they say they is." He tosses the towel onto the rack and turns back to Damon. Hints of colour are still visible on his mouth and nose.

Damon's confusion melts into a frown. Jayne's asking for trouble if he's digging around for 'who people are'. Again, Damon wonders what makes him so trustable in Jayne's eyes. He didn't tell anyone who he is and what he did say was mostly a lie. The whole thing is giving him a headache and standing around when there is work to do and a schedule to keep isn't helping anything.

"Look, it's none of our business who they is. They pay their rent, they do their work, they follow orders and obey the rules, let them be. If there's something that needs worrying about, tell Mal or Zoe and they'll take care of it. You leave people alone and they'll leave you alone." He puts a foot on the ladder and pauses. "Just so you know, Merz swore her loyalty to Mal just after you left and your doctor is on the cortex. I'm going back to work." Nods toward the make-up still on Jayne's face as he starts to climb the ladder. "You missed some."

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Thursday, June 17, 2004 12:08 AM


MERZ move


and they think i am strange.

Do me a favor, would you? Ask Damon what color he’s wearing – don’t tell him I asked – and let me know what he says. Would you mind?

Don’t mind at all. Maybe later, you can explain this behavior to me. I shall return.

until they clear the bridge, might as well do this.

MERZ trots back to crew quarters. She can hear DAMON’s voice as she approaches.
Just so you know, Merz swore her loyalty to Mal just after you left and your doctor is on the cortex. I'm going back to work. You missed some.

Both men are still in the room, although DAMON is on his way out. She gives him time to climb out, and gets back out of his way. He is shaking his head as he moves out into the hallway.

Wait here, I will be right back.

With the wet cloth tossed over one shoulder, MERZ swings out over the ladder one handed and drops to the floor, bypassing the ladder altogether. JAYNE is still standing in the middle of the room, drying his face, which still shows streaks of various colors. His clothing is still tossed onto the bed.

Wait. I will get that for you.

Over his protests and seemingly oblivious to them MERZ proceeds to dab his face with the oily cloth, gently (relatively) removing the color splotches and consequently getting them on the cloth instead. He cannot really avoid her attentions, and one is somehow reminded of a small child having dirt sponged off of his face. She then goes over him with the wet cloth, which only manages to remove some of the remaining olive oil.

Soap now. Get the oil off.
She looks at him, head tilted to one side. Mind if I return later, to look at your equipment? I have work that must be done now, but I would really like to see what you have. I will show you mine, too.

MERZ steps back towards the ladder, oiled rag carefully gripped in one hand, wet one tossed back onto shoulder, soaking through her top. She climbs out, and nods to DAMON. I need to return to the Galley for a moment. Where are you going, I will catch up.


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Thursday, June 17, 2004 4:54 AM


Jayne's turn:

"Look, it's none of our business who they is. They pay their rent, they do their work, they follow orders and obey the rules, let them be."

"Sure the guai is my business if it endangers the ship an' crew." Jayne's eyebrows drop slightly.

"If there's something that needs worrying about, tell Mal or Zoe and they'll take care of it. You leave people alone and they'll leave you alone."

"'Course Mal knows 'bout it!" Jayne's eyebrows fall further into a frown.

He puts a foot on the ladder and pauses. "Just so you know, Merz swore her loyalty to Mal just after you left and your doctor is on the cortex. I'm going back to work."

"You do that. An keep yer yap shut. I don't wanna hafta introduce yer head to the rest a' the ship." Jayne looks fully angered now.

Nods toward the make-up still on Jayne's face as he starts to climb the ladder. "You missed some."

Jayne's face immediately relaxes. He spins towards the mirror for a better look and picks up the towel from the rack. Moments later, though, Merz lands in the stair well and walks purposefully towards him.

"Hey, this ain't no open house." The remainder of Jayne's protests are reduced to nonsensical noise as the oily cloth skillful buffets his face.

"Soap now. Get the oil off."
Jayne just stares at her in total surprise. "Mind if I return later, to look at your equipment? I have work that must be done now, but I would really like to see what you have. I will show you mine, too."

