GR RP "Adventures in GunRunning" ACT 19

UPDATED: Thursday, August 19, 2004 08:38
VIEWED: 21459
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Thursday, August 5, 2004 10:45 PM


Damon's turn:

Resisting the urge to first check on his possessions, Damon turns to head for the infirmery. He slows when he spots the rails and tools on the cargo bay floor. Apparently his space walk made him forget about his previous task. He glances around for Jayne but once again the man is not in sight.

Looks like it can wait.

He steps over the equipment and heads for the infirmery. A few Rapiheal patches find their way into a pocket along with a clean rag. He moves through drawers and cabinets for some disinfectant and stops short when he comes across some medical tools in a drawer.

He frowns, puzzeled by the sudden deja vu with an unsettling negitive vibe. He turns, still eyeing the scalpel for a moment before closing the drawer. Strange... Quickly shaking it off, he finds the disinfectant and heads for the door. The severed hand cuffs on the counter catch his eye, still sitting there from when Book took them off him. He grabs them on his way out, gives the drawer another quizical look and then makes his way up to his room.

On the way up the stairs he calls to Merz: "Hey, Merz, if Jayne asks for me, tell him I'm in the shuttle."

He closes the door behind him and drops the cuffs and bottle of disinfectant on the bed. Reaching into his pockets his pulls out the patches, cloth, his pocket knife and... a bottle of pills? He looks down at the small bottle. No lable or anything.

What the diyu is this and how the diyu did it get in my pocket?

He opens it and sniffs the contents but doesn't get anything conclusive. Knowing better than to do anything more with them, he closes the bottle and drops it on the bed to be ignored or dealt with later.

He reaches under the bed and pulls out his bag. After confirming that everything is still accounted for, specifically his money, he pulls off his shirt and sits down on the bed to look at his injuries.

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Saturday, August 7, 2004 8:23 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

OOC: I think we've all been doing dishes long enough. Rowan's hands are getting pruney.

Rowan's Move

BOOK: "I'm certain the doctor kept records regarding anything he gave you, he is quite meticulous. But as to whether you can access them... I don't know. Perhaps River could be of some help decoding her brother's files. She does have a special insight into his mind."

An insight is it? Glancing over at the girl, Rowan watches her smile shyly and thinks the Shepherd has a bit of insight to his own credit. Handy thing for a preacher to have.

BOOK: "As to the other, I think I'll surprise you."

Rowan looks at him and smiles. He's a handsome fella, distinguished is the word for someone of his years, but there's a charm to him as well. It gives cause to speculate on what manner of man he was before putting that collar on. Some men are said to be born to be men of God, but in her experience not a one ever starts out that way. As for Book, she could see him in a gentleman's finery, or a soldier's buttoned down uniform. Could go either way.

ROWAN: "All right then, Shepherd. I'll keep my eye out for you."

Voices in the corridor advent the arrival of Wash who walks in with a companionable grin. Moving into the kitchen, he complements her again on the dinner, to which she gives him an equally appreciative nod. He nabs a Blue Sun Pro Grade Protein bar--aka "wrapped crap"--and moves on to open the refrigerator to grab a can of Blue Sun Lemon flavored carbonated hydrogen oxygen compound #4--better known in some parts as "yellow swill"--before heading out toward the engine room. Rowan frowns after him, appalled that he would consider bringing Blue Sun food stuffs to Kaylee. She could have sworn they were friends, after all. Isn't that just like a man?

Shaking her head, she makes a note to put a plate together for the girl as they finish up the evenings dishes. Water and soap swirl away into the ship's reclamation unit, to be cleaned and reprocessed accordingly. Drying her hands and she notes the redness of her skin, and attributes it to the gorram Blue Sun detergent that could melt the finish off her titanium cue stick. Suddenly she wishes she had more of her mother's special skin cream, but her supply of that ran out ages ago.


OOC: To be continued as a post to SJ. it was getting a bit lengthy, as it always does when I'm gone too long.

We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche


Saturday, August 7, 2004 8:24 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan's Move

The Shepherd's agreeing smile is truly a thing to behold as he hands her the freshly dried plate he just finished. Pulling the leftovers out, Rowan just has the cover removed when Jayne walks in, looking somewhat sheepish.

JAYNE: "Hey."

ROWAN (smiling): "Hey, shuai nan hai. Back from the black in one piece?"

And still a delicious looking piece. Tall, broad and ready for anything.

It was getting harder to pay attention to her work, with him around all the time. Easy on the eyes, he moved like an artisan, which she learned was natural for someone who had as much interest in the martial arts as he did. He smelled good too, and as always, there was that voice and that smile that he flashed oh so sparingly.

There was no weakness at all about him; that much she knew. He was too confident for it to be otherwise. Always keeping his strength hidden, using only a few words to vocalize large ideas.

What would his kiss taste like?

"Having trouble with my writing?"

She jumped a bit, realizing he was standing right beside her. He had been talking with Robert about something. Robert was the flamboyant one, the outspoken one, the one who would shoot first and question later. She couldn't help wondering how two men so very different in temperament could be such close friends.

"Um. No." Nervously, she shuffled papers that didn't need shuffling and set them back on the copy stand. His handwriting was actually flawless, each character perfectly executed to show off his years of formal training. "I just...I got distracted for a second, I guess. It's been a long day."

"Hm. I thought maybe this one was the problem." He reached past her to point out the character, his arm passing right over the keyboard and throwing his scent right up into her senses.

Closing her eyes to taking a long breath of it, Rowan gave up. She'd always sworn never to get involved with anyone she worked with. Then again, she never met anyone like him either. "Tianna, wenqilai hen haowen."

She turned her head to him before she opened her eyes and saw him staring down at her. He looked puzzled and even a little shocked, indicating his extreme level of surprise that she was attracted to him. Letting her lips curve into a smile, she didn't turn her gaze away, and saw amazement dawn in his eyes.


Rowan winced when the pain hit her head harder this time and swore inwardly at that doctor. She could have taken care of the wound herself, after all. Just letting him do whatever he wanted probably hadn't been the wisest course, in hindsight. Then again, she was pretty out of it, and pretty damn tired. Wouldn't have been a good idea to go poking around her own eye when her perception wasn't that steady, particularly this close to the tournament. Damned if she did, damned if she didn't. Same song, same verse, over and over and over again. When in the name of heaven, hell and the 'verse itself was it going to stop?

ROWAN (to Jayne): "Didn't see you eat much before. Hungry?"


shuai nan hai - pretty boy
Tianna, wenqilai hen haowen - God, you smell nice.

We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche


Monday, August 9, 2004 2:42 AM


MERZ move


Hey, Merz, if Jayne asks for me, tell him I'm in the shuttle.

Roger, DAMON. MERZ says absently. Her thoughts are chaos, once again overwhelmed by the conflict between what she is, and what she would be. Learning to fight is a far sight easier than learning to feel. Fighting she understands.

She loads up the bar with all the weights she can find, and settles herself on the bench. Yeah, there may be other things to do, but DAMON needs a bit of rest and JAYNE has vanished. If she stays here and works out, when he comes back she can assist him with the rails – whatever they are doing with them.

For this moment, going to take a breather, and just exercise. Going from a life that is all training, to one that is all confusion is so … well she just does not know. Just going to take a few minutes off and … not think. (Or at least not think so much).

She starts lifting, one, two, three ….


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Monday, August 9, 2004 6:59 AM


Jayne's turn:

Jayne's confusion and thoughtfulness intermingle on his face, making him look like he is either annoyed or moping.

"Hey, shuai nan hai. Back from the black in one piece?"

Jayne stops abruptly and looks at Rowan's smiling face with wide eyes. She looks sincere enough. Jayne was about to spit back, "surprised?" but decides instead to bite his tongue. But what to say?

"Yeah, I had a problem with m' suit. Couldn't go back out right away. Wash was messin' around. We oughta lock him in the bridge so's he doesn't keep wanderin' on the ship." Jayne spit out each sentence in turn, and realizing it didn't make much sense by itself, followed up with another. Finally happy with his explanation, he turns to a cupboard on the side of the pantry. "Pardon me, Shepherd."

After a pause, Rowan speaks again.

"Didn't see you eat much before. Hungry?"

"I ate plenty", Jayne mutters thoughtlessly, pulling a handful of vita-paks and protein bars out from two cupboard units. Hey, try thinkin' before you yammer', he chastizes. "But all that running around builds up a hunger." As if in agreement, a miserable wail arises from Jayne's stomach.


Monday, August 9, 2004 8:13 AM


As ...

Mal leans on the rail and looks down on the cargo bay. Out of the corner of his eye he notices Thorne step back into the shadow of the port shuttle hatch. Mal sighs and puts a boot up on the rail as well.

'Let the gilded* flannel mouth* play his superspy games. Types like that always seemed to end up shufflin' off the in hardest way.' Mal muses to himself. Feeling a little more in control he says to no-one in particular.

"He can wait."

Mal settles his elbows down on the top rail and lets his eyes unfocus. He lets the sounds, smells and vibration of Serenity quiet the insanely spinning carousel of thought and raw emotion. After it settles down, he begins to think over the past few days.

Mal knows hasn't been acting like himself for those several days. The last encounter with Inara proved that. Mal knows he has thrown a rein on calling or even inferring that Inara is a whore. He should not have let it slip -- no matter the perceived provocation. She never deserved that title.

A sudden change in ambient sound alerts Mal to the opening of the airlock inner door. Without glancing towards Thorne's hiding place, Mal turns back towards Inara's shuttle and with only a tiny hesitation, moves forward. At the intersection, he turns left and heads up the gangway to the forward passage -- he is heading for his bunk. Unconsciously, he avoids anyone else on his way.


*gilded: Gold plated, considered cheap.
*flannel mouth: An overly smooth or fancy talker, especially politicians or salesmen. "I swear that man is a flannel-mouthed liar."

"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Monday, August 9, 2004 2:15 PM


KAYLEE’s’ move


Even with a snack in one hand, it is a simple matter to tighten the loose fitting, and check to make sure the rest are tight. Once all is ship-shape KAYLEE carefully bends the access plate back and locks it down. Won’t have to bang it, next time, she thinks to herself. Now, time for the other side.

She drains the can of drink while crossing over, and accessing the interior of the starboard thruster. This one sounds good and looks better. Most of the strain must have been on the other side. Best tell WASH to alternate directions, to avoid over-straining one thruster on the next Ivan. As if he’d listen.

Now for the one she dreads. KAYLEE gets into her supply locker, and digs around setting necessary supplies out, muttering spool of 10-gauge wire, spool of 14-gauge wire, spool of 18-gauge wire, why can’t they build these things with only one gauge wire? Where is my spool of 16-gauge wire, just in case? There she is. Gathering a double armful of wires, tools and clamps, she approaches the gravity generator with less than complete eagerness. Tricky, very tricky.

Once inside, the main generator looks flawless – and should. KAYLEE is careful with this. However the wiring on the secondaries and boosters looks a bit tatty, and some of the connections require some fresh solder. She shunts around the secondary, leaving the booster in place for now (just in case), and starts the re-wiring job.

Deep in the recesses of her mind, odd thoughts come and go; strange impressions lurk. But here she sits, smudges on her cheeks, at one with Serenity, letting the strangeness be.


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Monday, August 9, 2004 3:18 PM


WASH move

… I’ll have our girl all ship shape before you go shakin’ us around.

WASH watches her walk away, lemonade dropped carelessly into a pocket, opening the Protein bar. If that’s what she wants to eat, well, won’t stop her. But I may fix ‘er up some leftovers, later.

Time to go back to work he thinks, and turns. Even as he meanders his way back to the bridge, he is back to his mental maneuvering. Once seated again, before his contour map, someone close to him would be able to hear him muttering left, left, left, HARD left, up, right, …



Monday, August 9, 2004 7:07 PM


Slights move (so good to be back):

Slight finally comes to. He's been daydreaming far too long.
He rises from the seat on the catwalk. Suddenly, the cold wind blows past his shoulder, and he can feel it. . .somethings wrong. . .