"Uh... yeah, I gots ta get ta work, too. Maybe after dinner?" Jayne walks to the sink and procedes to remove the olive oil with the soapy water still there, watching Merz in the mirror and corner of his eye as she leaves.


Thursday, June 17, 2004 9:48 AM


Damon's turn:


Wait here, I will be right back.

Damon nods and leans against the wall as Merz disappears down into Jayne's bunk.


MERZ steps back towards the ladder, oiled rag carefully gripped in one hand, wet one tossed back onto shoulder, soaking through her top. She climbs out, and nods to DAMON. I need to return to the Galley for a moment. Where are you going, I will catch up.

"I'll go with you and we can look at the part when you are done."

Damon follows Merz to the galley, wondering how much longer Jayne will be in his bunk.

OOC: ok, that was short, but it works right?

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Thursday, June 17, 2004 10:36 AM



Hexx's heart starts thumping in his chest, he is momentarily at a loss for words. So he does the next best thing, keeps his mouth shut and lets the lady in and discreetly puts the pistol away.

After they've knocked back a few, Eveningstar, feeling a little bold, slides next to Hexx on the bunk and growls in his ear like an animal. She says to him:"You know, I like my men to be clean shaven before I do anything with them."

Hexx replies:"Well I reckon I'm safe from you tonight then, being that I'm all scruffy at present, yeah?"

Eveningstar, not phased in the slightest, chuckles and opens a drawer under the bunk and pulls out a shaving kit. She opens it and removes a razor and some shaving cream. After filling a container with hot water, she has Hexx sit on the cabin floor with her sitting behind him on the bunk, legs wrapped around him so he can't make a quick getaway. Eveningstar proceeds to carefully shave Hexx's tanned face.

Hexx, thinking to himself:"I never would've thought I'd enjoy having someone put a razor to my throat as much as I'm liking it now! Feels like I've known her for years. Not normal for me to be letting my guard down so easily." Hexx feels himself drifting into a relaxed state.

Eveningstar finishes shaving Hexx and wipes his face down with a damp, hot cloth. With her hands on her hips she gives him a big grin and says:"MUCH better, my good sir!! Now give me a little slap and tickle, Mr. Hexx, and don't be stingy with either!!!

Hexx, smiles an almost shy smile and kisses her soundly on the mouth. He starts to pull back but she senses this and puts her hands into his hair to prevent his withdrawing. She then reciprocates his attentions with the ferocity of a caged animal. Clothes fly off bodies in a flurry of motion as the two become one and gyrate in a passioned frenzy of lovemaking. Scratching, clawing, biting one another like feral beasts in their wild desire for each other.

Hexx pulls off for a breather, but she pounces on him like a tigress saying:"You can't get away from me THAT easily. You started this, I expect satisfaction tonight Jonas."

Hexx shakes off droplets of sweat and, looking into her eyes as she straddles him, replies:"Lady, with me, satisfaction is ALWAYS guaranteed!" They proceed to find their rhythm once more.



Thursday, June 17, 2004 11:20 AM


MERZ move


MERZ trots back to the galley, DAMON following along behind. The rest of Serenity seems quiet enough, probably everyone else is still hanging on the bridge talking.

Entering the galley, and deciding that even DAMON does not need to know what she is up to, MERZ crosses to sink where there is a place to dispose of the rags, and wash the oil off of her own hands.

ROWAN is still cooking, intent on what she is doing, but MERZ knows she is aware they have entered the room. Carefully and intentionally catching ROWAN’s eye she places the stained cloth on the absolute top of the pile of empty wrappers and other detritus, and then carelessly drops the other rag on top of it.

MERZ carefully washes all of the oil off of her hands and then turns to DAMON.

MERZ All done here. Let’s go see what you found before everyone starts stirring about again. Maybe we will have an idea of what to do by then.


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Thursday, June 17, 2004 11:49 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan’s Move

Almighty blessings on whoever it was that stocked the pantry with enough peanut oil to float a barge. Not to mention the stovetop has a heating element in it that’s apparently powered by an encapsulated solar flare. Rowan can’t remember having water boil in less than five minutes before. Generally shipboard appliances are more akin to a small child’s wind-up toy – probably have Kaylee to thank for that benevolence.

She has just begun to happily deep-fry the chicken-ated protein when she catches movement out of the corner of her eye. Looking up, she watches Merz enter the Galley with a somewhat bewildered Damon in tow.

MERZ knows she is aware they have entered the room. Carefully and intentionally catching ROWAN’s eye she places the stained cloth on the absolute top of the pile of empty wrappers and other detritus, and then carelessly drops the other rag on top of it.
Rowan lifts an eyebrow of acknowledgment toward Merz as she gives Damon a teasing smile, all the while adding protein cubes to the peanut oil.

ROWAN: “Hey, Zhao di di – I hear you’re getting makeup tips from Jayne these days.”


We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche


Thursday, June 17, 2004 3:14 PM


Damon's turn:


ROWAN: “Hey, Zhao di di – I hear you’re getting makeup tips from Jayne these days.”

Damon lets out half a laugh and shakes his head. "I ain't sayin' a thing. I had enough banging around from Jayne to last the rest of the trip."

Damon suddenly remembers that Rowan doesn't know about that whole incident (thankfully) and decides to make himself scarce in case she decides to ask. He turns to Merz and then heads for the cargo bay.

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Friday, June 18, 2004 4:42 AM


Posting...been a while, hasn't it?
River walks over to the screen where Simon is on, smiles, and says:

"Hello, ge-ge."
Miss-shorty-post is I, still formualting the rest.

"Freedom is the Freedom to say that 2 plus 2 make 4. If that is granted, all else follows"-Winston, 1984
Teela Brown, keeper of bad typing.
"No one reads these things any way."- Bart on Blackboard


Friday, June 18, 2004 8:44 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan’s Move

Damon lets out a half a laugh and shakes his head.

DAMON: "I ain't sayin' a thing. I had enough banging around from Jayne to last the rest of the trip."

Rowan sees realization enter his eyes all of a sudden, then the barest hint of a blush colors is high cheekbones. That would be the sole disadvantage to a fella getting cleaned up, she decides. Risking blatant exposure of every stray indiscretion.

And did she really want to know what it was Damon witnessed in Jayne’s bunk that might warrant such a pretty shade of pink? Well that would all depend, wouldn’t it?

Deep frying continues as she shakes her head, wondering yet again what manner of crew she's fallen in with.


We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche


Friday, June 18, 2004 2:00 PM


Jayne's turn:

Jayne splashes warm water onto his face and examines it one last time in the mirror. His skin shines with cleanliness and not a hint of pigment remains. It might not matter, though. He wasn't expecting things to turn out like this. Now Damon thinks he is a nut job and how in space did Merz find out about the make-up? Gorramit, they could all know about it.

As his last act in the comfort of his room, Jayne stashes the lipstick-stained clothes and towels into his foot locker and snaps on the combination lock. Then he trudges up the ladder and to the cargo bay where his work awaits.

OOC: And if I can't post a lot while away, Jayne will just be preparing the auto-drop mechanism for the explosives.


Monday, June 21, 2004 9:43 AM



After what seemed like a very short four days and nights of fantastic romps and frolics with Eveningstar, Hexx arrives on New Hokaido. More specifically, Uchigatana City on New Hokaido. The Longshot lands on the outskirts of the city proper. Hexx departs the ship with a heavy spirit. Parting from Sarah, if only for a short time, is not at all to his liking. He's grown quite attached to her without realizing just how much until now.

Irregardless, Hexx thinks to himself, there's still a job needs doing. Shaking off his glum thoughts, Hexx recalls Eveningstar's information on the Traders and Buyers.

Located in a small villa in the city the Buyers have a small contingent of 'Troys'. Described to him as akin to Ronin of Earth-that-was. Being at least five of them, maybe one or two more. All said to be heavily armed with the latest toys and good at using them to boot. The Traders have a couple of heavy hitters with them. Ex-Alliance 'super soldiers'. Basically they're 'killing-savants', virtual idiots proficient at aught else but killing. They'll use any and all means to safeguard the Traders.