You see I cannot be forsaken/Because I'm not the only one.


Tuesday, August 10, 2004 1:37 PM


Book's Move
Location: Galley to Book's quarters

"I wouldn't be surprised if I passed your notice completely." Book says enigmatically. Drying off his hands after handling dishes, he takes note of the newly aqcuired familiarity between Jayne and Rowan. wouldn't marvel if Jayne showed up at the game too. He thinks as he sets down the towel and starts to make his way to the rear galley doorway. "Please excuse me. I have something I need to attend to."

As he leaves the galley, Book thinks about the time. I should have been contacted by now. I don't want to contact them again. Down the aft stairs, stopping for a moment at the bottom to glance into the infirmary. So long since Simon was there to look at and converse with. Sighing, he continues through the common area into his room and closes the door. He walks to a closeted area and removes his large trunk. Sliding it out of the closet and across the floor, he hefts the mainly empty chest onto his bed, unlocks it and looks inside. Empty... good. Reaching into the chest, he removes a hidden panel in the bottom and stares numbly at the container within.



Tuesday, August 10, 2004 6:54 PM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan's Move

BOOK: "I wouldn't be surprised if I passed your notice completely."

Even without that collar, he would be a hard fella to miss. Rowan has to admit to a measure of intrigue, though. Should be interesting to see what happens. As the Shepherd leaves, Rowan checks on Jayne out of the corner of her eye. She figures he must have some manner of addiction to the Blue Sun fare he keeps pulling out from everywhere. She's heard one or two theories in her day, about how chemicals are mixed up with the various products--narcotics that encourage the consumer to come sailing back for more. Could be some truth to that nonsense too, if Jayne's anything to go by.

Despite his insistence that he ate plenty, when Jayne's stomach gives a mighty roar that could have been heard down in the engine room, Rowan just shakes her head as she covers the chicken again and puts it back into the refrigeration unit.

ROWAN: "Sounds like you and your stomach might be having a difference of opinion on that. Suit yourself. There's plenty left over."

Turning back, she takes two plates of sesame chicken-ized protein with white rice into the neutrowave, one for herself and one for Kaylee. After setting it up for a three-minute cycle, Rowan takes a long, exaggerated breath, well aware how it has the effect of bringing attention to her breasts, as the rich aroma begins to permeate the kitchen again.

Looking at him out of the corner of her eye, she challenges Jayne's resolve.

ROWAN: "Big fella like you must have an awfully hearty...appetite."


We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche


Wednesday, August 11, 2004 3:12 PM


MERZ move


… sixty-two, sixty-three, sixty-four, sixty-five, sixty-six …


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Thursday, August 12, 2004 6:54 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan's Move

The way he's looking at her, how his eyes perform that slow blink motion of a male caught off his guard, Rowan can't quite tell if he's taking her seriously or not. Reynolds certainly has unusual criteria for picking his crewmen. Seems like every captain has a teensy little blind spot when it comes to that. Big? Check. Tough? Check. Got Weapons? Check. Weapons knowledge? Check. Smarts? Well, maybe not so much.

The neutrowave squeals cheerfully and Rowan takes a pair of hot pads to pull both plates out. Setting them on the counter, she moves to the drawer where the chopsticks are kept - closer to Jayne - and selects two sets of stainless steel. Angling her gaze at Jayne, she gives him a demure look before going back to pick up a couple of cloth napkins - brown, naturally - and takes both plates with her as she moves out of the galley, she calls over her shoulder.

ROWAN: "I'll be back for that cue stick. If it goes missing, I'll know where to find it."

She climbs the steps and heads down the hall to the engine room.


We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche


Friday, August 13, 2004 6:02 AM


Jayne's turn:

"Sounds like you and your stomach might be having a difference of opinion on that. Suit yourself. There's plenty left over."

"Hey, this don't mean I don't like yer cookin'." Jayne is still sorting things through in his head. Suddenly an old adage pops into mind: Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer. But what is Rowan?

Jayne pockets a half dozen small packets. He keeps watching Rowan. Maybe this is what he should be doing. Spending time with her. Watching her.

Looking at him out of the corner of her eye, she challenges Jayne's resolve.

"Big fella like you must have an awfully hearty...appetite."

Was that a...? Is she flirting again? Jayne's eyes snap to the dangling front of her shirt, then to her face. He brings up a sealed pack of vita-minis in one hand, engulfing the entire thing and squeezing to strain the muscles of his exposed arm. After a brief moment, the packet pops.

"You know it."

He leans back, holds the packet over his mouth, and lets the bonbons rain in. The neutrowave squeals cheerfully and Rowan takes a pair of hot pads to pull both plates out.

"I'll be back for that cue stick. If it goes missing, I'll know where to find it."

He shouts at Rowan's back as she moves away, "You don't need an excuse to come see me."

Information... information. Maybe some of the others have noticed something funny. Jayne give Rowan a minute to disappear, then makes his way to Book's room.


Friday, August 13, 2004 9:41 AM


MERZ move


... hundred-sixteen, hundred-seventeen, hundred-eighteen, hundred-ninteen, hundred-twenty ...


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Friday, August 13, 2004 9:49 AM


KAYLEE’s move


The grav secondary re-wire goes quickly and without any particular problem. Once finished with that, KAYLEE re-shunts around that, to tackle the booster system. This is the last fail-safe if the primary fails or the compensator secondary fails.

She starts going over this one, inch by inch, a careful examination of every juncture, join, wire and connection. Not trusting to a cursory glance, she brings out a magnifier and light arrangement and bends to her work. Gonna take a while, She thinks, but it’s not like I got anything more pressing to do today.

Finding a loose connection she wipes sweat out of her eyes, reaches for her soldering iron, and bends once again to her job.


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Friday, August 13, 2004 4:48 PM


Wash's Move:
Location - Bridge

(Wash is sitting at the helm, staring at the contour map of New Hokkiado's moon... in a weak voice, some naviagation terminology is heard...):
"Right, left, slow left, dip down right, hard left, wall... ok, again... Right, left, slow left..."