The villa itself is nicely fortified with electronic surveillance grids on the perimeter, grounds, and interior of the property. No booby traps, just lots of bells and whistles per latest intel. Hexx rolls his eyes and spits in disgust at this. Makes a mental note to be wary. Being sure and for certain that his ass is covered at all times is why he is still alive.

Well, think I'll give the place the once-over. Get a lay of the land and see how the folks here behave. If they're expecting trouble to come knocking, it makes my job that much harder.

Getting towards evening. Better look around for some place cheap and out of the way to unload my gear and take in the sights. Like as not, I'm due for another fix and missing my fix would be bad for everyone.



Wednesday, June 23, 2004 1:27 PM


Damon's turn:

Damon leads Merz down to the cargo bay and walks over to the crates that the cannon was stored in. He hears heavy footsteps on the catwalk above them and looks up to see Jayne making his way down.

"I'll be right with you, Jayne, I'm just gettin somthin for Merz."

He opens the crate and leans down to grab what he now sees is a cover for the cannon. He reaches in again for the hardware to install it and hands them both to Merz.

"This what you're lookin for?"

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Wednesday, June 23, 2004 3:04 PM


MERZ move


Merz follows DAMON back to the Cargo area, and to the stowed crate that the gun had been in. Clearing off the top and opening it, he muscles out the last couple of pieces in the crate, a false cover for the cannon, and mounting hardware for it. He hands it off to her.

This what you're lookin for?

MERZ is pleased as she gives it a quick once-over. It satisfies MAL’s need for concealment. With the appearance of a wide-array sensor pod it even poses as a reasonable piece of equipment for a “geological survey” job, and from the circuitry concealed on the inside of the cover, should even scan correctly.

There is an appropriate response to a successful find. MERZ has seen it before, by other people. Before she can think too much about it, she sets the double handful of equipment down on a handy crate and proceeds to give DAMON a largish hug, stating

"Thank you, that is absolutely wonderful,"

in what should have been but fails to be an excited voice, and rather firmly places her lips on whatever portion of his face he fails to move out of her way.


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Thursday, June 24, 2004 8:33 AM


Damon's turn:

Damon's mind is already thinking about what work needs to be done here in the cargo and before he has time to react, Merz has her arms around him, says an awkward thank you and kisses him full on the face.

Damon instinctively jerks back, pulling free of Merz, and pushes her back. "Get off me!"

He glares at her warily, taking a few steps back. "What is it with you people? Just take your cover and go."

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Thursday, June 24, 2004 8:57 PM


"Doctor, you've gone 'n done something you shouldn't have. Sheperd knows it, and I know it. Yer not the same man as came on board Serenity. You get that straightened out, then we'll talk 'bout where our future may be. I'll know yer fixed when I see it. Until then, it's for the best if we don't talk again."

Kaylee was watching Simon closely during her speech. There, she thinks. Right there. To the casual observer, Simon's reaction would have been one of confusion and disbelief. Kaylee, though, saw the derision underneath that. Something was there, hiding just below the surface. It whispered of violence and hate.

The Engineer continued to work on the problem before her while the Woman broke a little inside.

Simon's eyes flash uncharacteristically, his face just starts to redden in anger. Suddenly, as if blown by a cleansing wind, the anger falls away. So does the crimson that has begun to redden Simon's face. His color drops so far as to make the ash smudged on his face look as black as tar. He stares at Kaylee in disbelief, truly shocked to his core. The thing of violence and hate she had seen in his eyes had retreated to the depths. Only shock and remorse remained.

Kaylee is standing at the console as Book walks in and stops at the hatch. She isn't talking. It looks as though she's said her piece and is awaiting some sort of response. I can't miss my chance. I've got to talk to Simon. I must know what's going on.

Moving the rest of the way into the room, and making a little bit of noise, Book approaches the console chair, puts his hand on the counter and leans down peering concernedly into the screen of the console. "Simon, where are you? What's going on? Why did you...? Book suddenly glances at the communication channel to check if it's secure. It's not. He smoothly switches tack, realizing more is wrong and Simon isn't likely to tell him where he's located. "How're you doing, son?"