(OOC): Using a friend's machine...

Decoy, they make me go first.


Friday, August 13, 2004 8:25 PM


Damon's turn:

Damon sits shirtless on his bed and carefully removes the bandages on his gut and arm. He is surprised to find that his arm wound is almost completely healed and his stitched gut is not far behind. Another day or two and he should be stitch free.

After dropping his pants and removing the patch on his leg wound- which is also well on it's way to being good as new- he soaks his rag in disinfectant and cleans all three wounds. Once satisfied, he patches them up again and redresses. Despite the fact that he's never needed to worry about tending wounds- or really given the chance to- he's quickly learning that taking a couple short breaks in the day is well worth the time.

He gathers up the used bandages and empty wrappers, disposing of them in the trash receptacle and returns to the bed. Handcuffs get dropped in his bag for future dismantling and inspection, his pocket knife and bottle of pills are returned to his pocket, his bag goes back under the bad and the rag and disinfectant are gathered in a hand to be returned to the infirmery.

He takes one last look around and heads out of the room.

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Saturday, August 14, 2004 4:15 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan's Move

ooc: whoops, no, wait. Been in the galley so long... let's see... ah!
ooc: Pretty colors!

JAYNE: He shouts at Rowan's back as she moves away, "You don't need an excuse to come see me."

Not the most charming of invitations, still an invitation all the same. And if charm was what she was after, she certainly wouldn't be looking to Jayne for it. Promising herself to make good on it - and inspect those muscles of his more throughly - she steps inside the engine room. She's about to announce her presence when she hears absent-minded humming coming from the rear of the engine. The girl's hard at work, it seems. Likely getting some fine tuning done before the captain's grand plan goes into action.

ROWAN: "Kaylee? I don't mean to interrupt, but I brought some dinner. Figured you'd need something to take the taste of those protein bars away. I'll just leave it here by the door. Keyi?"

Crouching down, she puts the plate on the deck near the hammock and drapes the napkin over it before she straightens.

ROWAN: "You ever need anything, gimme a shout."


Keyi - "Okay", from my Oxford Chinese dictionary

We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche


Saturday, August 14, 2004 6:36 AM


MERZ move


… two hundred seventy-eight, two hundred seventy-nine, two hundred eighty, two hundred eighty-one, two hundred eighty-two …


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Saturday, August 14, 2004 7:07 AM


KAYLEE’s move


Kaylee? I don't mean to interrupt, but I brought some dinner. Figured you'd need something to take the taste of those protein bars away. I'll just leave it here by the door. Keyi?
{pause} You ever need anything, gimme a shout."

KAYLEE surfaced at the sound of another voice and the smell of something rather, well nice! She recognized her, one of the new folk. ROWAN? she calls back, but there is no answer. Musta been on her way somewhere else. But something smells, um well, maybe I can stop for just a minute.

She puts down her tools and gets to her feet. There is a plate near her hammock, covered in a napkin. Lifting the cover shows her some sticky Chinese concoction with a chickeny smell, and a pair of Wash’s stainless steel chopsticks. Yummy, she thinks, and settles on the bunk, plate in hand to savor the food.

Hope Simon got some o’ this, this is nice. crosses her mind first, before remembering. How could she forget? Where is he? What is going on? How could he just leave and why, why is he actin' so very strange. Just not like himself a'tall.

The food loses its savor. All she can think is that her Simon is in trouble, and the last thing she said to him was so cold. Will he ever have the chance to understand why? Will she have the opportunity to be sorry. It was necessary, but she is still very sorry.

After a while she finishes off her cold plate; Daddy taught her never to waste anything, and goes back to the job at hand.

Keyi = Okay (Chinese)

OOC: edited 4th paragraph - did not feel correct.

If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Sunday, August 15, 2004 5:28 AM


Jayne's turn:

Jayne raps softly on Shepherd Book's door. Just in case Book is busy "diverting his energies" after his time with Rowan, he leans into the door and loudly whispers:

"Hey Preacher, I need ta talk. You busy?"

He waits for a response and listens to rythmic sounds of the weight bench being used in the cargo bay.


Sunday, August 15, 2004 8:18 AM


Damon's turn:

Damon returns to the cargo bay after dropping off the disinfectant in the infirmery. He passes Jayne on the way, who knocks on Book's door. Damon lets him firgure his own schedule out and doesn't say anything.

He spots Merz working out on the bench drenched in sweat and still plowing along as if lifting foam. To say that Damon is impressed would be an understatment. He's seen a lot of very well built men in his day but he has a feeling that Merz exceeds their capabilities in more ways than one. He smiles but doesn't want to interrupt.

Deciding to just wait for Jayne- or perhaps a brilliant idea for what else he could do to fall from the stars- he seats himself on the floor, leaning against a crate of tequila.

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Sunday, August 15, 2004 11:15 AM


Book's Move
Location: Book's Room

The whisper from his door breaks Book's reverie over the contents of the hidden box. Deftly returning a few items to the box, Book softly closes the lid of his large trunk and turns to his door panel. He can see Jayne's large frame outlined against the thin material of his door. "My door is open, Jayne. Come in."



Sunday, August 15, 2004 12:58 PM


Wash’s and Zoe’s move:

(Wash is memorizing his chosen course… as if his life depended on it… no, better, as if the passengers and crew were counting on it… no, harder, as if Zoe’s life was depending on it. He has a sudden thought, after crashing his Serenity for the umpteenth time: better log in the fake survey run, as to be more legitimate, and therefore more believable. Wash plays with the cortex for a minute, turning away from his helm console, typing in his message, and then getting his automated reply. Wash turns back to the helm, mind cleared and blanked, ready to study the course again, when…)

Meanwhile, nearby, in the dorm shared by Wash and Zoe, Zoe has been sleeping… vague, and restless… having bad dreams. She sees many bad things happening, but is powerless to stop them. Then, some clarity, as she and Mal, teamed up as usual, going out to make another deal… the negotiations get ugly as they mostly do… and gunplay ensues… they are pinned down, as usual, but this time is different… her weapon does not fire. When she checks her magazine, the ammo somehow spills out all over the ground, useless. Mal leaps up to defend her, and is slowly being shot to pieces… She is powerless to save him. As he falls… a lone figure steps out of the cover, and begins walking over to her, readying his weapon… Niska, the one who hurt her best friend and lover… She finally gets the partially filled magazine into her gun, and sprays fire wildly at him… at the identical instant that Niska’s first shot rings out… they both hit Wash, who has leaped in totally unexpected, as usual, to try to save her from Niska’s bullet… Wash crumples riddled by Zoe’s attack, as Niska laughs, and slowly turns to walk away… Zoe cradles Wash’s body, and screams at Niska… WHY? Why them, not me? Niska turns back, and… MECHANICALLY SCREAMS WHILE HIS HEAD ERUPTS IN AN UNHOLY LITE REDDISH LIGHT…

(The abused Helm console explodes in Wash’s face… The chicken flavored whatever had shorted out the lights under the helm, puffing black soot all over Wash’s face. Wash’s hands, without thought, bump the control yoke as he reaches for his face and eyes… Serenity jerks once, then the autopilot takes back over control. When he finished wiping out his watering eyes, wonder of wonders… the jammed shut helm console top, had neatly swung open on it’s up to now frozen shut lid.) “Kaylee’s gonna love that,” (Wash says to Rex, safely on top of the gunnery console) “that lid’s been stuck on there for months, we’ve had to crawl under the console and stick our hands way up in there to fix whatever… Good.” He then notices… Serenity’s at… Pink Alert?

(Zoe leaps up out of bed, drenched in sweat, fully clothed and armed, as she pulls her weapon of choice out from under her flattened, soaked pillow. She hears the electronic alarm going off, and is not aware of Serenity’s calm voice stating “Battle stations” over and over…)

(Wash is sitting, covered in a fine black powder, staring at the nearest pulsating pink light.) “I didn’t know we had a battle stations button, (Wash swings the lid down, and sees the red tell-tail button lit) “No, that’s not right, I can’t have a pink alert on my bridge, not as long as I’m the pilot! This must be Kaylee’s fault, I’m not gonna wanna be around when Mal sees this.” (Wash presses the lit button, which, up to now, no one on board knew what it had been for; Kaylee had traced the wire back to a small box, which was wired into Serenity’s intercom. He desperately punches it several times.) “Oops, that didn’t work, I’d better call Kaylee up here to turn this off… pink light bad, and the volume is murder.”

(The digital stick on clock which was on the top of the helm, which tried it’s best to go sailing out into the black, was stopped just short by smashing into the fore starboard viewport, and then raining down to the floor in a few hundred pieces, it’s last helpless thought: 17:20 AMT (05:20pm)… Gorram chicken flavore … .


Decoy, they make me go first.


Sunday, August 15, 2004 1:01 PM


MERZ move


MERZ … seven hundred thirty-seven, seven hundred thirty-eight, seven hundred thirty-nine …

She is a bit startled when the white lights in the bay drop, replaced by flashing lite reddish illumination. A pleasant female voice begins chanting, battle stations, battle stations.

No thought required. MERZ knows where her place is. The weight bar is snapped upwards in order to give her room to bolt upright off of the bench, once standing she snatches the falling weight out of the air one-handed and drops it back onto its cradle. Serenity shakes. Then she is running full tilt for the stairs, across the catwalk, through the dining room, into and through the front hall, up the stairs and is throwing herself into the gunnery station chair.

When she finally glances at WASH, while fastening the fighting straps, he looks … smudged. Not concerned, not anxious, just dirty. MERZ tilts her head at him. Is there something you want to tell me?

WASH just stares at her with water running from his eyes. Ouch?


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Sunday, August 15, 2004 7:58 PM


Damon's turn:

Damon had only just settled down when the ship's com comes to life. Battle stations, battle stations. Confusion quickly turns to alarm when he hears Merz jump to her feet on the other side of the room. He draws a breath and opens his mouth to ask her a question but she is already running up the stairs before he can get it fully formed.

Battle stations, battle stations.

No questions needed. He doesn't know if he has a battle station or where it would be, but he knows answers are on the bridge and runs up the stairs. His brain instinctively starts bringing any and all possible exits and assests to his attention, no matter how insignificant.

Two shuttles, space suits near the cargo bay air lock, likely at least one other air lock that could be found. There's a gun in my bag, don't have one on me, knife in my boot. Pocketknife, lighter, unidentified pills, bits of wire and a couple paperclips in my pocket. Twelve people on board- Mal, Zoe, Jayne, Merz and possibly Book look to be good fighters. Rest are maybes at best. Jayne's like to have the best gun's, tequila should be flamable, lots of useful stuff in the engine room and infirmery. If all else fails, I'm fit to throw some punches.

Battle stations, battle stations.

He steps onto the bridge not long after Merz and takes in the scene. Wash seems mostly calm and unworried. Merz looks like she's waiting for orders or answers. The consoles are smoking and the air smells like burnt food. Pink lights flash but a glance out the window show's no sign of anything but stars.

"What's goin on?"

OOC: there's probably more little things in Damon's pockets that he's thought of over the years to carry around that I couldn't think of in less than 30 minutes. if anyone comes up with any, let me know

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Monday, August 16, 2004 12:06 AM


Mal is shaken from his dark reverie by the voice chanting 'Battle Stations'. He hits the intercom with a tad more force than necessary.

"Wash - What the gorram hell is goin' on!!!"


"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Monday, August 16, 2004 4:52 AM


Jayne's turn:

Maybe Book is on the weights then? Jayne walks into the common area when warning lights and repeated warnings of "Battle stations" start.

This is getting taxing. Jayne stalks back to the stairs and up to the top level at high speed. His pistol has once again found a place in his hand. Jayne pauses at the intersection and curses himself for letting Rowan into the engine room. If Kaylee was hurt, he couldn't live with himself. Well, maybe that's a little strong. But he certainly couldn't live with Rowan!

Jayne whips around the corner, pistol aimed down the hall, and walks with speed and stealth to the engine room.