Not taking his eyes off of Kaylee, Simon speaks in almost a robotic tone, "Everything is fine, we are proceeding. Brink is handling all of the 'physical problems' we have run into. He is fantastic. I could not have done this without him. Nor could I have done this without your help. Speaking of that, I should go ... there is a marker beacon code. I know you'll find it. Give me 2 weeks. I may not be able to contact you again until then,"

Simon pauses, looking over to another monitor. "Damn it, they almost have a lock,"

He looks to Book, his eyes almost pleading that Book pay full attention to the next words. "Remember the greatest trick the Devil ever played ..."

Before anyone can respond, Simon reaches for the cut-off switch as ...

River walks over to the screen where Simon is on, smiles, and says:
"Hello, ge-ge."

Simon looks into River's eyes, his haunted by something, and cuts transmission.


"Observe Analyze & Respond"
Motto of the A.P.E.s
Alliance Protean Engineers


Friday, June 25, 2004 1:04 AM


MERZ move


She feels him start, and then jerk away. Not wanting to injure him MERZ lets him pull free.

Get off me!

He glares at her while backing away. His posture, his face, his scent all speak of anger and confusion. What is it with you people? Just take your cover and go.

MERZ is puzzled and more than a little confused herself. it was right. i know it was correct. i have studied that one, seen it done. it was the squeal! even if I did not feel up to it, i should not have left out the squeal. what a unpleasant sound. She reaches towards him, not for contact just … asking, pleading for assistance maybe?

I apologize. I thought that was the appropriate response. I meant no harm.

She gathers the cover and the hardware, holding them in front of her; a shield between her and the world. MERZ mutters, almost under her breath, *tai-kong suo-yo de shing-chiou doh sai-jin wu di pigu -- I surrender. I will be what they made me until death claims me.

All animation, all pretense or real emotion drops from her face, her eyes, her body language, and her voice. Gone is the emerging person, trying to replace the robot who had entered Serenity such a short time before.

It was good you remembered this. I will see to it that it is installed as soon as possible.


*tai-kong suo-yo de shing-chiou doh sai-jin wu di pigu = Stuff all the planets in the universe up my butt! (Chinese)

If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Friday, June 25, 2004 10:52 AM


Book's Move

Caught with his mouth open and a question forming on his lips, Book makes a grunting sigh as Simon disengages the transmission link, then lowers his gaze down to his feet. Turning to River and Kaylee, he says absently. "The greatest trick the devil ever played... was to make the world think that he didn't exist." Book looks up from the flooring into Kaylee's questioning eyes. "Did Simon say anything else that might have been important before I got here?"



Friday, June 25, 2004 11:49 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan's Move

Having already done the math in her head, Rowan stops deep frying protein when she has enough for everyone to have seconds. Setting the tray in the oven on low to keep warm, she moves back to the cupboards to bring down the dishes. There aren't enough chairs to seat everyone around the table, so she sets them out and gathers several sets of chopsticks and a few forks as well. Once that's set up, she heads for the stairs leading to the forward hallway. At the top of the stairs, she shouts out.

ROWAN: "Excuse me! Whoever's up there, if you have a minute, could you send out a ship-wide comm? Chow's on!"

On her way back through the kitchen, she grabs the towel Merz had set in the trash and tucks it into her pants under the makeshift apron. Just in case Jayne is the first to follow his stomach to the galley--wouldn't want him to know she suspects he's into women's make up. The fun there would lie in surprising him with it.

Taking the cue case with her, she moves out to the table, takes out the hand-held and triggers on the billiards system. No telling how soon folks will start to show up. She can probably sink half of a nine before they do. That's the shiniest part of a holo-billiards system; the clean up is always so effortless.

Tucking the hand-held in the back of her pants, she assembles the cue and leans down to break.


We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche


Friday, June 25, 2004 11:54 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

Time for a new Act, GunRunners - this one is making my PC's processing system moan and groan, and not in a good way.

GR RP "Adventures in GunRunning" ACT 18

We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche


Sunday, July 4, 2004 3:22 AM


Oops. Wrong place! Please ignore this.






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