Monday, August 16, 2004 12:47 PM


KAYLEE’s move


KAYLEE never makes it all the way back to the artificial gravity genny. When the lights dim and then come back flashing pink, and the comm starts spouting “battle stations, battle stations” in Serenity’s calmest voice, KAYLEE scowls. Now, just how the guay did WASH manage to set that off? I thought I had that completely disabled. If he’s been messin’ ‘round under his console again I’m gonna’ … Oh, shiong mao niao, anyway.

She slams a couple of tools in her pocket and heads for the door to the engine room. Gonna go up to the bridge and straighten this out. And maybe straighten that gorram pilot at the same time.

She glances up at the flashing lights, and smiles to herself. nice color, pretty


guay = hell
shiong mao niao = panda piss

If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Monday, August 16, 2004 10:15 PM


Book's Move
Location: Book's Room

Book stops himself on a chair as the ship lurches, then rights itself again. In the lapse of time, Jayne's shadow no longer covers the door screen when Book looks back up. what? Moving quickly, but a little unsteadily to his door, he throws it open to reveal the nothing he expected to find. With "battle stations" repeating over and again, a sense of urgency grips him. He leaves the door to his room open behind him and runs to the bridge... heedless of the secrets left somewhat unguarded in the trunk on his bed.



Tuesday, August 17, 2004 4:09 AM


Jayne's turn:

Jayne slips into the engine room, sweeping from right to left with the business end of his side arm.


Tuesday, August 17, 2004 4:16 AM


Very small River turn. So sorry I haven't posted in a loooooooong while.
River hears the "Battle Stations" ring out, but just sort of sits there. She says:

"Crying wolf are we now?"
OOC: Okay, I, uh...yeah. I can change this if it's wrong. Can't remember right now.

"Freedom is the Freedom to say that 2 plus 2 make 4. If that is granted, all else follows"-Winston, 1984
Teela Brown, keeper of the delete key.
"No one reads these things any way."- Bart on Blackboard


Tuesday, August 17, 2004 5:36 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan's Move
LOCATION: Rear hallway, nearly back to the galley.

Serenity jerks suddenly - as if someone just pushed all her buttons at the same time - tossing Rowan sharply against the bulkhead. Caught by surprise, she loses her grip on the plate and watches as it drops away, flipping rather gracefully to send sesame chicken flying just about everywhere before the ceramic impacts on the metal steps and smashes into a million pieces.

ROWAN: "Great. Another mess to clean up. Might as well get my Intergalactic Sanitation Union card at this rate."

Then all the overhead lights go out in the hall, leaving her in total darkness for a split second. Illumination returns quickly, but in a more rosy hue more reminiscent of mood lighting for a nightclub. Then she hears the same voice that had spoken to her during the weapons installation, calmly and almost cheerfully ordering everyone to battle stations.

ROWAN (in Chinese): "What in all that is holy?"

With quick instincts and quicker reflexes, she starts forward again, intent on the bridge. She's pretty sure they haven't been fired on, or are near any obstacles of any sort. Chances are somebody would have mentioned something of the sort if they were. Hopefully Serenity isn't too badly injured. Kaylee will be in a state, were that the case.

Hopping down the steps from the hallway to the galley, she sprints across it and hops up through the hatchway into the forward hall. Halfway to the bridge, she takes out her handheld and pulls up the interface that is still connected to the sourcepad back in her bunk. Tapping the screen quickly, she accesses the ship's status.


OOC: edited due to the fact that Rowan was in the wrong hall!

We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche


Tuesday, August 17, 2004 1:08 PM


KAYLEE’s move


Half of her mind on what could be causing the alert, half admiring her lovely lighting (a much more restful and calming color than red) and half deciding on Wash’s upcoming and undoubtedly deserved punishment should there be no actual reason for this alert, KAYLEE is not watching where she is going particularly. After all she is alone in the room and could navigate her way to the door in a dead coma.

So when she runs headlong into JAYNE as he has just slid into the room and is scanning for heaven-only-knows what, she is startled at the very least. When she backs up and notices the extended pistol, she is no longer quite so certain that the alert is accidental.

Oof! Oh, sorry Jayne, didn’t see ya. Aaah, what’s with the gun? Do you know sumthin’ I don’t about this alarm we seem ta be havin’?


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Tuesday, August 17, 2004 2:17 PM


Wash's Move:
Location - Bridge

(Wash looks around at the pink-lit bridge, and turns in his chair to look down the front hallway, which is also lit in a soft pink light... he slamms his hand down on the general intercom): "Kaylee! You'd better make up a good one as to why my ship is at pink alert! It's supposed to be a RED ALERT! I didn't know we had a red alert... Captain, everything's just fine, no problems at all..."

Decoy, they make me go first.


Tuesday, August 17, 2004 11:30 PM


MERZ move


… Captain, everything's just fine, no problems at all.

MERZ stares at WASH for a moment. No alert. No problem. Fine. She unbuckles the straps and stands up.

If you do not need me then, there are things I need to take care of.

Pushing past DAMON and anyone else who has decided to check out this false alarm she heads for the door muttering With saathiharu like this, who needs shatruharu. I heard that from someone before, now I believe I understand.

Leaving the bridge she stalks back to her own dorm and slides inside. Once again, all of her clothing is not fit wear, she must acquire more as soon as possible. But for right now, MERZ snatches her shipsuit and the blanket off of her bunk, and arms full, walks towards the laundry room.


saathiharu = friends (Nepali)
shatruharu = enemies (Nepali)

If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Wednesday, August 18, 2004 3:07 AM



"Freedom is the Freedom to say that 2 plus 2 make 4. If that is granted, all else follows"-Winston, 1984
Teela Brown, keeper of the delete key.
"No one reads these things any way."- Bart on Blackboard


Wednesday, August 18, 2004 4:13 AM


Jayne's turn:

When she backs up and notices the extended pistol, she is no longer quite so certain that the alert is accidental. Jayne moves with her, one arm lowered down and silently herding her into a corner. His attentions are focused on the interior of the engine room.

"Do you know sumthin' I don't about this alarm we seem ta be havin'?"

"Not rightly sure. Could be a hijacking, or an attack based off Hera. Or..."

"Kaylee! You'd better make up a good one as to why my ship is at pink alert! It's supposed to be a RED ALERT! I didn't know we had a red alert... Captain, everything's just fine, no problems at all..."

He relaxes and looks down at Kaylee with a cross face, "Or it could be Wash messing 'round again."


Wednesday, August 18, 2004 9:31 AM


Keep the Shiny side up

Thorne's Move

Location: Port catwalk

As the pink(!)lights start to flash and Serenity begins to chant "Battle Stations! Battle Stations!" in a sultry contralto voice, THORNE's first instinct is to head for the bridge. After a couple of steps, though, he pulls up.

THORNE:(to himself) "Guess I better let Commander Chaos handle this one. I show up on the bridge tryin' to run things again he may get a mite touchy. If he needs me he'll call...I hope."

Turning back towards the stern, he heads for his quarters, hoping that the normal lights will be on by the time he gets there.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Wednesday, August 18, 2004 12:51 PM


KAYLEE’s move

JAYNE follows her as she backs away to look at him. Eyes shifting nervously, he is scanning the room even as he lowers the gun slightly and carefully but firmly maneuvers her into a corner. She looks up at him rather fondly, even though he won’t see it. Why the big lug's protectin’ me. Ain’t that some sweet though? she thinks to herself. Wonder what he thinks from?

Not rightly sure. Could be a hijacking, or an attack based off Hera. Or..."

She never finds out … or… what. The internal comm sounds again, a bit hard to hear over the continued chanting of Serenity’s voice.

Kaylee! You'd better make up a good one as to why my ship is at pink alert! It's supposed to be a RED ALERT! I didn't know we had a red alert... Captain, everything's just fine, no problems at all...

JAYNE settles down a bit and looks down at her. KAYLEE is still grinning up at him. Or it could be Wash messing 'round again. He looks less than pleased with the situation.

KAYLEE pokes him in the chest with a pair of needle-nosed pliers she has in her left hand. I am gonna mess him around in a minute. Lemme outa here so’s I can give him a bit of instruction. We can’t have this alert unless someone has done something under his station and I didn’t. So, unless one o’ our new folks has been messing around where they shouldn’t oughta, then WASH and me are goin’ to have a bit of a chat. D’ya mind?

She tries to push past him. Besides, I think it is about time I turned that noisy thing off, don’t you?


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Wednesday, August 18, 2004 1:47 PM


Wash's Move:
Location - In A Pounding Headache on the Softly PINK lit Bridge

(Wash is still sitting at the helm, autopilot safely on, all sensors showing clear blackness around them...) "Thank the gorram gods that nobody's actually around here to see this... I'd be embarrased all over if some Reavers, or Early, or our old pal Niska saw us like this... Pink alert!" (Wash says to the forward viewports, not noticing Zoe's barly concieled reactin to "Niska".)

(Wash turns to Damon): "Whatcha doing up here? Wanna try out the helm?"

(All the while, Serenity's calm voice keeps repeating:) "Battle Stations".

Decoy, they make me go first.


Wednesday, August 18, 2004 2:04 PM


Zoe's Move:
Location - Bridge

(Zoe leaps up the ladder from the dorm she shares with Wash, and runs to the bridge... where she hears the name "Niska", and the terror washes over her, and she stiffens... She looks around, and sees... nothing amiss. Ah, wash again, she thinks, and then notices the shiny pink lights... that match Kaylee's dancing dress. She sits down at the gunnery console, and waits to see what Mal will do to Wash...

Decoy, they make me go first.


Wednesday, August 18, 2004 2:59 PM


ZOE'S MOVE, Supplemental:

As she sits at the console to await MAL's arrival on the bridge, ZOE gives herself a mental shake and reminds herself that it was all just a dream...

ZOE calmly rises from the gunnery chair - Just ain't comfortable - and positions herself near WASH's right hand, perching against the panels as usual.

ZOE (to WASH): "Think you'll probably wanna be workin' up a good explanation, dear..."

A smile comes unbidden to her lips as she props herself against the console, hand on her left hip, and reaches out for his shoulder with her right.

ZOE (to WASH): "'Sides, I can't wait to see KAYLEE's reaction to this... Might even be more fun than MAL askin' why his bridge is all pink and flashy...


OOC: Ho-o-o-ney, I'm h-o-o-me!


~Long-Winded Goddess of Inter-Board Communication and Diplomacy~

~El Jefe Magnifico's Mistress... of Communications and Harems... ~


~Prodigal Daughter Returned Home ~

...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Wednesday, August 18, 2004 3:27 PM


Damon's turn:


Originally posted by Decoy:
… Captain, everything's just fine, no problems at all.

Damon steps aside as Merz nearly storms out of the room. He gives Wash a confused frown as he realizes that there really isn't anything wrong. He breathes a quiet sigh of relief and runs a hand through his hair as he leans against a locker.


"Thank the gorram gods that nobody's actually around here to see this... I'd be embarrased all over if some Reavers, or Early, or our old pal Niska saw us like this... Pink alert!"

(Wash turns to Damon): "Whatcha doing up here? Wanna try out the helm?"

(All the while, Serenity's calm voice keeps repeating:) "Battle Stations".

Not sure which question to answer first, and getting very tired of hearing the alert, he steps up to the console.

"How about we turn this off first?" Kneeling down, he locates the wire responsible for the pink alert and finds a burned piece of protein lodged in the circuits. He reaches for it but quickly pulls his hand back when it touches the hot food and wires.

"Tt... tzao gao, gorram piece of yu bun duh fei-oo.."

He shakes his hand for a second before grabbing his pocketknife from his pocket. Opening the knife, he uses it to pull out the burned piece of food and carefully scrape away anything left behind. He lets out another sigh as the ship goes quiet. "That's better." He pulls out the hot protein from under the console with the toe of his boot. " Looks like some food got stuck up in there, activated the alarm system."

He stands up next to Wash and looks down at Serenity's helm. His piloting skills are limited but he's managed to get around in simple shuttles when quick get aways were necessary. He doesn't think that now would be the best time to give it a try but he's eager to learn as much as he can.

"She fly anything like a class B shuttle?"

OOC: ok, just made class B up. just a simple shuttle

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Wednesday, August 18, 2004 4:17 PM


Jayne's turn:

"So, unless one o’ our new folks has been messing around where they shouldn’t oughta, then WASH and me are goin’ to have a bit of a chat. D’ya mind?

Well, that doesn't settle Jayne down much. Jayne follows Kaylee out of the engine room. His gun is still out, but held inoffensively at his side.

"You need ta be on the bridge to set off that alarm?"

The pink light is really getting to him. Not that the rest of his day wasn't, but that light was just nasty. It reminded him of this one place he went to enjoy himself on Paquin. The girls there acted like they were doing work or something.


Wednesday, August 18, 2004 5:04 PM


KAYLEE’s move


JAYNE lets her slide past, and then falls in line behind her as she heads for the Bridge in what might be described as a mighty spirited mosey. He breaks the silence first.

JAYNE You need ta be on the bridge to set off that alarm?

KAYLEE Yeah. It is just wired to the helm console. It don’t run anywhere else in Serenity. It’s also not standard – belonged to a prior owner for who-knows why. Too much trouble to remove it so I broke the connection and left it.

They reach the stairs leading up to the bridge. There are a few people standing around, but nothing that seems either amiss or wrong. She looks up at JAYNE brightly See, it wasn’t anything but a false alarm.

Reaching the top of the stairs she sees DAMON with his hands under the console. Before she can speak, the alarm chops off mid-word as he says, … like some food got stuck up in there, activated the alarm system.

Ching-wah tsao de liou mahng!

KAYLEE is moving faster now, sprinting up to the stairs and onto the Bridge. DAMON stands there looking down at the helm and questioning WASH like there is nothing wrong in this world. Well, he can just dump that notion right now.

WASH Warren, je shr shuh muh lan dong shi?
She reaches across the helm console to his side and runs a finger around the bottom edge nearest the chair. You unwashed, brain-dead excuse for a lunatic. You promised, never, never, ever to bring a plate of food onto this bridge again. She holds up one unmistakably sticky finger. And if you say REX did it …

She whirls on DAMON. And you … She sighs and grins. Thanks for killing that alarm for me, was distracting for sure. I doubt you could’a done any more harm than HE did.

She motions towards WASH. Now, you just leave here for awhile and let me take care of this. I want to see what else might be fixin’ ta go up in smoke.

As WASH moves away from his chair, ZOË close behind, KAYLEE turns once again to DAMON. I think I have been takin’ some of my mad at someone else out on you. Don’t mean you can take liberties on my ship, but still I coulda been more understandin’.

She steps in front of WASH’s seat and goes to climb under the helm controls, as usual when WASH pauses on his way out of the room. Uh, KAYLEE, may I show you something? Without waiting for a reply but as soon as he catches her eye, WASH carefully reaches over and demonstrates that the console can now be accessed from the top. This might make things a bit easier.

As she glares at him, rising to her feet, he flees the bridge, at least as far as just on the other side of the door.

KAYLEE raises the top console access and groans. There is evidence of spillage everywhere. Nothing critical maybe, but it really needs to be cleaned up and soon. More work than she wants to consider, with the grav genny still in disarray.


Ching-wah tsao de liou mahng = Bastard who is humped by frogs!

Je shr shuh muh lan dong shi = What kind of rotten thing is this?

If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Wednesday, August 18, 2004 6:51 PM


Jayne's turn:

Jayne is somewhat settled by Kaylee's upbeat explanation. He slides his pistol yet again into its holster. Bah. Wash would have his hands full with the rest of the crew right about now, so Jayne decides to bug him about it later.

Jayne tromps back down to the passenger dorms. Ah, Book's door is open.

Jayne walks up and sticks his head in. "Preacher?" Nobody is here. Just a big ol' trunk on the preacher's bed. Wonder what holy smut is like, Jayne thinks half jokingly, half hopefully, and edges into the room, leaning forward and craning his neck to see...


Wednesday, August 18, 2004 7:43 PM


Book's Move
Location: Running to bridge

Book pulls up short as he hears Wash's voice call out over the comm that all is well. Unconvinced, but less hurried than before, he continues up to the bridge to assess the situation. Arriving just as Kaylee is ordering Wash from the bridge with a disapproving look, Book waits at the top of the short flight of steps outside the bridge door.



Wednesday, August 18, 2004 11:28 PM


Damon's turn:


Originally posted by MercedesTroy:
Ching-wah tsao de liou mahng!

Tzao gao, here we go again... He steps away from the computer and remains quiet.


WASH Warren, je shr shuh muh lan dong shi?
She reaches across the helm console to his side and runs a finger around the bottom edge nearest the chair. You unwashed, brain-dead excuse for a lunatic. You promised, never, never, ever to bring a plate of food onto this bridge again. She holds up one unmistakably sticky finger. And if you say REX did it …

She whirls on DAMON. And you … She sighs and grins. Thanks for killing that alarm for me, was distracting for sure. I doubt you could’a done any more harm than HE did.

Damon's surprised that he's not getting railed on for touching her computer but Kaylee turns back to dismiss Wash before he has a chance to say anything.


As WASH moves away from his chair, ZOË close behind, KAYLEE turns once again to DAMON. I think I have been takin’ some of my mad at someone else out on you. Don’t mean you can take liberties on my ship, but still I coulda been more understandin’.

Damon folds his knife closed and puts it back in his pocket. "Like I said, I'm just tryin to help- just been doin whatever Mal says needs doin." He motions to the computer. "Except for turnin that off. Figured that needed doin on my own."

He watches Wash back out of the room and notices Book standing in the doorway. Damon's gaze drops to Book's pocket and darkens at the memory of that disaster.

What you get for being careless...

He turns back to Kaylee who is already working at the console.

"Hey, you need any tools from the engine room 'fore I go down?"

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...






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